16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 18, 1964 Youths To Try. 700-Mile Boat Trip VICTORIA (CP) -- A 7,000 - mile inland voyage from the Arctic to the Gulf of Mexico is shaping up for four youths this summer, thanks to the lifelong dream of one of them, 18-year- o.d Mark Dickinson. The four will leave by rail toward the end of June for Waterways, Alta., where they will launch two 18-foot fibre- glass boats powered by 100- horsepower outboard motors for a trip to the Mackenzie River via Lake Athabasca and Great z Slave Lake. They hope to go down the Mackenzie as far as the Arctic Ocean before returning to Akla- vik, N.W.T., for the start of their southbound voyage. If their maps are accurate, only two portages will be nec- essary. They'll take the train) from Waterways to Edmonton) to avoid rapids on the Atha-| baska and again near Minne-| apolis, Minn., in switching to the| Mississippi River system for the : Ist leg to New Orleans. USED TO BOATS ee . Dickinson has worked at his) father's marina for nine years) : é and has owned his own boat for) eight of them. | ee Gerald Scholefield, 19, has v worked at marinas for six years | and had his own boat for two E of them, An undergraduate arts ily Za 2] fey : student at University of Victo- ria with an eye to becoming a journalist, he will be the expe- dition's historian - photogra- pher. The third member of the quartet is Richard Day, 19. A former junior vice-commodore of Maple Bay Yacht Club here, he has been racing small yachts for 10 years. Mechanic for the trip will be| Harry Ford, 19, of Calgary, who has had many years' boating experience. All four are graduates of Vic-| toria's Brentwood School. Dickinson says he has been working on plans for the trip full time since September. He}" | now has a briefcase full of in-|: formation and a memory that): will recall at the drop of a hat) the expected total gas consump- tion and mileage from place to place. $500 FOR FOOD : He also has records on the location of outboard motor cruising clubs, gasoline depots and isolated outposts and has): made complete scale drawings for loading the boats. ie He estimates they will need 2,500 gallons of gasoline and will|' consume about $500 worth of) food. At the start of the southward journey the boys will retrace their route from Aklavik to Wa terways. Then comes the rail trip to Edmonton where they|; join the North Saskatchewan) River system. 2 They will take the North Sas- katchewan as far as Lake Win- nipeg, then heading south up the Red River to Traverse, Bi Stone and Qui Parle Lakes. Their portage from Qui Parle Lake will take them to Minnea polis and the Mississippi--and |» the rest of the way should be!' "clear sailing," downstream. (7 The four plan to return from)' - New Orleans by rail in time for| f the start of classes in Septem-| ber. |x | \% | Suburb Growth | Pays OffFor | Life In Wilds | VICTORIA (CP)--With pati-| ence, a slice of wilderness can! pay off handsomely when sub-|? urbia takes over. i In the case of pioneers Clem-| ent Deykin and his friend and) partner, Robert Bishop, it paid off to the tune of $274,000, Mr. Deykin is 86. Mr. Bishop, is 81 'ot They have just got their money. The roots of their wealth were planted more than 40 years ago! when they scraped: together all) they had to put a $200 payment| on 274 acres of land in the Prince George area of north- central British Columbia. Now Mr. Deykin, his wife Maude Annie and Mr. Bishop) have moved into a new home in Victoria, While settling in, they remin- isced about living conditions in 1922 when the three of them) were struggling to survive. | "My mate and myself did| anything to keep going -- there was no work and you either| starved or you didn't," Mr.) Deykin - said. \, Then they decided to buy the) 274 actes, $200 down and the| rest when they could pay. CLEARED LAND Home was a log cabin. Food was the fish they caught and| the animals they shot. But out of the wilderness they developed a dairy farm. Mr. Deykin said: 'It was fearfully tough. We only had| hand tools to clear the land. tn| the winter we were frozen." But the battle had been won when they left Prince George in 1936 to retire to the Vancou- ver Island community of Dun-| Guarantee! at this SALE PRICE eget: ay % 4 vi SPECIAL MO ELDORADO SEAT COVERS Add luxury to your cor intertor with on Eldorado heavy duty throw . ~ Double-stitched for added streng can. And in February they got a reward for their struggle --a! syndicate of Prince George bu-| sinessmen paid $1,000 an acre for residential,)development of the dairy-farm land But considering the years of 100% Dupont Nylon Cord T ANY SIZE! Af © 600x13 © 560x114 © 520x14 @ 650x13 © 520x13 @ 500x13 e NO SECONDS e NO RETREADS e NO USED TIRES BUY A BRAND NEW TIRE FOR ONLY $8.77 ...SORRY... ONLY 4 to a customer - « «No Dealers Please © 600x16 ® 670x15 ® 560x15 © 750x14 © 590x175 ° Tube Type Blackwalis heless Slightly More! ' ves bay Ola Tire For Trade-In ONANZA! 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Guaranteed insurance against defects in workmanship for the 'ife of the tire tread. Guaranteed customer satisfaction, Replacement allowance based on the regular trade-in, pro-rated over guarantee period for the time used. . UPPER or LOWER 1.37 ) ight. B 19-20 or 30 weld a up at this low, low " 27c qt. REEL IE LR ELE LITE ELIE DETERS BEE struggle, the reward wasn't all is 6.97 a... that large. _OPEN 10 a.m. fo 10 pam, DAILY 3