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Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Apr 1964, p. 5

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The trailor home of Mr. end Mrs. Douglas Breithaup, pees _-- ernsoxiny Pg eigen pelt gle Ley pe geen ny HOME BLOWN HUNDRED YARDS about four miles west of Law- i yards pay then ring up- side down by a tornado which tence, Kan., was blown about event ie nual eta Detieininmmen we a ne ee Sunday afternoon and then moved on to Leavenworth, Kan, (AP Wirephoto) WHITBY And DISTRICT Manager: John Gavit Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Tel. 668-3703 COMMENT: RESPONSIBILITY Award Dama IS NOT ALWAYS BEST POLICY By JOHN GAULT Some wise' men born before our time Construed his wisdom, tongue, in cheek That having cake and eating too Would put the doer up the creek. But times have changed and for the scribe 'Tis better that we act with haste Or someone else will eat the food And foolish pie is all we'll taste. Anon. Detect a little bitterness in that long-hidden bit of. verse? Well how would you like to sit on a story for 10 days, as a favor to a group of people, and then be scooped? I did. On Tuesday, March 31, I was} invited to attend the Board of Governors' meeting of the Whit- by Hospital Board. The Whitby Hospital board is not a public concern. It is: a company of about 100 subscribers who have charter; a t Be atisica ob While tact 1 ace PA ay and place of the sharehold. that I would not publish any was t decisions or statements made by) a) the Board of Governors against their collective will. There were Young-Town Nuptials At St. Marks The wedding of Lillian Eliza- beth (MacDonald) Young and John Robert Town was per- formed by the Rev. John Smith in St. Marks United Church Par- lour, Whitby, on Saturday, Mar. 28, in the late afternoon. The bride wore a pink and white suit with brown accessor- ies and a corsage of deep red sweetheart roses and hyacinths. The matron of honor, Mrs, Robert Gibson of Whitby wore a navy blue suit with pink acces- sories and a corsage of pink car- nations. The best man was George Hollinger of Belleville. The bride's mothér wore a_ beige dress and beige accessories. Hez flowers were orange delight roses. She received the guests at 703 Burns street, Whitby, where the reception was held. Those attending the. wedding and réception were: Mrs. W. C. Town , Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Town, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Hanna, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibson, Misses Susan, June and Margaret Town, Susan and Jayne Young, Masters John and James Town, Edward, and George Young, all of Whitby. Mr. and Mrs.~George Hollinger, Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. Clif- ford Becbee, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Lyons, and Mrs. E: Hobbs of Oshawa. Following a trip to New York State. they will re- side in Whitby. : said meeting. two vital situations which arose at the meeting. One was the location of the proposed hospi- tal, and the other was the for- mat for the annual meeting of|more than 25 cars took shareholders, set for April 21. I agreed that neither of the Governor's decisions on these matters would be made public until it was their pleasure. John Goodwin, Reeve of Whitby Township, was appointed. Publi- city Director, and any press coverage was to be arranged through him. The rest of those present,. about 12 of the 18-man|accidents. Board concurred. Lloyd Jagoe, 23, of Oshawa, Last Wednesday Reeve Good-|told the court he was driving win called me, and we worked|in the fog and managed to stop out a publicity schedule leading|behind a car that had been in- up until next week's meeting.|volved in the string of acci- The first instalment, barring|dents. unforeseen circumstances, would) He said he was stopped for have appeared in place of this|several seconds when another report in today's paper. vehicle came up from behind, But, those unforeseen circum-|stTuck him, and drove his car stances arose. Last Thursday another Governor contacted me by phone, and issued a press release regarding both vital For Fog place, in the Whitby - Pickering Town Line. One smail County Court presided over Judge Alex Hall. The accident directly involved dent his car was sold for $35 to a junk dealer. In December of 1962, a series of rear-end collisions involving|/eron, said he had struck the part of the) series of accidents was heard! at the April Sittings of Ontario| by) } two cars with a third vehicle} at the front of the string of} into the vehicle in front. He said that after the acel-| ges Mishap Clrrence Maunder, 25, of Cam- vehicle in front when he swung 'dense fog on Highway 401 near) into the passing lane after sight- ing another vehicle stopped in the driving lane. He said that visibility was about 25 feet and admitted to His Honor that he was not keep- jing as careful a watch as he should have been. Carl Martin said he was smashed into a car in front of |him when Jagoe hit him under his own power. | The third vehicle then struck the car driven by Jagoe, he added. | Judge Hall assessed 75 per jcent of the damages claimed by jplaintiff, Jagoe, against defend- lent Maunder. | Maunder will have to pay $525 to cover the 75 per cent of the damages to Jagoe's car he was found responsible for causing. points discussed at that March the time, ' TAKE ROUND 16-3 meeting publicized, and old further that it was quite ight to invite the public to Barring a complete reversal of attitude, I knew that this was not the will of the Board of Governors. I called Dr. J. 0. Ruddy, Chairman of the Hospi- tal Board, and he confirmed my . < feeling, so once again J killed| %t ts @ long, long trail that the story. has no ending. Such was the Last Saturday I picked up alstory for the . gallant Whitby copy of the Whitby Weekly|Bantam All-Stars. They bowed |News, and the banner story an-lout of the Ontario championship jnounced exactly what I had kept|finals here on Saturday after- By CLIFF GORDON jquiet: location, dates, times and\noon as they were bombed 10-1) \places. This hurts.. I cannot in the second game of the blame News Editor Karl Mantz|home-and-home, total-goal ser- |for the slipup. I cannot blamelies, Leamington won the first |Mr. Goodwin, or Dr: Ruddy. --_|game 6-2, thus taking the round 'an pee yey the cht hain! atiang the title by a 16-3 score. |the time if his press-release had) i be ne of Dr. Ruddy Po ha a ee Be ay ue je remainder of the . He} ' |saia "yes." T told him that 'Mr {C2U4.not match the fast, smooth Goodwin had not agreed to q|L°2minston team who appeared G not agreed to @/just that much better on the fine bombshell' release. |Whitby ice I was told Dr. Ruddy had| Sy {OK'd the statements made. | Dr. Ruddy was contacted. He George Town saved the day for the Whitby team as he scor- jwas shocked to learn of this/°4 his teams only goal at 8.55 \'private press release." He|%! the final frame. Richler led said he had no knowledge of it the attack for the Leamington and that he certainly didn't|*e2™ with three goals. Gallo- want it in the paper. lway, Bradbury and McKibbon | Mr. Mantz had not attended|°2% fired two with Pakov sink- lthe Board of Governors' meef-/"% single marker. ing. So he could'not have known, Leamington had a big four- the feeling of the Governors con. 20al lead as they hit the Whitby cerning the meeting and the ice last Satunday at four o'clock location of the hosnital. land they oF, a: of confi- The facts of the matter wil]/dence. It was felt in some cur- be checked out today, and w'i]]/Cl®S that perhaps the Leaming- jappear in Tuesday's Ti /tqn | - ot ee. |confidence and have a = down. 7 ' |However this was not the case FIVE DROWN i h |_ DALLAS (AP)--Five persons,|2°, "ey, Wom ange Malai ay including one child, drowned|™° Pride es 7 ; |Sunday ,when their boat cap-| Leamington led 3-0 at the en |sized on wind-swept Lake Taw-|of the first, 6-0 at the en jakoni about 35 miles northeast|of the second and ran their of here. Three other chiildren|count to 9-0 before Town got lwho were in the 14-foot fibre-|the lone tally for the Keenan- glass craft when it spilled were|coached team. With just 15 sec- rescued in the water. londs to go in the game Richler igot his third goal to make it a BROCK WHITBY Last Co a. WE "sel nasi " HIRISCH COMPANY. EDWARD JACK LEMMON Evening Shows Start at 6:55 | 'o) Buy WRDERS TRA" DOUCE, double figure victory for the JUST TALKING . . . The fans mplete Show Starts 9:15 =| , lof this area can be proud of this team would have too much} end) Keenan 18.56. Leamington Ends Bantams Season \They met up with a team that was just a little bit better and they were forced to the side- lines . . . The All-Stars can hold their heads up high, as they car- ried the Whitby colors the fur- thest and longest of any team jin Whitby this year... A tip jof the hat goes to three men |who helped so hard in the jworkings of the team and they include coach Bob Keenan, and managers George Town and Cliff Partington . .. These three men spent untold hours of work and several dollars along |the way .. . They even had a game in Brooklin last night jwhen the Dads took on the play- jers and to quote manager Town: "We had a bun-chewing after |the contest" _. . Managens |Town and Partington, along jwith coach Keenan would like ito thank area manager Art Moore and the fine fans who supported the team during the passes season .. .And remem- ber the Bantams will be back next year, bigger and better. SUMMARY First Period - Leamington: McKibbon, . Leamington: McKibbon, Pilcher . Leamington: Galloway Penaities -- Couture 14.12, Tilan 16.45. SECOND PERIOD 4, Leamington: Plicher, 'Galloway 3.30 5. Leamington: Pakov, Darchie 4.45) 6, Leamington: Bradbury, Ginter 6.44 Penalties -- Kennan 2.10, Town 13.06, soeeseeee 10.45 Lo Naas] 14.12, Darchie Pilcher, Third Period Leamington: Bradbury, Martin, Ginter oe Leamington: Galloway, Pilcher, McKibbon Leamington: Galloway, Whitby: Town, Sandford, Sorichetti 11, Leamington: Plicher McKibbon, Galloway ca eee Penalties -- Keenan 6.23, McKibbon 7.33 ae Pilcher 7. 8. %. 10, - 65: | | | RO eye ST wt The guest speaker at the K of C Civic Night this year will be the Honorable J. Wilfred Spooner, Minister of Municipal Affairs for Ontario. Mr. Spooner, MLA for Coch- rane South entered politics in 1939 as a councillor in Tim- mins. He was elected mayor) there in 1951 and remained in that office until 1955. In 1943 and 1944 he was presi- dent of the Ontario Municipal of the Ontario Mayors and Reeves Association. Association, and vice-president Spooner To Speak At K Of C Civic Night Canadian Council of Resources Ministers in 1962. He was elected to the Provin- cial government in 1955, and made an immediate impression as a fluent speaker and able debater, In 1957 he was elevated to the position of Minister of Mines. Mr. Spooner became Minister of Lands and Forests in 1958, and took over his present post in 1962. He played an important role in the National 'Resources for Tomorrow 'Conference" in 1961, and became chairmaa of the CONTRIBUTED The third annual meeting of the Whitby Figure Skating Club was held on evening, April 6 at the Whitby Commun- ity Arena with the parents of skating members in attendance, President Doug Maundrell opened the meeting by welcom- ing those present and after a few brief remarks, called the secretary-treasurer, Dr. John Wall. Dr. Wall presented re- ports on last fall's first annual dance and the recently held club carnival. Both events were very successful. Dr. Wall reported a bank balance of $284.18 and said ice-rental had been paid up until the end of February. President Maundrell then thanked the 1963 - 1964 Board of Directors for their out-standing work during the year. Bouquets were verbally awarded to the senior skaters who gave of their time on Saturdays to personally instruct the members of the junior division in group ses- sions. Phil Burkart was thank- ed for his. part in initiatng and conductng the "ribbon tests" during throughout the year. It was reported that there were 292 members during the past year: 29 Seniors; 71 Inter- mediates; 192 Juniors. Successful Year | For Skating Club There were three test sessions held during the year for the senior skaters. Judges from the Judge's Bureau of the Central Ontario Section of the Canadian Figure Skating Association came to Whitby to judge our) skaters on these occasions. Results of the tests were as follows: Test One, 95 per cent per cent were successful; Test Three, 68 per cent were success- ful. Our two professionais, Lynn Bishop and Gloria Taylor were commended for their hard work over the season and they received a special acaolade for their efforts in the Carnival Production. Director Stan Gadyk was lauded for his all-out effort in respect to the Carnival and President Maundirell also thank- eq everyone who contributed to the success of this year's big- gest-~and-best-ever Carnival. After the nominating commit- tee presented its report, the fol- lowing were elected to the Di- rectorate for the 1964-65 sea- son: Mrs. Freda Bennett, Phil Burkhart, Mrs. Margaret Dun- can, Stan Gadyk, Raymond Hol Doug) Maundrell, Mrs. Rose Peleshok, Mrs. Mae Pilkey, Karl Schaaf, Dr. John Wall. ' Parish Helpers held its monthly meeting Thursday, April 9 at the home of Miss Eunice Kemp, Dufferin street. President Mrs} Seymour Whit- ney opened the meeting with prayer. Bible reading and ex- plaining was by Mrs. John McKibbin. It was mentioned that the choir dinner recently held at which the Parish Helpers cater- ed was most successful. Mas, Whitney reported from the Advisory Council meeting which 'she attended. The Co- Ordinators for the Anglican World Mission are: Mrs. John Fawcett, Mrs. Henry Perry, Mrs, Hanry Atkinson, Mrs. James Sheedy, Mrs. Ernest Vallant and Mrs. Peter Bird. A $300 donation is the amount decided upon from St. John's Anglican Church to the Anglican World Mission. Money has been received from the sale of quilts and members are still working on that pro- meeting with prayer, The next meeting will be held Thursday, May 14. wscs The monthly work meeting of the WSCS of Whitby Baptist Church was held in the Sunday |school hall with a good num- {ber of workers present. |. | TRAVELLERS CHEQUES MONEY ORDERS Canadian U.S. VICTORIA and GREY TRUST 308 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY Tilden 15.07,. Bradbury 15.50, Pritchard 19.10, Moon 19.55. * lfine little team. They gave levervthing they had in a gallant : leffort to bring this town to its/ paregns |first Bantam championship . . . Oey ac 'Seals Beat Blades a story of bloodshed, desire Sree | In WHL Playoffs in fact, the ] WAI | SAN FRANCISCO (AP)--San| makes life |Francisco Seals took a 2-1 lead| Mumia ||in the best-of-seven Western| Hockey League final Sunday, scoring twice in the dying min- ute of the game for a 4-2 vic- tory over the Los Angeles Blades. | Moe Manthu and Ed' Pana-| gabko broke up the game for| the Seals both scoring their sec- | ond goals of the night | Gordy Haworth and Stan Maxwell scored for the Blades. | L ALPERSON mus SHIRLEY MacLaImng&£ Hey Gang! Let's Get With It! Starting Mon.,; April 13th CLEARANCE SALE 20% OFF Off The Chart 45's 3. for 2.00 Sound Shoppe 100 Colborne St. £., Whitby Phone 668-8471 All Record Albums Parish Helpers Give To Mission St. John's Anglican Church* A number of women were ject. | Mrs. McKibbin closed the knitting. Quilting was in the charge of Mrs. M. Mitchell, and a number of the younger wom- en were being initiated into this useful art, Mrs. Ross Ward had charge of the table, where - bandages were being rolled, and other hos- pital supplies were being pre- pared. After a potluck luncheon en- joyed by all, the work convener, Mrs. Art Wigston, reported on the work which had been done and what was planned for the future. The Mission Study 'Religions pointed a member of the .pro- vincial Treasury Board. He is| respected as a government ex- pert in the field of Municipal Affairs. two children. When the Legisla-' ture is not sitting he resides in Timmins. FOURTH CIVIC NIGHT fourth of its kind the Whitby Knights of Colum- bus Council 4895. and include men in Ontario County in all level in soft public life. 1964 are the Honorable Michael Starr, MP; the Honorable Mat- thew Dymond, MLA for Ontario Riding; and Albert V. Walker, MLA for Oshawa Riding. ty, Russell Francis,.and the re- mainder of County Council have been invited, as have all the Mayors and Reeves, Reeves every municipality in the Coun- were successful; Test Two, 46/ty. presented by Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck, His Honor Judge Alex Hall, Magistrate Harry Jermyn and Magistrate Frank Ebbs. Municipal and Engineers, County Solcitor| and Assessor, and Solicitor for| Whitby. St. John Evangelist Hall, Whit- by on April 15 at 9 p.m. Civic Night Co-ordinator C. G, Mal Femia refers to the evening as discussion and ideas persons responsible for the poli- tical, economic good of the people of Ontario County." Club Ontario District No. 15 wee game on two goals by Mike THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, April 13, 1964 At a meeting of the Whitby Minor Lacrosse Association on Wednesday evening April 8, the election of officers resulted in tary, D. Walkr, treasurer ad the re-election of L. Haley, president, D. Gilchrist, secre- In March of 1963 he was ap- Mr. Spooner is married with was decided that other elected officers and appointments be held over until the next meeting slated for Wednesday, April 22. This year's Civic Night is the| President Haley discussed the by|apparent success of the 1963 season and predicted a very large and challenging program for 1964, mainly due to the Association in which Whitby's teams will compete. Increased interest in the game of jacrosse also stems from the brilliant display ex- hibited by the teams compet- ing for the Minto Cup in the local arena last fall and the eventual win by the Oshawa Green Gaels. The president ac- centuated the need for increas- ed assistance this coming sea- Guests are by invitation only, Included in the guest list for The Warden of Ontario Coun- Whitby Minor Lacrosse Executive Is Selected this type of community service are asked to contact either Mr. Haley, 668-2897, or J. Shedden, 668-4542. It was decided that Saturday April 18 and Saturday April 25 "sign-up" days, and forms will be distributed to all youths wishing to play It}this year. lacrosse Sufficient interest been shown to indicate that Novice (8-10 years), Peewee (10-12 years), years), Midget (14-16 years), teams will be involved in the OMLA as has been the case in the past, but will be entries in the Ontario League. Bantam (12-14 one of the Present at the mee several newcom dicated interest Juvenile entry. A "Lacrosse Publicity Night" day, May 6, and son and persons interested in entertained by the WMLA. others interested will Deputy- and Councillors for Law enforcement will be re- Accident On July 16, 1963, a car north- bound on Highway 12 just north of Whitby was struck by a truck as it was making a left turn into a driveway. Driver of the car, Mrs. Janet Terry, 15A MacMillan drive, Oshawa, brought a suit for dam- ages to her car, as a result of the accident, against Brooklin Concrete and the driver of the truck, David John Coates, RR 3, Brooklin last week at Ontario County Court in Whitby. Mrs. Terry said she had sig- nalled 200 feet before making her turn and had checked the rear view mirror and seen noth- West Toronto Cops/'"s Also included are County and Clerks, Treasurers The event will be held in the 'a common meeting ground for for the social, legislative and Court Dismisses Claim look to see if the turn could be made in safety." He dismissed the action against the trucker and added comment on a statement made by the lawyer of the plaintiff that "the trucker should have sounded his horn when passing, and was negligent in not doing so." "The onus ts on the person making the turn to insure safe- ty and not on the hicle, within reason," Judge Hall said. passing ve- He said that if a horn was sounded every time a occurred, the Pi dR sen | "ring with the sounds of horns." She said the truck was be- hind her and had struck her car Bantam Tourney DUNDAS, Ont. (CP)--Brant- on the left side as she pro- ceeded to turn. ford won the peewee crown and West Toronto took the Bantam Coates said he was driving behind Mrs. Terry at 35 miles division laurels. at the Optimist per hour in a 60-mile speed zone and the highway was clear of oncoming traffic. He said he pulled out and at- tempted to pass the car and the signal lights of the other ve- hicle came on as he passed the back of the vehicle. "I pulled over to the left to try to avoid her but she just drove into me," he concluded. His Honor Judge Alex Hall said in judgment "'the cause of this accident was that when making the turn Mrs. Terry hockey championships Satur- day. Brantford blanked London's Kensal Park 6-0 in the final pee- Sweet and one each by Steve Harrison, Stewart Cochrane, Mike Yurcak and Peter Petrie. Earlier Brantford disposed of Berlington 5-2 and shaded In- gersoll 2-1 in overtime. In the other peewee game Kensalleither did not see or did not One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Wallpaper and Murals Custom Draperies Broedioom and Rugs C.L.L. Paints and Varnishes Flo-Gleze Colorizer Points DODD & SOUTER Decor Centre Ltd. Phone 668-5862 107 Byron St. S., Whitby -- Park blanked West Toronto 5-0. LIZARD DRAGONS Komodo dragons--they prob- ably number less than 1,000-- are the largest of all living lizards, growing 10 feet. long and weighing up to 300 pounds. of India" was taken by Miss H. Cameron. On a side table were displayed samples of articles made, or donated. Work meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month, and the work room is open from 10 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. INCOME TAX RETURNS PHONE 668-8252 Phone SUPPLY TEACHERS Required to supply in area comprising Ajax, Picker- ing Village, Bay Ridges, and Rosebank. If neces- sary, transportation may be provided. Apply by. phone or in writing, stating qualifications to: MR, H. BURNIE, 739 Lublin Avenue, Bay Ridges, Ont. Dunbarton 839-3890 3 SPORT CALENDAR -- of -- Weekly Events! This Programme Presented By The Local s Firms of WHITBY and DISTRICT! CLIP AND SAVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE! W. C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Ample Parking Facilities You don't have to play a sport to be © good sport 110 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-3410 GOOD SPORTS Support home town sports. HOME TOWN SPORTS SUPPORT THE LOCAL SUPPLIERS OF FUELS and BUILDING SUPPLIES SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED 244 BROCK ST. S. DIA! 668-3524 WHITBY, ONT GEORGE'S FINA SERVICE Tune-ups. Licensed Mechanic Free Check-Up Enjoy Carefree Holiday Driving PICK-UP & DELIVERY 668-4232 932 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY STAFFORD Sports Events With the winter sporting season draw- ing to a close and summer sports not yet started there are mo scheduled events for this week's calendar. Any sporting organization who ore plonning « summer season of fun can hove their game or match date inserted in this spoce free of charge. ey PHONE WHITBY 668-3703 k Or bring schedule of events to the Whitby Office of the jjig, Times at 111 Dundas West, G Whitby. HOOKER & SONS LTD. YOUR BEST DEAL_ON NEW AND USED CARS No. 7 Highway, 3 miles West of Brooklin General Motors Dealer For © Brothers Lid. Monuments e - » of Distinction 668-3552 Whitby For Home Delivery of Ontario County's Only Daily Newspaper PH. 668-3703 Port Whitby Texaco PETER HUBER, Prop. @ Tires and Accessories CHEVROLET---OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLET TRUCKS CORVAIR BROOKLIN "655-4811 @ Free Pick-up ond Delivery COR, VICTORIA ond BROCK ST. S$, PHONE 668-3471

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