> 23--Wented To Rent 26--Rooms For Rent WOLFa street ley, eqieon de|VERY LARGE, Testa oe keeping. Parki ee ttobie tor, fee. girls. wiling 5 ris, wi a = Light 5. 798-0575, WANTED -- apartment in 27----Real Estate For Sale METCALF 27--Real Estate For Sale SCHOFIELD-AKER 27-----Real Estate For Sale JOHN F. DeWITH 27---Real Estate For Sale W. FRANK 27---Real Estate For Sale GUIDE REALTY THE OSHAWA TIMES, Theredey, April 16,1964 25 | 27--Reol Estate For Sale 29---Automobiles For Sale GIVE US an offer on this one and one half storey six-room . home, ' Close 10) Two-bedroom duplex woe Heres ea bedroom for. rent. Please ver, a at nove a Mai ne = : Fan ' ROOM, with of kitch- Prean. eon rene we itleman, Reavy. wiring or 88 of rengette, & singe O yer harms, ROOM ~for _ gen ; Quiet home, five minutes from four cor- : ners. Near North GM, Phone 723-3956. room. able Telephone between 9 and 4.30, 720-1651. gaek.anon RITSON ROAD SOUTH, 115 -- Furnish omtea immediately, Telephone 720-9199. oe Engg alae Clean os, 2m radius of Oshawa, room, close 10 hos- $ehaehione. bas-s568. 5 ud pital. Lady pe Telephone 728-7713, R in April, two bed-/KING STRE eT West, 377 -- ay foom house or main floor apartment, cen |nished be vf ae Pg iter Near references, saleried employed |iedies, pe ' person, works year round, 728-0535, Kitchenetfe, stove, re MARRIED coupe want ee TWO ROOME erecond floor, sult couple apartment, frigerator second ' } re, Parking, laun fable, quiet. Rateronces. Telephone sin, willing to sha A tg FOR RENT In private home. Horne privileges. Telephone 723-3336. 24--Houses For Rent je Reak ry t tors. Will pay cash or trade your pres, property, on other pl cholee. Call i. John or Lloyd Bolahood at 728-5123. IVE ROOM storey and @ half home south Ajax. Available Mey Ist, $95. Tele- Alex, 942-5644, RGE, cleah bedroom. Suit gentleman, wang fo share, single beds, $6.50 per . Close to Generel yi Call after 4.15 p.m., 725-8645, INISHED rooms for tedies, single, ine anne. New fui in two, Close to hospital, downtown, Clean, quiet home. hy 728-6356. ; phone ey oe) ] WEST, 460 -- Furnished THREE BEDROOM dstoches hag eo soe ape vanity cabinet and sink. nearly new, $110. monthly, Bay water in room, five minutes: Telephone 629-1288. HO ore JS ahveping, Contre: FWO BEDROOM house, Thickson's R Sa Kine WEST < Tortlshed Tight house. Must eference. immed ING WEST -- furnished light house- had ah 'és vai ete Hanoi refrigerator in room. Suit one or two. ate te R. y, ington Street, Kingston. : FHOsEDROOM --Tmmediate pos-|OLIVE AVENUE, S71 -- Large clean, house. . Private session. Two children welcome. Apply 329) bright housekeeping room. ART Sy Zigin Street West, -- noon. on Saturday after- 2 SOUTH END large clean nicely decora- bedroom. AVAILABLE June 15, two-bedroom house Private entrance, parking. ences, lease , $95 |ted , ne ater 5 mM. phone} Nea ete cman only, 732 Albert Street (one @LACKSTOCK area, seven-room house, block south of Bloor), aan, heavy wiring. Good location. Tele SINGLE furnished room, for Fa egg y phone Blackstock 986-4887. central. Telephone. after 4.30, 728-9348. 25--Apartments WORTH OSHAWA -- Modern + | 725-9824, Hid room apartment in apartment building. Stove, refrigerator, washing facilities, 27 Real Estate tor Sate pa ORFs arden tetnotat te oi lockers, paved parking. One child wel come. 726-3377. 5 AWA, main floor, four-room apart a" 'Available May 2 completely pri- vate, garage, basement. Utilities includ- ed. After 12 noon, Brooklin 655-4641. TWO BEDROOM apartment, all con} veniences. Please telephone Whitby, 668- 8560. REE-ROOM furnished apartment, hy- oe ty and heat Included. Avaiteble May 1. After 5 p.m., apply 241 Bloor Street West. ' FURNISHED kitchen and bedroom. Al conpenances, Suitable for couple. Apply 141 Church Street. EER. -ROOM apariment in apartment My, ino. all conveniences, heat, water, r 'ator supplied. Laundty, parking facilities. Infant welcome. Immediate pos- session. Glecoff Supermarket, Ritson Road South, Oshawa, -- TWO-BEDROOM apartment, stove on refrigerator. Adults preferred. Avall- able May 1. Apply 498 Simcoe Street North, Apartment 1, Telephone 728-6418, pane hls cell tite THREE-ROOM apartment, heated, stove and refrigerator, $65. monthly. Apply 335 Simcoe South, Apt. 2. THREE-ROOM apartment, _ furnisned. Private bathroom. Available immediate- ly. Adults only. Apply 214 Bloor East or 517 Bloor East. THREE rooms and bath, central location, main floor, private entrance. Aveilable May 1. 728-5286 for appointment. TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and kit- chen, refrigerator, built-in cupboards, for one or two adults only. Close to hospital. Apply 99 Elgin Street East. THREE ROOM upstair apartment, private bathroom, $75. per month Includes hydro, water and heat. Available Immediately. Apply 244 Gliddon avenue. THREE-ROOM apartment, private bath and entrance, adults only. Apply 767 Simeoe Street South. TWO-BEDROOM apartment in with modern facilities, Available April preferred. Telephone Whitby FURNISHED ROOM, suit one or two fogies willing fo share, redecorate, 12 blocks to hospital. After 7 evenings, MAKE YOUR MOVE ON THE CHECKERBOARD BOLAHOOD BROTHERS -- Real Estote -- -- Insuronce ---- -- Mortgoges -- $600.00 DOWN MAPLE GROVE AREA Askii only $6,900.00 for tis 8 room, 2 bedroom bun- situated on bye lot, Just listed so tter hurry -- carries for $60.00 monthly, Call Me, Ed Drumm ot 728-5123 or 725-9345. CASH OR TRADE Bolahood Brothers Limited, Realtors, will pay cash or trade your present property, on -any property of your choice. Coll Mr, John or Lloyd Bolahood ot 728-5123. 4 BEDROOMS Lovely 2 storey white frome house! Newly. decorated, new oil furnace. Needs bathroom. Nine miles from town. Full price $6,500.00 will carry for $80.00 monthly, cat: principal and taxes, Ca' a Ronkine ot 728-5123. WHITBY $13,800 full price, carries for $93.17 monthly taxes includ- ed, In the populer southwest area, this almost new 3 bed- room brick bungalow is im- maculate. Hollywood kitchen. oa Mr. Ronkine oat 728- 5123. 26--Rooms For Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home, Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 GRENFELL STREET, 63 -- Furnished room, near Shopping Centre, After 5 p.m.) 723-2434, SPECIAL $7,600.00 Workingman's home, clean 5 room bungalow. Only $2,000 down, balance on one mort- gage with excellent terms. Hurry for this one. Ask for Mr. Roy Yeo at 728-5123 or 725-2217. SPLIT LEVEL Fine family home with many extras including two both- rooms, stone fireplace, family room 'and attached. garage. Excellent location, N.H.A, fin- ancing, $5,000 down pay- ment. Be sure to inspect this home before you buy. Coll Mr. Irwin Cruikshonks at 728-5123, BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LTD. TOT Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening - WHITBY CLASSIFIED ATTENTION FISHERMEN AND COAMPERS Reservations now being ac- cepted. A small deposit will reserve your boating or camp- ing equipment. WE RENT Canoes, car top boats, motors cabin trailers, tent trailers, tents, etc, Garden and lawn equipment, power tools. FOR SALE Ivey cabin trailers,, Can- adion ond Silverliner tent W. Schatzmann REALTOR 114 Brock St. N., Whitby 668-3338 trailers, Springbok, Aluminum boats, Wiscott boot trailers, West Bend Motors, WILDE RENTAL SERVICE and SALES 1415 Dundas E. Whitby 668-3226 Do you need Gravel or Stone for Driveway, id for your Patio, Concrete Mulch? KENT ST. -- Well kept two bedroom home with large modern kitchen, good size living room, 3-pe, bath, full basement with new oil fur- mace. Lot 66' x 137', taxes $180. Will consider $1,000 down ond convenient terms. GREEN STREET -- A truly lovely home of rug brick construction, custom built, lorge L-shaped living room 723-1121 FARM 200 ACRES--with 8 room 14% storey home and born, Just 2 miles south of Gooderham on Highway 507, Asking $5.500 cash. Addi- tional 100 acres with creek fed, natural duck ad- jocent to will sell separately for $2,500. Ask for Lloyd Corson. THE OWNERS love Their 5 room brick bi low and have put a lot time ond care to make a home but @ relocation of employment mokes it necessary to move. The hollywood kitchen has a fot of cupboards and will ac- commodate a large fomily ot mealtimes. All 3 bedrooms ore o generous size, T have fenced the back yard, put in a T.V. tower, added aluminum. storms and screens to all windows including the basement and are willing to sel for @ low price of $12,- 900. COUNTRY BUNGALOW -- Just north of Ajox, attractive bedroom bungalow with breezewoy and attached gor- age. Good well with lots of woter ond modern 4 pc. bath with vanity. Schools ore close, Spring will soon be here ond now is the time to look for thot spot with just a little bit of land outside the city. FULL PRICE $8,900--4 room stone front bungalow on 6 large lot with garden and fruit trees also garage. Hardwood and linoleum floors. Large modern kitchen, Full base- ment with e. DUPLEX ON MARY STREET --7 room brick home with seporate entrances and met- ers, Storm windows for all Two modem kit- chens ond bathrooms. Gar- age. Close to both Public ond High Schools. Asking only $12,800. TRESANE STREET--3 _ bed- room brick home with private drive and garage. Separate dining 'room ond 3 pc, bath on main floor, Large enclosed sun porch, Bus stops at corner. Full price $10,900. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION -- Brick and stone bungalow with paved drive and 2 finished rooms in basement. Lorger than average living room and ample room to eat in the kit- . This spotlessly clean home has been reduced to $12,000. SOUTH EAST--S5 room brick bungolow just a few months old. 3 bedrooms and' modern 4 pe. bath with vonity. All mahogany trim throughout. Built in stove and oven. T.V. tower. Priced at $13,700. SHARBOT STREET----5 room brick bungalow on a fenced lot all nicely landscaped. 3 bedrooms, 4 pc. tiled both and very attractively decorated throughout. Schools, bus ond store all close. 1200 sq. ft, of better living ot @ price of $13,400. McLAUGHLIN BLVD. -- 6 room brick family home with paved drive and gorage. Large kitchen, separate dining room and 3 bedrooms. Locat- ed on a quiet street close to, school, bus and store. Ideal for the family with small children, Full price $13,500. PINECREST ----- 3 bedroom brick bungalow with stone front ond attached gorage. Living room, dining. room and halls all expensively brood- loomed. 3 twin sized bed- rooms with double closets. 4 pc. tiled bath with coloured fixtures and vanity. Kitchen hos lots of cupboards ond double sink. Sliding glass doors lead to patio and ter- raced back lawn. Lovely view over the city. An immaculote home with a down payment of $5,000 required, For full porticulars coll 723-1121 Open daily 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT Oxford Park Towers apart- ments. We ore exclusive agents and are now renting 1, 2 and 3 bedroom units for August occupancy, GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S. Phone 668-3524 SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED Fuels and Builders Supplies 224 Brock St. S. WHITBY, Ont, FORD TRACTOR, 1 ie dition, tike new. one "ear eh Teriae . Cultivator. Set of double discs, have 'three point hitch. Fertilizer Veter Cciragh, One et ome ae harrows, Scale, vegetable bag 'pel digger for Ford tractor or thr solid brick i "hiteh, 1950 Fargo truck, stake, two-ton, os 2 Mee badenanl, L-shaped _livi id dini new motor. Var! wee iol: lous other articies. room, 4-pc. tiled bath ay = vanity, aluminum storms ond screens, finished rec room, Paved driveway, well land- scaped. A rea] honey for only $14,000. Good down poy- ment ees ae to _sne mort- gege carries for $102, i |. goose $102, includ BROCK ST: $. -- 5 :room bungalow on a corner lot 163" x 209', ideal for in- dustrial or commercial Ppur- pose. Asking $13,500 with terms. OPEN TO OFFER. Colt Helen Simpson ot 668- 3338 or 725-7420 or Bill Schatzmann evenings at 668- ond dining room with french doors leading to a weil land- scaped ond treed backyard, extremely good basement with partially finished rec. room, Price $13,900 with good down payment. ATHOL STREET -- A fine home and exceptionally well priced. About 4 years old, SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt servi on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby, 668-2563. ORESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses, alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting specialty. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. DRESSMAKING -- Ladies', children's wear. Quality work. Mrs. Vooglerv, 1110 Henry Street, Whitby, 668-8463, FOR RENT: 30 ft. mobile home tralier, three rooms." ideal for small family. Ab Stainers only. Call 668-3226. Bhoeg ES an sale, Cochrane Street 1000, Call 668-5769 after mn. information. eis FOR RENT -- Furnished room. Preferred. Four blocks from Four ners. Dial 668-8930. --., Ranges, refrigerators, TV's, beds, dressers, un- ture. We buy, sell, trade. Lady Cor- H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD. 9 Bagot Street 728-1679 1104 RITSON RD, N. Just listed, 2 bedroom frame bungalow, hot water oil heat- ed, hardwood floors, lot 50 x 320, good garden land, 8 years old and in immoculate condition. $11,500.00 with $2,500.00 down and balance corries for $85.00 Principal ond Interest. Taxes $197.58. For an appointment. to inspect coll S. Goodfellow 728-1679, evenings 723-7335. ; PRIVATE SALE Four yeor old three bedroom bungalow on quiet court in East end. Very close to Public, Seporate and High Schools ond new Boys' Club. Out- standing kitchen with pienty of cupboard 'and counter space, Lot 52 x 136. 6% NHA mortgage -corries for $97 monthly, including: taxes. Owner transferred. PHONE 725-2095 REAL ESTATE LTD. 177 Church Street, Bowmanville 623-3393 Bowmanville Homes built on 4th and Prospect Streets 18 choice lots to chose from, plons at our of- fice. These quolity homes are price right. N.H.A. terms. Ontorio Street--Brick home on lot, $13,000.00 -- $1,000.00 down. Lombs Lane--4 bedroom bun- galow. $9,000,00--terms, Ontario Street --- 4 bedroom brick, 2 storey, 2 bathrooms, Estate sale. $15,000.00. King Street--8 room home divided into 2 apartments. $12,500.00 -- $1,500.00 m, West Beach--2 beuree bun- golow, $4,000.00--$750.00 down. Newcastle Area--2 bedroom brick bungalow lot 80' x 165'. This home is 3 years old and has many extras. $13,- 000.00 ---- terms. General store and living quarters in good farming area. 25 miles from Oshawa, $12,- 000.00----terms. Stock ot in- voice. Sunset Terrace Subdivision, N.H.A, brick bungalows, price from $13,900.00 -- $1, 200.00 down. Bolance N.H.A. terms. Built by Loupan De- velopments Ltd. Call 623-3393 After 9 P.M. Joe Bornoski 2202 Newtonville 623-3154 623-3077 Jack Ricord Pot Yeo S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 King Street West 728-6286 ATTACHED GARAGE New five room bungalow with attached gorage located in "Golfview Heights'. Save $500 under the Winter Works program by calling Jack Sheriff. SPLIT LEVEL New three bedroom split level with attached carport being constructed in the North End. Built in stove ond oven as well es decorating included. For more information call Les. Hall. EIGHT ACRES Half wooded, half clear with year round creek on property, located five miles from city. ideal location for a country home. Call Bill Swarbrick. BRUCE STREET Two and a half storey home just listed. Four bedrooms, living room, dining room and kitchen, Asking price only $12,900 with terms. Call Bob Stevenson. $1040 DOWN Full down payment on new bungalow to be built in a choice area. Built in stoves ond ovens ,decorating, vani- ties, hood fan and many other extras. For more porticulors coll Doug. Gower. N.H.A: RESALE Six room brick bungalow avoilable for the first time. One existing mortgoge at 6% which carries for $68.00 per month. Reasonable down poyment required. Call Glen MacKinnon. FOUR BEDROOMS One year old two storey home located in the cast End. In- cluded with this property is on attached garage, T.V. tower, partially finished rec. room, built in stove and oven, broadiloom, two washrooms and mony other extras. For more information call Howard McCabe. SAVE $500 WINTER BONUS PLUS 4% SALES TAX ONLY 7 BUNGALOWS LEFT 3 Bedrooms with gcrace | Idso Wiersma, John M. Sandy | HEART OF OSHAWA | REALTOR Bowmanville, 14 Frank Street, Phone 623-3950 140 Acre farm on 115 High- way with excellent buildings. i modern -conveni- Asking $30,000. Terms. 5% Actes with house and bam, located north-east of Bowmanville. Asking $15,- 500, Terms. ps oa _ with house im, Large river through oe? Asking $9,000. erms. 125 Acre Highway farm. with A-1 buildings. River on pro- perty, Close to town of Port Hope. Price and terms or- ranged. ; 18 Acres with house and bam. All building in good re- pair. Asking $7,200. Easy terms, 50 Acres with house, barn, stream, Located 5 miles north ae Bowmanville. Anxious to tell, 100 Acres Dairy Farm. Mo- dermized buildings. Stable cleaner, Good milk quota, Asking $32,000. Terms, 112 Acre farm, paved road, House and 3 barns, Asking $20,000, Terms, 100 Acre form with good buildings, A-1 Soil, Asking $15,000 with $5,000 down. 100 Acre farm with house and barn, drive shed, etc. Asking $18,000. Terms. 230 Acre form with large barns. Modernized 8 roomed home. Stream. Close to a highway. Asking $30,000 erms. 100 Acre. Dairy Form with good buildings. Good milk quota: Il! health forces sell- ing. Donald Mountjoy, Guy LeBlane Downtown business properties are in demand, expansion is ~ evident. We offer early oc- cupancy of a three storey building in a prime location on the sunny side of the street at $65,000. Inspection by appointment only. Call Paul Ristow at 728-9474 or 725-8152 evenings PAUL RISTOW REALTOR Financial Trade Bldg. 187 King St. E., Oshawa | AJAX Built and backed by G. Armstrong & Sons $950 DOWN One N.H.A. Mortgage Carries $79 Monthly 3 and 4 bedroom bungalows, split level and 2-story homes, featuring storms ond screens, hooded exhaust fans, vanity bathrooms; built-in Ranges end Ovens, : PLUS, PLUS, PLUS! H. GRIFFIN Real Estate Broker Ajax 942-3310 Whitby 668-5371 | | | { | | | | | | | | | VALUABLE acre lot, garage, well, Scu-| bor Page Buliding permit available, Dial) 623-5193, | 723-2265 LOW COST--HIGH VALUE Four rooms of teal comfort encased in every attractive exterior Aluminum -- Siding. The Angle Stone trim on the front of this beauty, plus on attractively londscaped gor- den olj adds up to provide the perfect smali home in a city district. Priced ot 10,500 to sell fast. Phone us now -- before it's sold, EASY. TERMS IMMEDIATE POSSESSION New 6 room split level bun- galow with attached garage. *" very charming design, which you will be proud to point out to your friends and say this is where | live. Liv- ing room, dining room, and modern kitchen on main. level Three bedrooms ond spacious 4-pc. bath with vanity on second fevel. Rec. facilities on lower level, Down payment $2,400. Bal- ance N.H.A.. financed. LISTINGS--LISTINGS We are running: low on list- ings and urgently need your home now. Are you think- ing of selling? We have waiting cash and term buyers. Coli us today No sale. No charge. STATELY TREES Yes, we have a lovely 6 room bungalow located on an ex- crptional fine lot 98' x 147' Yes it's in the city, Location is on a quiet street in a fine residential area. 3 bedrooms --- 19 feet L.R. complete with fireplace -- Hollywood kitchen, large completed rec. room, Call us to-nite -- to- morrow could be too late. WATCH THE SHIPS Yes, you will be able to see Scarborough on a clear day, from your living room win- dow. One of the finest ranch bungalows we have ever had the pleasure of showing. Located high and dry in a most residential private area, So many lovely features, you just must see this home to appreciate it. Excellent terms, For full particulars call 723-2265 OPEN DAILY 9 A.M TO 9 P.M. Bill McFeeters .. 725-1726 Steve Macko ... 728-5868 Irene Brown ... 725-3867 Pauline Beal .... 725-0239 Marg. Hall 723-1358 Allan Thompson 728-2870 Charlie Chaytor .. 723-7996 Margoret Lee ... 723-2894 Maible Boudreau 728-2233 Reg Aker 725-0201 360 King St. West, Free Parking Two Family Home Separate Kitchens Separate $2500 Down will purchase this fine home. Available for immediate pos- session. Owner leaving coun- try. Coll Bill_ Millar Telephone 725-1186 W. T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd. 67 King St. Eost Oshawa $14,390 | 3 extra large bedrooms 4 bedrooms 1% baths This is the final clearance of N.H.A. WINTER built homes clay brick, plastered, fully decorated and landscaped, storms and screens, twin sinks and clock in kitchen. vanities and some with colored fix- tures. Many mire extras, immediate possession, don't delay. GERRY HILL AM 7-9712 AM 1-2309 MANDFRHILL REAL ESTATE LIMITED Over 30 years experience. WILL BUILD! Switzer Drive (south side) Lots 60' or more x 200' Ready for spring building. Ravine Lots Available, 728-8882 $13,640 | $15,140 | | | OPEN HOUSE Friday and Saturday, April 17th and 18th at | 749 WESTDALE 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. each day 4 bedroom prestige bungalow, garage, stone front, electric heat. Over 2,000 sq. ft. of modern living. Directions -- West on Rossland Rd, to Glencaim, North on Glencairn to Woodlea, West on Woodlea to Westdale and north ' to Model Home signs. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED REALTORS 16 SIMCOE ST. S. 723-1121 INVESTORS ONLY 40 ACRE FARM ZONED Rl, Choice property in a choice location LIST PRICE $35,000 easy terms | WILSON REALTOR, 26/4 King St. E. 725-6588 EVENING 728-8423 | } | GUIDE REALTY LIMITED REALTORS 16 SIMCOE ST. S. 723-1121 OPEN FOR INSPECTION THIS WEEKEND Commencing Friday, April 17th from 2 to 9 p.m. each day 640 GOREVALE CRESC. New Split level brick, attached garage, 4 bedrooms 2 bathrooms. REAL ESTATE LTD, 40 King St. E. DIAL 728-4678 MILLION DOLLAR VIEW if haven't the ested million dollars to pay this terrific hill-top view of the city ond horbour, don't de- spoir, we'll waive . BUT we are asking $15,500 for the lovely 6 room bungolow on the ap 165 foot wide pie- shoped and fenced lot. Quiet focation on an out of the woy court with garage, patio, fruit trees, and finished rec. room. CALL NO' 4 BEDROOMS MASSON STREET Luxuriously appointed and well cored for 2¥2 storey home in this quiet yet central well established prestige loca- tion. The modern refinements school and Taxes $178. ct encehen,suireodbe sen LOVELY CLEAN three-bed: |bungalow, Only years old, Praie fi a Close replace. to) 'and bus. Asking $13,900, with 'sn down. Joseph Bosco, Rea' ee sa Full price Realtor THREE-BEDROOM brick bungalow with Siabicct "heattin dante ety Sakae' Logg section. $14,400, half down, WHITBY -- Private, three-bedroom brick bungalow. Large kitchen, carport, alumi num doors, screens. Immaculate, Ex- cellent location. Minto bullt four years, Possession July 1. Write Box 601, Osh- awa Times, Whitby. 50' X 300' LOT with apple orchard, Choice location on Colborne Street East, long schools and churches. Phone 779- rooms, new oll furnace, HOUSE, seven bath, Insulated, nicely decorated. Must full ice, a Murphy . ly 'sacri Realtor" Call Marvin Pace 986-4894, KOs USED CARS sie aati Sarees! Roy W. Nichols. 1963 CHEVROLET ~ BISCAYNE COACH 6 cylinder, outomotic whitewalls, discs, sect Toes A. local 4 one owner cor i Palomar Red colour. " 1962 PONTIAC STRATO GHIEF Sedon, V-8 back added, such as broadioom, all new kitchen with ample cup- boards, new bath with vanity, fireplace, rec. room, garage ond paved drive, will afford mony yeors of gracious liv- - ing. Asking $18,900, VACANT -- $7,900 _ Neat, clean, 2 bedroom frame bungalow on quiet side street, Only $500 down, $756 -- NEW HOME For want of this smalj down poyment can you afford to poy the rent, you will never see again? We will build for you a new 3 room clay brick bungalow to your spe- cifications on your choice of lot. This will carry for only $109 including taxes, If you would like to move in for July after the school season is over --- CALL NOW, WILSON RD. N. Lovely nearly new 3 bedroom brick bungalow in a good cen- tral location, All the sodding, Painting, landscaping, ete, pe git ong Also has new ement block, garage.. This home is absolutely immacu- fate. Asking $14,900. OPEN EVENING TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 Bob Johnston, Kenn Hann, Jack Osborne, Joe Maga, Dick Barriage GARAGE and service station, good bush ness, average 40,000 galions yearly. Frontage paved. Seven-room house, oll furnace, bath. Corner 7A Highway and Scugog road. Full price $21,000. T. Murphy Realtor. Cali Marvin Nesbitt, Nestleton 986-4894, TRI-PLEX on Arthur Street, containing three separate apartments, taxes, Shows excellent return on investment, Asking $16,900. full price with terms, Live rent free, Mr. Campbell, 725-1015, Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377, home with two washrooms, built-in stove and oven, carport. NHA financing. Call 728-6286, S. D. Hyman, Real Estate Ltd. HOUSE AND TWO ACRES, In city lim its, modern, all conveniences, small orchard, rec, room, on Bloor, northwest corner of Grandview. Apply E. C. Miller. PRIVATE SALE -- Large house, oll heated. Good condition. Drew Street, Telephone 725-7073. SIX-ROOM house and one acre of land for sale on No. 2 Highway at Courtice, Telephone 725-4924. $1000, DOWN. 10-acre lots, Choice, level garden soli with everflowing stream. These lots are treed af the front, just enough to make & perfect setting for your new home, Located only 10 miles from Oshawa on a good new road. Full price $3700. McGili Real Estate Broker, 728-4285. Four. 1959 PONTIAC 1959 CHEVROLET > BISCAYNE Coach, 6 tylinder, stendord A teal $1,095 transmission, good cor 1958 CHEVROLET - BEL AIR 2 door hardtop, 6 automatic, clean Promina , 1957 CHEVROLET ~ Coach, V-8 standard trans. Prat fay FOR SALE -- Fully serviced buliding| jot near school end bus, $2500. Telephone 723-4916, INCOME home In Newcastle, three storey, Fully rented plus large commer- cial lot. Low down payment, Live rent free, Telephone 728-9504, OUT of town well travelled road, T Write or @ Mrs, Sadie Hemilton, Orono. Phoné 1 R 16, LOTS serviced, Rossland Manor, Gibbons Street, close to all schools, Only @ few not sold. Jones Realtor, 725-6412, VETERANS V.L.A. BUILDING LOTS Only 10 minutes from City Holl. 5 ROOM BRICK $9,900 full price, age 12 years. Two bedroom, oil heat, $1,500 down, A.W.O.L. A world of living here, you will want to be the proud owner from the moment you enter this long rancher with double garage. Two fire- places, sunken living room, ond much more for only $18,700, $6,500 Only $900 down, new four room bungalow, full base- ment, a. good buy. Located in Newtonville. Call 728-5157 Steve Zurba Bill Johnston Steve Lehan Bill Horner Ralph Vickery RALPH VICKERY REAL ESTATE 46 King Street W. OPEN TILL 9 P.M. FOR SALE -- six acres wooded land, on Highway 35, just off 115, 20 miles from Oshawa, $2000. or nearest offer, Tele phone evenings, 5 10 ACRES on Mapie Grove Road North. Good building site, $4,300, with $1500, down, Call Joe Barnosk!l, W. Frank Real Estate Ltd., Bowmanviile 623-3393. $1040, DOWN, Spacious fiveroom bun- galow, fully decorated with built-in stove ae oe Call 728-6286. $. D. Hymen, Real | KEITH PETERS Realtor 728-7328 103 King Street East TRY AN OFFER! RIDGEWAY--Red clay brick, 3 bedroom bungalow, attach- | ed garagé, fireplace, asphalt | drive, beautifully landscaped, 6%2% interest, close to sep- erate and public schools, Call Earle. Allen 725-7782, CLOSE TO OSHAWA We have two parcels of land left, five miles east of Osh- awa, one parcel of 10 acres with 333 ft. frontage and one of 12 acres with frontage of 198 ft, This property is good value for $350 per acre. Call Ron Hetherington 623-3637. BETWEEN OSHAWA & WHITBY CLOSE TO NEW STEEL PLANT 4 BEDROOM SPLIT LEVEL with plenty of living area, forge lot, $2500.00 down. Only 1 left--Don't delay, call today. Robert Johnson 728- 2548. WHITBY' BUNGALOW, Brick _ stone trim, 5 room, 6 year old, basement completely finished with recreation room ex- tro bathroom, lovely lot, $2500 down. Make an offer, Call Bill Irvine 728-2868, $9,200 FULL PRICE FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW, full basement, new heating system, private drive, corlon on bedrooms and kitchen floors, close to school. paved Street ond sidewalk. Clear property, will take low down poyment. Phone Bill Ratcliffe 655-3917, H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 9 Bagot Street HIGHLAND AVE. Ideal Family Home -- two storey 6 rooms, 3 large bed- rooms, large kitchen, living and dining room, Full price Estate Ltd. 28--Real Estate Wanted WE have cash buyers for end four- three- bedroom homes and duplexes. Call Raiph Vickery Real Estate, 728-5157, 29--Automobiles For Sale ~ DEPENDABLE USED CARS 1962 DODGE 4-door, 6 cylinder sedan, automatic, radio. 1961 CORVAIR $550. 1956 PONTIAC lg ee $350. 1955 PONTIAC 2 door : hardtop, V-8 auto © $195. 1954 FORD Coach, V-8 stondard, In for Obove average condition, $195, We Hove More Then 70 CARS ROY W. NICHOLS Lots . Bowmanville 623-2556 Courtice 728-6206 ' gutomatic, roadie, " up lights ,ete. 19,000" mi 3 name» » with radio, Price 6 cylinder, 2 door, 1959 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERES (3 from which to choose), 6 cylinder, automatic and stan- dard, with and without radios, 1959 DeSOTO STATION WAGON V-8 automatic, radio, fully powered, 1958 BUICK 4 door hardtop, automatic, power steering, power brakes, and radio. Solex gloss. 1957 PLYMOUTH SAVOY 6, four door sedan, automatic, one owner, 25,000 miles, 1962 GMC Ya-ton --_ express, dump. 1963 DODGE Ya-ton demonstrator PALMER MOTOR SALES 20 KING ST, E. BOWMANVILLE 623-5487 KELLY. DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668.5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top Quality ~ 1962 FORD GALAXIE 8 cylinder, automatic, radio, etc. Excellent condition. Pri- vote, hydraulic MARTIN AUTO ELECTRIC 1962 Pontiac PARISIENNE V-8 Automatic, radio. Like new.' 1962 Chevrolet BEL AIR 6 cylinder automatic, radio. Shorp. ' 1960 Chevrolet 6 cylinder, automatic, two tone. Clean, 1958 Pontiac 4-door, 6 cylinder, stondard. Cleon. 1957 Oldsmobile 4-door, hardtop, outomotic, radio, two tone red and white, 1957 Chevrolet BEL AIR 4-door, hardtop, V-8, auto- matic, power steering, power brakes, radio. Real clean. All cars 100% Guoronteed MARTIN AUTO: ELECTRIC USED CARS 409 BROCK STREET SOUTH WHITBY 668-8801 Goold 'Furniture, 215 Dundas East, whit-| 3253 by. 668-5481, rl eae builder Michael ZYGOCKI Oy. k RE GARDENS -- fwo only--|\VERY NEAT HOME full price $8,500./SCUGOG LAKEFRONT cottage, tour GO Lie leh ainda tit ge MEA lg Pan gn drei Coe 'euieh, on ma orate. pte bungalows near. with rig Act fast, this home wililrooms, three-piece bath, winterized, file} BUILT BY ZYGOCKI 1679, evenings 723-3788 " 0 " « builder wi consider so) is week. Call Doug Skinner, floor, furnished. Owner leavin 'ovince, a ROOM, brick, storey anda vere hare Fessonable rent. Ohger Rersonjolder home in trade. For porticulars|728-4900 or 728-7377, Joseph Bosco, |Full price $3700. T. Murphy Realtor, Cali| Directions: Go East on Rosslond Rd. 5 blocks from Simcoe St. het 93.900 coh $1200" down." Call Bil ° lable May 1, ©2512.'Call Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377, . | Realtor. " Marvin Nesbitt, Nestleton 986-4894, North. Tum south on Gorevale Cres. to OPEN HOUSE, |Johnston, Vickery Real Estete, 728-1066. $12,900.00. For information DIAL __ WHITBY 668-5489 _ | ss-caevaoceT manera ann aim 1961 CORVAIR Monza, automatic, white,|Phone after four, red leather interior, bucket seats, fold down reer seat, radio, heater, window washer, Padded dash. $1550, 725-7538, (Continued on Page 26)