16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Moy 5, 1964 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondav to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 BUSINESS SERV CE DIRECTORY Accountants WILSON AND BURROWS, Chartered Accountants, 114 Ki Street East, Wilson, CA; 728-7554, Building Trades |HOME IMPROVEMENTS Roofing an @avestroughing, carpentry work, painting and general repairs. All work guaranteec P. Nellis, 1279 Minden Street. PLASTERING, new and repairs. Mr. Frank Frauts, 310 Drew Street, 723-3924. PLASTERING, new and repairs, stucco, A. Woods, 143 Clarke Street, 728-3420. ALBERT HOSMAR, Chartered Account 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawa, rio. T 723-1221, LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa Shop- ore. Teen _._|Cartage .|JOHN'S MOVING AND CARTAGE, Obs- awa, Whitby, Reasonable rates, Fully equipped and insured. 728-366). service, Street West, 725-0397. Res, 723-7605, VALE, FRIEDLANDER and Co, Char-| A icensed. | . Trustees. in Dressmaking | DRESSMAKING Ladies, }wear. Quality. work. Mrs. Voogjarv, 1110 Henry Street, Whitby, 668-8463. HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO. ed Accountants, Financial Trade Build- ing, 187 King Street East, Oshawa, On- tario, 72 . $. Beadle, CA; C. Lukow, CA, ing and alterations. Reasonable rates. MONTEITH, RIEHL, WATERS and Co,|"3- Harding, 67 Montrave, 725-6476. Chartered Accountants, 728-7527; Oshawa| : Shopping Centre, Suite 218; 'Ajax\Gardening and Suppli s 942-0890; Whitby 668-413). FERTILIZERS FOR EVERY NEED BULK GARDEN SEEDS SEED POTATOES LAWN SEED SO-GREEN MILORGANITE EVERGREEN TURF SPECIAL GARDEN SPECIAL SHEEP MANURE BONEMEAL PEAT MOSS INSECTICIDES FUNGICIDES for Barristers MACKEY and BAILEY, Barristers, Soli- cifors, Notaries Public. Mortgage funds L treet East, 723-1107 NALD, BA, LLB, Sarrister and Solicitor and Motary Pub fic, The Commercial Building, 286 King West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking available. 725-4716 or 725-4717. DODDS AND DONALD, Barristers ona Solicitors, etc. 6 King Street East Telephone 723-2201 WYMAN AND HYMAN, Barristers, Soli citors, Notaries, Suite 305, The Times Building, 86 King Street East, 729-1137. Clients' funds available for. mortgages gg S. Hyman, QC; Herbert $. Hyman. A MANNING F. SWARTZ and RONALD L SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Money to loan. Henry Block, 262 Kino Street East. 723-4697. Residence, dia 723-4029 ; GREER AND KELLY, Barristers citors, efc.. 114 King Street East 723-2278. Residence Phones: J. M. Greer QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL 778-583) MUMPHREYS, BSOYCHYN and HILL- Barristers, Solicitors, M2 King East, Oshawa; 8. O. Humphreys. QC; G. S. Bovchyn, QC; W. A_ Hiliman. BA, LLB: 3. DO. Mumpireys, BA. LLB Office: 725-1177; Residence: 728-4026, 725- 4604, Whitby 668-276). NHA and other mortgage funds available. THOMAS WH. GREER, 8A, Barrister Solicitor, Notary, Suite 33, The Times Buliding. 8 K Street East, 728-620? Mortgage funds eiladie McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers. Solicitors. Cents' funds on for first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street North, 728-7336, Charies C. McGibbon, QC; Edjar F. Bastedo, QC; Norman H. Edmondson CREIGHTON, ORYNAN AND MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Bank of Commerce 'wilding, 5$ Simcoe Street North,, Oshawa, 723-3446; T. K. Crieghton, QC, or residences: G. K. Drynan, QC, 728 9554; G. L. Murdock, QC, 723-4768; J.C.) Victor, 985-7115. Mortgages and Agree-| ments of sale bought, sold and arranged.| JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, 144 King Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232. the gardener 1909 Everyth Sol Dia Since e Cooper Smith Co. 16 CELINA ST. 723-2312 JOHN BROUWER LANDSCAPING landscape and estimotes from an expert and trained lands 100% quorantee given on all plants Also inquire about Spring clean-ups, fertilizing' raking, pruning, sodding, seeding, extra trees, additional ever- greens, fruit trees, shrubs, seed flowers: Free delivery. Between 6 p.m, and 10 p.m. CALL 728-6392 ' Now Is The Time TO Prepare Your Lawns and Flower Beds with. topsoil mixed with or without manure. etc WILLIAM KUZIK Whitby 668-3906 or 668-3981 . | | | Excavating, lots levelled. Loaders, Trucks for hire. YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. chm | BEAT T Y HAULAGE meys built and repaired, gas linings in- 725-2156 stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti- mates. 723-2997 CHIMNEYS, new and rebuilt, rooting TOP SOIL loam, manure, rockery stone, | re baggy toile ayer Aid stoops. F. flag stone, sod, reasonable rate, 728-6656. icCann, Brooklin 5 vn - ee GENERAL Lawn Spray Service. We kill) FOR ALL YOUR carpentry work, new/iawn weeds fast! Also driveway spraying, homes, additions and alterations. Cup- aquatic weeds, brush,' poison ivy, crab- boards a speciality. Wm Vroom, 76 Mead-|qrass, fertilizing. Residential, Industrial ow Cresc., 725-0256. oe __ |or Summer properties. Oshawa, Cobourg, ALU TYPES of building repairs, roofing, Alax-Pitkering, Bowmanville, Whitby, | chimneys, fireplaces, sidewalks, stoops.|Port Hope area. Phone Oshawa 728-4974 Gordon May, 7286-0394. $OD, top quality, prompt delivery. designs caper Building Trades ED LANGLOIS "HOME BUILDER" 173 ALBERT STREET 728-4169 SPECIALIZING IN CONCRETE FOUNDATION FREE ESTIMATES!! | Loam and Gravel Washed Stone, Fill Free ~ Roto-titied, Reasonable 5 pm. pairs, 24hour service. Guaranteed|GaRDENS and lawns. General Welding Services, 726-2525. ready for: planting. Any sice HOUSE wiring, services, rec. rooms etc.|rates. Telephone 725-7887 after Have your additional wiring financed.|GARDENS plowed with Gravely Roto Free estimates. Grandview Electric, 62 plow. Telephone Brooklin 655-3104 Grandview South. 723-3125. SS awe paca - TREES, Silver Birch, 17, also Maple HOME AND OFFICE improvements. Re-\ang Spruce, planted. Telephone 723-1492, modelling, alterations, painting, roofing, etc. Satisfaction. guaranteed. H. MeKay,,\GARDENS plowed and disced, reasonable Oshawa, 725-8576. \rates. Telephone 726-8987 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 25 WORD MINIMUM Better describea offers get foster results. CASH CHARGE 6 Consecutive days, original copy $3:75 $4.13 3 Consecutive days, original copy 2.258 2.48 Count each word, initial, figure or abbreviation as'pne word IF NOT PAID WITHIN 7 DAYS, CHARGE RATE APPLIES. CLASSIFIED BOX NUMBER FOR REPLIES: 15c While every endeavour will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertisers as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage 'xiieged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies, however coused whether by negligence or otherwise Professional listings only, 3 liries per month Each additional line, per munth (Not applicable for merchandise advertisements). DEADLINES WORD ADS... 5 p.m. Day Previous. Card of Thanks In Memoriams . Lost and Found ......... Births and Deaths ; Lote Deaths... 11:00 4 8.50 1.60 5 p.m. Day Previous ay 5 p.m. Day Previous 9:30 Day of Publication. .... 9:30 Day of Publication. m. Day of Publication (Page 3) CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: 2 Column or Larger 1 Column Space". 10 a.m. Day Previous 4 p.m. Doy Previous SATURDAYS. Word Ads anh Classified Display CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 9:30 A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION the 12 Noon For Monday 10 A.M. For Monday Concellations and Cotrections received after 9:30 A.M. Deadline will be processed for the following day's poper REGULATIONS The Oshawo Times will not be responsible for errors, ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not for more than one incorrect insertion' of any advertisement, nor beyond the price charge tor a single insertion of the advertisement error occurs. The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to its proper classification In the case of display advertisements, The Times wil not be held responsible for more space: than that in which the actual! error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce uli. adver- tising matter correctly,* but assume no liability of advertisement if any inoccuracies in any form are contained therein in advertise- in which For Classified Service Telephone the Direct to Classifie Number 723-3492 For All Other Departments, Coll The Times Switchboard children's! T. Hopkins, CA; H. E.,EXPERIENCED dressmaking, pant cuff-/ by machine. Quick service. 728-9217. tesaghhd SPRAY SERVICES. Your/PAINTING and decorating by expert. jloca iknotweed, etc |trial and farm weed spraying also. Phone us today. FOR DRIVEWAY GRAVEL, pif run gra vel, sand fill and brick sand, top soil, %4" |stone, Ve" stone, roofer stone, 728-4920. | \Instruction aod 1H SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK NASiVE 7) g and Supp Mortgages REPAIRS and SERVICE OUTBOARD MOTORS POWER MOWERS CHAIN SAWS ROTO - TILLERS Immediate Free Pick-up and Delivery in Oshowa and Whitby MASTER MARINE AND MOWER (JACK HOAR) Taunton Rd, West at Gorrard 725-4994 ~ BOX PLANTS | NOW READY Cabbage, Cauliflower, Brussel Sprout, Red Cabbage, Astors, Petunias. 3 Boxes $1.00 & Up HARRY & MARY TOWNSEND GREENHOUSES - 22 miles north of Whitby on Highway 12 East Side 655 - 4845 CROSS TOWN SOD Rolled, Fertilized, cut fresh daily, 725-8504 CEDAR TREES FOR HEDGES Chojce quolity Free Estimates posts oll sizes. CALL 723-1303 LAWN MOWER SHARPENING AND REPAIRS SHEARS SHARPENED PICK-UP AND DELIVERY 480 Phillip Murray 728-6879 RON'S power mower tune-up and repair. Sharpening to all makes of reel mowers Ist Time in Canada 15 Year 2nd Mortgages CORONATION Investment Co. tLd, The foremost Canadian Pub- lic Co, in. the field, now introduces long-term tS YEAR OPEN Second mortgages: Borrow what you need on the security of your home Repoy, in small monthly payments over 10 to 15 years, For full details, call 723-2265, (after hours 728-3376) Schofield-Aker Limited Ab 360 King St. West a "NEED MONEY? | TO REFINANCE YOUR MORTGAGE? TO REMODEL YOUR HOME? TO BUY A COTTAGE OR CAR? TO REPAY HIGH COST LOANS Let's discuss, without obli gation, your financing plans Our 10 to 15 Year long- term '2nd mortgage with low interest and small repayments may prove much easier \for your budget CORONATION INVESTMENT CO. LTD. a Canadian Public Company In Oshawa area coll SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 360 King St. West 723-2265 (after hours, 728-3376) PRIVATE and corporation monies for al mortgages; mortgages and agreement of sale purchased. Creighton, Drynan and Murdoch. (See "Barristers".) guoranteed Cedar fence Musical Services PIANO, reed, pipe and electronic organ tuning and repair, instruments appraised A. Hiddink, Ajax 942-1664. |Painting and Decorating HAVE your painting done now. Interior, exterior. All work guaranteed. Free esti- mates. Lioyd Simpson, 130 Colborne. 728-9876, lawn weed experts. Crab grass, {Call John Kronister, Port Perry, 985-7089 Driveway spraying, indus- ?lumbing and Heating 725-9871 new and rates. Estimate Foley ALL PLUMBING and heating suppiies. ___.| Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark, Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, 255 Simcoe Street South YORK PLUMBING and Heating. Special- izing repairs, remodeling. Reasonable rates. Free estimates, 328 Simcoe South. 728-1731 \ used materials free, \Dial Reasonable 724-91, J ONTARIO ~ DRIVING SCHOOL Learn to Drive 1964 Models PICK-UP SERVICE ROAD TESTS ARRANGED Dual Control Cars LICENSED INSTRUCTOR Automatic and Standard 569 Ridgeway Ave. _Oshawa 728-6934 -- LEARN TO DRIVE at the Oshawa Driving School reasonable rates, standard and automatic cars Professional Instructors. 9 1 OSHAWA AND WHITBY QUINTE DRIVING SCHOOL For prompt, courteous, service, al! new cars Rug-Upholstery Service OSHAWA CLEANERS Rug and Upholstery Cleaning. At Our Store, or at-your home. 725-9961 : CHESTERFIELDS re-upnolstered and re-styled. Free, estimates See our mate rial for re-covering, Dalton Upholstering, --\75 Charles Street, 723-7212. CUSTOMCRAFT'S Upholstering ment Experts in recovering, restyling. |Chrome chairs. Free estimates, 728-7271. lished 17 years, Complete range of ma- terials, Workmanship guaranteed 5 years. Free estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses jre-built. Furniture re-finished Oshawa |Upholstering Company, 10 Bond West, | 725-0311 REUPHOLSTER and: refinish your furni- ture by J and J. Custom Furniture. Free estimates, Whitby. 668-5376 or 668-5753. CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re covered like new. Get the best for less at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe South. | Call 728-6451. Free estimates DIA! 725-8305 Sales and Service MAURICE MASTIN TUNE-UP 'SPECIALT Al sewing mae chines arn vacuum cleaners repaired, LILLIAN MAE MARSH, D.E.A., Dancing | Free pick-up. Oshawa Sewing Centre, School, Ballet, Tap, Acrobatic, Character, 329 Simcoe South, 728-2391 Pre-School, Kindergarten. Fridays, Satur- ¢ - % days. Masonic Temple, 723-7253. WINDOW cleaners. Complete storm win- - Se -- dow service. Wall washing Doug Brady, HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, 234 Gibb Street. Call 728-7057 Tap, Rad Ballet, Highland. Register mow. | cxxecceeee------------------ Osha hoppin: tre, 725-61 shawa Shopping Centre, 725-6122 |Surveyors PRIVATE TEACHER, student. counsel-|------_- -- lor, 15 years' experiente. By interviewWDONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, only. Act now, 725-1054. Ontario Land Surveyor, roman e blue' 5. HIGH SCHOOL Students: P a prints, 1) Ontario Street, udents: Private lessons, --- - . in French and English by qualified tutor.|H. FLIM and TROLLOPE, Gatarta Land For information call Miss Patricia Payne, Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East. one 725-0213. 725-6881. TV--Radio Repairs TV TOWERS Economy and Deluxe Priced to suit your budget TERMS: ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 361 GIBBONS ST. 728-8180 TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS TV TOWERS and Antenna Repair TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND ST, £., OSHAWA 728-5143 LOU'S TV SERVICE. Towers, antennae 529 Emeraid Avenue. 728-5804. LAKE VISTA TV Towers ice, 184 King 'Street. West '728-6879. Mortgages Mortgage Money Available Low Interest Valuations Arranged RESIDENTIAL CITY AND DISTRICT SUMMER PROPERTIES VACANT LAND Members Ontario Mortagage Brokers' Association SUMMERLAND . SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simcoe St. North Ontorio--725-3568 "MORTGAGE. LOANS Moneys for first mortgages Interest at 7% Open Mortgages No bonus No charge for * Oshawa, valuations Mortgages and -Agreements purchased Moneys for second mortgages. Fast service M. F.. SWARTZ 262 King St. East Oshawa, 'Ontario 723-4697 } Aerial Telephone ' dressing, AFRICA, WHAT TR OR WOM, Wiad 15 THE DIAMETER oF An CAMEOS ARE Cut OYSTER EGG 2 FROM THE CASS :¢ 4 TUBEROSA CAMEO SHELL. ABouT 1/500 OF AN INCH. ' APS- LITLE SKRIMP By R. J. SCOTT FLESK KNOWN AS CICATRIZATION AND PRACTICED BY RIBES IX SKOWS To 1BE A MAN AW BELONGS. 5 FAM WINDOWS KILL SOME 500 PERSONS A YEAR Din remem Bement OT al han rn, 1K 4HE U.S. |Well Driliing--Digging WELL DIGGING by machine specializing) in 30-inch tile. W...Ward, 204 Chestnut} Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668-3809, | FULTON WELL DRILLING. Reason-| able prices. Honest workmanship, Hamp- ton 263-2790 | 1--Women's Column PERMANENTS on special 396 Pine Avenue, Page Hair. Telephone 725-5363. 2---Personal Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduft will be in Oshawa May 1|1th, 12th and 13th. Phone Genosha Hotel these dates for appoint- ment ELECTROLYSIS 723-464] LEN PULLAN ENGLISH TAILOR ouil on i | Dresses--Alterations Invisible Mending 10 Prince St. 728-5311 1F YOU have a drinking probem, write Box. 333, Whitby or call 668-3034, 11--Articles For Rent Dishes . Cutlery - Glasses Punch Bowls - Coffee Urns Tables - Chairs - Linens Silver Candelabra and Tea Sets Sargeant's Rentals 463 Ritson S$ 725-3338 CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church aisle runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 Simcoe Street North. 16--Female Help Wanted HAIRDRESSER APPRENTICE or Junior Licenced operotor. High school chemistry a de- finite asset. For interview. Telephone CREATIVE STYLING BY JOHN Se EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER For alterations and better. garments APPLY: BOX 29 Oshowa Times "Classified"' RELIABLE WOMAN fo live in and care for two children, evenings and weekends off if desired. Call: 728-0550. |EXPERIENCED counter girl wanted. jApply 50 Simcoe Street North. | WOMAN for general work in h ne person in family, live in, good home. | References required. Write Box 261, Bow- manville, 17--Male Help Wanted Office Junior And Intermediate Clerks Required by Chartered Ac- countants. Senior Matricula- tion required. Apply: Financial Trade Building. 187 King. Street, East Oshowa, Ont. |CHARTERED Accountants office re- \quires students presently enrolled in jcourse or wishing fo start. Must have |Grade 13. Apply Britnell Moore and Com ts ead King Street East, Telephone |TWO married men with good cars in- terested in making extra money deliver- ing orders for Foster's Chicken Villa, 973 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Pref- jerably someone living in this a jority of deliveries at nights and wi ends, make approximately $20 first few weeks and can work up to $60 weekly. Must be neat appearing. Please apply in person. MAN for ined janitor and mainte nance job. Mus} be reliable and able to give good references. Steady employ eee Hotel Lancaster, 27 King Street' est. roll group. Telephone 725-3746 after 5 p.m, TURN YOUR SPARE TIME into large commission. Sell famous Rawieigh Line of household necessities. Apply promptly. Rawleigh Dept. E-310-CC, 4005 Richelieu Street, St. Henry, Montreal, 18--Male or Female Help Wanted MAR®IED or single, full time nights./EXPERIENCED nurserymen for season, Week nights 10 12 p.m. Friday and Sat?lgooq pay, eventually room and board. urday nights to 1 a.m. Sunday noon 10! Telephone Bowmanville 623-2837. Jerry 9 p.m. Must be neat appearing. No @x-\Treibal, Mearns Avenue. perience. necessary in handling Las cea ve Apply Foster's Chicken Villa, 973 Simcoe|ACCORDIAN AND GUITAR teachers, Street North, Oshawa. Uniforms suppiled.|full or part time. Please state quali- Preferably someone living in Northificdtions to Box 43, Oshawa Times. Simcoe Street area. Must apply in Per-/eXPERIENCED organisi and choir di- pth rector required immediately for growing CLERK, preferably trained in smalljsuburban church with Baldwin two office with thorough knowledge of .busi-|manual electric organ. One service. Ex- MINK STOLES for rent. Sargeant's Rent-/ness routine. Duties include past records,|cellent teaching opportunities for piano als. Telephone 725-3338. 12--Articles Wanted ~* SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants Cors tor Wrecking. Ports for sale, also scrap iron and metals, etc. bought Opcn Saturday all day. Phone WANTED -- Water softener. State tails to Box 931, Oshawa . Times. WANTED -- A set of bunk beds, com. plete with mattress, if possible. condition. Telephone Bowmanville 3848. GUNS WANTED -- Old antique. 725-8183, Oshawa. 623. 3--Pets & Livestock PUREBRED poodie puppies, white. Reg- istered, paper irained. Excellent temper ament. Call 725-4858. SADDLE HORSE and welt mannered 263-2743 TWO REGISTERED female Dachshunds, small standard, red, one, 1%-years, and one, six months.» One black and "ten male, children's pet. to clear. Dial 623-3430 Four-year-old quiet Phone Hampton Priced Reasonable. Telephone or Dunbarton 839-2516. BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, training, talking -- strain, Broad, 114 Elgin East FRENCH POODLES, eight weeks oid, meles and females, paper trained, reg- istered. Apply 782 Stevenson Road North. MYNA BIRD and large cage, One year old, $50. or best offer. Telephone 723-9539. |SAMOYED puppies, white, purebred Telephone Whitby 668-3923 ready for Apply Mrs. six old, 655-3071 |BEAUTIFUL Siamese kittens for sale,|NVESTMENT LAND, a i | }seven weeks old. Reasonable price. Apply;|ment now will pay large returns later ig PP'! Owner wants to retire. Will sell 40 acres | 517 Bloor East. |5--Farmer's Column ONE ALLIS-CHALMERS tractor, trailer, Power side rake, one two furrow tractor plough. Telephone Whitby 668-3834. CASH on the spot. Highest prices - paid for dead and crippled farm stock. Tele- phone collect, Hampton 263-2721. Marg: will Fur Farm, Licence 333-C-64 FARMERS! Need fires? Call "Bill" 651) or evenings after 6, 725-7263, GARDEN fo rent on shaies. Located on 7--Trailers "EVERYTHING. _ FOR TRAILERS Tag-A-Long Camping Trailers Sales and Rentals, MILLER'S 9 TUDOR ST. AJAX 942-3491 FOR RENT -- Modern housekeeping cot- tages by the season, half-season or by two-week periods. All conveniences, won- derful sandy. beach, $ate harbor and boat with each cottage af Jasper Park on Balsam Lake, Apply, to Jasper Forman, 45 Francis' Street, | Lindsay. CANADIAN camping trailers, now on display at Canada Outddor Supply Com- pany. 1437 King Street East, Oshawa. 728-1555 9--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent. RICE LAKE, Cedar - Cove Cottages. 3 bedroom, all con- veniences. Safe swimming, spacious grounds. $50 weekly $60 weekly with boat: Off- season May 8 to June -27, Aug. 22 to Oct. 15, with boat $40 weekly. Week-end 2 day 1 night $8; 3 day 2 night $14, Reserve now! Also boats, motors by day or hour. Folder. J. B. Frisken, Harwood, Ont. Phone 4R4 LAKE SCUGOG, ten-acre lakefront lots from $3995, with $495. down. Come di- rect to property, one mile east of Port Perry.on 7A Highway. Turn left to Con cession IE, then, turn right to farm opposite Sunrise Beach. SCUGOG lakefront bath, fireplace, cottage, six rooms, sunroom, well furnished, private with hedge, good beach, $7,900. T. Murphy, Realtor. Call Marvin Nes bitt, Nestieton, 986-4894 FOR RENT Lakefront cottage, cently built.) heated. Al conveniences. Boat, sandy beach, near Minden. $60 per week. Télephone Whitby 668-5447. BALSAM LAKE -- Rosedale, two-bed- room cottage and boathouse apartment All conveniences. Season or monthly Fishing ahe swimming. W. Snowdon, RR 1, Fénelon Falls, Ontario CANAL LAKE, § furnished cottage, two bedrooms, 60 miles north of Whitby, weekly,. monthly or season's rates. Whit- hy 668-3473, EXTRA LARGE summer '-ottage and} boathouse for sale or rent, on View Lake Suit two families. Inside conveniences Shallow -lakefront, fenced. 728-3142 FOR RENT jiarge, private lakefront! cottage east of Buckhorn, fully equipped, safe shore, boat, Available anytime ex cept first two weeks August. After §, call 728-8196, | 11--Articles Fur Rent ENTERTAINING fifty to one hundred people? Oshawa Tennis Club" for ban- ayets,. parties, weddings, anniversaries. | Facilities, bar, kitchen, parking. Rea-| sonable rates. 723-2140. Serv-- WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds. walkers,| WOMAN or young gir! reducing machines, sick room supplies. Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, re-|~ 113--B FOR RENT LARGE STORE Downtown Oshawa. Centrally located. Call 725-1708 Ask for Mrs.. Marks de- ing district Good " Security Guard Opportunities | RESTAURANT for sale. Good downtown city forty. Good turnover. Owner Restaurant. 9442, |GROCERY STORE, cor! Colborne, formerly Kane's, Telephone or investment pufs you in business, phone Cal Blake, 728-9191 FOR SAKE? Rent? |Brooklin Hotel, Brooklin, Ontario, small edge of city limits. Good Realtor, 725-6588, Don Stradeski, FISH and CHIP Business in new ping Plaza, enjoying excellent busine: Business and equipment only oder store, 16' by 50° with' full basement. Al terms, W' inquiries treated confidentially. Call Ossie Martin 728-9714 or 728-7377 Joseph Bosco Realtor. ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, PEKINGESE PUPPIES adorable. pets.|!0cation. Near four corners. Seating cap- has} other interests. App y Mr. Elliott, Elliott's 725- ee ir Church and) English approximate- }ly $2500. stock and equipment. This small Tele- or Exchange? $iso. weeks|Mmonthly,. Apply M, Collis, 78 King Street Brooklin,| West, Oshawa, 725-0332; after six, 723- }9210. invest- ison 728-8423. iss. TORONTO 1 ONTARIO | 14--Employment Wanted Depart- your Dominica Tire representative, 725-\EXPERIENCED woman wishes to do laundry in her home. Telephone 725-7755 after 4.30. lawn and "gardening. For further ticulars please call 728-7955. WANTED -- Painting, paper ceilings to do. No job to small. Reason: able fates, Telephone 668-5317. FULLY expericnced clerk at figures and general office procedures, desires permanent position in Oshawa Telephone . 723-9578 evenings. MAN with, late mode! five ton combina- tion trucks, wishes contracts for par Bay Ridges 839-4191. GIRLS REQUIRED For fine assembly work Soldering and wiring exper- ience on Electronic Compo- nents preferred. For onpointment TELEPHONE Ajax 942-2120 STARK ELECTRONIC Instruments Ltd. Ajax, Ontario $150 PER WEEK Immediate opcning, woman over, 35, advertising field. No experience needed. We train you. Unusual opportuni- ity, must travel. Guaranteed salary and comm. Phone Mrs. Berthe Miquelon in Toronto on Wed., Thurs., & Friday at Empire 8-546] LADY General Office Duties Part-time, ages 25-45 Write Classified . Box 944 Oshawa Times } | Dental Assistant - Woman age 20-45 to assist full time in dental office. Pre- vious training not essential. Write Box 735 Oshawa Times, stating qualifications and par- ticulars WARTRESS, part-time tor dining room. Must be experienced, quick and depend able. No late night work. Apply 'Hotel Lancaster, 27 King Street West, Oshawa PART-TIME help needed for smail office. Lofthouse Pattern Company Ltd. Phone 725-3232 during office hours to light. housework while mother works. jAfter 4 p.m., phone 728-6889. RE-UPHOLSTERING by experis. Estab-|Taunton Road East, Telephone 723-9282.|EXPERIENCED plower seeking work in hanging. typist, adept any) type of cartage to or from anywhere.) '1é--Femole Help Wanted_| CARPET LAYER | | | | telephone. Perma-|and voice. Apply by letter stating age, Box 443 Oshawalexperience and salary expected to West- minster United Church, c-o Mrs. Ray NOW OPEN in this area a valuable ter- Hatter, 122 Scoft Street, RR 3, Oshawa. ritory for Avon Cosmetics. waiting for service. Act today. Teléphone|for Friday and Saturday nights 4.30 p.m. 728-5883 or write-PO Box 512, Oshawa. |to 1 p.m. Sunday noon to 9 p.m. Must ass in| be neat appearing. No experience neces- COOK-GENERAL European, sleep in preferably. Adult family, Mrs. E.|sary_ in Rand:ing food. Appy Kent, 382 Simcoe Street North ea be- Gahawn tween Noon and 6 pm. 725-309) sanhbons MANAGER and. salesiadies, ambitious! Street typing and write payrolls, nent position Times the apnly North in person. living in area. Must Foster's Chicken Villa, 973 Simcoe Street North, - Uniforms supplied. Preferably\WANTED -- One Simcoe} 18--Male or Female PART- doit door selling but, cellent Oshawi 20--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD for gentiemen, will ing B) share, Lunches packed. Telephone Hopkins & Beadle & Co, |7-76 to doowntown and 2 Elgin East. T Y $16. PER WEEK for men. Will shares single beds. Apply 147 Brock Street East, \Oshawa, |ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen. Home cooking. Shiff workers welcome, Close to North General Motors. Tele |phone 725-1355, i: PRIVATE ROOM, with board, iunche packed. Apply 280 Oshawa Boulevard South, 723-1977. GIFFORD STREET, 748 -- gentleman, room and board, home cooked meals, lunches packed. Car parking, Apply jabove address. s ROOM and board in clean, quiet home, Parking, Apply 89 Oshawa Blvd. South, Telephone 728-0236, 21--Room & Board Wented SINGLE ROOM with board, preferably |five-day week, north area preferred. Ref» erences available, 725-2616. 22--Offices, Stores, Storage. OFFICE SUITE. Central downtown lo cation, divided,' Immediate i Paul Ristow Realtor, 728-9474, 187 King | Street East. |STORE, downtown location. i Jany smail business. | Telephone 728-6300. OFFICE space for rent: excellent down+ |town corner location, Bond and Ontario. 800 sq. ft. of office on main floor. Upper floor contains two bedroom apartment now rented. Long lease if required. $135 monthly for offices and apartment, Im- mediate possession. Call Jack Sheriff, |S. ©. Hyman Real Estate Limited, 728-6286, |STORE -- 13 ff. x 24 ff. Reasonable rent, Immediate occupancy. Dial 725-5445, |23--Wanted To. Rent THREE-BEDROOM home required for business man with small family. June |possession. Write to Box 639, Oshawa 1 Motors, Customers| HIGH SCHOOL seniors male or female|Times. WANTED -- five - or six-room, two storey house, by young couple, no. chi dren, two relatives, teachers, good refer~ lences. Call after six. 728-7443, bedroom apartment or bachelor apartment. Parking space. Call 728-4139. | |nights, with pleasing personality. To sell a new beauty product, in Oshawa and surround- Good commission. Please 17--Male Help Wanted phone 725-9896. ~ - - 5 AEE ae 17--Male Help Wanted On, over and under the navy operates in three di | | FOR OSHAWA 'Dependable Men 25 to 54 | To be employed as secur- ity guards... Applicants must be 5 ft. 9" or over, 160 Ibs. Good health and physical condition, speak fluently. Back- ground will be thoroughly investigated. A clear rec- ord essential. Uniform and equipment will be supplied, Apply in person. 9 FLOOR 15 TORONTO ST. ically fit, visit or write Officer at the address be | | | | TORONTO, PLEASE SEND ME WITHO TAILS OF CAREER OPPOR IN TH NAME ADDRESS LAST SCHOOL GR | | eee eT ee eer er er eee ee ee 17--Male Help Wanted "Go Navy" sea, the Rayol Canadian mensions as it serves. the nation and th cause of peace. To keen, fit young 4 Canadians who are ready to work hard and learn quickly, Canada's modern sea-going service offers career opportunities as interesting as they are chal- lenging. Find out more about this exciting future to- day! If you are between 17 and 25, single and phys- to your Naval Recruiting low. 25 ST. CLAIR AVE., EAST , ONTARIO UT OBLIGATION, FULL DE- TUNITIES NOW AVAILABLE E R.C.N. seccvccsee AGE sccscncece PROV, .aceeeee ADE SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED ......-. Royjgbef anadian Navy SALESMEN OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS 4 ambitious men to assist manager in the field. Must be neat and willing to apply themselves. Good starting salary and bonuses. No experience ne- cessary. Transportation sup- plied. Apply in person. 833 SIMCOE: ST. 5, Phone 728-165] | | AND TILE | INSTALLER with: sheet goods exper- | ience. Permanent position: Top wages. Apply in per- son. ANGUS GRAYDON CARPET COMPANY 282 KING WEST GRAPHIC ARTS Due to further expansion va- cancies exist for high school graduates to learn printing on apprentiship basis. Pleasant working conditions, technical training facilities, all com- pany benefits ond promising PICK-UP WORK By ALICE BROOKS Crochet a "conversation" SIZES 14%4--24% jacket of squares it tops everything, goes everywhere. future. For Appointment 723-2233 FIRST CLASS | STATIONARY ENGINEER Apply PERSONNEL MANAGER Goodyear Tire. and Rubber Co. of Canada LTD. B wmanville, Ontario A gay jacket, of crocheted] squares, made one at a time-} |pick-up work! For sportswear) jall year, Pattern 7496: direc- tions, sizes 32-34; 36-38, | THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins)| for this pattern (no stamps,! please) to Alice Brooks, care jof The Oshawa Times, Needle- lone Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. | j tax. Ontario residents add lc. sales) | Print plainly PATTERN z ----|NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS.| TAXI DRI RS | 206 HANDICRAFT HITS Preferably between Q5-40 1964 Needlecraft Catalog! Toys,| Teo: earning: Apo fashions, crewelwork, bazaar! is 6 jhits -- .crochet, knit, sew, em- MERCURY TAXI jbroider, quilt. Send 25c. SOMETHING NEW BIG, 725-4771 DELUXE QUILT: BOOK! 16 Excellent remuneration axperience necessary. For call at 238 Kaiser Crescent. rh poh eit arnea-tleced ioral for beginners, €x s. Send 60c, now. FLATTERING By ANNE ADAMS That soft, graceful look is |YOURS to enjoy in a young, pleated style with a scarf-tied circle collar. Choose cotton, linen, shantung. Printed Pattern 4966: Half Sizes 144%, 1614, 18%, 20%, 221%4,, 24%, Size 16% takes 5 yards 35- inch fabric. FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins (no stamps, please) for this pat- tern. Ontario residents add 2¢ sales tax. Print plainly SIE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER, Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- tern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. DO YOU KNOW HOW TO GET A PATTERN ABSOLUTE: LY FREE? It's simple -- order our Spring-Summer Catalog in- TSALESMEN, full or part time for fuel oiljcomplete quilt patterns--pieced| cluding FREE COUPON to get. vabysit and do|compapy. any one of 250 design ideas, Send 50c today.