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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Mar 1964, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, March 28, 1964 "Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 © -« 4 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Soturday 8 to 12° 17--Male Help Wanted ,;17--Male Help Wanted | 23--Wanted To Rent ; jOSHAWA STUDENTS, teed earn _extra}YOUNG business executive with ene CAN ADA LTD. Mock wire box eth. Gomme Timer ed nome, 08 sir er "ie IMEN experienced in floor '7 care, required for large area. Steady WANTED -- four- or Sveeem apart. : : oF ANE. Y ; " ent or house, Accountants Cartuge Mortgages TV--Radio Repairs OSPiAK Requires candidate for car- |night work. Write Box #19 Oshawa Times.iment or, house, nea buses, by Py person mM. . . j rketing operations. ali EXCHANGE $43. per week, for|725-8437. after 3 p. MONTEITH, RIGHL, WATERS and/JOHN'S MOVING AND CARTAGE, SERVICE CALLS . | eer in ma [s] hours Work (each. eeablen Write! Accountants, Oshawa, Whitby. Reasonable A iliae Fully ' looking fo oung RB ashen Meet, lle ae, equipped and insured, 728-366 Mortgage Money ONLY $2.50 eae sitalagh -- hse sad in las' Box 319, Oshawa Times 25--Apartments Alax 942-0890; 1. * . i id + YALE, PRINDLANDER ana Ca. cher Dressmaking Available bi sii Ga cadifiad Ai 5 | the operations department of |18--Male or Female SUNSET ek ie and aierstion Ressnete roe| _ LOW Interest technicians. Day, night. ; ag | or orgonization: i Bn GARDEN ~ Ms, 'Eldridge, 67 Montrave, 125-6476. 6 All work guaranteed YP wor Aan > i Managerial potential is a MAN OR WOMAN F woes Francs' sie V Whitoy, iby, Ontario. Tele SEWING, spring wardrobes vpltecations. Valuations Arranged DOMINION v BOOKS Shove K pre-requisite for the success. S N APARTMENTS gp Tndlh Bivd. North, After 5 p.m. 728-1823, RESIDENTIAL wae Ch ful applicant, Engineering or ASSISTANT 945 Simcoe North : bs gy ven BEADLE AND CO. ,Charter- ; ' » Financial Trade Bulid- " CITY. AND DISTRICT TELEVISION SEE MAKE YOU NAPOLEON ' other university degree pre- «He Set Est, Oxms, Or Gardening and Supplies SUMMER PROPERTIES | 20 BOND W. _ 728-5154 2 3 ferred. Senior matriculont eo gogn 725-3509; _$. T. Hopki Beadle, CA, E." Lukow, CA. VACANT LAND Eee i seriously considered, Ona 6 " po i es URing ire East, GARDEN Members Ontario TV SERVICE coum "= 2 f Appliconts should be prepar- DEPARTMENT ne Bedroom t Oshawa; Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA: 3 Brokers' Assodiation DAY OR EVENING ; Apartments Mortgag: ssociat! Must be experienced in gg san hacen SUPPLIES 728-5286 ' : bona . Food Preparation and Service Soria with Balconies Dp andwriting. alc CALBERT HOSMAR, Chartered Accoun- : 5 Ba Peace, aien, gale * 6"! "Fertilizers" for the Lawn | SUMMMERLAND OSHAWA Cae io tue | ok § cme Y AAR EY Conrsliad Gresean eine ; »; REONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered) SO.GREEN, MILORGANITE, SECU RITIES ELECTRONICS WIS ANCHOR MORE. ee eo e iE BOX 719 K-MART Heating. «; Drapes. Black ccountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa Shop) EVERGREEN 6-9-6, C.I.L. 10- THAN 453 YEARS AGO. Hf WAS : ; A} DEPARTMENT STORE Range ond Refrigerator sup- a a LIMITED on fo oe 0! Rea idles Highwoy 2 ed "S Al ervice. (Pt te haa id irs. teed, ean je i re "Come Bookkeeping service, Se Bond -- on onal 112 Simcoe St. North Avenue. 'Telephone 725-0500. : (20s Pe tc tt a te OSHAWA TIMES |_Hishwey 2 ot Kendatwood Rood Each flooe ped pronetl faci- * Str lest, 725-039 , : 4 ; ities, locker and storage space, 4 RAYMOND 8. PROSSER, Charfered| BULBS, VERMICULITE, DOR- | Oshawa, Ontorio--725-3568 jtou's Tv SERVICE. Towers, entennse. ; 20--Room and Boord aiken Ac Accountant, 906 Centre Street North)! MANT 3PRAYS. : 16--Female Help Wanted RITSON Road South, 173 double room for Suitabl pe It a it i e iu 'amily. Winthy. Tetemnone 660-2407. ae pay 9--Summer Properties |gentieman willing to share -- single beds. ; . Romplate Garden Supplies MORTGAGE ines tt For Sale or Rent REGISTERED nurse' or certified nursing YOUNG MEN py tee ke oe Rents $93 up >. Barristers since 1909. WELL DIGGING by machine specializing assistant required. Part-time at Glen- a es LOANS in 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut! ; i Ritson Road 17 46°25 © ROOM AND BOARD, suitable for young ? i Soll- i cedar Nursing Home Ltd., 'i Dee taitact Puse, Martone" tance COOPER SMITH Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or_66s-2009:| A\ | OPPORTUNITY Jnorth. 'cait "655-4931. before 4 p.m. lady. No weekend meals, Phone 668-0972, Built by. . ailable. 36% King Street East, 723-1107. m Moneys for first mortgages WEBIIENGED Cilracas route ah National Company will. send soon --e. KASSINGER > JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister co. Goan torus 1--Women's Column _ TO BEA tins. Apply Rd. Ni Resaorant. #15/. you to. Manager Troining [Ns 't sors one tees Benes cee! «© CONSTRUCTION shee Netey om ore re Ne sg RRA at PERMANENTS on special, Page Hair-| Brock South, Whitby Shopping Plaza. | School in Toronto for 6 to North. General' Motors. Apply 57 Col. * Street East, Oshawa, 728-823: 16 CELINA 'STREET No bonus N 4 . g bs = ea Pile lasts to = : dressing, 396 Pine Avenue. Telephone Q WAITRESS for steady part-time wor! weeks, lary while learning. ne East. tind McGIBBON and "ausvEO, Leyte! OSHAWA No charge for valuations 725-5363. COU NTRY S UIRE approximately 12-15 hours per yen od Substantial raise upon com- |RooM AND BOARD = close To bis five. y vie gerne 2 ate, tt wee eneennt Ba Pa enor Psi "ehti| pletion Of course doy wet unc packed sna eoe| SCHOFIELD-AKER Fe Bantedo, Oc: forman -Eomondson eae marys for second mortgages. [2--eersonst___| WANTED -- 100 FAMILIES juan, "| 'Apnliconts. must be cpgres- - [ue semen Cat ete bm. Tom i Fast service, Removal of superfluous hair, TO JOIN RICE LAKE COT- |PART-TIME cashier. Apply Mr. Camp- sive, hard working and will- | Weekly including cae Mann tose LTD CREIGHTON, DRYNAN AND MURDOCH, TAGERS CO-OPERATIVE jell, Genosha Hotel. ing to meet the public. lunches packed, Call 728-2577, . : Compare Building, gg JOHN BROUWER M. F. SWARTZ peerie. Murduty.. willbe in (LIMITED TO 100) os equal |RELIABLE baby sitter required for two - ROOM ~~ -- in leaky GUM TGAL 360 King St. West * t y in Oshawa, March 30th, 31st, r iful -acre school-age children and two pre-school Write to ¢ Peyid realtentent @. Drynan, GC, 728: LANDSCAPING aR 14 King St, Gast April Ist, Phone Genosha owners of Saas ae children Live out. Telephone after 6 p.m. all conveniences. Lunches packed, Suit Telephone 723-2265 9554; G. L; Murdoch, QC, 723-4768; J. C. P Oshawa, Ontario Hotel on' these dates for | Peninsula see le 708-5557. MR. AYERS nn bad lL al 82 NEAR Ajax, four-roomh apartment, prk Victor, 985-7115. Mortgages and Agree-| Free estimates from an ex- 723-4697 appointment. Pe ddet ad $8 gv he DISHWASHER required full time, 7 8m. A (OOM and board for three gentlemen, | vate - entrance, Children welcome, Avalk ¢ iiling to share, five day week, lunches ments of sale bought, sold and arranged.) pert and trained designer. 5 to 4 p.m. Must be able to speak and heb able April 1, $35 monthly Cail Bow ° DODDS AND DONALD, Barristers and) 100% guarantee given on $22,000 ELECTROLYSIS session, balance $29.60 understand English. Apply Mr. Camp- - GLOBAL backed, parking, close to South GM. Tele-|manville. 623-5199 "Solicitors, etc., 69 King Street East.! all plants. Inquire also about SECOND MORTGAGE 723-464] monthly. Includes principal bell, Genosha Hotel. Reader Service ONE speriinent in new bolle, Telephone. 723-2201. extra trees, additional ever- : -- ---- and interest - Term. price AVON 45 CALLING through "TV. Be the 21--Room & Bo: d Went: d ing, all modern conveniences. Tele JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB.) greens, fruit trees, sodding, on Commercial Property LEN PULLAN $3,495 plus reasonable in- [Avon representative and turn spare ime Suite 832 4 ar (€d Iphone Whitby 668-8560. * Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- seeding, shrubs, seed flowers. near Oshawa ENGLISH TAILOR terest - open mortgage. Cash into money. Write PO Box 512, Oshawa. ut B MALE UNIVERSITY student wants room|THREE heated rooms, unfurnished, up: Phone 728-5883. 48] University Avenue and board May 1 through Sepfember,|stairs, centraf\ location. Suit business lic, The Commercial Building, 286 King : ' Y : 2 @ 728-5883. Lem 'West, Oshawa, Ontario, Client parking Pruning one' fertilizers $14,000 Cash Specialist in garment altera- price $3,499 «YOU TOCeIye = rare WOMAN 16 cals Tor ORE preferably near General Motors plant.|couple. Dial Whitby 668-3531, 7 : a i f an Ti to 1 h ee sects acai LE Ac ALS FREE DELIVERY 9 Ritson Road North tions, etc, Invisible mendin personal ownership | 0 old boy, and do light housework, Starting oronto Reply to Donald W. Guthrie, 62 Beale r Bilis 9. lot and big new i i Street, Woodstock, Ontari MODERN two-bedroom apartment with ND RONALD L. 4 ih extra large lot o 9 April' 6. Blair Plaza area. Brooklin treet, Woodstock, Ontario. i MANNING F. SWARTZ Al ' P Telephone 725-5787 dress alterations family size 3-bedroom cot- |4¢s-3900. : | [Belmony wittin tour siniten, of Whitby SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, srairtie For more information pie th Se a) ae Money to loan, Henry Block, 26% Kin 10 PRINCE-ST. tage - erected LADIES experienced in sewing dolls| Cc AREER 22--Offices, Stores, Storage |avie April 1. Telephone Whitby 668-5703, in Street East. 7204097. Residence, dial 728-6392 Musical Services clothes and would like to contact or look} FOUR-ROOM periment, completely ture a ® paths athe tale tect) elas nished, for two or three weeks, HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and WILLMAN,' between 6 p.m. ond 10 p.m. _|PIANO, reed, pipe and electronic organiie You have a drinking problem, write| Note - you receive deed - awa Times, Box 717, and state yur e-| (C)PPORTUNITY NEW STORES ean 'hansen iiione chat tek dad : Fagg fs 9 P Barristers, Solicitors, gt Kiog ee A Raa trill ote appraised:| 86x 333, Whitby or call 668-3034, can sell if you wish - and you |perience. aoe or gentlemen. Apply 25 Division Street. East, Oshawa; R. B. Humphreys, 3 = bd o NOR 781008. ARR ERE PSEC NE SOSA IOTERTE? eceive co-operative owner- REAL Estate salesman experienced, re- : F : G. B. Boychyn, QC; W. H. Hillman, LLB. Instruction "GLAMORIZE your figure in 7 min- pies GE the Tero recteation Raat immediately. Conteact W. meAuley| With international organiza- | AND APARTMENTS tacts parle MI ih odo * Office: 725-1177. 728-4326, Painting and Decorating _ utes." Have a Spencer, made-to-measure ; di Realtor, 28 Prince Street, Oshawa./ tion; young man 21-35. Am- able April 1. Telephone 725-4154, Whitby 668-2761, 725-4604. NHA and other adds garment or bra. Sure fit! Mrs. Plouffe,| and boat storage building [02% 00' 0, "Whitby 668-5765. bittous arid "willing'.t6. work ' : pril 1. ¥ "mortgage funds' available, E.Z.E. METHOD DODD and SOUTER 725816. thot is now on the property | secapiona receptienil ond caohior| Solon, commissions i Corner Wilson Rd. ond Olive APARTMENT "furnished, jultable tor »4@REER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solicl- - plus co-operative ownership Wri ' i » __ bonus, three ladies or three gentlemen, Near , f9fs, ete, TM King 'street, East Dial! DRIVING SCHOOL | PAINTING AND DECORATING |3__ Pets & Livestock of the parks - ski hills - the [Box ery, Oshawa Times" ""~ """*| stock purchase plan, for per- Hog -- Fa SF |sourn_General_Motors. Phone 728-2061, ¢ ing. ine FOUR-ROOM apartment, private bath, r) + TEa. Residence Phones: J. M. Greer, il atc 'i ful cods that form a oae --------| manent employees, compony 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL, Painting, Paperhanging BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for| Peoutiful w WOMAN 'for parttime work. Fish and) Coo" 04 jeads furnished. Re- fornctionesll built-in cupboards. Apply Apt. 9. Pa'se Newest Oshawa Branch ones Full Wall Murals Broad, 114 Eigh ng ew Apply Mrs.| raesti of na ar ggg Ne Seereneiiers cod saa ae tirement and group benefits. bets Wayne Stre et. _.MYMAN AND HYMAN, Barristers, Soli- pray Painting roa igin as | nr * SECOND COOK, experienced, must be de- Ne A ap ra se itors, Notaries, Suite 305, The Times HONE 728-0881 : ~~ |_ frontage - plenty of safe boat |pendable and have good character refer-| No experience requires Toronto EM 3-0391 citors, Notar! PHO 107 BYRON 57.5, WHITBY COCKER SPANIELS, purebred American| king for all - in short, |ences. Steady position. No late night or) We train you. Opportunity for (Days) 26---Rooms For Rent Building, 86 King Street East. DAYS 668-5862 Puppies. Canadian. Kennel Club register- ry i ter, 27 iT toe. tirnme aer Hersek mortoages LEARN TO DRIVE NIGHTS 725-7426 ed, excellent temperament, delightful]; Purchasers and their quests King. Street West, Oshawa, paneer advancement to the right man. Lo yman, QC; ¥ : pets. Ti 723-1739. have exclusive use of the ita aren Apply: or 766-3945 : ot the |PAINTING, paperhanging and repairs. 30 Sd Sa | entire 300 acres. Good roads | RELIABLE woman to come in daily and FURNISHED ROOMS THOMAS H. GREER, BA, Barrister, Oshawa Driving School years' experience. A. Redknap, 342 Col GERMAN Shepherd, purebred puppies, care for one child, while mother works. (Evenings) . :, Solicitor, Notary, Suife 303, The Times} reqsonable rates, standard and borne Street East, 728-9050. Pr seven weeks old, males and females, no; to every lot - hydro ond tele- |apply 620 King West. SINGER CO Available in private home, Building, g6 King Street East, 728-6209. 4 io Papers, $25. Tom Siegrist, Uxbridge. Tele) phone service now on pro- BARN 35 x 40 sulfable for storage, King Call between 5 and 7 p.m. Mort available. automatic cars, HAVE inting oi ; -|phone 852-3621. wlrtisad Professional Instructors. time for tbe eerinttoe AN Work coke Sa perty. 17--Male Help Wanted OF CANADA and\ Harmony Roads. Telephone 725-4000, 82 PARK RD N Building Trades a anteed. Lloyd Simpson, Painting and De pied three-year-old Shetland stallion CLASS TWENTYSIX ech A ian re i yay grey with white mane and tail. ' . ' : oe OSHAWA AND WHITBY Soratinge 100 Colborne (9. Ei Ta0M076. ay, Hackney Gelding also horse bay| Rice Lake is 25 miles long - Call 725-5443 for Sea Heht MomeoOna eit tn 728-8671 CONSTRUCTION BURNS School of Dancing CDTA. Tap,|PAINTING AND DECORATING, Interior reall with white points, 723-7330. part of the Kawartha chain YOUNG MEN Appointment rosea, Hight evaaseoing. facies pr {WO Trae _ Rana ballet, jazz and baton. Knights of Colum-/and exterior. work ee een SIAMESE seal point kitten nine weeks} and famous for large muskie - ply address above. bedroom, and kitchen wih cortaeraiets Backhoe, Dragline and rat bite ali bern good coloring, $25 each,| = pickerel - bass and pon fish. ih séinicl orale 34 te cupboard and sink. Parking $13 weekly. Bulldozing. LILLIAN MAE MARSH, D.E.A., Dancing|HOME DECORATING, furniture finish- Dist 668-5916, | For for your entire family - 56.. litensive training one 23--Wanted To Rent CALL IRA CARR School, Ballet, Tap Acrobatic, Character, ing, sign painting. H. Brown, 490 Drew,|---- PUREBRED 7 | this is a once in a lifetime f 9 AUTOMOBILE FURNISHED ROOM, entiemen prem Pre-School, Kinderdance. Fridays, Satur) 799.9295, 'UREBRED poodle puppies, white. Reg- 2 ich ht to gram precedes advancement WANTED: by May 1, fairly modern|ferred, vicinity North General Motors, PORT PERRY days. Masonic Temple, 723-7253. istered, paper trained, Excellent temper-; Opportunity. It is broug! 1 ; In- three-bedroom home, under $100. 4 chil-|After 6 p.m., telephone 728-2712. ament. Call 725-4858, you by one of Canada's to Mmoenagerial . position, | in SALESMAN dren under 6. Please call 725-7162. PRIVATE tuition, Latin, French and Plumbing and Heating cach Ab oie ce a beat terviewing people is major : CEDAR STREET, 1351. Double bedroom, bas 'Mathematics by London, England, Uni- : GERMAN Shepherd puppies, also three-| oldest - and largest, and bes port of job. 'Straight -sola WANTED by. April 15, two-bedroom|for lady or gentleman, private home, versity graduate. The lessons are special-lari PLUMBING and heating supplies, |¥e2"-0ld German Shepherd, female, Tele-/ known cottage vacation - land PI sd 9 me WANTED apartment or house in Oshawa, three|home privileges, parking space, $8. week, iLL TYPES of building repairs, -- ly designed for high school students and) Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark, Ltd,,|Pnone 725-6753. specialists. Write or phone enty of advancement op- adulis, Telephone 723-2952 after 4.p.m. | 723-333: Stoops.|adults in arrears of their, studies. 668-3866./ Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, 255|WESTERN MARE, saddie. Best ofer.| for complete information. portunity and job . security. REQUIRED by April 30, three-bedroom|TWO rnd rooms, suit working Gordon May, 728-0394. HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton,|Simcoe Street South. Owner has other Interests, Phone 728-9850 . All modern employee bene- Experience preferred. but not {house for local "tore manager and fam-|woman, near General Rerre South WELDING -- Ail metal fabrications. Re-|Tap, RAD Ballet, Highland. | Register|ac TYPES of repairs and remodeling,|POODLES, small miniatures, registered,| fit programs. necessary. ily. Phone 728-2769. and bus. Telephone 723-4525. irs, 24-hour service. Guaranteed. Gen-| now. Oshawa Shopping Centre, 725-6122. 4 ¢. | T T ; pairs, pPIng new and used materials. Reasonable|three females. Telephone 725-9607. at P| S HOMES Evening Appointment Can Be Apply in person eral Welding Services, 726-2525. 1; SSONS, pianc rs. John =F ng MUSIC LESSONS, piano. Mrs. Johnitates. Estimate free, Dial 723-1191, J./SoQpLE four months old, black minia-| Arranged by Phone 725-6526 FOR ALL your carpentry work, rec.|Pearce, 45 Burk Street, Oshawa.723-3677.|Foley. » 10" hi i Pere T T CT ey eaaitions. Cupboards @ specialty. pRivaTE TEACHER, student counsel- - Renan msculanea Gores Sryene Pet AND COTTAGES LD FINANCE A. SHANWALT HAWA TIMES PA ERNS im. Vreony Te8-0as6. lor, 15 years' experience. By interview) Rug-Upholstery Service pion stock. Clipping avaliable, 725-50.) | + oe ano o4g4 HOUSEHO | | YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chim-lonly. Act now. 725-1054, OSHAWA MINIATURE Pinscher registered pups, ; lads CORPORATION BRAMLEY fneys built and repaired, gas linings in- mate, also proven female in whelp bred} COBOURG, ONTAR,O sated, ag vacuumed. Free esti- Mortgages CLEANERS fe taternatonet Champion. After 5, | 64 KING ST. EAST MOTOR SALES ee : : PRINTED PATTERN i HAWA or ELECTRICAL wiring and repairs, con-|PRIVATE and corporation monies for al! os nections for rites diene peg Reason-|mortgages; mortgages and agreement of Rug and Upholste HUSKY «female, black and white, ¢/11--Articles For Rent wpe LIMITED able rates. Grandview Electric, 62 Grand-|sale purchased. Creighton, Drynan and cl i] A 5 bh year old. Also female Collie, six Tents D" BLOCK, SUITE 208, 4 " i A leaning. lur Store old. Free to good homes. Tslephona view South. 723-3125, Murdoch. a _"Barristers."") -- Or ah Jourchenk: . Orono 9R21. Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 1271 SIMCOE N CHIMNEYS, new and re-buill, roofing|$2000 SE mortgage for sale. Safe nda erin cen enn eR : and repairs, sidewalks and stoops. Kahl investment. Five-year term. Please write 725= 9961 ENGLISH BULLDOG puppies, wae Punch: Bowls: a Coffee "Uris: |x Cann, Brooklin, 655-3061. |Classified Box 710 Oshawa Times. -- Pickering. Call Ajax 942-6508, 'oad, " Tobles - Chairs - Linens Retail SAND AND GRAVEL for sale. Also|WANTED -- second mortgage, $14000,|RE-UPHOLSTERING .by experts, Estab- Rune oie ai --Fovs| Silver Candelabra and Tea Sets 'ood interest, profitable business, good|!ished 17 years. Complete range of mate- pet prices, pak Be ed fn a ressonnnte | oe a Port Perry, 985-2089, private. rials. Workmanship guaranteed 5 years.jand miniatures. Telephone Whitby) Building Supply INSURANCE ree estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses|668-3923 or Dunbarton 839-2516. { Sargeant's Rentals ° re-built, Furniture re-finished. Oshawa|pERINGESE PUPPIES adorable ~ pets. 463 oo S, 725-3338 Business INVESTIGATORS Upholsterii c » 10 Bi j CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES = jrscanitte "omeeny 10 Bent West Reasonable. Telephone Whitby 610-3920 ene ea Wishes Full or. Patt. 'Tie, imah te 1 ESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and 2 aisie runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 ; ' fap RD MINIMUM cH FRENCH Poodle, standard, white, 10 T C make insurance investiga 25 WO re-styled. Free estimate. See our mate-|months old Registered. Paper trained,|S!mcoe Street North. (e) let ontracts Hone (No. pelling.coe pollock: ss rial for re-covering. Dalton Upholstering,| ec; h 728-2004, "CHAIRS, hospital beds, ik t i Better described offers get faster results. ; 75 Charles Street, 723-7212 $50. Telephone 200. (Weieat HAIRS, ospita beds, walen. for ing. weit "suited to whose 's | . . wr . m ee . a ee veers ere: CUSTOMCRARTs | Ubistering Depa 4 4---Sportsman' s Column _ Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, Delivery Service aaa GF eatin ar kare a: onsecutive ys, righ . . Chrome chairs a speciaity.. Free esti- . . $ i igi i eae 2.48 |mates. Dial 728-7271. OPEN NOW 12--Articles Wanted i To responsible quired. 3 Consecutive days, original copy PS he chika SIS sanstelah Count each word, initial, figure or abbreviation as one word. CHESTERFIELDS and oid chairs re- ForYour Comolets Marine SHAW Drivers with REPLY P.O. BOX 603 covered like new. Get the best for less IF NOT PAID WITHIN 7 DAYS, CHARGE RATE APPLIES. at Modern Upholsterers, 142 _ Simcoe Requirements AUTO WRECKING CO. Dun Trucs OSHAWA, ONT. CLASSIFIED BOX NUMBER FOR REPLIES: 15c ee Oras: OSHAWA Wants Cars for Wrecking. Parts for sale, also scrap iron |, < on i vi will made to forward replies to box . i oT Saget = scon as possible we accept no Sales and Service _ YACHTHAVEN and metals, etc bought. Lon Term Lease LICENCED liability in respect of. loss or damage alleged to arise through SCUMARTS td wont eras Poe ine LTD Open Saturday all day. Phone g either failure or delay in forwarding such replies, however caused {973}, Guns of all types, ancient, modern, : 725. 231 1--89 BLOOR E. Reply in writing giving. . MECHANIC whether by negligence or otherwise bought, sold, exc paired. Harbour Rd. 2 eee a te type of equipment. i Professional listings only, 3 lines per month . . boy pth gen Free Anan Cal Accessories : GUNS wanted ( (oid are nent BOX NO. 720 Required Immediately. Each agaitiona! ke, per month. - - - . 728-1742, d : Repair Materials [WANTED | tor anal ae church Truck Experience preferred. (Not opplicable for merchandise odvertisements); Refinishing plano, Es ft 109» aisle carpeting, is OSHAWA TIMES --__ Bik not escential: Surveyors SARI ASEES CPO SPR y NG . PECIAL pk cuhery. Telephone "Hampton wa INSTALLER 5% day week, DEADLINES DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN,|- 13% ft. Fibreglass REQUIRED DIAL BOWMANVILLE Ontario Land Surveyor, Commercial blue Z > (2 Business Opportunities 30 h.p. r fe ee , oe GROCERY STORE, corner Church and) For plumbing and_ heating 623-7011 WORD ADS .. . 5 p.m. Day Previous prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. han 1 ay Previous. H. FLIM and TROLLOPE, Ontario | Land " Cord of T ks 5 p.m. Day Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East. Phone 1345. Colborne, formerly Kane's,' approximate-| glso aluminum doors and win- In Memoriams--5 p.m. Day Previous. i ly $2500 i : ; 25-6881, saa ly $2500. stock and equipment. This small) dows ona part-time basis. A N Eisde cst complete investment puis you in: business. Tele- J P kid bie SATURDAYS . . . 12 noon for Monday, Many other attractive buys phone Cal Blake, 728-9191. WRITE BOX 09 cae pene TVn-Rodio Repetes OSHAWA FisH AND CHIP business wih aril) OSHAWA TIS EQUIPMENT.CO. RARE BEAUTY : sale. Located in Whitby. lease tele- Eo hasbashll stich UN Lost and Found 9:30 Day of Publication. TV TOWERS YACHTHAVEN [pee coer, RINK MTR oot, fon toarh By ALICE BROOKS Births and Deaths 9:30 Day of Publication. i PARTNER for new boating COmpany| area, Over 40. Take short auto trips. TAXI DRIVERS Lote Deaths... 11:00 a.m. Day of Publication (Page 3). 10, $5,000. required. For further particulars:iwrite A. E. Swallow, Pres., Southwest- ' Attract all eyes to this excit Previ Economy and 723-1901 BOX 305 __ |Write Box 614, Oshawa Times Classifiedjern Petroleum Corp., 534 No. Main Preferably between 25-40 yes ts a i oar, Se oo, : toy His -- Deluxe ee See eo Lee Top earnings. Apply ing play of design and color -- SIZES 10-18 umn e 4 p.m. y Previou: -- - 5 "Attention . Fishermen _ | w CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS' office re- fascinating stitchery a *: a Dagan PRON |14--Employment | anted quires students, either to commence 1 . SATURDAYS: Epeed to suit your, budaet GRANT'S FISH HUTS PETER PAN. DAY NURSERY, Quali-/Course or presently ctrell, Moore: anal MERCU RY AX| Rare, precious Bird of Para- OPEN-AIR CHIC Word Ads 12. Noon For Monday TERMS ARRANGED re 7 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. $81 Sim-|Grade 13 required. Britnell : Classified Dispicy 10 A.M. For Monday ICE FISHING coe North, 7282606 |Company, 130 King | Street" East, Osh] 725-477) Gite, bumertiy, fawery o> au- By ANNE ADAMS Port Bolster, Ontario ADE 10 male student would like em perb in vivid colors. Use wool ; : CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS OSHAWA TV | Reservations'725:5072 [Segeerante "fae "tat Snare oF strand cotton, Pattern 711: |_uctrest itt obenair charms 9:30 A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION 4 holidays, preferably farm or green house, E . --scooped neckline above a key- : : s : M SUPPLY LIMITED Clip this Ad worth $1, Telephone 723-4513. MAL transfer 15 x 20 in. hole cutout, It's a clever way to Canceliotions ond Corrections received after the 9:30 A.M. asi ieee ee : Ps '| Thirty-five cents (coins) for|{/SPlay a glowing tan. Choose Deadline will be processed for the following day's poper. GIBBON ST. 5--Farmer's Column 16--Female Help Wanted _ LUNCHEONETTE MANAGER his patoth too heats) flower colors -- hyacinth, jon- pila bse : , is pattern (no stamps, please) | qui} CASH the spot. High 7 quil. REGULATIONS 728-8180 for deed' and LB im tog Bod 3] STENOGRAPHER to Alice Brooks, care of The] Printed Pattern 4763: Misses' The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertisee = {|_----------_____________ phone, bay pci fis uecea Marg- Experienced, age 25 to 35, capable of cooking, menu planning Oshawa 'times "Needle © raftlSizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 16 i thi ir t . fe re th i Fu rm, Licence 333-C-64 | ' ; i sizes bes » AD, A She Wistwect Weertion cf ery sacertiement, vor beyond the |. 1 TOWERS -- |amnansr nor ter corom| =. for ste rchaonete un ve aol fo supervise In-e.new 0% Dept, Ontario residents add 1/Kee 296 yards Abinch, : ' ' f wage ' Dominion Tire representative, 725- jate luncneonette. "i i BH c) in coins price chorge for a single insertion of the advertisement in. which and 6511 or evenings after 6, 725-726 LAW OFFICE ; cent sales tax. Print plainly} (79 stam : f ( ps, please) for this pat- error occurs. olay ve ree : PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, tario resi The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising | Antenna Repair |psr izen™ (% it Pleee te) | WE WILL PROVIDE TRAINING... sabia tak tax Belct olotniy' AIEEE eccording to its proper classification | in Real Estate, Mortgages & ee Bode oF obs oy ; \ hich will ae old Pet ly s OF Inthe case of display advertisements, The Times wili not be TRIO 7--Trailers | Estates. tk. wh seth enc as bette ete provide excel - (2%. HANDICRAFT. Hits --iNAME. ADDRESS, SEXLE 3 : TTT oMCTY 11a PET Saree "A i , R ! peat pes Oe We nee. oa ishing bene TELEVISION dpbaa Eb fyeannbliahe Bl abt Salary based on experience lent company benefits, health. and life insurance, pension plan, 1964 Needlecraft Catalog! Toys, Send order to ANNE ADAMS, tising motter correctly, but ossume no liability of odvertisement 171 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA PARKHILL & YANCH profit sharing. Opportunity also exists for advancement to more fashions, crewelwork, bazaar|care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- if ony inaccuracies in any form are contained therein, ay 9--Summer Properties responsible positions in the company. hits -- crochet, knit, sew, em- wa She ol Oy eh Telech the Direct fo Clossifi 728-5143 For Sale or Rent Barristers, etc. : broider, quilt, Send 25 cents. GET A PATTERN ABSOLUTE. elephone the Direct to Classified GUARANTEED REPAIRS WoW Haes| FOR RENT -- Modern housekesping cot O. Box 154, Oshawa + PLEASE REPLY IN CONFIDENCE TO SOMETHING NEW -- BIG |ry rt 8 simple -- order Number 723-3492 TV, radio, car radi. Trarpsen "Elec: "aaes bY ihe, se Phon- 728-9495 | DELUXE. QUILT 300K! 1¢|; pp Sienna Salaion tne ifi -- For All Othe 157 Elliott, 72.-7%2, Fred. __idertul sandy beach, safe r and boat|R ekeop omplete quilt patterns -- ; q ; J For pasggae tae 94 ae Site LAKE VISTA TV Towers, Aerial Serv- with each cotage at Jasper rai ome bg woh wi peice en BOX 6] 6 OSHAWA TIMES 4 fact apnkeed, for hsinnare, cludlig 4 "150 design tae i rd, i felevisi i Ing} Bi L Appl s r () "/ firest West, Telephon Tabeary. "las "Prancls 'Sirest' Lindsere" '° "guna Cohton Time me ot Write experts, Send 60 cents now. !Send 50c today,

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