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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Mar 1964, p. 9

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ee a 1a eal ese y chy etre NE EM. Me awk } . cessful penny sale after the : . -- = es I. Scott |j | LODGES..AND SOCIETIES cS F% sss deine aves Harvey Cox Wed and a social hour spent. Last Saturday ' VICTORIA LTB |Miiitant was held in the IOOF| : oe The regular meeting of the|Hall recently, with a good at-| | |Victoria Loyal True Blue|tendance of -- Pegg tt \ Lodge was held recently in the|Ders. e meeting nignt had) The Reverend L. W. Herbert) pene Genupte with Worship-|been changed from the. third jofficiated: at the wedding of) 5 lful Mistress Sister Mabel Blow|Wednesday to the third Tuesday Audrey Isabell Scott, igor) : presiding assisted. by Deputy|of each month. me jto Harvey Ping aon "E Mark-| 2 Mistress Sister Phyllis Ar-| In the previous report of offi- hee Towns ip, Ls the Chapel of; : bourne. The devotional exer-|cers installed, the name of Lady fevrendl vey hee see : cises were performed by the|Nelda Thompson, as past-presi-| | age a ara i et eta chaplain, Sister Eleanor Mitch-|dent was omitted. lor Mr ara hes Cordon ReotE ell. Ro" call of officers and all] The vice-president, Lady Viola) Pehuwa and. her bridegroom is! Past Mistresses and Masters/Keeler, gave a lengthy report of ithe son of Mrs, Arthur Holman : was taken. jsick members and wished them! latartham and the Jate Sie) : | Sister Charlotte Skirrow was\a speedy recovery. Oscar Cox. | os nar bd a sine to The president appointed Lady) The bride wore a champagne |Hillsdale Manor from the h0S-'Vorraine Hewat as captain of Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Athletic Injuries Nervous Skin Disorders 100 King St. E. 728-5156 PAUL © BELLINGER pital. silk shantung jacket dress with |matching pill-box hat and a green orchid corsage. Her ma- |tron of honor was Mrs. Donald |{McQuay, Markham, who wore ja turquoise silk shantung {sheath, with matching hat and laccessories and a corsage of The final arrangements were made for the 62nd birthday ban-| quet to be held Friday night, March 20, at 6.30 p.m. in the Banquet Hall of the Orange Temple. | Lodge will meet one Tuesday) Invites You the Auxiliary. During the meeting the char- ter was draped in memory of the late Lady Emily Booth. Due to the storm Peter-| borough Auxiliary postponed its| visit until the next meeting, | April 21. oO o 3s i -- oe -- 2 fs ACOUSTICON'S "Breakthrough in Miniaturization" talisman roses. | 4 j ee - a month instead of two, com-\" 7 aay Agnes Kemlo is conyen-| mencing April 7, Lucky prizes), : 65 | The best man was Mr. George were donated by Sister Sophie ne ee a Rumney, Victoria Square. An ine Keeler, 'Sister Gladys Beavis lenholtr f ee formal reception was held at the Lady Fic kes convened a suc: home of Mrs, James McQuay and Brother Leo Keeler and) _ sia Unionville. When the couple re. were won by Sister Gertrude @qN YOUR BABY ESCAPE turn from a honeymoon in the ee TEETHING PAINS? |Eastern United States, they will ~ waite 4 beige Don't let your baby suffer reside at Richmond Hill, On-! af jai eu ude "| another minute. Just squeeze resi the chaplain. ORA-JEL from tube to gums, | Presto! Pain relieved. Ask E i . | Z LAPM for safe, ve ORA- |'Mikado' Presented| | the regular meeting of the ORA-JEL® At Northminster | ree se {Ladies : Auxiliary, Patriarch! amie An Unusual Combination of Vegetables, Cheese". oer Wrens) Merron Makes Hearty Dish to Brighten the Lenten Table iiss iain'nvecented' Giver | and Sullivan's "The Mikado"' in| ENU-WAY RUG Northminster United Church last | OSHAWA LTD. | i ag Monday. This was sponsored by aca ; one-half medium green pepper; 1 Sweet and Sour 'it's Sit (nts AANA Cee fon onion is transparent, about five . Lay your present aid on is sk of our new "Spectra" behind-the-ear model and COMPARE THE SIZE! a RICE FLORENTINE is the granddaughter of Mrs. Joseph Zhozeceria, East three years old today. She is Hampton, New York, and of the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Phinney, Robert Phinney, Oshawa, and Sackville, New Brunswick. This young lady with the curly hair is Vicky Lynn, With Lent in full swing we're|and also saves your precious faced with the predicament ie fash : sat ice, cream of celery. soup, 1 what to serve during these! nil, and onions are combined y meatless days. Rice. Florentine/and poured over spinach. Final is one suggestion for solving this|touches of grated cheese and a. sual problem and becomes a/bread crumbs are added, then) |, , year round treat for the family. the dish is popped into the oven.|+72 cream of celery soup, un- Upholstery Cleaning -- Home or Plant Authorized Filter Queen Sales & Service Genuine Hoover Sales, Service & Parts Mothprooting and Deodorizing Machine Binding, Serging, Fringing Rug Dyeing OSHAWA'S ONLY RUG CLEANING PLANT Approved by the Nationol Institute of Rug Cleaners diluted ' the Come Double Club and a tablespoon milk welcome was extended to every- D} ing newest low com cup grated Canadian ched- ald Siblock. Q | minutes. | pcarsey why Bpeg ene dar cheese The capacity audience enjoyed Saucy pausag Ss Ble ' : | PHONE : . 26 re nd in. two -- tablespoons Now you have compared the cups bread cubes the wit of Gilbert and Sullivan heat "wild! ugtire bub-l 7 | size, Phone todey for an op- This vegetable dish combines ---- we dae 2 can. Margarine lent support to some sparkling! The aroma of sausages alowty| Dies. Remove from heat and | A rice and spinach to add spark) it 'the family rushing to theHeat oven to 375 degrees F.|performances by the principals.| Sizzling is always inviting to a add, stirring constantly: | | hearing. an and zest to any menu. : 8 Place spinach in buttered bak-|The stage setting, which was ex.| hungry family. This delightful!2 cups hot water . | | ABSOLUTELY NO OBLIGATION and spinach. And what a time|proited or baked fish. a light bine rice and next 3 ingredients; |structed and painted by mem-|Foods ---- of ciate ¥Y, teaspoon salt : saver! White sauce takes extra|ryit salad and brown 'n serve fold in %4 cup of cheese; blend|bers of the cast and the major- Institute, Guelph ma tsi Saus-|9 tablespoons vinegar Couslicon. time to prepare because it must! rolls, A colorful parfait for des-\Well. Spread rice mixture even-lity of the costumes were made} @8es even more tantalizing. (1 tablespoon soy sauce, or : s eT F ; F Stephenson's Jewel smooth. Using soup the careful] cubes which have been tossed|Their authenticity helped to cre-|S4ge links (about one ager Bring mixture to boil; reduce} VISITORS WELCOME «1a King Street East, steps of white sauce-making are| RICE FLORENTINE with butter. Bake 20 minutes; |ate the illusion of Japanese|With a small amount of COcd/ heat and cook one to two min-| Why Teke Chances With Your Velucble Rugs | Oshews boaters eliminated and extra flavor|2 packages (10 ounces each)|remove from oven. Sprinkle re-|Court. life. The Choral Society,) "ter. Cover and simmer slow- ytes, Return sausages to sauce tf and Upholstery Pe Lela lsle Lele lelLala! cup minced onion one by the president, Mr. Ron-| giving longer life te batteries, tablespoons melted butter or and a good chorus gave excel- flour, own home to try it for better 9 i table. : Soup is a binder for the rice| 'To complete the meal prepare ing dish (8" x 8" x 2"). Com-j|tremely realistic, had been con |sweet and sour sauce from the)» tablespoons brown sugar be stirred constantly _until| ert will dress up the menu. _ |!¥ over spinach. Top with bread/by the performers themselves.) In a large skillet place 16 sau-| more to taste PAUL BELLINGER comes to the dish. Here's an-| frozen, chopped spinach, /maining % cup cheese over all.|with Mrs. Dorothy Payne at the) \¥ 10 minutes; remove cover.| and cook until thoroughly heat- other helpful-to-the-homemaker-| cooked, drained Bake 10 minutes longer or until piano, was ably assisted by the|Brown sausages over medium) oq, about 10 minutes, Four serv- mab-paceaeed Segre rice|2 cups cooked rice cheese melts. Makes 6-8 serv-\Oshawa Symphony Orchestra. ae og yin eving ideo P requires little extra preparation'! can (10 ounces) condensed ings. After the performance coffee|.. i; eps hen -- ccearue land sandwiches 'were served tol ase. Tike 'pork, they must, be S b l f R Bi fy aseted the Persian custom of/tory. The white lily was once members of the cast and orches- thoroughly cooked "When brown: ym fo} Me) @-DITTN giving eggs as Easter presents, considered a protection against|{T@ by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pen-/eq remove sausages, and keep |but their eggs were stained aleyi] spirits. Lilies, placed found and their group. : al |deep red, symbolizing the blood! paced above the door .of a st home protected against witch-| craft, It. was also believed to have the magic power to re- lease man from magic spells. 'WHEN YOU WANT INSURANCE Look for the man whe displays this symbol, warm, | Chop one medium onion and ee ttaleradiet oie ae | WAS "MINISTER" | Elizabeth Fry, promoter of! jprison reform in.the early 19th| In Easter Rituals Sunday, March 29 | Later, people began to write jlengthy messages on Easter ; eggs and send them to friends. : | Easter, basically a solemn eee urse st g tone Foinonerl century, in 1811 was acknowl-/ and religious da . r Not even the Easter Parade "mini by i. rational oo yoltalinged the C2! to send eggs any distance, is as modern as we might like feo eg Roca : jand a century ago in Germany|to think. Despite the claims: of |------ coming of spring. It is the sea-|the first Easter cards were New Yorkers, the Easter. Pa- son of rebirth for man and his|created.. Naturally the eggirade began in ancient Rome, world as symbolized by the| Motif was most popular. Eos- fea' bun ' ; not on Fifth Avenue, Romans ; jstra's bunny was also a popular! were not celebrating Easter 2 Resurrection of Christ. |symbo; and chicks, ducklings, 0 g a , such but it was a New Year's = ---- theme is still 10 te flowers and other sym-|celebration, and the wearing of | most important one. accord-|bols of rebirth took their place|pay new clothes on -this day| ing to greeting carq experts. beside 'the religious mementoes : ne . was said to bring the wearer) For fastrelief from menstrual pain you can Best selling designs in Easter othe gad as annual Easter) go9q fortune - throughout the} count on help from the 4 active ingredients cards tell the sacred story of ey by year. The spring fashion pa-} jp ; : sAK neuen rade remained an annual prac-| | pied -- " re Easter, LILY MEANS PURITY ne aad 6. Girone onl DR.CHASES | ee picture and verse.) = Very popular are leather-like /of purity, also has a long his- PARADOL | If fire should wipe out your home, could you books and wallets for First! - = : : i Ta Adee staiaemicacaall Communion, | t s y rebuild it and replace your possessions with the came to the New World. with| early settlers. | i ? Property values Strangely enough, mai f insurance you now Carry the cpabots which we 'tole Need help change too, altering your needs. Let one of | SMART WOMEN ... have their carpets ond uphol- stery cleaned 'The Safe Way' i The Easter lily, now a symbol >) FIRE GIVES NO WARNING! to our modem Easter celebra- the following Independent Insurance Agencies tion are pre-Christian in origin. help you bring your fire insurance up to date. Research done by Lila Mac- falmark 'Historical Collection WHEN YOU NEED INSURANCE ... CONSULT ONE OF THE FOLLOWING INDEPENDENT AGENCIES allmark Historical Collection BICKELL-OLIVE PETLEY H. L. GRAY INSURANCE of antique greeting cards, says that even the word Easter Insurance Agency, 85 Oshowa Blvd. N. Oshewe 208 Celina St. evolved from the name of the ancient European goddess of spring, Eostra. | According to legend, Eostra had a large and beautiful bird for a pet. On a whim, she transformed the bird into a rabbit, but Eostra's bunny re- tained some of his avian or bird-like tendencies. He con- tinued to build a mest. and on the first day of spring he de- posited a large number of brightly colored eggs in_ it. Therefore the custom of Easter eges and egg hunts began with this bird-cum-rabbit. Oshowa D. W. HOLDEN INS. SERVICE 21 Celina St. Oshewe JOHN R. KERR 19 Athol St. W. BRADLEY BROS. REAL ESTATE 29'4 Simcoe St. Ss, Oshowa FORMED IN 1939 TO SERVE you BETTER OAKLEY CRAWFORD INSURANCE Oshe: 51 King St. East, Oshawa we Division of Oshawa Cleaning Contractors Clean-up Now ...In Time for Easter! @ Rugs @ Broadloom @ Upholstery McCALLUM GEN. INSURANCE E. DISNEY 521 Rossland Rd. W., Oshewe @ Wall Washing 82 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa @ Window Cleaning - @ Drapes Cleaned (At Home or at our Store) FOR FULL PARTICULARS . . . CALL NOW 725-9961 SPECIALS DAILY -- SAT. 'TIL 6 S. F, EVERSON C. E. MORLEY ter! 15 King St. E. caiuiae * Pickering COLORED EGGS The ancient Persians used to dye birds' eggs with herbs and give them to friends during celebrations. Early Christians Oshowo TO QUALIFY TO USE THIS SYMBOL An Agent Must Be... A bona-fide member in good standing of a recognized Independent Insurance Agents Association . . , Have written contract with a capital stock company .. .« Main. tain his own office separate from any insurance com- pany premises . . . Own his own renewals. We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities Adults Only Allowed Specials MON. an ONLY OPEN 'TIL 10 P.M, LADIES' AR, MONDAY ONLY POCKET ROBLIN & DULMAGE 102B Byron St. S, Whitby A. S$. ROSS o/by ROBERT STROUD 141% Kina St. E. Oshawa MURDOCH, McMURTRY & TURNEY INSURANCE LIMITED 37 King St, East Oshawa Swivel Top STEP Ladies' oa Ve SS STOOLS By Nortex. Compare at 10.9% MONDAY : 6.44 eee s Spring Style: YOUR CHOI DRESSES ONE LOW PRICE FANCY PANTIES MONDAY 5 1 00 pr. En s and Colors. 9.88 MONDAY Sl ONLY: .... WATCHES "Crome" by Ingram. Guaranteed for one year. .,. 2,88 VV, Psat 4 QW, Sux EP ES SPECIAL ... 400' Reel Capacity MOVIE CHESTS Duroble 'Metal' Compare et 6.29 ea. 8 ONLY 2.00 OC eeees = Your Choice FOR PRICE FLASH BULBS SAKE, doz, ... SPECIAL WINDOW SCRAPERS Compare ot 29c ea. Compore at of M2 or AGI . 1.19 MONDAY ONLY each .. Each 16° TOGGLE SWiTCH MONDAY ONLY ZK SAN sAm WW 49%¢ each. 26° W eK EACH For Price Sake It's No Where Else OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE SS Vel ede \d id ee \ tie APA NPA ANP AS PANPANPANPANS 1038 King St. W. At Garrard Rd. WHK wii VeOeK L. ELDON NELSON $3 Hilleroit St. NELSON E. OSBORNE 7 Lovers Lane, Bowmanville OSHAWA INS, AGENCIES LTD. 112 Simcoe St. N. Oshowe Oshawa PEACOCK-BOYD INSURANCE LTD, - 222 King St. East, Oshawa #7 put tHe SURE in & INSURANCE H. G. ROUGHLEY LTD. 187 Kino Ss. E. Oshewe RIEGER and OSBORNE 218 Dundas St. E. SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 360 King St. W. Oshawe ANDREW SUWALA 453 Bader Ave., . Oshewe GEORGE H. VICK LTD, 108 Broc.. . . N. RALPH H, VICKERY 46 King St. West, W. B, WHITE INSURANCE LTD, 110 King St. East Oshawe E. L. WHITELEY 111 Sutherland St. Whitby Whitby Oshawa Oshawe INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENCIES

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