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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Mar 1964, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Merch 28, 1964 GOOD EVENING -- By JACK GEARIN INTERPRETING THE NEWS Home Hopes To Prime Press Praised For JFK Death Coverage CITY BUYS KING W. SITE FOR $26,500 Na Russell Humphreys, QC, home from Florida with that heakhy outdoor look, is anticipating a most important event -- John, his 26-year-old son, will soon be called to the Bar and join his dad's legal firm as a partner. . . City Council Monday night agreed to pay $26,500 to Riverdale Towers Limited for approximately two-and-a-half acres at 708 King street east. The site will be used for a northwest road from King street to informed." its |Associated Press, annual report today that the as- president Ken- nedy 'saw the press rise to its finest hour in keeping the world sassination of said in -hi NEW YORK (AP)--Wes Gal- gher, general manager of The S Gallagher said news cover-\time of the assassination the age of the tragedy '"'demanded|nation demanded and needed to the best in everyone and it re-|know every detail of the events ceived the best." "The Associated Press and members threw more re- "Mass reporting of some ma- jor news events is becoming so unruly that it puts all media in a bad light. The profession badly needs a solution and is groping for one. "This should not obscure the basic fact, however, that at the jin Dallas and Washington, The quick identification of Oswald and his background shut off By ALAN HARVEY Canadian Press Staff Writer In calling for a conference of Commonwealth prime minis-| ters, Britain in effect is reach- ing for the restoratives. It is something akin to an emergency operation. The pa- tient has been languishing for months, and political doctors feel it is high time the Com- Commonwealth Future inflamed world, Canadian min- isters have strongly supported it as a bridge between East and West, or white and black, A more brutal viewpoint, which some would merely call realistic, was expressed by An- gio - German writer Sebastian Haffner. Writing in the maga- zine Encounter, he described the post-1945, non-British Com- monwealth as a- bastard. child monwealth family gathered sources into the covering of the round the bedside to see assassination of president John Fitzgerald Kennedy than any single mews event in its his- jtory,"' Gallagher said. | 5 | The report, noting a net gain|e challenge of supplying an- of 727 newspapers and broad-|SWers to questions quickly and casters receiving AP news| accurately. ne "Legal critics who sought to around the world, was mailed to members in advance of The|tteat the death of a president in the same framework as an Associated Press annual meet- M ing here April 20. President ordinary murder _ignored the Johnson will be the principal realities of the situation," he speaker. said. Gallagher's report dealt in| "Nor should the press be part with some critics who at-|asked to share the blame when tacked the press for its cover-jlax police work made it pos- rumors which could have fuelled ideological hatreds to the point of possible violence." Gallagher said all media met link with Richmond and 'Bond for one-way traffic as proposed under the Damas- Smith Traffic survey report. The site is immediately east of St. Gertrude's Roman Catholic Church, west of the former Rundle estate, River- dale Towers originally ask- ed $80,000 for the property, 'part of a three-acre lot con- 'taining a house (balance of Which is still owned by the company.) Lou Pantaleo' of of guilt and vanity that had whether anything can be done.|become - simply a millstone The initiative for the mid- round Britain's neck. July meeting almost certainly NEW IMPULSE SOUGHT came from Prime Minister Sir The sense' of 1 sens estrangement in Alec Douglas-Home, although commonwealth affairs has been his elbow may have been|ovident for some time, It jogged by Prime Minister Men-|;.' refiected in the slow. de- izies of Australia, who likes t0\ cline of Commonwealth ofgani- come to England if there is/7ations, in the talk of a. two- any chance of getting 10 @tiored commonwealth, in @ cricket match on the side. growing concentration upon re- | To unders and what Sir Alec gional groupings. The sheen hag to vege Ag pony be re- weight of numbers--there now membered that the Vommon:) src 18 members--makes for un+ wealth currently must contend | } Loupan Developments, Osh- awa, Ltd., is president of LOU PANTALEO Riverdale Towers. The City had applied to the Ontario Municipal Board to expropriate the property, and the case was scheduled for hearing this month when a setilement was reached. Riverdale Towers at one time proposed con- struction of 'a 120-suiie, four-storey apartmenj on the proper- funeral. "Criticism revolved acound| Gallagher noted that a team the mass reporting of report-/of Associated Press top writers] fers, cameramen and broadcast-|and editors captured the drama ers, the relatively quick desig-|of the death of the president} nation of Lee Harvey Oswald as|in a book, The Torch is Passed,| the accused assassin and Os-|which was offered to readers by| age of the assassination and|sible for an outsider to kill Os- wald."' STERN SECTION UNDER Point in the Atlantic, Friday towards a berth at Newport The shattered stern section of the tanker San Jacinto is with a good deal of cynicism. |The withdrawal of South Africa jand the addition of half a dozen eo members have tended to create a distinction between the old Commonwealth, comprising | Britain, and Australia, Canada, New Zealand Commonwealth whose aims are TOW Moran, left, from New York, stands by to lend assistance, if and the new wieldiness So Sir Alec, with a certain degree of urgency, is summon ing ministers to London. He wants to see if the Common- wealth can pull itself together, find a new impulse, He hasn't any' special formula, but he is open to ideas, ' Reds Red Over Marvin Belli To Speak At Toronto Press Fete 'iar sce. tia! cht Tae "ass 8 8 News, Va, The y Euge od. --(A Jirt J News, Va. The tug Eugene _heeded oA AP _Wirephoto) | At bev: ii way be dhe an Idealists fee! there is still of a strong process, However jsomething precious in the in- extensive advance briefings \tangible Commonwealth link, from London may be, ministers 'something to be cherished even,are. certain to arrive more in- though Canada, to take one terested in a specific problem, example, has little in common such as the future of Southern with Ghana, ,Sierra Leone or Rhodesia, tha in some nebu- |Zanzibar. lous new concept of Common- ty, but this was opposed by area. property owners. often different. CITY'S 1962 AUDIT REPORT SOMETIMES UNCLEAR This seems like a good time to talk about such unpopular things as the municipal auditor's reports and financial state- ments, now in state of preparation at City Hall with a dead- line of March 31. Does any such report affecting thousands suffer from such neglect (outside City Hall) as this document (47 pages in 1962)? Such public apathy is regretiable, bound to lead to trou- ble, as the late departed Mr. Fred Cass once pointed out so é@ffectively when he was Minister of Municipal Affairs. Mr. Cass piloted legislation making it compulsory for municipalities to publish these reports in newspapers in ab- breviated form. This was sound legislation, but i: didn't go nearly far enough, as such reports are too fragmentary, vague. The City Treasury Department didn't help the situation any in the 1962 Auditor's Report and Financial Statements by omitiing an important column head -- the amounts bud- geted for several revenue groups, as ha@& been done in previous annual reports. As a result, it was difficult to as- certain whether some revenues were over or under budget. Cily Treasurer I, Frank Markson agreed this week there was merit in the inclusion of such information and promised to give it consideration. As pointed out herein, there was weddings or divorce; every- where all they keep in mind is money, despising productive work." SPARKS PROTESTS Protests have ome from Brit- ain, France and North Amer- ica. | | e Anti-Jew Book In the staff corresponding|however disparate, brings a MOSCOW (AP) -- The Sovict; section, the judges singled out|touch of healing to a raw -and government has clearly been jembarrassed by furore stirred bi Alan Harvey, Canadian Press| bureau chief in London for} hd Firemen Get . Raise In Pay TORONTO (CP)--Winners of,an aerial picture of a plane that the 15th annual National News-jcrashed near Calgary in Au- paper Awards, for work done! gust. in 1963, were announced Friday.) Feature photography -- Boris The awards: Spremo, The Globe and Mail, Editorial writing -- Anthony|for photos of a rugger player Westell, Toronto Globe and|who lost his pants in the scrum. Mail. Mr. Spremo also won the 1962 Taking note of the criticism,, Spot news reporting--Bob Hill, award, the Soviet news agency Novosti Edmonton Journal, for his coy-| Cartooning -- Jan Kamienski, issued a statement which com- erage in March of the rescue of| Winnipeg Tribune, for a cartoon | plained: Heien kaben and Ralph Flores March 8 dealing with the split "The publication in Kiev of a5® days after their plane,within the Social Credit party. booklet by Trofim Kichko (Jud-|crashed in Northern British Co-| Sports writing--Gary Lautens, aism Without Disguise) has lumbia. Toronto Star, for three columns given rise in the Western coun-| Feature writing--Robert Turn-/on varied sports topics. tries, and particularly in tne bull, The Globe and Mail, for) The awards will be presented U.S.A., to a spate of fresh fab:/q series of stories in April .at a dinner in Toronto Saturday, rications about anti - Semitism about the Credit River in On- April 11, given by the Toronto in the Soviet Union. tario Men's Press Club which estab- "Attempts are being made not Staff corresponding -- Alex- lished the competition in 1949 only to ascribe to the Soviet/ ander Ross, Vancouver Sun, for|to reward achievement and to state the persecution of Jews,'a five-part series about the so--encourage excellence in the but even to declare it a policy|¢ja] revolution in Quebec proy- newspaper work of this country. that is pursued by the U.S.S.R." ince. Melvin Belli, counsel for Jack Novosti said Kichko "merely| spot news photography--Kent Ruby at his murder trial in Dal- Zee EDWARD DRUMM 3 yeors diligent, energetic and en- thusiastic effort in the residentiel real estate field has proved suc- cessful to Ed, so much so thot his counsel will prove most helpful in finding the enswer to your residen- ticl real estete problems. Bolahood Brothers Limited, Realtors 101 Simcoe North 728-5123 eee ee in the West by a Soviet book'et depicting Jews as money grab- bers. | honorable mention for "an ex- Titled Judaism Without Dis- jcelinet series on Russia' and) guise, the booklet was published said the high ranking of the| ifast year by the Academy of Ross and Harvey entries came} Science of the Soviet Ukraine. from a feeling of personal par-| | It now is virtually unobtain- ticipation in the reporters' as-- MONTREAL (CP)--The CNR jable in Moscow. Officials of the signments. and Brotherhood of Locomo-| capital's Ukrainian languag: itive Firemen. and: Enginemen jbookshop turns buyers away s |\(CLC) Thursday signed a three-| jwith a curt "sold out." Hospital Bed year contract covering 2,700 The booklet contains the us |employees. | ual Soviet propaganda about re- 1 k M H | The old contract was due to |ligion, and Judaism in particu- ac ay AVE expire March 31 and the new La gi? s righty oo jagreement is scheduled to take eak nosed men squa ing effect May 1. about money and collaborating Caused Death | The contract calls for a 6%- considerable differences sometimes between actual and bud- with Germans. TORONTO (CP)--Coroner Dr.\per-cent increase in five stages geted figures. | The text of the booklet also Rotstein Thursday said lack of|for firemen on passenger and Pity the poor taxpayer who opens Oshawa's 1962 Audi- botatord oa viglently, One rare nt bed may have caused ang pogsage services and a , 52 expel "ete Be BBys t E Andrew Kirpan, 58, |four-stage, - per -¢ : tor's Report, for instance, to nd the ses expenditures ot \""«Prade and business is. the ageing Andrew Kirpan, 58, sot . lent ae eet the Oshawa Industrial Commission operation. He hasn't lvery essence of the Judaic cult.| When Chief Coroner Dr. Mor-|and yard services got a chance, couldn't find it in a million years. It's listed _ "No matter what they are do-jexercised his right to conduct stevenson, Calgary Herald, for las, will be the speaker. ton Shulman. learned of" the Their average annual wage in on page 13 under EXPENDITURES -- GENERAL GOVERN- jing, selling matzoth or chap- atheistic propaganda." But it)-- aaa = ri Winners will receive $400 each death and the fact that a hos-/1963 was $6,100. pital bed could not be found for| The CNR said settlement of Space: Needles the man, he ordered the body the contract leaves only its removed from a funeral parlor.|western division engineers and It was taken to the city morgue |non-operating employees with for an autopsy. new contract to be settled. MENT. The OIC annual expenditure is sizeable, has hit the. |ters of the Torah, performing added: 'He did not do it in the and a certificate. $18,000 mark, yet it is buried in a generalized $660,545 total. rites of burial or circumcision, | best way." The following newspapers and s Cause Little It may be desirable to have such municipal reports concise, | se ' groups contribute to the awards | WEATHER FORECAST Newspapers, Thomson Newspa- pers, the French-language dai- lies, Montreal Gazette, Montreal Radio Harm Mr, Kirpan, an angina suf-| ferer, was an outpatient for sev- eral years at New Mount Sinai Star, Toronto Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, Toronto Tele- gram, London Free Press, Windsor Star, Regina Leader- Post, Saskatoon Star - Phoenix and Vancouver Sun. Hospital. He went to the hos- pital Tuesday and again Wed- nesday but no bed could be found for him. Administrator Sidney Liswood , said the hospital did everything dio astronomy. | The three awards to members it could, including callng other Furthermore, the group said,/9f the Globe and Mail staff/hosptals for a. bed. the agreement between the pre- marked the second time since After treatment at emergency dicted effects of the expri- the awards were established wards, Mr. Kirpan was dead on ment, known as West Ford, and|'hat three prizes have gone to/arrival at Toronto Western. Hos- the actual results "is goodjOne paper. Toronto Star con-|pital at 8:05 a.m. Thursday. enough to engender confidence" testants won three awards in| Dr. Rotstein said he is still that should any other similar 1960. investigating. experiments be proposed, it SEFTON will be possible to forecast the PEPI'S PIZZA PALACE astronomical side-effects accur- 134 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH ® McLAUGHLIN PUBLIC LIBRARY BOOKMOBILE SCHEDULE A&P (NORTH OSHAWA) Thurs., Apr. 2 & 16 & 30, 2:30-5:00 -- 6:00-8:30 SIMCOE PLAZA Friday, Apr, 3 & 17, 2:30-5:30 EASTVIEW PARK Friday, Apr. 3 & 17 6:30-8:30 ROSSLYN PLAZA Sat. Apr. 4°& 18, 10:00-12:00 -- 1:30-4:00 HARMONY CHURCH Tues., Apr. 7 & 21, 2:30-5:00 LAKE VISTA PLAZA Thurs., Apr. 9 & 23, 2:30-5:30 DR. C. F, CANNON SCHOOL Thurs., Apr. 9 & 23, 6:30-8:30 AIRPORT PLAZA Friday, Apr. 10 & 24, 3:00-5:00 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Friday, Apr. 10 & 24, 6:00-8:30 POWER STORE (KING ST. EAST) Tues., Apr. 14 & 28, 2:00-5:00 | WASHINGTON (AP) committee of scientists reported Friday that the belt of copper needles the U.S. Air Force put into orbit last year has not been harmful to either optical or ra- index? (Who will forget that immiortal 1961 annual report of the Oshawa Industrial Commission relesed to the Press with three of the pages missing: -- the three pages that had to do with the Commission's financial statements? ) Mr. Markson admits other sizeable expenditures are not indexed, but says the report conforms to regulations of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. The report is prepared by Gunn, Roberts, Toronto accountants, primarily for "'govern- ment purposes," he said, and a better picture of City's finan- cial picture can be obtained from the City's budge', he said. Gunn, Roberts and Co. (in a preface to the 1962 Oshawa Auditor's Report and Financial Statements) said, in part: "The revenue fund balance sheet at December 31, 1962, shows a bank overdraft of $209,840. This amount is repre- sen.ed by 'an overdraft of $111,697 and outstanding cheques as $98,143. Section 329 (1) of the Municipal Act permits current borrowings by way of promissory note only and we know of no authority which would permit a bank overdraft. As a result of our recommendations, a bank loan has been obtained early in 1963 to clear the bank overdraft." These 'may be minor points, but didn't Mr. Cass say we should all read these reports more carefully? fund: reasonably abbreviated, but not to the point where they are FP: Publications: Southam ambiguous -- the Industrial Commission personnel make-up : e e Little Milder; y is included on page four, but there is not the slighest refer- €nce to it on page 13. Why? Why isn't it even listed in the | 2420 -13 17 Forecasts issued by the Tor-; White River weather office at 5:00 Kapuskasing * Eariton onto a.m.: Synopsis: Some clearing is anced over southern On- North Bay tario tonight but still) another) Sudbury ..... coves disturbance is likely to move Muskoka into the Great Lakes area Sun- Windsor day with a repetition of today's London weather pattern Toronto Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie,|Trenton Lake Huron, Niagara, Lake On- Ottawa tario, Algoma, Windsor, Lon- Montreal don, Hamilton, Toronto: Mostly | Quebec cloudy but with some clear Halifax periods Sunday. A few scattered | Chicago snowflurries or a period of light New York snow Sunday. Not quite as cold, Miami. ... Winds light. or ately. The report was by the space science board of the U.S. Na- tional Academy of Sciences. Dr. H. H. Hess of Princeton University, board chairman, said-the conclusions "should not " _,be taken either as an endocse- e PB exper € fe 5 few scattered snowflurries' [ETHBRIDGE, Alta. (CP)--|ing of another similar belt with- cl dees tonight. Clouding over) two cases of active tuberculosis/oui further discussion." again Sunday with a few snOW- ang 844 chest abnormalities! In saying that no harm had flurries. Not quite as cold. ., |were found here during a chest/been done to observations' by Timagami, Cochrane, White x-ray clinic in the last three\astronomers, the report cau- River, North Bay, Sudbury:| months of 1963, reports Joe Mc-/|tioned that there might be in- Clear with cloudy periods and Kenzie, general secretary of the/creased. vulnerability with fu- ikely a few snowflurries Sun- Ajbertg Tuberculosis Associa-|ture advances in techniques of day. Winds light. tion. astronomy Announces New Hours: MONDAY THRU THURSDAY-- 4:15 P.M. to 1 A.M. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY-- 4:15 P.M. to 2A.M. SUNDAY-- 4:15 P.M. to 12 Midnight MORE NOTES FROM THE HUSTINGS: Albert V (for Victor) Walker came right to the point Wednesday night on a ticklish subject when he turned up for a little after-dinner speech before some fellow Oshawa Tories. Withouw. . specifically placing Queen's Park party colleagues, the Oshawa MPP bluntly admitted somebody in the PC hierarchy "bungled badly" in introducing the proposed Police Commission Bill 99 legis- lation the way they did. Fresh from a Toronto caucus presided over by the pro- vincial party's great white father, Premier John Robarts, the former Oshawa alderman was quick to assure his loyal audience the PC's would not fold up and die over this issue, however grave. ('We are too strong--our record of achieve- ment in the way of progressive legislation will prove this," he said.) Mr. Walker spoke carefully, ina manner that. emphasized the seriousness of the siuation for the folks back home. He also publicly proclaimed his continued allegiance to Mr, Rob- aris (who visited Oshawa twice during the 1963 provincial campaign to strongly endorse his candidacy), as did another speaker, Tom Wells, the 33-year-old Scarborough North mem- ber. Mr. Wells threw some verbal bouquets at Mr, Walker by reading two recent glowing edilorial tributes to the Oshawa MPP in the provincial dailies. Mr, W. did blush a bit at this display of unabashed adulation from a fellow MPP. o the goat horns on any WE DELIVER -- Ales 6 p.m. Every Evening PHONE 728-0192 ging, 08 a Sealy is like gee pita On a Cloud! aa Waa Forecast temperatures: Low -tonight, High Sunday Windsor 25 St. Thomas London Kitchener Mount Forest . Wingham Hamilton . St. Catharines ..... \Toronto |Peterborough ... % GOLF * GOLF * GOLF * GOLF * GOLF * u WHITBY GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB (ASHBURN, ONT, .. - PHONE 655-4952 PRO SHOP NOW OPEN @ Memberships Available @ Inquiries Invited Come Out and see ovr New Clubhouse. GOLF * GOLF * GOLF x GOLF * GOLF NU-WAY RUG OSHAWA LTD. oR ~ ff a YOU ARE INVITED To An OPEN MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 8 P.M. McLAUGHLIN HALL © (Nurses Residence) 338 SIMCOE STREET NORTH DOCTOR'S PANEL: . C. CAMPBELL, Surgeon . R. CLARK, Pathologist . A, J. LOOS, Radiologist . R. K. MILLER, Gynaecologist . H. M, SANDERSON, General Practitioner . ©. G. MILLS, Specialist in Internal Medicine, Moderator Killaloe Muskoka North Bay | Sudbury Earlton Sault Ste. Marie Kapuskasing | White River .. Moosonee .. Timmins ind oO U) + a per ° U) *« ue wl ° © |} 4109 ¥ 4109 ¥ 4109 ' ask Jerry Lewis... a Sealy salesman in his new movie "WHO'S MINDING THE STORE?" A York-Jerry Lewis Production A Paramount Release He'll be first to tell you about Sealy's firm 83rd Anniversary mattress. Set guaranteed 10 yrs, (the same guarantee found on Sealy's $59.50 mattress.) Plus 8-0z. woven stripe cover, Button-free top. Exclusive Edge Gards". What cloud has all this? ... and only $39.88 NOW PLAYING at the REGENT Theatre WILSON"S FURNITURE 20 CHURCH ST. PHONE 723-3211 LOCAL. 222 AUXILIARY AIDS PENANG NEEDY | Observed temperature Dr. Claude Vipond of Oshawa has done a good job of | Low overnight, high Frid reminding Canadians of the need for more medical aid to Dawson 5 underprivileged areas like Malaya, where he served for two: |Victoria years as a member of a Canadian medical team under the Pen coh Colombo Plan -- the Ladies' Auxiliary No, 27 of Local 222, eiaince: UAW-CLC, took heed of Kis words this week by presenting a Lakehead cheque for $100 to the Spastic Children's Ass Pe- Sault Ste nang, which he helped found.. GM retirees have been invited to a meeting in the Union Hali, Bond Wednesday afternoon to hear Local 222 executives outline up- coming plans for contract talks with the company. ; So the Argonaut Football team is sending down a hockey team to play ex-Dunnie greats, such as 'Bobby' Attersley,- and the Oshawa. Police team in Whitby nex month? The Society fr Prevention of Cruelty to Third-Rate He ti should step lf i form any better on ice than they do on lie gridirgu soilie hodv could eet ceriousiy hurt. i] Wina FREE SEALY at WILSON'S or the REGENT e Upholstery Cleaning -- Home or Plant © Authorized Filter Queen Sales & Service @ Genuine Hoover Sales, Service & Parts ©@ Mothproofing and Deodorizing Machine Binding, Serging, Fringing Rug Dyeing A OSHAWA'S ONLY RUG CLEANING PLANT Approved by the National Institute of Rug Cleaners VISITORS WELCOME Why Take Chances With Your Valuable Rugs and Upho'stery t ciation of Marie ... DR DR DR DR DR DR YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWFRED streel, next THE KEY To The SALE LIST WITH PAST RISTOW REALTOR 187 KING EAST, OSHAWA id aad sop. his' oie se Arco | | 728-9474 Ontario County Unit -- Canadian Cancer Society 4

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