Asset ~ NRE EI <i yh TMM ko ee THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, April 13,1964 1] shawa Acadians Oshawa Dairy Juveniles [st Seuss: 5 Waters, Elliott, Werry, Wright, ' s fae « Seattergood, Suddard, Pearce £ ' } Win 'City League' Title =: In @) onors | icials -- Mel Suddard and The Oshawa Minor Hockey|Waters scoring on a pass trom| Dave Mitchell, : Association concluded its 1963-/Dave Keenan. 64 season on Saturday after-/ Macdonald's and Oshawa) SURTEES TAKES RACE e ® noon, at the Oshawa Children's|Dairy both played spirited hock-| SIRACUSA (AP)--John Sur- ] '@ | or OO Arena, and the season ended in/ey in the third period, with the|tees of Britain drove a new a thrilling climax when Oshawa/former drawing five penalties|Model Eight Ferrari to victory Dairy won a 2-1 overtime de-jand the Milkmen getting three,/Sunday before 70,000 fans in the : i cision over Hayden Mac-|however, neither team was able|Grand Prix of Siracusa, Sicily, The greatest victory in the|was 6065 for the five-game dian club and sponsor Jack|donaid's, in the third and de-|to take advantage of the extrala warm-up for the international F |history of the five-pin game, as|People's effort. 3awks is mighty proud of his/ciding game of the Juvenile|man-power. racing season. Lorenzo Bandini far as the Toronto City Major) The net results saw Acadian |9°YS. League championship finals. | ye' winning goal came at the)of Italy was second in a 1963 league is concerned, WaSiCleaners as the 1964 team} The club will now compete in| It was a real story-book finish|410 mark of the overtime per-/Six-cylinder Ferrari and Peter achieved by the Oshawa Aca-|champions with a 20-game total|the Ontario Major Championship|to. one of the best season's inliod, when Bob Cameron beat | Arundell of Britain was third in dian Cleaner club in winning/of %},019 followed by People's/against representative clubs|the history of the "City League"'| goalie Joe Hentig, on a play|a Lotus. the team championship of this|Credit Jewellers 26,000; Dar-|from the Niagara Penninsula,|minor hockey play. lthat was set up by Don Sioned ---- highly rated league. rigo's Italian Foods 25,856; Steel|Inter-City of Kitchener-Water-, The two Juvenile teams very |and Al Griffen 5 At the halfway mark, in the|Art Signs 25,354; Stanley L.|loo district and representatives |qiosely matched, put on a stir- : Cook $s Trailer Sales 20-game set, the Acadian club|Jarvis Insurance 25,340 and/of the Scarboro league. lring final-game_ battle. Ron/ OSHAWA DAIRY --_ goal, \with a team total of 13104, led|bringing up the rear, it was| The dates for this special|Wilson scored at the 6.30 mark the Darrigo Itslian Foods club| Plantation Bowl with 25,148. rolloff will be announced asjof the first period for Oshawalcameron and Griffin: Alts.: by a 379 pin margin. The 20-game set rolled by|S0on as available. Dairy, on a three-way play with| 50 Stroud. Goodchild, Sa. = g © Citation In the next five-game set, the/Acadians, 26,019, is the best} The members of the Acadian,Don Bowen and Al Griffin, just|iq..4i' Wilson, Morrison, Os- Cee!) ti ° Canadian famous People's Credit Jewel-jeffort of the club in four ap-/Cleaner club wish to thank all|aS Marton Suddard was getting|i1. jawer and Preston. |. . = ~--ésTrailers Hers club set a World's record!pearances in the rolloffs, in the|their loyal supporters who|back on the ice, from serving ayy Hitches & Trailer Ports lwith a five game total of 7370|Toronto City Major and it was|journeyed to Toronto to cheer|™inor penalty for holding, | HAYDEN MACDONALD'S --| 3 MILES EAST OF OSHAWA to take over the lead with) the greatest comeback by any|them on. Their support was of| Oshawa Dairy ran into pen-|goal, Hentig; defence: Moore HIGHWAY 2 Darrigo's moving into second clyb, in any previous rolloff in|great value to the boys. lalties in the middle canto, late --$---- sag place, 381 pins behind People's.|this league. : IMnse" tpesiine: seacniead hac RITSON ond The Acadian club was pushed) The members of the Acadian i Z jtime, ayden Macdonald's ha ° : on down to third spot and trailed| club are as follows: Ozzie Waterloo Siskins |tied the score, "captain Bob Oshawa Tennis Club hiticrort the leading People's club by|Keeler, Dick Adams, Ron Jay, - . ; one 532 pins after fifteen games|Jim Cassells, Gerry Bennett, Tie Jr. B Series s Announces that a had been rolled. [Reg Hickey, Bob Gailagher and LA BETTER Dutch Lugtenburg. | WATERLOO, Ont. (CP)--Wa- ras Gor <A |Moore; defence, 'Red'? Dionne -~. @ Folding jand Bowen; forwards, Solomon, i [=ay7 © Glendette |COME FROM BEHIND terloo Siskins forced a seve | 'This was no new experience EVERYBODY HELPED mati nthe Ohue Heeke Le PRACTICE Dikected by [for the Oshawa boys as the| All the members of the club sociation provincial Junior B| DAY or GRAKAM CRERAR same situation existed in the/shared in the victory with each) semi-finals Saturday by defeat-| NIGHT |1962 rolloff when Acadians|of them participating either aSjing London Nationals 7-6 in ; Outstanding British Player |bounced back to take it all./starters or as relief bowlers. | gvertime, North Osh and Coach |Going into the final five games| The big games were rolled by| seventh ganic will be played INI AE will be held on lof the rolloff, at Aprile Lanes|Ozzie Keeler with 399, 333, 310,|tonight at London. WEDNESDAYS |on Sunday, it appeared as if the)310, 304, 293, 292, 292 and 286; Horo of the Saturday game GOLF * |People's Credit stars were on'"Dutc! Lugtenburg 373, 363,|was Ron Beaupre Who scored DRIVING } _ i vag -- their way to a second consecu-|317, 315, 297, 292 and 291; Gerry|the tie-breaking goal at 3:50 of and 29th, at 71:30 P.M. tive championship. Bennett 321, 306, 271 and 269; |i1, Svertime dension. | But there was no signs of|Reg Hickey 390, 358, 307, 296,| Other Waterloo goals 'went to RANGE Inetructiing| Movies end 'Lachires weakening in the Acadian camp,|295, 279 and 268; Jim Cassells| sim Lorentz, Gary Phillips. Art 40 TEES ae covering every phase of tennis. as the Oshawa boys knew what|285 and 285; Ron Jay 315; Bob Bacon, Warren Toreasin Larry . 30 GRASS TEES NO CHARGE they had to do and they pro-|Gallagher 307, 286, 280 and 275\/pietrich and. Jerry Hariga | ° SMACK 4", cists' supplied ee) bo gl Sok Bag ahaa ceeded to do it. Opening with) Stars in relief duty Wwere:|Nefenceman Darry Ederstrand PHONE 725-9014 weekly in MAY and JUNE. PARLIAMENTARY AIR-- dents of the 129-year-old club. squash rackets. The portraits, |a 1325 first game total, the|Ron Jay, Jim Cassells, Regiscoed twice for the Nationals. SY eiiga' ingeeauatl . Ken Chantler, prefessional 'The institution is the oldest of the oldest of which is dated |Acadians followed this up with|Hickey; Gerry _ Bennett one Other goals went to 'Bob: Cook. SIMCOE ST.. NORTH 128-1625 or 123. 3046 since 1928 at the exclusive 30 around the world still de- 1894, give the athletic club a 1368, 1299, 1253 and a whopping | Dick Adams, so - : ©/Paul Courneya, Ian Lightfoot Sand Sell gl bed t ° 4 ' Montreal Racket Club, looks voted to rackets, forerunner parliamentary air. 1371 to lead the parade with ajall important final game, when) ang Mike Corrigan. eft ee i ; at . --(CP Photo) (6616 five-game string. the Whitby apple king Adams _ ---- at portraits of former presi- of today's more common (CP Photo) Meantime, the highly touted|was terrific, as was Gallagher.| People's shooters were suffer-| To win the title by a narrow) ing from the jitters, due to the}margin of 19 pins against such) ' sustained pressure from the/strong opposition is indeed a u I | V ed VY O < underdog Acadian club and itigreat performance by this Aca- S e | ViIGORO T Re-doing it supplies = = gd a a] Bie niet 5 : COMPLETE PLANT FOOD ; Get an HFC Householder's Loan FOR EVE RYTHING You G ROW MONTREAL (CP) -- The/exclusiveness of the Montreal|why we don' produce more top-| Repair, redecorate, framed portraits of bearded|club's membership. notch players. ; 'y refurnish. Do it all and men on age-musty walls give) Known now as a rich man's) "A man hére™ doesn't usually! Fe Soiontifi hal Tie 'formula 'for these new the place a parliamentary air/game, rackets had humble or-|start playing until he's got his| do it now with an ifieelly for. wee baat bla that conceals its dedication to/igins. It originated in 18th-cen-|pysiness running and can afford) | HFC Householder's Loan. mulations custom-made to °°! on extensive plon @ strenuous sport. |tury debtors prisons in England, |it. Some don't start until they're| Cet Gail for dons adalidone : z nutrition research. They provide is a real old room,"|where inmates foug r which: i a | s ' "This is 4 1 old ")wh tes fought boredom 39, ich is really too late. i ; if match the feeding habits of everything plants meed except said Ken C! , standing on/|by batting a ball around the high | kitchen remodeling ' : tip-toe to peer at a tarnished|prison walls. START YOUNGER wee Canada's most popular lawn sun, air and water . . . put back ae --even furniture AMOUNT] MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS i : oF everything plants take out of the name plate. 'This is the oldest! Despite the fact that pro-| Chantler, winner of the North 38 go | . : ; i | ; ' ; : sé | | 20 picture. No--wait a minute--|ticiency at rackets originally in-;/American championship three) and appliances. months| months | months gorden. and. landscaping soil to maintain -- or improve -- soil fertility year efter year, here's one older." dicated a shady, jailbird past, times, points out that the United) Bo ith fi The oldest portrait, datedithe game flourished with a|States has seven courts to Can-| rrow with confi- 1894, showed a serious gentle-\boost from schoolboys who took!ada's one and in Britain players} dence from HFC. man with a bushy black beardjit up at Harrow start younger at schools and col-| and the name plate said Andrew! |[mported: to Canada, the 8° J A. Allen. He was the first pres-/Montreal court was built in 1825, To fight costs, even the afflu- ASK ABOUT CREDIT {dent of. the 129-year-old Mont-\py British officers. Although/ent Montreal club has taken LIFE INSURANCE Rvove payments include prince! and 4 eiay GOLDEN VIGORO real Racket Club. cracks on one wall testify to its|economy measures. It has been AT LOW GROUP RATES. Eanes | a Eh 4 : Neg LAWN FOOD i is still service-|stringing its own imported rack- | ee ER Allen's portrait and-those ofjage, the court is still service po oo oo ee E : i ee his successors down the years|able. ets and uses adhesive tape in "a } : ; IN A LIGHTWEIGHT hang in the sombre-hued bil TLY place of kid to replace ball cov- HOUSEHOLD FINANC : ° ' a Sow ' i new orowth, vigor Poe wih ; , ..,\PASTIME COSTLY erings. . ier and strong- - 9 our root levelop- phe ae Dy etost nag it To build a comparable court); ---------------- scumamuavorY a f Jer... promotes big- : ment ond rich green Golden Vigoro now is available in « Phe : ; today would cost about $300,000, CLOSE VICTORY i i ger blooms. coloring. new, Go-Forther formula. And the sa ik 'ke alley (S2¥S. 'Chantler, the Montreal Singh ye é ; SHAWA OFFICES | OS i ages handy new bog with a handle pours eae a re club's professional since he was pigecwey A highs grail 2 OSHA i " bod + ae on on Nt ny you t eae afte rinning| Mile record holder Peter Snell! * : oo 5 J. DOES * walk too fast along uptown lg gg cre i site of New Zealand ran a mile in| S¥ite 208, Oshawa Shopping Ctr. Ph. 725-1138 Bleury Street championship in 1928 at the age three minutes,.58.5 seconds Sat- (northwest corner, Tel race 4 GOLDEN VIGORO FEEDS 4 TIMES LONGER, The yellow-stucco building urday at Western Springs sta- 64 King Street East--Telephone 725-652 €« . THAN MOST LAWN FOODS--A WHOLE SUMMER with miniature bay windows jut-| A racket costs $10 and,says dium. Snell defeated John Da- (next to the Genosha Hotel) ting from under the eaves, like|Chantler. "it is nothing to break vies, also of New Zealand, by t gt * ek AJAX: 66 Harweed Avenue South Telephone 942-6320 ® . the portrait gallery, may not\four rackets in a single game."|one-enth of a second, Davies| Laver The. hoveriew) To control white grubs and other lawn insects use Golden Vigoro suggest athletic endeavor. But} The ball, traditionally cloth has beaten Snell twice this sea-| they do fit the clubs historical, gripe wound with a binding of 80" -- with Dieldrin (END-OF-PEST). Only one application needed. unique personality and the ex-\twine and kid leather about an} clusiveness of its membership./inch in diameter, also is an ex-', } |/pensively ishable plaything) OLDEST CLUB pensively peri | The Montreal Racket Club is compared to the sturdy rubber) : eee | e the oldest of 30 around the world -- Atak anes auld of | st which maintain allegiance to the h M : a i Hank t Clut | '9 200-year-old English game, fore-|'"® Mon tree) Backs: (uy: wv ee = Ea runner of the more common "The club has 250 members rg ; 4y 2 squash rackets every one of thém is a ee ire.' d The Montreal club is the only , It was only a slight exaggera-| ' f 7 ; one in Canada with a rackets|tion ; | " Sok : TR L court, a cement-lined room! "yoy have to be a person of| j 4 7 \ A FOR CRABGR Ss q about twice the dimensions~of means to play the game,"| If : ; the normal! wooden-walled chantler concedes, adding that| Ed 3S o4 ei squash court there hasn't been a member Rackets is an expensive game|posted for being in .arrears| HOW TO RECOGNIZE compared to squash, hence the'since 1847. "This is one eason) : ae } g 4 vf ee | | | e -- --<----= v1 | | NEW. Exclusive Formula = ceases Soe @ Safe -- harmless to pets, birds, ing a purple shade, it will He phages summer before the mower. When absorbent comfort of fine combed cotton with the hidden strength of the @ IT IS HARMLESS TO PETS AND PEOPLE @ NOW YOU CAN AFFORD ki @& Ram ne mica 4 Ulta ee dean 7 \\| NEW DEVELOPMENT IN MEN'S SHORTS AND SHIRTS ee Rr dae onc) tai tng © Newspotanens i} : : ground more than do finer- arsenic ov ater 4 emmed | sses. If beta A . W gage ge i aT To the fine ribbed combed cotton and perfect tailoring of Harvey Woods Prevents Crabgrass oye om te oter arcs MORE COMFORT. You get a more stable fabric that won't shrink or lose One application NOW prevents eut, the seed is likely to take new 420 Nylon fibre. mNOwomCe B/ANCROENA é r the , whe lewn food WITH DACTHAL W-50 wut aan ee ae ae YOU PAY ONLY 4 Se : ' ' ond tum an unsightly brown, shorts and shirts we've added the strength of Du Pont's new 420 Nylon e e. Moviiig. le: ne the Gnkve! sh DOWN 50 WEEKLY | fibre. You get, immediately, up to 50% more wear! without Burning Grass since crab-grass leaves Boke FREE DEMONSTRATION shape. You get longer wear without extra weight or bulk. You get the softly crabgrass oll summer eu pine ie The ae Pr re s i Come in and see these Color TV pn Shows at No Obligation. @iz) As with all Harvey Woods garments these new shorts and shirts eros Wierre EVERY MONDAY AT 7:30 P.M. sm") come to you sterile and remain sterile for the normal life of the : IN COLOR ent "Monday Night At The Movies" 6 i EVERY WED. AT 7:30 P.M, shirts and shorts DOUBLE SEAT ' é | 2 IN hot ee at $1.50* each ~ gaa! mines a0 ~ hg GH) SHORY Harvey | ee STORE rn te RN pc =&| Woods PARKING, | 1259 SIMCOE NORTH aun -- . D 4 OY FURNITURE Tn =n -- | NO -- PHONE -- DAILY APPLIANCES 'DU PONT. ; i stearate | 723-3222 ; 8 A.M. "TIL DARK U i 420 NYLON tascam : ; OPEN SUNDAYS Open Nightly (Except Saturday) 'Til 9:30 Fase FIRST FAMILY OF FASHION PDOBLEM EVERYTHING FOR LAWNS, TO VISITORS uggested retath KING ST. E. at TOWNLINE .. .. .. 728-4658 3 S-a4is GARDENS, LANDSCAPING or in the