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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Mar 1964, p. 7

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|has asked to "secretly" borrow|traits and Lord help her if you! What we want to know is how ANN LANDERS ; ee |$5. Both times I let her have/found one--real or imagined. (does a guy find out about these the money. She has never paid) Dear Ann Landers: We arejthings without getting his face me back. (Her daughter knows| two red-blooded boys who attend) slapped?--Inquisitive But Timid i nothing of this.) : |Michigan State University. We) MDear I. But T.: Since your let: . Mother To Blame | Sometimes the daughter witl| would appreciate an answer to/ro, aid not come from the New s % |take on a certain look that re-|this question--in the paper. minds me of her mother. I keep| -Recently you printed an inter- York School for the Blind I ' wondering if the characterlesting letter. A college guy|would say the answers to at For Daughter S Folly traits will pop out later--like|spelHed out the five things hejleast three out of five of the # after marriage, What do youland his buddies disliked mostiquestions should be perfectly By 'al say?--Bill ' about girls: Falsies, girdles,)obvious to you. As for the other Pe a | Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 Dear Ann Landers: Last night of it. Tell her about pregnancy, Dear Bill: Character traits =o wigs, white lip-|two--well, they're darned good H 2 lour 14-year-old daughter camelyp and the loss of self-respect. are not inherited in the same| Stick questions, : ee ee "home from her first date. We|And get busy, mother, you are|way a persén inherits curly| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, March 26, 1964 7'jatiowed her to go to a movielceversi years' late yat y) hair or a- turned-up nose. En-| Ses Q with a neighborhood boy. | Dear Ann Landers: My vironment, however, does play. i UNITS GROUPS AU XTILIARIE | When she walked into the| grandfather used to say, "Ifjan important role in the shap-/ Dunn's EASTER BONUS SALE " 7 |house she tried to avoid com-\vou want to see what your|ing of our basic values, There) ing into the living room where eetheart will look like in 25,are so many exceptions that Ij ST, ANDREW'S UCW | COURTICE H AND 8 her father and I were watching years take a good look at her hesitate to turn thumbs down] The March meeting of St.! The regular meeting of Cour- TV. She shouted "Hello, and mother." ; on this particular gal for fear Andrew's UCW was opened by/tice Home and School was held|proceeded directly to her room.) wy. Ji 1 go with has always of doing her an injustice, the president, Mrs. D. I. Mc*| recently. The president, Mrs.| When I caught up with her) on pines and trustworthy.| Feeling as you do, however, Leod with Unit 11 in charge of| Harold Graham, asked for a two|it was apparent that she had But I can't stand her mother.|I suggest you look elsewhere| the program. minutes' silence in memory 'of/been doing some heavy necking. |ap8' is a liar, a gossip and of/for: a wife. You'd constantly, Boys' The devotional service was|Mrs. Gordon Chartran who was|Her make-up and hair were ais moral character. Twice shelkeep searching for her mother's| taken by Mrs. Arthur Crain and|a member of the Association. |mess, her dress was wrinkled) : ANE SPORT COATS Miss Marian Cuthbertson. Annual reports will be given and a seam was ripped. I was) | ' * be oe lshocked. I never dreamed a' 14- dtu 2 i oe es | All. colours, sizes 8 to 16. A film on India entitled/next month. The nominating|® id ad wold duct h ! Vel 14.95 "Bright Flame" was shown,|committee will be Mrs. Keith|Year-old gir! would conduct ner-| | alues to 14,95, after which Mrs. Fred Getz di-/Minaker, Mrs. Thomas Gladman self in Such a manner. | } os vided the members into groups!and Mrs. Richard Howe. 1 tried to tell her she would} NU-WAY RUG | 9 99 to discuss the various aspects of Mrs, Thomas Gladman intro-|"U** her reputation if she con-| e PATRICIA MAGEE, MARGARET BRYANT [ihe film. 'The leaders reported iocq' the guest. speaker from 4nued 10 behave this way. She| OSHAWA LTD. their findings in relation to : ' eA --Oshawa Times Photo. |youth in a changing society in eed -- School Council, Mrs.| wrong. Please tell me what to Be a a. India. reorge Moss. P Two Ath Co Guides Presented | Mrs. McLeod conducted the!) Mrs. Moss explained the func-jious trouble. -- Sick at Heart) PANTS . . lbusiness session and announc-,tions between Council and Local Mother | Upholstery Cleaning -- Home or Plant Wool blend meterials all colours. ed tickets were still available' Associations. Also a briefing on; "ear Mother: You'd better| Authorized Filter Queen Sales & Service rs 4 Wie : Sizes 8 to 18 ; t Ban et for the buffet dinner Around the new idea of: programming.|%°t busy and start your long- | Gadus Hasse; Salk, Sarna & Fue 1 ve e OF S a qu the World in 80 days' on April over-due homework | & 3 S 9 ; 4 beginning at 4.30 p.m. A question and answer period; your daughter should be Mothproofing and ere : A Gold. Cord and an All;Linton; Mrs. Harold Braund,} The next meeting is April 16 followed. Mrs. Harold Graham! made to understand the serious Machine Binding, Serging, Fringing Round Cord presentation werejsecretary of the Parent Com- at 2.00 p.m thanked the speaker. hazards of heavy necking. The Rug Dyeing the highlights of the 4th Oshawa/ mittee and her daughter, Guide Refreshments were served by A euchre will be held April 17 loss of reputation is the least OSHAWA'S ONLY RUG CLEANING PLANT j Guide and Brownie Mother and'Pamela Braund; Mrs. L. H. Unit 11 under the leadership of Room count was won. at the SOU aver Approved by the Nationa] Institute of Rug ul Daughter banquet held recently| Magee, vice-president, with her Cleaners | ' s Cuthbertson. north schoo y Mrs. Irene td at' Westmount United Church.|two daughters, Company Leader|Miss Cuthber Tiere* roots, Ming Marioh Pot KAYE'S VISITORS WELCOME Miss "Patricia Magee received] Patricia Magee: and Guide Barb-| CANADIAN CORPS. mere yoditi saw at the Highway SPORTSWEAR _ Lapias' WEAR OPEN TONIGHT 'TIL 9 P.M. her Gold Cord and Miss Marga-|ara Magee; Mrs. H. E. Mosier,} : ' posee: Mier Why Take Chances With Your Valuable Rugs ' oe reguiar meeting of school. ret Bryant was presented' with|treasurer, and her daughters, oma Naliges Canadian es : OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M, ond Upholstery OSHAWA Use Your her 'AH' Round. Cerd.. Brown|Company Leader Karen Mosier, |}@@les AURHIBTY's efreshments were served by | . 'ne a iat a Jnit' 425 Was: ethos a ech Every Thursday ond Feidoy SHOPPING CENTRE Coadth Owl, Mrs. Kurt Junginger.'andjand Gyide Barbara Mosier; ortg hg eye celle recently re an spies ncng | i Use Keye's Budget Plan y arilyn. Lang-|Br ( Mes Sur Jun: sch's soon. 'i White Owl, Miss Marilyn Tang lvinger; Tawny Ow, MIs-R, c(The president, Mrs. WWliam '1 * ecsececetececescerscsssessss sss maid were presented wit ir} ginger; J Meo Ce warrants. ' |Middleton; White Owl, Miss| Watts, presided. : said ae: re in.|Marilyn Langmaid. and her| Two new members, Mrs _Al- Head table guests were in-| ' nas Merl ce onto and "Mts, Fred . troduced by Mrs. W. J. Linton,|5ister Mrs. Gordon _ Brown; \ber! comes . 1 d in- prsident of 'the. Parent Com.|Guide Captain Mrs. J. W. Hart Smith were welcomed and i P rs adron|stalled in the Auxiliary , i tt s: Kingsway Distriet and her daughters, Squadron ; onek . : Pet ulasiorier a iat T "Ga: Leader Bonnie Hart of the Osh-| Mhs. -Kenneth Greentree's kell; The Reverend Frank Ward awa Air Ranger. Crew and/committee will act as social and. Mrs. Ward: Mrs. Linton's| Guide Dianne Hart. |conveners for the lunch, which two daughters, Guide Lieutenant' Mrs. Gaskell gave an inter-| Will be served to 5 gro Linda Linton and Guide Joanne esting talk on Guiding and the|of the Provincial Dart League --_---- | suecess .of cookie day. Guide|tournament, being held of ed ton é | of this Unit Saturday, "T: 1 {Lieutenant Linda Linton spoke/men 0 : deg) Life For Mother on Brownie work, Company) APT ni in the Canadian Corps Leader Karen Mosier, on the) on 8. sae a al ; Guide movement and Squadron) e president announced that Enacted By Pupils Leader Bonnie Hart on the work|the annual "Appreciation Day 5 of the Rangers. will be held, Saturday, April 18 For Coronation H&S The following Brownies were|#t the Canadian Corps head presented with their Golden quarters building, Toronto, and A one-act play 'The Life for Hands: Jean Simmons, Gayle|that all members of the -- Mother" performed by pupils Fioody, Marianne Langton and Auxiliary have been invite os @ and directed by a teacher, Mr.\Cathy Gibson. The following|#¢ten¢. R. J. Walker, entertained par-|tBrownies became tenderfoot| An interesting discussion was ents and friends at Coronation Guides: Lynne Venner, Kathy|held regarding March 18, the Home. and School meeting re-|Gibson, Patty Bradbury, Susan|/3th birthday of the. Auxiliary. cently. Cullen, Katherine Weeks and|A number of the charter mem- Mr. Walker explained that/Susan Childerhose. Other|>ers related facts on the history many children had co-operated;badges were presented to those|°! the Auxiliary. in the production and had set-\earning them. | A penny sale will be held at tled among themselves who two cakes, honoring the Gold the next meeting, April 15 at "ting parts. ese. F .m. sf a Sin en ae cae mee served SU | / f J Ou Can fi nd a b etter i p ly b ath f oom Ui SSUE and . Cathy...Mathews.....Credits| camprfi nd : | were given to David Henderson|~ stelenceirnass | Coll 623-5757 New Special guests present were and Vickie Morris for art and} programs. The scripts were| She parents of the two girls, Mr. Van Belle Gardens oh : written by hand by interested|#"d Mrs. L. H. Magee and Mr. 3 Miles Eost of Oshawa pupils of Grades 6, 7 and 8 and Mrs. R. T. Bryant and their on Highwey No. 2 The audience thoroughly en- families aaeeaateee = ' joyed the play which was dedi- a cated to "All Mothers". Mrs. John Chmara presided DRAPES ESTIMATES for the business 'meeting Mrs. Riooy Rhodes showed a BROADLOCOM : film on child guidance for 10-12 year-olds which was followed by "DECORATING group discussions. 3 IDEAS" SLIP COVERS During the social hour re-' se Geman Lanning ond lee, ow We believe new Facelle* is the finest 1-ply Howto compare Facelle with other tissues How this extraordinary offer works Cyete ay momers of Miss] HOWARD'S DRAPERIES bathroom tissue ever made. Softer than The attendance prize was won : ise , Most women who try new Facelle Bathroom 'To convince you that Facelle is superior, we Se Ge ant ¥ haa cnesanabende -- Shy aeisee Ty ee Seronger ane. oe tissue like it much better than other 1-ply make this unprecedented offer: If you can buy ee <== === -- absorbent than any other 1-ply tissue. brands, We're sure you will, too. We invite you another 1-ply bathroom tissue made and sold in And tests have proved it. In fact, of al] to use one two-roll pack and compare it. Com- Canada that is softer, stronger and more absorb- " F pare it for softness. Compare its strength. Notice ent than new Facelle, we'll pay you $1,000. For the women who compared Facelle with the whiter whiteness of Facelle's white tissue. full details writeto Facelle Company Limited, the two leading brands in their own (Whiteness is an excellent guide to quality). We Toronto 15, within 7 days. (Testing epee : think you'll agree Facelle is the finest 1-ply tissue by the Ontario Research Foundation using meth- homes, 86% said they much preferred new sails o¥ec aabd. ply nts guthodaed by the Conidae Choeiaanah Dramatic Beauty FS os L-ply Facelle! Specifications Board.) r) 2 % 7 We limit this offer fo 1-ply tissues because of New Facelle Royale*--the one product that's in a class by itself. Because Facelle Royale a Pr actical Economy de | i, has 2 plies, it offers the ultimate in bathroom tissue quality. New 1-ply Facelle offers you Facelle Royale quality in a 1-ply tissue, Distinctive Simplicity the ISABELLA 65 OTHER STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM SINGLE VISION MORE PAPER PER ROLL! Here Is a frame for the Canadian Lady be she young or old, : Miss or Mrs. The "Isobella" with its simple clean, upsweep 95 More paper than other leading shape ond French carved temples, gaily trimmed with match. - i ing stones for that costume effect, is the choice of all occasions, a : ey ehaonee Available in Flaky Blue,.Luscious Mink and Marbelized Black, . Complete With Frames NEW LONGER SIZE! nses you need, It is truly a wonderful buy -- REPAIRS Lenses and Case. Deut Settle for Less Thon") | Bfoken lenses duplicated, Frames rem Each sheet Is 33% longer--the new NATIONAL BRANDS} aoe length preferred by consumers for BIFOCALS convenience and economy, 7.99 NEW COLOURS! Pure white, pink, yellow, lilac. U.S. Trade-mork Registered -- OPTICIANS Complete With Frames Over 3,000,000 Satistied Customers Lenses and Case. 17 BOND ST. E. 2nd floor eat el age Boy OSHAWA WE FILL ALL PSI, OCCULISTS AND 100% CAWADIAN PRODUCT sich oo ee : OPTOMETRISTS PRESCRIPTIONS AT : CLOSED ALL DAY WED. THE SAME LOW PRICES. * Facette" and "Facelle Royale" are Trade Marks of FACELLE COMPANY LIMITED, SUBSIDIARY OF CANADIAN INTERNATIONAL PAPER COMPANY Branches in Toronto, Hamilton, London, Kitchener, Sudbury, Peterborough, Seult St. Merie, 64-2 Niagara Falls, Orillia and Chatham

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