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Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 May 1964, p. 3

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CHEST CHAT Centre Assists Mental Cases the drifters, the alcoholic. May- be, alsu, you've seen the Army's mobile canteen at fires or floods or other disasters. On the record that far, you'd say the Salva- tion Army does a lot of good. BY BOB BRANCH Executive Secretary Greater Oshawa Conimunity Chest The White Cross Centre is a social centre which seeks to create for its members a bridge between mental hospitals and the community. Members meet volunteers from the community and join in a wide variety of games and handicrafts, music and art. There are many gifted folk who come to the centre-- some to talk or to read, some to play the piano or w put on a record, some to participate in the var- ious handicraft or woodwork- ing, some to paint or work with clay; -- the results are very satisfying. Most of these folk have lost contact with their families and the open door of the White Cross Centre is a place to feel at home. There is also a Sunshine Com- mittee to remember birthdays and sick members. The volunteer workers are the ones who make the bridge with their untiring interest and) jefforts, They are both city and| leounty folk who give a few hours each week. | The centre is operated by the! CANADIAN AIRCRAFT CARRIER HAS BUSY EIGHT MONTHS for "Bonnie" has done a lot March), transported 'part of cession of Atlantic gales. and - pita "4 means a "4 the Canadian peace-keeping even, a sand-laden Mediter- of miles in the past. eig oo 1 Whe iroc i months, Since last'Sept. 25 the forc es to Cyprus, visited ports ranean sirocco.. In this same carrier will have: Spent 14¢ in Scotland, Norway, England, period the Bonaventure's air- days at sea, steamed 41,780 France and the United States, craft will have made 2,432 miles, set a one-month record called at Gibraltar. Malta and deck landings. Bermuda, weathered a suc- --National Defence Photo Metro Probe 'Favors Split When Canada's aircraft car- rier, HMCS Bonaventure, re- turns to Halifax May 15 from exercises off Norfolk, Va., her crew members will form the ship's nickname on the flight deck, as above. And they will be glad to see their home port, Counties Road Program Cost $858,000 In 1964 Cobourg -- Spring road in- | * s road mill rate for the study pe-|with Cavan township receiving Tax Billin spection of the counties' roads|riod, and their recommenda-|largest amount. Only three g by the United Counties Roaditions concerning future coun-| other townships are involved in " ~-- Commission has been comple-|ties' policy respecting the ex-| the paving section of the road TORONTO (CP)--The Golden-| Health Asscciation. The branch ted. Total cost of the Commis-|tent of daydabor construc-|Program, Alnwick, Hope and/pyrg commission on Metropoli- we sion's proposed road program/tion, organizaiion of the coun-| Hastings. tan Toronto's government indi-|@¢ 187 Simcoe street south, from ; 2 ae<")was a dangerous month on Can- rents the small white building,|4qq's ctanwars: ki But add: summer camps _ for) 7 boys and girls and the elderly) -- people; and homes and hospitals for unmarried mothers and their babies; and the finding of mis- sing people through the Salva- tion Army Missing Persons Bureau. There's more. . . this is enough for you to under- stand why we support the Sal- vation Army here in Oshawa. The Salvation Army is one of the 21 health and welfare agen- cies in Greater Oshawa Com- munity Chest. . . children, families, young people, the sick and the elderly in many ways. Your one gift works many) ? gave many times over. « . because with it you February Road Toll A Record OTTAWA (CP) -- February The bureau of statistics re- but} 7 . when) | you gave the United way. for 1964 is estimated at $858,000.| ties road department, and the) Estimated' cost for prime to|cated Wednesday that it favored the board of education. ported today that motor vehicle In their report presented to|extent of use of consulting engi-|80.8 miles of road in thirteen|separate municipal tax bills for) gayyarron ARMY WEEK |'raffic accidents on streets and the Counties Council last week) neers. townships is $70,000. Of this|e¢ducation 'and general purposes. |" You kane about the Salvation| highways took 255 lives in Feb- the Commission said it was! |p 4 breakdown of the total| total, $4,600 is listed as miscel-| Commissioner H. Carl Gold-| 4 omy prayer nieehinen: you've|Tuary. In the same month in their opinion that very little|figue of $858,000, the largest|laneous. Estimates range from|¢nburg agreed with Z. S. Phi-\ 60, them on street corners,|1963, 166 people were killed. damage will be caused to the] amount, $383,000, will be em-|$700 for 0.8 miles of prime for|mister, diréctor of education' yi, 4 hand. As you know that| Only provinces with a better roads this year by the spring| ployed in road construction, Ap-|road number eight in Clarke|f0r the Toronto school board, 1 coivation Army helps the|record in 1964 than 1963 were break-up. proximately 30 miles of road in| township to $12,000 for 14.2 miles|Who said two tax bills would) aon" snaout: the homeless,|Nova Scotia, New Brunswick ets been averted eleven townships will fall under = prime on roads 61 and 62 engin ag lige Bit g . -- and British Columbia. ry e Commission on such mdinkon 2 ruc-/Haldimand and Percy town- y ms boqat ri peg i i items as the purchase of wire Fos Sg Bo gua pont y proesy : | Edward M. ibe ra chair-| REPORTS DOCTOR LOSS Phage ye eg alters fencing, "of asphalt, crushed) jand and fence, and survey and man of the metropolitan Tor-| -ONDON (CP) -- Dr. John|ruary last year. ; Tanai ; Another area covered by thejonto schoo! board, said Toronto gravel, weed and brush spray|jand. Hamilton township alone/Road Commission is that Oflboard snembers A Prangel a con-|Seale of Surrey says in an ar-| Quebec accidents claimed 84 ticle in the British Medical Jour-|jives, compared with 42. and _-- of Highways)will receive $94,500 for land and bridge and culvert construction.'solidated system of education J ed primer, , {fence - and grade and 'gravel/ Estimated cost here is $200,000./put suburban members insisted/4l that he estimates nearly) Other provincial fatality to- TO ESTIMATE NEEDS work concerning 7.5 miles of} 'The largest single amount|on.the amalgamated system. He 4,000 Uniied Kingdom doctorsitals (February, 1963 figure 'Se Beha Commicsi , |road. The next closest are the) goes to Darlington Township for|said the outcome was a com- left the country during the 10)pracketed): : pisveibidaes ae the Countion townships of Darlington and] a railroad bridge of prestressed| promise. jyears up to 1963. His figures} Newfoundland 3 (1), Prince Counti direct them to compile| Cat wright, to receive $90,000 concrete costing $95,000. Six He hat introduced a board indicate more went to Canada|Edward Island 4 (3), Nova Sco- information for the council ee for three miles of grade and) townships are partaking in this|brief requesting outright amal-|than to any other country. Hejtia 4 (6), New Brunswick 6 (7), adie ie eltinated t "| gravel work. |area of work. gamation of the municipalities) estimates 161 British | and 13/Manitoba 9 (8), Saskatchewan garding estimated monetary | or a, borough system. He said|{rish doctors went to Canada inj1i (5), Alberta 19 (6), British | Fire Gut needs of the counties' road sys-| SEALCOATING PROGRAM --lthat 'more than 15,000 children|1963 and 95 British and eight|Columbia 18 (21), Yukon and tem anc the subtrban system;| Twelve townships are due for lin Metro are "half - housed" in|Irish the year before. 'Northwest Territories 2 (1). pod penn gg og! or Savings' sealcoating, the combined |portable classrooms. " esult from amen-|lengths of roads equalling 30 Mr. Davidson said many ding the counties' road system) miles. Estimated cost for the |Metro school board trustees, es- CAPSULE NEWS to conform to the recommenda-| job is $45,000. Figures per town- Stratford pecially members from Tor- tions of the Minister of High-| ships ratige from $1,500 in vari- onto feel they are being char-| m ways respecting desirable coun-/ous municipalities to $6,000 in itable when contributing to the| ty road systems; the anticip-| Brighton township. Landmark Metro system of maintenance Tresl en ated future assessment of the! The mileage to be paved is assistance payments. courties' and the separated|the smallest at 4.55 miles. Total STRATFORD (CP)--A spec He brought an angry outburst) . town; the desirable counties'| estimated cost here is $40,000 tacular fire burned out Paget from commissioner Goldenburg| : Ath x terior of one of Stratford's old when he said no one likes dis-| e bs erm pensing charity -- it's perhaps) e landmarks Thursday but actual| nore difficult to give 'money! Brock High School it... me Heal Prono crore. 9 " high by the owners as the build- Mr. Goldenberg said he is Lockhart, Hamilton general ing has been vacant for 1W0\amazed 'that you use the term|practitioner, was te - elected °,° years and was in disrepair. charity at all." He said the en-| Wednesday to a fourth term as Plans Addition The red brick building, known|tire Metro system is based onjpresident of Physicians' Serv- as 'the Barn," was a tannery|ysing the resources of the en-jices Incorporated. New board j}at the turn of the century and, tire area for everybody. |members elected include Dr. J. CANNINGTON -- At a joint|home economics and the present|"™ti! vacated, had been used as) Mr. Davidson, a. member for|Robert Mackenzie, Sarnia. meeting of Councils of Brock, |home economic room changed to|® feed mill. The fire attracted|the Toronto board, said sear MICHENER NAMED Beaverton, Cannington, Thorah,|a clothing room. |several hundred spectators as|suburban areas, where school) and the Brock District High] When completed there will be|Smoke billowed high in the airjcosts are quite low, but are) TORONTO (CP} -- Roland School Board, approval was|normal accommodation for 650|2%4 flames shot to a height of|complicated by vast numbers of|Michener, former speaker of given for the building of addi-| pupils. Tentative plans call for|® feet before firemen céntrolled|students, have asked, threat-|the House of Commons, Thurs- tional class-rooms and Stters-\the addition and alterations to| the blaze. lened and begged for aid. jday was named 6ist president tions to the Brock District High|be ready by September, 1965. | | lof the Empire Club of Canada. School. | The Ontario Department of} q, iti » ;.| Bducation eukonte the cost of DULL OPENING SEES ACCEPTANCE The addition to the school is A : 9 ie | TN TO (CP) -- John T now a necessity di ver|the project, including building ; TORON' (CP) nT. y due to over! icidecks' fake i} thouse, executive secretar: crowding of the present build-|Comtract, architects' fees, furni- bed peru x Cousin am wk ; ' _|ture and equipment at roughly t ada, says ; as ing trey show» ae aes arggmomert =e! Lawe stock Mart jie secraiy aemn'n @ F ine thoiPer square foot for new work, federal government's dairy pol- ents who will be attending the} 'yes Minis-| " ; i land $10.00 per square foot for icy for 1964. Agriculture Minis-| aitare en eonool int the" neer i 9 : : ti Hays told the Commons future. alteration work. However, the er a ns re Brock District High School ecovers piri Wednésday the government will The proposed addition to the | Board feels a contract price will : continue iv pay farmers--as it jhas since 1958--a floor price of TORONTO (CP)--After a dull,with odd 'sales to 20; common|64 cents a pound for top grades opening at barely steady prices|and medium 16-18.50. lof butter and shift the basis of lon steers, heifers and yearlings} Calves: Choice vealers 33-36\its cheese support price of 3244 land rather sharp losses onjwith odd singles to 36.50; good|cents a pound. cows, the demand improved)28-32; medium 24-27; common) with all classes and grades re-|20-23; boners 15-20. | GIVE LOW AVERAGE gaining their losses and closing) Hogs: Grade A 25.20-26.15;| LONDON (CP)--The average firm at the Ontario public\heavy sows 17.90 18.35 with)age for unmarried mothers in stockyards this week. slight sows gaining a $2 prem-| Salvation Army homes through- Top grades of veal calves|{¥M; stags 13.50 on a dressed| out Canada is 13, Lieutenant- lheld steady with lower grades|Wcight basis. Commissioner Mrs. Thomas lregistering losses of $1-2 per| Sheep ay lambs: Lambs 22-\1 aurie of Tozonto told some 300 |hundredweight. Hog prices were| #9 in : "i age Lge Bond delegates fron 14 home league eediot iamos closing at %;!corps in the army's western On- 'higher and lamb prices were)" ; higher. sheep 3-10 according to quality; | orig division Thursday. She Cattle receipts were etton nr ooh gg ogee oo told the division's annual rally: isit to the United Nations. The about 500 head more than last) ,or hundredweight "In our day and age we didn't) ice was not disclosed. weék and about the same as|! : think such a_ thing possible. | jthis week in 1963. Western re- They are not only poor girls) LANDOWNER DIES jceipts totalled 770 head as com- jbut from wealthy homes also.") KILLARNEY, Ireland (AP)-- ig ee ca eg Ree WON'T .BE CHANGE io Eat hay gst allow"numbered 307 head as com- OTTAWA (CP)--There will be) | King James IV of 'Scotland pared to 76 head last week. no change Pissed Mil ato od and one of Britain's greatest amount of duty-free g 'landowners, died at his home } | | way wi'l be inadequate within two years to cope with the flow of traffic at the peak of the tourist season. ATTITUDE SAID WRONG LONDON (CP)--Canada, Aus- tralia and New Zealand are in- clined to take a wrongfully re- sentful attitude toward Britain on art matters, the roving pro- moter of a Commonwealth arts festival said Thursday. Ian Hun- ter, who has completed a 30,000- mile Commonwealth journey, said he detected a "certain re- sentment"' that Britons tend to be patronizing about the attain- mens of Canada and the other older Dominions whose cultures are close to that of Britain. END INQUIRY BUFFALO, N.Y, (AP) -- A U.S. congressional inquiry into possible Communist subversion in the Buffalo area ended Thursday with the investigators getting from witnesses little more than their names. Fifteen }persons, among them an under- jcover agent. for the FBI, testi- |fied at a two-day hearing: of a |House of Representatives sub- committee on un-American ac- tivities. SELL MANSION NEW YORK (AP) -- Russia has sold its Park Avenue man- sion from which Premier Khrushchev made vigorous bal- cony speeches during his 1959 | school will have ae classrooms, |p, considerably less. If by commercial A byt asi library, green) hance the costs are $624,737.00 house, two industrial art shops,'it wil) mean an increase of 3% double gymnasium and a cafe-| nil; to the taxpayers of the teria, area involved. The alterations will include, Legislative grant for the ap- the existing library classroom! proved facilities will be on an converted to a laboratory, indus-;amount up to but not in excess trial art shoproom. converted to of $375,000. FORT ERIE ENTRIES SATURDAY, MAY 2 FIRST RACE -- Purse $1,800 ($5000|Cloud Princess, Dittfach B-108 | 1 claiming), two-year-old maiden,s 4% fur-/Ocean Pearl, Shuk 111 4 Ponder On, Dittfach B-116 Pigski Chilly. Filly, Harrison 111 Sweet Yoroufer, Dittfach 116 Sky Spark, Phillips A-X108 A--D Krever entry B--Mrs G M Graham entry in Peter, No Boy A-115 Selling Uyeyama 115 Weaver, No Boy A-115 Harris XXX105 Wee Annie Dory, ail Along, Remilia Scadedie, No Boy 120 Battle Order, No Boy 8-115 Foxy Sultan, Lanoway 115 Phoney Sugar rd 115 FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,500, ances, two-year-olds, 4% furlongs. Cocktail Date, Shuk 119 Lady Rhythm, Fitzsimmons A-114 River Party, Rogers 122 which helps| a THE Mrs. John F. Kennedy and her daughter, Caroline, who's minus her two front teeth, are shown during a visit to an exhibit at the New York World's Fair Thursday. Talk- KENNEDYS VISIT THE FAIR ing with Mrs. Kennedy is Sid- ney Drazien, manager of the exhibit. --AP. Wirephoto 222 Appeals Baseball Loop Has 35 Starters Heard On Assessment COBOURG -- "There were 222 appeals against the 1963 Assess- ment Rol] in the 24 municipal- ities," said Counties Assessor T. G. sented last week at the Council's two-day session, Mr. Shield's report said that|/Port Hope, Orono, Welcome and Lakefield. Bowmanville, Black- stock and Millbrook are possi- , jbilities~Teams will play once a| ings and that 83 appeals were week as one unit. Arnold Wade this)of Newtonville is the convener. amount $60,115 were the three| With 11 definite entries in Pee fires in Port-Hope. There were| Wee, it was decided to group the seven larger centres together as four appeals had been with- |drawn previous to the court sitt- reduced by $103,623. Of seven appeals in which the court made increases totalling $915. One hundred and one of the ap- peals were confirmed while 27 dealt with school support and) Cobourg property transfers. All municipalities except one|manville, Oshawa, -- have increases shown on the|Port Hope and. Whitby. Peter- 1963 rolls over 1962. The princi-/boroand Oshawa will play a} : h/meets this weekend. ie pal increases occurred in Dar- lington and Hamilton Townships and in the towns of Bowman- ville, Cobourg and Port Hope. The total taxable assessment for 1964 Counties Equalization will be $84,490,817. This is an in- crease of $3,267,191 over the 1962 total taxable assessment. The total represents three areas; land assessment; build- ing assessmem and business as- sessment. Land assessment is $18,842,108, an increase of $179,- 286 over the previous year. The building assessment is $59,961,704, an increase of $2,264,557. Business assessment is $5,687,005 showing an increase of $823,348. The total increae is $3,267,191. | Repairing Water System At School LINDSAY, Ont. (CP) -- The \chlorinating system at Halibur- ton County district high school --out of use for almost two) weeks--should be back in work- ing condition by Monday. Douglas Hodgson, school prin- cil, said he would drive to Pe- terborough with samples of wa-} ter from the system, and if all) goes well the situation will be rectified by Monday. Mr. Hodgson said the whole| system was not affected by the, breakdown. as earlier reports) indicated, but only a new wing} which has .not yet officially) opened. | Whirling Rich, Fitzsimmons 115 trish Joe, Rogers 120 Also Eligitle:: Fleet Musketeer, Rogers 12; Reefwalt, No Boy 120; Sail Anead No Boy 117; Andrea inez, Dittfact 192; Grant Jr., Shuk C-120; Crying Jerry, Rogers C-120. A--Grovetree Stable and S Kamo entry B--Arrow Farms and View Hulioa Farms There was also 10 cattle and| : i 4 30 calves received. from Que-| nadian tourists can bring bac Wednesday relatives a ed from the. United States, Finance Friday. bec, Forty seven head of} 8 ( : Minister G~ rdon_ indicated SHOW CHURCHILL WORK slaughter cattle were shipped i c east and 41 veal calves were) WASHINGTON (AP) --The|Thursday.-The present limit of $25 worth of duty-free goods) TonoON (AP)--A_landsca y 89 - year - old Sir Winston 1,218 Miss Warlou, Lanoway 114 | Jacket O' Blue, Tawse KXX'04 Free View, No Boy A-114 Bright 'Object, Gomez 122 Journey Home, No Boy 122 A--J Martin, Vo Martin Jr. Hulioa Farms entry and VieWlaxnorted off the market for|U.S. state department accused oods| every four, months -- provided b slaughter in the United States.|\Cuba Thursday of floating : Slaughter steers: Choice phoney reports of a Cuban su-|Canadians stay in the US. at Churchill was among the steers sold at $24-24.50 with|Sar Crop failure to prop upjleast 48 hours each trip--was| orks unveiled Friday at' the fancy feedlot steers to 25.60;|Prices of her No, 1 export. |imposed during the 1962 eX-|,5nual summer exhibition . of good 22.50-23.50; medium 20-22; Press officer Richard I. Phil-|Change crisis. |the Royal Academy of Art. The common 17-19; choice Heifers/lips said the U.S. has reason to} SEES WASTE |kandseape is called View From 29.23 with some fancy feed'ot|believe that the Cubans "are| . Chartwell. Chartwell is 'the for- heifers to 23.50; good 21-22; me-\trying to maintain an upward} FREDERICTON (CP) ae Dr.| mer prime minister's country dium 18-20: common 15. 17:|pressure on the price 'of ee teat pes papgapl hp ig |hame. SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $/,500 added, | choic yearlings 24-26: good\by wine ing i sit} i , said) (Tre Smee Stakes," three-year-olds, bin lig PF with 7 oe' Rossa cersnigr on Thursday night "'it is a waste) MORE U.S. CATHOLICS sales to 18; medium' 15-16; can-|liberately low estimates regard-|% es Armd paps ae sig NEW nore ey gated os Planes a . -&/Roman Catholic population es-\garded as "trainable." Al) numbers 44,874,371, an increase Fairmar, Potts 112 ese py Pace ners and cutters' 11-14.50; good'ing this year's Cuban crop." |many apricious Miss, No Boy 114 heavy bologna bulls 19-19.50' The state department spok ae slide: ald tat ' Sue cen yor ge yg ARB ----_____------|man said U.S. intelligence esti-| though on it Loshdesiano stitutio of 1,026,433 since a year ago, Grand Garcon, Shuk 123 mates Cuba's 1964 harvest will|little but 2 life in an institution', ceording to the official Catho- reach last year's 3,800,000 ton|for children with IQs between|1i directory issued Thursday. EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,000 (s1s00 Brantford-- Three youths who Evalana wil oi lunge to(20 and 50, Dr. Berg said modern eigen 2 orignal in git three-year-olds, one mile and escaped from the Burtch Indus 3 000 000 ihe Bi ined Ny pinnd procedures had made notable Reed, No Boy trial Farm yesterday were pick- Cuban. sources ree advances in this group | Midway Bie facComb A111 ed up without resistance. and|~~ UU". ea Cheryl! Boy, Ne Boy : returned to the farm by a farm- caee sanemia tie ler last night. Geotge Stratford 2 FIRE ALARMS OTTAWA (CP)--Senator Don- French twisty Walsh X106 of RR 3, Branford, discovered) The Oshawa Fire Department|aid Cameron (Ind-L--Alberta) Acadian Lark, No Boy B-111 the youths, Henry Hodge, 16, of! Thursday responded to threelurged the government Thursday > SU Mace drs Angus, Ralph Claremont, 17, of rountin: ambulance calls and/te consider the twinning of the , : 4 Cttawa and Gordon McGowan re alarms. One of the fire|Trans-Canada Highway as one 16.-0f Port Perry, hikin turned dut to. be false|method of promoting Canada's the Bow Park Farm Road ohjalarm while the other was ajtourist business -He told th \the city's: southern outskirts. | minor car fire. |Senate the Trans-Canada High-| SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,900, "The Eggertsville' allowances, four-year-rids and up, one and one-sixteenth miles. Castenango, No Boy 114 King Gorm, Dittfach 120 Sailmaker, Hale 115 Broadway John W., Rogers 115 Albion Star, Shuk 116 Black N' Red, No Boy 114 (QUINELLA BETTING) entry C--W F Edmiston and The Pheasant Stable entry SECOND RACE -- Purse $1,800 (52500 claiming), four-year-olds and up, 6 fur Al Abrigo, Phillips X114 Bright Circle, Remillard 114 Breconing, Nash 119 Count Page, Gordon Uneut Diamond, Lanoway 116 3 Lovelark 2nd Remister, Shuk 122 Plucky Crest, Leblanc 113 Brown Ruler, Rogers 116 THIRD RACE -- Purse $1,800. ($2560 claiming), four-year-olds and up, 6 fur- tongs (Division of Second) Highest Award, No Boy n3 Penepopie, Phillips X106 Lavahot, No Boy 116 Frederick, Harris XXX106 Whistree, Rogers 122 : Keepy A Thinking, Hernandez 16 Pauipoliy, Walsh x12 Gueaicaipuro, Freed xKX109 Grifter, Lanoway 119 Navy Ruler, Fitzsimmons 114 Feverzauber, ESCAPERS, CAUGHT BUYER _. __ SELLER 728-9474 PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 187 KING ST. E. WANTS ROAD TWINNED 1, Phillips X106 FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,100 ($4500 claiming), four-vear-olds and up, 4 wr lonas Falsun, Philtips A-X112 Chance Cover, No Boy '16 Fiigepin Floyd, Rogers 113 Faithful Tom, Gordon 113 Hy Pederson and two. yong) calls F x xx bs. 4 XXK--10 Ibs POST 2PM Varga entry apprentice allow once a 7 rentice a apprentice allowance ry 'DISCOUNT HOUS nial mn YOU NEVER KNOW | ING WHAT THEY'RE DO Representatives from Zones 1 jand 2 of the new Eastern On- \tario Baseball Association held ja joint meeting in Newcastle to! jiron out details prior to the opening of the 1964 season. A check to see how many teams are definite starters re- jvealed that 35 are prepared. Shield in his report to the|Many more entries are expected United Counties' Council pre-|in the various categories, how- lever, by the May 8 deadline. "Ready to go in the Tyke class- ification are Oshawa, Peterboro one division and the four small other section. Legion Pee |were "grouped" with Ajax, Bow Peterboro single schedule (10 games) ~ 'h er municipalities together in an- Wees others will play a double sched- ule or 20-game slate, only those. games with the aforementioned city club counting as 4-pointers. and Newcastle and possibly Mill-. brook will form the other divi- sion. Jim Gilmer of Port Hope is convener of the Pee Wee. series. Cecil Carveth, Newcastle, will convene the Bantam classifica- tion which presently includes Cobourg Kinsmen, Bowman- ville, Oshawa, Peterboro, Port Hope, Whitby and Welcome. In Midget, Cobourg Merchants are definite along with Ajax, Oshawa, Peterboro, Port Hope and Whitby. Bowmanville is un- certain. Spero Annis of Peter- boro is the convener. Only Oshawa, Port Hope and Courtice are certainties in Juv- enile although Peterboro, Whit- by and Kendal were the only Junior clubs to express interest. In intermediate. Ajax is set, but Peterboro. and Port Hope are in; the very doubtful class. a ation -- Zone 3 of the associ all g being 4-point Scott Strikes Mill Rates UXBRIDGE -- Scott Township passed a new Restricted Area and Land Use bylaw recently. Copies of this bylaw will be sent to each property owner early in May. The 1964 mill rate -- County rate -- is up 1.8. mills to 13.4 mills. Township rates will in- crease 1.5 mills to 14.5 mills for farm and residential' and 17 mills for Commercial, High School rates will increase to 23.8 for farm and _ residential and 26.4 for commercial. This is an increase of 1.5 mills or the 1963 rate. Public: School rates are down somewhat with the exception of SS No, 4 and SS No, 9 FLYER AT WAKE HONOLULU (AP) Merriam, the flying from California, landed safely * at Wake Island Thursday night™ to complete the 1,300-mile flight from Guam in 12 hours 18 min- utes. She is in the final stages o* an around - the - world solo flight. Ay # -- Joan* HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL: 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS which have a slight increase. Fender EAT'N TRUE-TRIM BEEF 12 KING E, -- 723- 3633 Friday Night SPEC & Saturday IALS CUT CHI UP CKEN © LEGS & BREASTS & SPECIAL | CHICKEN NECKS Ib. 10° Blackstock, Orono, . Welcome ~~

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