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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Mar 1964, p. 12

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Italian Foods 44,) The regular season 5 J if . 3 Da . 1 Yom lms vem: that tern 26 1900 People's Clothing [i 's3: Sate wb eo east LAPD Sr PDEA at. Cartage 26, M 'slbon Bowl to take on O'Connor Even The "piferee Clinch 4th Place Geaiieee shit : Gets Keyed Up In) ree ee recon ng! Deen cele 7, ysis ; cision from T. Anthony Ltd./lowed by Himes 239, For An-|the Eastern Canadian -|val's ction of Le Bour- ce 4 Cc ; The Mea oS the day -- Joe Roncadin's 251 was|pionship Roll-offs. geois Gentilhomme. erwe well down as ins were| best. _ Stanley Cup Games firearm nom » Rhona ry bowled a total of only 5,703 for|Clothiers who rolled their best @ ILLUMINATED PAR 3 4 points while Anthonys could|score of the 1272 to 1072. . ee By DAVE BETTS The man who must appearjearly days and admits he was pl muster 5,450 for H point. |McMaster rolled his second 4 : @ NEW CLUB HOUSE Press Staff Writer |immaculately fait while mil-|too officious, ; The first game was taken by|Straight 300 game for the Cloth- : It's Or ra ce cot outte lions of others ate being blat-| "It's @ matvel I kept my Job.|ine 'Clothiess by the poral! fers with 305 followed by Bob the man antly one - sided admits: "1/1 Was always in trouble. It was! nargin of 93 pins, 1,168 to 1,145,|Strutt 273, Himes 262 . and @ arene GOOD striped shirt. have i strictly my own fault, I irri- c butterflies before a game v ny John Trott led the 'Clothiers in|Sartz 253, For Anthonys, Ron- As senior referee in the Na gameltated players by giving them this one with 261 followed by|cadin's 279 was best. : permitting) tional Hockey League, 39-year-|2nd I can't sleep too well." old Frank Udvari of Kitcliener,| The worst part is the wait- Fagevers| fostitity Soy tere Ron Swaftz 248 and Mickey Mc-| Individual totals on the day Ont., will have a lot of tension-|ing. stepped on the ice. I worried|Master picked up 163 pins in 6/for the Clothiers were as fol- ~-- FROM -- ' 'Ee. filled hours of waiting during) '"'As I sit on the train and/41 the danchad two x-rays for|{rames of relief bowling and Seljlows: McMaster 1063 for 39 4 ' we the next few weeks. think about " game i mend ulcers."" poms nk --_. 7 148 pins . 6 -- Himes 923 for 38, McLau ghlin S : He'll travel alone between thejconscious of the importance of/ he taught: himself to ian aed = yee or re ws ee ¢, Strutt 38 cities of' the four teams in-|it to so many people, People volved in the eo Cup play-|often ask me: 'Why worry?' I Hm igh Sed orga ian ae was high. Baliem 540 for 26 and Don Hen offs. He'll sit alone in his hotel|think no matter how hard a age fe ta|, Anthonys bowled their best|ning 307 for 18..For Anthonys, erepnone 723- 348] room, He'll be alone as he eats|referee tries to forget about the cacti wg 7 " peg e \c-\game of the day in the second|Chuck Reed was high with 1203. his pre-game steak, importance of the playoffs, it's Fo out a back door of the) came to take' this one 1205 to| As a result of last Satur. Interchange No. 65 and 401 Then to the boos and jeers of|bound to affect him." orum. 1044. Vie Franciotti led An-|daz's action the Clothiers have Prompt Delivery ! 24-Hr. Service se Highway et Pickering thousands of partisan specta-| Udvari came into hockey's} He says he never goes intojthonys with 283 followed by|assured themselves of at least tors he'll skate onto the ice|top professional league when|a game looking for trouble, but|Reed's 246. For the Clothiers,/a fourth place finish with the er nee : E PHONE with two linesmen, with thou-jhe, was only 25, After a month|when he knows he must offici-/Swartz was high with 241. possibility of finishing in third judg in --- Automatié Weather-Controlled Delivery sands of dollars and the happi-\of seasoning in the Americanjate a game between two clubs) People's took a low scoring|place should they overtake "Turn To Modern Living With Oil Heat" } ? ZENITH 9-2430 ness of millions of yevend im ogg v4 pasane, be e _-- are --t = a fight, he/third Cy 1043 to 985 as Himes|Hotel Pierre in the final week (no toll cherge) depending on the split-second|up because of illness of one of/becomes more tense. was high for. the Clothiers with|of howling, 7! . wsxd wh decisions he must make during|the veterans in the fall of 1951.) Udvari says no player has|239. last iaarlay ane" py me McLaughlin Coal & Supplies Lid. ig! the next three hours. Since then the man with the/deliberately maimed him, al-| The fourth game went to the People's Credit Jewellers 47 110 KING ST. -W. ie "I have no different approach|reputation for glass - climbing/though he once had a close call| sees to playoff hockey," Udvari says,jand signal - shouting has sur-|with Howie Young, former "but I can't deny that I'mj|vived all the pressures Of|haq man" with Detroit Red) keyed up more. Consciously he brawls, pr Lge eg Wings. . unconsciously there's no doubtilations, abuse from the fans) « that you coat extra effort. The/newspaper criticism and his cated came after me and 1 WE RE TRUMPE TING-IN LAS T MINUTE SAVINGS BEFORE players go harder and you have|own nervousness to become the ¢ it, Fortunately, aes av to skate more to keep up onjsport's top official. Pronovost "grabbed him." " the play. Udvarl looks back at the) 1, ine ordinary course "| business Udvari has been cut, = bruised, tripped, crushed in the GREENWOOD RA corners, draped on the glass and slashed in the face. Once Lou Fontinao, former Mont- FIRST RACE -- 7 Furlong pace for 4; Also Ran in Order: Ruth Hal S, Spitfire year-olds and up. Purse $800 (8). Grattan, Brandywine Boy, Mr. Obanion,/real defenceman, accidentally #Light Rhythm, Haryeft 6.80 4.00 3.10) and Brother Paul C.. sliced a six-stitch gash in his teoide Elgin ag on teas 790) sixcrH RACE -- 7 Furlong Trot tor #|face, OPEN TONITE 'TIL 9 P.M, gr 3 ; APRIL Ist od BUILDING SUPPLY good, won handily. |year-olds and up. Purse $m 8). as Udvari has had his share of Also Ran in Order: Swing Harmony, |3Ardee, Wellwood 0 oe ithe tough ones, He holds the f Mighty Hi C, Jovial Abbe, Lochinvar | 5Chappie's Boy, Gordon 4.30 2.80 8 H TIOURS: Open Dai! és 7 Mack, and Senator Herbert, 2-Van's Pride C, Palmer 2.70|record for handing out the most + Open Daily : % racormil eed Start good for all, won driving penalties in a game--36 moe Bs son uth 9 on b TAX INCREASES TO 8 Oeveese SHOP SECOND RACE -- 7 Furlong pace for) Alse Ran in Order: Madam Sampson, 994 minutes to Toronto Maple ear-olds and up. Purse $800 (8). nd F Symbol. + ' 4 EXnay. Counsel, Kingston "10.60 4.20 4.00 a QUINELLA, 3 AND §, PAID $2sg0 |L@ats and Canadiens in Mont- sltastadin thie ee, 1 }-Direct Saint, Lutman . 1 real in 1955. He was also the 20| Late Can. -- Josephine Lind. . s ee referee for the Chicago Black- " RIGHT NOW AND 2 ° Also Ran 'a Order: Sundown Sivek, avetoia aad Um, Alle ian Hawks-Toronto brawl last Dec. | Ya 4 : . Plex 1 ON tall ail ela {Dickie 8, Crowe 490 3.90 2.90 eee in the history of the} f AND 4 PAID $94.10 |3Time Study, Anderson 4 j 'oain¥ Voouaue 5 ph go ig ony ativine $00/ "You have to work out of oe : mr, _ tong * good, won 3 PAddl 4 oa un. Purse $600 or ul Also Ran in 'order: Hollyreod Richard,| your own predicaments. There's &Rescal Sandy, Coke 1.70 3.90 3.00 pam G, Dr. Giles, Tim Boy, and Stormy|)a strict league rule that the| SJosedale Fivaway, Walker -- 3.80 3.00/ Brown, referee must stand back and, J-Stuart Davis, Burrison 3.00 Start good, won driving, - EIGHTH RACE -- 7 Furlong Pace forjobserve any altercation while Also Ran in Order: Bud raph,|Syear-olds. invitation. Purse $2,000 (8). |the linesmen try to separate kvtop | Al le Chips, Hi .50 3.90 2. ; Maint Put hea Sjudy Chief G. McNutr ago 290(the players, Sometimes I tell ns we ony Beverns, Rh Rheo Filion .50\the linesmen to let them go to Neos ' RTH a 'tong ir good, driving 7 "~ x ve Syoorcles and Up, Puree 4600 tt). Also Ran in Order: Armbro Erin, Look "4 so maybe they'll think twice s ° i # Tonto Ranger, Beltligh 14.20 6.00 3.30| out Haw Lea, Stoney Burke, Gracie Loch-jthe next time. Some players 4 ; 3.50 2.40/lovar, and A-Dox Dale. only pretend they're going tommy is TSafety Man the Second, Crowe 3. eget r Galen Sivlae. meee & nen Pee Come Oe OP ght, hoping someone will hold| them back." pone men » Créer: Stor, Nib, tui] NINTH RACH <1 Mile Pace for & During the p1 ffs. th | \ SH j rel MIC cKinney, Farcry Guy, frank's - uring the playoffs, the r ay ERA Salle, and Danny Prim. year-olds and up. Purse bats OBE e90|league dictates that Udvari and| & CEILING TILE J VINYL FLORTILE WALL TILES &-Frisco Killean, Jemes FIpTH Race 7 fureny ge for > He pews Lady, > ee mas his fellow referees must at 4 year-olds and up. Purse 7 x eerryau: ates lh 6 8 ea tet Say mane, saoy[DaDY "of players, officials or : 12" x 12" TONGUE AND GROOVE, | 80 gauge B.P. VINYL ASBESTOS FLOR- 1-Stormy Afom, Filion 4.80/Valley, Gypsy Baron, Keystone Killean,|anyone connected with hockey. A pattern, color and price to meet TILE in @ tremendous range of patterns Any_color you could possibly require will Start good, won handily. and Germika every requirernent. PRICED FROM, end colors, FROM : be found i excellent grouping of quality pot tiles. . =< | : PER PER PER Gordie Howe Tops 3c 2. | UZ ih © 2 NHL In Experience 3 , a TORONTO (CP) -- If, as the)Kelly with 1,250 are the other 4] iO BIRCH & FIR KNOTTY PINE experts agree, experience is the| Leafs who have appeared in 7 : DOORS TILE BOARD PANELLING big factor in Stanley Cup play- 1,000 games. Kelly has played : i 'arious colours -- Bake ename y 6" - 8" and 10" widths offs, defending champion Tor- to Maple Leaf: d Detroit}! his professional games in the . : } Red Wings. should meet in th ; Widths 16 -- 18" -- 1/10" | finish. 4' x 8' sheets. tee ~ Tiga should meet in the|NHL. Horton has been in 830 { i vidi ( : [NIL contests and Stanley 98. oa" EO" ty 8". Reg. 45c sq. ft. ONLY PER M co are the only two clubs| The other two playoff clubs, Se in the National Hockey League|Montreal and Chicago, do not , ' SQ. showdown with players who|have a player in the 1,000-game ; a | ONLY ing have played 1,000 or more pro-|club, although Jean Beliveau of j : ] EACH e y € FT. Ls fessional games -- and both|Canadiens is close with 918. ABITIBI teams have four in this group. Only two other active NHL 5 a As might be expected, super-|players have appeared in 1,000 fi 2 p star Gordie Howe of the Wings)games, and both are with last-|j ee s , PRE-FINISHED WEST AFRICAN 'thas played in more games than/place Boston Bruins. i : fi ARBORITE any other active player in pro} Defenceman Tom Johnson has i : - ee: 4 MAHOGANY hockey. When this year's regu-|been in 1,169 games, 1,038 in : g lar season wound up, his. total|the NHL, and iron-man Andy All the very latest colors and Toasted, Noturol'or Honeytone Firiish. ad peed ie er re eee 4 was 1,363 games, 1,306 of them|Hebenton now has donned the Af i ' in the NHL. |skates 1,064 times, 652 in the | patterns to selent from. ' 57° 4' x 7' Sheet ' im Mx 24 8' sheet : : Totals include regular season/National League. Per Sq, Ft. ....... 4' x 8' Sheet ae REG. 4.95 NOW and playoff contests. | | Other Detroit players who SPECIAL! Limited colors PRE-FINISHED : have reached the 1,000 - game John Ovens, 0.2. PLAIN available at this low, low, clear- 4 fy Pa me fi ay PER i x 1 4. SE pe er A plateau are defencemen Bill dsby with 1,175 (1,163 in th or FILTER out price. ¢ NHL) and ot Peenovost oe an Per Sq. Ft. .. as 49 4' x 8' Sheet SHEET NHL) and Marcel Pronovost eeeece with 1,121(865 in the NHL) and] 8 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA CIGARETTES goalie Terry Sawchuk with 1,087)} . PH. 723-4811 fi nthe NE, a Teague ee. | ALUMINUM rou HOODS MODERNFOLD ord.) * == : Ufo nome | * DOORS 9 DOORS) Maple Leaf. goalie, Johnny s (~) Bower, oldest performer in the Be! J : pO NHL, also has taken part in La} ' Pre-framed, self-storing aluminum doors, Coppertone enamel finish, completely psa 'ea ant Pe gh : : @ solid one-inch thick. Quolity product assembled ond wired, 6-bladed fon with ing. doors, Model h these a beautiful Beige + sigh be peed om, te hel 593 CEM, totally enclosed motor, fits con- tal is 1,151, ut e | ot Hent doll i ice. fe ' NHL. By * GOODWILL * "oe oe ventional 8°" duct. Reg. $19.95 NOW ae Toronto defeacemen Tim Hor-| COMPLETE Model 5424 tn 8 andl Sn SPECI AL | eh An 15 95 alee 1 | // | 31.82 | Now 3135 | Ld. Mets Stadium (Other models at similar savings) (Other models at similar savings) » to eae 2 i HANDY HOOKS Expected Ready § st "tieaat aos = P| aa MASONITE PEG BOARD | sorte tevis--CatOO\ 9 Bh By Opening Day ae 5 aes EK | 8) Mig gi "oe TOOLKIT. s74 dies | y } Sheets. EACH wu Sheets. EACH [| plus 0 vorlety of individual hooks " all ig egy (AP) -- There's| , ey \ enow in the dugout and centre ' ~ | sae ite field is a swamp, but the new home of New York Mets is go- -- ee a oy '4 USE OUR CONVENIENT 6-MONTH DEFERRED PAYMENT PLAN season. | Most of the 55,000 seats are ita ee ec : ¢ NO DOWN PAYMENT ... NO PAYMENTS FOR 6 MONTHS @ five tiers of stands. The infield grass is growing. Bulldozers are) Dn autos. churning in the outfield, filling Pow ' in the mud puddles. Brckas: eat A "We'll be ready. The parking Vinyl Soft Roof Cover, | FARMER'S MARKE I lots, the escalators, the restau- Custom Radio, Whitewoll | rants, the drinking fountains, Tires, Immaculate | iS the playing field--all ready by | throughout is EASTER SPECIAL OPEN ij April 17," said Rick Praeger, a 48-HOUR SPECIAL ONLY AT FRESH KILLED be gg urs., partner in the engineering and sacar TH CLIFF MILLS MOTORS@M © & BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. | "OASTERS & CAPONE uttic*at And so in a little more than| All types of Fresh and Home Baked Goods th k baseb: f Save 'tamous' Now Yor Seti Se KING ST. WEST or. mI 1279 SIMCOE NORTH 728-6291 | will charge out to play in their " new playground. a hn hi Mr hi Mi Mi Mn Mi ML, |

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