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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 May 1964, p. 8

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Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Diai 723-3474 |§ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Mey 8, 1964 PERSONALS St. Andrew's UCW Honors -- St. Andrew's ,.UCW honored Mrs, J. R. Leng at its regular meeting recently. Mrs. Leng was presented with an engraved silver tray prior to her leaving St.° Andrew's Church. In mak- ing the presentation, Mrs. Irving Macleod, president and Mrs. Lloyd Pegg, past-president, ex- pressed the sincere appréciation of the members for .the spon- taneous support, spiritually and physically, which Mrs, Leng has given to the various UCW groups. "Her presence among Mrs. J, R. Leng At Meeting ardship of time was the theme of the meeting. Mrs. Lloyd Pegg accompanied the singing of the hymn "Take My Life and Let It Be'. Mrs. J. R. Warnica, president of the Cluaran Unit, conducted a lively and contro- versial questionnaire on stew- ardship. The reports of the secretary, Mrs. George Werry and of the treasurer, given by Mrs. Mac leod in the absence of Miss Marion Davenport, were read. Mrs. C. D. Russell offered her St. Andrew's women will be greatly missed," they said. Community service and stew- home on Simcoe street north as the setting for the annual flower fund tea on Wednesday, May 13, from 2,30 to 5.00 p.m, It was an- nounced that tickets would be available from any of St. Andrew's UCW members. It was announced that Mrs. Lawrence MeMurtry attended the Five Oaks Camp in April. Mrs. W. F. Manuel and her com- mittee will be packing another bale toward the end of May, and good used clothing is needed. The annual bazaar and tea will be held on Wednesday, Novem- ber 4. Mrs. Gordon Watt, nomina- tions chairman, reported that Mrs. Robert Aldsworth and Mrs. John Carnwith had con- sented to take the positions of The friends of Mr. Donald Keeler, Marland avenue, will be happy to learn that he is con- valescing satisfactorily in Osh- awa General Hospital following} a severe coronany aitack. The bridegroom's uncle, Mr. Thomas Ruddy of Choppington, England, arrived to attend the Ruddy - Zielinski wedding last Saturday. Other guests from out of town included Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Carolan of Kirkland Lake, the bridegroom's godipar- ents; Mr. Joseph Brak, New York City, uncle of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Henman, Connecticut, the bride's god- mother; Mr, and Mrs, John Ruddy, Philadlephia, Pennsyi- vania; Mr. and Mrs. Larry Downs, Hamilton; Mr, and Mrs, Ronald Cichowski, Port. Credit; Mrs. Jack Battle, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Battle and Mr. and Mrs; Surprise Mother | With Lacy Hose Smart Yet Durable Exactly 50 years ago when jthe first Mother's Day was ob- jserved, mother's legs were be- coming an irrefutable fact. Her skirts had started inching up- wards. and her stockings were |proclaiming it in riotous colors |and patterns, Since then many a jmother has found her hosiery |wardrobe replenished each sec- ond Sunday in May. + Pre-Mother's Day crowds Mrs. F. E. Moores, Jarvis street, had her daughter, Mrs. Marcel] Cote (Dorcthy), of Ed-| monton, Ailberta, visiting her for a few days this week, | Out-of-town guests at the / Hamer - Robertson wedding in| 7 Brooklin, 'last Saturday were| 4 Mr. and Mrs, Hugh . Hamer, Washington, Pennsylvania; Mrs. Arthur Coakwell, Miss Rena Coakwell, and Mr and Mrs.| = SISTER HELEN TWINING, Order of Foresters, District who was installed in the same past District Deputy High No. 4, congratulates Sister high office at the annual Otto Renault, af of 'Toronto, j 's Chief. Ranger of Canadian Evelyn Olarke of Oshawa meeting in Belleville. * Leslie Keenan, all of St. Cath-| ", veg --Oshawa Times Photo | Mr, and Mrs. John Zielinski,|arines, : ae" TCL atte ee ~|parents of the bride, the former| MR. AND MRS. PETER J. #, i Bi RUDDY Oshawa COF Member Is Installed! Dist. Deputy High Ch. Ranger ' | The fifth annual meeting of|dent of the Western Ontario Pro-; were wel- the Eastern Ontario Provincial Assembly was held recently in The session was opened by the|Harold Wilson of Oshawa were! anq friends at the'annual meet-| presented with the Past District assisted by the vice-president,/Deputy jewels by the High Chief president, Sister Eveyin Clarke, |vincial jcomed by the president. the Skyline Hotel in Brockville.| Sister Helen Twining and Bro.| school entertained their parents| Assembly Cedardale Pupils Entertain Parents Wanda Peter Ruddy, entertained at din-|J ner on Sunday for out-of-town|thew's WA attended the Angli- guests, members of the family|can WA Conference in Toronto and close friends. Zielinski, now Mrs.| Mrs. ames E. Marchant of St. Mat- 'this week, | G. H. Day and us| At H&Meeting Students of Cedardale Public) ing of Cedardale Home and School Association recently. Mr. Bro. Carl Hesse of Brockville. ;Ranger, who then introduced} naniel Shutka, principal, acted The conductor, Sister Gwen/Sister Evelyn Olarke and Bro.|,. master of ceremonies and in- Wray, introduced the Provincial/Gordon Crawford of Oshawa, aS) t.odquced each act. | ha District Deputy High , : ; * Os ee ee ee sr districts,| 'The Senior choir under the di-|in the school auditorium with|a close-on a humorous note |Ruddy of Ajax. In a pink wedding in St. Hed- wig's Roman Catholic Church last Saturday Wanda Mary, only| tions daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John| Virgin. Given in marriage by her fa- --Aldsworth Photography ix Bridesmaids in Pink Attend Reports Show Successful Year | Wanda Mary Zielinski, Bride For Sunset Heights H and § The annual meeting of Sun-|presented by four members o | Zielinski of Oshawa, became the , set Heights Home and School] the executive, brought this high Dride of Peter Joseph Ruddy,|ther, the bride wore a floor- Association was held recently|ly successful annual meeting to $0" of Mr. and Mrs. Johnilength, pure silk sheath gown jwith a Chantilly lace bolero, re- After the marriage, the bride placed a bouquet of pink carna-) tions on the altar of the Blessed around hosiery counters usually \fall into three groups. There are |those who always have to guess jat her size and preference, jothers who have her require- |ments down pat, and some who wish to surprise her with the latest hosiery fashion. This season, hosiery has dug j\deep into its romantic past for jsome of the most eye-rivetting jstyles seen since Grandpa first noticed Grandma's well-turned ankle, These are the lacy pat- terns which can be casual or dressy depending on color, motif and the way they are worn, In 2nd and 3rd vice-presidents of St. Andrew's UCW. It was announced. that the Cluaran Unit will be in charge of baby-sitting for the Sundays in May and the members, were asked if anyone wishing to serve the church in this manner to please leave their name with Mrs. J. R. Warnica. The Reverend Duncan White MA, BD, will be the guest speaker at the next meeting of the UOW on Tuesday evening, May 19, The Reverend White is Field Secretary, Christian Edu- cation, Bay of Quinte Confer- deep, dark shades, they're often} ence referred to as can-can hosiery, Colors range all the way from black to the new chalky look of whitened pinks and blues and pale, faded mauves. Textured motifs include medallions, dia- monds and even a beetle for the avant-garde younger set: The most exotic of all {is actually made of black or champagne nylon lace. In spite of their lacy tracery, these patterned stockings are longer wearing than today's most popular construction. This is because they are somewhat heavier than the 15-denier worn by nine out of 10 Canadian women, The most widely avail- able patterned stockings are 20- denier and 30-denier, Mrs. Gordon Watt and mem- bers of her unit served refresh- ments; LADIES! No Baby Sitter, No Car Fare MR. BERNARD Of Leading Toronto Salons Experienced Hair Stylist FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS PHONE AFTER 9 P.M, 728-9317 | | | | | Manager, nd the District Managers, the|Chief Rangers for their districts. ; my ' e . pick zg i ; } Fraternal Supervisor, seaberel Sister San and Bro, Keith| tection of Mr. Philip Long, sete | the president, Mrs. B. J. Sal-)/Mrs, Keneeth Adams, a mem| The wecbale Fc ggear Pass 2 b ogpeesntt of 0 egal gL of the executive of High Court,|Clarke presented a trophy to be|'hree selections: an Irish folk) mers, presiding. A report on the|ber of coufcil, led a short dis-'® a ge ' a aotlcwek tr RiGLaeet Mlaevee: Gatwmimaaniaa "a Sister Laura Fraser, Bros, G.|awarded to the Court with the|S0ng, "Down By The Sally Gar-| various activities and programs] cussion period. ve . aie wadain satis was|bathedval tian of Chantilly lace Thoms, Lorne McDonald, and|most fraternal activity for the|den"; "Glory, Glory" and '"The) during the year was given by| Refreshments were provided. "Wort, ne a of Kolodziei-|flowis i; 4 ; . : Sound of Music". the: record: secretary. Mrs j played by Edward Kolodziej-|flowing from the shoulders and Bro. John Borthwick, Superin-| year. nee cording secretary, rs.}and served by the members of "zyk who accompanied the| etal hanad Si. én tendent of Fieldmen; the High} The Registrar reported there) Miss Eleanor Griffith's Grade) John McLaughlin and from her| Mrs. Thelma Rowland's room. \chole and the soloist, Mr Larry|bi P me oige mee " . roe HS | A 4 § st, . jblossom secured a floor-length Vice-Ohief Ranger, Bro. Earljwere 22 Courts present and 481 recited and enacted several|report it was evident that the Sachett of Whitby, who sanglveil of F h tulle illusi H Parsons and finally the High|delegates representing their/nursery rhymes. Mr. Shutka's| Association had had a success- ren Maria" and' "The Lord's eas set ppt r ainae "a Ohief Ranger, Bro. Albany Rich-|Courts. Grade 6 enacted a play "The| ful and busy year, The treasur-| LODGES AND levarer™ se: sha oe fg 0! int ard. Bro, Richard presented the| The High Vice Ohief Ranger/Mighty Germ'. Mrs. Holland's|er's report was given by Mrs.| Sih, Ais TRLEE Matec et eis esto by 4 fella - rose: peas Charter of the Assembly to the|assisted by Bro. Keith Clarke.| afternoon Kindergarten Rhythm! W. J. Howard | SOCIETIES Pal it ; as uel preien [he oral ay sed wit Ban layed and didn auare| is, #7 Kinmestey, cha | ee The president and past-presi-'a banquet and dance. | dance. Mrs. Donald Rowe's| man of the nominating commit-| PRINCE PHILIP CH. IODE | Janette Kelly, maid of Rong |Grade 5 put on three square/tee, read the slate of. officers} 'The monthly meeting of the jand Mrs. James Falloon, Miss dances. for the, coming year and while| Prince Philip Chapter, .IODE |Adele Labus, Miss Claire Mit- Mrs. Finley Cunningham"s|it would appear that at the|was held at Adelaide House with| chell, Miss Dianne Hergott and combined Grades 2 and 3 enact-/moment there is no incoming|Mrs. J, A. Mitchell, Regent, pre-| \Miss' Barbara Ligenza, all of ed a play, "The Magic Wishing] president, it is hoped this va-| siding. | | Oshawa. ' Pot". The intermediate choir|cancy will be filled in the next) In the absence of the secre-| Their full-length, sleeveless |under~ the direction of Mr.| week or two. jtary, Mrs. H. W. Sheridan, the! gowns, compfémented by for- | Andrew Russell sang two selec-| The members of the new!/minutes were read by Mrs. C.| |mal white gloves, were fashion- jtions, '"'Westering Home" and) executive are as follows: imme-|G. Luke. | jed identically on sheath lines the Mexican folk song "In The/diate past president, Mrs. B. J.| The treasurer's report was jwith bateau necklines and flow- | Plaza'. |Salmers; vice-president, Mrs./read by Mrs. B. T. Ward, act- jing panels. Their headdresses | In the absence of the presi-|Ray Hartley; recording secre-ling for Mrs. Alfred Austin, |were matching chiffon bows and dent, Mrs. Gordon Beaton, Mrs.|'@Ty, Mrs. John McLaughlin; |treasurer. |they: carried arm bouquets of |Gordon McQuaid presided for a| easurer, Mrs. W. J. Howard;| Mrs, Wallace Butler, secretary Pink Delight rosesand white! short business period, Mrs. Wil-|Coresponding secretary, Mrs./of Services at Home and |streamers. liam Hrehoruk, treasurer, read/J0hn Hruska; executive mem-| Abroad, reported that Mrs. C. i | Mr. Brian Ruddy, Toronto, |the minutes in the absence of| bers, Mrs, J. A. Keenan, Mrs.|G. Luke, Mrs. A. S$, Whattam § |was his brother's best man and the secetary, Mrs. Geonge|Peter Francis, Mrs. Lloyd/and Mrs. Butler had 'staffed the| & : |e ushers were Mr. Barry Ka- |Thomson, She also féad the| Metcalf, Mrs. Ralph Kimmer-|Tuck Shop at Hillsdale, April 17. A vanagh, Toronto; Mr. John monthly and annual treasurer's| ey, Mrs. Leo Krantz. Mrs. Butler thanked the mem- Ruddy, Ajax; Mr. John Muha, reports. Other annual commit-|_ Mrs. B. J. Salmers thanked/bers for books donated to be sent i |Mr. Edward Zielinski and Mr, tee reports were read, im nie Pag gk sneer} Semney ~ . a 4 cna at a pie! Napiorkowski, all of Osh- fi i ers and staff for their co-op- onvener of orld Affairs, | deivd Ft gg pe 1964.65 ave | eration during her year in|Mrs. J. L. Beaton, read the| LUNCHEON GUEST The reception, dinner and as follows: past-president, Mrs.| i©e- |monthly world affairs report of| y4iss Catherine Ongley will |dance was held. at The Flying Gordon Beaton; president, Mrs. It was announced that the Mr, M. McIntyre Hood, which | be the guest of honor and |Dutchman Motor Hotel. To re- Gordon McQuaid: recording pace annual field day, weather per-|was much appreciated by the| speaker at the May luncheon, |Céive, the bride's mother wore lretary, Mrs. William Hrehoruk; | ting, would be held Tues-/chapter. Mrs. Beaton also read| an annual event of the |@ floor-length shéath gown of treasurer 'Mis Seiden Sinweus day, June 2. |The Canada I Love: An Un-| fyceum Club and Women's |blossom pink summer brocade @ |social convener, Mrs. Jack| M'S. Ray Hartiey, who along/fasionable Testament" taken! art Association, The lunch- |and matching brocade 'hat. The J | farmer: re eg pie with Mrs. AHan Taylor, attend-|from the Globe and Mail. | eon is to be held next Mon- bridegroom's mother was in a Mrs. David Brough. Several of.|°4 the annual Home and School) Mrs. J. H. Halliday, cor-| day at 1.00 p.m. in the audi- |Tose og rege gown of tices were left vacant and the) CO"Vvention in Toronto recently,|responding secretary, reported) torium of McLaughlin Public ail Arg Fach tee c ing _-- 1 \members were asked to volun-| parents evapora interesting|that a sympathy card had been) Library and | the Pr aa * Godalidiie: yiarse ty corsage 0 teer their services. The nw offi-/"°POrt on the convention. jsent to Mrs. W. S. C. Larmer, gma g pantie AE: | The couple are honeymooning Sauternes MEDIUM DRY CANADA'S WINE pe " : | Mrs,.W. J. Howard was given|who lost a brother. i i i j bo Boag a tg redloeae SeP-| the pleasant task of presenting] yrs. J, W. Girard Ways and| lax le ree oe Eelinton av. . |Mr. Lloyd Weiderick, principal,/Means convener, reminded the|that every Canadian should take| oun east. Toronto, | | > . The room prize was won by| with a ch | : | Mrs. Betty Holland's Kindergar-| ang Séhool rom ne Home| members that the tag day would|part, no matter how small, in|" For travelling the bride chose| | CHATEAU-GAI WINES wires mrneana PALLE-GARAOK S DIis* OF ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Edward Draper, Brooklin, Ontario, announce the | engagement of their daughter. ! Patricia Ann, to Mr. Donald Roderick Wells, son of Mr. and Mrs, Roderick Wells, Spring- dale, Greenbank, Newfoundland. The wedding will take place 'Saturday, June 13, at 3.00 p.m. in St. Thomas' Church (Angli- can), Brooklin, ENGAGEMENT engagement is an- Shirley Elizabeth, | daughter of Mrs, Fraser Rutherford, Oshawa, and the uu 2) Zz = a a. a < ae pa < = a e MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL! A CHARMER BLOUSE Over Blouse with Short Sleeves. Plain colors of ' . + Roy Rhodes; 2nd vice-president, Mrs, John Dutchak; recording secretary, Mrs. C. E. Williams; treasurer, Mrs. C. A. Leavitt; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Joseph Maga; social chairman, Mrs. Kenneth Dawe; member- ship chairman, Mrs. R. S. White; hospitablity, Mrs. Wil- liam Morrison; Grade mothers, Mrs. Donald White; financial chairman, Mrs, Stephen Macko, 1 | Gem class, Mré. James Ganges. Association to be/pe held on May 23 and asked|making 1967 a wonderful centen-la brown suit with silver-dlue y wa the benefit of the school. > rs. Mitchell b ht to the P ' r | t rnah: REG " names to her, Mrs. Mitche roug matching accessories and a y 4 & ~ |tive members served retreshy| The junior and senior room| The Regent, Mrs. J. A.\attention of the members the| white orchid corsage, g sig j- cr |Sel Wright's and Mr.~ George|the Prince Philip Chapter at the ing of the Order would be held|from Australia, Poland and Al-| mi LB: ; | SOCIAL NOTICES | Hiemstra's classes. annual meeting of the IODE|in Toronto in October, and abe lores and flowers were deliv- HAPPY BIRTHDAY | | of thirty-six voices under thejher report. Mr. John Fisher,|a more active part. _ {godfather in Australia. ! | ENGAGEMENT | direction of Mr. George Hiem-|("Mr. Canada") gave an en.| After roll call the meeting|-- ---------- nee i i i ' ; : : REFRI E HERS ELECTRIC RANGES today. She is the daughter of Mrs. T. L. Wilson and Mr. and |Oshawa, wish to announce the their varied selection of songs. ada ' hundredth birthday party.|Q aa Ars, eo Ghaver: ar i wh ll ad eran <TR hi BS : Mr. and Mrs. William T. Wil- Mrs. A. E. Blatch, all of Osh- |engagement of their only daugh- a A skit, ' Anyone for Bridge," Mr. Fisher stressed the fact'ciating as standard bearer, + -- | Robinsén Finley, BA,, LLB., M } CI I son of Mr. G. W. Finley 'of Is. Jo ara Ss Returned and the late Mrs. Finley; The marriage is to take place quiet- Toronto, At the annual meeting of the | With Any Purchase Association recently, Mrs. John Chmara was re-elected presi- AT « will be: 1st vice-president, Mrs. ROGER'S & ° The Amazing New... PERMAGLAZE dobial cduvaner- and the sn ad bg in any way he saw fit for prospective taggers to give their | nial celebration. jmink collar, a gold hat and ts. ee leds : men prizes were won by Mrs. Man-|Mitchell, who had represented|fact that the semi-annual meet-| Telegrams were receiv ed CB: | The Junior choir, composed|held in Hamilton in April gave| would be an opportunity to take|ered from the bride's uncles and Linda Marie is one year old grandparents are Mr. and| Mr. and Mrs, A. H. Dancey,| ®t, Pleased the audience with/thusiastic address about Can- pinged with the singing of the son, Kingsdale drive. Her awa. --Photo by Serge |ter, Freda Katherine, to John wn essen ABSOLUTELY jIslington, formerly of Oshawa, - "4 ly on Saturday, June 6, in As President, Coronation H&S ' } Coronation Home and School LARGE OR SMALL dent. Others on. her executive The nounced of public-relations chairman, Mrs. Michael Simic. Mrs. John Chmara welcomed the members and guests to this, the last meeting of the season. The minutes and treasurer's re- port were read. Mr. R. H. McLeod, principal, poke briefly of the coming tests in school. The attendance banner was presented. to' Miss Oliver for her grade 2 class. Mrs, Stephen Macko, = Mrs. Chmara, and Mrs. John Dut- chak reported on the Home and School Convention in Toronto. The annual-reports were accep- ted as written. Mrs. Richard Donald intro- duced Mrs. R. D. Heard, guid- ance teacher at. MCVI and Par ent Education Chairman for the Ontario Federation of Home and School. Associations.' After showing a film on 'The Teens,"'! yo a RE-ELECTED Mrs. Heard gave some sound advice to the members. Mrs. Heard emphasized that the tiere to establish good relations with a child is from babyhood. To wait until adolescence and ex- pect to communicate for the first time, is futile. Mrs, George Glassf6rd thanked Mrs. Heard. Refreshments were served by the grade mothers of Kinder- garteh, Mrs. D. H. White and Mrs, John Cosman. jlate Mr. Rutherford, to Phillip Cyril] Heard, son of Mrs. Cyril |Heard, Whitby, and the late Mr. Heard. The marriage is to take place Saturday, June 6, 1964, at 3.30 p.m. in St. Mark's United Church, Whitby. DRAPERY MATERIAL 98° yord and up Compare ot $1.98 yard M. & C. Dry Goods & Draneries 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 | | OSHAWA _ SHOPPING CENTRE 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN ~< Pink, Blue, Yellow and White with White lace over front. SPECIAL 1.97 sizes 12-14-16-18 OSHAWA " , i) > - 4 a Y = < 3 e a} < e " Q a < [4 e " 4 uw x " < > x= 2 a 9 = < = ° Ee P= | < e @ CLEANS @ GLAZES © WEATHER-PROOFS @ PROTECTS The new gloze and lasts, and lasts! Never wax again. A REGULAR VALUE OF (Also on sale at Roger's) 155 SIMCOE SOUTH 1 g "Liqui- fied Glass", Just spread it on. . . off... for a ceramic-like GLAZE that lasts, wipe it your cor 3.00 Yours Free With ANY Purchase * "ROGER GUARANTEES YOU WILL PAY LESS" ROGER APPLIANCES N THURSDAY & REFRIGERATORS @ STEREO @ WRINGER WASHERS @ ELECTRIC RANG Unconditional Guarantee You must be pleased in every way with results of PermaGloze or it COSTS YOU NOTHING! PermaGlaze Division, G & A Industries, Inc, AUG SILVWOLNY © SOldvy © SYZHSVM HSIG DILYWOLNY = DAY TILL 9 P.M PHONE 728-2151 & saoNVildd¥ TIVWS © Sua

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