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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Mar 1964, p. 20

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20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Merch 26,1964 _ Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings TORONTO AM 11:00 Net 11 Net Nn By. The PB Shee Stock Seles High Low a.m. Ch'ge Stock Sales High-Low a.m. Ch'ge Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Toronto Stock Exchange--March 26 | Woodwd A 625 $24 m4 %4| Peel Elder 100 890 890 890 +5 | Un Fort 1000 10 10 «10 --% (Quotations in cents unless marked $.) wdwd A w 3200 870 860 870 +35 | Placer 610 $322 3 Upp Can 500 142 142 142 +2 1--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex-| Zellers xd 7S $39 39% 39% 235.815 815 815 Violam 600 340 rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net. change Is 3000 Wasamac 00 115 us from previous board-lot closing sale.) OILS 142 | West Mines 1900 585 585 +5 1000 2° 155 155 +1 | INDUSTRIALS All Rox 14500 133 aes St The Newest Alminex 755 290 295 +1 pod aa a 11 Net Am Leduc 36600 +1% 500 1000 12% 12% 1244+ | Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge| Caivert 25500 47 175 --6 Y 2200 4% 4a 4 | Abacon 250 6 60 60 CS Pete 100 : a +5 2 z Zulapa 283200 41 37. #@ +4 | Alta Dist. 200-310-310 310 Sen cr lem Sullivan 182 182 Sales to 11 a.m: 1,88,000, Cent Dei 1600 ~§ Sunburst ad eg Ait Gas" 300 $07% 30 ar » 2 Terettory FOREIGN TRADING | Alta Gas 200 $32% 32% 32%-- Ve, C Dragon 1500 2 8 Alt Gas B pr 20$106 106 106 Gr Plains 100 $104 10% 1042+ %| Thom L Alta Dis wts 400 110 110 110 Alta Gas w 250 89 $15% 154 15% Tombill GNG B wt 200 220 220 220 p "4 q , x55 I /fff 890 890 72 : : -- A /. if Alta Nat 18% + Ve 508 420 Torbrit C Mosher 100 145 145 (145 y d |! ; j jj Denison 500 $l4¥a 14a 14a By ; : es / vent att 2 tra no | model! \ ee Feces A 32a + Ve 80 Tribag 1700 30 Yy Qa + Ve W7 4 Un Buffad 1500 4 Provo Gas 200 20% + Ye, Quonto 2 " U Keno xd 1800 Un Keno 8400 600 25 $102% 102% 102% 118 600 ne (118 : : s2u 2) 2 0% 10% l0%+ ' e $74 Th TM 50 225 225 25 | oe bh d th "na. im V131 behind-the-ear $674 672 67\4 20 #1 400 400 400 +100 105 46 144 290 290 290 | 750 $175 17% 17% Yan Can th 6 : Bay Mills 300 $8% 8' 84+ % Bell Phone 985 $52% 52% 524+ % Bell Ph rts11298 119 117 119 +2 | MINES ick 125 $10%4 10% 10% | All Pitch 12500 24 23% 24 $75 7575 | Am Larder 500 15% 15¥2 15/2--%% $306 30%e 30% | 100 184 184 184 $26% 26% 264+ % ea 1 "45 «(145 $16%4 16% 16% 122 122 4 46 Mb | eae $56% 56% 56% wu 385 5 $20%% 205% 20% Bankfield 12% 1% N""--1 $6 6 6 +%% Bary Expl 24¥2 24¥2 24a + V2 609 $10% 10% 10% Baska 200 13«13--' 13 + 200 $21% 21% 21 Belleterre 24a U4 2a +1 $0 528% 28% 28% + % Bethin 1000 620 615 615 --5 Bibis 4500 232 22 A+ 2 +) Brunswk 310 835 830 830 --10 13 Bunk Hill 77400 40 37 37%4--2%2 9% + Ye) Camp Chib 4600 495 480 495 +30 Cc Chem w 700 700 | C Mines 6575 31 30 31 ' : : o% C. Collieries ag ae C Dyno 1400 121, 118 120 --2 ' ai s * C Colli 63pr Candore 2000 19 «#19 #619 : 3 6p ee Candor my Pe : . SPECIAL PURCHASE! 60% W%--% C Keeley 3000 45 45 45 8 ce 192 19¥%4 | Chimo, 4200 112 : es os 400 | Coniagas 1600 68 38% + "e 2 woul q ; : : 3 e : L | ua + Me 125 4 31% + Ve 510 0 : ee 505 510 +1 16% 12% 11% 124-+1 nn 2 Ordinarily 13.95 to 22.50! Ss +% : Cop. dp vo 136 s VA (1, 00 ; 4 . : Personal Shopping Only (Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders) Crush Int xd 415 na | gto 2 cl f red tab ie Ws + M%| Gran phe ent ot le weeks of D Deir pr 725 134 East Sull 280 - 20 «6S 51 5 Me se 109 68 5% + Me 151 150 Ws--%l ¢ 12% 19%4 If you are still searching for that special Easter bonnet, you're likely to find 154 r Gold 425 18% Grendve 565 . 504 shes piel mae To celebrate its impressive 75 year history of ss : aye : : i : rt tM | Hastings jag a ae personalized service .with the finest bakery hats. Choose your favourite style, Breton, Fly-Away Brim, Pillbox or Profile, Hollinger " Bs us Hud Bay 275 $67 | products, BROWNS' BREAD presents a contest | oe ' CH ECK TH ESE in straws fine and rough, straw cloth, Swiss braid and some European casuals it in this beautiful and colourful collection of newly designed Spring sample 50 Int Helium 100 i izes -- i ! a ame ou a 'et aa te with almost 1,000 prizes -- all in cash 340 E 100 $30, 30, 30 Jelex 500 25 25 28 in stitched taffeta. A dazzling array of Spring colours. (mow he | oe i008 | 75 PRIZES EVERY WEEK for 12 weeks FEATURES tae a" Bi 4 a | Ist PRIZE $75.00, 74 prizes of $1.00 each . ps GM $88 88 GP Drill A 150 105 105 105 Jowsey S Mek A 10) $74 7% Th | | Kenville 50 PLUS j j : EATON SN Ceo pr m0 sm ase nm 5] RR As gah oe 3 | ONE $2,500.00 GRAND PRIZE at end of contest 4 FOR Special Price, Gr Weg G 250 $15'2 15% 15% L Dufeult 5035 $10% 1014 10% + Ye) AND : @ 190125 125 8 8 ; WOR Gs i vices seeeen Hono Rg saad Le re ao 450 480 450. +10 | 74 CASH PRIZES OF $25.00 zm $6 Home A 722: $15' 15% 15% becort 17500. Sb 8h SA+ 16 St sree. pepe a PERFORMANCE a Ses) a See | han : EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 204 Husky 39933 $64 6% 64+ Malartie 1000 66 66S sao RE a AE roe HERE 1S ALL YOU DO--Every loaf of bread will ; 4 : oe eee bo lhUl eh A have one end label with the words 75th ANNIVER. Ind Accop 405 $25 24% 25 + %) prattgml 814% he Ve | SARY and a space for your name and address, A behind-the-ear instrument with a front- ad 1s sa tee ee | Os ee ve Remove this label, fill in your name and address ae Int UN 100 $22% 22% 27% + | Moycny'e and mail to BROWNS' BREAD, Postal Station "G", facing microphone--this eliminates inter- inter PL. McMar Toronto. : : ; : aore F Send as many entries as you wish each week. Put fering noises from behind you, pid 75 Pg oc 4) Mt Wright them ail in one envelope. Be sure you have correct 900 S54 $2 52 = ing a : : postage. All entries are eligible for a weekly prize M5 250230" 250 Neanex wis aes AND the final grand prizes. A telephone pick-up. coil--allows you to eure" 15% 15a 15¥a +1 Weekly contests close each Monday at 12 o'clock : a Newlund v7 noon, Late entries go into following week's contest, concentrate on the conversation ... cuts 20% mn 2000 Every Monday, 100 entries will be selected : oa Norlex from a revolving drum. The first 75 of these out background sounds. 32% phe neers on 100 entries who can be reached by telephone seg O'Brien 200 | will receive a prize if they give the correct +%| °% ; H rae ; 2% 27V Sas answer to a simple question. A built-in automatic volume cut-off. -- 1904 | oo oy Nay hy Parents or other adults in the home can ? f wae ee Satur 7 Wy Nt answer for children of 12 years or younger. therefore lound sounds won't cause pain or MEPC Paramaq ny ' All weekly prize winners will remain eligible hh Mh | : ; : mane" ee so 3m 1s | Pex int, 2 2 a 4a with all other weekly entries for the grand distortion. Milt Bfick 500 14 200 320 320 320 --l0| Peerless ; Mont Loce 100 $12% 12% 12%--V prizes at the end of contest, May 30th. Montex ms | REMEMBER, every one of the variety of delicious ; : Montex wt $00 140 135135 7 M Hest hl if A long-lasting battery -- allowing low Net Dg 185 $13 1313. + "| Commit an loaves of BROWNS' BREAD has an entry label with g g y g Noranda 327 $442 46'% it or on it. : 20% operational costs. NO NGas 750 $20% 20% | Ocean Cem 800 $16 16 16 +%) 2 | Employees of Browns' Bread and their families, the Advertising 435, $15%4 154 154-- % 0 Ospl a Agency and advertising media, are not eligible to enter this contest, a a 2m 2684 -- | H NNERS ¢ a @.- EATON'S Guarantee -- "Goods Satisfac- Pow 10% 10% =| pice eres on After Beating Wh, _tory or Money Refunded". QN Gas' se 7% " . (CP) -- A QN Ges pr 7 , | WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) R Yarns 300 +25 | a6 wear uburban Riverside H H Reval Berk 0 sz 717i m/ab-veRr-old ube | ; Special Purchase! Striped Combed Cotton ogg le er 4 im 19 -- Wing Bodily harm after his. four| Mn. 6. 6 Sheperds 7 Violet Ave, Torente 13, Ont. For further information, or to make an ap- P pe | Salada eM i a d- A : ' } Seven Arts 1 1%+ wland five-year-old sons were ad-| FOLLOWING 74 NAMES EACH WIN $1.00 EACH: ointment for a Home Demonstration, tele- Shell Can 1 16% -- '| mitted to hospital ee a APA Mrs. R. Grignon, 39 King's Crescent, Ajox P : ir Vga 5 Shop Seve 1% 13 + ve,Sive bruises, was comm! 0 : iy easugal la yet oo phone 725-7373. j i ari i St. | Simpsons 4 42% 42% + "ithe Ontario Hospital. at SI lacey Ha seen Slater Steel 710 13% 13% ' servation Wed-| 3 i ore "needy peuvis,, te Bara eg 's Hi Requires. Little or No lronin St iio ; e ve ; | . J. Kapteyn, RR. No. 4 i i Stedman 1160 $202 20 202 +1%) Roy Stanley Ballowill WAS | ON CrORD "Maas. Gerald Rheberhen, RR. No, 4 Eaton's Hearing and Optical Centre q Steel C xd gio ie, 182+ % committed for 60 days on the) Mrs. Ben Steers, RR. No. 2 Suptest ord 10) 165165165 --5 |recommendation of psychiatrist] BRAMPTON : B. Harwood, 89\ Frederick Street | EATON'S UPPER LEVEL PHONE 725-7373 Tamblyn 400 $2121, 21. br. Kenneth G. Phin, | Soeumence' Se eee ER Me: (8 A--SUNSUIT -- this pert little outfit is B--'TENNIS' DRESS -- 'wrap around' style Texaco yd iva 1% -Balkawill was charged Satur- ' : W. A. McCracken, Elgin Street styled with elastic at back waist and leg dress with matching panties. Dress has two T Fin A 650 : : aul his f COBOURG . Jean Cline, 568 Burnham Street. patch. pockets, a novelty tennis motif, tie Tr Can PL 1405 wae ft %| day = -- me i. QUT") COOKSVILLE = Mrs. A. Dykstra, 2436 Haines Rood edges, domed crotch, suspender straps that belt closing ond is outlined with matching t 665 ear-old son Roy, Jr., and Caus-| DOWNSVIEW rs. N. Moeore,4 Lady York Avenue : ¥ ss i 4 : i! rf trons PPL 125 9 9 + 4/5) him bodil fees Roy and| HIGHLAND CREEK Mr. G. Ryan, 100 Scarbor Avenue $ Th FI ff F) b Chi k H t hi tie ot back waist, Topped with a smart plain trim. Panties have elastic at waist and Turnbull A. p 225 2% 2% jing -him y n. Oy ISLINGTON Mrs. Tina Phillips, 43 Wilmer Rood ee é@riv y a y icKS Haic ing white collar with on anchor as trim, Colours leg edges. Sizes 4, 5, 6 and 6x in colours Versatile 1200 a % ac "4 his older brother, Kim, 5, were} mapoc Mrs. Roy Rose, General Delivery é of blue, pink or yellow olf with white of yellow, blue or pink all with white stripes ee ea sa + s,|taken to hospital for treatment) | 145, Marl Delact, a2" Herrew Street stripes. Sizes 2, 3 ond 4 EATON Special Price, Welt OM ote wu ime (of injuries received "a what po- Mrs: Wan. Rogers¥ 27" Knaseboro Street IN t rn TON'S sence vee 1A h 2.98 é : 2.98 os "« 17% -- Va} lie i was a beating. NEWMARKET = Mrs. Roy French, RR. No. 2 cial Price, each ...,. Ww Mecine 15 SIT aya be we Lanes ey per Rare old ; Mrs. J. Gibbons, 181 Penn Avenue : Weston A car lek oe cm, wo ye »| OSHAWA Mrs. E. Ashmore, 76 Thorntcn Road, North wstn 6 pr 25$ Dae as jalso su*fered head bruises, but Mrs. 0. Lazdins, 94 Central Park, South ke CO lwas i hospital, | PORT CREDIT Mrs. Betty Mountford, 404 Orano Avenue, (NOT ILLUSTRATED) 250 $13% 1314 13% was not admitted to hospital. | Mrs. E. Radford, 1470 Liveoak Drive = we -- Se Mr. Lloyd Roberts, 1608 Asgard Drive SHIFT DRESS--aolso With matcking panties, Shift is styled with buttor.-down the back closing NERD ALE ied Cine 7 aon: Dare slits at sides with bow trim, flower applique trim, neck, arm and hem edges are trimmed in . Mrs. M. Ewack, 7 Kennebec Crescent A (@) v7] Wi matching plain cotton .Ponties have elastic at waist ond leg edges. Sizes 4, 5, 6 and 6x PETERBOROUGH Mrs. J. Hubbs, 529 Hamilton. St: . ; ' F; A ' KING ST. U NITED CHU RCH PORT HOPE Mrs. Morley Vaihen. Uh. Me. . In E T N S Front indow in stripes. of turquoise, yellow or pink. with white. 2 9B = BON. ic cecccccscceveceeee SCARBOROUGH Mrs. R. Barclay, 155 Vauxha rive ji r a = 128 KING ST. EAST | pg gh cg Facing the Mall poms Miss Sharon Hills, 1607 Victoria Park, Apt. 215 TH 3 C HOI R Mr bn Kettrick, 94" Midlond EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 210 PHONE 725-7373 Mrs. H. Lawrence, 18 Grassington Crescent . Mrs. ¢ eda id devidttt ave . . : Mrs. A. * i Presents a Mis: © Shaw, 38 Neapeliten Drive Mr. Venhuizen, 63 Montvale Drive Mrs. A. Waite, 9 Medway Crescent e se ; n ] S Mrs. V. Wilson, 3673 St. Clair Avenue : ; bb " H Choral Service guia ee a ty Mag | = 1 © "Mastertested" Canada Varnish Mrs. Me Griffin, 9 Cunningham Ave., Toronto 3 eee meee reer eere seers eeeenebeesene . » 6. ley, 5 Rosemore Road, Toronto 4 ? F i ¢ 4 . s «s e . : fr tatew, 100 aie areas: Teens Sn - isa White Finishes--Exterior and Interior GOOD Mrs, J. Lazara, 193 'Withrow Avenue, Toronto 6 ° } chi ae. Mrs. H. Levkoe, 547 Roselawn, Torcnto 12 Mrs. J. Lindsay, 109 Falstaff Avenue, Toronto FRIDAY Mis 3. ¥) Metanthy, BS Grevedéle' Avuaay Terente 15 / You can be proud of your home and cottage when they wear a handsome Mrs. Rhea Mein, 90 Gledhill Avenue, Toronto 13 || aa coat of paint. Order these durable "Whites" by "Canada Varnish" while rs. A, E. Savage, indemere Avenue, Toronto i bis ' . . . Mrs. V. Sharpe, 355 Lumsden Avenue, Toronto 13 | : j a - _ they're specially priced! Mrs. Toit, 36 Cordella Avenue, Toronto 9 \@ N halking White H Pai Mrs. Grant jompson, ighfield Road, Toronto 8 ee: P -( March 27th ' Mr. Mike Petra, 600 Brock 'Avente, Toronto 4 %y q e or std fs ite muse aint : Mrs. J. Pladsen, 30 Petman Avenue, Toronto 7 : @ Semi-gloss Interior White : Mr. Hugh Wright, 128 Hilimount Avenue, Toronto 19 bs . ? é a as y 7:30 P.M, Mrs. D. Catto,.87--Ith Street, Toronto 14 , f ' j @ Interior Latex Rubber Base White TRENTON Mr. Peter Gunter, RR. No. 3 } i 3 F WEST HILL Christine Pollock, 451 Friendship Avenue | WESTON Mrs. H. Graveston, 77 Aura Lea Blvd. f 5 BR ' 1 Mrs. W. A. Green, 8 Hibiscus Court j } : bch he - Paes Mrs. A. Huntington, 34 Yorkdale Crescent i { eci rice Choir Director and | Mrs..M. Tremblay, 2699 Weston Road | r ee i a " | WILLOWDALE Mrs. R. McKay, 49 Grandview Avenue | Wenamuae ee GON nie ks oe teeeaue e WOOLER ts ' it . Mrs. James Dorland, Wooler, Ontario Organist RHYDDID 70 rf Si Anniversary Lou ies -- EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 275 : PHONE 725-7373 - WILLIAMS ¥ - WILLIAMS : J : ae : en | OPEN TONIGHT (THURSDAY) UNTIL 9 "fRInAY, Maken on

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