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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 May 1964, p. 26

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,33--Market Basket CLEMENT Brothers Poultry. Teke orders freezers. Fresh roasting 3 Simcoe Street|to 4 Ibs., $1 and $1.25 each. Deliveries on orders of 10 or more. Call Oshawa 728- rolet ¥2 ton pickup. Telephone Brooklin,| DRUMS 5291, 33 655-3071. id my i Cebber ee carling seed potatoes, a 1956 PONTIAC 4 door hardtop, radio,|14 FOOT cedarstrip 35 HP tb. outer' toniel oY See johnson, automatic, no rust, mileage, very|electric accessories, Qo of trailer, ing clean, Call after 5'p.m., 232 Athol East.|also punt 7¥2 Evinrude, 728-3297. ASPARAGUS and rhubarb by the Ib. 1940 CHEVROLET A-1 condition, Must be|CABIN- CRUISER, lave Fe Weymouth 75 a new for your freezer. a) Oe et. Tn 7 Can be seen by ts 4797. 725-0832. spprimen.Telemane 34--Lost and Found body./60 HP GALE: outboard BP pe ho ype hog start, A-1 condition, $600 or best LOST: Lady's watch In downtown erea 'on King or Simcoe Streets. Reward offer- ed. Telephone 725-0366. 29--Automobiles For Sale |32--Articles for Sale 1952 CHEVROLET, only 15,000 miles on|WE the motor; also new parts. Telephone 723-4928, T SAYS FAVORS CROWN FIRMS MP Demands Probe Of Northern Transport OTTAWA (CP) Progressive ve MP ein Edmonton-Strathcona, ng a B gpe sesan in- bv ioogam 4 government's mm transportation policy os lee ae eS tions over private - enterprise|December, Mr. He says he plans to appeal to Trade Minister Sharp to sponsor an inquiry by a Com- mons committee. If this is re- fused, he says a group of MPs |(29------Automobiles For Sale SEAWAY MOTORS LTD. 200 DUNDAS ST. WEST. : WHITBY : 26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Mey 8, 1964 ULASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 25) |29--Automobiles For Sale ? 1959 VAUXHALL 6 cylinder, radio. One 29,000 original miles. 1959 RENAULT, 4 door, - black finish, 1957 PONTIAC 6 iat dio, ng CHEVROLET Bel Air, Spe oer 46,000 original Ya ton pickup; 1953 Chev- 1962 MERCURY MONTEREY CONVERTIBLE Beautiful Dynasty Green fin- ish with matching pone: ipped. with ; power brakes, steering, ene. dows and seat. 1962 CHEVROLET IMPALA CONVERTIBLE Sporkling blue finish with matching leather interior, bucket seats, full power v8 engine, new whitewall 'tires. Guaranteed 1961 FORD FAIRLANE SEDAN Equipped with snappy V8 en- gine, autometic transmission. dition through- 1963 FORD 4 ton truck, van type body. Pui can have same by assuming note gainst. It it, Telephone efter 6 p.m., 72-1136. 30--Automobiles Wanted 145 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your gs car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 $ ALL CASH $ For clean cors or trucks we _ up or down, Liens paid NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. hag ooh Across from Roya WHITBY 668. 3331" LAKESHORE 'Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 220 Wentworth East, 725-1181. OSHAWA Auto Paris and Auto Wreckers, 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for wreck: Ing. Telephone 725-2165 or 723-4245. 32--Articles For Sale COTTAGE 20 x 24 to be removed from Transportation ti-,Northern Transportation oper- a coats geting te dof ted teat one vessel on tha cence oo Transportation. per licence and no legal was, ae Crown in parcel of uh chbiolbve al inquiry Gi amoral chesterfield $45. bed $25. Good condition. Heiephone MOFFAT gas ah Used only few months. Apply 209 Stacey Avenue, Apart- |ment No, 1 INSIDE door and trim, hand lawn mower, floor polisher, Hawallan guitar, small Viking radio. good Phone 728-8915. | All in FRIGIDAIRE Electric range, 40" four-| burner, oven and warming oven, storage! bin. In excellent condition. Telephone} 723-4272. PLYWOOD Fibreglass boat, Scott outboard {rotors seit baller, trailer, fay eloped, fater skils, scuba_diving Whitby UsED =< "rei In | run- nina condition, Apply Wilson Road South. Ree 1955 PONTIAC, 6 cylinder, orth owns|flated freight standard transmission. the vessel, paid $24,868 customs/tion of the north where North- -- estimates in the Com-|ayty and 48 excie tar i tax tojern Ehemgect og enjoys a import monopoly. monopoly arises oe -Nugent cites replies ta-|stripped for refit at yg Ma ey the fact that only North- angsty the wireranr ss ag week! cost of $35,900. ern tion gets the e governme! a series a be fe t Crone cdl Mr. Nneest Si care Mis pov Seuees Dee © ae AUCTION SALE OF LAND PROPERTY SALE T-01104 1955 FORD Yaton pick-up, Will accept any offer. MIKE'S USED CAR LOT RAGLAN 655-3528 out. 1962 CHEVROLET BEL AIR SEDAN Smart beige finish with mat- ching interior, automatic transmission. Al condition. 1957 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR SEDAN 210 series, ipped . with outomatic transmission and radio. Original throughout. We believe this is the finest 1957 model in Ontario County. 1960 FORD FAIRLANE 500 2 door sedon, Guardsman blue finish, matching interior, equipped with radio, Al con- dition. 1962 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN Attractive: chestnut _ finish, contrasting beige i nterior, automatic transmission radio, Immaculate throughout. 1959. FORD COUNTRY SEDAN Sharp two tone Black and white. Economical 6 cylinder engine end radio. Ideal family car. 1962 ECONOLINE PICK UP 5000 original miles. New con- dition throughout. This is the truck that coined the Econo- my phrase. Always a good selection of Better Used Cars. SEAWAY MOTORS LTD. 200 DUNDAS ST. WEST WHITBY 668-5893 pia ced Baby carriage, In- brand new condition. Leone ee ar CABIN cruiser, motor and Tratek: Soko tae Of Olen ae After 5 call. 725-4805. are girl's --s and winter, sizes to Also Items. Telephone LOCKE'S FLORETS Funeral arrangements floral requirements for se" "OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 ¥ 'nites. 'ad aes TD 14 International bulldozer, float. 1957 Mercury 4ton dump. 1953 Harley Davidson, 74 Black with lots of chrome. Can be seen at Nassau Street. Phone 728-3164. 16 HP SCOTT, long shaft starter and gen- erator, single lever controls, $450. Phone West Rouge. AT 7-7010. PIANO, small, only 36" high, slightly used piano and bench. Deluxe satin wal- nut finish. Good tone and touch. Like new condition. Easy terms available. $60 * Idown and $18.12 per month. Wilson and Lee Ltd., 87 Simcoe Street North, 725-4706. TENT, 15 x 18, two rooms, leather floor, flaps on screens on all windows, $65. Apply 208 Centre Street. HOUSEBOAT, 24 ft. x 8 ft., large cabin, equipped with steering and controls. Call Whitby 668-5264. 18 FT. CANOE, square stern, fiberglass, over three-sixteenths-inch plywood. Apply 80 Brock Street West, Oshawa. SOCaR. Speedmaster, A490 Clinton en- gine. After 4 p.m. telephone 728-8254, P DEEP FREEZE refrigerator, good con-' dition, $60. Apply ad Cordova Road after 6 p.m. side of Highway No. 401, opproximotely two and one half miles west of the Wel- come Interchange. Sale to be held on the pro- perty at: 11:00 A.M. LOCAL TIME WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3rd, 1964 Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL HOME "390 KING STREET WEST {TELEPHONE 728-6226 ' * TELEPHONE 723-9707 | HAVE A SECRET WE PAY MORE SELL FOR LESS Buying ond selling used fur- niture and appliances. Call Valley Creek Furniture 16¥2 BOND W, 728-4401 BUYING or selling furniture or appll- i ead Elmer, Hampton, 263-229: TERMS: $2,000.00 Cash or Certified. Cheque at time of sale (cheque made payable to the Treasurer of Ontario) balance payable within thirty doys. KEYED UP TO BUY A NEW CAR? BUY ONE WITH A LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED Chota PLAN LOAN 'THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA For further information please contact: The Auctioneer, Mr. Jack Reid, Orono, Ontario. Telephone 5-R-18 OR Central Region, Right-of-Way Division, erent of Highways, ew, Ontario, habowlnny 248-3445. OR Deportment of Highways, District Office, Se are Hope seaside North, nerd TU 5- 2481. Sole Subject to Reserve Bid. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO 4 or TOR, Norge; 7 cubic foot, good running condition, $60. Telephone 728-4504 after 6 p.m. EASY Spiralator wringer washer with pump, baby carriage, Gendron stroller, crib with mattress, playpen. All In good Phone 728-6679. MOTHER'S DAY gift, folding" rocking| chair and Bh chair, solid hardwood, carefully Suitable also for cot- tage. Apply 72 72 Cadillac Street South COMPLETELY new set of Encyclopee- [one 35 books, walnut easonable off er accepted. Phone 728-6462.|76R giad ironer, new condition for half- TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, dupli-| price, Will tron shirts 4% minutes, sheets, cators, _chequewriters, comptometers,|etc. Phone 728-0585 after 7 p.m. ag Re jigale har ant teed. We, Pay Seay carriage, pink and grey, $15 sell, rent, serv! jamilton Offi ed 7 4g sa guitar, case, $20; Singer sewing : ment, 137 Brock South, Whitby. See. ey et eee ee ees MERCURY .5 HP motor, good condifion,| offer. 728-5060 after 6. cen $95, Telephone after 5 p.m. 725-7968. hast Bo INGLIS "wringer "washer, pump "and Tint EFT. BOAT, 767 Di oo an rhe | ter, Moffat 39-inch, fully automatic wi el convt le al ler. rangette Astra! fridge. Used only 12 times $700 or best offer. '90 8 : 5 418 Juliana Drive. SINGER round bobbin portable. $29.50. Singer Sewing Center. 725-5443. NEW Singer vacuum cleaner, full set attachments. Only $49.95. Singer Sewing Centre. Telephone 725-5443. RANGETTE in good working order, $15. 310 French Street. Telephone wa TELEVISION tower special, struc- ture, including all channel. ation In- stalled and bigger by experts with 10 years' experience, $50. 'ro Television. Telephone 728-5143. SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD 'MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes _and Mode CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St. range. 668-4928. MEN'S and boys' softball jerseys and Only icrests. Civb prices, Mercantile Depart- meni Store, Whitby, Ont. Of/CHESTERFIELD and chair, Northern 'easspertktian Comb ernment admitted this week that'Eldorado Mining and fhe governments Pdoardo Mv| BPETTNT) 'THE NEWS the government's - ing and Refining Limited. B Redon gph sa acknowl- ed that ern Transpor- e soa wen ater ool RES Abandon Fail a wartime landing ship .Mr. Nu- on ures, gent says the vessel is identical a FY to one which Yellowknife Trans. portation Company Limited, Set Sights On N. Africa : private-enterprise competitor of Northern Transportation, was} TUNIS (AP)--The Soviet Un-|tive with money and technical Notrhern Transportation , waslion, apparently disregarding its|assistance in Guinea, Mali and refused a government licence to Pep a on in Africa, may|Ghana in West Africa, Somalia operate. be moving to establish a majorjon the eastern side of the con- Mr .Nugent says the $75,000/foothoid onthe continent's|tinent and in the U.A.R, doesn't include the cost of buy-|northern coast. However, at this stage only ing the vessel ,now tied up at] The new pledge of Soviet aid|Ghana follows the Soviet Union Vancouver. He says the work/to Algeria, announced in Mos-|to any extent. Guinea and Mali, being done on it in cow Wednesday, opens the door|although pledged to socialism, to an important Soviet. penetra-jare gradually revising their at- tion effort in North Africa. titude. Spilled Oil tute et "inns ishchey and an ive party of Soviet officials are en| U.S, T. ths ' route to the United Arab Repub Oe page Sleu lic for a two-w . Their 7 Is Skimmed ship 'passed through Turkey's Investigating Bosporus Strait ay Fro Wate r steamed south toward Alexan- Attorney-General dria. m Khrushchev BOSTON (AP) -- Massachu- reesthont Saal Abel Saauee Setts Attorney-General Edward tS grant pig ag Rgeserneed || dedicate the Aswan Dam i. eee: Py save Thursday that Ary os a pn ' flood-control and power project] <o le Br Internal Revenue officials and a joy to conserva-l ing built with the help of So- ice is investigating his in- tionists was put through its) viet funds and technicians. come tax returns for the years paces in Toronto's harbor Fri- It is too early to say whether ag th 1961. a "Port officials of Toronto anq|tMe Soviet effort will bring! sia'we government trove hes Hamilton, officials of the Great|Pe™manent. results. So far, Sa eee ae a eerie : s e rpat|"iet ald and apuniag te fell t way since shortly Lakes Institute, and oil com-|4.76n African countries have oo * took office in January, -- awe ao bred not brought results expected by|1%. jas f : eo machine skimm: | communist leaders. ' ar as I am concerned, pod water as neatly as a cream sep- e said, "I have no reason to Sh fer "OW. Morgan, pitt tneoter| SE, Gosia | an eee Ca . W. Morgan, po r routine ¢! sie of Hamilton, said the machine|,20¢ Algerian " Sovies agree | Hertert TE, Tutket Jr., cne'et could put an end to the prob- two lawyers engaged by. Brooke lems of oil spillage which have said the long income tax inves- Less than one month sell 942-5793 to best offer. flex 6 p.m, FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, Good size, sult cottage, $25. Call Whitby 668-3008. CLASSIFIED ADS apartment condition. eee : ial 288 ~ BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. --OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) "1957 BUICK Automatic, very: good: condition. Priced i. SPECIAL radio, new. tires 728-6125 After 6 p.m. LARGE oollection of books Including Ca- nadiana, gardening, art, National Geo graphic, antiques, maps, prints, rocks and mineral samples, T 7%- summer 5707.|14. Apply 92 Elgin East. TABLE TOP rangette, newly wired; baby carriage, converts to stroller, $15; girl's lothing, 50c and $1, size 12 to PIANO -- Heintzman upright Grand, $500. Apply 442 Colborne Stréet East, bow conversion burner 5 large fuel es scan, AN-FM_ transis- radio, jaroid camera, refrigerator, ne TV, sev chrome suite, movie} Whitby 668-2570. 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 di tr 1962 ACADIAN convertible, In good con- ition, fully equi 1 Ritson Road South sas. 'oy 0 T MEMORIALS 152 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA OFFICE EVENINGS. 723-1002 728-6627 1 1963 jan he rial ag iae V-8 autome- wells, tin tinted wh winds rs eld, radio, fe reso Studebaxer yin restorable condition. origin riginal polar, $200. After 6.30 call 725-8503. ee el tinted ciate OSHAWA Auto Parts and Auto Wreckers, Ing. Telephone 725-2165 or USED car parts, wheels, spindies, to prea trailers, also used tires. 509 Bloor Cy ing and brakes, white- $2,600. GENERAL REPAIRS ALL MAKES OF CARS PARTS AND SERVICE All Foreign Make Cars STATHA B.-A. SERVICE Ritson Roa id and King 723-4733 ond 723- 7712 OUTBOARD Evinrude Motor 15 hp. Ex- cond . After 6.30 evenings eee as equipment, 4 pair drapes, Phillips car. and pbs al vewner radio, steel drapery rods, -- stand and records (cP), book stand, bathoom scales, treadie ing Pech oll space heater, canner ALBION electric refrigeraotr, good condl- tion. Call 723-3028. round table, washing ma- chine. Apply 593 Ritson road north. SMALL Piano and bench by Ennis. Satin walnut finish. Telephone 725-9454, LLOYD deluxe baby carriage, convert- bse good boike neh nah bive. gua $17. 4 p.m TV TOWERS special, 40 ft. tower ture with all channel antenna, Installed $50. Oshawa TV Supply Ltd., 361 Gibbons tires. Running. 175 Nelson Street, want cars for wreck 723-4245. treet East. After 6, 723-2281. interior, bucket seats, four-speed, accessories. Phone 668-8061 after : 5. 963 CORVAIR Monza coupe, black, red VOLVO SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road South Oshawa 728-0921 Street, 728-8180. May be small, but they are giants, powerful too, when it comes to getting things done. Let one of them sell your no longer needed household items. See for yourself. Telephone Now canner Kodak movie, reasonably priced. Telephone 728-4996. 723-3492 bothered ports throughout the world for years. Prof. G. B, a, direc- tor of the Great Lakes Institute of the University of Poona said the machine could aid conservation by eradicating the problem of serious pollution of the Great Lakes by spilled oil. The machine was invented by |Trygve Thune of Oslo, Norway, 'a manufacturer of hargor and ship equipment. He said the ma- chine combines an oil recovery unit and an oil boom. To recover spilled oil, an im- pervious floating wall or oil 30 CLARE Jewel gas range, perfect con- dition. Reasonable. Telephone 725-9536. BUY and sell, good used furniture and jappilances. One location only. Pretty's Furniture, 444 Simcoe South. 723-3271. [THREE ROOMS of furniture, only $296.50. No down payment. Discounts for cash. Honest Cal's, 424 King West. 728-9191. bey trailer medium or heavy duty, 728-0308. other t 1950 FORD 's-ton rebuilt V8 motor, $200, Call 728-0558. good ires, strong body, running gear like new. KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. for Information aay ad sell, good used furniture and appliances. One location only. Pretty's Furniture, 444 Simcoe South. 723-3271. COMING EVENTS boom is stretched around the only area and contracted. As the oil film grows in thickness, fl bg pumped into a separator ST. JOHN'S PARISH BINGO Comer Bloor and Simcoe BINGO ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, MAY 9 othe separator is a metal tank barge with a paddle wheel at the rear. As the wheel rotates, the floating oil is pushed into a flat tank where it can be easily drawn off 'and technical school as well as a textile school and two agricul- tural study centres. The centres will have Soviet teachers. This aid isin addition wt shipment of tractors, two air- of | peanes and a 19,000-ton tanker (promised by the Soviet Union. On the completion of the edu- ----- "borders on harass. ment. Tucker said an analysis of the returns in question show Brooke might have understated his ine come by $12,000. jth, tron that amount would less, Tucker said. cational part of the program, the Soviet Union will become second after France in cultural influence in Algeria. Some Western diplomats be- lieve from Algeria, the Rus- sians will attempt to exert 'more influence on the neighbor- ing countries of Tunisia and Morocco. The new Soviet aid announce- ment follows a triumphant visit to Moscow by Algeria's left- leaning President Ahmed Ben, Bella. It follows a period dur- ing which Algeria has been making increasing strides to- ward socialism and reduction of its economic dependence on Algeria Given Russian Loan MOSCOW (AP) -- Algerian president Ahmed Ben Bella left the Soviet Union today with a long-ferm loan of $126,500,000, part of it to be used for con- struction of a 300,000-ton steel mill of Soviet design and equip- ment. Meanwhile, Premier Khrush- chev and his family were bound for Egypt in another move te bolster Soviet influence in Nort FRIDAY, MAY 8th 7:45 P.M. 20 games -- $10 and $15 Share the Wealth $150 Jackpots to go Two $25 Games Special $140. jackpot 54 nos. Consolation prize $25. MAMMOTH AUCTION Christ Memorial Church Grounds Hiticroft and Mary Streets Saturday, May 9th 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top 2 quality Md Naa on Biscayne, standard inder, Bive finish, Al condition. Telephone ra5-1820. 192 GALAXIE, dual range, V-8, auto- matic, $1,795. May consider trade. Tele- phone between 47 p.m. Ajax 942-3725. 1955 PONTIAC -- new s mot shift, posi-traction rear boy re) coe eae and white, Telephone Whitby, Mr. Morgan said when oil was spilled in Hamilton harbor, a boom could easily be 'erected around it, but pumping out the oil had been a laborious job. The new machine, he said, would eliminate the problem of extracting the oil from the wa- ter. NET EARNINGS Jamaica Public Service Ltd., 3 months ended March 31: 1964, $401,200, 45 cents a share; 1963, $351,241, 39 cents. Delta Acceptance Corp., 3 months ended March 31: _1964, $853,902, 32 cents a share; 1963, $557,101, 23 cents. 24-INCH Moffat automatic range. Used four months. $150. Best offer, Dunbarton 839-3077. McCLARY agit freezer, nearly new. con- France, its former ruler. FRANCE IS MAIN SOURCE However, France still re- mains Algeria's main source of aid and without it the country could not function. The Soviet bloc moved into Algeria after Algeria's July, 1962, independence from France. The Russians at first adopted a cautious attitude. A ban on the Communist Party in Algeria in the fail of 1962 kept the Soviet effort down. However, the growing orienta- tion toward socialism, hostility to the United States and efforts to reduce French influence ap- parently prompted the Soviet Union to increase its activities in Algeria. The Soviet Union has been ac- New Operation Pumps Potash ig ag gdh Broadhurst _ of NEW YORK (CP)--Produc-(nearby' Richmond Hill made tion from the world's first full-|this forecast as he presented scale commercial solution-|his town's brief to H. Carl Goid- method potash mining operation|¢Mberg, the one-man commis- will begin in Saskatchewan in|Sion set up by the provincial October, Kalium Chemicals|Z0vemment to study what Ltd. executives told a press con-|Changes are needed in the met- ference Thursday. ropolitan system. They said tis eaten athe "Some goal should be set on solution-method mining opera-|Metro's expansion into sur- tion, which pumps the potash =--* territory," said the to the sunface in a liquid|ma "Otherwise, one expan- through drill holes similar to oil] sion 5 eons lead to another until wells, boosts the world's com-|we might wake up one day and find we had two provincial gov- ermments."" The Richmond Hill brief con. 'cluded the third week of public hearings held by Mr. Golden- berg, He is expected to report ion Metro's future early next Africa. Mounting assistance to Ak geria and Khrushchev's trip te Egyp represent increasing So- viet efforts to counter Red Chi- nese and Western influence in Africa. Chinese Premier Chou En-lai toured Africa earlier this year, and the Chinese have been trying to exclude Russia from a conference of African-Asian na- tions in Africa next March. Metro Growth Might Divide Ont.: Mayor TORONTO (CP)--The royal commission on Metropoli- tan Toronto was told Thursday that expansion of Metro might result in splitting Ontario into CONVERTIBLE, 1955 Chevrolet, _-- body, radio, fires and battery, pow brakes and top, 2831 mot colighatety| pest over coe | eee lifters, bearings, 'ebuilt last fall. $475. Call Alax 942-6552. 1957 CHRYSLER Windsor, mechanically good. Telephone Pickering 942-4676. 1958 DODGE, A-1 condition, radio. Best|("'S* offer.' Telephone Bowmanville 623-3993. 1958 CHEVROLET, automatic transmis- sion, radio, etc. This Is a real nice car, Must sell. $650 or best offer. Whitby, 7:30 P.M, 20' Games -- $8 Share the Wealth 4 -- $40 Jackpot to go 1 -- $150 Jackpot to go Children Under 16 Not Admitted GENEVA PARK REOPENING Under New Management SATURDAY, MAY 16 CHILDREN 14 AND UNDER FREE !! (this day only) BINGO HOLY CROSS HALL EVERY FRIDAY 8 P.M. 20 games $8 ond $10 Five $40 Jackpots Share The Wealth NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENINGS 7:45 ot ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Game $6, $12, $20. Mow be doubled or tripled $170 IN JACKPOTS Door prize $15 MAY TIME VARIETY. Presented by Westmount United Church Junior Choir, Saturday, May 9, 8 o'clock, Church Audi- torium. Adults 75c; children 25c. indromat, dition, Apply 24 Drew Street. 12 FT. 6" Runabout and 18 HP Evinrude motor. 750 Tee Nee trailer. Like new, 2 years old. Best offer. 723-2911. PLANTS: Petunias, Marigolds, Salvia, Pansies, Spanish onions, cabbage, every- thing. Hundreds to choose from. Glecoff's Supermarket, Ritson Road. Open fill 10 p.m. every night. PIANO, Mason and Risch, $50.. Telephone Bowmanville 623-2314. PORCELAIN top kitchen table, size 39" by 24, with three chairs. Cost $65, .sell $25. 723-1946, PIANO, upright Grand, ebony finish, re- cently reconditioned, excellent fone. $250. Dunbarton 639-3502. SMALL boat, punt style, 10 by 3% with deck, brand new condition, used only twice, Telephone 728-7180. BABY'S play and feed table. Price $7.50. Good condition. Apply 350 Baldwin Street, Oshawa. LUGGAGE alee 16-inch fires with spare. best offer. Telephone 725-1459. FURNACE, McClary, oll, forced alr and) 200 gallon tank; electric hot water tank. e Tributes! To Departed Mothers and Grandmothers 1956 METEOR convertible, new paint fob. | (9. Telephone Bowmanville 623-2824. no CHEVROLET, good running condi- tion, $75. Apply 230 James Street. $10 DOWN, $28 per month buys this bei ie 1958 Edsel two-door hardtop, Loaded with extras at Nicols Sgn 146 B North, Whitby. 668-333! susie 1961 MORRIS 850, ssanien wagon, good condition. $550. Telephone 725-6480. 1987 FORD sedan, automatic, motor over- hauled, interior clean, new paint job, transmission good. $475, Phone 725-8503. 1963 CHEVROLET station wagon, V-2, rue radio, good condition, Phone 1950 PONTIAC 4-door in good running con- dition; also wrecking/ @ 1946 Cadillac. Dial 728-5838, 196 VOLKSWAGEN, 9-passenger bus. Ex- cellent condition. New motor, Must sell, $995. Telephone Whitby 668-4500. 1962 OLDSMOBILE, power steering and brakes, radio, 29,000 miles, Perfect con- dition. Apply 97 Durham Street. VALVE GRINDING outfit, Black and Decker, refacer and receder. Large Exoide battery charger, 1956 Pontiac bean complete. Apply 97 Durham reet. 1961 RENAULT, Dauphine, grey, very clean interior, In very good condition. Telephone 723-4156 after 6 p.m. 1958 OLDSMOBILE convertible, auto matic transmission, power steering, power brakes, radio, good condition, After 4 call 725-4337. phone 723-9665 after 8 p.m. $25 DOWN, $35 monthly buys this beauti- c ET Bel-Air six- ful 1958 Chevrolet four-door Bel Air. Thisgeyiner, whitewalls, wheel discs, $2595. fs @ one owner car at Beige Motors, 146'Can be financed. Call 725-8132. poten iat tenia a 1962 HEALEY 3000, MK 11, Girling disc $200 DOWN and $75 =a buys 1960|brakes, over drive, WW hardtop and soft Buick convertible. One owner car. A realitop. Perfect condition. Telephone 723-6755 ream boat at Nicols Motors. 146 Brock|for appointment | North, Whitby. 668-3331. 1963 FORD, 2-door sedan, V-8 whitewall tires, windshield washers. 5,500! original miles. Make offer. 728-2167. 1958 PONTIAC, 6 cylinder automatic, will- be: published in The Oshawa Times SAT. MAY 9 Fornk Stirtevant, auctioneer Chartered Bus To Washington, D.C, June 26th to June 30th In- clusive. No night driving. Hotels & 'tours arranged. Rowe Travel Agency Port Hope SUNNYSIDE PARK MONSTER BINGO TO-NITE CLUB CAMELOT JACKPOT NOS. 59, 54 MCLAUGHLIN CVI ite ree, Band Concert Saturday, May 9, 8 o'clock, In the Auditorium. $1 adults; foc Students. MONSTER BINGO Over $500 in Prizes SATURDAY, MAY 9th AT 8:00 P.M. ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH ADMISSION 50 CENTS All prizes doubled on admission ticket. 1963 CHEVROLET Bel Air, bive, 6 cylin- der, automatic, power steering, radio, ere Low mileage. Telephone To ensure publication in this Special Edition TELEPHONE 723-3492 The Oshawa Times Classified Dept. Before 12 NOON FRI, MAY 8 All in o ville 623-2687 after 5.30 p.m. WOOL carpet, 9 by 12, In new condition, $95. Seen evenings, 810 Beach Street, Whitby, 668-5166. VACUUM cleaner, Lewyt, not one year old. Was $65, selling $45; sewing cabinet and storage cutting board, viny! marble top, $40. Best offers. Telephone 723-3632. i958 very 1956 CONVERTIBLE, Pontiac, new trans- mission, new top, good motor, $475. Tele 7% JOHNSON outboard, In very good condition. 725-3383 after 5 p.m. gown, size 5, full fength, all lace bodice, sequins and pearls. $60. Call Whitby 668-8954, WEDDING gown, size 12, like new, worn once; also two formals, in good condition. 723-9452. FULLY automatic, Speed Queen washer, $75. Must sell. Telephone 723-1366. GUN WANTED -- a antique. Tele phone Oshawa 725-8183. PAINT "special at Eagare Paint and Wallpaper by Para Paints since 1915. 20 per cent discount on semi-gloss, latex, high gloss, interior and exterior ' at Edgar's Paint and Wallpaper, 34 King ing Street East. Telephone) west. BED chesterfie'd, leather' chair, maple jbed, spring and mattress. GE wringer washer, GE refrigerator, automatic de- frost, two-door. Television set, kitchen get. 725-1708, TWO bulidings, for further particulars, after 7 fter 7 p.m. cali 728-1165, TAPE REC RCA Victor, four frack plus add-a-track. Like new, $225, Ghesterfield and chair, $35. Telephone 0474, $10 DOWN, $35 monthly buys this 1958 Pontiac Statlonwagon, 6 cylinder. Ready for fishing. At Nicols Motors, 146 Brock North, Whitby, 668-3337. radio, body and mechanically good 'con- $45 DOWN $58 monthly buys this 1961/dition. $608 or best offer. Mrs. Thomp- Corvair four-door sedan with -- etc.|son 655-4651. This is a real beauty at Nicols Motors, 1963 CHEVROLET impala, convertible, ie Sines Petty Wormer. 6S. 13,000 original miles, white with red in- $10 peg tl $3.70 ed week buys this 1953 1953 \terior. V-8. 728-4369. Pontiac two-door hardtop at Nicols Mo- 1960 MONARCH, two-door hardtop. Ail tors, 146 Brock North, Whitby. 668-3331 / extras. Sharp Reasonable. Accept trade, 1959 bye seg Cresta, 6 cylinder two. Dial Whitby 668-6284. » white-wall tires. 7; 196) THUNDERBIF 390 ~V-8 hardt flon, used only as second car, $795. power steering, brakes and wens, $2,995. 97 KI 723-7032. 1959 VOLKSWAGEN, deluxe, Whitby. 668-8404, '| 1956 CHEVROLET convertible, 6 cylinder, "|automatic transmission, new ly job, new nylon top, new tires, mechanically very good condition, red. Call 723-4245. 1960 HILLMAN, radio, seat belts, new) tires,rust free, owner leaving country. t| Dial 623-2413. OSHAWA PARKS PROPERTY AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Sealed tenders plainly mark- ed as to content will be re- ceived at the office of the city clerk, Civic nidalige tion Building, torio up to 12 Selock: noon D.S.T., Friday, May 15th, 1964. For the necessary repairs and painting to sthe Memorial Bandshell. ~~ Specifications and tender forms are available at the office of the undersigned. not * ly as a fertilizer ingredient and Boyd R. Willett, vice-president and genera] manager of Kalium, said that by next January, when the 1965 fertilizer season be-|7°2*- gins, the company's plant west] Earlier. Thursday, a brief was of Regina will be pot-|presented by planning consult- ash at the rate of 600,000 tonsjant Marvey, Jones, a foriner' a year, planning commissioner of Met- The Kalen alee Wt Se eee on behalf-\of second producer in Saska-t|Y , saying a north. chewan. The other er is bine extension might be justi- at Esterhazy, east of Regina, /fied in 20 or 30 years, but "'ac- where International Minerais|tion at this time . . . far in ad- and Chemicals is using conven-|vance for possible needs, is tionalshaft mining methods, 'completely unwarranted." . 728-8749. 1957 RAMBLER. A-1 condition. Must be seen to be appreciated. Terms. Call 728-5046. 1963 CHEVROLET 8 cylinder a sedan, black with red 'CARD OF THANKS AVERY -- | would 3d Pd Re ge a|s2,450.: Call 723-9309. Dr.11954_%-TON Chevrolet pick up. "Apply {338 Frontenac A' PICK UP "TRUCK 1m with long ue of|Must be be broenly Motors, 1" Brock North, Whitby, the! i960 VOLKSWAGEN, mechanically sound. radio. In T 1962 CORVAIR Deluxe, four-speed trans-|USED Furniture -- Dining-room _ suite, mission, HP eingine for high perform-! corner cupboard, dresser, head board, ance. Radio, white walls, discs, etc. Ex- |two cots, mirrors, lamps, end tables, eat_condition. Private. 725-808, | e dishes. 1010 Dundas Street East, "(MOUTH hardtop, $550. V-8, auto-| Whitby: Cs os EICANVAS awnings, pcurtains, canoples. y mechanical ex ent. plete service. ree estimates. No 'Pickering 942-1506 after 6. wating, Mil Jelinek, 728-1993 anvtima. a nica © deluxe A-1 r N jew tires. fr Lowest or any tender necessarily accepted. W. J. CROMPTON, Purchasina Agent ' 19599 CHEVROLET "coach, 8 {standard, radio, whitewalis, cal after 5 ADAM 72h

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