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Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Mar 1964, p. 31

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490 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, March 18, 1964 . Talks Continued By Re ALLY } : a Marine Engineers . 7 TOLEDO (AP) -- A spokes-| 'Canada's shipping industry j gman for the Marine Engineers|may lose out as a carrier of F : i Beneficial Association saidjiron ore trade between Canada : f ; tTuesday negotiations betweenjand the United States," the bs rer *the union and U.S. shipowners|newspaper says. tare continuing and no strike! It says the association is de- : | *has been set. manding '"'that all unused ship- * The talks, being held at Pitts-|ping capacity in the United 2 - ' Tourgh, were recessed Tuesday,|States be placed in service be- *but another session is scheduled|fore any Canadian vessels are Tor today. _ jused to transport ore from Ca- % The spokesman said a strike/nadian ports to the U8" ynow bi oeygry bo The newspaper adds: use no Grea es a ; ane : scheduled to begin outfitting un- bine -- ae Sti) next week. manding a ingle cg ee Be TN dl harap nd se as fer 20 ears' service. { gineers whosuually are called month after y a a | ork premare the ves er trea ae of Ca ' i a s - : om ype ng irae tl cc dian and foreign-flag vessels in | would affect 140 ships. Great Lakes traffic is depriving ; U.S. seamen of jobs." ' TORONTO (CP) -- The Globe} The outfitting of US. vessels ' and Mail says today Canada's|under agreement with the union ! shipping industry may suffer ifjin the iron ore trade is "ex- ; demands by the Marine Engin-|pected to be held up until it is) * eers Beneficial Association|determined whether current ne-| i (AFL-CIO) are met by United gotiations will end in an agree-| * States shipowners. ment or a strike. 'Sask. MPPs Hit | Campaign Trail -- By THE CANADIAN PRESS Robichaud said the province is} One provincial legislature pro-/nowhere near bankruptcy, as) * eogued Tuesday and another is|charged by the Progressive + expected to wind up its session|Conservative opposition, | | today, Gas + The sixth session of the oor gg OO oe ' 14th Saskatchewan legislature) __: cs | + edised ; hers t ti said the most noble thing about) , oe. SY hae eavacih' <lie. real patriotism is that "it per-| | Games oy roc! lett ao understand the bt A relaxed Lord's Day Act is te ne ee iis ninsiad ; among legislation which still),,""patnick's Day, he congratu- ; needs final approval before the/i.i.4 the Quebec Irish for hav-| + first session of the 25th Noval ated, te "uenes sell or ye t pes legislat ce be pro-|i28 "so well joined their Irish aS }! wf -- eis tea P patriotism with Canadian pat- } "Both gaceiens lasted six|Ttism and their Quebec pat- ; |riotism." | weeks. é i si i : Manitoba -- Provincial Secre- F parts Soars Me'the serseat sas'(2zY_ Maitland Steinkopt exid } katchewan house, and the Lib-|te government is investigating MATTR ESS | tal oposion, whieh ads 2i/%6, Posy, onder j seats, set out during the ses-iti4 car dealers now are lic- 69.50 V i ' : alue! gion the issues on which they ensed by the government. ONLY j Will fight the election campaign." Aiberta -- A. 0. Fimrite (SC| Major legislation among 71 --Spirit River) said action to with any bedroom suite l) i) l | ay) ll In <o itt -- eh [ls Se al] lin fe ull | Ih <a HS ull i Mn ee WML itl had er LOOK ! ! LOOK J / Ideal for any Family Beautiful 5-PIECE NYLON FRIEZE § DINETTE PLATFORM SUITE ROCKER Clinsine or Hiteas ONLY ONLY ONE DOLLAR § ONE DOLLAR with ony chesterfield suite with any chesterfield or or bedroom suite bedroom suite amide iiieeiiiaeed an DON'T MISS THIS! 3-PIECE MODERN SMOOTH TOP Spring Filled OE WIN A FREE SEALY MATTRESS ENTER YOUR NAME NOW! «+. at WILSON FURNITURE Hc ORE | RR IT'S A SERTA! 2-PIECE MODERN H dealt with tax su ' Lor Doane high achiehbe. upgrade and pave the Alaska '-A bill to give courts the power| Highway ng Poneny ee bor' foe vane wes 9 Seon ee Sees British Columbia -- Bac k- , Peer lbencher Ernest Lecours (SC--| APPROVES 122 ITEMS |Delta) said legislation to in-| ' The Nova Scotia legislature|crease jurors' fees to $10 from| | approved 122 pieces of legisla-/$8 a day won't eliminate hard-) tion, 60 of which were pushed|ship in the case of long trials. | } through third reading Tuesday,|He suggested a juror be paid + leaving only 13 bills left before|his normal salary plus expenses FOR YOUR GIRLS ROOM : DOLLAR DAYS EXTRA VALUE! , the session could end. incurred in jury duty. | The two prorogations heat * feave eight legislatures still in} TLE i session, The budget debate| peep ~~ os : ended in the New Brunswick|,, POOLE, England ( )--When * house Tuesday jthe local vicar visited one of } : . |the schools in this Dorset town : anaes eo saw a drawing by a seven-| , vine, the only independent! vear-old showing Moses display- ; member in the house, said airjing the brazen serpents to the « travel costs from Newfoundland|tcraelites. 'It's very good, but + to Labrador via Eastern Pro-\wny have you drawn them ; vinelal Airways were discrimin-| wearing bowler hats?" Ex- + atory and prohibitive. iplained the boy: 'They're not! Prince Edward Island -- Ed-|bowler hats, sir, they're Beatle * ucation Minister L. G. Dewarjhaircuts." » announced a $10,000 bequest to|-------------- ' establish the Strathgartney| ALSO DIRECTS SECTIONAL SUITE with CORNER BAR 100% nylon frieze covering; smart styling and very comfortable.WAS 329.00. DOLLAR DAYS BARGAIN 2 2 T . 0 0 3-PIECE Bedroom Suite double dresser with sparkling mirror; lorge, roomy chest; double book cose bed. roxonty 106,00 PLUS $1.00 BONUS OF YOUR CHOICE Here's A Lovely 3-PIECE Bedroom Suite In white with gold trim; comprised of a lorge 6-drower dresser with from- ed mirror, chest and bookcase bed. This suite was. 249.00 DOLLAR DAYS price .... 167.00 PLUS $1.00 BONUS OF YOUR CHOICE CHESTERFIELD SUITE 100% nylon upholstery; "foam" cushions, Originally sold for 299.00. DOLLAR DAYS 00 SPECTACULAR ..... a PLUS 1.00 BONUS OF YOUR CHOICE ) Scholarship for final-year stud-| Barry Morse will direct some + ents at Prince of Wales Col-'of next season's episodes of the PLUS 1.00 BONUS OF YOUR CHOICE ; lege. TV series The Fugitive, in New Brunswick -- Premier'which he plays Lieut. Gerard.| eee ee es. Looking For A --5 - 3 Better Suite! Triple Dresser Lok yn | an ct em HURRY FOR THIS ONE! 2-PIECE MODERN DAVENPORT SUITE Spring filled construction; sleeps two adults comfort- ably; ideal for recreation room or cottage. DOLLAR DAYS 00 SPECIAL . LJ PLUS 1.00 BONUS OF YOUR CHOICE ee] BARGAINS IN FLOOR COVERING Clearance of discontinued patterns. Many bright, cheery colors. OUT THEY GO! From 23¢ rere SMOOTH TOP Continental Beds Full 39" size; complete with legs and hend- boards, Regular 69.50 value. WALNUT and TERRATONE Bedroom Suite Solid construction. This 3-piece bed- room suite is not only beoutifully designed but top quality os well. Reg. 299.00 samee... 221,00 PLUS $1.00 BONUS OF YOUR CHOICE SCANDINAVIAN DESIGN CHESTERFIELD Bedroom Suite and CHAIR sie: es 9 wees a ee No repeots. Originally sold for $269. Rubber band double support foam cushions; ideal for HURRY recredtion room or den. FOR THIS... 207.00 PLUS $1.00 BONUS OF YOUR CHOICE | ate Bort | with our | professional SANITONE DRYCLEANING\ gE. | Dee | DOLLAR DAYS EXTRA VALUE PLUS 1.00 BONUS OF YOUR CHOICE BUNK BEDS Complete with springs and spring filled mattresses. | DOLLAR DAYS © Here's A Real Buy! BABY BARGAINS BEAUTIFUL 2-PIECE PLAYPENS.....8.88 | Nylon Chesterfield Metal Body CARRIAGES ... . 39.88 STROLLERS . . . 16.88 HI-CHAIRS ..... 7.88 DOLLAR DAYS SPECIAL set .. 37.00 SPRING FILLED MATTRESSES Foam cushions; foam backs; vinyl decks; this will go fast because of it's outstand- ing durability, Was 299.99, DOLLAR DAYS 00 CLEAROUT .. bg PLUS 1.00 BONUS OF YOUR CHOICE Be ready -- when the Big Day comes! With our expert care and Sanitone's special Soft-Set® fabric finish, your clothes will look their very best. Call on us today--before that last-minute rush, EVELEIGH'S Cleaners & Launderers 723.4631 | | indigo <i Aide ben. You'll enjoy these quality beds. DOLLAR DAYS PRICE 14.88 49.38 wt WILSON FURNITURE es: 123-3211 OSHAWA 50 MILL ST.

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