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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Mar 1964, p. 5

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COMMENT: BOTCH-UP Just Thought Id Scare You Again By JOHN GAULT (Whitby. Editor) CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY, March 30 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Explorers \lst Whitby Scouts |Salvation Army Brownies |Whitby Baptist Church Ex- plorers WHITBY And DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St. West Manager: John Gauit Tel. 668-3703 OUT OF MONEY End Is Near For May Ambulance in Whitby jhis Cadillac ambulanc repair-|sidy' bet brought in, was a led and to pay past bills. {house call. : One month ago he announced, "! -- _-- to Oshawa i 5 .|General Hospital. \that, unless aid was forthcom-| nt moked: 'flow wold you like| | : ij the} : 4 a alg tee a? \to pay the bill? Now or in the| tI? have no ambulance here. For la grubby five grand you could|TUESDAY, March 31 Dear Councillor Edwards: |have insured the well-being of|Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club Here is chapter two of my cam-|'#@ people you represent, the|Red Cross Work Room paign to frighten the aged anj/ People who, in their ti alata Army Cubs 2nd Whitby ill of Whitby. elected you to office. at if} The Donald May Asnbnleice ee ay Feu reageoupri Will WEDNESDAY, April 1 |service is going out of business.|you Pay lip service to that also.) --) 4g ns Dreshyteri : 4 Se pen as '. jst, yterian Chil- There will be no ambulance} You eatin ee dren of the Church jservice in the Town of Whitby.!own oo getg wg Nod ini Knights of Columbus Perhaps, foreve o. -- = he byeog hs ee int-|Co.op Guild oon ae candi bbs point |thermonier "You are ats " ri-|Benevolent Rebekah Lodge No. away, : s point-| ther ; 1 i) 199 ed out, The Sherrin service canjvate concern, with a one-man) 4; : S j ' ; : : > 2 y 'q.|4Jax Lionettes Club very likely service both muni-| operation. You ee a corpora: | Almonds United Church Women Gat one' ot tones gerne a ar oe mc a Afternoon F s city-sup-|wag y 1 mail? anc ight brave|mini f eight men will run aes Rae 4 clue while, "The woman was startled. She ee trait eo la tron" diver $0 000 per year. Add it THURSDAY, April 2 Is 5 : ' | \2 sted data :, : s said. "I'm broke. I can't afford the prontens was' still in the|W@s,under the impression thet the new K-Mart to rush overjup and it is close to one mill/whithy Baptist Church Cub to operate. Kade of a Town Comme Comin st" vo Pee the whole/here on a call. of the. tax dollar. Mr. May) -- Packs ; "It was a step in the right! mittee and salvaged the serv- Both would be quite happy, I) would have set you back about Salvation Army Women's Home direction, but it was too littlelice, ; ould imagine, to accept the|two-tenths of a mill. League and too late." a ati in| ; jdoubled fee which the Town) Bowmanville pays Don Har-|Faith Baptist Church WMS late. |. With the co-operation of Bill suggested that, if the Town were!Council is holding out as a sub- yey $4000 per year and for a/Salvation Army Women's Home Council voted March are oe Martin of Martin Auto-Electric| tg buy and procure an ambu-|Gqy After all, now anybody|v'nonum of 40 calls per month.| ianeie match (in dollars) any calls that|they outfitted a station wagon|jance, he would work a 24-hour | with a stretcher and a station-|phe service was tops when I was|All Saints Anglican Church St. ambulances made within thea; an ambulance and made|qay seven-day week for them! wagon or pickup truck can get! ihe nd iE has been tOps| Margaret Guild Town of Whitby. It required|pjans to have the Cadillac fixed.|for '100 per week. (nae he at ahd Oe an i oct e nce on tae Vane d that the en | ward | But Mr. May does not, he| He thought that, aside from jance, as one of your suggested.|ioca] and provincial police will| FRIDAY, April 3 ly accounts sign y both pa-! aims have the money to carry|the Town brothers, who were| Council, your subsidy was con-|attest to that. | ree : igus on. His wife is forced to go tjrefused a subsidy last year, ceived in haste. You felt you Why don't you come out of clas Pau Citizens So- tient or next-of-kin, and doctor. The May service normally) ville each day to work!there was only one other person|were forced to act because the eet yi y Bowman . : Bebada your Council begga and' Pentecostal Church Young Pco- really take a look at what is ple's Christian Ambassadors Don May's Whitby Exclusive ambulance service ends mid- night, March 31. The money, Mr. May said, has Tun out. "The subsidy from the Town came too late in the game," he Mr, May expressed concern at ,, having to cease his service, and| changes $12 per call, so the sub-|as a nurse in the Bowmanville|in town qualified to operate an|Chamber of Commerce intend- sidy would realize him $24 per hospital. ambulance. ed to push you forward, out of WORK EXPERIENCE PROGRAM Some pupils-at Anderson High School will spend part of their Easter vacation sampling their chosen occupations. A "Work Experience Pro- gram", planned to aid students about to. launch themselves in the business world, has been jplanned by Anderson staff this year, Fifteen boys and girls, {now completing the nigh |school's special one year com- mercial course, will work with- out play in various offices of the area for several days next week, The plan will be carried out with the co-operation of busi- jnesses in Ajax, Oshawa and | | | | | Besides affording to the high school pupils, the plan lists sev- eral potential aids to school and community, Revisions in the present high school commercial training systems may be sug- gested through the students' practical experience. Other aims of the program are: to give parents new insight into the value of Anderson's Special Commercial program, and to encourage other young people to stay ,in school long enough to acquire a saleable skill. Students and businesses par- ticipating in the program are: Gail Agar and Linda Bowcatt, visiting Dowty Equipment of Canada; John Bedard, Dupont of Canada; Pat Monroe, The |Whitby, which have been asked to provide a "varied and chal- lenging program' during the students' visit. March 30 and 31 were proposed by the high schoo] as suitable dates for the program. Arranged under the direction f Anderson's Commercial Di- For the Best in Hair Care and Creative Styling in a relaxed atmosphere THF BEAUTY CLINIC it) jrector R. E, Smith, the Work; |Experience Program was| HAIRSTYLISTS THE OSHAWA TIMES, 5» Saturday, Merch 28, 1964 Anderson Commercial | Pupils Go To Work Prudential Insurance Company' of America; Betty Ann Chonos-, kie and John Hamelinck, Duniop- of Canada; Diane Parrott, Sklar Furniture Company; Anne Dry- den and Dianne Fisher, Bell Telephone; Meme Verriet, the William J. Anderson Company; Bonnie Brown, The Public Util- ity Commission of the Town of Whitby; Brenda Doner, London Life Insurance; Betty Arnold, Citizens Finance Company; Car- oline Moore and Sharon Hop- kins, Dupont of Canada; and Elaine Crawforth and Myrle Thompson, The T. Eaton Com- pany. ; | |STAFF Family Monuments Created To Individual equirements LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST call, He is selling vacuum cleaners} He suggested that he 'would Mr. May had been seeking ajto attempt to support his twojtry to remain in Whitby for a straight $5,000 per year subsidy | children, and to keep his ambu-| while and would possibly start lyour state of inaction. | Councillors. of Whitby, you botched it. Your subsidy was |not only useless to Donald May, but it was dangerous to the [Town of Whitby. You left the \field wide open.. Any hack- \driver, 'quack or fly-by-nighter |can drive into Whitby now and become responsible for the lives jof every citizen, This, of course, |\does not refer to Mr. Sherrin, jor Oshawa, or any other recog- going on? Come on out to an accident some night, and -sce how well Mr. May handles the injured, and how quickly. It doesn't seem too important ade now, but if someone dies for)Salvation lack of an ambulance, Council- ple's Band lors, the finger will point inst, Andrew's Presbyterian only one direction -- to that Church Jr. Choir SATURDAY, April 4 brand-new building at the cor-/$t, Mark's United Church 4 ners of Dundas and Henry W's Couples Club Salvation Army Timbral Brig-| Army Young Peo-/ticipating scholars a chance to streets. Sorry, Mr. Reeve, I know But the plan was} cil? Why did you refuse to stand| 301 BYRON ST. SOUTH imodelled to give students first-| PHONE 668-3061 hand experience of their chosen life work before graduation. The plan thus proposes to give par- 668-3552 % GOLF * GOLF x GOLF * GOLF * GOLF WHITBY GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB (ASHBURN, ONT, .. . PHONE 655-4952 + jassess skills, and acquire new u ones or enlarge present studies. Providing business contacts for the future pob hunters will be |among the proposed advantages of the program, which will offer students a generally better understanding of how business PRO SHOP NOW OPEN inized, efficient service. But you|¥ tried up and be counted. In private it] and without careful, | | premature, - . Council of have left the doors wide open. consideration that the 1s ; Poms gece didn't eat welt owes the taxpayers. lis opposed to subsidy. What are : i : ? You have to "ha the whole Council|the facts gentlemen u our taxpayers to an additional Piste PS bear the brunt of/until Tuesday night at midmght le wis | 5 5 yery year. You|,,. ve the present ambulance family wish Donna many ha' expense of $5000 every year. You . l-up. I feel that some of:f0 save t p d returns of the day. ieee) hoped, some of you, that your - cionbetine the subsidy Service, or come up with a solu- : ,11,{iaction would prompt the prov- ian were honestly attempting a|tion which will safeguard the Mr, Allan Morrison, 136 Hill-jince to step up plans for provin-|- ition. I am sure that at least} crest Drive is celebrating hisicial subsidy. You wrote letters) . of the Councillors who op-|Ple of Whitby. birthday, Monday, March 30.|and you discussed the matter) (oq it did so in.the realiza- Dinner guests on Sunday to cel-|with others and you made no fen that it was inadequate. | ebrate the occasion will be Mr.|plans. Only Councillor Edwards ox pressed any opinions on ambu- and Mrs. William Morrison and} Then the Chamber of Com- | Bill' Morrison of Oshawa. merce, that heretofore 'mori- 4 .| | ela ' lance subsidy at an open meet-| . . {bund institution" came into the'. ; inte 'o sa t Sail a Mr. and Mrs, John Schultz). i ling. Why didn't you choose to ul picture, so you had to save'soi4 the discussion in open Coun-| and daughters Catherine and|r... we couldn't let the towns-| 0M j ; | Paqey lege Loy are spending the Easter|,ooie think that the Chamber to Europe weekend in Brantford the guests was more interested in the pub-| of Mr. and Mrs, F, Harold)ji. good that the Council, could and save during Thrift Season Donna Maria, daughter appears that no one on Councii Mr. and Mrs. Earle Harding is| celebrating her first birthday) Easter Sunday. Friends of the Schultz. lave? Paul, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.| You held a meeting in private! G. Neal is celebrating his eighth|before the public meeting. You birthday Monday, March 30. His| pushed through a makeshift pro- |companions of Hillcrest school|posal and crossed your fingers Miss Theresa Van Hannen, 120/and friends wish him a happy|and hoped they would not get Annes street is celebrating her| birthday. burned, You took the wind out 20th birthday, Easter Sunday, jof the Chamber's proposals and her friends wish her a happy, Mrs. John Scholten, 220 Brock/established a hollow victory for birthday. street north left from Interna-|the Establishment. I told some be speaker at the general meet- . tional Airport, Toronto for alof you then, and I'll repeat: ing of April 7 at 2 p.m Mr, and Mrs. Roland Gerig of|three weeks visit in Holland|The plan is full of loopholes Mrs. Harold Hare took charge Armprior spent a day visiting,]Germany where she will visit) yoy have no contract, you have of the worship period which at the home of Mr, and Mrs.|members of her family. no control over what the ambu- opened with prayer and a mes- Harold Scott, 405 Trent street lance operator will charge per sage on the first Easter given|west, Mr. Gerig just returned ul a4 t voi hav Mrs, Hare gave a very interes- 1613 Dufferin street, is celebra-|_ 4 the ack anit sauien, Sten: ting and informative talk on)Mizpah Benediction. A social|ting his birthday Saturday, Halle dn the hard r Pp M "India." hour followed, Tea hostesses|March 28, Members of his fam-|""C¥ si Rat ao eon Por The leader thanked Mrs. Hare|were Mrs. Broughton and Mrs.|ily and friends wish him a} 2 a ee oo ee and the meeting closed with the|Hare. happy birthday. ; | | to operate. He needed imme-/lance on the road. | up again if an acceptable sub- diate capital, he said, to have| "The first call after the 'sub-!sidy were offered. UCW Ladies" WHITBY PERSONALS To Assist cil, Mrs, William Avent, treas- jurer of Colborne street Home jand School Association, and land Mrs. Alex Pearce, presi- Church parlor Tuesday, Mar./Convention of the Ontario Fed- 24 with 16 members present.l/eration of Home and School Mrs, A. A. Archibald presided) associations held at the Royal and opened the meeting by read-| york Hotel, Tuesday, March 24. is minutes followed by roll call.}ing his first birthday Saturday, Thirty visits to sick and shut-ins March 28. Friends of the family were reported. The treasurer wish John Anthony many happy gave the financial report. returns of the day. Lodge and also to help provide |of Mr. and Mrs. Rene LaLonde. food for the forthcoming daffo-|Centre street south and wil] be dil tea to be held in thejreturning to her home after Assembly Hall Friday, April 10 Easter. Mrs. G. A. Scott, Vice Presi-;from a business trip to Italy dent of Pickering and District)and they are now on their way Home and S-c-h-0-0-1 Coun- to Clinton. dent of Kathleen Rowe Homes Unit No. 1, St. Mark's United and School Association, attend- Church Women met in the/eq as delegates the 45th Annual ing verses on "The World full of Children." John Anthohy, son of Mr. and Recording secretary read the|Mrs. John Hartjes is celebrat- Volunteers were asked to ; : help at the monthly tea to be, Mrs. Mary Orr, Sault Ste served to residents of Fairview | Marie, is a guest at the home from 3 to 5 p.m. A ready res-| ponse was given to help at both: these events. Mrs. Archiblad ""atmounced that Mrs. C. R. Carscailan wil Mr. Nick Hornung of Ajax,| jfather of Mrs. David Saunders Relax -- or let off a little steam on gleaming sports © decks; eat magnificently; Sleep like a log in your air- conditioned stateroom. You'll wish the ocean were wider! Ask your Travel Agent about your free baggage allowance -- up to 275 pounds; and about the special bargains " available on all Thrift Season Sailings, saving you up to 57! Os [INCOME TAX RETURNS PHONE 668-8252 = ua STOVE OL Premium Quality Automatic Delivery by Metered Trucks Phone 668-3341 '| PALL LL ALL LG THRIFT SEASON "HAPPY A SHIP"' SAILINGS to South- i ampton, Le Havre, Rotterdam. ] | From MONTREAL & QUEBEC: |EERYNDAM Apr. 12 |} *MAASDAM Apr. 30 From NEW YORK: April STATENDAM .......... 9 (ROTTERDAM ...... |E tNIEUW AMSTERDAM ... lives and well-being of the peo- and industry operates. | IF | YOU DON'T DRINK ... pay less for your auto insurance! Insure with ABSTAINERS' INSURANCE COMPANY, the one insurance company in Canada that issues poli- cies only to non-drinkers, We will be glad to give you full information, without obligation. | RIEGER 'and OSBORNE INSURANCE PH. 668-5431 -- WHITBY | 218 DUNDAS STREET E. Representing the \ ABSTAINERS' INSURANCE @ Memberships Available @ Inquiries Invited Come Out and see our New Clubhouse. 4109 ¥ 4109 ¥ 1109 GOLF * GOLF * GOLF * GOLF * GOLF EASTER SUNDAY SERVICES FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 BROCK STREET N. REV, DELOSS M. SCOTT, Minister 9:15 AM.--"FAITH TIDINGS" Broadcast C.K.L.B, OSHAWA--1350 ON YOUR DIAL 9:45 A.M.--CONCLUDING SUNDAY OF OUR GREAT "ON TO VICTORY" BIBLE SCHOOL CONTEST Mr. Terry Martin, Talented Cholk Artist will Drow A Beautiful Picture 11:00 A.M. EASTER WORSHIP SERVICE "Sunrise At The Sepulchre" 7:00 P.M.--EASTER MUSIC and SERVICE OF "BELIEVER'S BAPTISM" "SPECIAL:-- MONTHLY FELLOWSHIP NIGHT TONIGHT (SATURDAY 8:00 P.M. Mr. Terry Martin, Chalk Artist of King's College. New York will draw using Mogic Black Light EVERYONE CORDIALLY WELCOME CHURCHES EMMANUEL REFORMED REV. GERRIT REZELMAN THIRD CONCESSION WEST OFF HIGHWAY 12 _ 10:30 A.M, ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 2 P.M. DUTCH SERVICE 7 P.M. ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED tSpecial Tulip Times Sailings, *Also to Cobh/Bremerhaven. STATENDAM i. | Spring Cruise | ss. RYNDAM to NEW YORK via | Boston, 454 days from Montreal | jay v. ST. ANDREW"S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron at St. John Rev. W.. J.. S. McClure, B.A. Minister Mrs. P. N. Spratt, Organist Pay Later plan available PICKERING VILLAGE, HWY. 2 AT DUFFIN'S CREEK See your Travel Agent or HE IS RISEN @ PHONE 942-1012 @ Whitby and District a Happy Easter. It is fitting that Eas- ter ushers in the season of spring. It is a time for re- birth and re-evaluation. For «Christians, it is the most joy- ous of feast days, the day that Christ established his immortality. --Picture and dedication by JMG. An Apology For Poetic Credit Whitby Councillor Georg e| Bevan did not write the} "Referee poetry" which appear- ed in Thursday's Times. Being a modest man he asked that} I would like to take this op- portunity, on behalf of the of- fice staff of the Whitby Bureau of The Oshawa Times, to wish to each of our readers in Special Easter Sunday BUFFET Petesbobeletebebledetebeeteteleted 2P.M. TO 8 P.M. Beleteteteet BROCK Evening Shows Start 7 and 8:20 WHITBY Saturday Matinee at 1:30 eforfenfosfosfostectontecfeotonfeotos You'll roar at the further adventures of "The Mouse That Roared Featuring: BAKED DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School 11:00 A.M "NOT UNITED BY TIME IN. SPACE" Nursery Care ond Junior Congregation (COLBORNE ST. W. AT CENTRE) Minister: REV. JOHN McLEOD-- Organist: Mrs. W. SUMMERS A.T.C.M. EASTER SERVICES 11:00 A.M.--"OUR HOPE" 7:00 P.M.--CANTATA--'THE LORD IS ' RISEN INDEED" L. Strickland Bible School at 9:45 P.M.--Classes For All Ages LE TUS REJOICE IN "HIS TRIUMPH" EASTER SERVICES ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH 9:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION A brief but meaningful celebration 11:00 A.M.--EASTER PRAISE Thanks be to God for Victory 4:00 P.M.--FAMILY SERVICE A short service for the whole family Special Easter music will be provided by the Senior, Inter- mediate and Junior Choirs SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M.--JUNIOR AND INTERMEDIATES 11:00 A.M.--BEGINNERS, KINDERGARTEN AND PRIMARY 11:00 A.M.--INFANT CARE, JUNIOR CONGREGATION 7:30 A.M.--HI-C EASTER BREAKFAST the credit, erroneously placed by us, be transferred to the| true writer of the sonnet, Aony- mous. OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN 300 DUNDAS E., WHITBY PHONE 668-3304 | e Various Salads @ { Apologies to Councillor Bevan) for any discomforture. It was! an excellent poem, and cer-! tainly worthy of him. He' ex- plained, however that he came icross it. a few years ago and thought it suitable at Stanley ° 26 DIFFERENT SELECTIONS @ ALL YOU CAN EAT Only . .. 1.75 Per Person | MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH PHONE 723-9441 sattven more eerie than "Village of the Damned"! | HOLIDAY MATINEE MONDAY AT: 1:30 FEATURE" LILLIES OF THE WIND" Starring--Sidney Poitier 'Cup time, WHITBY EASTER DAY 7:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION 9:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION and SERM 11:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION and SERMON Nursery Care and Church School at BOTH the 9:00 a.m. and | 1:00 a.m. services. 7:00 P.M--EVENING PRAYER and SERMON ALL SAINTS' ANGLICAN CHURCH Services every Sunday at nine ond eleven a.m.,, and seven p.m. LLL

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