WHITBY And DISTRICT Manager: John Gault Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, March 19,1964 5 Tel. 668-3703 Fire Hall Issue Is Hot Already Whitby's new fire hall hasn't been built yet, but it is already a hot issue. The Town Properties Commit- tee submitted a, recommendas} tion to town council Monday night that set the blaze. They suggested that specifica- tions for the new fire hail in- clude a clause that the contrac- tor must be in contractual rela- tions with the various building trades unions affiliated with the District Building and Construc- tion Trades Council. ~ . It suggested further that the architect be advised of this. "In that case," said Council- Jor Harry Inkpen, "the small contractor with no union will be deprived of the chance of bid- ding on the project. "If he is in a position to be able to build a firehall, he is in a position to have his employees certified," returned Councillor Tommy Edwards. NO RESTRICTIONS "It places no restrictions at all," added Deputy-Reeve George Brooks. "It was in the contract for the County Build- ing, and we had no problems there." The Council then went into Committee of the Whole in order to allow Councillors to speak more than once on the matter. "What if all of the workers for construction company ar2 partners, or shareholders?" ask-| ed Reeve Ev Quantrill, "'Would this mean that they cwld not bid on the project?" "T can't visualize that type of company," said Councillor Ed- wards. 'It's a matter of wheth- er we have contractual relations or not, And, if not, we are going to run into a lot of trouble." Councillor Inkpen suggested that a small contractor could be successful, and could =mploy a small construction staff. LANGUAGE STANDARD "And what if a taxpayer in town bids?" he queried further. "Do we still restrict him?" "Ts it not enough to stipulate union rates and union labor in the contract?" wondered Coun- cillor Bobby Attersley. "The language of the clause | 4m our report is accepted as , standard," returned Councillor | Edwards. | _ Councillor Inkpen moved in Committee that Councillor Attersley's suggested wording be recognized as sufficient. "The original motion »-was clearest," shot back the Deputy- Reeve. "And what is 'recog- "But what if the bidder has no contract with the Council?" asked Councillor Inkpen. "What if he is not large enough?" DON'T WANT TO TALK "Refer it back to Committee for clarification," the Reeve re- quested, "I don't want to talk about it} 1964. any more." The Council, with the excep- tion of Messrs. Brooks, agreed to this amend- ment, which rendered Councillor Inkpen's motion on wording lost. They moved out of Committee and passed the Property Com- mittee report with the removal of the original recommendation. "IT want to discuss the rami- fications," Councillor Edwards continued on a Point of Order. "Are we delaying anything?" Davidson assured him that the reclarifica- tion of the clause would have no effect on the progress of pre- construction negotiations. Councillor Bill Edwards and SLIGHT RISE A 0.53 mill increase over last, year's mill rate is featured in Ontario County's budget for Outlined to County Council Wednesday by Finance Com- mittee Chairman W. H. Gould, the budget estimates this year's tétal County expenditure at $2,973,911. Included in this sum are General Fund, $952,536, and Fairview Lodge, $461,025, with $1,560,350 allotted for projected Roads and Bridges expendi- tures. The 1964 mill rate of 12.72 per cent has been upped slight- ly from last year's 12.19 figure to compensate for what Com- mittee Chairman Gould term- ed "a general increase in equal- ized assessment, and salary revisions." Taxes for 1964 are to be PERSONALS levied on an equalized assess- ment of $104,255,847. (This fig- ure is based on the September, Mrs. day, Mrs. Joseph Cowx, 408 Dundas street west, is celebrating her 86th birthday today, March 19. Her many friends wish her a happy birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Williston and her mother, Mrs. Potter of |Loggiville, New Brunswick, spent a week visiting at the home of Mr. Read, 1022 King street. Debbie, daughter of Mr. and Steve Howarth is cele- brating her fourth birthday to- wish her many happy returns of the day. Kimberley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pascoe is spend- ing a couple of days visiting her vousin Denise Pascoe of Brough- am on the occasion of Denise's birthday. Weekend guest of Miss San- dra Anderson, Crescent was Miss Virginia El- liott of Bancroft, a former Whit- by resident, Anne Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacKenzie is celebrating her fifth birthday to- day. Best wishes to Anne Marie on this occasion. Brian, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller is celebrating his ninth birthday, today, March 19. His companions e school and friends wish him many happy returns of the day. and Mrs. Her friends 609 of Don Newman Hillcrest 1962 assessment figure, equal- ized June, 1963). Cost of the new County Buildings and of Development Road projects were omitted from the sum- mary of expenditures. County Grants (Hospital, Li- brary, Retarded Children's} Association and Emergency Measures Organization) ac- counted for $195,930 of the total amount to be levied under Gen- eral Funds. Deduction of a $28,909 1963 surplus and an estimated revenue of $307,625 from the remainder of the Gen- eral Funds estimate letf $420,- 071 to be otherwise levied for this purpose. The breakdown of General Fund expenditures was as fol- lows: Public' Welfare, includ- County Sets 64 Mill Rate cared for at County expense by In an emphatic statement to County Council Wednesday, Brooks, Whitby's Deputy-Reeve, denied recent Toronto news- paper reports wlffch stated the present County Buildings are to be torn down. He said "rumors" that the building would be demolished on transference of the County Gov- ernment to the new County Seat on Rossland road were "'com- pletely false". various Children's Aids through- out Ontario had risen consid- erably in the past year). General Government, includ- ing executive, legislative and administrative costs will ac- count for an estimated $169,158 expenditure, a $66,521 increase! from last year's expenses in $199,172 for such services as General Administration, Court House, Jail and Registry Office facilities. Revenue from the City in 1963 was $111,222. Other sources of income: the Province of Ontario, $99,033; Local Municipalities, $41,070 and Miscellaneous, $38,350. Brooks Denies Teardown Report The Deputy Reeve also squelched a report, printed in the same mewspaper article, which suggested the County was "wondering what to do' with its two historic cannonds situated in front of the County Buildings. "General sentiment' indicates people want the old County Building to remain," he stated. "There are a number of groups and service :lubs interested in its maintenance." "As for the cannons, as far as we know, the property commit- tee has every intention of mov- ing them up to the new County Building." MOST TELEPHONES The U.S. has the most tele-| phones in the world--80,696,000. this department. Protection to Persons and Property (which includes the County Jail, Courts, Bounties, Inquests, Coroners' Investiga- tions and Post Morten examin- | ations) will cost the County $296,609 for 1964. A total of $270,375 was spent on this item) in 1963, | A total of $47,000 is marked/ down under Debt Charges) (bank interest and discount on current taxes), while Registry) Office expenses are estimated) at $41,617, a $7,103 increase. | The budgeter's "bugbear,") Miscellaneous, will account for a planned $33,725 of County ex- penditures. Under this heading are: Agricultural, Farm Pond and Library Grants, as well as/ Oshawa's share of the Coron-| ers' Investigations Grant and| Jail Grant. | Also budgeted for under this| heading are a $8,000 expendi-| ture for reforestation _ (nothing! was spent for this purpose in| 1963) and a $1,500 for Indus- trial and Tourist Development, ; raised $1,300 from the last} figure. | Providing a good proportion) of the estimated $307,625 total| revenue (up $89,054 from the | actual 1963 income) will be the City of Oshawa, which will pay the County a projected sum of | ing Hospital Grants, Training Schools, Welfare Grants, Indi- gent Hospitalization and Child Welfare; $364,425, a $52,144 in- crease over last year's figure. (Included in this amount was an estimated $49,608 rise in Child Welfare costs. Clerk- Treasurer Bill Manning explain- ed the item to Coancil, stating that the number of abandoned children from the County being CORNER 103 Byron St. S. 1 block west of 4 corners then turn south Sensational CLOSE-OUT nized' supposed to mean?" (Councillor Inkpen had suggest- ed the term "recognized union lJabor".) Councillor Inkpen returned to his argument on behalf of small, non-union contractors, "Smaliness has nothing to do with it," Mr. Brooks answered. "T can hire one carpenter to- morrow, and he can be either union or non-union. "A contractor can have 10,000 non-union employees, and he can have 25 union employees." NOT COMING THROUGH "You people are not coming through to me," commented Just Arrived New Spring Samples to be tailored by ..« @ TIP TOP TAILORS e@ HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN e WM. B. LEISHMAN ar Russ Reeves MEN'S SHOP 129 BROCK S$, PH. 668-2091 SALE LA BOUTIQUE LADIES WEAR WHITBY Town Toggery |] Made of Good Quality Rubber Reeve Quantrill. Councillor Edwards asked: "Are you in favor of seeing fairly-contracted rates or not? "We have the Construction and Building Trades Council for the area. All recognized con- struction unions belong. We also have. a Construction Manage- ment Council. These two have agreed on the wording in our proposal." For the Best in Hair Care || and Creative Styling in a }} relaxed atmosphere : Uy eee BEAUTY CLINIC HAIRSTYLISTS 301 BYRON ST. SOUTH PHONE 668-3061 AJAX i Fall Lines at below cost Summer Wear at give- away prices Shop Now and put away for Summer Savings WHITBY BROCK Evening Shows Start 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee at 1:30 a TR MAE COE STEVES: RMB-TEM POWERS RE CUP ick WESTON SERN WADE =n" apace A DISCOUNT SALE BELOW DISCOUNTERS' PRICES. i] A Real Savings for small i] sizes Town Toggery AJAX SHOPPING CENTRE Have you mailed your pink envelope yet? Rotary Club of Whitby associated with Ontario Society for Crippled Children ROTARY CLUB OF WHITBY, EASTER SEAL FUND, WHITBY, ONT. P.S. If you haven't mailed it-- | Please "DO IT NOW". |] tic with extra heavy, heot seal- 5.95 NOW || Compare 15.00 | To CLEAR | Camping PACK SACKS, Res. 5 |] Men's WOOL SOCKS. Perfect || for the Outdoorsman 3% length, || white or colored 2 ply, double if twist, Nylon reinforced heel & \f toe Reg. 1.49 pair, ! Clearing at Pair .... |] right to limit quantities, |] eo. || NOW AT EACH il We carry a complete selection |] Sprays - Vegetable and Flower Seeds. |} For a Crystal Clear Aquarium || PUMP & FILTER SETS complete it WHITBY FOR THE FISHERMAN 3 pc. RAIN SUIT cost, pants and hood. -Made of Vinyl plas- ed seams. Compare HIP WADERS Complete with knee harness ond steel shank. 12.97 Ist Quality 6° x 6' SMELT NETS Reg. 2.10 1 57 a Perfect for Hiking, Fishing or 1,97 NOW ONLY We now have in stock a limit- |} |] ed quantity of the famous |) "RAPALA" the original Fin- nish Minnow. We reserve the For the Gardener . . . PUNCH N' GROW Flower and Vege- table Seeds. Grow them right in your own home. Reg. 49¢ of Fertilizer - Grass Seed - Stainless Steel AQUARIUMS 5% Gal, Cop, Compare 7.00 CLEAROUT with motor, filter, tubing, char- coal and Glass Wool, | ee |. Shorty's Cigar Store 121 BROCK ST. NORTH, WHITBY PHONE 668-8361 KODAK FILMS Black and White 620-127 48c ea. ; 2 FOR 89° KODACHROME II MOVIE FILM 3.98 EACH KODACHROME 35MM 20 exposures B99 xcs Players & Export Fine Cut Y2 bb. Tins 1.55 EACH Brigham Briar Pipes 6.95 up BRING YOUR FILMS HERE FOR THE FINEST IN FINISHING _With each order you receive a chance to win a Kodak Instametic 100 Camera Outfit given away each month Winner of the Camera this month .. . MR. ART SMITH, R.R. NO. 2, WHITBY Easter Parade Starts At THE Z ; Mercantile Dept. Store Men's All Wool Worsted Suits In the newest styles for Spring 85,00 and 69.50 All Wool Tweed Sport Coats Sizes 36 10:46 -.sssvecoserens sass ga CASH YOUR BABY BONUS CHEQUE AT THE MERCANTILE $25.00 in merchandise to winner 6 to 10 years 11 to 16 years 17 to 18 years ....... Boys' Sport Coats 11.95 BOYS' SUITS to step out in style this spring 18.95 23.95 26.95 & 14.95 eetteooee ee ee ee ee eee eer eeeresereeesreseseee oveereoee ot %ee WHITBY PLAZA FAMILY CLOTHIERS FREE PARKING OPEN FRIDAY EVENING UNTIL 9 P.M. @ . BEAT THE TAX | ORDER NOW -- PAY LATER BROADLOOM CUSTOM DRAPERIES INSIDE OR OUTSIDE WHITE & HUNDREDS OF COLORS ......... Gp PAINTS 5.95 gal. : 1.95 qt. Flo-Glaze Colorizer PAINTS ' - SUNWORTHY WALLPAPERY AND WALL MURALS PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting--Paperhanging--Gyptex Work Wall Murals, Vinyl Wall Coverings Book Your Job Early For Outside Painting or NOW ONLY . GENDRON DOLL STROLLERS and CARRIAGES All at Greatly Reduced Prices DODD « SOU DECOR CENTRE LTD. ONE BLOCK WEST OF 4 CORNERS -- TURN SOUTH WHITBY PHONE 668-5862 FREE DELIVERY A;