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Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Apr 1964, p. 15

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CLUB HEARS ABOUT CANCER WORK The members of the Osh- awa Kiwanis Club at their meeting this week learned about the work of the Ontario Division of the Canadian Can- Trailer C] Plans Season The 1963-64 indoor season of the Oshawa Travel Trailer Club came to a close Jast Saturday cer Society. The speaker was Lyman Henderson, -rig ht, president of the division, Seen with him are Walter Famme, centre, campaign chairman for District 3, who will direct lub the service club. Flying Club Anticipates along with the club from Corn- wall and possibly others, This will be the first time the OTTC the blitz appeal for funds be- ing held in the Oshawa district Monday, April 27 and Regin- ald Lancaster, president of --Oshawa Times Photo Club Is Briefed On Canc | carrying out the annual 'Cancer| gress Blitz", a door-to-door canvass for the purpose of raising funds for the Ontario Division of the Canadian Cancer Society, lis- and sti- ig '\luncheor meeting week when Lyman G, Henderson, president of the Ontario Divi- sion of the Canadian Cancer Society was the guest speaker. District 3, of .the Canadian group, is headed this year by 'Campaign Chairman Kiwanian Walter Famme, with Kiwanian #@\Mike Manning as the Oshawa campaign chairman and Kiwan- ian King Hume as_ treasurer. Kiwanians Jack Lang maid, Tony Meliveen, Bowell Bock and Bob Singleton, the. latter of Westmount Kiwanis Club, which will have the south area of the city as their canvass territory, are the division leaders. PLAN CANVASS Monday evening, April 27, the members of the Oshawa Ki- wanis Club and Westmount Ki- wanis Club, together with other volunteer workers, will make a door-to-door canvass of Oshawa, soliciting donations to the fight against cancer. This year's "tar- get" for the area has been set at $22,000 and it is hoped that of this sum, approximately $15,- 000 will be obtained on Monday evening. Kiwanians received their "briefing" at Tuesday's meeting. Ontario division president Ly- er Blitz ciation, voiced by Kiwanian Ken Smyth, chose as his topic "Pro- in Research, to Date". at ie Raven Se BY | SOO SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1964 Tye Oshawa Times PAGE THIRTEEN Henderson posed a question to the meeting -- "Is cancer re- search an answer to the con- trol and cure of this dreaded disease," CHARACTER OF CELL The speaker pointed out that a single cell, the millions of which comprise the human body, is still a great mystery to medical science. These human cells, made up of a number of different parts, one part of which determines the pattern of the human being, the color of their eyes, hair, their size, etc., another portion © of which is the reproducing 'mech-| @ anism of a human: being and still another the production of life motivation of a human being, must all be studied, since there aré differences in the cells), of each person. wb The speaker pointed: out that in order to study the mysteries of a human cell, it must first be killed, therefore this in it- self made research extremely difficult. Pointing out that cancer starts with a life cell that goes wrong, insead of performing its proper funcions, the speaker express- ed the opinion that the. cause of cancer is as secret as life itself and that it is unlikely that a complete solution or cause of| on display at the Canadian the disease will be found. Scien-| Automotive Museum, 99 Sim- tists today are finding out more} coe street south. As a private and more about cancer but, as| livery (taxi) in Sussex, Eng- This 1948 Humber is now land, this car was used by Royalty and other visiting dignitaries. Ewart McLaugh- lin, right, a visitor at the museum, is seen examining MUSEUM EXHIBIT WAS USED BY ROYALTY the museum's new exhibit, while Douglas Fisher, left, museum by the Arnold family general manager, points out of Markham. some of the details. The vehicle was loaned to the --Oshawa Times Photo has met with other clubs out- Busy Month doors and the members are) The next 30 days will be busy looking forward with anticipa-| ones for members of the Osh- tion to the making of new and) awa Flying Club. the renewing of old friendships.) Op April 25 the club will hold Pearl Blakely reported OMjits regular lounge night. About visitation to shut-in members|49 members are expected at the and asked the co-operation of|airport lounge for dancing, all in notifying her committee/cards and other entertainment. of any illness within the club. The flying committee, under + the chairmanship of © William} CLUB FLAG é | : : Baker, has also been active. A) gh nye A oe ae poe breakfast flight to Wellington-| ay Ss nag shai "3 bei tioned Waterloo Airport, near Kitchen- phon . Fong ceacutive: It bt er, is planned for April 26. The| decided. 0. proceed, however |Oub Sean, Sy members, with the ordering of club crests, pI On May 5 and 6 th Oshawa and these will be available to ay es ¢ «. . |Flying Club, in co-operation Se oo. families.|vith the Whitby Theatre Guild thrilled many an __ envious a mo oe gape = photographer with his two ae Bac Lh ii a haat movie films, both from theo%ain win be at 81 m. in the standpoint of his excellent sub-/ 5.1, Aroort fat jects and the expertness and Hal irport. Hecreation originality in his camera tech- * : '. a nique, His color film depicting During the hagershed lay Week floral gardens and greenh end in May, a 700-mile flight to taken on many different loca- Washington, D.C., is planned. tions, appealed to the flower Among those expecting to go John Hodges, William lovers and whetted the appe-|27°.. ie of cieh hdgeichititriss. soe Niet Cosens, Bases' Jack and his wife Ness, Don Holloway, Gary Tummonds, Donald Peacock, Laurie Gillson, Norman and Van Frick and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Johnson. This will be the third con- secutive year that members of the Oshawa Flying Club have Honor List At Donevan Cl Secure on ee Dr. F. J. Donevan Collegiae/Samuel Balca, Edward Coulson, | : ; e ; -'|Wattman flew a club Aeronca Institute has announced the|Dirk Garlichs, John Gillespie, r " first class honor list for the Champion, CF-JFK, to Wash- John Krantz, George Lysyk, Su-|; spring term examinations. san Peacock, Christopher Pinto, aeeak S ge gs ol aor The following are the top stu-| Kenneth Robinson, Henry Przy-|;ohn F. Kennedy and "otter dents in each grade: |siezny, Romana Rebot, Vera dignitaries. The log is now one GENERAL COURSE a Anna Warcholak, AleX| of Mr, Leather's most valued Grade 9 -- Andrew Bobas, ' possessions. Since then, he 86.9 per cent and Joanne Chmara, 86.9 per cent. GRADE 11 GENERAL has travelled overseas on busi- urickn Abbett. Aeneas Art gr and has sige welcomed Grade 10 -- Christopher Pinto,|Michael Bahlai, Anne Balca, ST ee pattepincs iene 90.6 per cent. \Tena Beetsma, Marlie Bryant, a Grade 11 -- Elizabeth Wheel-|Lydia Ciglan, Sharon Clemens, er, 92.5 per cent. Paul Coppin, Linda Eccles, Wil- Grade 12 -- Carol Dempsey,|liam Gunter. 90.7 per cent. | Daphne Hart, Barry Hobbs, Grade 13 -- Joanne Kolynko, Ronald Masters, Beverley Mor- evening at Woodview Com- munity Centre, when 38 mem- bers, representing 20 trailers, gathered to hear plans for the coming outdoor travelling sea- son. In his remarks, President Bill Kent d the pr i of an application for a club carter, with the following char- ter members as the applicants: William Kent, Martin Ostle Norman Cook, Harry Blakely, and Frank Ball. MEMBERS ACCEPTED : On a motion by Ron Thomp- son, membership chairman, Bud and Lorraine Noltie were elect- ed to membership in the club and are looking forward to a tun-filled summer in their new "'home-on-wheels"'. Grounds and Locations Com- mittee Chairman Bill Mitchener announced that the May rendez- vous will be held at Beaver Park, near Omemee, on_ the weekend of May 15-18. Harry Blakely reported on the June rally at Kingston, when the Osh- awa Travel Trailer Club are to be guests of the Kingston club, man G. Henderson, who was in- troduced to the meeting by Kiwanian Walter Famme and later received a vote of appre- Drove Too Slow Man Fined $10 failing to have operator's licence Arnold E. Burtch, Scarborough, $15, speeding; Dermot Tenger, 234. Dearborn avenue, $125, fol- lowing too closely and failing to provide proof .of insurance; William Moffat, West Hill, Ont., $20, speeding. Joseph Guitard, RRI1, Can- nington, $10, failing to report an accident; Ross T. Stephenson, Scarborough, $10, speeding; Ed- ward E. Ash, Toronto, $10, ering ave oo tee) Pn ergency New Church Planned In The Whitby Area cover, the more they find there Members of the Oshawa Pres-)John Porter; ecumenicity, Rev. bly. He would have congrega- is to know. bytery of the United Church of L. W. Herbert; home missions, |tions develop a closer sense A A _|Rev. R. C, White; manse, Rev. of "propo ate responsibil- Tuesday at about rag ee Canada, at their meeting Wed FE. C. Woodland; missionary|ity" between others needs and call wes received ri geaimeeey i Coane Direct United|and maintenance, Rev. C. C.|their own. Cross office requesting that five|Cyurch, learned the site for a|Gilbert; pastoral relations, Rev. out of bottles of O-negative blood be + Pi it , In 1926, 40% cents rs) procured as quickly as possible|#¢W church has been purchased|D. M. Buttars; pensions, Rev.jeyery dollar the average con- for an emergency. There was alin Whitby. . . rebar ge ny py gregation raised went to outside patient in the Oshawa hospital| The church, located near the|w' j& Houslander: statistics, | use but by 1962 the sum had needing the blood desperate-jnew Ontario County Building,|poy RB. E Long; world mis. dropped to 26 cents. Mr. Pick- ly. will serve families residing in|.iong Rey Philip Romeril etts also said that the average it was not possible to borrow|the northern part of the town:| oy 7 R Norman, Ajax,|mcome of United Church fami- this blood from the Red Cross|It is hoped that a minister will| 4 Mr, 7r Ghasmance sri lies in Ontario is $6,686.00, as bank in 'Toronto and it was de-|De appointed by July 1, ering, were named nominees to oe -- ay national aver- Fae cided that our regular donors CTE General Council, to be held at ag oc Mig yg Borat would be called to go directly to| OFFICERS ELECTED BA. BD,|Gower Street United Church,| Following Rev, Pickett's ad- $10. tailing to sendoce aber the hospital to donate blood for!» ajay was elected as the new|St. John's Newfoundland, in dress plans were announced to fineane: Frank Reesor, Mark- the perenn who would ve it chairman of presbytery. He will September. . Ld ee te ham, $5, no. name.on side of almost immediately. serve as well as the chairman| In a morning devotional ad- arges: e tbilities the truck; Wayne Leslie, 1185 Ra-| Only about four per cent of|of the presbytery's committee dress, Rev. Charles R. Catto,|ratios in fT de Vine road, $10,speeding: Wil-|the population have O-negative|for the church extension. of Hampton, cautioned the/@ssume. : i Tine eae nt Scarborousk, $10,|tlood. To show how much con-| Rev, N. T. Holmes of Har-\church against showing denomi-| The presbytery is cdntinuing no trailer markers: Jerry Scar-|cern our citizens have for their]mony United Church, Oshawa, national discrimination in_ its|its hoes bine oa é angella, Toronto, $20, speeding; |neighbors, it-can be stated that|who has been secretary for welfare work. Matthew Goul-jligion and r ¢ if atl Michale Luciani, Delhi, Ont.,|almost without exception those|five years resigned. He was re- burn of Knox Presbyterian/ada. It algo appointed an indus- $10, speeding. who received a call responded|placed by Rev. John Porter of Church, Oshawa, presided at}trial life committee ° consisting Robert F. Burleigh, Trenton,|and were at the hospital with-|Oshawa. D. J. Reid of Ajax, the organ. Rev. Walter R. Rack-/of Rev. D. M. Buttars, Ajax; $15, speeding; David Lawlor,|in 'one-half hour. |who is chief accountant' at the ham, a retired minister of Osh-/Rev. J. P. a i Be Newtonville, $5, defective! yt js a long time since the| University of Toronto, will con-| ave, conducted devotions in the aes -- Ap We reer lights; Ernest R, Casement,|piood, donor committee has:had|tinue as treasurer. aarigine : Nias cei te edtet" 6 thie : to the hos- A letter was received from|fields will be 0 to send its donors COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN committee. Lindsay, $5, not having a balls A 4 : | . A. E. Larke, mudguard; David A. Potter, 294|nital, The committee has been| "me gollowing were elected ag| ne eee OF et "i collecting enough at the regular ; minister of Albert Street Unit-| "ovpeMN ADVERTISING The presbytery approved & Elizabeth street, $20, failing to ; ; t yield from a private driveway;|monthly Blood Donor Clinics ~~ i; oT nae ee Church, Oshawa, mane Torry Duntord, Peterborough atich. ore held the: fret: 'There-| "rceens See Tce eet Mr. Larke will be unable| olution from the Hampton $10, speeding; Ronald Burke nth at St. Greg- G. Mundy; church property and|to reassume his work until the stot) eal atedunty obs Hastings, $10, speeding; Wil- day of every mo This was an boundaries, Charles L. Clem-jfirst of July. Mr. Larke has re- ie rt ie ee Hu liam Ro Townson, 118 St. Lew-|\-),- paige gray behalf of the|2Ce christian education, Miss|turned home, following several "wn Pog ne pafiviony rence street, Whitby, $15, speed- emergency and on be ih blood, | Shirley McKee; centenary,|weeks of hospitalization due to sae r . Cinsdian tale : Clark patient who received the blood,|/pey 4 w. Magee; church ex-|a heart' attage leverages 0! the chairman of the committee, vision. The resolution urges that fed- Ceca tik co carcino tension, Rev. T. B. Norman; 7 ee no markers for/Rob stroud wishes to thank the| church' worship, Rev. J. K. RESPONSIBILITY Ch sag hep donors who gave their blood and) yoffat; colleges and - students, STRESSED deral statutes be passed for- ed ag ala > the Red Cross secretary Mrs./pr. §.'L, Osborne; unications,| Rev. W. C. Picketts, assist-|bidding the same. Programs de- Mounce, who looked after the/Rey. R, H. Love; evangelismjant secretary of the church's|picting national life or the work phoning so quickly. and social service, Rev. J. P.|missionary and maintenance de-jof The United Nations were These are the names of the|Romeril; extra appeals, Rev.|partment, spoke to the assem-'recommendes. five people who responded: M. A 31-year-old Toronto motorist was arrested and convicted in Oshawa Magistrate's Court Wednesday. . -for driving too slowly. Joseph A. Hannam, 264 St. George street, was fined $10. for operating an unsafe vehicle Mar. 16, after police said his| car was stopped on Highway 401) because "it would go no faster than 20 mph and it had no rear lights." Hannam told. Magistrate H. W. Jermyn he had purchased the car two days previously in Halifax, didn't know the lights didn't work and '"'on the way down it blew a rod so I could go. no faster." "Where is the car now?" asked the magistrate. "On the junk pile," replied Hannam. Others convicted were: Charles Barrett, London, Ont., $10, no plates for current year; Gerald Mulville, 256 Ritson road south, $100 or 30 days, careless driving; Robin M. Wilson, 362 Nipigon street, $20, passing within 100 feet of intersection; John W. Martin, Uxbridge, $10, no operator's licence; Edward Waterbury, Lindsay, Ont., $50, careless driving; Johannes A. Pierik, RR 1, Brooklin, $50, careless driving; John Under- hill, Toronto, $25, having liquor; |Roy H. Campbell, Toronto, $20, dismissed _ failing to change address and Car, Truck Making | . against: Elroy H. Leadbetter, | s «8 s 32 Charles street, improper left Tops 250,000 Mark | Civil Ri hts |turn at intersection; Ohoung $3.0 per cent. lris, Linda Ogden, Leonard Shir- aan Kong Ing, Toronto, improper e sen! chenko. Bonita Snyder, Nancy TORONTO (CP)--Production lane change; Sydney Fairbrass, : SPECIAL COMMERCIAL Stewart. Elke Ulbrich Mareriet of cars and trucks in Canada| Cobourg, speeding; Bendrik J.|Burgess, 71 Thomas street; G. COURSES Cae Van Der Gronde, Norma Waite,|this year has passed the 250,- W k T Dittmer. Cooksville, crowd|Barrand, 127 Sunset avenue; Grade 12 -- Valerie Smith,|pi/beth Wheeler "\000 unit mark, the Canadian or er 0 driver's' seat; Mirko Mocnik,|Mrs. D. Clark, 180 Wayne 77.9 per cent. wary : Automobile Chamber of Com- 317 Simcoe street south, care-|street; Thomas Corneal, 136 Rit- GRADE 12 GENERAL merce reports. less driving; and Franz J.|son road south and D. Curtin, Bruce Bunker, Allen Chap-| Production for the year to Be Speaker Papouschuk 901 Walnut street,|107 Windsor street. On Friday morning, April 24,| 38 delegates representing the 10 provinces of Canada will com- mence a three-day meeting at the Westbury Hotel in Toronto. mar, Judith Dalton, Carol\APril 18 was 250,623 cars and Whitby, careless driving. | Diabetes The occasion will be the an- Dempsey, Glenn Elliott, John trucks compared with 202,189 nual convention of the Bahai's Forsythe, Sandra Gunn, May-|'uring the corresponding 1963 beth Hoagland, Cheryl Hudson, period. Production this year Patricia Jacklin, Paula Kettela,| 4° made up of 212,649 cars of Canada, convened to permit 4 the delegates to consult on the Disease affairs of the Bah'i World Faith There is more and more evidence from bio-chemical and Pauline Kettela. re 37,974 trucks. Last year's Janie Mankowski, Jacqueline| sures, were 170,221. cars and and to elect the National As- sembly of the Bahai's of Can- other studies that diabetes is one of the stress diseases, a Menzie, David Patridge, Paul a106e Se ada. leading medical researcher told Prachun, Susan Reed, Gloria! Reid, Janice Roe, Jackie Lloyd Gardner, of the Osh- awa Bahai Community and a the sixth annual meeting of the Oshawa and District branch of Rogan, Frances Sparkes, Bren-| da Vermoen. Shirchenko, Catherine Sproule, d tor the French presidency, had member of the National Assem- bly, will be in attendance as) ' the Canadian Diabetc Associa- tion Wednesday night. Norbert Strahl, Alex Sudy, Val- GRADE 12 a 35-minute meeting with Prime a delegate. Dr. Nancy Simpson warned GRADE 9 GENERAL Donald Anderson, Jack Basey, Andrew Bobas, Ronald Brittain, Catherine Cameron, Eleanor Chalmers, Joanne Chmara, James Clark, Kevin Dancey, Michael Deboski, Jean Demp- sey, Barbara Devitt, Graham . Forsythe, Gary Holmes Cathy Keeler, Janet Luchkiw, Patricia McNicol, Jane Man- ning, Donald Sadoway, Carolyn Sajac, Donna Sanders, Walter CANDIDATE MEETS P.M. LONDON (Reuters) -- Gaston Defferre, the Socialist candidate Donald Werry, Mimi Wiatrzyk.Smith, Marlene Wood. the two men had met. Later A GRADE 13 GENERAL 'Defferre told a press conference GRADE 10 GENERAL Roger Bergmann, Joanne Ko-|he is in favor of Britain joining Susan Allen, Oleg Bahniuk,'lynko. {the Common Market. dene Swanson, Jeannette Taves, SPECIAL COMMERCIAL /|Minister Sir Alec Douglas-Home David Usher, Kenneth Vice,| Sharon Hackwood, Valerie|Thursday. It was the first time A highlight of the convention this year, which will be atbend- OSHAWA LEMON TREE PRODUCES FRUIT General Motors employees have a number of interesting hobbies. Gordon Wilce, 243 "Cordova road, has experiment- ed with the culture of a lemon tree. He is seen here with a two-year-old tree with its two borne fruit. lemons, The fruit are four and a half inches in diameter. This is the second year the tree has --Oshawa Times Photo ed by most members of the Osh- awa community of the Baha'i World Faith, will be a public meeting to be held at 8.15 p.m., April 24 in the Maple Leaf Ball- room of the Westbury Hotel. The subject will be "Black and White equal Peace". Two speak- ers will, under this title discuss the race issue in the Southern United States and how the re- sults of this issue will affect ¥ \Canada and the rest of the / |world. One of the speakers, Albert Porter, a negro, is comptroller 'lat Lane College, Jackson, Ten- 1 \nessee. His extensive civil rights work which began in his youth qualifies him to speak on this subject with authority. He has initiated six citizenship schools in Tennessee and has been. responsible for desegrega- 4 \tion and literacy programs in the south. The other speaker, Dr. Allan Ward, is the only white profes- sor. at Lane College, and has done extensive lecturing and ltravelling, speaking on Human and the Unied States. Police Seeking Missing Youth Police are looking for a 15- year-old Oshawa youth missing from his home since Monday evening. 125 people in the auditorium of that although the well-known overweight, over-40 factors per- haps play an important part, every diabetic has inherited a |gene or genes which make that | person susceptible to the disease." Dr. Simpson said the incidence of diabetes among Canadians is approximately one per cent of the population; with the highest found among Jewish people, the lowest amongst the Eskimos. She estimated that roughly St. Paul's Presbyterian Church Rights and Justice in Canada| (725-1133) or Mrs. Steward (725- 3218). Mrs. L. Steward, 35 Rosehilljone fifth of all Canadians are boulevard, said Thomas Long|"'carriers'"'.- - - people who will failed to return home from|never have the disease but are school. | capable of passing on diabetes 'The lad is 'five foot -eight|to their children. inches 'tall and weighs around| The 1964-5 executive of the 1125 pounds. Branch will be: Mrs. Grant He has red curly hair and is|Brigh}, president; Mrs. Uriah believed wearing a long black|Jones, vice-president; and Mrs. raincoat, a blue and white pull-|George Glassford, secretary. over, a plaid shirt and black} Directors: Grant Bright, Al- oxford shoes \bert Rose, Clifford Sinclair, Anyone with knowledge of the|Mrs. John Davies, Mrs. 0. C. lad's whereabouts is asked to|James, Mrs. George Semeniuk, call the Oshawa Police station|Mrs. . William Sich,. Mrs. Wil- liam Ashton, Miss Doris Wright and Edward Mothersill. Parkin Christian, 80, of Pit- be enroute to the World' cairn Island fame, will give an address at 11 a.m. April 25 at College Park, Seventh-day Ad- ventist Church, 1164 King street east, Oshawa. He will Adventist Church, of which hi is a member. He retired ii 1958 from a lgng tenure Fair, He is on tour of Michi- gan, Illinois and Wisconsin, as guest of the Seventh-day ELDER STATESMAN OF PITCAIRN ISLAND s chief magistrate of Pitcairn Island, He has inherited much of the natural ability of lead- ership of Fletcher Christian, e his great - great-grandfather, n and Thursday October Chris- tian, Fletcher's first born,

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