Fog ao 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, April 3, 1964 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 eis. at 8 a.m, to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 17--Male Help Wanted {25--Apartments 27--Real Estate For Sale ELGIN STREET Three unfurnished, BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Fic _aphern /ARTECTUA a === SCHED eer e (o> required . Immediately by |siMcOm NORTH, 5 = Fiveram apari| 5% MORTGAGE } stove and 'ator, focal drafting service. Per- ath' and entrance. Avaliable May 1. A real honey of a 5 room k bungalow located close : i bric! Accountents Building Trades Instruction ['V--Radio Repairs NA manent position. Wages to |Call_725-7283. i> shee, lan ond fee List price $12,300., monthly payments $72.00 including SAND" AND" GRAVEL for sale. "Ako commensurate with obility. |SIMCOE STREET SOUTH, 16 -- Fur n MONTEITH, RIEHL, WATERS and a: tansenentel z Ate At . ished two-room apartment on main Shout tg ein ane Tat a Toe E.Z.E. METHOD | TV TOWERS -- | gees 5 ne PHONE 723.038) ee 3 SKAIPE, re Chartered Accountant,|Cann, Brooklin, 655-306 e. F DRIVING SCH L Economy and Bs . TWO-ROOM apartment, lights, water PRICED TO SELL 205 Francie Street, Whitby, Ontario, Tele-| ==' etc ad Newest Oshawa Branch Deluxe outs COULD BE DETACHED pens rte Eg and i "a Ste as floors, tile QUICKLY eee otra enecerennenmmomenamome TONG, AGdiiens. rrr ® specialty r ui r budget é bak ' po Rs egal East, Cait vim. Vroom, 7st PHONE 728-0881 "TERMS ARRANGED --. j SHIPPERS me ROOM" turnlahed "apariwnald, well cated Pag 10 Coonan leggy ison, CA: YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chir ened ~~ ms SA] neve ult and repaired ral jinings In-lstnool, Baller, fep, Acrobatic, Charecler ; heated, private entrance. Near " South shoot, rooms vm gensieting of af ae, eens 're-School, Kinderdance. Satu x General Motors, le aged couple pre- m me hen tent @ : Gane 4 Ooewn, Aecour-| mates. 723-2997. Ia Mason Temple, man OSHAWA TV di : \ferred, vicar Apri 15th, Afr 6 pm.| bedrooms. High dry bosement rio, Telephone. T2-12 ROOFING, concrete floors, flat rooting! MUSIC LESSONS, plano, Mrs, John n nly Iepeione 7a0-a0r4. oil 'heated "ond "lerge ree. COSRARD sani wROOKE Charters Sanat BROOKE, Chartered" tect. a dh repairs. Maree, ao Burk street, Oshews.7z7| SUPPLY LIMITED Retail Building APARTMENT FURNISHED witable tor a baeement. List prigs Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa Shop-|ang Construction FRENCH, German, English taught pri 361 GIBBON ST. : ' Supply Co huh Satwel Maen Tee ee sil, 900. Excellent terms, Sire Seaiees Teese. Wome TMPROVENENTS Roofing and|vately by experienced university educa ' ; 6 R Supp ; out 'elephone cry} IGLANCY'S "Acootnting Fervise leva evastroughing, carpentry work, painting ed linguist. Whitby 668-5640. 728 8] 80 oa nop APPLY BOX 926 Fae Teur Ga T-NVahed pesto service, sn A gual 5 i t Sent West, 725-0397, Res. 723-7405. Pg gy Bie ra Mortgages W, apartments, all mouern conveniences, Sa Ce Tae TV TOWERS | SRmOpem Mee esti: eureate | TAX! DRIVERS [esti sade aot 4206 Centre, Street Nor! Cartage M M A Preferably between 25-40 --|FIVE-ROOM apariment, ori ortgage Money . and PB 1M WESTERN US. rare een nad anita: Meat gy on ener had A an RR pale ROSS JOHNS MOVING AND CARTAGE, ace eit caare ER _ Ghariere Oshaw®, Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully Ton Gaatnen heal and eran _ Agcountant, 906 Street North.) eiiipped and Insured, 728-2661. ~ Available Antenna Repair palate CARL MELZER. TAR, FRRDLARDER ed. Trustees In| Dressmaking | Low Interest TRIO r Se ciceal MERCURY TAXI See se Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East, 728-7371) Sewing, spring wardrobes, alterations, 725-4771 ft. 72-4434, : SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! "SERGI AND GO, Cherter ' Valuations Arranged Ei 1 Accovnonta, Financial 'Trade But|lid. North. After Spins 72618" panies TELEVISION --|11--articles For Rent _|16--Female Help Wanted | YOUNG MEN SUPE, ane TR, PETE! A GOOD BUY ie voting fr od Ing, 187 King King Street East, Oshawa.|-ySeRiENCED dressmaking, pant cult: RESIDENTIAL 171 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA SECOND COOK, experienced, must be de ot garth dalively woke bo Pegs ac kscis eer: Ate Ap). Serene en this 3 year old 6 Ontario, 725-3909; $. T. Hopkins, CA. i Reasonable rates. . Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses tek H. E. Beadle, CA; &. Lukow, CA. ing and alterations. CITY AND DISTRIC | pendable and have good character refer} Good cha; tor od i d Mrs. Eldridge, 67 Montrave, 725-6476. ] 5 4 3 , Steady position. No late night ince for advancement. |FURNISHED basement for A SUMMER PROPERTIES 28 ] Punch Bowls . Coffee Urns Sie ene Bol tietet yids og . Apply Mr. Bruce Baird ° lat' baa Prorenhved ad ana Barristers Gardening and Supplies VACANT LAND TV SERVI CE 'as' oa. a = ig King Street West, Oshawa. SEAWAY MOTORS [rerttia2t ances Near hospital ang MACKEY and BAILEY, Barristers, Soll- : CALL TODAY, start earning tomorrow tors, Notaries Public. Mortgage funds Members Ontario with Avon Cosmetics. 728-5883 or write LTD. UPPER FOUR-ROOM apartment, available, 26V4 King Street East, 722-1107. GARDEN Mortgage Brokers' Association | | DAY OR EVENING | Sargeant's Rentals PO Box 512, Oshawa, 200 DUNDAS WEST, WHITBY _ teeoltal, Now vacant. Adults. only. After brig tp en DODDS AND DONALD, Barristers and | 728-5286 463 Ritson S. 725-3338 |EXPERIENCED halrorenaer. vite or|CANADIAN ALUMINUM Products Ltd.| $79 THREE-ROOM, pepe ore a large basen tal Solicitors, etc., 69 King Street East. witoet 6 pipes hitby |needs alert, ambitious salesmen. Highest |S wertmment, laaghes gan Won gi en Bites] SUPPLIES == | SUMMERLAND | | OSHAWA _ [agen cout a ey comic, tgs, mines Pomme, eM aR cas) Sena ws foe, NOW JAMES , rice, 725-1644. ' Garrat (ond Sonor ong Notary Pu! 'Fertilizers' for the Lawn SECURITIES ELECTRONICS | seme 16 cone =i RELIABLE N required 0 live In| oe col. lle, The Commercial Building, 286 my. ind for two children, I HORSE fi i} for U Werte neat or masa Ot"8| SO-GREEN, MILORGANITE, LIMITED LAKE VISTA TV Towers, Aerial gerv/12---Articles Wanted weekends off. Call ater 6 Dum. 720030 dtles, Beasley arm, 'Myrtle, Ontario 26--Rooms For Rent VERY WELL-GROUNDED available. 725-4716 or T T MANKINO F. SWARTE z AND Logged L ert om ate 112 Simcoe St. North Street West. Telephone 728-6679. SHAW. GIRL REQUIRED. for flower store w= CHARTERED pera epee ATTRACTIVELY Perhaps" you'd like a home arristers, citors, aries. die? Bn lag , led erra' . ' office re ' Money to loan. Henry Block, 26% King) SPECIAL, POTTING SOIL, Oshowo, Ontario---725-3568 Well Drilling--Digging AUTO WRECKING CO. Peigl ie oral pele polly "ier ye" office re FURNISHED ROOMS Street Best 723-4697. Residence, dial) PEAT SO an OE DOR Wents Cars for Wrecking. |Shopping Centre. couse ov By y _cnrelled therein. Available In private home. Seine! - BULBS, VERN . ° WeLL by Parts for sale, also scrop iron |peiiaBLE housekeeper red Imme- ¢ Call between 5 and 7 p.m. HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN end HILLMAN,| )AanT SPRAYS, MORTGAGE In 30-inch tile, W. Ward, 204 Chestnut! ond metals, etc. bought. Gately to take cherge. of hone. Once takes mee 82 PARK R : : Gan tonnes ee yp So I oC 'ote Gaiden Supolk LO ANS ould a | Open Saturday. all day. Phone bee aera sib aldaatblad re erTT two Kirby salesrnen D.N. poe oy be ope srodery G. B. Boychyn, QC; W. H. Hillman, LLB.) | Complete Gar: upplies ' 3 eg! ._ Telephone . = swe Kip eee aking for. Location east end, Ottice: Si77.. Residence: 720-26. since 1909. rine _. Leeann': Coles 725-231 1--89 BLOOR E. [eeciasia women to took after three (ere ney meee, OY a oe | Bc al | quiet street, close to schools, Whitby 668-2761, 725-4604. NHA and other Moneys for first. mortgag PERMANENTS on special. Page Halr-|WANTED TO BUY -- right hand set of|year-old boy and do light : NORTH -- 'furnished room.) 6 room ranch bungalow with mortgage funds avaliable. OOPER S MITH Interest at 7% dressing, 396 Pine Avenue. Telephone;golf clubs with bag and cart. After § tive in of out, $15, weekly. Phone after|OPPORTUNITY to sell the most com-|Close to hospital and North Generail attached gorage, Call to-day. GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solid. C 5 Open Mo Mortgages 725-5363. p.m., telephone 725-2694, 5 p.m., 728-9257. plee line of Calendars and Advertising|Motore, suit lady or gentleman. Tele ahs A aie tak tors, ete. 114 King Str 'ast. Dial PART-TIME cashier wanted. Apply Mr. whatnot porticul : F ED ' ly. Full ti rt time. References 723-2278. Residence Phones: J. M. Greer, co Hl win for valuations 2--Personal Sign: Please telephone evenings' 7ase19,|-_campbell, Genosha Hotel. are essential. Write for. further. particu- pas te les ee prt 723-2265 QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL, Agreemen: LD YOU like @ change? Perme|iars to Postal 103, Hochelaga Sta- Maw ad 16 CELINA STREET Mortgages and rd Removal of superfluous hair, |GUNS WANTED --Old antique. Phone borg positions available foe tor experl- tan; Ghaunrest. oP oe bho se ahere, clean and. spacious, HYMAN AND HYMAN, Barret, al Morie Murduff will be in (7258183, Oshawa. enced stenographers, payroll clerks, and ample parking, main floor. OPEN DAILY citors, Notaries, Suite 305, Moneys for second mortgages. Oshowo, April 13th, 14th, Dicta typists. For appointment, call 1 i F A CELINA STREET, 55 -- furnished room, Cliente' feds" aveliebie. sear 723-2312 Fort service. TZ 15th, Phone Genosha Hote! |13--Business Opportunities| "ity, S¢-it). After Nourse, Alex. fe eee le wi ote le sult two gentlemen, willing to share. 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. ag 5. Hyman, QC; Herbert $. Hyman, M. F. ve on an San dotes for appoint- |GROCERY STORE, corner Church and|load Services. at estos linea period Appr afer Alton Thompson 728-2870 JOHN BROUWER 261% King St. East Colborne, formerly 'Kane's, approximate-| REGISTERED nurse or cerlified nursing A pans 29 Broce Shrek Passe samsser L es a4 SROMAS Th, OREaa Bie. Gitridier, Oshawa, Ontario ELECTROLYSIS ly $2800. stock and equipment. This amail/assistant required. Parttime at ie.) BAK ED HELPER Risto MORTRC \l eer to eewe| Moon ee F LANDSCAPING 9 Investment puts you In business. Tele-\cedar Nursing Home Ltd., Ritson Road) anc "WMA ho ahaa, cee sling re ible Boudreou 728-2233 ; 723-467: 723-4641 phone Cal Blake, 728-9191. |North. Call 655-4931 before 4 p.m. . oe 2 a eyed single is. Call Steve Macko 728-5868 : ; FISH AND CHIP business with grill for| D shirt operator for di i i j Irene B i oot seraerus dain: Private Monies sale. Located in Whitby, Please tele, sien aa, 'apply In person. Acadian Required, experienced in [LARGE single room, in quiet cath Rome. Pauline Bea! y98-0999 100% guorontee given on Available LEN PULLAN [pene seas | Gleonerse 299. Blont.. Wes) production of pies and [ieermareny as came tier" | Res Aker 725-0201 7336, MeGibbon, QC; E: BEAUTY PARLOR for lease - King St.|MaATURE RELIABLE WOMAN required' pastries For industrial , rh ch 'ac Norman See all plonts. Inquire also about For 2nd mortgages, ete. ENGLISH TAILOR Gest et city limits. Lots of parking. Siig chi ¢ veers old during dey.| © faterio i h WARM 'clean single furnished bedroom| Bill McFeeters. = 725-1726 carr | extra ees, odditiondl ever- v dryers and all equipment can belreferences. Call between 6 ard 8 p.m. CO eteria in Oshawa, 5- |in private home. Very central. $ult gen-| Charlie Chaytor 723-2266 Fergie ioe nn on, 1s ke greens, fruit trees, sodding, Interested parties. | Suits--Dresses---Alterations {purchased or Included in rent. Good|729.6427. | day week, all company tleman. 102 Elgin Street_East. 360 King St. West, Free Porking > . ee 'opportunity for an ambitious hairdresser. | FURNISHED bedroom with large kit . o Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232. seeding, shrubs, seed flowers. WRITE BOX 826 Invisible . Mending Call Roy Flintoff, Guide Realty Limited, RELIABLE housekeeper A rotttcohteg tke\ benefits. lan, ail convanignese: We eNllaran paasee: CREIGHTON, DRYNAN and MURDOCH, Pruning ond fertilizers | CREIGHTON, DRYNAN and MURDOCH, HAWA TIMES |Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. $. 723-1121. i - ar Wi v4 : Apply 141 Church Street. Serriaters, Sele Solicitors, Notaries, FREE DELIVERY ieeres orcaalioe anes wee 10 Prince St. 728-5311 : -- -- jaren. wa. room ames ime rite | Ear information Call FURNISHED soon te rT ---- WILL BUILD! mortg cemeni 4--Employment Wanted 52, WeeKcy for wearing lovely dresses| ng lady, use of kitchen, Telephone 728) ¢ ; ' For more information edie Phil cdi, eae = q bonus. Just show North 7120. Switzer Drive (south side) F9B-639) eee ao TELEPHONE rar ran. on? sugunv tyr gre rss = 725-7311 geo": SITTING ae Tah pao ng Ni 728-2604, canvassing, Investment, experience neces- room In private home. Close to hospital 4 x pe Mahi . North American Fashion Frocks, | LOCAL 2363 and downtown. Girl preferred. Call Lots 60° or more x 200 ments of sale bought, sold and arranged sa between 6 p.m. ond 10 p.m. _|Musical Services 723-4972 CADY 'experienced In clerical work end) |{4a., 3425 Industrial Bivd., Dept.. P4890, 723-700. Ready for spring building. Building Trades ; | Montreal 99. PUBLIC SCHOOL teacher for $$ No. 18,|TWO FURNISHED housekeeping room: Ravine Lot Avollonia S ring Clean-Up biased ie Hah wertscean tonreined recewgod: 65-400r. |Res -- young girl as mother's !nariington Township, Grades $8 Inelu-|Kitchen and bedroom with utilities, rife Pp a iddink, Ajax' 942 1664 NOW! MOTHERLY CARE for children in my|helper from May until October. Calllsive. Butles to commence 'september 1(able for one or two gentlemen or' work. CONSTRUCTION chia' nein, ' i can home by day or week. Telephone |773-0604, Apply in writing, stating experience, ing couple. Apply 313 French Street. 728-8882 : P. |RELIABLE woman, fond of children,/name of last inspector and salary expect-|SPACIOUS furnished room for two Backhoe, Drogline ond 'ainting and Decorating "GLAMORIZB. your figure in 7 min total abstal live-in, references re-|@d to: Mrs. 0. Phasey, Tyrone Post! genti a " fb be si 4 M., H ' j iia Anak y ante BNGIG: BeMR: Call Miler @ Ray builder Michael ZYGOCKI CALL HOLLAND NURSERY |----pODD and SOUTER |ourinent 2x? chance", made-tomessure! 16 _ Female Help Wanted |auired. Apply Mrs. W. Beasley, RR 1,|Office, Ontario. Bulldozing. CALL IRA "GARR 725-8169. Ookvilie, 645-6525. PIANO PLAYER, male si FURNISHED bed ity with sink ; PORT PERRY AND LANDSCAPING | PAINTING AND DECORATING RELIABLE woman for Wousekeepinal player and sax. player wonied tor, reex| ot end cold water, tive- minutes te. Sim Pics' tedrommer ih tae ane 985-7890 PHONE 725-7442 CONTRACTORS 1F YOU have @ drinking Problemy write RECEPTIONIST position. Live in, Private room. Must bejand roll and Rhythm and blues group.|ping Centre. Apply 460 King Street West.ltimace Corner lot, i Box 333, Whitb: i Patri oh Faperhonging ioBisaanthotares fond OF ouieren. Phone 2877/08. 725-0824. LOVELY room In private|$1,500. Full price $8,000. Patrick @, Mo EXPERT instruction Spray 3--Pets & Livestock | With satisfactory qualifi- |only. Write stating age, experience and|conce For good established shop. Write|convenient. Call 725-8576. Whitby. 668-2311. Gyotex, Full Pree Epa' SECRETARY for parttime. Evenings|waipDRESSERS, with and without Wi.|home. Near hospital and bus stop, very|Daniel Realtor, 108 Colborne Street Gash particulars to Classified Box 727, Osh- 107 BYRON. 3. "AWHITBY LEARN TO DRIVE | DAYS 668-5862 BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for! cations to include the fol- |awa Times. 2 ae ee eee, ee CARPENTERS at the NIGHTS 725-7426 Bros tia Sign een PY flaontie _ i . lowing duties: Rough and trim. Kitchen Oshawa Driving School ; de 17--Male Help Wanted Cabinets, Renovations, Re- nineties ran, standard and fete tie otaiiec AN Work. fate: SIAMESE seal point kittens, nine weeks | ; 20--Room and Board OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS b . 4 id, exceptionally good coloring, $25 each. A creation Rooms. Free esti- tic cars. anteed. Lioyd Simpson, Painting and De-|® | ~ Ptiveslids 'siaraabsitee corating, 130 Colborne St. E., 726-9876, |0!8! 668-5916. Answering Telephone CHURCH STREET, 17 -- mates to builders, etc. ran PAINTING AND DECORATING, interior| PUREBRED poodle puppies, white. Reg- i Cron Sis Hewly eco areee ele re | WHITBY 668-5703 728-0091 'and exterior, work guaranteed, reason-|istered, paper trained. Excellent temper-| Accurate Typist j SHELL day week. Day worker only, Call 725-2679 SS | PRINTED PATTERN ALL TYPES of building repairs, roofing.| OSHAWA AND AND WHITBY _|able. Free estimates. 728-2558, ament. Call 725-4858. | bits NEAR DUPLATE and bus, clean, quiet P - ch chimneys, fireplaces, sidewalks, - stoops.|PRIVATE TEACHER, student counsel-|HOME DECORATING, furniture finish-|QUALITY poodles at pet prices toys | Some Bookkeeping C AN AD A LTD home. Shift workers welcome, lunches Gordon May, 728-0394. llor, 15 years' experience. By interview! ing, sn painting. H. Brown, 490 Drew, 4 4 . packed, English gentleman preferred. and miniatures. Telephone Whitey! jonly. Act now. 725-1054. Call 723-1248. WELDING -- All metal fabrications. Re-|-- 468-3923 or Dunbarton 839-2516, | pairs, 2thour service, Guaranteed. "Gen BURNS School of Dancing CDTA, Tep,| PAINTING, Paperhenging and repairs, 30 PERINGESE PUPPIES adorable pels.| | Duty hours, 5 p.m, to 9 | ROOM AND BOARD -- close to bus, five- @ral Welding Services, 728-2525. |ballet, jazz and baton. Knights of Colum| year's experience. A. 342 Col- tT Whitby 668-3923 p.m, Monday through Fri- Requires candidate for car- {gay week, lunches packed, single room, ELECTRICAL Wiring and repairs, con-| U8 Hall.» 728-7902. borne Street 'East, 728-9050. jor Dunbarton 839-2516. Pp. iy 9 eer in marketing operations. sult gentleman. Call after 5 p.m., 728-2739. nections for ranges, dryers, etc. Reason-|/HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, | Baton, . ' [FRENCH Posule, seeded' while | day. 9. a.m. to 5 p.m. Sat- | Wi Sling fo i |ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen, wilt apie rates. Grandview Electric, 62 Grand-|Tap, RAD . Ballet, ig eon Pb rll Plumbing and Heating mentee old. Registered. Paper trained,| d O°OES BORING TOTS YRUNG ing to share. Lunches packed. Apply 562 view South. 723-3125. now. Oshawa Shopping Centre, Rc teas WG $50. 728-2004. ; Urday. tan to train and develop in |simcoe Street South. Telephone 728-7664, new and used materials. Reasonable|BOXER PUPS, female, ten weeks old, |. the operations department of ROOM and board for three gentlemen, rates. Estimate free. Dial 723-1191, J.|$30. Also Chihuahua pups, $35. and $40. Ww. lieve a ie with et , iling t f See CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Foley. Papers available. Telephone 726-9122. | V6 be ba igh deed age. | Cun orponization Hane Secsitar class kasi GAA. Tole 25 WORD MINIMUM ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies. [recite FRENCH POODLES, miniature, should not apply or younger Managerial potentiol is «4 phone 728-4763. Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark, Ltd.,|/registered, trained, house broken, $156.) Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, 255| 728-8586 or apply 778 Hortop Street. girls of an age where even- pre-requisite for the success- |SINGLE ROOM and board for gentle Simcoe Street South. a ShANIRL A ce Gincnnna ache "> iol interests would | a " man in quiet home. Telephone 728-3250. COCKER SPANIELS -- purebred Ameri-| ing soc ful applicant. Engineering or CASH CHARGE i york PLUMBING | and Heating. Specii-|can Cocker Spaniel puppies, Canadian| likely and noturally conflict | eae ROOM AND BOARD for gentieman near 6 Consecutive doys, original copy .. $3.75 $4.13 [izing repairs, remodelling. ge ati perament, delight {Cxcellent tem) with the requirements of the | other university degree pre- south plant. Good .meals. Telephone 728- 3 Consecutive days, original Cbby 5 6555 2.25 s meargt. Free estimates, 328 Simcoe South, ards ieg A ightfu pets, Mechel ition. ferred Senior matriculants 2061. Count each word, initial, figure or abbreviation as one word. PUREBRED POODLE | ious! dered. lig Ada gentlemen boarders, five- 4 if 4 Puppies, white, teh for olnt. seriously consi . IF NOT PAID WITHIN 7 DAYS, CHARGE RATE APPLIES. Rug-Upholstery Service |Kennel Club registered, excellent tem-| Please telephone for oppoin carieth tocatient Tohotins Tease" CLASSIFIED BOX NUMBER FOR REPLIES: 15c ieee: coke re ie Applicants should be prepar- |--STT OC Oh. Ts ; : ghee OSHAWA |THREE full grown rabbits, two white, ed to relocate. Write in own |SINGLE ROOM and board, laundry -- every Eager be made to beet replies = CLEANERS Jone brown, Free to good homes. Cali GUIDE REALTY LTD. hondwettlng done, lunches packed, home privileges. numbers to the advertisers as soon as possible we accept no Se + liability in respect of loss or damage alleged to arise through fun: and "Upholate _ |PUPPY, three months old, will give 16 SIMCOE ST. S., either foilure or delay in forwarding such replies, however caused | 9 ry. jaway to. good home, preferably as a 723-1121 21--Room & Board Wented hates BY lisence oy oitoruiee | Cleaning. At Our Store, |child's pet. Telephone 723-9170. 3- | BOX 719 W negligence or at your home, HORSE, chestnut end saddle geidina, et |WANTED -- room and board and day Professional listings only, 3 lines per month 8.50 725- 9961 sixteen hands, ten-year-old. Ost eg for two pre-school children. imme- Each additional line, per munth 1.60 Hampton 263-2138. diately. Call 725-8628 before 5, (Not applicable for merchandise advertisements). CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and MINIATURE POODLE puppies. Black CLERK- PIST OSHAWA TIMES & |re-styled. Free estimate. eat our mate: or a us Mae and ples, Very rea- Nest dig velne "wo 22--Offices, Stores, Storage rial for recovering. Dalton Upholstering, sonable. Telephone Brooklin 655-4871. | appeor y! w OFFICE SPACE suitable for professional DEADLINES 75 Charles Street, 723-7212. mon with good educational |----------EYpEpEN --------loffice or other suitable tenant. Avallebl HES dell c 3 le CUSTOMCRAFT's Uphoistering Depart- 4--Sportsman' 's Column background and previous ex- EXPERIENCED April 1, 1964, Downtown location. For Better describea offers get faster results. WORD ADS... 5'p.m. Day Previous. t. E 1 i achilles ad dsb i ( f ? : & uaa Ehvaine cuits a Spectr' Free "est; FOR INFORMATION on the clansking| | Pevience MAN ford Bata. Shoe Store 7252874. Card of Thanks .... ee 5. p.m, Day Previous [rates pial 728-7271, the corn field -- combines, write or, . ul in Memorioms ..... Spm. Dey Previous | lean Hasson Machinery, 37 Coldsprings. | Preferably a matried woman BARN -- 35 ff. x 40 ft. Suitable for stor- Lost ond Found 9:30 Day of Publication. ie gta reat a Estab- | with mo pre-school age child- FOR age, ates King and Harmony Reed, $40 Births and Deaths ........ 9:30 Day of Publication, rials. Workmanship. guaranteed § years. 5----Farmer's Column | ren - : Lote Deaths... 11:00 a.m. Day of Publication (Page 3). | Free estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses) - i AUTOMOTIVE f re-built. Furniture re-finished. Oshawa CASH on Nir prstal ine ps paid Good working conditions. 23--Wanted To Rent CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: verona .Commeny; 10 Bond WSs hone collect Hampton 263-2721, Marg. Fringe Benefits. MACHINE SHOP MT Ae es eal ei eee LACY LUXURY 2 Column or Larger .. -'10 'a.m, Day: Previous |camsrmmmimCOs and old chal 78 | are Licence 929-6-44. | x4 nate VGN B 1 Column Space ........ .. 4 p.m. Day Previous covered like new. Get the best for less Voor LOMA THe coectieiie el For interview appointment Excellent Possibilities WANTED immediately house, apartment y ALICE BROOKS 4878 Ua SATURDAYS: |Soum. Call eal Pree MEO®| 6511 or evenings after 6, 725-7263. Telephone Whitby 668-3304 For The Right Man. Apply |r, winterized 'cottage. Oshawa or vici-/ Party - pretty! Shower a 10-20 os f BALED HAY FOR SALE. Telephone Mr. Harry Donald WEB All -bato i . Va Woon For Moray \Setes and Service 725-5988. one | Post Office Box THREE. FOUR-BEDROOM howe or|Pride, delight a hostess with a 10 A.M. For Monday BALED STRAW for sale. A. W. Martin,| bo AR RY DON ALD : 143 Writer. No ein Gulden FUmR Te Siok lace-lavished apron. SHEATH-PLUS ! THE VACUUM Bowmanville, Telephone 623-5158. | : Possession July 1. 723-1736. Newest apron! Elegant in CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS CLEANER KING |Wanteoac 2jazucs oer. 9, a Ltd. |--.Oshawa, Ontario _|WaivS5 70 SENT wm Aai WrebteSliacs-trimmed pockets One tes) ANE Dame A ime. y , old house, wi 9:30 A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION et ae | 668-2067 es DUNDAS STREET EAST | WANTED (are preterrad: in Oshews tly ieuts ruffles, other lace and cross- ae an bs nm po ' Me ; RODNEY all Brooklin 655-4700. Cancellations and Corrections received after the 9:30 A.M. Pick-up and delivery. or pay ae rs) velo) 1 re WHITBY keer 668-3304 RELIABLE MAN Two OR "Fie SESRSEN house stitch. Pattern 7493: transfer; it off with. the sporty pullover. Deadline will be processed for the following day's paper. PHONE 728-7552 668-4089, ath For Service Station [wanted by April 30. Urgent. Oshawa or printed pattern For a dressier look, note other i . . Married mon preferred. pict district. References. After 6| neckline versions. REGULATIONS SCHWARTZ end Cottrell Custom Gum 7--Trailers _ sR ed ee SECRETARY Call Whitby after 6 p.m pieRier my ry £ Tatty: five cents (coins) for Printed Pattern 4878: Misses' The Ossowe Tinea Will natbe reson h aarti smiths Lid., 18. Bond Sa ee, 728.|FOR RENT -- Modern housekeeping eot- : 668-8501 cs company recived biden tor boty 1) rrge|this pattern (no stamps, please)isizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16 'a ; responsible' for errors, in advertise- [5731, Guns of all types, ancient, modern; tages by the season, half-season or by for accounting # near Oshawa. One school-aged child, ab-/to Alice Brooks, care of The/dress. takes 25¢ yards 45-inch ments submitted otherwise thon in writing, not for more than |bought, sold, exchanged, repaired. two-week periods. All conveniences, won- | stainers. Ref i one incorrect insertion of any advertisement, nor beyond the |guaRANTeED cane ea Serene ei gle Re elec Pl office Telephene F2ehnen Pues: no Pets.\Oshawa 'Times, Needlecraft|fabric. ringer Pomniaes ate a * i i price charge for a single insertion of the advertisement in which washers and ranges. Free estimates, of Balsam Lake, boty ta Jautek- Pecnen * | . PURCHASING. AGENT _iwanteo jfO RENT -- farm, 8 "acres Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Ontario ar haan danas this pat- error occurs. a . 45 rancis Street, Lindsay. - = 2 ? or up, with dings, east of Osh j " = Ds ae as a ae say Coompetort » tei 508 A new steel plant being built [preterred. Write: Classified Box #25, os|residents add 1 cent sales taX.tern Ontario residents' add 2c occording to Its proper classification ¥ emvertising Surveyors 9--Summer Properties lent level, with office exper- | (Ogures @ mature pargonoble jee Tatee ___.__|Print plainly PASTERN NOM-sales tox. Print pialnly Slee. . h ' indivi t i WANTED -- four- or fi ' In the case of display advertisements, The Times will not be |DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN,| For Sale or Rent ience. Good salary range and | function. The cation megt or alae buses, by Et PER, NAME Ae bored ADDRESS, STYLE held responsible for more space than that in which the actual prints, It Ontario Sires, 7255632. PIVCIRICE LAKE cottage, 4 rooms, 20x24,| @mployee benefits. Required | plicant will have a working' {With guaranteed income. Telephone 725) 206 HANDICRAFT HITS -- gi au error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce all adver- ic wii aaa SRR, Gain "== |newly built, with boat $2400. Apply 22) May 4th. Please apply in | knowledge of traffic tariffs he MLD 1964 Needlecraft Catalog! Toys, end order to ANNE ADAMS, tising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement |surveyors; 111. Elgin Street ia | Fisher_Down Crescent Broaklin, Ontario! persen to | and custom clearances. RESPONSIBLE COUPLE with no chillachions crewelwork, bazaar|Cat© of The Oshawa Times, Pate if ony imoccuracies in ony form are contained therein 725-6881, RICE LAKE -- four-room furnished cot- . | Resumiad tncludlta sclacy re lee tonal acne comarca cae i ' : tern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. ; tage on waterfront, running water, sink)" Director of Personnel | Guirements may be sent by [phone Weatae ater spi Ye ra Peat ae Money, Mat em) pO YOU KNOW HOW TO ae * ind toilet. Shallow beach i ~ For Classified Service. : TV--Radio Repairs dren, Telephone 7232818. April 10th in confidence to: |tWO OR THREE bedroom hae or] nd 25 cents. |GET A PATTERN ABSOLUTE- Telephone the Direct to Classified LOU'S TV SERVICE. Towers, antennae OSHAWA lapariment, immediately. Steadily em-| SOMETHING NEW -- BIG,|.Y FREE? It's simple -- order Number 723-3492 |529 Emerald Avenue, 728-5804. '|11--Articles For Rent GENERAL eneacone) Meneae, IPhone. 735-0085, 0" ree children. tele DELUXE QUILT BOOK! 1{) ur Spring-Summer Catalog in |GUARANTEED REPAIRS to all makes|CHAIRS, card ry | P.O. Box 330, haat " ----|complete quilt patterns -- piec-| :luding FREE 'COUPON to get For All Other Departmerits, Call The Times Switchboard. ITY; radio, car 'radios tidus Medak te an ee ym ad HOSPITAL / | Whitby, Ontario. jwAnrne, Py Aen as two bedroomled and applique, for beginners,Jany one of 250 design ideas, tronics, 187 Elliott, 723-9792, Fred. '$imcoe Street North. é phone after 4 p.m., 723-2952. experts. Send 60 cents now: 'Send-50c today.