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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Mar 1964, p. 5

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WHITBY And DISTRICT Whitby Kureau Office 111 Dundas St. West Manager: John Gavit | ' Tel. 668-3703 WALKOUT ENDS Solve LASCO Dispute The overtones of a strike at|cording to Mr. Beckstead, was Lake Ontario Steel's Whitbyljable to solve the dispute in plantsite were dispelled at a/half an hour. : short meeting Wednesday after-| A disagreement in the terms noon. of the proposal still appears to A walkout by nine operating|be present, however. Mr. Beck- enginecrs at the project Tues-|st ad said LASCO had assured day morning all by paralysed|them that local labor would be construction on the multi-|used on the rail-lines. million-dollar plant just south-| Mr, Heffernan said a compo- east of the Town of Whitby. [site crew of local and CNR The men left their jobs when| workers would be used. Operating Engineers local rep- resentative Art Larocque call- ed them to a 1 p.m. meeting.) They were protesting the pres-| ence of ONR workers and) equipment laying track on the! PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs, Earl Ward, 103) Mary street west entertained on LASCO, construction super- visor Jack Miller said Tuesday, would lose $35,000 per day in) the event of work stoppage. Pikets were thrown up around the 'ant this morning and gates were locked. All trades-union personnel were turned away by the pcketers. Mr. Beckstead said that he and Larocque, along with Iron- workers rep George Allan had agreed that the nine operators and about 100 laborers would return to work today. Some he said, were being contacted to return to work Wednesday afternoon. H |Women, Heffernan And Union UCW Ladies As the NHL playoffs open to- night, the sports pages are filled ear Solo, And Piano with tributes to the players and coaches of the four participating Unit No. 4 of United Church temas: This is the tribute to the ref- St. Mark's United Church, held its monthly meet- eree. It is written by Whitby Councillor George Bevan, who is ing at the home of Mrs. Glen Sawyer, 408 Fairview drive, the stepfather of NHL referee Vern Butfey. Tuesday, March 24 at 2 p.m. Leader Mrs, R. H. MacCarl THE REFEREE By George Bevan was in the chair. The meeting opened with a hymn, Mrs. Mac- Carl welcomed members and |visitors and thanked those who jhad taken her place during her | absence, Minutes of the February meet- jing were read and approved. |Eighteen members answered the jroll call, seven visitors were |present, It was reported that 38 calls were made. I think that I shall never see| A satisfactory referee, About whose head a halo shines, | Whose merits rate reporters) lines, One who calls them as they are, Not as the fans might wish Poetic Tribute To The Referee A gent who leans not either way But lets the boys decide the play, A guy who'll sting the coach who yaps From Vancouver Isle to Halifax. : Poems are made by fools like me But only GOD could referee. by far. ' | The April meeting will be held| jat the home of Mrs. A. E. Luke, | |202 Mary street west. | President of the United |Church Women, Mrs. H. T. Fal- yer served lunch assisted by) |Mrs. Gaine, Mrs, Gartshoer and Mrs. poured tea. A social hour fol- lowed Godden. Mrs. Fallaise laise was present and addressed) the group briefly. Mrs. Whitehurst led the wor- ship service, an Easter medita- GOOD FRIDAY i] Attention Golfers cas BROOKLIN DRIVING RANGE NOW OPEN! 1% Miles North of Brooklin on Hwy. No. 12 | | Choir Features Emmanuel Easter Program The Emmanuel Church Choir, accompanied by soloists, will render a Good Friday - Easter Message in the Church auditor- ium on Friday evening of this week, at 8:00 p.m. Choir num- bers, solos, interspersed with Scripture readings, and a mes- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, March 26,1964 5 © Wounded for Our Transgres- sions") will constitute the pro- gram for the evening. The Choir, under direction of Peter Rottine, extends a most hearty welcome to the entire public to attend, The Church is located on 401 Rossland road west (3 blocks west of Highway 12, formerly called the 3rd Concession, cor- For the Best in Hair Care and Creative Styling in a relaxed atmosphere i, BEAUTY CLINIC HAIRSTYLISTS 301 BYRON ST. SOUTH PHONE 668-3061 sage by the Pastor ("He Was ner of Walton Blvd.). ii Have you mailed your pink envelope yet? associated with Children ROTARY CLUB OF WHITBY, -- EASTER SEAL FUND, WHITBY, ONT. Rotary Club of Whitby | Ontario Society for Crippled P.S. If you haven't mailed it-- Please "DO IT NOW". | Laborers walked off their jobs Dec. 31, 1963, for more or less the same reasons. They were protesting the presence of the plantsite. Saturday, March 21 at 'a birth- Larocque and Oshawa and|qay party in honor of Mr.| District Building and Construc-| Charles Armstrong on the occa-| tion Trades Council president|sion of his 9st birthday. | Fred Beckstead both claimed! Among the refreshments serv-| that LASCO had <broken an/eq by, the hostess was a nicely) agreement with them by allow-|decorated birthday cake. ing the CNR to continue build-| ing the spurlines, Mrs. Ken Ashley, Brooklin, LASCO president Gerry Hef-jis opening her home Monday, fernan arrived from Montreal/March 23 to St. Andrew's Pres- tion based on Mark 15. Mrs. Omer Edgeley favored -- the members -with two piano num-! ONR laying track on private|bers. Mrs. L. D. Hart sang two} property. {solos accompanied at the piano Mr. Beckstead said the com-|by Mrs. Edgeley. | [pany had assured him that! Miss Ila Newton told the story) this situation would be changed/of an Easter hymn set to music in | ST. MARK'S @ Practice Makes Perfect @ Improve Your Driving @ Plenty of New Equipment available. SERVICE 11 A.M. FRI., MAR, 27th HIGH ww DRY ox SIDEWALK SLABS Small Pail . Large Pail ......... and that local labor would be|by William Henry Monk for the used on the remainder of the! use of his choir. For further. information Wednesday morning and, ac-| Bible College | Chorale Sings Here Tonight The 38 voice chorale of the} London College of Bible and} Missions will present a service of sacred song at Faith Baptist, Whitby, Ontario on Thursday, March 26, 1964 at 8 p.m. Warren Adams, B. Mus., Mus., Director of Music at the! College, leads the choir. Mr.| Adams is a graduate of. West-| minster Choir College, Prince-| ton, New Jersey, and received his Master of Music degree from the College of Fine and Applied! Arts, Boston University. | The fifteenth annual concert| will include special hymn ar-| rangements sung by the chorale, | as well as quartets, duets, and| solos. | Animal Shelter Dream Of Whitby Humane Society . At the March meeting of the Whitby Humane Society, a dis- cusions was held regarding the need for a full-time, accredited| inspector, since the death of| the late Mr. Steiner. Mr. Gould! of Whitby and Mr. Mitchell of| Oshawa have been answering emergency calls in the: mean- time; one trip has even been made as far north as Sunder- land to check on a complaint of| horses which were abandoned. and left without food. A great need exists for a tele- phone listing for the Whitby Hu- mane Society, and it was hoped that someone could b2 found who would be willing to make the necessary calls, A Junior Group of the Hu- mane Soiety has been formed, known as The Animal Defend- ers' Club, with 50 children or- ganized into small groups, each of which will be under the guid- ance of an adult counsellor, who will help keep the children in- terested and involved in the work of the Socicty. The dream of the local Branch is an animal shelter, possibly in co-operation with the Oshawa Branch. So far, lack of suffi-| cient funds has made this im- M.| byterian Women's Group No, 2 for their meeting. Joy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Samanski, 1011 Green street placed second in a novice solo baton-twirling com- petition held in Peterborough. Joy is a pupil of Mrs. Connel- ley's dancing school. Miss Karen Jimmo is cele- spurlines. Mr. Miller revealed that CNR had refused to relinquish their rights to the 'contract, and, he said, "they have our money." The Tuesday walkoff, Mr. Beckstead said, was a result of the invasion of the plantsite by CNR tamping machines and operators. The meeting closed with the! Mizpah Benediction. Mrs. Saw- UNITED CHURCH i Phone 665-4413 Whitby Brass Band Ladies' Auxiliary RUMMAGE & HOME BAKE brating her 16th birthday, to-| day, March 26. Her companions| of Denis O'Connor High School and friends wish her a. happy birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Keith King, 119 Brock street north are cele- brating their 16th wedding anni-) versary Friday, March 27. Their friends wish them every happi- ness. Best wishes are extended to Arthur Nelson, 1010 Byron street north on the occasion of his birthday to be celebrated today, Just Arrived New Spring Samples to be tailored by... © TIP TOP TAILORS @ HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN @ WM, B. LEISHMAN ar Russ Reeves MEN'S SHOP 129 BROCK S. PH. 668-2091 SALE SAT., MAR. 28th 10 A.M. @ DOOR PRIZES 7 ees BAND SOCIAL HALL Please plan to attend and sup- 106 BROCK ST. S. Watch For Our OPENING SPECIALS FRI., & SAT. APRIL 3 & 4th @ SOUVENIR ITEMS Whitby Tile Centre WHITBY TET unt re: -- 4! port your Town Bond March 26, | Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ryzek, | 912 Greenwood crescent cele- brated their 16th wedding anni- versary Wednesday, March 25. To celebrate the occasiong#hey dined out in Toronto. Frances, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cant Parise is celebrating 'her birthday today, March 26. During the Easter holidays a party will be arranged. companions of St. Her Bernard's school and friends wish her many happy returns of the day. | Mrs, Evelyn Weeks and Mrs. | Dolly Anderson attended the Bowmanville LOBA "Birthday meeting" held Monday evening. Friends of Mrs. Margaret Conner, 512 Perry srteet are wishing her a happy. birthday and many more, Mrs. Conner's birthday is today, March 26. Mr. and Mrs. Martin, Prince |Albert, Ont., recently entertain- ed residents of Fairview Lodge with the showing of very inter- esting pictures of Oregon, Van- couver Island, Calgary Stam- pede, Seatile World's Fair and Niagara Falls, On April 9 they will again show other pictures. Residents are very grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Martin. Mrs, Bernice Bishop, Lee av- enue, is celebrating her birth- day Good Friday, March 27. Her friends wish her a happy birthday. Danny, two and a half years old son of Mr. and Mrs. Danny nee | GOLF * GOLF * GOLF * GOLF * GOLF | (ASHBURN, ONT. . PRO SHOP @ Inquiries Come Out and see * @ ° 4 wt + ® ° e wi * Gq) WHITBY GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB © Memberships Available . « PHONE 655-4952 NOW OPEN Invited our New Clubhouse. LF x GOLF * GOL 5, GOLF * GOLF * GOLF * GOLF * GOLF Oo o BEAT THE TAX ORDER NOW -- PAY LATER BROADLOOM CUSTOM DRAPERIES gp PAINTS 5.95 gal. INSIDE OR OUTSIDE WHITE & HUNDREDS OF COLORS ......... f 1.95 qt. possible. The objective is being|Roxborough is in the Oshawa kept in- mind, with the hope that/General Hospital, the result. of the great need for a shelter, for|an -accident. Friends of the abandoned and mistreated ani-|family wish Danny a speedy re- mals will induce local pet own- covery, hg BOWLING NEWS such a way as to make this pos- WHITBY LADIES CANDY sible, As the Whitby Humane So- ciety is composed of less than a dozen devoted members, a pan salir bal reba te . 'oints: won: sorts, 2; ut rops, 3; great need exists for more pub- Humbugs, 1; Jelly Beans, 2; Life Savers, lic interest and financial SUP-/|2; Pollipops, 1; Maple Buds, 3 and Pep- ort, Full members includ-|Permints, 2. i the | b nee, includ Triples over 500: Gladys Wiles, 663; ig ,_ annual subscription tojcrace Sandford, 632; \sabel Mothersill, by Society's magazine, is only ON fe i 575; Sandra Labanovich, 5. j 570: Marion Brooks, 562; Jean King, 560; 5.00 per year. There is also an Elleew' Dalby, 554; Ede Walker. SiS; associate membership for $2.00/Florence Moore, 532; Dorothy Moora, 527: er year. Miss Muriel Sissons, |Alice Bradley, 523; Doreen Kehoe, 523; ssons, | Flo-Glaze Colorizer PAINTS. SUNWORTHY WALLPAPER AND WALL MURALS , secretary, is the moving force that binds the branch together If you would care to learn more} of the work and aims of the local branch, or would be will- Ann Labanovich, 510; Isabel Farndale, 502; Rose Peleshok, 501 Singles over 200: Marion Brooks, 247; Gladys Wiles, 253, 213; Alice Hewis, 251; Sandra Labanovich, 250, 202; Eileen Dal- by, 248; Alice Bradley, 243; Isabel Mo- hersill, 243; Isabel Farndale, 242; Grace ing to help in any way, please vlad ae gad Bn King, a Doreen ; Sats ' | oe, ; ence Moore 221; Rose er ea ee! Ath0'| peieshok, 216; Shirley Jicks, 209; Mur- street, 2576 evyenings only. jel Grant, 205 and Marg Farquhar, 202. BROCK WHITBY Evening Shows Start 7 and 8:20 Saturday Matinee at 1:30 You'll roar at the further adventures "Ti 'oared" 'he Mouse T hat R: t ven mare cri than "Village of the Darmed"/ 75 mene HOLIDAY MATINEE MONDAY AT 1:30 "SATURE--" LILLIES OF THE WIND' Starring--Sidney Poitier perfect fit. BUSTER BROW? Open Tonigh Plan to see our new Buster Browns... beautifully styled for Easter and built to wear far beyond. And as always our trained fitting specialists assure your child of a COLLINS SHOES 119 Brock St. S., Whitby PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting--Paperhanging--Gyptex Work Wall Murals, Vinyl Wall Coverings Book Your Job Early For Outside Painting pig FIT SPECIALIST ONE BLOCK WEST OF 4 CORNERS -- TURN SOUTH DODD « SOUT DECOR CENTRE LTD. WHITBY PHONE 668-5862 FREE DELIVERY t 'til 9 P.M.

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