e 'Valachi Says Ontario Lawyer Sener : < : ixin ections Member Of Cosa Nostra Ring... racketeering and the fixing ofjrect the condition has accom- 0 (CP) -- The On-| "This is one of two Ontario|power to do so in a private sés-|Nov. 6 in a Washington jail.|clections were among the fields|plished much and the atmos- hagat ia ' Pint oe ge ers' names that have come sion. /The commission's interest haq|in which gambling profits were|phere has. changed, resulting in pad. FOUCe. Can : : Such an interrogation would|been aroused by references tojinvested in Quebec province in)many of the gamblers returning closed Thursday it was told byjto our alten ss Having more have to be conducted in camera|Toronto made by Valachi in his|recent years, the Ontario Police|to the United States. Joseph Valachi, the turncoat than a professional relationship|pecause 'serious and unjusti-|testimony before a U.S. Senate|Commission said in a report The commission said it is the Cosa Nostra hoodlum, that an|with members ot the Cosa Nos-|rieq harm could be done' to the committee. tabled Thursday in the legisla-|opinion of the two police direc- Ontario lawyer is a member of|tra," the commission said in its)jawyer on the basis of mere) The self-admitted dope-ped-|ture. : tors that a system exists be- |the Cosa Nostra, report = ee crime tab |hearsay evidence by Valachi. |diar and murderer told the Sen-| The report on organized suc age and Quebec crim- | The name of the lawyer wasjled in the legislature by Attor-) HOR late committee that Vito Agueci|crime in Ontario included a/:re': for using each other's re- re ae ae cesar roterreg_ to byl" tb tire members ofthe poe, Tormia was a membor offerte, nin wy Gv at ite crines 'Stas ae ilethestion' ©1n where which|Valachi was not questioned by|lice commission, accompanied Cosa, N 0 ie avomas eee last December between the bank safety deposit box attacks. 'made it "reasonably sure" of|the commission because it) by other af i ges reney atti Toronto as far as he was con-|Commission and Montreal Po-| "One Ontario name," it hig identity. doubted whether it had the'cials, questioned Valachi las Peey lice Director J. A. Robert andjadded, "is well know to Mont- Valachi's testinion nie Director-General Josephat Bru-|real and Toronto police, that of CELIO Y #e' net ef the Quebec Provincial| Robert Simpson. He is regarded bd indicate that the Cosa Nostra, force, Abe both ciles aa me Melua or Mafia, did not exist in On- iy eee rie man ue itario as a crime unit or organ-| .. f¢W years ago, the reportito keep the criminals of each lization. But he linkea the U.S. Said, American syndicate gam-jcity advised as to which crim- : ' al. blers moved into Montreal in|inal would be best qualified for i yndicate wi mtre ; ; crime syndicate with: Mentres large numbers and took sub-\a specific job." e bd A ay ne Time Planning re2eer ees Seine" pion 'ee wot thew an Ontario lawyer as being a). Apart from labor racketeer-/identified, ce Imember of the Cosa Nostra|ié and election-fixing, the re-| ~~~ TORONTO (CP)--The city of} The other son, Frank Cipolla,|of telephone toll slips, there is|because Valachi did not know|P°'t said, gambling money went) RULED NOT NEGLIGENT Guelph was labelled Thursday 47, @ chef at a Guelph restau- an indication that Sam Sylves-|the jawyer personally, and there|!"0 such activities as narcotics,) woNTREAL (CP) -- Two for- | iminals| Tat, was referred to as a tool tro has connecions with gam-|was no particular reason why | White slavery and the extortion-| 4, Quebec Provincial Police as a place where criminals) (¢ Charles and their father,|blers in Toronto, Hamilton and pe should volunteer such a/@te loan racket. oificers were acquitted @aaaaee gather to plot major fare | Matteo, said to be about 83 pectepore holding Ay Niagara) .tatement." | No details were given, but the|gay of criminal negligence This conclusion was reached years old. falls and Buffalo, N.Y. | ' pj report added: lcharges resulting from. the by the Ontario Police Commis-| Frank served four years in' Sam now is serving a year on Fa og leper 2 Phage Migbor coteataaitan le & fieta| death Pi : breed in celle Bison and: sec Sot om reportithe '50s on a change of Pos-'a charge of recording bets.|tarig police officials included where there has been 'crime|1962. Former constables Fern- : On organized sata beak ust cial cae § Countertert mone y./ Frank, meanwhile, is awaiting i,5<6 of Vito Agueci and Al-|without punishment' and re-/and Rose and Edouard Marone ince. 'iat becati ; Charles served ml gt on trial on a charge of extortion. berto Agueci and John Papalia, quires checking. Gambling were freed by a jury after the Tw alig 2 es werela simile sharge ¥ . i . : Ag ' es : a 2 x y , 2 sald' tb be venue ree Stine tie cee boar ge telucue Information on Guelph's|Camadians whom he said were there has undoubtedly interna- prosecu tion announced "we ing discredit to this commard-land selling illicit alcohol. ac-| crime Clement. was given {0 the jinked with Cosa Nostra. jtional as well as national impli- have not proved the charges be- 3 ' : 7 f , police commission by police 'eations," the report said. yond a reasonable doubt." The tively smelt city @ miles west) cording to the police commit/chisy Robert Lamb and two/SKiFPED BAIL victim, Paul Boutin, died in : mt Foronto. + Leal SRY . ..,/other ranking officers of the) When Valachi skipped bail in OUTSIDE LINKS ells of a cerebral concussion. 5. ' "These are the Cipolla and) Sam Slyvestro and Frank Syl-/ city's police department. |New York in 1960 on a narco-' 'Examination of toll charges pt -- : . Sylvestro, alias Sylvester, fam-|yestro' comprise the second) | They agreed that organized|tics charge, he met Alberto Ag- from known gambling organiza- 18TH ANNUAL SPRING peddling, was named as_ the convicted for bookmaking. yond their city. jurisdiction." | the report said. Agueci and Pap- behind him as Vietnamese a counter-attack by troops der attack; apparenly in an | inaj contacts throughout Canada| "From information obtained population was of Italian ex./and then to Brazil. Valachi went American cities." This Sunday Mar. 22 near the Cambodian border Cong had started batile when from Saigon) Cipolla and Sylvestro families, The Buffalo Cosa Nostra--the| W criminals congregate at Guelph|to get Valachi across the bor- atchdog Planne TORONTO (CP) -- The On-; The commission said that Ed. Chief Lamb. testified that "There the following day he crime renort t*bled in the leg-|baseball gambling "and boc MURDERS UNSOLVED But that night Valachi_ re- launched a full-scale attack on as good planning. providing that brakes must stop dence given to the United States| "ij would appear he 4 en-\oee yc el in whlch the vic-(Tony Bender in New ers re A bill introduced in the legis: amount of leisure money avail- Commissioner George B. Ed-| said. vet amo b Gee Kelie te, soar ani Chain, abuses inthe used car field,"| that money actually spent on '@"°° fia as including. Nicholas Cicch-| 6, county, was recently sen-/ Sobara died by drowning be- ated with other information The new legislation calls for) and intetprovincial tourism plicants for resident hunting) Guiseppa (Cockeyed Joe) Cata- worth of. stolen Detroit mer- murder, sits ahnonin trem thal, provides for a large increase in The police commission noted swt al . , ili the crime report says.| family -rimi ; : ; : si y-of criminal repute, The} | ists in G "and |ueci i 'rank tions showed constant communi- F HIDING Charles Cipolla, 52, now serv-\report labels Sam a known Crime exists in Guelph and|ueci and girneng lorie ah ong ae ese Pi os Poesia | FI Sho FLUSH GUERRILLA OUT 0 ing a 20-year term for narcotics gambler who has twice been|@ tentacles which reach be-|Caruso, a Ne Papas Toronto, Chicago, Miami ower iw sie + ieee ietnames = i a qi spor-|New York, Hamilton, Sarnia . The arms of a wounded yesterday. The guerrillas had they attacked Vietnamese |}. 3in. of the Guelph mob. The| The commission was told that|alia were to arrange transpor-|N : ton, c REEDS Florisis Viet Cong guerrilla are twisted taken cover in village during troops in a shoulder-to-shoul- | «mmission said he has crim-| PHONE CALLS CHECKED about 40 per cent of Guelph's| tation for Valachi to Toronto,/Guelph and other Canadian and : séldiers drag him from his and planes of the South Viet attemp: to take prisoners. | and the U.S. through informants and a check traction. The majority were|t0 Buffalo and hid out there for The commission said an at- hiding place in a_ village Nam government. The Viet --(AP Wirephoto via radio law-abiding citizens, but the|four days. =] | bed bed ; set i} 4 Sees Oo een were gross exceptions, jsame Ralph Randaccio specific- . ' Windsor Residents "Through these two families,|ally was mentioned -- arranged fashion NEWS from BLACK s io s . {and the city is used as a meet-\der into Ontario, He was taken L nked With Mafia jing place to plan many major|to a motel, which the police | 1 crimes," the police commis-|commission believes was in | sion's report declares. Vineland. : . tario Police Commission has} Kurd, a _recent Windsor resi-| most persons in Guelph's Ital- was picked up by Alberto and| pointed at several residents of|dent, while not connected with) lan community were reluctant! vito Agueci and John Papalia : the Windsor area as connected the Mafia, is alleged.to set woe aie Hoya information relat- and driven to Alberto Agueci's| with the Mafia in its organized] odds in football, basketball an ig to their ethnic group. \home in Toronto." TORONTO (CP) -- The Gn- | 498,098,008 last year, has been|announced stiffer regulations felatuve 'Thursday, is 4 valiante ian lo organize E , y| achieved as much by good luck! concerning automobile brakes,| '7 ""* oon i gas Nupiay He told of two unsolved mur-|Ceived a telephone call from tario government Thursday)a yg & The commission noted evi-| gambling. ders in Guelph in which the vic.(Tony Bender in New York, or- lers ' " a car or station wagon travell- ' ob : : abit : " i jor gteansael used car dealers (PENDING DROPS _ ling at 20 miles an hour within/ senate crime committee last deavouring to establish @ Per-|alias Labatti, a bootlegger, wag/five himself up, Valachi flew to| eps "We know that while the! 95 feet on dry pavement. year by then Detroit Police/manenet domicile," the report! throttied and thrown in @ cul.\New York after less than 24) lature by Attorney - General! opie to the people has grown ., :n¢ Tegulations formerly spe-\ wards describing the Windsor) cop Nad: Peeukl & \ y e ni 4 ' i A ; : ified 40-foot stopping dis- ..5me Alkan 4 George Nunes, alias Frank Second World War, according to| The commission said state- Cass is intended to "curblimmensely, the percentage of trey * ioe od abil segment of the Detroit-run Ma- siith of Detroit, living in Es:|the chief's recollection. Bf?! ments made by Valachi correl- pevp'rorny oad aman . fi¥"| travel ney acting. aimee bord 'eat arpa rae prosody orang tenced to a year on the Cana-\ cause of water in the culvert.|made it clear the Aguecis and ' Nee | Mr. Auld predicted foreign : : h ogh lice ; dian side for possessing $12,000 No. solution was found to the Papalia were involved in smug-| compulsory registration of deal- ; licenses in the province will be! tanotte. pe ; ers with the government and gig 4 $75,000,000 to On-| -equired to pass an examination) Cicchini was convicted in 1962 chandise. | - Desa a Pa Set by his department. of a narcotics offence at Wind- . at 4 : e | the existing $25 license fee. The, The minister said a United) 'The requirements, to become|sor and sentenced to 12 years.|that the Roach royal commis- | increase is to be determined by States survey showed the rate effective late this year or in|Minaudo, who had been de-|S!0m on crime last year had es- re | g OO 'tablished that Vito Giacalone of the cabinet. of growth of travel in the last) 1965, are to provide greater|ported from the U.S., was con-| : ' | Detroit was Mafia and a gam-| Mr. Cass said the new act,|SiX years approximated seven) yniformity in safety t raining/nected with a Windsor bakery.| Detroit was Mi ' . given first reading Thursday, | Pet cent a year. "If this rate now given by clubs and other; wr 'dwards--now a US bling kingpin" and had owned| . will be in force in time for the| CoMtinues it will mean that tra-| private organizations. 'ude << anid Calanoten home tle of the Roseland gambl-| Time compulsory licensing of dealers! V¢! for all purposes will double Written and- practical tests noe? =e alanotles home ing club near Windsor, He also . o Sl every 10 years. la wer Gea sm aan ro beg Bicomagellig Eevee LP an interest in a juice com- TORONTO (C ss : Aes The crackdown was initiated) N. Davidson (NDP -- Hamil-|the department and a $3 entry|; "indine wespons identified ae Dany believed active in Ontario. Ce ree wn) Sommnseine ©. Yee It of ndations| {ton East) suggested th ist fee will be charged */including weapons identified as!" .oiner residents of the arealcets Of the RCMP doubt that of the RCMP--who retired from as a result of recommendations ef Suggesten Me tourist) tee will be charged, used in four killings. He came x ' ; \legal off-track betting would get by the legislature's select com-| department investigate indus- Clubs will continue to give the tg Canada in 1958--as a non-| connected with such Detroit ac-'1iq of the bookmaker. the On-|'/@t Post last Oct. 31--told the mittee on consumer credit. The| trial tours for businessmen to|training but their courses willl immigrant visitor and in 1961| tivities.' the report said, "'are|tario Police Barlecian saiq|commission in September that i " y reas w Ibe ex 7 7 > instruc-| ute F ya he * | / SS s | committee found "palpable ag ap arces mere extended -- instruc-| got a six-months visa Earl Cuzzens of River Canard,/Thursday in a special report on'U.S. crime syndicates were then abuses" in the used car field . going at present. tone ale, aws and regula-'" The commission said there is| Dominie Corrado who owns organized crime tabled in the/active in Canada in the narco- asia He said. the tours could be|'0ns, rights and privileges of warrant out for the arrest of farm land at Puce and Sam Fi-|legislature. tics and counterfeit money! CITES CASES 5 . land owners d el ry . " : ow by the Chambers of cine loentificn Hen elementary Catalanotte, believed interested|nazzo who has a summer cot: The commission, which con-|fields. : 4 oS he ie - ee ee Windsor bakery. jtage at Kingsville. \ferred in ged with 7 American syndicate money) leposits to persons who could ; scone ll EID yoy iia deca A | Commissioner George B. Mc-\also had been used to finance not arrange financing. Hamilton are quite willing to go GLENN MORE ACTIVE | |Clellan and other officers, said/fake stock rackets in Ontario,| finanein along with the idea. SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (AP)--| : icti i i e € = er ' Ss uae po tans pi gee ae : "Cities: other than Toronto get Astronaut John Glenn's doctors) l1agara @ | Ss bres pee (desiog ooh oe a ty paneer ~ tree into dealers and selexiien who wilt] little business from tourism any say he's "more active, sits up| evil" in organized crime ; . ate ue f belo ae have the gower to'cancel jic-| are he said. more with less dizziness and is yi Hnancee pureoce pur- large il lett alcohol stills in On- enses on receipt of complaints On another matter, Mr. Auld) somewhat better." But they ° chases and frauds of various ae Oe OG ee or evidence of shady dealings ve hae Ha get ng gs hon psi aaring phen he'll be re- G ling u Winds carrentine saa one e registrar. will cc n- ration of some of its liter-)leased from the U.S. air force amare a , yt leben } Pain AR Grantins vig th registra.| ature in French to better ac-| hospital. Glenn suffered a brain inating pape ae whlok the | MEETING Pad BAMILION F sh. | quaint the large French-speak- concussion when he fell in al ay '1p 7 une 4 ba money is. diverted," the report) 'ast August, the ' seca tion and examination branch--| ing audience in Quebec with On. Gothroaiy Wau oe : TORONTO (CP) -- Gambling) "It is of interest to note that added. missioner said a meeting was a branch which is being trans-. tario's attractions Ohio ie : . ME raphe dt is the main vice in Niagara a recent marriage party in Ni-| Jt said the RCMP view wasiheld in Hamilton of men from ferred from the department of "Transport Minister Haskett nada: in he ' Fb t to the Falls, the Ontario Police Com-|agara Falls attracted the at- that gamblers would move in if|there, Toronto' and Montreal, insurance to the attorney-gen-)_--__ i 4 San Antonio March 6.) mission s report on organized) tendance of many well - known off-track betting were legalized,|with this in view, with Ameri- eral's department. jerime said Thursday. Mafiosi from New York State/and the same would apply to.cans to build the stills, turn| Any person whose licence WEATHER FORECAST The report named five men|@% well as suspects resident in'the Jegalized supply of narco-\them over to Canadian opera- was ih ing Rete un pg |"who appear to be active in|Ontario." -- : _ ties, tors, and leave men behind to ps py magy lag tar haalig oH ,|gambling: Albert and Louis) Prostitution was linked to Ni-- The commission said the/collect a percentage. MN lannuzzelli, Peter Sacco, Felix) agara Falls through Phillip and RCMP found that there are! It was not indicated how the the courts. | S St Borelli and Ernest Reinhart."'| William Chimpi, the report i izati i : att urnes a4 / ' competing organizations in Can- Salesmen will lose their lie- how orm | No syndicate control seems/says. It also attaches Phillip|ada rbot: the narcotics pimect vbuheiae ae ' ences if they quit their jobs but | extant in Niagara Falls, accord-| Chimpi to prostitution in the!traffic, and it could not be said} Doe. Comme asloner. BIND Sate the licences will be reinstated ling to Police Chief J. L. Cun-| Hamilton area. 4 the syndicates were interested & | {to be controlled by any one Pal-lin the "'shylock" --_ extortion: M A e if they regain employment in F ningham, who said gambling is| 7 ree ' Hineaa , . | ticular organizati "Ma -| ; : the used car business. | or onlg t lclosely checked in co-operation} 4 like i aro Matin jate small loans -- field in Tor- Dealers or salesmen who | with the Ontario Provincial Po-| No Evidence ees t lonto; stolen jewels and furs; the| change their addresses will ; lice. | ISTRUGGLE FOR POWER manufacture of phoney cheques have to notify the registrar Forecasts issued by the Tor-|during the night becoming hea- But the commission report i | "There is a struggle forjand the theft and disposal of/ Spring within five days and the regis onto weather office at 5:30 a.m.|vier on Saturday, Milder to- declares that "fairly close rela-| Of Mafia power," the report said, 'based Stolen bonds. and § trar, or his nominee, will have Synopsis: A vast il organized night. Winds becoming easterly ons exist among Canadian on the changing and different - cena { Sie the power to demand to see the low pressure system extending!25 tonight on "gamblers despite their appear-| re sources of supply -- France, ! NEED You' books, correspondence, bank ac- from Texas eastward beyond Northen Georgian Bay, Tim. #¢e of independent operation,""| In Hamilt litaly, Singapore. Corsica, Hong deat ou're Invited to browse through counts and records of @ dealer. the Mississippi Valley and agami, Cochrane, Sudbury Checks made on long distance on \Kong, etc. Narcotics emanate FUEL OIL ? pain ig "64 The 'oh a " 'thw. nn Nor' P } "Ad " 'y y ic je! é : ss ac ese li ar H MAY INVESTIGATE ne agg into northwestern North Bay: Increasing cloudi-| le phone calls by police offi- TORONTO (CP) -- Hamilton {fem abroad, and control of dis-| Coll bright-os-spring fashions jah dacaned The bill empowers the attor- penal i aghtetiasaeeg e cause ness tonight becoming overcast pega Neer that Niagara Falls) offers a fertile field for organ-|ttibution in Canade- shifts. | to greet Easter Sunday in a oak ney - general's department to cid ar as weavinne t ~det zo peestined: light snow late rik ey help be ye ized crime, the Ontario Police "In no city in Canada has con-| PERRY and joyful manner. launch an investigation of a milddioy BalGbdey. bat the oom: he it and Saturday. Easterly fnanclel foe s regarded a5|Commission said in its crime trol of narcotics lasted for any Doy or Night 723-3443 dealer, with the same power as oy eee level winds 15 to 25. e 5, ;report tabled in the legislature length of time. ' SEE OUR EXCITING COLLECTION the courts. The attorney-general ? k Aes ny = Sere = govt Southern White River, Al-) Laying off bets refers to a) Thursday. ------ -- -- ~ OF THE LATEST may also require the bonding of M&kes lime of arrival of snow goma: Clouding over with occa-| Procedure followed by bookies) 'The commission said that : wee any "'suspicious" dealer. juncertain, Several inches of/sional light snow late this after-- Who have become overloaded) Ghiet Constable Leonard Law- ® Spring Coats including lovely new Individuals who violate the | ' snow remains a distinct possi-noon. Cloudy with a few snow- With similar bets, usually on a} "Cape Coats" act would be liable to a fine/Diity for southern Ontario, |flurries and little change in tem-|horse. To protect themselves - rence at a meeting with the of $7,000 or one year's impris-| Considerably less snow is anti- peratyre Saturday. Easterly against financial disaster, Heyl ee stated that in his| sii ( Exculsitely benutitul sytte sey seitniane v ? lcipated elsewhere in the prov-| ( Mr. Cass said in some cases dealers had refused: to return New fashions for P . i ' ¥ opinion onganized crime does! ili flattering new "Cape" look onment, A corporation would be)" P2' ahr ting - ao erbrviige of their bets to) exist there, particularly in nar: liable to a fine of $25,000, Lake St. Cl I Seis ie ee ee leit lal /cofics, gambling and possibly | e Y tn dther business. Travel min-| uake St. air, ake Erie, sional light snow this afternoon! niga PPEARANCE LINKE | prostitution Possibly > e eoortaweee. 'Auld said the tourist in-(Souther® Lake Huron, Windsor,/and tonight, Cloudy with a few) apa ene ne INKED ; ; ister E tumatis is not actil |London: Mostly cloudy Satur-'snowflurries Saturday Milder The report says Mafia-like) 'However,' the report added, | Shop ot your leisure, @ small deposit will hold ' 4 i sh on dis sat O28: Snow becoming heavier tonight. asterly winds 15 to 25,|(2¢Ues were apparent in the "he does not feel that there is' . j your selection, per eae kali a not! and more continuous during the Forecast Temperatures {disappearance October in 1959|any syndicated crime at Ham- ae vith ih ng tries (hight and possibly mixed with Low tonight, high Saturday jof Peter (Scrip) Mitchell, a! {iton. | petition with other indus * \pain early Saturday but taper- Windsor -.. 32 |well-known gambler alleged to) «As to whether any Mafia or} A i He blamed the sation. 20 Sing fo a few flurries by mid-|St. Thoma: ae 35 |have been making payoffs to lo-'Mafia-like operation' exists ati: All Dogs must be tied up or on a leash from April pr fe Fg leadership within day Saturday. Milder tonight. London .. ee 35 | cal Police, Hamilton, the chief stated he] 1st, to September 30th, 1964, unless on owners OPEN FRIDAY the , ry. i th ' 7 Hasterly winds increasing to 25 Kitchener . Coe, 3: Mitchell had 'failed to receive! did not have any evidence of property which is fenced to retain the Dog. UNTIL 9. O'CLOCK Mr. ~-- bene sen 31 -| ls afternoon Mount Forest 9 39 | police warning of a raid on a such an organization or mem- ¢ Ontario tou $ spe ding, '| iggy: «Fm magige south-| Wingham 5 ' 2 |gambling club in which he had! bers operating in his area. ' All Dogs over-6 weeks of age require a licence ern Georgian ay, Niagara,|Hamilton ......... . 3 35. |an interest during August of) « Pa ral | : : : AMERICAN QUESTION western Lake Ontario, Toronto,|St. Catharines..... that year. He was accused of sults OF ween et which be fetaieiged due ond for sale at City Clerk's BRISTOL (AP)--Quote of the|Hamilton: Clouding over this af-|Toronto not making the proper payoff.| Mafia organization was applied! Office, Police Station or City Dog Control Office. y F oll Foshion-first dresses and cleverly styled po 'ogg ay Ea gol ygr dr ag ag saga snow Peterborough . After Mitchell had introduced) to a number of persons of Ital- -- " paieory sil rh faites pro sry _ os rose another gambler to his police ian extraction who lived in], Dogs are not allowed to run on school grounds at : . ahs bce ASR cout ' & Killaloe . |contact, it was decided he was|}H amilton approximately 20 ny ti this English yg potag nated jt pt lla more Continuous| Muskoka no longer of any use to the|years ago there. might have Gay time of he year, "Why the devil a. sgh ge gn urday but tapering off/North Bay. | gamblers. been some indication that such | 'ih tall tg : icans i AEP ot Lago tue ake yg Poise vee One night he left the gambl-| an organization did exist." Dogs boarded at Dog Control at nominal cost. tonger iriends, pratay : vasteriy| Bariton tie ing club; known as the Ramsey) Three of these italian immi- up" with i * no aon 5 nag increasing to 25 late to- Sault Ste. Marie... Club, with a man and a woman grants--Rocco Perri, Frankie P. Ke d . : i 2 igs ake Onario, Hali-' White River ' azain Frank Durso all had died under ana etn 7 SNe MeEREOTION 72. SIMCOE NORT ment things, we have 'documen-|burton: Clouding over tonight.,Moosonee wi 5 The police commission report! suspicious circumstances years Commissioner. | vidi 725-1912 Occasional light snow beginning|Timmins ......... 25 | also says: | ago, a \ iL : - ae NUBSAMAAAS Se Nw rw ests LADIES WEAR LTD. A A