MOTOR CITY COURT INSTALLS ITS NEW OFFICERS A capacity crowd attend- ed the annual installation of the officers of Motor City Court No. oe Poseyendent Social Insurarice Number | Issuing Starts April First. A nine digit number, ed as the Social Insurance Num- ber, will be issued beginning April 1 to all employed Cana- dians with the exception of thase engaged in agriculture, those in private domestic ser- vice where there is only one employee, and members of the, armed forces. + The Minister of Labor, Hon Allan J; MacEachen, has ex- plained that the issuance of the Social Insurance. Number is. be- ing carried out for a number of reasons, one of the paramount being a means to better govern- men record-keeping. The Glassco Commission has sug- gested that a single numbering system should be established to do away with multiplicity of numbering systems in govern- ment departments. At the Unemployment Insur-) ance Commission the situation hss been that the growth in the labor force and the use of elec- designat-! Foresters, Satur- held at the Kins- Centre. are shes Order of day night men Community Shown, left to right, The current issue of the On- Conservation Club will be held REVIEWS CLUB HISTORY sett committee, for 'thelr tt: mation that teers patent Of It- week. The course. is open to/"Dee"Mctwen secretary of the "evening, IN reply. Wall There has been some talk that applicable. This. section is to be corporation have been issued to anyone 15 years of age andthe club, who gave a most in-| -- sere is a ink with the profet|pu in safekeeping, it sug: Rundle Garden Centre Limited over' who wishes to obtain aliererting and. for newer mem| 1 | ME a unemployment insurance, How- The third portion will be re- Sune sO and it will te held history of the OTTC. The speak- PHONE 723-4191 ever. there is no consideration taineg by the employer. in the Social Insurance Number project of broadening the group who will pay unemployment in- surance, government spokesmen said. When the project gets under- way April 1 employers. will have a supply of application forms. An employer for the pur- pose of the numbering project is one who has at least one full or one part-time employee on pay- roll. TO FILL FORM The-employee will obtain an application form, fill it out com- pletely and accurately, sign it and return it to the employer. | Then the employer will send the | |application form to the nearest office of the Unemployment In- D. R. Konesbergor, record- ing secretary; S, L. Sabins, past chief ranger; M. R. Gallagher, chief ranger; A. J. Hone SS, court deputy; ee Dance Is The March indoor meeting of the Oshawa Travel Trailer Club| jtook the form of a dinner and| dance held Saturday evening in) 'Genosha. Following the reception, Presi-| dent Bill Kent called the 61) members and guests to the! gaily decorated tables, /followed by a toast to the Queen! proposed by Frank Ball. A de- liciously prepared and teously served chicken dinner was enjoyed by all, interspersed by talk of the approaching out- planning to travel: to Niagara Falls on Easter weekend. In his after-dinner remarks,| |President Kent thanked every- 'one for making the evening aj, |success and introdu guests 7 a as aopachi Sain ciaite ; . Mrs. M. H Mr. Simpson, treasurer. Back vice-chief ranger; Mr. R. G. |Mrs. and + row are R. L. Hatter, senior Fleetwood, orator; Mr. _ and Mrs. J. Winters, . and woodward: R. Wendler, jun- Villa, Junior beadle and Mrs. Mrs. FE. Carswell, ior woodward; G, H. Tait, R. L. Hatter, organist. W. senior T. Matthews, --Oshawa Times Photo, |V-, Noltie. beads, A toast to the ladies was pro- posed by Bill Mitchener and was responded to by Winnie Thorne, who mentioned -that_it was a pleasant change for the ladies to be able to enjoy such CITY AND DISTRICT il t wi bear the Social Insurance Num- LETTERS PATENT Oshawa Anglers and Hunters an occasion. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT. Paul's words, 'Set' your af- at 550 Lansdowne drive com-jer took those present back to mencing at 7.30 p.m. Anyone in- October 1960, when three trail- families from Oshawa were Held By Trailer Club weekend, and around an evenig the year. Frank Ball, past presi-| ang the idea of a trailer| dent, campfire, club was born. This was follow- ed in January of 1961 by Farlane, and_ the 'a meeting held members, "Doc", the past three years events as the club's first ou door trailering season. Some of|door rendezvous at Emily Pro- the more hardy members are vincial Park, a humorous hat an impromptu chivaree, show, a pancake breakfast, potluck {special mention of the ee ana Me giving. weekend swhen a com Mr and Mfs/plete holiday meal with all the Whittick and Mr. and Mrs. trimmings is served piping hot in the out-of-doors, TRIBUTE PAID Bruce MacFarlene the speaker and complimented Hedge, him on his "story-telling" abil- itv. Bruce also tribute to Walt and Hazel Mo- sier, chairmen of the entertain- ajcalied for members 'the Fleetwood Room of Hotel| meeting of seven couples at the their support to the 1964 ex-/ Mrs. |home of Bruce and Jessie Mac-|ecutive. in his most pleasing! cour-/manner, painted a picture of that brought back memories of such t.(the winners paid glowing Jopling, by appointment F. R. BLACK, O.D. 136 SIMCOE ST. NORTH | . 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, March 23, 1964 3. |thanked Gerry and Viola Shan-| |r, and Mrs. Ed Layalee, Mr. jgraw for their assistance. The} jand Mri ruce rlane, /1963 executive came in for| ys ' agi ; |some pleasing words from|Mr. and Mrs, "Doc" McEwen, and Mrs. Charles Mesher, and Mrs. Lloyd Mills, Mr. Mrs. Bill Mitchener, Mr, Mrs. Walter Mositer, Mr. Mrs. V. Noltie, Mr, and Ken Ostler, Mr. and Mrs, Bruce MacFarlane for their ef-/Mr. forts in leading the club during Mr. replied on behalf of his| executive and committees and|8"4 to give land Rundle, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald jing was spent in daneing to the|Shangraw, Mr. and Mrs. Sid imusic of the Johnny -Towns'|Taplin, Mr. and Mrs. Ron \Trio and many favorable com- Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Dick mens were overheard atte:!-/Thorne, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Whit- g to the quality and selection tick and Mr. and Mrs. J. Win= on the music. ters. During the evening, many| Those members wishing to door prizes were drawn for and,venture forth on Easter weeks were overjoyed/end are reminded they will bé het ogee if they visit pol ldance contest created many Orchard Grove Motel Tra laughs and was finally »wons(Park at Niagara Falls, On: by Mr. and Mrs, M. Hedge, who With favorable weather, this ig \a wonderful site for an early |at their good fortune. A potato suppers, corn and wiener also were celebrating their wed- roasts; softball games, the ys cag tg eos [season puting, : Christ i many Neale * Iothee happe events. He made|Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Allingham, HALL DAMAGED Mr. and Mrs, Jelle Bakker, Mr.| PRESCOTT, Ont. (CP)--Fire Frank Ball, Mr. and swept through the interior of the Mrs. Ed Blakely, Mr. Ted Chap-|Royal Canadian Legion Hell man and Miss Betty Dickson, Mr early Sunday, causing an estk and Mrs. E, Carswell, Mr. and| mated $20,000 damage. Firemen |Mrs. Norman Cook, Mrs. Lorne fought the blaze for 90 minutes Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kent, Judge, Dervent, Mr. and Mrs. Den- pefore bringing it under control, thanked nis Field, Mr. and Mrs. M.| Mr. and Mrs. Garnet} | Johnstone, Mr. and Mrs. Charles; : Mr, and Mrs. Ray HEAT WITH OIL * 'DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE THE KEY To The SALE LIST WITH PAUL RISTOW 723-4663 REALTOR SERVING OSHAWA OVER 187 KING EAST, 50 YEARS 728-9474 OSHAWA ber, old UIC number where ap- ,,: es terested is asked to call 725-5'77,er plicable, the surname and at irae Se and leave their name and: tele- enjoying the splendors of Al- st ) , vher: ki > »-"/,\ phone number. gonquin Park ¢ on _Thanks iving't least two given name' grt were the Golden Text at all y evan uc ora scion . cal g applicable. It will show in ac Christian Science churches on dition the day and month of Sunday. birth but not the year This third part is to be retain- ed by the employer until such time as the new account num- ber has been recorded. on all employee and-or payroll re- cords, at which time it may be destroyed An employee who has two em- |ployers must ensure that the | second employer is advised of his Social Insurance Number. He must not obtain a second |number under any circum- stances. Officials of the Com- | surance Commission. The Social mission emphasize that only one tronic data processing has made Insurance Number will then be the old UIC number obsolete. | sent back to the employer in the! pleted. Therefore, it was felt that a|form of a three-part card. A de- good starting point for the new| partment statement says: numbering system would be the application form is to be com- If an employee has never had an unemployment insurance The first section of this.card|number he will register for a operations of the Unemployment will have the Social Insurance| Social Insurance Number, says Insurance Commission, and the| number, surname and at Jeast|the commission, and points out UIC has been assigned to carry|two given names where applic-| that if a person has at present) out the numbering project. This| able and will have the employ-|an unemployment insurance new numbering system will be|ee's signature affixed. This sec- !number he will re-register for a introduced in conjunction with|tion will be most useful and/ Social Insurance Number which the'annual renewal of unemploy-|handy if it is kept in a wallet| will replace the present unem- ment insurance books that pon or purse but there is absolutely! ployment insurance number. armed and rine et men & take place, as usual, this no compulsion that the card be caped with the weekend's de- spring. carried. However, it would be|PROCEDURE FOR posits after robbing an east-end handy, for example, for those UNEMPLOYED branch of the Canadian Impe- TO ALL EMPLOYED The Social Insurance Number will be issued to all_employed} persons whether they are cover- ed by unemployment insyrance or not. It will be "broad enough and flexible enough" to be adapted to the "record-keeping! required for the proposed pen-| sion plan and other social se curity measures'. In an address to the recent opening of the UIC school for key personnel in the project, Labor Minister MacEachen dis- counted talk that Canadians are in danger of losing their iden-| tity; that the Social Insurance Number project is synonymous with regimentation, and that the real purpose of the program is ; U.S, talks w ok 5 . JIC = to obtain an inventory of man- the track th, Sanna, Duck HeaTOe office of the UK fad oD coear on the trac tain the necessary appliniotac p Johnson walked unannounced| forms. The Commission says "These observations are not founded on fact," the Minister said, 'Identity will not. be lost and regimentation will not be the end result," a matter of identification that her ex 'sai n fact, the So- an pata i Fo Mh ore tude toward the Panama 4dis-| mission's local offices. serves identity for the useful pute. Johnson said: ; There are between 6,000,000 * aa | * % and valid purpose of provid-| We arr prepared to review and 6,500,000 persons to be cov- EDWARD DRUMM ing numerous benefits to the °Y°TY 1ssue which now divides ered in this mammoth project | 3. yeers diligent, energetic ond en- Social Insurance Number regis- 4° and every problem which| which will be a cross-Canada Sar te tad ag Pgh ove gine trant. He explained that much | 'he Panamanian government operation. cessful to. Ed, so much so thet his of the information that is asked shiver 8 do th va Te ane = co rarer = oernlg igi antl ipege helpful in f ' an it a. pare 0 0 18 a any ime indi e@ answer to your resi * ght in he-appcation for an 294 a0Y Pace NES "'Bolahood Brot unemployment - insurance num- Although Johnson. described FUEL OIL 9 olahood Brothers ber for the past 22 years the statement as a reaffirma- Limited, Realtors ' tion of U.S. policy, key phrases Call 101 Simcoe North 728-5123 POSITIVE IDENTIFICATION (appeared to be sufficiently The need for positive identi+, vague to leave ample room for PERRY & @ & | % fication is exemplified by the manoeuvre in any settlement} Day or Night 723-3443 2 BI ie | & fact that there ahe now 50,000 ta'ks. Smiths in the Unemployment In- Initial Panamanian reaction surance Commission's master Was favorable. index, it was said. Well over Under questioning, the presi- | 10,000 Smiths have the initial dent said thay '"'obviously" re- | "J. Therefore, it is purely as|storation of formal diplomatic | the mother's last name at birth is asked for, it plained was => the old vic number where _____| the application form will be pro- | | who are from time to time seek- jing or changing employment so that they may make their num- |ber known to their employer im- mediately. Section two is a du- plicate and will have in addi- LBJ Attempts _ To Revive Canal Parley | WASHINGTON (AP) -- Pres- ident Johnson made a personal move Saturday to try to get into a routine briefing being held by his new press secre- tary, George A. Reedy, and sur- prised reporters by reading a detailed statement of his atti- relations between the U.S. and Panama would have to precede any em review of divisive prob: WHAT'S WRONG 2? Can't lead Can't follow Need practice ...... duc Arthur if you've never can go doncing ofter a the Lock confidence ....... Outdated steps ........., cent tudio, Even donc ed before, you lesson or WITH YOUR DANCING? two, and ot. gay student parties, you'll meet new friends -egain poise and populority. There ore LEAN MINCED no strangets at Arthur\Murray's Everybody dances ond has fun. ARTHUR MURRAY ba | This $15.00 donce course ;00d W. MARKS LICENCEE ' for a limited time only. Open daily 1114 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH ge iF 1:00 to 10:00 pm 728-1681 ithe nearest office of the Unem- vided with detailed: instructions While applications for Social Insurance Numbers will be javailable for all employed per- sons through: their employers, if a person is at present unem- ployed and is in receipt of un- employment insurance benefit, |vided directly by the Unemploy-| ment Insurance Commission. | However, if a person is at pres- ent unemployed, but not in re- ceipt of unemployment insur- ance benefit, he will 'apply at ployment Insurance Commission for an application form. All employers who are not at present registered with | the Commission should contact the that all employers will be pro- on how employees are to regi- ster. and on how to return the application forms to the Com- TO HOST FARMERS The Rotary Club of Oshawa,- will be hosts to the farmers of the district at a dinner in Har- mony United' Church Hall to- night. Tom Bouckley will show slides of Oshawa in other years. MERITORIOUS SERVICE J. H. Thompson, of Brooklin, has 'been awarded a_ silver award for meritorious service in major societies at the On- tario Agricultural College, Guelph. SAFETY COURSE The Ontario Department of Lands and Forests Hunter Safe- ty _Course-- sponsored _ by Three Thugs Rob. | Bank In Montreal MONTREAL (CP) -- Three the rial Bank of Commerce today. | The amount stolen, being eounted-by employees when the robbery occurred, was not known. Most stores in the shop- ping centre where the bank is ]o- j}eated normally put their week- lend receipts in the bank's off- hours depository box. tae Douglas Young: N MAY of 1962, Doug- las Young graduated from the University of Western Ontario and TUESDAY and SLICED, PORK LIVER LEAN, TENDER RINDLESS BACON rq | :4 SIMCOE NORTH | NORTH | CLUB STEAKS ist 1. 00 joined the Marketing Division of a large Canadian compayy. Three months later he bought a $20,000 profit- sharing policy from London Life. His age: 22. His premium: $25.85 a month. (This is a special whole life policy that gives lifelong protection but requires premiums only to age 65.) By age 65, he will have paid $13,338 in premiums. How much will he get back? If he leaves his dividends with the Company to age 65, he will then have savings of about $32,120. This is made up of $13,440 in guaran- teed cash value and $18,680 in accumulated dividends. WEDNESDAY 19§| 90' 39: | (The dividends above are based on London Life's current dividend rate. While they are not guaranteed, the Company has had an out- standing record of dividend growth for over 50 years. For example, since 1951 the dividend rate has been increased seven times.) a ae If he lives, his family will he protected for 43 years and he can get hack over twice as much money as he has paid in premiums. When Douglas is 65 and ready to retire, London Life will give him three choices; stop at age 65 For relaxation, Douglas Young took up sailing; for a profitable investment, he bought London Life insurance. Story below: A London Life Jubilee policy is a unique investment. While it gives protec- tion year after year, it also builds surprising savings. Consider the case of (a) Hecan keep his $20,000 policy and continue to build savings. (Remember, his premiums , so he won't pay a penny more.) (b) He can withdraw his savings as a Jump sum. (c) He can use his savings to provide an annuity for life or for a set number of years. Douglas realized that a crippling accident or long illness could cut off his income just as quickly as death. So for less than the cost of a steak dinner once a month, he added the disability income feature to his policy. Should he be unable to work for more than six months, London Life will send him a cheque for $200 on the first of each month. His wife Brenda, and son David, are well protected. On top of the profit-sharing policy, he added $40,000 of London Life convertible term (for a modest additional premium), How Douglas Young can double his money with his London Life policy Later, as his income climbs, he plans to change his temporary insurance to permanent profit-sharing insurance. His policy allows him = to do this without a medical. 'In a financial emergency, he can borrow on the cash value of his Jubilee policy. Quickly and quietly. The interest rate is 6°,--compar- : able with banks' regular lending rates and ' much lower than personal'loan companies'. Here are four more reasons why a London Life Jubilee policy is such a good investments (1) A Jubilee policy is just as safe as high-grade bonds and much safer than most common stocks. It is particularly attractive because while it earns you money it also protects your family. (2) London Life dividends are high partly be- cause the Company invests wisely and profit- ably in Canada. (In 1963, the Company earned 5.54% on its investmentsafter investment expenses.) (3) The London Life Insurance Company operates only in Canada. One reason premiums are low is because Canadians, on the average, are long lived. (4) Flexibility is an important point. With the Protection for Brenda and young David is an important part of Douglas' London Life plan, help of a London Life representative, you can build a program that fits your needs. - For example, if you are under 40, you: can ; reserve the right to buy more insurance later on ; --without a medical. You can pay premiums on . a monthly budget plan. You can add on extra protection while your children are growing. % No two men have the same insurance needs; 2 what is right for Douglas Young may not be ®, right for you. That is why London Life repre- sentatives are schooled to custom-tailor insurance to fit the individual ~ : |Mart Ostler, Mr. and Mrs, Rae' following! The re {month the club was formed at; sdeagemcong Ps ever in Woodview where| Community Centre with 18 trail- 'Phreda Ostler offered grace,er families becoming the first