i ee windshield. Your partner wants to see what's going on too. - - Finally, there is the greatest social grace of all. ..good seén- sible driving. You don't impress auyone with flash and verve in driving, but you can cement friendships by alongside puddles and pot holes. a a Pgs + gay: Don't forget to clean the in- ---- side of your car when picking up s guests. It's thoughtful to-supply : a box of tissue. LS Remember, it is a silent insult to clean only your side of the short skirts and enticing knees have caused temporary but dan- gerous spherical abberration (confusing vision at the edge of the eyes). ' Be careful where you let people off. Safety and etiquette are synonymous here, and never in a middle lane. Don't pull up 'lighting up, snuff out the smudge-pot. a Cigarettes are acceptable; tut strictly speaking, only if your passenger also smokes. The cor- rect way to pass a lighted cigar- lette to the driver is to hold the cigarette right. up against his windshield, lighted end toward the road. This way he can pick it up without 'taking his eyes off the highway. : Cigars are taboo. There is a little leeway if you've. just been sprung for a major feast. Then your guest is expected to con- done your action and quietly' . give in to being imbued, blue- In Automotive Age Of Speed --%ney passenses canvef RUGS ' oH \thoughtless about selecting sen-| UPHOLSTERY Motorin Manners Make Sense sible clothes for driving. If you 1g : | BROADLOOM to Europe are sitting in the back seat, | take off you. hat. Give the ieigey tM .CLEANE ' S (You'll wish the ocean were wider!) Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, April 25,1964 9 It's perfectly good etiquette to tell a woman to please shut up! Actually it's better to tse. "be quiet" but either is acceptable} according to the public service division of The British Motor Corporation of Canada Limited. honk. The alarm was an over-|driver.a chance to watch follow- sized coWbell with musical|ing traffic through the rear win- Professionally chime, When the first electric|/dow. CLEANERS "a -00000 - gahh" hit the mar-| Excessive 'j@wellery CALL 725-9961 ket around 1915, home-honking|disturbing reflections was instantly blacklisted by|windshield. Brilliaft clothes are Emily Post and other etiquette|distracting to a driver if you are However you must use the moguls. Spas \sitting in the front seat. Sub- preface "please" and only use| But today, judicious use of the/dued hues are safety clues and the phrase when a woman's|honk is considered polite in par-|there is just no telling how often chattering is dangeréusly inter- ticular cases, when two-of-a-kind| ------___ on = fering with your driving. jowners pass, or to say "thanks" BMC, claims the number of when another driver kindly give social traditions connected wit yivou right of way. ' | the automobile are growing and| _ Another, never-mentioned car becoming nearly as iron-clad as|' ourtesy: has become @ must, If} theee of hearth and heme. Foryo are sauiring a few girl] instance, when you open the friend on a long journey, don't door for a lady (only a béor forget to "stop for gas" regular- forgets this nicety) you should Q NEW STRETCH STRAP Curce' Relax -- or let off a little steam on gleaming sports decks; eat magnificently; sleep like a log in your air- conditioned stateroom; enjoy iy the left: Patrolman Neil Dingman, Lieutenant ly, whether you need it or not. Captain Gloria Trewin, As- A man may drive in the sum- and their teacher, at Dr. S. sistant Captain Jane Fitches, PICTURED ABOVE are J. Phillips Public School, who were honored at the annual meeting of the Home and eight responsible citizens of Oshawa. They are seven mem- bers of the Safety Patrols School Association. They are ~ Dr.8. J. Phillips H&S Honors Murray Farncombe, Lieuten- ant Robert Warren, their teacher, Mr. Lorne Ryady, ° Lieutenant Sally Macdonald, and Patrolman Ian Riehl. --Oshawa Times Photo PERSONALS reach the driver's seat by walk- ing behind the car. Makes sense, BMC _ investiga- tors feel this sane policy stems from a_ natural, innate, le |fear that the little woman might --in a fit of pique -- stamp her little foot on the starter and run mer without a shirt or vest, but only in beach resort areas- and only if your friend wears a swim suit. If you try this modern Godiva tactic in a built-up area, you can run foul of the law. If a policeman considers your< dress an offense to the public, he can dancing, professional enter- tainment. first-run movies, dress-up if you like (your free _ baggage allowance Is 275 ths). You'll find Europe arrives all too fast! Safe P. t | At M ti Members of the Legion Auxil-| The Oshawa Branch of the Ver you. a TO S ee Ing iary, Branch 43, will be. the|Consumers' Association of Can-| HONKING TABOO guests of the Bowmanville/ada, will be entertaining the) farly in the auto era, it was Mr. Lorne H. Brady, teacherjby Raymond: Massey, was also|Auxiliary on Monday evening Provincial President, Mrs. A. |cocially acceptable to roll up in charge of the Safety Patrol/shown which further illustrated|and a chartered bus will be|G. Volpe and-Constmer Prob-|to ue girl.friend's house. and at Dr. S. J. Phillips School, in-|the mouth-to-mouth method and leaving the Legion Hall, Centre| lems Convener, Mrs. W. A. summon her with an artifical troduced. officers and membersjexternal heart massage. street, at 7.15. Brechin, following the open'alarm, That's because in those of the Safety Patrol, 1963-64, at} Mrs. W. C. Hungerford thank- "4 gah meeting to be held on April 29,\days this clarion call wasn't a the annual meeting of the Homejed Mr. Bowes for his timely, Oshawa Girl Guides who were|when they will be guest speak-) ----------------- - and School. Captain Gloria Tre-|lecture and explanation of safe- presented with their Gold Cord) 7. REEP IN TRIM | win, ably assisted by assistant/ty methods. certificates at a Provincial 4 captain Jane Fitches, heads up| Mrs. R, F. Richardson, presi- ceremony held in the Diocesan' Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Furey . elaide street, Toronta,|returned last night, from a two} ce gee ' were Jacquline}month vacation in Florida. They| Some Activities Consume More Calories Than Others the system. Mr. Brady pointed| dent," conducted the annual Centre, / out.the patrol consisted of three|meeting. A list of proposed of- last night, J teams full time plus one team/ficers for the year 1964-65 was|Menzie, Patsy Lynn Campbell,/had their granddaughter, Miss) of substitutes. (posted by the nominating com-|Frances Sparkes, Patricia Jack-|Dale Hopkins, as a guest for Fach team is headed by a| mittee. lin and Judith Dalton of Ade- a month and Mrs. A. J, Ren- Lieutenant, namely: Margaret) Mrs. Barnard Lewis, Family| aide ee a ans. wick, 'Oshawa, visited them. ncomb' , in-|Karen Mosier, i se- os | oer waren 'on 4 tee ose pregiine ego thelbrough of Kingsway District; |, Mrs. David Gardner, | Borth |Swartz Rose. The following Patrolers are "Carey Childs,|Family Life Group of which she|Jane Alker, Carolyn MacDonald) |; io. at the ibid 4 Hagan! chart gives the energy cost in Doothy - Jean Fitzsimmons,|is chairman. The response to|and Carol Gardiner of Park-\y¢..° samuel Gardner aoe calories per minute of an adult Linda' Meinichuk Mary-Lou Ty-|this weekly group has been wood District; Jane Holden and) |. south iast wea Th is the| weighing between 140 and 155 ; . 3-|most encouraging and Mrs.|Sharon Hurst of Rosslyn Dis-¢ 'time j eek. It is the |pounds. These figures were s n almost twenty ltaken from Human Energy Ex- girl writes: boars a ee coe "The calorie content of food|2" siggorst Wage i . Clip is not hard to find, but the in-|20d save this for future refer- snanski, Janice McLean, Gra- t i ior ith, Mary|Lewis hopes to continue with it) trict; and Judy Aylesworth of} 0. teas ham Blake, Janet Smi ry aot fire Southdale District. Also attend- years, that Mrs. Gardner has formation about activities that burn calories is practically non-|) ENERGY EXPENDITURE Calories expenditure for va- Christine Under- ' y r E Featherstone, Ace Hickardion tentionsaling were. the. pay ts and) see her relatives in Oshawa. existent. Tell me how many eoeeianne run you in. . Here are some other mind- your-manners memos: Pipe smoking? Okay, but only when your companion compli- ments you on your choice of aromatic tobacco, If this is not forthcoming 15 seconds after "HAPPY SHIP" SUMMER SAILINGS TO IRELAND* -- ENGLAND -- FRANCE -- HOLLAND -- GERMANY* *(occasionea! calls) FROM MONTREAL/QUEBEC: #MAASDAM, April 30 "4 RYNDAM, June 3, June 27, Juty 21 From NEW YORK: : Weekly Friday noon sailings of. the ss, ROTTERDAM, NIEUW AMSTERDAM or STATENDAM; "The Big Three". (effective May 15) Additional departures: #STATENDAM, April 30 RYNDAM, May 10 WESTERDAM, May ee By IDA JEAN KAIN Normal activity is the key to weight control. It is a healthy sign when readers ask for an activity hardstick for calorie burning. A homemaker--career #thrift season saffings, 1, Sandra Herbert, Lois Tal- . : Sh te h ft hil the Home and School convention friends of the girls Bee ae to uiatiess and Pl emi bot, gg Reman Pe scwnang ote etn Gs ites wan lextended visit to relatives and lor, ngman, © F was' o -oming|{riends in England, Scotland, fesert, Pater Barden, Mane he ame diterent members Comveners, for the upcemelireland and ohana; On her MoFeeters, Karen Gu ive', executive Mrs. M. Hog-/ty,iteq Church in the Memorial|Way to Oshawa, she stopped to Jerry Hungerford, riage | ll age en OE ys nie ge pyres Mrs. Rupert Ed-|Visit in Newfoundiand and spent Ronald Kirby, yer nations oe lnara Lewie m a rs. Bat-| ards and Mrs. Lloyd Moody,|some time with her sister in Pamela" Mackay, I Cr aneced THAT the Oakk kitchen; Mrs. Roy Bunker, Iroquois Falls, Ontario. While "The lieutenant of the substitute) awa Kiwanis Club will be con-| dining -- og Bruce Buck. ee (cal) Feckar' pppoe . i : fet table; rs. ayton . 1 eGsHre, patrol is Sally Macdonald and|ducting gy er _ . door| Sewer, dessert table; Mrs,|and his family were guests of her team consists of Carol Free- nec * anadian Cancer) painh 'Jewell and Mrs. Wilfred|Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gardner) born, David Popham, Bob Saun-|-9ciety. Members were asked t0\ 17, miey, tickets. at a family gathering. Mrs.| reci< r ders, Sandra Clapp, Kathy|leave their names if they could) . Gardner's next stop on her|by all the girls in the office wh0| Standing at ease Lewis, Ian Riehl. -- in this canvass. The program department of|way home was in Winnipeg,|@re weight watchers. Standing, drawing In keeping with the theme of|,,; Sg a was won by|the YWCA is holding an ex-\then on to Transcona, 'and| To get an accurate score, fig-| Washing and dressing safety it was fortunate to have) a , ere © ee hibition of fashions and crafts|Brandon Mamitoba, where shejure in terms of your own body} man ; n appropriately decorated|in the~ afternoon and evening|will visit relatives, before re-|weight. Typing rapidly, you burn|Washing and dressing, ellent speaker in the per- poy William Bowes of the|Cake was served to the membersinext Tuesday, April 28. On\turning to Vancouver. 10.85 calories per pound per| woman Safety Supply Company, Toron- of the Safety Patrol and the par-\display for the public will be|--~----, - --_------1hour. Those figures are used On| Romping with children to. When introducing Mr. Bowes, ents were served refreshments! coppertooling, dressmaking, Chicken Burgers |the fuel required to pound @M\ around the hou Mrs, Bernard Crozier mentioned |Y Grade Mothers for Miss M.|millinery, painting and copper} lold-fashioned typewriter. If you fond sewing ' that safety should be foremost jn|Quantrill's room, and for Miss enamelling work done by the For Hot Lunch use an electric machine, You) Hand washing one's life at all times. Mr.|L. Taylor's room. |Art and Craft section of the Y. will burn about 15 calories per|jroning _ Bowes used a life sized model | ORI 187 ------------- | For a hearty lunch at noon|hour less. Polishing "Resucci-Anne" to demonstrate 4°49 or after a patty, serve chicken.| Waiking: In. walking slowly | Peeling potatoes and explain Cag ety re i 7 oy an ee chicken, but|(2.6 miles per hour) you burn Outside the house scucitation. e three different) chicken urgers; tempting|1.21 calories per ound-per hour; | Walki forms of artificial respiration) enough to satisfy the biggest! walking mig rately co ta Telweneine pak were explained, but the many) \ 4 Yf appetites. This' recipe for almiles per hour) uses 1.81 cal-| Walking 4 m.p.h. advantages of the mouth-t0-|] we gers chicken burger uses cooked, | ories per pound pe hour. Cycling, at oarh pace mouth method were pointed out.| vi * A , Ve id " -|diced chicken or turkey. Ironing, a woman. burns .87 Dancing a rhumba A most informative colored = ' j 1 Lp 4, é p CHICKEN PATTIES lealories per pound per hour.|Gardening, weeding "The Pulse of Lie" narrate' ; 4 tablespoon butter The calorie cost of general|Gardening, digging tablespoons minced: onion |pousework is from .87 to 1.02)Gymmastic exercises 4 cup diced celery \eabories per pound per hour. Abdominal cup chopped cooked chicken| sitting quietly watching TV, you) Trunk bending or turkey burn only .60 calories per pound) Arms swinging, --" fine dry bread|ner hour. . hopping, etc. ee . : | This information is included ow ling ene a a i et ay Seed yaptiee gnober P Dietetics, by the late Mary Swimming, recreational | j Breast stroke ] salt and pepper to taste Back crawl | flour for coating, fat or Skiing, moderate speed 1 | sauteing AN a ai a NY Melt butter and cook celery and onion until onion is tender lbut not brown. Add chicken, bread crumbs, pimiento, pepper and enough chieken broth to back. Eleaticized with Lycra, cups of Terylene lece, White & Black B & C cups, 32-38. 66.50. O cups, 32-40. 97.80. Pay Later plan available calories are used in the follow-|rjous tasks of an adult weighi See your Travel Agent or ® } ghing ing tasks: Typing steadily for/hetween 140 and 155 pounds. a half hour, walking a' mile Energy Cost briskly, sitting and reading or| Cal. per Min. watching TV for two hours, iron-|[ying at ease 1.4 | ing for several hours, and doing' sitting at ease 3 | generai housework. Your help | sitting, writing wili be appreciated by me and | sitting. playing cards Petal Burst Stretch Strap brings you @ beautiful new way to bra comfort! New braided Lyera® stretch shoulder straps rest lightly, comfortable enough to forget; they stay hidden under yout widest necklines, won't eurl, bind or slip. Under the cups -- new Airion bra support . . . flexible control that can't dig in. Petal Burst Stretch Strap -- own it today! see new Wonderbra All-In-One" Corselette with "Streteh Strap" onother 'Petal Burst" lyera gorment for the utmest in shaping os well os beauty and comfort, too! ew BEE > wronanoe sed ve i 40 Front St. West, Toronto, Ont. \ MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE | 22 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH | PHONE 723-9441 DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN 300 DUNDAS E., WHITBY PHONE ss Comfortable fitting rooms end two graduete Corset- tieres to help you and advise you with your Founde- tion Garment purchases; PHONE 725-1151 *Du Pont's registered trademark band s Se eee @Saoanws>s "Savnoe WKnarA same SIMCOE ST. SOUTH AT ATHOL ST. 'Selecting a Toy To Love and Last | No Trifling Matter | By ELEANOR ROSS Kids love toys. But sad and) strange to say, many adults buy toys they like, not the ones that the children will like best--a little like anglers who buy lures) that attract therm, but the fish refuse to bite on them. | So, if you have a youngster, 11.5 0.8 . DRAPERY a relative or a little friend with birthday coming up, remem- ber, please, that toys are not |moisten for shaping into pat- ties. Season with salt and pep- \per. Cool slightly and shape in- if 4 98° yord and up Compare at $1.98 yord M. & C, Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 only for fun, but are intended) f j | ; f to contribute to the child's de- pe } " |to 6 patties to fit buns. These) velopment by being his first yg CO i b jpatties may be shaped early| teaching aids 'and stored in the refrigerator) And a fragile aid doesn't last until cooking time. | When you lose the cover of a peed ga llr} onlin yg Lie ges flour Rai paint can,..simply cover. .the! ages cass abe - ry slowly until brown, about) join. in able material, such as steel. : Hive wnlivGtes pa ett ale. | paint 8 surface with melted par- Child psychologists recommend s 4 | Meanwhile toast cut sides of | 2ifin. Paint stays soft until need-| age age fo Magna ; A : six buns; spread with butier,|.°4 "pen. vt Saas A gy SBN \Heap cranberry relish on half]. ae a d creative as jof buns, Top _other half with ap tagicnon sturdy well-made) " lettuce and hot chicken patties toy is much more satisfying to a child because it is heavier, Sulkies- and' more realistic--and them so easily : The child experts maintain that youngsters find such toys more gratifying, and, because they last with only a reason- able amount of care, children apent theit honeynioon at the Hotbax: all of Ohaws. | Bg are more easily persuaded to a --News Bureau, Nassau. ! Oe yalue them and give them that| Montagu Beach Beta, NBG reece ited bentsiedeaat ¢ ODLENB:: | care. sau. The bride is the former Celebrating 4th Anniversary Here are some pointers to be| Miss Bonnie Smith, daughter 2 0 OFF ON ALL kept in mind when selecting| of Mr. and Mrs, Terrance toys for little ones. Youngsters) . - enjoy imitating adults and their -4+ ADIES! No Baby Sitter, % During Month of April The Mayfair Salon | 4 (OSHAWA LIMITED) 728-0662 27 CELINA ST. | MATERIAL | WIFE PRESERVER you can set your table with BIRKS STERLING for as low as $100 DID YOU KNOW ? i That Jayn-Modde -offers oa a Complete Bridal Counselling % Service. For information | phone 725-4561 - 77 King & HONEYMOONING IN NASSAU Newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Ian Forbes, Marland avenue Smith, and the bridegroom is | the son of Mr. and Mrs. James | . iS ANGuUS-[;RAYDON CARPET COMPANY | 282 King W., Oshawa ®@ Tel, 728-6254 Oshawa's Rug and Carpet Centre + Broadloom-Tile-Linoleum Birks Sterling is within the means of everyone, to be used and enjoyed every day. Lasting forever and daily growing more beautiful, it is an investment in family gracious living. Choose from twenty exclusive open-stock patterns, crafted by Birks' own silversmiths. With Birks' Budget Plan, you can use your "sterling as you pay for it. his parents use, § as, cars, plane and truck for the boys and cooking utensils and appli- ances for the girls, is more likely to stimulate imagination than less lifelike copies or un-| identifiable objects. Children like to construct and create at all ages. For exam- ple, a steel erector set that a child can put together and take apart fosters creativity: Active physical play is a necessity for) children. } possessions. Giving a chjld re- alistic reproductions" of thing No Car Fare MR. BERNARD Of Leading Toronto Salons Experienced. Hair Stylist FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS PHONE AFTER 9 P.M. 728-9317 If you select Saxon pattern (illustrated above), you can set your family table with silver for only $100* -- $10 down, $10 monthly, BIRKS Rug Cleaning eeu éplecs pace eninge, $2500 cock GR WLLERS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-0662