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Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Apr 1964, p. 4

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DEEP fered they could dive alme zoologist who attached 1,500 feet--the deepest dive to seals discov-|ever recorded for mammals. THE OSHAWA TIMES Friday, April 10, 1964 | NET EARNINGS | + AID POWER HITTERS AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) -- U.S. amateur golf champion Deane Beman has decried what he| |calls the recentt rend of build-| jing new golf courses or altering} old ones to favor the power hit- ters. "I may be wrong, but I think it has taken something away from the game," he said jzinc, and copper, have risen injnese and European interests) © "7 "Every year has been better|/the past few years, spawning) will probably buy B.C, molyb-|Puling that "orders for the ac- than the last for the past 10 orjmany new. mines and renewing/denum, a "'space age" material counts of customers shall have f f ¢ 15 years," says Tom Elliott,|interest in mining speculation,"|which alloyed with steel can priority over all other orders|cidents killed 250 Canadians in|to 68% and International Nicke! manager of the B.C. and Yukon|says Mr, Elliott. withstana great heat and fa-|executed on the trading floor."|January--29 more than in Jan-|fell % to 82% in senior base chamber of mines for 30 years.| Lead and zinc prices 'are now|tigu'. This prevents brokers and|uary last year, the bureau of metals. "The main reason for the|13 cents a pound compared to| The main supplier to date has floor traders from placing their|Statistics reported Thursday. | Great Plains slipped % to 11% boom is the climate for invest-jless than 10 cents a few years been the United States. own interests over those of their) Regional totals with January,|and Hudson Bay Oil and Gas ing risk capital and proof there|ago, Copper now is more than' Two pig discoveries recently | customers when and/1962, figures bracketed: % to 16% among senior western are many important mineral de-|30 cents a pound, up from 20\were of iron and asbestos de-|S¢lling stocks. Newfoundland' 4 (10); Prince/%ls. posits still to be discovered." |cents. posits in the Yukon, and feasi-| The proposed rules in the U.S. Edward ¢sland 0 (0); Nova Sco-| 'The exchange Index gained Risk capital is money spent) At present there are about 30\pility surveys are now being|would prohibit a broker from|tia 7 (8); New. Brunswick 10}.72 to 139.31, industrials .82 to)Wednesday. New tees are being] on projects of unknown import-\large producing mines in B.C. \carried out. trading his personal account!(9); Quebec 88 (59); Ontario -71|148.84, golds .21 to 130.77, base/puyijt, lengthening the courses to| ance, B.C, is a good place to|and the Yukon, with several) HSE Ga while executing orders for his|(91); Manitoba 4 (11); Saskat-/metals .17 to 67.46 and western|ravor the power hitters, such as| 2 _-- on explora- ee ea go into al gy steht MR cm eee gett dis customers. A further provision|chewan 8 (6); Alberta 27 (7); |0ils byl ga to ois emia Nicklaus and _ Arnold| re many un-/ducti is year e ssiar Asbes 4 as dis*|,, bi a liek 01 : i | 'or the day was 10,917, : é ¢ Siiiices preas, little. restric-) These include Boss Mountainjcovered high-grade asbestos at would prohibit a trader from British Columbia 29 (20); Yukon) me "Or y Palmer, at the expense of fi- M i ing or. selling ok ES rritori lshares compared with 7,413,000 no. tive legislation against mining,|Molybdenum, a subsidiary of/Clinton Creek, north of Dawson buying or. selling a block ofjand. Northwest Territories aw. foe: --_______-- City, and Crest Explorations, a shares on the same day which) (0). ednesday. S UGHTER MARKET subsidiary of Standard Oil" of he executed a brokerage order) og DIVIDENDS LA |body northeast of Mayo on the| This latter provision if ap-| new YORK (AP)--Columnist e Steer Prices buying x TSE Balks At U s By THE CANADIAN PRESS | TORONTO (CP)--Volume 6n/jfollowing reports the on a 126,314, $1.25 | the stock market Thirsday|had acquired property north." SUPERMARKET : : 4 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHA' eo,°e@ a onto Stock Exchange took steps|lative issues with property in|Tumors on Pay Street of a ma-\$655,748, 15 cents' a share; 1963, | pieces aT Br itish Cc olumbia to protect the interests of cus- the 'Timmins area of Northern|Jor copper strike in the region: | $705,767, 17 cents. | : some time ago and no further/cents to 47 cents on 1,621,486/jed. the industrial ad-v anc e}1963, $264,548; 1962, $943,343. | THURS., FRI., and SAT., APRIL 9, 10, 11th VANCOUVER (CP) -- British\and provincial taxes on mined Noranda Explorations Ltd., and|Measures are being contem-|shares, Bunker Hill 13 cents tojwhich all but wiped out losses} Western Decalta Petroleum. _ " J Sh " : ssa | Endako is building a 10,000 ton 000 shares and Paramaque 1% B.C, Forest' advanced one}$145,000, 2.2 cents. Katee ae i ha tee ee Mil, of. which $40,000,000" 'came * mill rae ee 'cents to 15% cents on 255,500 point to 29, and' Abitibi % tol Murphy Oil Co. Ltd, 3 months] GIRL' : : FIRST and iron, to Japan. lacey eeeeeniie: dace, Ee Exchange Commission plans to| 'among financial stocks. 18 cents. ployed by 60 mining exploration pRICES RISEN | put rigid control on floor trad- Elsewhere on the industrial! Canada Safeway Ltd., year! companies will search the prov-| agg VE AE ie MEN'S PENMAN r, Raion mand, both Jape"! ihe 'Toronto exchange has a 53% and Dominion Bridge % to| BRIEFS OR TOPS 59° . in| 30. EACH OTTAWA (CP} -- Traffic ac-| Falconbridge gained one point PANTIES PER PAIR _ 45° SPECIAL AT PKG. REG. 2 69* eG FOR Speculatives Push Up : |. Fruehauf Trailer Co, of Can-| : ; | Stock Market Volume ive temo or ; ] l d S R ] 1963, $1,492,626, $1.66 a shes €010 1StS I OO US. ule nm | East Sullivan Mines Ltd., six| . |soared well over the 10,000,000/west of Timmins near Texas ast Sullivan Mines +» SIX) TORONTO (CP)--The Tor-|share level as a group of specu-/Gulf's operations. There are months ended Feb. 29: 1964, | ®@ Open Daily 8 a.m, to 10 p.m, @ Ontario moved strongly ahead.|pappRs ADVAN | { | } CE | Claude Neon General Adver- tomers of brokerage houses) pcg fxplorations rose 22| Papers and financial issues|tising Ltd., year ended Dec, 31:! SHOWERS OF FOOD VALUES FOR F : A : i '68 cents on 977,900 shares, Jelex\experienced over the last two|Lid : a: Colum! ill be criss-crossed Is are not sive. the Endako Molybdenum Mine' plated at the moment, Howard ape is | +» year ended Dee. 31: 1963,| with ies a cau he tae Seay: dinthal 'peianeeh of Canadian Explorations Ltd. 1p. Graham, president, said/three cents to 28 cents on 188 days. $227,000, 3.5 cents a share; 1962, 000, of which $40,000,000 came|@ day concentrate mill at its) jy. was commenting on a re-|shares, 1 i COMMUNION DRESSES der way. from exports, mainly of copper|9pen pit mine 100 miles west of| port that the U.S. Securities and) PCE Explorations led the a 'pate A my 2 aie March 31: 1964, $343,000, | 2 SE : ' | § A 1% 12 cents'a share; 1963, $232,000,_ AT 4 98 VEILS ; 2 98 timated cost of the mill is $20,-|PUt ie ONLY eo ee | "Prices for the major volume 000,000 jers in the New York Stock Ex-| 250 Persons Die On board Oshawa A rose two points/onded Dec, 31: 1963, $7,373,620: ince for metallic minerals and| minerals produced in B.C., lead, jchange. c da's R d to 48, Bell Phone one point to\i9g9 $6,995,671. °° 8 | REG. 79 asbestos. |Ganadas hoads | CHILDREN'S 'xc: LINED SIZES 4 & 6 ONLY REG. 85° 98c KOTEX "* * TEA TOWELS ::. eo, California, has found an ore)!" that security. LIPPMANN PREDICTS |Yukon-Northwest Territory bor-|plied to the Toronto market| walter Lippmann says the Re-| gy THE CANADIAN PRESS ast would have a deadening effect|,ublican party probably will| or ines Tél. come The iron ore deposit is esti-|0" Speculative trading, but Mr. rentingts Richard M. Nixon él casts, dome 15, record mated in the tens of billions of|Gtaham said he "'cannot en-\Henry Cabot Lodge for presi-\May 18. ltons, and cost studies now are|ViSion such a step being taken| dent but may turn to Governor! -------- TORONTO (CP) --Slaughterjcanners and cutters 11-11.50; steers opened lower, regained good heavy bologna bulls 19- losses and closed firm at the/19.50; common and medium 16- Ontario public stockyards this/18.50. cattle: Good jeconomically mined and shipped to markets, interested in the "Meanwhile; some oil and gas|says Mr, Elliott. money from. Alberta is spilling! 'With all this "activity and into the B.C. and Yukon mining|with so many companies _in- exphoration field, and a numberjvolved, it can't help but be a of oil-gas companies are getting|great mining year." prospects," ibeing' made to see if it can be|9r being required ti __|William Scranton of Pennsyl-| week. Heifers opened barely steady stockers 23-25 with good heavy and closed firm: Yearlings were| Replacement \vania.. Lippmann said Wednes-) day night on a television inter-) view ("CBS reports") that! Scranton is "the man I think) has the greatest promise as a) public man in the coming) years." : | A. E. JOHNSON 0.D. OPTOMETRIST 14% King St. East 723-2721 stock calves to 27; common and medium stockers 20-22. steady and bull prices steady.| Calves: Choice vealers 34-36 cattle were reat calf prices were about ag oe -- at; good S out) 33; medium 24-28; common 20- jeer ae cand lamb prices}o4° boners 15-20. were higher. .| Hogs: Grade A 24.45-25.85; Cattle receipts were .esti-jneayy sows 19.25 with light mated at about 8,800 head: |sows gaining a $2 premium; _ ~ Brophy a than $1288 13.50 on a dressed weight we 5 asis. i the same week in 1963. Western Sheep and lambs: Lambs 22- cattle --, ay es oak 28.50 per hundredweight with ak tetas Yat catcio tok th gy teuga yond 0 rr ; , i: « 3- ng to cluded in the Western receipts. main ie ei ete ot apene Other out of pramince receipts|jambs were light with most oat ats cars oe vr sale at id per sonteeenelas runswick, There w ship-|for 60-pound lambs, ments to Eastern Canadian) # slaughterers, however 45. veal) calves were shipped off the market for slaughter in the United States. Slaughter cattle: Choice) steers sold at 24-2450 with) fancy feedlot steers to 25.50; | good 22.50-23.50; medium 20-22; | common 17-19; choice heifers) 22-23 with some fancy feedlot) heifers higher; good 21-22; me-) dium 18-20; common 15-17; choice fed yearlings 24-26; good| 22-24; good cows 17-18 with sales to 18.50; medium 16-17;! -- \QWEST YET FARES TORONTO VANCOUVER CANADIAN PACIFIC ENGEL'S Must Vacate STORE HAS BEEN LEASED! MEN'S SUIT SALE Ist GROUP NOW A bargain rack, sizes 36 to 46. ONLY: 9.99 4.88 Better hurry for this one! 42.88 2nd GROUP MEN'S. POPLIN Better quality suits at terrific savings. TOP COATS Reg. to 49.95 .. 1n beige or black. Values to 3rd GROUP 21.95 Best quality suits. Special group of the SPECIAL er NOW ONLY Me AND TIRED &; u ' a Rtnany IRF af 'anver 0156 NOW 'ONLY finest styles. Regular values to 69.50 .. Men's First Quality Brand Neme--WHITE DRESS SHIRTS OUT THEY GO 1 88 tO) AT ONLY BOYS' SUITS The perfect buy for spring and summer. Continental style suits with Dak pants, Sizes 8 to 18. Values to 14 88 e' 21.95. Now Only MEN'S WINDBREAKERS VALUES TO 12.95 2.99 CLEARING AT .. -YOUGETA BARREL OF FLAVOUR BOYS' SPORT JACKETS All the latest colors. Sizes 8 to 16, Values to 14.95 OUT THEY GO a "FOR ONLY . MEN'S TIES Reg. to 2.50 SPORT JACKETS Sizes 36 to 46. Values to cizanne at 18.88 Men's Brand Name UNDERWEAR & T-SHIRTS 1/3 OFF IN EVERY BOTTLE OF fj v-s2s0-- sox % PRICE Men's Best Quality WIND- BREAKERS VALUES TO 14.95 88 MEN'S WORK CLOTHING ro 1/3 OFF FLANNEL and BROADCLOTH PYJAMAS 1/3 OFF Men's Brand Name BELTS 1/3 OFF BRADIN Canadian Pacific flies nothing but jets across Canada. Only $198 Toronto --Vancouver, round trip economy. =-- $20 less than any other airline. Super DC-8 Jet leaves Toronto 9:35a.m. daily. Arrives Vancouver 12:10 p.m. (local time). Also to Winnipeg and Montreal. First class or economy, food and service is the finest. Call your Travel Agent or any Canadian Pacific office. in Toronto phone EM 6-7531. "> nada Pacific TRAINS / TRUCKS / SHIPS / PLANES / HOTELS /TELECOMMUNICATIONS WORLD'S MOST COMPLETE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM 'DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN 300 DUNDAS E. WHITBY 668-3304 BOYS' DRESS PANTS Values to 6.95-- BUY NOW 4.88 FOR SPRING .. Boys' Spring WIND- | BREAKERS 1/3 OFF MEN'S AND BOYS' CAR COATS Values. to 11,95. REDUCED UP TO 50% OFF, SELLING OUT PRICE ENGEL S| MEN'S « BOYS' WEAR 16 SIMCOE ST. N. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA " ~ DRILL and CHINO MEN'S PANTS A Red-Hot Special for Work or Play 2.77 OPEN TO 9 P.M. THURSDAY & FRIDAY BRADING ALE | Call for Brading-the quality ale that's strong on flavour _ Meadows Travel Service 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 723-9441

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