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Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Apr 1964, p. 3

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(Chamber Has! Wide Scope. The interests of the mem- bers of the Oshawa Chamber' 'of Commerce are not, confined 'only to local matters. Just as the citizen of a municipality is also a citizen of his province and of his country so the Osh- awa chamber has provincial and federal interests in addition to its local activities. At the provincial level the ac- tivity of the chamber of com- merce of each community par- ticipating is co-ordinated and presented to the provincial gov- ernment by the provincial cham- ber of commerce. This year the provincial con- vention is being held at Ottawa during the month of May. A number of Oshawa Chamber of Commerce. members are plan- ning to attend this three-day Residents at Hillsdale Manor chairs for use by the senior as Johns; Others in the pic- ford, president, Past Chief were visited Wednesday night. citizens. Trying out one of the ture are, from left: Doug Ranger's Association; Harold by members of the Canadian chairs is Sister Helen Twining, Vice, Chief Ranger, Court Osh- Wilson, District Deputy High Order of Foresters. The visit District Deputy, High Chief awa No. 501; Sister Zelda Chief Ranger; and Earl was for the purpose of pre- Ranger, asssted by Hillsdale MacMillan, president Court Schaefer, Chief Ranger (1871). senting four special geriatric Manor superintendent, Doug- Charlene L1750; Gordon Craw- --Oshawa Times Photo 349 Swimmers Pass § Red Cross Water Tests McClowski, Kathrine Melynchuk, Leona|Phyllis Goguen, Judy Souch, Keren Brad- Bissett, Cathryn Mcintyre, Deborah Win-|ley, Lynn Foreman, Joslyn Good. Safety examination results we Field, David Flagel, John Demarski, Ran-| Paulette Seguine, Theresa Mathews i 01 oys' Club/du Wetherup, Henry Bartosik, John John-|Maryanne Sayc' ck, Donna uudsrd, the Simcoe Paine: B 'a t 1 of |ston. Kevin Kirkbride, Wayne Cosmaz,|Karen Cummings, Gregory Kit, A. were most pleasing. A total Of|paie irvin, Lenard Farrow, Rick Thomp-|Krawec, $. Smart, R. Andersor. K. The first Red Cross Water Mathews, convention to share their ideas with chamber members from other communities across the province. There are more than 300 chambers of commerce across the Dominion of Canada. These community chambers of com- merce are joined together through the Canadian Chamber of Commerce where their ideas are co-ordinated and presented to the federal government. The policy of this national group is determined by the majority votes of the local chamber of commerce. The members of the chamber of commerce believe that dependence on govern- ments leads to the drying up of initiative and self-reliance. The chamber of commerce endeavors through its activities to focus greater attention on municipal, provincial and na- tional. affairs. Through cham- bers of commerce membership, citizens of the community band- ed together voluntarily, express their views and arouse public opinion -- not for any selfish or partisan reason -- but for the benefit of all members of the community, province - and Canada. 349 boys and girls received|son, Raandy Oakes, Scott Russell Ovenden, D. McLaughlin, Anne Christen- awards | Mel Raskin, Pau! Luke, Robin Glecoft,|Se%» Donna Whiteman. ZS |Mark McMillan, Danny Kewly Coughlin,|, Debbie pony Lynn ht I Lucts Behind the scenes of the pro-|Brenda Ryan, rron Annis, Bren-|USzyl, Susan ane vibe oe r iza.\ Christine Chomyck, gram an army of dedicated men de Parcel, Dawn Kennelly, hee |Thompson, Norma Forest, .loanne Gilew- apd wone oted many of Ih Logodzinski, Vicki Krout, Lorraine w n devi Le Blanc, Nancy Cummings, Caroline Du-|SKi,_ Susan Drinkle, John Kift. Daniel A 2 Woodward, Doug! Lean, Robert Hut- their leisure hours. This gives a} 'ea cee es bf true indication of the wonderful mas, Sharron McGee. |ton, Rene Picard, D. A\ " it Helen Forest, Elizabeth Amy, Christine|y" A tid taal te ip gad Ferd es community spirit that exists in Oshawa. A total of 2600 hours Knox, Patricia Rozelle, Christine Sosin,/stan Hall, R. Paynter were, given to the swimming Cathy Gibson, Fay Kirkpatrick, Jane) Kewly, Joe-Anne Mathews, Cethy Yake-/ juNIOR AWARD program since November, 1963. The Women's Welfare League mishyn, Joanne Fleury, Janet Russell,, Members who passed Junior Red Cross Marion Dodds, Nancy Gregg, Jane Inch.) award: Walt Syzdiowski, Pat. Chappell, Colleen Buckly, Debbie Fryza, . Jackie/David Mitchell, Bob Mitchell, Michael | Butler, Sharron Suddard, Donna Sheve-|Brady, Robert Kennedy, Peter Melychuk, and the Simcoe Hall Boys' Club staff wish to thank each and everyone for their fine efforts: the instructors, the lifeguards, luck. |Bernard Roth, Robert Sargent- Tom Lana Turner, Lynne Bassingthwaite,|Vann, Terry Siblock, Brian Hodgeson, the people who assisted with the administration of the pro- Viki Brown, Brad Carnochan, Jimmy Lar-|Fred Parkin, Mike Kashul, Nancy Bas- kin, John Forbes, Dougies Parrott, Paul|singthwalte, Kathy Kit, Suzanne Buckly, | gram, and the individuals and who 'donated COMMITTEE HEAD It was:'announced today that Gilbert Murdoch, QC, second vice-president of the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce, will be responsible for the follow- ing. committees: Visitors, and Convention, Civic Affairs, and Commercial Affairs. Smegal, Paul Meringer, Robbie Winfield,|Carolynn Fallaise, Jill Thompson. Danny Kennelly, Jay Cowle, Jim Mc-| Mary Anne Creamer, Frank Jenkinson, Donald, Kim Biddle, Paul Dumas, John|Mike Creamer, Andy Babas, Mike Rose, Bastedo, Marcell Bellenger. Ron Taylor, Linda Spratt, Wayne Suds- John Kellett, Lili Horbacewicz, Betty|bury, Bill Coombs, David @rittain, Ralph Beal, Maria Cory, Susan McEachern, Bon-|Holmes, Don Leaming, Dave Barnes, Ger- nie Frauts, Richard Nearing, Bob Lipa,|raid Andrews, Erwin Waldinsperger, Ron Danny Sheveluk, Gene Gower, Donald|inche, Ricky Day, Susen Carroll, Susan Yakemishyn, Peter Ham-| McGee, Faye Duffield, Sharron Duffield. : POGK: 2: sexed fl y Hom. Below are the exam results: |David Grigg, Jim Wright, Jann INTERMEDIATE RED CROSS The successful swimmers in-|Kweniewski. | Members who passed the .Intermediate CITY AND DISTRICT NO ACCIDENTS The Oshawa Police Depart- ment reports that in the 24- hour period up to 9 a.m. today no auto accidents were reported. SPCA ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Oshawa Branch of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to today in Adelaide House. The speaker will be Mr. Jefferson, president of the London, Ont., branch, who will speak on the subject 'The Humane Society, Effective or Ineffective." Animals is being held at 8 p.m.|7 DISTRICT MILK SANITARIANS HOLD MEETING HERE The first 1964 meeting of the Central Ontario Milk San- itarians Association was held at Oshawa City Hall Wednes- day night. Association Presi- Milk Experts Hear Technical Talks Twenty-five milk experts listened enthralled, Wednesday night, in Oshawa, while a bac- teriologist and water special- ist, talked on. the technical as- pects of their professions for two and a half hours. To the lay ear much of the subject matter was lost in tech- nical terms and jargon. The experts were all members of the Central Ontario Milk San- itarians Association, meeting in Oshawa for their annual conven- tion, L. Vlassoff, chief bacteriolog- ist, division of laboratories, On- tario Water Resources Commis- sion, and K. E. B. Symons, as- sistant director of Water re- sources division, Ontario Water ces issi were the speakers. BACTERIA EFFECTS Viassoff discussed bacteria @ffects on the quality of farm and domestic water supplies. He award: Karen $$ ---- i 5 Henry Chib, Bell, Bill ker,|Red. Cross Gulenshyn, cluded 231 tadpoles, 60 begin-| per ee eed ee atthom big.|Linda Wailer, Dianne Turton, Joan ners, 40 juniors, 12 intermed-|die, Robert 'Rudka, Gary Richardson,|Kingsiand, Karen liliffe, Barbara Bowen, fates and six seniors. Pet ® i , |Linda Keleman, Carol Kragiin, Dianne [Cater Rowe, Craig. Groentres Frankl cart, Leanne Forbes, John Duncan, TADPOLE AWARDS Sendra Dawson, Gay Morrison, Susan) \McCabe, Andy Kowalewski, Brian Greer.) 5 4 Wayne Farrow, John Martel, Eric Smith,| letty ° Jenkins, Grant Buckly, John Beal, Bobby Hobbs, " SENIOR RED CROSS |the past. Heare, Duncan King, Great Grotenhuis,|O&@y Chappell. : Members who passed Senior award:| P , Kenny Clemment, Steven Craven, Mal-| Larry Bracken, Carrol Living, Susan|john Townsend, Paul Romanski, Trevor] Mir. Lyle celebrated his gol- colm Vivond. Kevin Wiltshire, Timothy Anderson, Lome gy ey 3 ttalcalie|Elsmore, Nancy Manning, Coreen Sere-\den wedding anniversary with D7 *} iy ' e, i! lus Pf : . *. " rt : Renert Sond Rate mire be enida, Dianne Willowby. |his: wife in 1961. His wife died in Sharron King, Sally Sykes, ,|McDougal, Bruce Porter, John Switzer,| Janice Knapp, Linda Price, Carrol Buck-|Ear! Collen, Joe Bellak, John Rorabeck, September of 1962. He has four |sons, Fred, George, Charlie and 'ggg A |Earoy Harding, Jim Beal, Keith Monroe, Christine Windfield,,|Edward Dobrowski, Robert Snider | $ | Harold of Orillia, four daugh- jters, Ethel, Mrs. John Turner, Roser, Susan Adair, lof Orillia; Winnie, Mrs. Thomas said Mrs. Ivan Wigg this morn- ing. "He was bright and sharp jand could remember a lot about ly, Sherry OBITUARIES Wendy Bonnie Dunbar, Shelly} Gary Irvin, James Ruess, Robert Kirk MacNess, Cathy Heney, Loise Bissett,/bride, Bryan Brown, Keith Yule, Pau Trudy Patterson, Debby Fiagel, Paddy| Bryant, Rodger Thompson, Linda Ew- Wi'son, Paddy Taylor, Dorothy Amey,|tushik, Sandra Tubb, Blanche Hager, nf I Susan Goldburn, Alexandra | Galbraith, Karen Phillips, Terry Stone, Paula wii oe * Cardwell of Collingwood; Mabel, Anna Maria Russell, Helena Uszyi, Mari-/\Cowan, Linda Taylor, Linda Sharko, ©) JIA -- Orillia's oldest 7 * lin Bradly, Nancy Danford Carol Demaseski, Linda Cziranka, Janet residank. William Lyle Giedl ce James Burnett of Scarbor Deborah Jackson, Caroline Anderson, Taylor : itt syle, lough and Muriel, Mrs, Reg Zarowny, Debbi Nolan, Karon| Dianna Parrott, Lila Miller, Lynn Yule,| Wednesday, April 15, at the age/Kitchen of Prince George, B.C. Smegat, Kathy Pohribny, SandrajLynette Brunte, Sophie Adamcewicz, j iti ' Seals Sintra Seven, Keniry Ealienet Crosmes, Christite, Gallep" Diensiot 101. Hie physical condition|whom Mrs. Lyle had the plea- wards, Lesia Nazarowec, Judy Bishop,|Galewski, Debra Tomalak, Margaret|Was SO good until his recent ill-lsure of seeing here last sum- Ver iy See Anomeen Seon Sex| ness that a doctor jokingly pre-imer after. an absence of | 11 Richard Corbett, Robert Massey ' BEGINNERS AWARD dicted: this year he would livelyears, Also surviving is Mr. John Gulenchyn, Jimmy Foot, Danny, Members who passed the Red Crossito be 113 to which Mr. Lyle|Lyle's brother Jack of Mimico. Flint, Mark Nawrot, Robert Nearing, Wil-|Water Safety Beginners' Award: Dan replied: "I fully intend to do ' liam Younger, Brian Daniel, Paul! McGee, Dewey, Bob Chopee, Brian Gemmell, pigs 3 On his 10ist birthday on Feb. Stanley Johnson, Ricky Chappell, Peter|David Coull, Jim Heney, Mark Tomalak,|§ e ' . Fa'alse, Gary Lintlop, Bill Smithers|Tom Vermoen, Don Waylett, Robert Mc-| poonchial ne: inated 1, he received' a plaque from Nick Holdryzuk, Brenda Suddard, Mary|Laren, Jan Prazmowski, Kathi Moring,| Bronchial pneumoma chea jEpemier Robarts of Ontario, of Gilmore, Leslie Bowen, Jane Kennedy,|Lauri Tyce, Nancy Horky, Debbie Suds-/him out of reaching this goal.|which he was very proud. Susan Bligdon, Gail Sharko. Ibury, Debbie Mark, Janice Artyn, Kathy'He was admitted to hospital on| Shawn Moore, Leslie Batton, Joanne Butler, Susan Clemment, Debbie Senece,| i onday and died there at 8 a.m,| ROBERT E. (Bim) STURGEON FORT ERIE ENTRIES "Me Le, aber of The death of Robert E. (Bim) Mr. Lyle, father of eight chil-/Stur geon occurred suddenly FRIDAY, APRIL 17 dren, grandfather of 20 and| Luesday, April 14, at the Ottawa great-grandfather of five, was|Civic Hospital. born in Bowmanville and lived| Born in Peterborough, he was in Orillia for over half a cen-\a son 'of the late Mr. and Mrs. Clear and Fast |. Also Eligible: Power - Factor, Turcotte Uy. He was a railroader in his|Robert Sturgeon. A_ proficient FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,100 Three-|XXX105; Empire Boy, Shuk 117; North-|@arly years and later workedjathlete, he excelled in such yearolds 'Maidens foaled In Canada, Gjern Scot, Parsons X110; Grand Fleet,iwith different factories in town|sports as track and field and Peyton Lad, No Boy 118 [Rushton's Heir; Gordon 114.0" }such 4s Tudhope Anderson, now|badminton in his youth, Mr. Ponderose Jim, Simpson 118 Otaco, and the Lock Works. (Sturgeon: was also an ardent | FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,500 Allow- 15, at 2 p.m.. in the McIntosh- Anderson Funeral Chapel. Rev. H. A. Mellow, minister lof Northminster United Church, conducted the service. Inter- ment was in Prospect Cemetery, Toronto, Pallbearers were Bruce Cot- trell, Toronto, William Mc- Intosh, Toronto, Gordon Mc- Intosh, London, Edwin Well- man, Roy Mann and Harold FUNERAL OF DONALD W. ROWDEN High requiem mass for Don ald Walker (Doc) Rowden, who died suddenly Sunday, April 12, at the Oshawa Sheet Club, East Whitby Township, was sung at 10 a.m., Wednesda, April 15, in the Church of St. Gregory the Great. Mr, Rowden was in his 56th year. Rt. Rev. Monsignor Paul Dwyer sang the mass. Inter- ment was in Resurrection Ceme- tery. The pallbearers were Lionel Hind, Scott Hubbell, Neil Hezzelwood, Harry Palmer, James Rowden and Larry Bone. COLLECTION INSURED Roy Rogers' gun collection, which he keeps in a big glass case at his Double R Ranch, is insured for $25,000. paid special attention to farm and holiday cottage supplies not hooked up to large water sys- tems. A monthly check should be made on wells at summer cot- tages if the best drinking water is desired, he said. Symons told the convention all water is not of equal value and gave the example of salt ater being fine for supporting a cargo ship but not much use to a thirsty man. He said the worst floods occur when the ground js saturated and also explained how a plant will work like a pump, taking water from the soil and letting it evaporate into the ait. Golf courses could be a big dent Dr. J. E. Watt, supervi- sor of environmental sanita- tion, for the City of Oshawa, is seen, right, as he chats with the two guest speakers. They are, L. T. Viassoff, left, supervisor, Bacteriological branch, Ontario Water Re- sources Commission; and K. E. Symons, centre, Assistant Director, 0.W.R.C. (Toronto). The topic for their talks were the water resources in Ontar- io, and the bacteriological quality of water in Ontario. --Oshawa Times Photo problem during droughts, Sym- ons explained, because a_ lot of water is needed to keep them green. A great deal of resarch was still needed into conservation of water. Although Ontario is well endowed with water, people must be careful in its use or restrictive practices will result, Symons said. In answer to a question about divining rods Symons said geo- logists did not believe water could be located with a cherry stick or other rod, He said, however, that geo- logists believe if you dig deep enough at any place you will eventually reach water, so per- haps the diviners were always Two Youths Snatch Purse An Oshawa woman told police early this morning that, just after stepping from a bus near her home, she was attacked by two youths and robbed of $20. Mrs. Mary Stolar, 1441 Evan- geline drive, said she stepped from a bus on the corner of Phillip Murray avenue and Evangeline drive and, shortly afterwards, was grabbed by: two youths. She told police that one grab- bed hold of her arm then struck They both ran north on Phil- lip Murray avenue. Police said Mrs. Stolar was too hysterical to give accurate descriptions of her attackers, but she said one was around 14: or 15 years old. 13 AMBULANCE CALLS The Oshawa Fire Department reports that in the 24-hour per- iod up to 9 a.m. today, 13 rou- tine ambulance calls were an- Swered and seven grass fires extinguished. Firefighters also put out a chimney fire at 671 Park road south Wednesday. The house, rented by William Arbourne, suffered no damage. her neck, while the other grabbed her purse containing WITNESS--URGENT $20 cash and personal papers. EYE EXAMINATIONS PHONE 723-4191 by appointment F. R. BLACK, O.D. 136 SIMCOE ST. NORTH right. Would anyone heaving of or baer | an accident on Moy 18th, 1963, on the Third Concession, or Rossland Road at Anderson Stieet, please call collect: DON SMITH ~ Toronto 362-1771 or 241-7603 HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS Canadian Hero, No Boy 118 i Kings sadesaneer? No Boy. 118 | The idea of retiring at the|fisherman and was a member pe ys Re ie lage of 65 never occurred to him|of a curling team which cap-| or cow, ae ie at all, Until he was 81, he work-|tured 'the Governor - General's| Faith, No Boy 113 ed on his farm at RR 2 Orillia.| Trophy. Lp gags esa ros He was over 90 when he still} His interest in sports was- re- Sept Erin, Armstrong 18 a bs fe bss for the/flected in his choice of a career lenette,_ Wals firew: than for exercise.|as a director of recreation, his Also Eligible: Maple Queen, No B Tats : : =a" 1p RUMEN Schtlore Horvton 118s. BE Until three weeks ago, when/first post being at Port Elgin in dermill Luck, Benjamin 118; Choppy! Gibson he fell ill, he was able to be up|1935. Mr. Sturgeon later ac- and around, In the Wiggs rest| cepted recreation directorates in SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,900 "The|home on Oxford street for a/Timmins and Ottawa. For the Wellsville' Allowances Four-vear-olds andjyear and a half, he was in past few years he has worked in up 6 Furlongs. Foaled in Canada 'excellent physical condition," the real 'estate business in Ot- River, Walsh Xi13; Mr. Bellachop, Ben- jamin 118; Chancery Lane, Turcotte A- Muskeg, Gomez 119 Blue Light, Fitzsimmons 116 tawa | P Ld I Mr. Sturgeon married the for- 'Portrait Is . Given School XXX108. A-Kinrara Stable and Kingfield Rich, Ditifach 116 mer Doris Tupling in Port El- At the Home and School meet- jances, Three-year-olds. 5% Furiongs |Never Me, Rogers 115 Rah Rah, Gomez 123 Bitter Von Kar, No Boy A-117 Gypsy Bala, Parsons B-X110 |Biue Sky Law, Gubbins 112 Dolphin Striker, Dittfach 123 Sardan, Harrison A-117 Fleet Hawk, Fitzsimmons 115 Cool Fool, Hale 115 Mad Charge, Parsons B-XX113 A-Stafford Farms entry: B-R and M. Long entry. jet Blond, No Boy 106 Dandier, 5. McComb 111 Master Himount, Benjamin 111 Azizi Girl, Parsons X110 Bingo Suds, Armstrong 111 Cool Jazz, No Boy 111 Daumont, Hale 116 THIRD RACE -- Purse $1,800 ($5000 Claiming) Two-year-old Maidens. 4/2 Furlongs. Bar Gossip, Lily Barber, Dittfach 112 Sultan Nearco, Walsh A-X110 Red Shield, Walsh A-X107 Moores Selector, No Boy 115 Triple Bay, Benjamin 115 . Seadadie, Harrison 120 Foxy Sultan, No Boy 115 Paskapoo, No Boy 112 Tricky Trudy, Benjamin 0.K. Break; No Boy 120 Ord Black, No Boy 115 Also Eligible: Folk Singer, Shuk 115; Reefwait, Gomez 120; Harvonian, No Boy SEVENTH RACE Purse $2,400 000 Claiming) Four-year-olds and 4 Furlongs. Thule, No Boy 111 Admiral Armbro, Rogers Go Ahead, No Boy 119 Castenango, Walsh A-X108 Fast Affair,, Stadnyk 111 Roman Banquet, Gubbins 113 |Nothing Sacred, Gomez 116 Viva Le Zaca, Walsh A-X114 Faulstessa, Shuk 117 A-G. C. Frosted entry ($10, up 3 EIGHTH RACE Claiming) Furlongs Charley's Pak, No Boy A-119 Bonnie Bird, No Boy 108 Falpaia, No Boy 116 Secret Star, Gordon 116 112 | DINE OUT at the NEWLY REMODELLED GRAND RESTAURANT --, LIGHT LUNC Chinese Food. 115; Red Purse, No Boy 115; Half Light, Hale 120; Tan Mist, Remillard 115. A-J. Borg, C. Gauci and Mrs Fisher entry. FOURTH RACE -- Purse 31,400 ($2500 Claiming) Three-vear-aids. Fosled in Can- ada. Ornery Fioe, Linscott, Walsh X112 Round Chance, Hele 115 Boots, Parsons X110 Teddikar, Fitzsimmons 112 Top Bunty, No Boy 115 Sun Gleam, Shuk 110 Fieldgiass, 'No Boy 115 Right End, Shuk 110 Mr, Flirt, Walsh X110 Bomar, Cosentino 119 Mr. Yo Te, No Boy A-113 Big Brown Eyés, No Boy B-108 Mighty Eagle, No Boy 116 Sprite Mite, Barnett 119 R,. £.) Pillan Mapu, Dittfach 116 Gallant Helio, No Boy B-116 Von Rich, Fitzsimmons 119 Also Eligible: Cartersville, Uyeyama Claiming) Three-year-olds, 6 Furlongs Jet Impala, Fitzsimmons 115 J (Quinella Betting) Besides his wife, he leaves three daughters, Mrs. Sally Kot- off of London, Mrs. Sandra Bow- en of San Francisco, Cal., and jlate Alfred Foster Higgs, first] sturgeon of-London, and George principal of the school (1953 to) sturgeon of Port Elgin, and two 1964), was presented to Wood-|i-ters Mrs, Eve (Bobbie) Lar- Purse $1,800 (s2500/crest School and received by|mor of Oshawa, and Mrs. Paul-| Presentation was made upon) who died in the Second World | behalf of Mrs. Higgs by her son,|War. There is one grandchild. Mefetecr @ Drew Port Perry.| 4 special service will be held e paid tribute to Wooderest!i, Ottawa this evening, followed| education and guidance of the) ment will be in Sanctuary Park. | youth in this fast growing area| port Elgin. bg | 122; New Flight, Shuk 111; Little Tipper,/Of Oshawa. |garsons X11z; Wind Weve, No Boy 108] When the. school was: opened FUNERAL OF entry. B-Rapid M. Ranch 5 Sanpecfiald. antes ee addition to the school was open-|Christina Anderson, 60 Jones une a ety ired liowanices claimed ed and now there are 14 teach-|avenue, who died at the Oshawa Pprentice allowances claimed. or<. as well as an active Home|General Hospital Monday, April HES SERVED ANYTIME! SPECIAL CHINESE DINNER Includes Chicken. Mushroom Chop Suey, Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs and FULL COURSE MEALS 73° up Served from 172 noon to 8 p.m. Our Specialty. 85: Farms entry. SECOND RACE -- Purse $1,800 ($2500 Bridal Music, No Boy 116 Monarch Park, Rogers 122 gin. He was a member of the United Church. ing of Woodcrest Public School) sharon, at home, He is also sur- |Tuesday night a portrait of the vived by two brothers, Keir Four-yeer-olds and up 64/Mrs, L. M. Werry, acting Prin-|ine Jeffries of Cobourg. He was cipal on behalf of the school. predeceased by a brother, Jack, | poo» aot yer yo ag " by the funeral service in Port good; sharing with homes in the rigin Saturday morning. Inter-| Armetvong, 116," 'ti Diamond Pete's, 953 there was a staff of|MRS. CHRISTINA ANDERSON) A-A and L Poloniato and J. Junger'seven teachers. In 1956 a new] The funeral service for Mrs.| XXX-10 Ibs. apprentice allowances clainy " ed. Post Time 2 p.m. land School Association (18, was held Wednesday, April Brazesu, Harris XXX105 Qpan West, Ne Boy 118 FOR TAKE-OUT ORDERS PHONE 728-4666 14% KING ST. E. ESTAURANT UPSTAIRS

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