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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 May 1964, p. 24

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34 THe COHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Mey 5, 1900. Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY |Gardening and Supplies Gardening and Supplies BEVERWYCK'S GARDENS and PLAKMEYER SOD SUPPLY Res. 723-7605. YALE, JEDLANDER and Char-| oLh Scene teen, ele a Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East, 720-7371. HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Charier-| Financial Trade Builid- Now both under the Name of BROOKLIN Accountants, ok 187 King Street East, Oshawa, On-| tarlo, , $. T. Hopkins, CA; H. EB. Beadle, CA; C. Lukow, CA. { MONTEITH, RIEHL, WATERS and Co., Y Accountants, Chartered 728-7527; Oshawe Shopping Centre, Suite 2156; Ajax 942-0890; Whitby 668-4131. GARDENS and LANDSCAPING Barristers MACKEY end Gardening and Supplies Owned ond operated by Bert ond Akke Plakmeyer BAILEY, Barristers, Soll- cifors, Notaries Public. funds: available, 26¥2 King Street East, 723-1107. HYMAN AND HYMAN, Barristers, Soll- citors, Notaries, Suite 305, The Times Building, 86 King Street East, 723-1137. Clients' funds avaliable for Louis S$. Hyman, QC; Herbert S$. Hyman, BA, t LANDSCAPING Free landscape designs ond estimates from an expert and trained londscoper. 100% arantee given on all plants, Re inquire about Spring clean-ups, fertilizing, raking, pruning, sodding, seeding, extra trees, additional ever- greens, fruit trees, shrubs, seed flowers: Free delivery. MANNING F. SWARTZ and RONALD L. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. Money to loan. Henry Block, 262 King Street East. 723-4697. Residence, dial portitnhE n GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Soll- citors, etc, 114 King Street East. Dial 723-2278. Residence Phones: J. M. Greer, QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, 'BCL, 728-5832. iad HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILL-| Between 6 p.m, and 10 p.m. MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King Street East, Oshawa; R. D, Humphreys, $. Boychyn, QC; W. A. Hillman, CALL 728-6392 ay 2 ir Fee ey re JOHN BROUWER OPEN DAILY FROM 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. Sodding field and Nursery) Topsoil Manure Fill Evergreens Trees Houseplants Bulbs Shrubbery Box Plants Gravel Fertilizer Slabs Also commercial and resi- dential job. For Free Estimates Call BROOKLIN 655-3049 : '| Now Is The Time TO Prepare Your Lawns and Flower Beds with topsoil mixed with or without manure. etc. WILLIAM KUZIK Whitby 668-3906 or 668-3981 itby mortgage funds available. THOMAS H. GREER, BA, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Suite 303, The Times Building, 86 King Street East, 728-6209. Mortgage funds available. McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Berristers, Solicitors. Clients' funds avaliable for first 20 Simcoe wae, le 1, les C. McG! y QC; Fr Bastedo, ¢ mH Gémondeen.| TON, DRYNAN AND MURDOCH, Reiners. Solicitors, Notaries, Bank of Commerce 'wv |Located on Highway No. 12 eat (east side) Three Miles North of Whitby "Garden Supplies" BULK GARDEN SEEDS SEED POTATOES LAWN SEED | GARDEN TOOLS liding, bane Street North, Oshawa, 723-3446; T. QC, or residences: G. K. Drynan, QC, 728- 9554; G. L. Murdock, QC, google 3. ¢. Victor, 985-7115. Mortgages Agree- ments of sale bought, sold and arranged. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister, Solicitor. Money to loan, Office, 14¥s-King Street East, Oshawa, DODDS AND DONALD, Solicitors, etc, 69 King Telephone 723-2201 call Your LOCAL man A. STOLK 606 Gilbert W., Whitby 668-5286 Barristers and Street East. LAWN SPRAYING BUG KILLERS WEED KILLERS FUNGICIDES PEAT MOSS SO-GREEN 7-7-7 MILORGANITE 5-4-0 EVERGREEN 6-9-6 LD, BA, and Notary Sevune oat douctier fue| Loam and Gravel Washed Stone, Fill Excavating, Jots levelled. Loaders, Trucks for hire, Building Trades - ED LANGLOIS 725-2156 BEATTY HAULAGE GOLFGREEN 12-6-6 GOLF GREEN 12-6-6 TURF 'SPECIAL 10-6-4 GARDEN SPECIAL 4-12-8 4-12-10 10-10-10 SHEEP MANURE | | CROSS TOWN SOD Rolled, Fertilized, cut resh daily. 725-8504 GENERAL Lawn Spray HOME BUILDER" 173 ALBERT. STREET 728-4169 SPECIALIZING IN CONCRETE FOUNDATION FREE ESTIMATES!! CHIMNEYS, new and rebullt, and repairs, sidewalks and McCann, Brooklin 655-3061. FOR ALL YOUR carpentry work, new : -- aquatic weeds, ish, polson ivy, or es. ja, Cobou Alax-Pickering, _Bowmeanvilie, Whi! Port Hope area. Phone Oshawa Service. We kil! lawn weeds fasti Also driveway rare cra grass, fertilizing. Residential, industrial Summer U rg, itby, 728-4974, BONEMEAL Service to the Gardener Since 1909 r Smith Co. Oshawa 16 CELINA ST. 723-2312 REPAIRS and SERVICE OUTBOARD MOTORS POWER MOWERS | | } | Coope G homes, additions and alterations. Cup- boards a speciality. Wm Vroom, 76 Mead- ow Cresc., 725-0256. GRASS CUT, hedges Z gardening ALL TYPES of buliding repeirs, roofing, stoops. 728-4912. trimmed. repairs. Mr, Kane, CHAIN SAWS ROTO - TILLERS SOO, quailty, prompt dell Gordon May, 728-0394, Bos 725-8552 very. Free or 723-9910. | | j | Immediate Free Pick-up and WELDING -- Aji metal fabrication fi plow. Telephone Brooklin 655-3104. eancane with Gravely Roto} Delivery in Oshawa and Whitby MASTER MARINE GARDENS plowed and disced rates. Telephone 728-8987. HOUSE wiring, services, rec. rooms etc. ) reasonable! AND MOWER Have your 1 wii financed. Free estimates: Graridview Electric, 62 Grandview South. 723-3125. HOME AND OFFICE improvements. Re- local lawn weed modelling, alterations, eg roofing, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed. H. McKay, z Oshawa, 725-6576. core pear inact pt Be YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chim-|. soday, rene neys bullt and repaired, gas linings in- stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free est- mates. 723-2997. RON'S power mower Sharpening to all by Quick service. 728-9217. PRESTO SPRAY SERVICES. GARDENS plowed with G plow. Telephone Brooklin 655-: tune-up and repair. makes of reel mowers Your) Crab ree spraying, indus- ing also. Phone! jravely Roto 3 WACK HOAR) Taunton Rd. West at Garrard 725-4994 DON'T FORGET | CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 25 WORD MINIMUM Better describea offers get faster results. CASH CHARGE 6- Consecutive days, original copy $3.75 $4.13 3 Consecutive days, original copy 2.25 2.48 Count each word, initial, figure or abbreviation as one word. iF NOT PAID WITHIN 7 DAYS, CHARGE RATE APPLIES. CLASSIFIED BOX NUMBER FOR REPLIES: 15c While every éndeavour will be made to forward replies to box nurnbers to the advertisers as soon as possible we accept no liebility in respect of loss or damage alleged to avise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies, however coused whether by negligence or otherwise. Professional listings only, 3 lines' per month 8.50 Each additional line, per munth ; 1.60 (Not applicable for merchandise adve: DEADLINES , WORD ADS . . . 5 p.m, Day Previous. Card of Thanks In Memoriams .... rtisements). 5 p.m. Day Previous <2 ay oe Lost and Found 9:30 Day of Publication. Births ond Deaths ..+.+++. 9:30 Day of Publication. Lote Deaths . . . 11:00 a.m, Day of Publication (Page 3). CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: 2 Column or Larger ... 1 Colurnn Space .... * SATURDAYS; Word Ads. Classified Display CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 9:30 A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION Concellations and Corrections received after the 9:30 A.M. Deodline will be p d for the following day's paper. 10 a.m. Day Previous 4 p.m. Day Previous 12 Noon For Monday 10 A.M. For Monday 9 REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise- ments submitted otherwise thon in writing, not for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement, mor beyond the price charge tor a single insertion of the advertitement in which error occurs. ' The Oshawa Times reserves the right to according to its proper classification. In the case of display advertisements, The Times wili not be held responsible for more space thon thot in which the actual ". error occupies, The publishers endeavour to reproduce ali adver- tising motter correctly, but ossume no liability of advertisement if ony inaccuracies in any form ore contained therein. For Classified Service. Telephone the Direct to Classified Number 723-3492 For All Other Departments, Call The Times Switchboard. ° . classify advertising NG NERS DAY! House plonts ic Wada Box plants now in. Special Sale | in Nursery Sod. | Brooklin Garden | and_ Landscaping Dial 655-3049 BOX PLANTS | NOW READY Cabbage, Cauliflower, Brussel Sprout, Red Cabbage, Astors, Petunias. 3 Boxes $1.00 & Up "HARRY & MARY TOWNSEND GREENHOUSES 2% miles north of Whitby on Highway 12 East Side. 655 - 4845 CEDAR TREES FOR HEDGES Choice quality guaranteed, Free Estimates. Cedar fence posts all sizes. CALL 723-1303 _ LAWN MOWER SHARPENING AND REPAIRS SHEARS SHARPENED PICK-UP AND DELIVERY 480 Phillip Murray 728-6879 NURSERY SOD | Now cutting choice quality Kenucky Blue. Pick up and save. We also deliver and lay. Dial 668-4965 AFTER SIX O'CLOCK * MANURE, mixed, $3 per yard. Top soll, |PIANO, reed, pipe and electronic organ jtuning and repair, Instruments appraised, GOOD. TOP SOIL FOR SALE EARL BOTTRELL Sand & Gravel call Hampton 263-2682 For prompt delivery Pa ain ike 5. AND a tt Soa ole TREES, SILVER BIRCH, 17', also Maple and Spruce planted. Telephone 723-1492. GARDENS and lawns Rofo-illed, ready for planting. Any size. Reasonable rates, Telephone 725-7887 efter 5 p.m, Instruction ONTARIO DRIVING SCHOOL Learn to Drive 1964 Models PICK-UP SERVICE STANCE, FOR RESTING = STANDING On OnE Foot wit AE OTHER ANKLE! CROSSED OVER, Tie KNEE. 9--S Properties For Sale or Rent 14--Employment Wented _ RESPONSIBLE women will mind chik 12--Articles Wanted WANTED -- A set of bunk veds, com- COTTAGE plete with est, if possible. Goodidren, while mother works, $25, condition. Bowmanville S| Soakly Apo 204 Drew Street. 13--Business Opportunities 16--Female Help Wanted . - BARGAINS in order that we may con- centrate our new devel we are, offering 2 cottages on the block river only 40 miles from Oshawa. For the very low price of $3,750. and only $300. down payment is required, These cottages are situoted on lots 70 x 250. on the river front and wer originally priced at $4,400. Our representative will be on hond this week-end, Drive 11 miles north of the town of Uxbridge to Udora and turn west drive one mile to our location, Free picnic facilities BLACK RIVER . SECURITIES LTD, | Uxbridge, Ont., 852-6831 oR $%$ BACKWARDS 1 AL GEMM! WAGONS OF SWITZERLAND 40 KEEP PROM FALLING out On THE HERP GRADES OF GEMMI AiSe FiVE TIMES AS, STRONG AG THE EARTHS Af A DISTANCE OF Bye MILLION MILES FROM THE EARTH: ROAD TESTS ARRANGED Dual Control Cars LICENSED INSTRUCTOR Surveyors " FULLY EQUIPPED Snack Bar-10 Stools and Gas Station with attached 5 room living quorters. Parking space for 50 cars, Very good location on Highway No. 2 $3,500 Business Only Stock extra. Apply MEXICANA GRILL 816 King West 725-4217 SUPERMARKET FOR LEASE IN NEW PLAZA Located on Wilson Rd. South in the heart of a fast-growing residential community. ACCOUNTING - CLERK We require a young lady' age 22 to 35. Preferably with accounting experi-. ence. Capable of assum- ing responsibilities which include the payroll and.. related accounts payable duties. This is a permanent posi- tion with a lorge modem food plant Igcated in Ajax, Ontario. -- -- salary. 5 doy week wii many company benefits, Holidays this summer can be arranged. APPLY TO MR. GAUDET _OF evenngs 852-6836 5--Farmer's Column H. FLIM and TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East, Phone 725-6881, DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, Ontario Land Surveyor. Commercial blue prints, 1) Ontario Street, 725-5632. TV--Radio Repairs TV TOWERS Automatic and Stondard 569 Ridgeway Ave. Oshawa /28-6934 _ LEARN TO DRIVE ot the Oshawa Driving School reasonable rates, standard and automatic cars. BEES FOR RENT for pollination. For further Information, call 722-6327. | ALFALFA SEED for sale, power cleaned, last year's seed. Telephone after 4.30 at 725-3710, PRESTO FARM SERVICES Weed spray, grain, foliage, fence rows, brush. Atrazine corn treatment a specialty. Fly control and whitewashing. Lorne Tregun- na, Don, Mountjoy. Phone 725-9871. 6--Auction CHALK LAKE California Redwood fin- | ishes this attractive 4- room cottage. Fully insul- | ated. Panelled living room, complete furnish- Professional Instructors. 091 Economy and Deluxe Priced to suit your budget TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV | SUPPLY |IMITED 361 GIBBONS ST. 728-8180 TV SERVICE DAY_©C™ '\"NING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS TV TOWERS and | Antenna Repair TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND ST, E., OSHAWA | 728-5143 LOU'S TV SERVICE. Towers, antennae, 529 Emeraid Avenue. 728-5804, |LAKE VISTA TV Towers, Aerial Serv- treet West. OSHAWA AND WHITBY QUINTE DRIVING SCHOOL For prompt, courteous, service, all new cars. 4 DIA! -- 725-2305 |__ MAURICE MASTIN \LILLIAN MAE MARSH, D.E.A., Dancing! School, Ballet, Tap, Acrobatic, Character,| |Pre-School, Kindergarten. Fridays, Satur-| days. Masonic Temple, 723-7253. PRIVATE TEACHER, student counsel- lor, 15 years' experience. By Interview jonly. Act now. 725-1054, oe |HIGH SCHOOL students--Private lessons jin French and English by qualified jtutor. For Information call Miss Patricia | Payne, 725-0213. E.Z.6. METHOD Driving School where| driving is made simpie. Now at its new! location, 11 King Street East. Best in-| struction available anywhere. Cail us any-| time. 728-0881. } | Mortgages Mortgage Money Available Low Interest Valuations Arranged RESIDEN* IAL CITY AND DISTRICT SUMMER PROPERTIES | | | | | ings including electric | range and refrigerator, | TV, space heater, etc. | AUCTION SALE SAT. MAY 9th, 1964 Household furniture, televis- ion, refrigerator, chesterfield, gas range, power lawn mow- er, combination radio record player, washing machine. Complete line of furniture, garden tools, dishes. Selling ot the property of William Martin, Baldwin Street, Brooklin. Terms cash, No re- serve. Sale at 1:30 p.m. LLOYD WILSON AUCTIONEER AUCTION SALE Farm Stock and Implements, Furniture, property of Fred Pascoe, Lot 5, Con. 3, Cart- wright on Sat.. May 9th. Terms cash. Sale at One O'clock | A buy at $6,700 with $2,500 down. TO INSPECT CALL | ART POLLARD CLAREMONT 649-2109 | D. W. McQUAY REALTOR CEDAR Nook, Shadow Lake; pickerel, bass, muskie, completely equipped, 2 - 3 carries full tine \pp ly 4500 sq. ft. plus full basement. Occupancy on or before July 30th, 1964. PHONE 728-2671 or EM 3-0391 Toronto ____atter 5 PM, BE 1-9912 RESTAURANT for sale. Good d | location. Near four corners. Seating city forty, turnover. Owner has) other interests, A; : ir ests. App'y Mr. Elliott, "$) 7 aga Telephone 723-4322 be | AJAX 942-5080 TENCO Division of Coca Cola Ltd. AJAX ONTARIO INVESTMENT LAND, small i | ment now will bene pay large returns later. GIRLS REQUIRED. For fine assembly work. Soldering and wiring exper- ience on Electronic Compo- nents preferred. GENERAL store, 20 miles from Cahewa| groceries, dry good: herdware, Post Office. Present Swnct for 30 years, now wishes to retire. In- cludes seven-room house with bath and| oil furnace, Financial statement shows} vege 'ale only $10,000 with | lown, i Real Estate B: 728-4285. , | BARBER SHOP for rent, on Ritson Road South. Apply 333 Ritson Road South. Tele- Phone 725-0349, GARAGE and large say district. Stocks and equipment op- tional. Apply Shell Station, Cambray, COMMERCIAL lot for rent, Highway 12 7, good for car lot, trailers, boats, vegetable stand. For information see City! ig Station, 1% miles north of Brook- in. OUTBOARD and small motor service. Evinrude and Lewnboy Agencies. Au- thorized dealer for all small gas car motors. Radiators, cleanings and repair- ing. House and shop. on weil traveljed waterways. Established 15 years. Apply For appointment TELEPHONE Ajax 942-2120 STARK ELECTRONIC Instruments Ltd, Ajax, Ontario EXPERIENCED brick house, Lind-| bedroom cottages, flush tollets, running water, sand beach, launch ramp, snack bar.. $40-$55 wkly. Write &, Sutherland, RR 1, Coboconk, 454-3431. | |BROTHERSTONE'S Cottages, Ted Jackson, Auct. 7--Trailers JE. Wannamaker, 62 Kent Street East, Lindsay, Ontarlo, Telephone 324-2670. AUTO BODY SHOP -- Nearly new, mod- ern and well equipped, about 95 ft. by58/ DRESSMAKER liences, Chemong Lake, Peterborough. Eight miles. Season or weekly, RR 2, Peterborough, 745-8006. EVERYTHING FOR TRAILERS WATERFRONT LOTS for sale on Non- Tag-A-Long Camping Trailers |quon River, minutes by boat from Lake} Sales and Rentals |Scugog, % mile off paved road at Sea- M | LLER'S '4 |grave. Treed lots $1200, 10 per cent down, For olterations on better garments APPLY: BOX 29 Oshawa Times "Classified"' ft, fireproof, fi 8part- ment, situated on one acre of land. Call 728-7328, Keith Peters, Realtor. 14--Employment Wonted EXPERIENCED woman wishes to do laundry in her 'home. Telephone 725-7755 after 4,30. {balance 10 years, Architect - 9 TUDOR ST {cottages available. North Shore Realty AX 942-3491 Osh-iceilings to do. No job to small. able rates. 668-5317. WANTED -- Painting, paper hanging,| h Reason- | LADY \Ice, 184 King $ | 728-6879. - |Well Drilling--Digging on VACANT LAND Members Ontario Mortgage Brokers' A; Co., Ltd., 112 Simcoe Street North, Days 725-3568; evenings CANADIAN camping trailers, now awa. call a 'on| LAKE display at Canada Outdoor Supply Com-|from $3995. with $495. down. pany. 1437 King Street East, Oshawa.'rect to property, one mi 728-1555. Perry on 7A Highway. Turn left to Con- WELL by in 30-Inch tile, W. Ward, 204 Chestnut |Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668-3809, FULTON WELL DRILLING. Reason- able prices. Honest workmanship. Hamp- fon 263-2790 SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED +12 Simcoe St. North 1--Women's Column PERMANENTS on special. is Hair- Sleeps two or.three people. Call Whi! *| 668-8135, cession TIE, then turn right to farm PLYWOOD cabin size. opposite Sunrise Beach. trailer, good lols| MAN with late model five ton tion trucks, wishes contracts for General Office Duties - Part-time, ages 25-45 Write Classified Box 944 combina-| type of cartage, to or from anywhere. Bay Ridges 839-4191. BRUNO'S student requires job as sham- poo girl, Thursday, Friday nights, all day toy | 4 LAKE SCUGOG -- summer cottage, four |bedrooms, equipped, safe, sandy beach. |Asking $8500, Telephone week days only, |Newcastle 987-4872. | LAKE SCUGOG + Lakeside Beach, lake- front cottage, five rooms, completely fur- nished, flush toilet, safe beach, swimming. Call Whitby 668-5264. BOX TRAILER for sale. Suitable for all kinds of moving, size 8 ft. x 4 ft. Apply 14 Albert Street, 725-4773; CAMPING TRAILERS, low priced. Can be financed with no down payment. Sol- ina Road and No. 2 Highway, east of Oshawa. Oshawa, Ontario--725-3568 [pecay 376 Pine Avenue. MOIRA LAKE, Madoc, cottage 18° x 26, FOR RENT -- Modern housekeeping cot- nearly finished. Partly furnished. F! 2--Personal MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys for first mortgages Interest at 7 Open Mortgages No bonus No charge for valuations Mortgages and Agreements purchased Moneys for second mortgages. Fost service. M. F. SWARTZ 261% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 PRIVATE and corporation monies for all mortgages; mortgages and agreement of sale purchased. Creighton, Drynan and Murdoch, (See: "Barristers".) Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa May 11th, 12th ond 13th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appoint- ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 * LEN PULLAN ENGLISH TAILOR Suits--Dresses--Alterations Invisible Mending 10 Prince St. 728-5311 |IF YOU have a drinking probiem, wrlle Box 333, Whitby or "call 668-3034," ot Me Mal Bs 0. 5 OO DUPLICATING, typing, direct mailing, etc. Modern equipment. Prompt and con- fidential, Service Monday to Friday, 9 to 5 p.m. 728-7290, 3--Pets & Livestock PUREBRED poodie puppies, white, Ri istered, paper trained. Excellent temper- ament. Call 725-4858, pt a Dh a al are PEKINGESE PUPPIES adorable pets. Reasonable. Telephone Whitby 668-3923 or Dunbarton 839-2516, BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for training, talking -- strain. Apply Mrs. Broad, 114 Elgin East, SAMOYED puppies, white, six weeks old, purebred. Telephone Brooklin, 655-3071. Musical Services A. Hiddink, Ajax 942-1664, Painting and Decorating HAVE your painting done now. Interior, exterior. All work guaranteed, Free esti- mates. Lloyd Simpson, 130 Colborne. 728-9876. PAINTING and decorating by expert. Call John Kronister, Port Perry, 985-7089 Plumbing and Heating ALL TYPES of repairs end r new and used materials, Reasonable rates. Estimate free. Dial 723-1191, J. Foley. ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold H, Stark, Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, 255) Simcoe Street South, BEAUTIFUL Siamese kittens for sale, seven weeks old. Reasonable price. Apply 517 Blogr East. POODLE, miniature white, male, 8 months old, show dog quality of Inter- national Champion stock. Papers provid- ed. After 6 evenings, 725-9754, POODLE, female, black, registered, has |bedrooms, 60 er | EXTRA LARGE summer collage ana 12--Articles Wanted . tages by the season, half-season or by| ii two-week periods. All conveniences, won-| ,.9 Saturday. Write Oshawa Times, Box 48 or H phone 263-2777 after 6 p.m. Oshawa Times PART-TIME work wanted by young man|MIDDLE-AGED housekeeper for one after school, Will do lawns with his 'own | lady, fight housekeeping, char kept. Live mower, gardens, etc. Telephone 728-9287.'in. Write Box 261 or Bowmanville 623-5808 OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS swimming, beautiful trees. $2400. 6 725-7284, derful sandy beach, safe harbor and boat|™akeoffer. After with each cottage at Jasper Park on| RENT Two-bedroom Balsam Lake. Apply to Jasper Forman,|Beach, north shore Rice Lake. 45 Francis Street, Lindsay. Telephone 942-3277 after 5. cottage. BB Hydro. 11--Articles For Rent Dishes - Cutlery - Glasses Punch Bowls - Coffee Ums Tables - Chairs - Linens Silver Candelabra and Tea Sets also Mink Stoles Sargeants Rentals | 463 Ritson S. 725-3338 |CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church falsle runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 |Simcoe Street North. MINK STOLES for rent. Sargeant's Rent als. Telephone 725-3338. WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, Rosedale, two-bed- reducing machines, sick room supplies. Per badd and nesinarte apartment.|Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644. conveniences. Season or monthly,.| ------------------->.-- Fishing and swimming. W. Snowdon, RR|ENTERTAINING fifty to one hundred 1, Fenelon Falls, Ontario. people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- SUT TRE Tagg eee er per | quets, .parties, weddings, anniversaries. CANAL LAKE, furnished cottage, two/Facilitles, bar, kitchen, parking, Rea- miles north of Whitby,|sonable rates. 723-2140. weekly, monthly or season's rates. Whit-| by 668-3473. 9--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent RICE LAKE, Cedar Cove Cottages. 3 bedroom, all con- veniences. Safe swimming, spacious grounds. $50 weekly $60 weekly with boot, Off- season May 8 to June 27, Aug. 22 to Oct. 15, with boat $40 weekly. Week-end 2 day 1 night $8; 3 day 2 night $14. Reserve now! Also boats, motors by day or hour, Folder. J. B, Frisken, Harwood, Ont. Phone 4R4, BALSAM LAKE -- } | | boathouse for sale or rent, on View Lake. Sult two families, Inside conveniences. Shallow lakefront, fenced. 728-3142. | FOR RENT large, private lakefront) cottage east of Buckhorn, fully equipped,| safe shore, boat. Available anytime ex-| cept first two weeks August. After 5.) call 728-8196, | COTTAGE FOR SALE: Thorah Island,| Lake Simcoe. All conveniences, winter- SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants Cars for Wrecking. Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, etc. bought. Open Saturday afl day. Phone 725-2311--89 BLOOR E. GUNS WANTED -- Old antique. Phone 725-8183, Oshawa. WANTED TO BUY used Go-cart without motor, Telephone 728-4250. 9---Summer Properties For Sale or Rent ized, heavy duty wiring, 3 bedrooms, screened verandah. Close to beach. Ex- cellent swimming and fishing. Terms to sult, Many extras. Write or phone, Dale) Miller, Cannington, Ont. 432-2025, FOR RENT -- Furnished two- and five- room cottages, gas and hydro, on Rideau Lake, Perth, Ontario. Write Mrs. V. Dextor, Burnham Street, Cobourg, Ont. with or | YORK PLUMBING and Heating, Special- izing - repairs, rates. Free estimates. 328 Simcoe South. 728-1731, all shots, . Also 728-2663 after 7 p.m. clippers. Tel PUREBRED German Shepherd, nine months old, house trained. Gentle with Children, Asking $35. Apply 228 Verdun Road after 5, > SIAMESE KITTENS. Seal Point, Beauti- ful Mother's Day gift. Telephone 723-4042. REGISTERED POODLE puppies, minia- ture, black, champion stock. Fl-Bon Ken- nels. Call Cobourg 372-3139, POODLES, toy and miniature, Charming pets. Telephone 668-3923. FOR SALE -- Boxer, male, light brown, four years old, $45. Excellent child's pet. 728-9735, Rug-Upholstery Service CUSTOMCRAFT'S Upholstering Depart ment. Experts in recovering, restyling. Chrome chairs, Free estimates, 728-7271. RE-UPHOLSTERING by experts. Estab- lished 17 years. Complete range of ma- terials, Workmanship guaranteed 5 years. Free estimates, Credit terms, Mattresses re-built. Furniture. refinished. Oshawa Uphoistering Company, 10 Bond West, 725-0311, ~ BALL POINT ON LAKE SCUGOG WATERFRONT LOTS AVAILABLE NOW 9 MODEL COTTAGES FOR IMMEDIATE REUPHOLSTER and refinish your furni- ture by J. and J, Custom Furniture. Free estimates, Whitby, 668-5376 or 668-5753, GERMAN SHEPHERDS, puppies. Regis: CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re-|teréd champion bloodlines. Stud services. covered like new. Get the best for less) Quarter horses, colts. Cozy J Ranch Ken-| at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe South. |nelis. Ashburn, Brooklin 655-4662 prefer-| [Call 728-6451. Free estimates. } } CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and|9-----Farmer's Column restyled. Free estimate. See our mate- 7 rial for re-covering. Dalton Upholstoring.|Oower vide ro ans tractor, ralbe, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212. plovoh. fT ne Whitby 666-3834 ° CASH on the spot,. Highest prices paid Sales and Service for dead and crippled farm stock. Tele- hone collect, H te 1, E-UP SPECIAL! Ail sewing ma- ba gg gent eer estes ir Farm, '!cence 333-C. chines and vacuum cleaners < wad sa. SIAMESE Sealpoint kittens, pedigree, 9 weeks, trained, $20. Call 726-4410. $2 per yard. Delivered. Telephone 725-0697. FOR DRIVEWAY GRAVEL, pit run gra vel, sand fill and brick sand, top soll, 34' |stone, V2" stone, roofer stone. 728-4920, NO | Free pick-up. Oshawa Sewing Centre,|FARMERS! Need fires? Call Bill", 1329 Simcoe South, 7282391 your Dominion Tire representative, 725- 6511 or evenings after 6, 725-7263. WANTED TO BUY -- a Massey-Harris | WINDOW cleaners, Complete storm win- dow service. Wall washing Doug Brady, 234 Gibb Street. Call 725-7057. i flan: Then One |MANURE for sale. Delivered. T 725-6028. | GUARANTEED REPAIRS to all wringer| WANTED -- four TOP SOIL joam, manure, rockery stone, flag stone, sod, reasonable rate, 728-6654, POSSESSION Architect-designed Plumbing and Wiring Roads, Registered Plan DIRECTIONS:--North through Port Perry to Sea- grave, follow the signs to BALL POINT, Sales Staff on duty weekends NORTH SHORE REALTY CO. LTD. 112 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa FOR APPOINTMENT CALL cheap ponies and |washers and ranges, Free estimates. Call/equipment. After 6 p.m., phone Port 728-1742, u Perry 985-2995, 725-3568 days, 668-8042 evenings PRINTED PATTERN | | SNAPPY-WRAP By ALICE BROOKS Live in and love this pretty wrap with a rose pocket. Easy =e to fit -- opens flat to iron. | Apron or sundress! Whip w/ROSEBUD-PRETTY! this wrap of thrifty remnants.| 'By ANNE ADAMS Pattern 7113: rose pocket) Roseljud-pnetty dress for those transfer; printed pattern, sm.,| special occasions that come up med., lge. Sate size. in dvery girls life -- flower girl : : at a wedding, Ist communion, THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins)) praduation, parties. Note new for this pattern (no stamps,|long length. please) to Alice Brooks, - care} Printed Pattern 4774: Chil- of The Oshawa Times Needle-| dten's Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. Size 6 . \takes 134 yards 35-inch. craft Dept., Oshawa, Ontario.|"Prrpy CENTS (50c) in co:*s Ontario residents add 1c. sales) (no stamps, please) for this p>' tax. Print plainly PATTERN|tern. Ontario residents ard Mid NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS.|S@les_tax. Print plainly § Th, NAME, ADDRESS, S°v1i8 208 HANDICRAFT HITS 1064 Needlecraft Catalog! Toys, --|NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, fashions, crewelwork, bazaar|Ccare of The Oshawa Times, Pat hits -- crochet, knit, sew, em-|t¢™ Dept., Oshawa, Ontario, al broider, quilt. Send 25c. laa tp Bs MITERN ABeSe te: SOMETHING NEW -- BIG,|LY FREE? It's simple'-- order DELUXE QUILT BOOK! 16jour Spring-Summer Catalog. in- complete quilt patteras--pieced| cluding FREE COUPON to get and applique, for beginners, ex-|any-one of 250 design ideas, Perts. Send 60c. now. Send 50c today. ¥

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