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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Apr 1964, p. 20

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20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, April 20, 1960 (34--Losf and Found LOST -- Transit jvicinity of Ridgeway imeoe Street level in _metel box, and Elizabeth or $i North and Sunset. Reward. ULASSIFIED '| 32_Articles For Sale ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 19) | HAVE A SECRET LOST -- Well merked large German shepherd, Vicinity of Grandview Golf Club, Tag 68, named "Bruno". Reward. Call 728-6641 or 723-7195. sf FOUND -- Bicycle. Owner may have seme by Identifying, and paying for ad. Telephone 725-5780. |' OBITUARIES 35--Swap and Barter WE PAY MORE SELL FOR LESS. NEED plano to practice on, Will swap MEER iniral TV, radio and record com bination. Telephone 726-4733. Buying and selling used fur- niture and appliances. Call 36--Legal Valley Creek Furniture 16% BOND W.. 728-4401 TYPEWRITER, portable, $35, like new, He fis a~ ic ing writer, cash register. Snap for quick sale. 723-4434, . if i pi ri ei | INGLIS rebuilt, three and | 668-8046, ' automatic _ washer, NOTICE CARVEL STANLEY SCHAFFER, suds-saver month guarantee, $95. 725-7917. "SINGER" chine, $59.50. Singer round me- $89.50. $49.50, featherweight sewing "White automatic, bobbin, portable, of the City of Oshawa, in the Province of Ontario TAKE _ NOTICE thot on action has ben commenced WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni- ture or Ing you have. The City Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street 'South, 723-1671 against you in the Supreme Court. of New Brunswick, ¥ Bench _ Division, William Duffy, of 7 ARE CHESTERFIELDS only $159.88. Brand' new, four-seaters with matching chairs, foam hii lovely, long-wearing fab- ric, Unbeatable value! Payments only $2.50 weekly. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street South. NIAGARA Cyclo Massage, pad and hand machine in de Bg oo Half price. At the South Waterloo Memoria! Hos- pital, Monday, April 20, 1964, Albert Hogan, husband of the late Ther- Balt; Evelyn (Mrs. Thom Balt; Eleanor, (Mrs. Harold Harling) Pauline, (Mrs. Wi liam Mouncey Toronto; Rosemarie (Mrs. Robert Bevan), Galt) brother. of George Hogan, Galt and Mrs. Gravelle, Toronto. Resting at Litfie's Funeral Home, 39 Grand Av- D " ;|MODERN beauty salon REGVES, Violet May At Oshewe General Hospital on Sunday, April 19, 1964, Violet May Stacey, be- loved wife of the lete James Bryce Reeves, end loving mother of Bryce Reeves, In her 80th year. Resting at Mc nderson Funeral! Home. Service in the chapel on Tuesday, April 21 at 2 interment Union Cemetery. ti Gen-|FURNITURE! three rooms full, only of 111 Euclid Street, 1 NAIR conditioners, cheneri uy and sell, good used furniture and . 623-5125. |BEAUTIFUL lace appliqued silk summer |wedding gown and crinoline hoop. Size 8-10. Call after six. 725-7181. new and used. Free' lsurvey and estimates. Telephone 9 to 6 p.m, 725-5332. 16-FT. PLYWOOD boat and trailer, $250. Apply 20. Willlam Street East after 4 p.m. BUY NOW! Save up to 50 per cent on aluminum doors, windows, awnings, sid- ing. For example: windows $10 up. Phone janytime 728-5253. Lower Coverdale, in the County of Albert and Pro- vince of New Brunswick, is Plaintiff and you and aret Danahy, of Albert, in the County of Albert ond Pro- vince of New Brunswick, ore Defendants, in which the Plaintiff's claim is for dam- ages to property ond personal injuries in on amount of $1,393.77 and costs. AND THAT it hos been ordered thot service of a Concurrent Writ of Summons in the said action on you be effected by this advetrise- ment. If you desire to defend the said action you must within 20 days from the last Jappliances. One location only. Pretty's Furniture, 444 Simcoe South. 723-3271. TELEVISION Admiral, 21-inch, very good condition, $45. Please telephone 728-1742. TELEVISION tower special, 40-ff. struc ture, including all channel antenna, in- stalled and guaranteed by with 10 years' experience, $50. Trio Television, 728-5143. equipment for sale, new condition, For particulars tele- phone 728-6861 or 728-0781. VACUUM CLEANER, compact good condition, three months old, T Whitby 668-8587. GOOD assoriment of young semi-dwerf apple trees, also one English riding sad- die. 623-2186. TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, dupll- cators, chequewriters, comptometer s, three hundred new and used. We buy, sell, rent, service Hamilton Office Equipment, 137 Brock South, Whitby. model, $45, $299 Complete new bedroom, living room 'and kitchen, quality in publication of this adver- tisement; namely, the 27th day of April, A.D., 1964, in- clusive of the day of such publication, enter an oppeor- ance at the office of the Re- gistror of the Supreme Court of New Brunswick, Legislative Building, at the City of Fredericton, in the County of York and Province of New Brunswick. In default of such appearance, judgment be entered against you. DATED at Moncton, New Brunswick, this 13th day of April, A.D., 1964, George B, Cooper of Friel ond Cooper 700 Main Street Moncton, New Brunswick Plaintiff's Soliictors. WILLIAM C, LIVINGSTONE A bank manager at Canning- ton for many years, prior to his retirement, William C. Livingstone died Friday, April 17, in Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay. Mr. Livingstone was an ardent lawn bowler and at- tended many of the tournaments held by the Oshawa club. He is survived by his wife, the former Marion Gemmil; a daughter, Mrs. A. E, Venn (Janet) of Sault Ste. Marie and three sons, John of Toronto, Scott of Montreal and Charles of Plattsville. The funeral service was held at Cannington this afternoon. Interment was in Necropolis Cemetery, Brock Township. MRS, VIOLET MAY REEVES Born in Darlington Township, she was the former Violet May Stacey, a daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. John Stacey. She came to Oshawa at an eanly age and lived in this area ail her life, She was a member of King Street United Church. Mrs. Reeves was predeceas- ed by her husband, James Brye Reeves, in 1948. She is surviv- ed by a son, Bryce, of North Oshawa and was predeceased by a daughter, Rita May, in July, 1940. There is one grand- daughter, Donna Reeves. Mrs. Reeves was the last of her fam- ily. The funeral service will be held in the McIntosh-Anderson Funeral Chapel, Tuesday, April 21, at 2 p.m. Rev. R. H, Love, minister of Columbus United Church, will conduct the ser- vice, Interment will be in Osh- awa Union Cemetery. MRS, ALICE EDNA SHAW The death of Mrs. Alice Edna Shaw, 111 Euclid street, Whitby, occurred after a short illness in Oshawa General Hospital, Sunday, April 19. She was in her 82nd year. The former Alice Edna Grif- fon, she was born in Ganano- bie value! only $2.95 weekly! Whitby: Miss Irene Shaw, Port Perry; E. Reed (Pauline) of St. Cathar- Ines; Mrs. E. Galway, (Verdun) Toronto; eonerd M. of gr 3 Carl, &. . Resting at the Brediey Funeral Home |, Gananoque, for service in the Chapel on Tuesday, April 21 at 2 pm. Interment Marbel Rock Cemetery, Leeds Porter Information sheaes Creeggan. F please call A ¢. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby the Oshawa General April 19, 1964, How- * son of Mr. and George Tucker and brother of Mrs. Clif. ford O'Dell (Verle) of Dunsford, \ jobert Redfern (Marian) of Whitby, Donald of Winnipeg and Ronald of Osh- awa, in his 44th yeor. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with funeral service in the chapel Wednes- dey, April 22 at 2 p.m. Interment Osh- ewe Union Cemetery. Entered. into rest In Hospital on Sunday, Tucker, S_may appear Times. Death until 9.30 a.m. for day In this regular in order to publish ®\ extra leaves, five diners, one arm chair. soon 8s poss! other accepted until 11 a.m.. but will in the Late Death Notices, Page 3 In the present day's edition of The Times. LOCKE'S FLORISTS Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for. all OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 4. ton. Bowmanville 623-2900. @nd|table with four matching chairs, like new, 3227, p, | Maternity clothes, sizes 10 to 12. Beatty vara lB neal Miri tall meet Mrs.|1962 MERCURY 22 HP outboard motor, Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street South. STANDARD transmission, $10; rear end from 1956 Plymouth, $10; car radio, 12- volt system, $10. All in excellent condl- COMPLETE living room set, also kitchen one year old, Telephone GIRL'S CLOTHING, sizes 1 to 3 years. washing machine, Good condition, 728- 0822. RASPBERRY canes, vigorous, bears large fruit, twenty-five per dollar. Hun- dred per three and half dollars. Thousand per thirty dollars. Baseline, Bowmanville, half mile east of Liberty Street. 623-7067. $300. or best offer. Telephone 725-4997. DEMOLITION ELEVATED TANK ON STEEL: TOWER BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL SEALED TENDERS will be re- ceived by the undersigned, until 3:00 p.m. (E.D.T.) on Wednesday, May 6th, 1964 for the Demolition of the El- evoted Tank on Steel Tower and also the repairs to the brick structure situated be- low the tank etc., as specified at the Boys' Training School, B wille, Ontario. FOR SALE -- Minolta pocket camera, ri telephoto and wide angle lenses, tripod, Hght metre, developing tanks, 35 mm film, etc. Offers. Telephone 728-3067. WINDOW SHUTTERS. May be seen at 903 Byron Street North, Whitby, affer 6 Whitby 668-5629. GLENDALE 1963 cabin treller, sleeps for . Many extras. at 469 Crom- four, ready Electric wiring. Can be seen well Avenue. CHOICE French Provincial solid frult- wood dining table, No-mar finish, three ent cost $650, sell half-price. Replacem dresser and barbeque. Cruet, lamp, Whitby 668-5717, TWO double beds complete, $15 each; two single beds complete, $15 each; baby crib complete $10. Apply after 6 p.m. 237 Athol Street East. KENT electric guitar with amplifier, pro- fessional, six months old. Cost $230, sell $150. After 5 p.m, telephone 723-9546. 12-FOOT car top, canvas back boat, $100. Specifications and Tender Documents may be obtained from, or viewed at Room 6630, Department of Pub- lic Works, East Block, Parli- ament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario. A_ $250.00 Bid Bond, @ 100% Performance Bond and a 50% Payment Bond will be required as specified. Tenders will not be considered unless made on forms suplied by the Department. The lowest or ony tender not necessarily accepted. J.D. Millar, Deputy Minister, Department of Public Works, Ontario. Good condition, Telephone Uxbridge 852- 6577. TURNING lathe, jointer §' table, motor ti 1. New battery charger 6 or 2 Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL HOME 390 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 728-6226 IN. MEMORIAM vot. Simmons crib, full size. 723-9437. BOAT 914° and 5 hp motor, both $125. Cash, or nearest offer. Electric guiter and case, $40, Phone 728-9919. NORGE sud saver automatic washer, $95 and: Thor dryer, $70. Just like new, Must sell. : 725-7917. GUN WANTED -- Old antique. Tele- phone Oshawa 725-8183. GOALIE equipment, nearly new, Winn Well professional pads, Cooper Weeks left hand catching glove, chest protec tor. 62 Chev fender skirts, white. Tele- phone' 723-9760 after 5 p.m. 1S FT. Lakefield, cedar strip, outboard runabout, Like new, steering controls. Telephone 725-0355. DENSHAM -- In loving memory of a deer father, Percival J. C who passed away April 20, 1963, One said and lonely year has passed, Since our great sorrow fell, 'The shock thaf | received that day 1 still remember well. God gave me strength to meet it And courage to bear the blow, But what It meant to lose you No one will ever know. It's lonely here without you, Dad, 'We miss you more each day, For life has not been just the same Since you were called away. You bade no one a last farewell, Nor even sald goodbye; 'You were gone before we realized, And only God knows why --Ever and son-in-lew Durwood and grandchil- dren. HARPER -- tn loving memory a dear husband end father, Cecil Herper, passed sway April 21, 1961. night the silent stars look down @ grave not far away, sleeps 8 loved oz ii three years ago. by wife Delia, -- |WASHING MACHINE Sunbeam used, $35. by "daughter Marte one we cannot 3 ning order, $50. Call 725-8126. ELECTRIC 34" GE stove, $25; large crib, spring 'mattress, $15; 54" padded head board, $5; TA I! Garrard 4-speed turn- FOR SALE BY AN ESTATE DAHLBERY HEARING AID MARK 111 MODEL Original Purchase Price $258.00 Reply to BOX 823 OSHAWA TIMES 1, RAY W. BROWN, of 131 Keewatin Street. South, Oshawa, will not be respon- sible for any debts contracted in my name by anyone on or after this date, April 18, 1964, without my written con- sent, --Ray Brown 1, ROMAN KONAROWSKI, will not be re- table, $15; 20W hi-fi speaker Coaxial, $15. Ti Whitby, 668-8724, for any debts contracted In my MOTORCYCLE NSU 100 cc, excellent condition. Can be seen after 6 p.m, at 324 Anderson Avenue. 483 FUEL injection camshaft, and solid lifters, $25. Apply Brown's Supertest, Park Road in very good condition, After 5 p.m. telephone 723-3994. oe a CANVAS awnings, curtains, cenoples. Complete service. Free estimates. No: waiting. Mil Jelinek, 728-1993 anytime. PAINT special at Edgar's Paint and Wallpaper by Para Paints since 1915. 20 per cent discount on semi-gloss, latex, high gloss, Interior and exterior at Edgar's Paint and Wallpaper, 34 King West. RANGETTE, automatic, oven controlled, $4. Refrigerator, large size, top freezer area, good run- PAINT SPECIAL by Benjamin Moore and Company. Interior Latex flat, $1.90 per quart; $5.70 per gallon. Semi-gloss enamel, $2.20 per quart; $6.75 per gallon. Exterior $1.95 per quart; $5.95) per gallon, at Edgar's Decor Centre, 34 King Street West. Phone 723-7351. MEMORIALS 152 SIMCOE ST. S. C FE OSHAWA VENINGS OFF 1002 728-6627 TV TOWERS special, 40 ft. tower struc- ture with all channel antenna, Installed $50. Oshawa TV Supply Ltd., 361 Gibbons Street, 720-8180. PETERBORO 17-ft. Fiberglass boat, con- vertible top, 75 hp Flying Scott motor, remote controls, generator, heavy duty' tilt trailer, Excellent condition. $1,700, Call 725-8757. name by anyone on or after this date, April 17, 1964, without my written con- sent. -- R. T. Konarowski, 1111 Clover- dale Street. que, Leeds , Ont., a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Griffon. She married William James Shaw in Leeds County in 1899. He predeceased her in 1944. Mrs, Shaw lived most of her life in the Gananoque area be- fore moving to Whitby 11 years ago. She was a member of the Church of England. Mrs. Shaw is survived by four sons, William and Leon- ard of Gananoque, Ford of To- ronto and Carl of Whitby. Four daughters, Mrs. G. Howes, (Isa- bella), Whitby, Miss Irene Shaw, Port Perry, Mrs. -E. Reed, (Pauline), St. Catharines, and Mrs, E. Galway, (Verdun), Toronto, There are two sisters, Mrs. R. Heaslip, (Rena) and Mrs. G. Matthews, (Lillian), both of Gananoque. There are also two brothers, William and _ Rich- mond of Gananoque. She is also survived by nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. The funeral service will be held in the Gordon Bradley Funeral Chapel, Gananoque, Tuesday, April 21, at 2 p.m. Archdeacon J. D. Creeggan, rector of Christ Church, Ganan- oque, will conduct the. service. Interment will be in Marble Rock Cemetery, Gananoque. Further information may be had by contacting the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, Whitby 668-3410. HOWARD TUCKER The death of Howard Tucker occurred, Sunday, April 19, in Oshawa General Hospital, following a long illness. Last residence was 199 Verdun road, and he was in his 45th year. Born in Frankford, Ont., he was a son of Mr. and Mrs. George Tucker, and remained a bachelor all his life. He came to Oshawa 38 years ago. Mr. Tucker ran Tucker Con- struction Com pany, Oshawa, and was a member of the Ca- nadian Corps Association. He fought in the Second World War serving with the Hastings and You Will Find it Profitable TO USE TIMES TENTS, two Bell, army type; boy's bi- Smort Business Sing the Praises of Oshowa Times Classified Ads cycle, medium; girl's bicycle, large; Boy's bicycle, large: 728-8960. JOHNSON 25 HP, outboard motor, con- trols, excellent Condition $250 or best offer. Telephone 725-1933. WRECKING the following: 1949 to 1956 Ford, Chevrolet, Pontiac. All 'parts rea- i 728-1322, WANT ADS 33--Market Basket MAPLE SYRUP for sale. Take 35 high- way from 401 to concession 12 Manvers. Andrews Heas!ip. Call Bethany, 17R11. HOURS of family fun are ahead when Ure Hail a boat. To find real value and wi turn to 32 fn today's whole family 723-3492 Classified section, Yi will be glad you sig Prince Edward Regiment. He fought in Germany, France and Italy. Mr. Tucker is survived by his parents, two sisters, Mrs. Clif- ford O'Dell, (Verla), Dunsford; Mrs, Robert Redfern, (Marian), Whitby, two brothers, Donald, Winnipeg and Ronald, Osh- awa. Major Fred Lewis, Salvation Army, and padre of the Cana- dian Corps will conduct the me- morial service in the Armstrong Funeral Chapel, Wednesday, April 22, at 2 p.m. Interment will be in the Soldiers' Plot of Oshawa Union Cemetery. . FUNERAL OF MISS NORA BRADEN The funeral service for Miss Nora Braden, last residence, 279 William street east, was held in the Hick's Funeral Chap- el, Picton, Saturday, April 18, at 2 p.m. Rev. R. G. Russell, minister of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Picton, conducted the service. Interment was in Glen- wood Cemetery, Picton, A service, conducted by James Young, was also held in the McIntosh-Anderson Funeral Chapel, Oshawa, Friday, April 17, at 8 p.m, Today's Toro 1) Net Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge TORONTO 11:00 A.M. STOCKS By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Ex: » Quotations in cents unless marked $. z--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- xw--Ex-warrants, Net change Is from previous board-lot closing sale. INDUSTRIALS 11:00 Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 2195 $15 14% 15 + % 100 400 400 400 --10 725395 390 395 +5 500 395 390 390 300 $32 32 32 +% 200 875 875 875 --5 00 342 750 $142 14V2 14V2 600 $11% 11% 11% + We! zi0 $24 2&4 7e 53% + Ms 51% 33 Stock Sales High Low M0 $22% 2% 20 $10 «610 Stock Abitibi Ackland Alta Dist Alta Dis vt Alta Gas Alta Gas w Alumini ~ Arg C P pr Atlan 6 pr 570 $59 Bowater pr 145 $52 BA Oil Can Cem e8askibaye RisSeBaskshoys $68%4 6854 68% 725 $107% 10% 750 $24 24 600105 105 105 115 36% 6% 6% 25 998 698 9B 1420 $17%4 17% 17% +¥e 700 $17% 17% eg RiaSeBaskthags Bizz s 100 36% 6% 6% 279 $48% 487% 48% 185 $13Y2 13% 13% 500 $244 24V%e 24% + Vo 100 $7 7 of 100 $7 assass onsaSssa Int-City Gas Int Nickel Int Util Inter PL Advocate All Pitch Ansil Area Aumaq Bankfield 25 $8 8 8 125 $26% 26% 267%0-- ve 300 $30% 30% 30Ve 50 $16% 16% 16%-- Ye 2557 $224 224 224+ Vo 20$113 113: «113 --1 400 415 415 415 +15 200 $7% 7% 7% 2000 $53¥2 53¥a 53¥2 ; 250 $12 12 12 -- 545$45Va 45 45a + Va 15 3000: 43 «42 26000 12% 11% ano 9 F nto-Stock Market Listings Ws a.m. Ch'ge Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Sales 43g 2m 00k 0 +% 590 12 12 12 +2° BY -- % +1 se 3 2" 12 84+ % Tee a i rd i tse i SSRRSeBr= i = pésscesaveds g peabynengen snes eEuSeecegetess '. 3. = 8 = rc] = = ij xe ts +7 +2 $ 8 4 0 124 124 470 470 i Fo ---- ~ 2. : ogbsvete lated sidestelted F = ~~ @& suecssusen,~Bses8uss8zee t Att Litee < a 3 + Ps we 18 +2%) 23% 23% +1'2 Fl i = 3 Sr 1 + = = = Tie 292s oldsceacladelsdudzlugzes eee, ger Sennds tJ § ee BSBSeou88 eee, BBBFoen8s y 3 : L Sales to 11 a.m.: 15,576,000, FOREIGN TRADING Seven Arts 300 $14Ve 14% a4 High Beil 300 395 395 395 sane | sa sndastuseus 8. w8essd Sa suscsSuseue 8. s8zsss sr8csrs8is s -- s8ys%seu 00 33 «+10 240 20 +: Ve 11s 1 wo Me 31% 3m Ve V2 1T a+ Va 26% 2 +4 8.288 nielifzc tel ,d2tugtes Besraes Always there with ready cash... For Car Repairs or any good reason $5000 to $5,0000°0 NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED 240 Branches from Coast to Coast 230 «230 % 2 Wa Ta a % 1000 (12 12 2000 4% 14 1500 80 75 1500 9 9 9 1600 $16%4 16% 1500 15 14 11500 (9% 200 2 2 15000 17 21000 43 A. E. JOHNSON 0.D. OPTOMETRIST 141 King St. East 723-2721 1500 286 King St. W. 42 +2 12% +1%2 9 +% Pallbearers were ail nephews: Allen Leavitt, Donald Leavitt,| William Markland, Earl Mark- land, Howard Markland and How much of a About as much as the Volkswagen 1500 TS, if you 'want your driving to be enjoyable. Some cars look like sportscars, but they don't act like sportscars. The VW 1500 TS does. Inde- pendent torsion bar suspension on all four wheels and low centre of gravity help it hold firmly to any kind of road. like a sportscar should. It has a floor-mounted stick with 4 synchromesh gears to shift. Which gives you the satisfying feeling of being in complete contro! in all driving conditions, : sportscar should a family car be? Uke you should In a sportscar, And this year we added more horsepower and @ second carburetor. Now you can accelerate to 50 mph in Just 12 seconds, Yet, thls more powerful engine 4s so efficient you can expect around 35 miles to a gallon of gas. So It saves you money. like a family car should. In front: adjustable bucket seats for you and your wife. In back: room for 3 more adults for the equivalent in children). So it's comfortable for long trips. : Asa family car should be. That's one reason we called it Touring Sport (TS). Track and Traffic Magazine recognized the TS for "its engineering superiority, quality of con- struction, aesthetics, total comfort, safety and performance". They've just given it their Golden Wheel Award. You might say the Volkswagen 1500 TS.got what's coming to it, because it's got so much going for it, SSABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. -- 344 Ritson Road South, -- Telephone 723-3461

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