BIRTHDAY GREETINGS This dainty young lady Is one year old today. She is Sherry Doreen Robinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson, Malaga road. Her grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Town- Ont. Hospital Auxiliaries seek Gift-Shop Advice From Oshawa Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, March ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: How can |. stop nagging my husband? ----~|We have been married three 23, 1964 7) months. I know I am killing his love for me because I continu- UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES "is rally hurt him; After he left for work 1 SA HOME LEAGUE An interesting meeting of the Salvation Army Home League) was held this week, conducted) by the Fellowship Group, with) ** \Mrs, William McCathey, the leader, in charge. | Birthdays, sick and shut-ins| |were remembered. Special an-| nouncements were made, includ-| ing the Home League Rally in) | Peterborough, April 14. A bus is |being chartered and names are |to be given to Mrs, Frank /Buller, | Among the items presented at ithe. meeting was a vocal solo} by Mrs. Major Fred Lewis, and |because it was St. Patrick's day, jthe songs and choruses had an Irish air, send and Mr. and Mrs.| The. guest speaker was the Thomas Robinson, all of Osh- |Reverend pine vig ypc ; . whantinte .y gave a very interesting and en- nwa. Her greaherantnoter lightening message with up to is Mrs. R. Townsend Scar- | qate information on things per- borough. taining to one's own life and --Ireland Studio |that of helping others. ve | Mrs. William James thanked Mr. Porter for his message. Mrs. Robert Clark showed some interesting souvenirs from Ireland, including a dainty lunch cloth, and a walking cane of hawthorn wood, made by an Bo SEES erent ees \the Cheerio Group. uncle. Presiding at the. March|made 72 gowns for the hospital) The previous week, although meeting of the Women's Auxil-\during past year. the snowstorm kept many away jary, Oshawa General Hospital, -Mrs. Russell Nesbitt report- from the meeting, the few that Mrs. C. D. Russell announced|ing in the absence of Mrs. D. gathered enjoyed the cake dec- that Mrs. J. G. Carter had been|S. Jamieson announced that the) ra asked. to speak on gift shop luncheon for. the graduating management at the spring con-|class of nurses would be held Parents Enjoy ference of hospital auxiliaries to| June 1 at the Oshawa Golf Club erg : be held in Cobourg, April 16.) Mrs. C. D. Russell announced) Pupils Acting Mrs. Carter has convened the|that 50 Candy Stripers will at-} Oshawa General Hospital's gift tend classes of orientation dur-) . shop since its inception with ing Easter holidays. iIn School Play outstanding success. | Mrs. Harry Taylor and Mrs.) ., vais tho absence of Mrs. R. W.i7 pric ie ise Says Book Magic", a play direct- In tho T. Eric Sutherland of the Even- 4 hy Mi. Ronald. Phillipe & Bassett, convener, Mrs. Harry/ing Chapter will be delegates (. 3 bership tea would be held in} the afternoon May 27 at Ade-| . laide House. All members were nece on in-hospital volunteer services, sponsored by the Hos- pital Auxiliaries Association of \by the audience so fully that several curtain calls were de- manded of the participants. The} requested to attend and bring @/Ontario to be held in Toronto.| 5jay showed the frustration of a Two new members were intro-| young boy who was house-tied prospective member. Mrs. F. C. Malloy has con- sented to convene the autumn festival to be held in Novem- ber. | In the absence of Mrs. H. B.! James,,Mrs. A. W. Armstrong reported that the furnishing of the nurses' lounge in McLaugh-' lin Hali was now complete. | Mrs. Elmer Dixon reported, that the Library committee dis-| tributed. 202 books and 107 per- fodicals during month of Febru- orating demonstration by Mrs. Pol gb glo Piero vid bhp ai after tne devo-}can't control my mean mouth. eet cmb le travetiea|#@ is @ kind and considerate through the snow for several| Pers? but I can't resist plck- miles, so as not to disappoint Bd all dh nig wreck the members who wouid be atiyo, marriage by nagging my the meeting, and a TT vole) dear, sweet father to death. I of thanks was accorded He. /don want the same thing 1 speaker will be present, Mrs. co ts ben godt ieee Colonel W. Bouterse, who, with) 4, I need your Advice aor her ie poe is conducting altureq Marie d special series of meetings from) ear Marie: You have two! March 22-29, at 8.00 p.m. each strong points in your favor: ics wate sued to re;| nsf You récognize you are al skets nex ' + leu out. | Refreshments were served by) First--be aware that most of |your nagging is rooted in your CLUB 22 jown irritability and dissatisfac- The regular meeting of Club tion with yourself. Your hus-| 22 of Centre Street United band is the one who catches the Church was held recently: Mr.|Heat because he is the handiest| and Mrs. Donald Whitbread, the 'arset. presidents, led the devotional) What you need is a construc- neried and also presided for the) tive outlet for your aggressions I Pp : business. and frustrations Expend your A 7.00 a.m. communion sery-| energies doing housework, club- ice will be held Easter Sunday work, (kids are nice, too). You} morning, followed by breakfast.,must have an outlet that will) Tentative plans were made to|provide you with satisfaction hold a tour in April of. the Auto-|and self-esteem. When you are motive Museum. at peace with yourself you will A film, 'Between the Tides"',)/not nag your husband. | } | | was shown and progressive cro-| Dear Ann Landers: A rela-| quinole was enjoyed. iive of whom I am very fond A buffet dessert was served. |is becoming:a source of irrita- tion to me. She has developed SOCIAL NOTICE a knack for steering every dis-| cussion to sex. | ae it I am not a prude, Ann, and ENGAGEMENT lt enjoy a spicy story as' well Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell R. Ar-|as the next person, but I don't cher of Haliburton wish to an-)care for gutter talk or detailed nounce the engagement of their' descriptions of the sex life of| daughter, Sandra Maxine, to| movie stars and so on. | Barry Roy Stovin, son of Mr.| | : cr Feu gai! | Recently a group of us were and a Roy are " Osh. | discussing politics, This woman awa. e wenene Wit: ake! didn't know anything about the place on Saturday, April 11.1 seus but she knew all the "in- 1964 at three-thirty o'clock | in side" dope on the sex lives of| Haliburton United Church. |the candidates. She dragged| what could have been a high-| level discussion right down to! jout again. duced, Mrs. A. P. Crain |Mrs. Ross Flintoff. and because of a severe electrical storm. His only amusement was : feo read some children's classics (a gift from his'parents), and-in jhis mind, un-amusing. The) |house was left in darkness be- }eause of 'an electrical failure./ |He fell asleep in a short while} jand dreamed of the colorful jcharacters of the books who| |were all trying to interest him| in coming to their own fantasy) |land. When the electrical failure was corrected, he awoke and }a disgusting level | It seems a shame that she| jis making herself so unpopular |with her sex-centred character. | She did not used: to be this way. |What's the matter with her?-- | A.B.C, | Dear A.B.C.{ The poor woman | probably feels her youth slip- | Ping away and she is fright- ened at the prospect of grow- |ing old. It's a pathetic sight }and not an uncommon o | ary. Mrs. Joseph Dominik, conven- er for sewing reported 18 gowns, seven spreads received, 7 12) gowns and seven spreads i "given out, Mrs. F. A. Cochrane, = a friend of the Auxiliary has ° chose Tom Sawyer as his first book to read. The cast were as follows: Mother, Karen Perry; Billy, Randy Kerr; Alice in Wonderland, Bob Baxter; Peter)' Pan, Celeste Briggs; Robinson| LODGES AND SOCIETIES | DAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND | The regular meeting of The} Daughters of England, Lodge 26, was held in the Orange Temple recently. Worthy President, Sis- ter Kate Glover presided, with| vice-president, Sister Nance Murrall assisting. Chaplain Sis- ter Doreen Ladd gave the scrip- ture reading and prayers Sister Sarah Van de Walker reported that flowers and cards had been sent to the sick and shut ins. Crusoe, Diana Sexsmith: Tom|\ Sawyer, Terry Dixon. The en- joyment of the pupils participat- ing was noticed by all present. An Easter hymn from Den- |mark and "The Dream Seller" |were the two selections sung by| the Grade 5 choir.. Mrs. John Crook thanked Mr. Phillips and his class for their most enjoy-) able and entertaining evening. | Oshawa Soprano Wins Top Honors 'The deb aes of. the evening In Kiwanis Festival then totowed by the Lord's ; Prayer. Mrs. Samuel Ven read Miss Gail Perry, a graduate the minutes followed by the of .Kingsway College, won. top treasurer's report by " 'Mrs.| honors in the Kiwanis Music ppomas Tipton. The room atten. Festival at Peterborough, last qance prize was won by Mr Wednesday night. Miss Perry phitips' room, Mrs. Richard received first prize in the Oper- Tack president thanked those atic Solo section for her out- who helped with the carnival | MISS GAIL PERRY HEALTH PROBLEM What's the biggest health! problem in Canada today? It's not, as you might expect, Can-| cer, heart disease, or any of the jills we usually think of in con- jnection with health, but dental | disease, i y TOW FROCT oe et ae, jcan claim complete dental {health at any given time - #9 Mrs, James Semple, presi- dent of Northminster. United Bride's Nagging Destroying Love When she changes the sub to sex, don't just sit there Change it back to whatever the group was discussing. Dear Ann Landers: | am @ girl 16 with a minor skin prob lem. It isn't bad enough to go to see a doctor about but | need advice, When my skin gets especially bad I leave off all cosmetics and then my skin clears up. But I hate to go without makeup because I am very pale and light-complexioned and I look like I am dead without It Soap seems to irritate my skin so I stop using it for sev- eral days. After about a week I can't stand it because my face and neck don't feel clean, so | go back to soap and I break Please help me if you can.-- Elsie Dear Elsie: You say your skin problem is not "bad enough to see a doctor" but your let ter indicates otherwise, I sug- gest you go at once. The doctor will suggest cos metics and soaps which are manufactured especially for people with a sensitive skin." These products will serve not only as beauty aids but many have healing qualities as well st Oty ah one of the many SPODE shapes Select your Dinnerware from the numerous pate: terns and shapes in Spode's Fine Bone China, Earthenware and Lowestoft bodies. De. signs to compliment any occasion or period. Spode Atways in open stock | Since 1770 Bassett - 1 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 723-3332 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 725-7161 Church Women, has appoint- | ed Mrs, Gilbert Jack as con- | vener of a Dessert Tea and Travelogue on Switzerland to be held Wednesday, April 8, starting at 1.15 p.m. Bazaar items, home baking and a baby-sitting service will be available. Committee chair- man include Mrs. George Fisher and Mrs. Kenneth Far- row. Sister Doris McDonald read|standing performance of "Caro the correspondence. Committee Nome" from the Verdi opera, reports were given. Discussion Rigoletto. She was awarded a was held on various projects..mark of 88 points, the highest Final plans were made for a Mark of the evening, and in- euchre to be held in the Orange Vited to compete in the Rose Hall, Tuesday, April 7, at 8.09 Bow! Competition p.m: Miss Perry is a pupil of the Sister Doreen Ladd was elect- noted Weldon Kilburn .of To- ed District Deputy. The commit-|ronto. She has done extensive tee to attend the tuck shop at solo work with the Kingsway) Hillsdele Manor were Sisters College Choir in ifs presenta- Edna Huband, Florence Greene, tion of Handel's Messiah and Annie Mitchell and Sarah Van Vivaldi's Gloria assisted by the de Walker. Birthday greetings Oshawa Sym iy Or tra were sung for Sister. Doreen This talented young coloratura Ladd. The lucky prize was won graduated Kingsway ol by Sister Hilda Constable. lege in 1963. She is currently en- The next meeting wil] be held Tolled in extra music courses at on Tuesday. April 21. Refresh-|the college. Miss Perry is. the ments were served by Sisters daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I, J Beatrice and Mary Hurst and Perry, 1220 King strect cast committee é KAYE'S HOUSEHOLD HINT SPORTSWEAR -- LADIES' WEAR An ironing board cover will 68 Simcoe North stretch back into shape and fit OPEN 'TIL 9 P M ' ' perfectly after laundering if you put it back on the board when' Every Thursdey ond Fridey it's still damp Use Kaye's Budget Plan sl damn NU-WAY RUG OSHAWA LTD. from Upholstery Cleaning -- Home or Plant Authorized Filter Queen Sales & Service Genuine Hoover Sales, Service & Parts Mothprooting and Deodorizing Machine Binding, Serging, Fringing Rug Dyeing * OSHAWA'S ONLY RUG CLEANING PLANT | Approved by the Nationa] Institute of Rug Cleaners VISITORS WELCOME Why Toke Chances With Your Valuable Rugs and Upholstery treat but due to the warm spell, the ice surface was unsuitable for skating. A few delightful thank you notes, received from Miss E. L. Moore's Grade 2 punils, were read It was announced that Mrs Donald Mountjoy, Mrs. Nick Lakas and Mrs. Richard Lack will be attending the convention in Toronto. Also, that Leader- ship Camp will be held June 4-7 this year. é Mrs. Lack adjourned the meeting and lunch was served by the grade mothers of Grades SMART WOMEN .,. have their carpets ond uphol- stery cleaned 'The Safe Way' DURACLEAN 4 and 5 728-8518 EMBA* and STOLES... flattering styles. Compare our ' Natural Wild Mink HHH HHH isso. Marten's Fabulous The finest quality mink pelts fashioned in the most 'Stoles in Emba* Autumn Haze Mink ...,., $375 Majestic* Pastel Mink Autumn Haze Mink Jackets end many other wonderful buys in Minks aster firom MAJESTIC* styles, in all sizes. - JACKETS low prices and fine quality wn $295 Fully lett Soa0 .. $575 DAVID 31 SIMCOE ST. N. Easter's the time for good looking Sava and school shoes. They're made specially for boys and girls,that's why we recommend All itized-treated for lasting hygienic protection. We'll fit your children correctly in smart' and stylish Savage shoes. We carry a wide selection of --AT-- treats Savage dress SON'S 725-3312 RENTAL CONVERSION BURNER FREE INSTALLATION 4% PER WEEK *PLUS TAR OR BONDED FORCED-AIR FURNACES "USING EXISTING DUCTWORK ' INSTALLED FOR '1.81 PER WEEK THIS OFFER APPLIES TO CITY OF OSHAWA RESIDENTS ONLY Call Today MR. BEST 723-3468 _ (Gonsumers "as 29 CELINA ST, - OSHAWA