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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Mar 1964, p. 8

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----~-$and which captured the Cap- MISS MIMI WIATRZYK --Oshawa Times Photo. Oshawa Violin Virtuoso Sweeps Peterborough Music Festival from Oshawalchestra. Mimi, besides playing|bly, one of the members, would Competitors "}usual LODGES AND SOCIETIES IODE (Prince Philip Chapter) | The Mareh meeting of the Prince Philip Chapter, IODE, was held at Adelaide House, March 23, when the new Regent, Mrs. J. A, Mitchell, presided. Mrs. H. W. Sheridan, secre-| tary, read the minutes of the) February meeting and the exec-| utive meeting held March 2, at, Mrs. Mitchell's home, when 13 were present. Mrs. Alfred Austin, treasurer, gave her report on the success- ful jumble sale, the Chapter held March 20. It was announced that Mrs. J. A. Mitchell, Regent, would rep- resent the Chapter at the annua! meeting of the IODE to be held April 15, 16 and 17, in Hamilton. The annual tag day of the Chapter is to be held May 23 and all arrangements have been completed. Wallace Butler, secre- tary of services at home and abroad, read a very interesting letter from the Chapter's adopt- ed child in Korea, Choo Ok Soon. > Mrs, Frank Taylor, Mrs. A. S. Whattam and Mrs. Wallace But- at Hillsdale Manor on April 17. In the absence of Mrs. J. L. Beaton, secretary of world af-| fairs, Mrs. John Reid read the interesting report from |Mr. M. McIntyre Hood of Lon- don, England, on the Cyprus | situation. |. The social convener, Mrs. W. S. C. Larmer, reminded the members of the Chapter's birth- day party, April 6, Tickets were|ing closed with the singing of/Ontario Provincia] Assembly + |now available. Visitors would be jwelcome and Mrs. Larmer an- nounced that Mrs. Albert Ham-| brought honor to their city last|in the Donevan Collegiate Band,|be the speaker. week at the Peterborough Music Festival. Miss Mimi Wiatrzyk, is the' youngest member of the Oshawa Symphony Orchestra, Mrs. L. O. Irwin gave a favor- lable report on the collection of violinist, collected a large per-and is a Grade 9 student at prizes for the birthday dinner. centage of these awards. Her major awards were a twenty-five dollar scholarship, donated by Hunt Brothers,| Cleaning Contractors, Limited, and the Gordon Hancock silver] tray for senior violin. She col-| lected two first prizes and a) second in the violin solo classes.| Mimi was also a member of the) Dr. F. J. Donevan Collegiate) tain William H. Peryer Trophy for High School Bands. | Mimi placed first in the 18) and under class with her rendi-| tion of "Salute d'Amour'"' by El-| gar, first in the 16 and under} class with 'Country Dance"! and slipped to second place in the 14 and under class with "A| Pirate Bold'. Mimi feels she didn't do as well in the 14 and under class, due to the excite- ment of placing first in the other two. Mimi is just 14 years old and| has been studying seriously for) about three years under Mr.| Edward Oscapella. Prior to that/ she had played with a school or- {Donevan Collegiate. She is the {talented daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon. Wiatrzyk, Sun Val- ley Court. MORE TUBERCULOSIS SASKATOON (CP) Inci- dence of tuberculosis among children under 10 increased in Saskatchewan last year, reports Dr. G. D. Barnett, general su- perintendent of the Anti-Tuber-| culosis League. There were 225) new cases in 1963, compared) with 184 in 1962. | | Mrs. W. J. Bone reported for |Mrs. K. R, Wagg regarding the} publicity for the recent jumble sale. The membership convener, Mrs. C. E. Hill, introduced two new members to the Chapter,| Mrs. John Stacey and Mrs. R.| E. Cramp. They were warmly) velcomed on behalf of the! members by Mrs. J. A. Mitchell, | Regent. Mrs. Leo Glover, ler agreed to staff the Tuck Shop! ' a | PERSONALS jat R. §. McLaughlin Collegiate|Director of University Settle- jand Vocational Institute, was a|ment; Dr. W. F. Koerber, Direc- member of the panel which dis-|tor of the Youth Branch, On- | Mr, and Mrs, Newton Edgar, :|Ritson road south, have return- ON THE EASTER BUNNY'S LIST The Easter bunny couldn't help putting this little girl on his list to visit. She is Lori Denise, one year old last No - vember, the daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Collier. Her "God Save the Queen'. COURT CHARLENE 11750 The regular: meeting of Court Charlene L1750 was held cently in the Orange Temple. The president, Sister Zelda McMillan, assisted by the chap- lain, opened the court for the transaction of business. The roll of officers was called and re- bers who are still on the sick list. The court has decided to do- nate an especially built chair to Hillsdale Manor an be officially presented at later date. Sisters Helen Twining, Irene |witi visit with the ports were given on the mem-} grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, Verdun Collier, and Mr and Mrs. Paul Zwicker, all of Oshawa. --Aldsworth Photography to be held at Brockville, April 25. Further plans were discussed for the fall bazaar and Sister Elsie Blair handed out more materials to the members in the hope everyone would give as- sistance to this annual project. At the next meeting which jwill be April 9, Court Chemong travelling gavel. This will be a pot luck supper. The monthly mystery prize iwas drawn, with Sister Helen d this will/twining the winner. Court was closed per ritual and refresh- ments were served. Roll was called, after which|Nutter and Evelyn Clarke were Standard'chosen as delegates to repre- |Bearer, officiated, and the meet-|sent the court at the Eastern DRAPERY MATERIAL 98° yord and up Compare ot $1.98 yard M. & C. Dry Goods & Draperies 74. CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 Powder APRIL Ist 6 p.m, to 9 p.m, Formerly HUYKE'S HAIR STUDIO 19 ATHOL STREE "EVERYONE WELCOME" New Hair Style Creations. Originally at 81% Richmond Street West The Best in Service. GRAND OPENING THE NEW Puff Beauty Salon vv EST 4 SMART WOMEN have their carpets and uphol- stery cleaned 'The Safe Way' DURACLEAN 728-8518 | ql + |burg and Daytona Beach, A spe- |\being held in Toronto, ed from a nine-week -vacation| in Florida, spent at St. Peters-| cial treat was hearing Guy Lom- bardo and his Royal Canadians) ' \playing at Port of Call. 4 | Grierson Mrs, D. K. Stiles, is no charge for these items t ! which are always appreciated.|and School convention in T0-| months ago, ycussed "Will There be Jobs for tario Department of Education, Our Children," at the Home|, new branch just opened two tronto yesterday. Other mem-) Education Chairman. of the On- it ik hetor, | tario Federation of Home. and/mr-A, J, Hardman, Personnel Schoo] Associations. Incorporat-|Manager with Crouse- Hinds ed, and a teacher of classics. and|\Company of Canada, Limited, Manager of the Guidance Office(Toronto; Mr, Harry Morrow,|breakfast drink. Mrs. R. D. H. Heard, Parent : ~ HOUSEHOLD HINT Tomato juice and grapefruit juice mixed in equal portions make a delicious and different . |street, was among the guests at} _\a luncheon yesterday given by) 4 (\Mrs. Kate Aitken at her home) " |at Streetsville for conveners of} + |the Peel County UNICEF Christ-/ |mas Card Drive. j | Mrs. R. F. Richardson, presi-' jdent of the Dr. S. J. Phillips, |Home and Schoo] Association, | |was its voting delegate at the) Federation of Home and School |Associations. annual convention) three} \days this week. Accompanying) 'Mrs. Richardson were Mrs. |Malcolm Adam, Mrs. Barnard Lewis, family life chairman; | Mrs. R. F. Kelly, program con- |vener, and Mrs, M. A. Hoggard, |vice president. M.. and Mrs. John: Reid, Al- jexandra street, spent a week at, Laguna Beach, California re- 'cently, where they were joined for a few days by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reid, Alhambra, California. Among those _ entertaining for Miss Carol Lyn Maguire of Scarborough, whose marriage jtakes place this Saturday to Mr Richard Watterson, Toronto, in Trinity United Church, Bowman- ville, were Miss Dale Winches- ter and Miss Margaret Toole of Agincourt, a miscellaneous shower; Miss Ellen Fisher and Miss Bernice Walmer, Scar- borough, a kitchen shower and Mrs. Arthur Nicholls, Toronto, a personal shower. Easter is a time for visiting. If you have guests for the week- end or take a little trip why not share the pleasure with others? Call the social depart- ment at The Oshawa Times, 723-3474 with your news. There Give Her " FLOWERS Fresh Assortment arriving Twice Daily of EASTER LILIES, HY- DRANGEA, MIXED POTS and other VARIETIES, 1-90 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER OSHAWA DOWNTOWN _ SHOPPING CENTRE | OSHAWA PRICED FROM ONLY 1 DAY LEFT SATURDAY, MARCH 28 = PAINT 21 SALE BUY ONE at REGULAR PRICE--GET SECOND ONE FREE TOP QUALITY LATEX PAINT Your Choice of White or Hundreds of Colors Mixed Free! Only one day left to take advanta March 28th.. . Stock Limited! FREE PARKING Behind Store off William St. FREE DELIVERY REG. 8.95 GAL. ONLY 1 DAY LEFT SATURDAY, MARCH 28 2 Gals.o 8.99 ASK ABOUT OUR MANY OTHER SPECIALS! WALLPAPER LTD. ge of our Winter Stock Reduction Sale... This Saturday E'S @ 93 Years at 85 SIMCOE N. DIAL 725-3529 Call for Brading-the quality ale that's strong on flavour

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