ee wt Bg ta ing or id aie ba 1G THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 9, 1964 [32--Articles For Sale --whemrsirtess|Pearson Shifts vee Civil Servants poe See atin: so OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis-,of undersecretary ik callers cos patio ae, ter Pearson announced G, G. E. Steele, assistant dep- Price $150. Apply 279 Jarvis Street. REFRIGERATOR, Norge, 7 cuble foot,|in the senior civil service Fri-|uty finance minister. PICK UP truck front exile with condition, and 3 wheels and tires. Suitabie for = PS ne te een en Ae a : 132---Articles for Sale GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS AT 29--Automobiles For Sole GENERAL REPAIRS : For Sale i 1959 VAUXHALL 6 radio, One owner, 9,000 st ce ee Ritson 1 and King 1959 RENAULT, 4 door, 723-4733 and 723-7712 sve am VOLVO. DISCOUNT 1957 PONTIAC 6 cylinder, SALES AND SERVICE eutomotic transmission, ra- JAKE and BILL'S PRICES - rks aa -- bie ice single 'bw, 420." ADD Be Brock 'Street 1957 CHEVROLET Bel Air, , General Repair o Cities: Teblea 1.08 Oshawa. V8, "mondord | trenemission. 449 Rison Rood oth Tables 7.95 wp [ts eume i fame ported Geralhen Tae! ~, ae, 46,000 original Cahn ion nent Step tees o Raa 4 1963 BSA ior ce Gold Star 650 Lomps .. 5.95 up 21 FT. cabin cruiser, outboard motor, in 4 Tri-lights 9.95 up |900d condition. Telephone 728-6993, twin, tag or Phone Whitby, BOAT, 18 foot and 25 horsepower Evin- bya Hostess Choirs 9.95 up |rude, electric starting, and Tee-Nee trall- 1957 CHEV., 4door, automatic, Custom ie vd. bd condition. $695. Private. Tele-| 1 1-pc. living room sets $159 FH 3|F 9/2 is 3733 seeees with: George tor of the bureau of government ijonganization, will become sec- retary of the treasury board un- der the reorganized treasury board set» announced in Jan- ;juary. He will rank as deputy' drapes,|minister of the new depart- jment. Jean Miquelon will continue as deputy registrar-general of 1955 PONTIAC, 6 cylinder, standard transmission. 1955 FORD. Vaton pick-up. Will accept any offer. MIKE'S USED CAR LOT RAGLAN 655-3528 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St. BUYING OR_SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. --OSHAWA Gust. East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off g h after 7 p.m., 723-2106. WALL DETERGER, wali ee ine, almost new, dripless, no . Telephone ae ii $ 3s aye LOCKE'S FLORISTS Funeral arrangements and * floral requirements for all occasi OSHAWA s SHOPPING 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL HOME 390 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 728-6226 sibs 16 HP SCOTT, long shaft starter and gen-|ASPARAGUS and rhubarb by the Ib. PIANO, upright Grand, ebony finish, re-jerator; single lever controls, $450. Phone|Place your orders now for your freezer. cently reconditioned, excellent tone. $250.|West Rouge. AT 7-7010. 728-1100. Dunbarton 639-3502. -- SMALL boat, punt style, 10 by 3% with deck, brand new condition, used only twice. Telephone 728-7180. trailer, 16-inch or best offer. Good phone Whitby, 668-8629, Westingh 'TV ond PontecSteonwagor,"¢ evince" Rey Appliances ot Discount Prices for fishing. At Nicols Motors, -- EASY TERMS -- Pecighe. Sodeciaor secee MTR. (nels sate. * r- This. is 2" real beauty o ae M COLLIS move _fu ratte. Telephone 724-1683. | Sir erly 'S90 Ritson road merit Karp lyn oan cane the * Son ernment department with its br boa PE Bove this WHS 8 tales cre, gy ER age ET LLOYD selon dele baby car ria ert sy cabinet minister. Privy Pontiac two-door hardtop at Nicols Mo- c ition, pale blue. Asking 8 fors, 146. Brock North, Whitby. 668-3331 Towers, piping, relolliir: He Chinn, er] " 5207528 after 4 pom 34--Lost and Found Counlt Print a he! tion, used only as second car, $995./onaTT piano benef e ed. T 4 C d Ca 728-8749, walnut finish, Ish, Telephone gM ag aie hi 00 peel Mercury, tandem| TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, dupll-|BROOCH, plain gold, inscribed "South|of government organization will ana a r 1950 DODGE 12 ton pickup; 1953 Chev- Tv ic oe, nid Fully equipped. Telephone 728-|cators, i eeaies teeta be transferred to the 'finance . telnet lure with all channel "antenna Insaled| ony WANTED is enrique. Tele phone 723-7548 : * depart a wae the prime Production 1956 PONTIAC 4 door hardtop, radlo,|$y>, Oshawa TV Supply Ltd., 361 Gibbons | hone Oshawa 1258183. ment, 137 Brock South, Whitby. JACKET top to Gress, mottled greeny Test) i pending par- ; : INSIDE door end trim, hand lawn mower, I5F_ BOAT, 70" bea, wis Friday, between John and icorener llamentary peal of oo new Ul 4 reets on Simcoe 5 3 190 CHEVROLET A-1 536. I Viking 'radio, * al Condition. tre board setup. His ap- lances. One location - only. Pretty' - 7 TELEVISION towe jal, 40-ff, struc pul aaee 7 on ice va tee Ga, Pumiure. 444 Simcoe 'South, 723-2271. 2 Hen ben fn i lg pt ture, including a. choenet entach: ts gal adviser will be Max Wer- plants built an estimated 161,- Pacha can. have seme by assuming oe of | wrntiyre, only age re a excellent condition. Te Veark' eiptionea OM. Tite Tomvibioe, shof, assistant undersecretary.|770 cars this week compared i ig Mr Telephone ater & Pi lionest Cal's, 424 King West, - 7289191 isFT, PLYWOOD Fibreglass boat, Scott ---- H. Courtney Kingstone of the| with 179,390 last week, says the BOAT trailer medium or heavy duly,|40 hp outboard motor, self-baller, trailer, Cy eee ee eae tere ie NAME ACT, 1960 Kare agnneb . yoo ---- has)trade publication Automotive TAKE NOTICE toto gone [iae dented, ena, sr New, ete weak let ea appliances. One location only. Pretty's|THISTLE Baby carriage, in brand new|OUTBOARD Evinrude Motor 15 hp. Ex-| cation will be made on Thurs- oe ee ee 7 145 CARS WANTED Furniture, 444 Simcoe South. 723-3271. |condition. Telephone 723-9280. [salle il areal Saka ee Hh Fiaesd hed --_ 24-INCH Moffat _automatl . Used|16-FT. CABIN crulser, with motor and ot 10:30 in the fore- aa rod | o Hd | four, months, $150. Best offer. Dunbarton troller and) o. ova skills. After ALBION lectric refrigeraotr. good condi-| noon before the . presiding 3,152,417 cars, compared with Talk "Cash" to the New » |i2 er, @ Runabout and 18 HP Evinrode|GO-CART, SeaaTnaTe Adi0 Ciinton en-| 3 rket Bosket RECORDS VOICES 2,900,269 at this point a year mass, |33--Ma be Slowko Pidwerbecki of 837 | GHRISTOHURCH, Eng land| °S°: PLANTS: Petunias, Marigolds, Salvia,|@ to 11. Also other items. Telephone|for freezers. Fresh roasting chickens, 3 ~ ria rant: (CP)--The fire brigade in this In Canada, an estimated 14,- 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 | Pansies, Spanish onions, cabbage, every-|Whitby 668-2465, fo 4 Ibs., $1 and $1.25 each. Deliveries on Ps 'aba is name fo "'s |Hampshire town has a device to|492 cars were built this week thing. Hundreds to choose from. Glecoff's TD 14 International bulldozer, trailing orders of 10 or more. Call Oshawa 728- eter Peters. : help catch le who make $ ALL CASH $ Supermarket, Ritson Road. Open fil! 10 5291. Dated Wh this 30th Pp peop! compared with 14,945 last week p.m. every. night. float. 1957 Mercury Fie dump. 1953 gah caer areal as ets ted at Whitby this For clean cors or trucks we Harley Davidson, 74 Black with lots of or ha toes, day of April, 1964. > up or down. Liens paid ae i stu, the system may pr pe ( ; a us r callers to local| m a 812, compar NICOLS MOTORS LTD. the applicant. 146 BROCK ST agony coast guard stations. with 207,753 a year earlier. From Those Who Wear A White Flower North, Whitby. 668-3331. FURNITURE CO, two- ide and Park South. COMPLETELY new set of "Encyciee OST jatch In downtown pasa ; iT s 1959 VAUXHALL, Cresta, 6 cylinder LOST: Lady's wi in " eres) minister. automatic, no rust, low mileage, very i aga td Used only 12. times $700 or best offer. asury intment is. effective May 15. 36--Legal es if 30. Automobiles Wanted $150. Telephone for information 728-0308.| fully Water skils, scuba. diving yy benny 668-2570. Joint Commission, succeedin, 6 So far this year, U.S. plants Judge in Chambers for the Car Dealer and "SAVE" motor. 750 Tee Nee traller. Like new, 2\gine. After 4 p.m. telephone hoax calls. The device makes PORCELAIN top kitchen table, size 39"|chrome. Can be seen at 237 Nassaullb. bags at $3.75 delivered. Cortland eat- s and 12,499 last year. Canadian Z. T. Salmers, 13% Simcoe Across from Royal ON SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1964 IN MEMORIAM BALL -- In loving memory of Dora E. Ball, who passed away one year ago. fm See ie Nes In $45 DOWN $58 ly buys this 78 King St. W.---725.0332 com au set ot Encyciopae I. Bema BRAT 1042 tuunte da nnunua. wal 'case inc! . tone, | white-wall fires. Excellent cond GREW BOAT. 1963, twenty toot, convert baal vngpe Me Shee isa casn [mn King or Simcoe $i Dr. Da laid tae " clean. Call after § p.m., 232 ne oe a Booey Jewel gas range, ered COM! hoor polisher, . ile Used ony ta lephone 728-/BUY and sell, good used furniture and|Phon utreng . Drive. seen to be appreciated. Telep! ee ee 4 The new external affairs le-) DETROIT (AP) -- U.S. auto CHANGE OF BUY and sell, good used furniture and|tfit. Best offer. Whitby Mr. Wershof. have turned out an estimated hearing of on application by TED CAMPIN MOTORS _ |¥00rs old. Best offer. 723-2911. COATS, girl's spring and waar, sizes|CLEMENT Brothers Poultry. Take orders by 24", with three chairs. Cost $65, sell| Street. Phone 728-3164. ing apples, bushel $2.50. Phone 725-3445, 0 recerdens of 1s Suleet's Veloe, output for the year was esti- St. N. Oshawa, Solicitor for Hote WHITBY 668 3331. LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest. prices paid. 220| LUGGAGE Trade up or down Wentworth East, 725-1181. soars. Alwi juali OSHAWA Auto Parts and Auto Wreckers, " cys top quality 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for wreck-|FURNA 2B, McClary, oll, forced alr and 1958 mo0ee, A-1 condition, radio. Best ing. Telephone 725-2165 or 723-4245, 200 oe! on-tank; electric hot water tank. tires with Telephone ~ 1956 METEOR convertible, new paint lob. you,| Telephone Bowmanvilie 623-2824. oon ree '4-door In good running con- 7 also wrecking a 1946 Cadil ng 'adillac. a VOLKSWAGEN, bpassenger bie Ex: cellent condition. New motor. Must' sell, 668-4500, in 1958 CHEVROLET, automatic ¢ * ville 623-2687 after 5.30 p.m, sion, radio, etc. This ise ra transmis- 32----Articles For Sale $95. Whitby, 668-5166. SELL FOR LESS and storage cutting board, vinyl marble 725-3383 after 5 p.m. Valley Creek Furniture $995. Telephone Whitby offer. Telephone Bowmanville 623-3993, All ih aa or" ar we acn ea," Bonar . Whitby, 5. en evenings, reet, 668-4908. | HAVE A SECRET . VACUUM cleaner, Lewyt, not one year WE PAY MORE old. Was $5, selling $45; sewing cabinet Buying ond selling used fur- |top, $40. Best offers. Telephone 723-3632. niture and appliances. Call ben 7%2 JOHNSON outboard, In very eanene ppooes size 5, full = all 16% BOND W. 728-4401 lace bodice, _-- ins and pearis. . Call by daughter Olga,to sell. Telephone Bowmanville. 623-5915, ll RUTHERFORD -- In loving memory of » @ dear brother, Fraser, passed away May 10, 1958. In our book of memories, Love never dies, --Remembered by. Isa, Thorie, and Anne. 1962 OLDSMOBILE, power steering and dition. Apply 97 Durham Street. VALVE GRINDING epic ef. charger, Apply brakes, radio, 29,000 miles. Perfect con-|BUYING or selling furniture So par special at Edgar's Wallpaper by Para Paints NCR olome. wneror g USED Nor: 'efrigerat in good run-| Interior and exter| r at 'ge refrigerator, - 'f ning condition, $39. Apply 246 Road South. be "age te ee anlar innit EES PONE and. Wall u Kh 191 RENAULT, Dauphine, grey, very| wet Me apes aa very Whitby 668-8954 | WEDDING gown, size 12, Ilke new, worn! ances. vc Eimer, Hampton, rl once; also Po forma is, In good condition. | bac 723-9452. j Paint and/EQLLY automatic, Speed aa washer, since 1915, $75. Must sell. 3-1366. Telephone 72. y latex, Wilson oe Interior, in Telephone 723-4156 after 6 p.m. hace A gig tones pg tagged steering, 4 cal BED chesterfield, leather chair, bed, spring and mattress. GE wringerjelectric accessories, auto- bore GE refrigerator, automatic de-jalso punt 7¥2 Evinrude, 728-3297. ros kit power brakes, "radle "good 'cond condition. After set. 1 chen CABIN CRUISER, 181% ft. Weymouth 75 maple|!4 FOOT cedarstrip 35 HP Johnson, tarp, box trailer, pie Television set, 725-1708. ful 1958 Chevrolet four-door Bel Alr. This ar aoa Two for $25 DOWN, is monthly buys this beauti-|after 7 p.m. call 728-1165, and trailer. Can be seen by 2. hp motor further particulars,| appointment. Tel: Is @ one owner car at eon one 46 Brock North, Whitby. $200 DOWN and $75 = buys 1960 Buick convertible. One North, Whitby. 3331, WE BUY, seli and exchange used furni- Gream boat at Nicole Motors. 146, Brock fare or .snything you. have. The City|b South, 723-167 awnings, _ curtains, Complete service, Free estimates. No|Apply 739 King Street waiting, Mil Jelinek, 728-1993 anytime. 5 0 -HP GALE outboard ure Pp ag Canoples,|/start, A-1 condition, $600 or Weel a8 7335 after 6, fg hg chesterfield $45. 40" single $25. Good condition. Telephone 728- trading rok Store, 446 Simcoe Street 300 MOFFAT gas dryer. Used only few 1960 GOLKAWASER: deluxe A-1 mechanically sound. 19599 CHEVROLET coach, 8 cylinder, body, DRUMS or black Bera Good con- New Mires. Ericed| sition, $150. Telephone 728-9896. months. Apply 209 Stacey Avenue, Apart- ment No. 1. standard, radio, whitewalls. Call after § P.m., 723-2540. 1957 RAMBLER, A-1 condition. Must be seen to be appreciated. Terms. Call 72-46. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERN 1957 CHRYSLER Windsor, mechanically Good, Telephone Pickering 942-4676, _ OSHAWA Auto Parts and Auto Wreckers, 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for wrecke ing. Telephone 725-2165 or 723-4245. 1962 ACADIAN convertible, in good con- dition, fully equipped. $1,875. Apply to 583 Ritson Road South. 1961 CHEVROLET Biscayne, standarc transmission, 6 cylinder, Bive metallic finish, Al condition. Telephone 728-1820. 192 GALAXIE, dual range, V-8, auto matic, $1,795. May consider trade, Tele- phohe between 4-7 p.m. Ajax 942-3725. MONUMENTS -- MARKERS RIMAR * MEMORIALS 152 SIMCOE ST. S OSHAWA w OFFICE * 723-1002 * 1955 PONTIAC -- new 263 motor, es shift, posi-traction rear end, body shape, blue and white. Telephone Whitby, 668-2344, 1953 CHEVROLET, good running condi- tion, $75. Apply 230 Jarnes Street. $10 DOWN, $28 per month buys this beau- tiful 1958 Edsel two-door hardtop. Loaded with extras at Nicols Motors, 146 Brock North, Whitby. 668-3331. 1961 MORRIS 850, station wagon, good Condition. $550. Telephone 725-6480, 1957 FORD sedan, automatic, motor over- hauled, interior clean, new paint job, transmission good. $475. Phone 725-8503. CARD OF THANKS 1963 CHEVROLET Bel Air, bive, 6 cylin- der, automatic, other extras. power HAWES -- | Wish to thank all my real-|725-0142. os tn friends and neighbors, nurses of 4F | 1956 CONVERTIBLE, Pontiac, new trans- end 2D, Hobbs, steering, Low mileage. radio, Telephone Rev. Stanley Armstrong, Drs.|mission, new top, good motor, $475. Tele- Jaciw and Sargeant, for all thelr! phone 723-9665 after 8 p.m. kindness shown to me during my stay in Oshawa Generali Hospital. 1964 CHEVROLET Bel-Air automatic, six- i [aed whitewalls, --Mrs. Annie Hawes, Whitby. |<) be financed. Call 725-8132, wheel discs, $2595. " SAUNDERS -- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 1962 HEALEY 3000, MK 11, Girling disc " Saunders of 157 Park Road South, wish to brakes, over drive, WW hardtop and soft "thank all their relatives and friends foritop. Perfect condition. Telephone 723-6755 fers and other gifts given andifor appointment the sent to them on the of their 50th wedding anniversary; also to Mrs. James|'958 PONTIAC, 'end served refreshments. 6 cylinder automatic, 'end the Home League Ladies who catered|"@dio, body and mechanically good con- ULASSIFIED ADVERTISING 1959 VOLKSWAGEN, Whitby. 668-8404. 1956 CHEVROLET convertibie, 6 cylinder, automatic transmission, new new nylon top, new tires, very good condition, red. Call 723-4245. dition. $685 or best offer. Mrs. Thomp- Son 655-4651. deluxe, radio. in body -- job, mechanically (Continued from. Page 15) 19%62 CORVAIR mission, ance. Radio, white walis, discs, etc. Ex- cellent condition. Private. 725-8308. HP eingine for Deluxe, four-speed trans- high perform- '29--Automobiles For Sale 958 = =PONTIAC, two-door, : "phone automatics! shieid washers, redio.. Very nice condition. $100. Tele- s 17, Pickering 942-1506 after 1957 PLYMOUTH hardtop, $550. V-8, auto- matic, new tires, battery, radio, wind- ae excellent. PONTIAC Parisienne, V-8 automa- Power steering and brakes, 1959 PONTIAC Savino white- ee toe te . New 5 Fetes, windshield, radio, $2:600/top, 91,200. Call 725-4404 convertible, radio, whitewalls, custom body job. White with biack PRINTED PATTERN by Mr. Mort A586 SIZES 8-18 SUMMER'S PRETTIEST WRAP-UP | AVERY -- A Mother's Day Tribute In memory of @ dear mother and grand- mother, Fern Avery, who passed away August 21, 1963, in our hearts your grooltpid lingers, Always tender, fond and true, There's not a ory, dear mother, We do not think of you, ~-Lovingly remembered by daughter pooled son-in-law Lloyd and grandchil- ren, AVERY -- A mother's Day Tribute in toving memory of a dear mother, Roberta Lt ag Passed away suddenly August aes who gave us the best of her ife, Who cherished our secrets, our sorrow, our strife, Who taught us fo love, and taught us te pray, aro mother In heaven, God bless you Your te wes unselfish, for others you Tv Net for what you received, but what you could give, Just a loving thought, just a silent tear, A beautiful memory of ® mother so dear. Dear God, take # message to our mother above, Tell her how much we miss her end give her our love, Sadly missed a: iovingly remembered by daughter Edna, son-in-law Elwood and grandsons, EDWARDS -- in loving mi of dear wife, mother and grandmoter, Jone eee who passed away September --Lovingly ra@membered and sadly missed this Mother's Cay by husband Bert, daughter Sophie and granddaughter Dey 'and grandson Lee. FUDGE -- In toving memory Gear mother and grandmother, Eve (Cor. ao who passed away November Please God, forgive a silent tear, A fervent wish our Mom was here, There are others, yes, we know, But she wes ours, we loved her so. Dear God, take @ message To our Mother in heaven above, Tell her how much we miss her, And give her all our love. --Ever remembered ie Powe std Georgia, Jack Gren. GIBBS -- A Mother's Day tribute in loving memory of our dear mothers, Flor- ence Gibbs, who passed away September 13, 1946, and Margaret Isabelle Ashby, who passed away November 1, 1943. In memory, a daily thought, In heart, a silent sorrow. ~E€Ever remembered by Helen, grandchildren Noel and Pamela. Orville, GRIGORENKO ~-- A Mother's Day Tribute in loving memory of a dear mother, Anna Budjuk, who passed away November 28, 1¥60. God knows how much | miss her, Never shail her memory fade, Loving thoughts snail ever wander To the spot where she is tald. --Always remembered and sadly missed by her son and his wife, Walter and Mary. HAMILTON -- in jemory of Winnifred Huldah Hemittory who passed @way May 3, 1960, While you, dear parent, rest and sleep, Your loving -we'll always keep. ~Sadly missed by family and grandchil- Gren. HREHORUK -- In loving memory of our dear mother, Dorothy Hrehoruk, who passed away May 12, 1951 and In loving memory of our dear dad, Peter Hrehoruk 'who passed away May 3, 1962. The month of May comes with regret, The day in our life we will never forget. When they had to answer that heavenly call, We lost the best Mom and Dad of all, Just a cluster of beautiful memories Sprayed with a million tears, LANDER -- A Mother's Day tribute in loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Margaret Lander, whe passed away August 11, 1959. Today recalls sad memori Of.a dear mother gone to rest, And the one who thinks of her today ts the one who loved her best. Always remembered by son Ron daughter-in-law Pat and grandchildren. LUKE--A loving Mother's Day re to a dear wife and mother, Isobel Luke, who passed away onabe 3, 1961. We lost a mother with a heart of gold, Who was more to us than wealth untold, Without farewell she fell asleep, With only memories for us to keep. We have lost but God has gained One of the best mothers the world con- tained. ~€ver remembered by husband Ted and Helen, Catherine and Edward. MANNS -- In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Pearl Manns, who passed away November 11, 1959. What we would give if we could say, "Hello Mother"in the same old way, To hear your voice and see your smile, To sit with you and chat awhile. So you who have a mother, Cherish her with care, For you'll never know the heartache TIH you see her vacant chair. ~Sadly missed by the family and grand children. MARSHALL -- A B sraige oF Day Tribute in loving memory of jear mother and grandmother, Edith Marshall, who passed away February 12, 1963. You often said we'd miss you, Your words have proved so true, We lost our best and dearest friend, Mother, when we lost you. One lonely year without you, The saddest we have known, Only God knows how we miss you, As We walk through life alone. Always a lonely heartache, Many silent tears, Always a secet longing, Wishing you were here. Sadly missed and ever remembered by son Sidney, daughter-in-law Josie, grand- children Lorne 'and Joyce. MCCULLOUGH -- A ioving Motiier's Day Tribute to a dear mother and grand- mother, Idella McCullough, who passed away May 13, 1962. God gave us a wonderful mother, Her memory will never grow old, He fashioned her smile ovt of sunshine, And moulded her heart of pure gold. God needed a new star in heaven, A beautiful light to shine, And out of this world of sorrows, He took htat dear ged of ours. and Betty, son Irvin, and families. METCALFE -- A Mother's Day Tribute to the memory of Margaret Metcalfe, who passed away September 18, 1960. it only takes a little space To write how much we miss you, ort it will take the rest of our lives To forget the day we lost you. --Sadiy missed by husband rad daugh- pod Rosemarie, Doris, son-in-law Leonard end George. MONAGHAN--A Mother's Day Tribute tn loving memory a dear mother, Ehizabetn Monaghan, whom God called to be with Him, October 31, 1953. A wonderful mother, woman and aid, One who was better God never made, A wonderful worker, loyal and true, One in a million, that, mother was you. Just in your judgment, always right, Honest and liberal, ever upright; Loved by friend and all you knew, A wonderful mother, that mother was you. ~Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by daughter Theresa and sons, William MORDEN -- A Mother's Day Tribute n loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Mildred. Grace Mordene who passed away July 12, 1959. Dear , now work Is o'er, ay willing hands will toll no more. mother, kind and im No 'one on earth we'll find like you. rie gel remembered by Barrie, Joyce grandchildren Debra, Brenda, Ber- ori and Kenny. NORTON -- A Mother's Day Tribute in loving memory of @ dear mother end grandmother, Elsie A. Norton, in all the world there Is no other Can take the place of our "deer mother, --€ver remembered by husband Wils, daughters Joy and Marilyn, sons-Inlew Rodger and Don and granddaughter Kim. Pe hal gach = a Day tribute memory Rose Ovenden, who aed away Seotemter 20, 1960. Looking back with memories Upon the path you trod, We bless the hours we had with you And leave the rest to God. ~Sadly missed by son, Leonard and daughter-in-law, Doris. PATFIELD -- A Mother's Day tribute to the memory of Ada Minnie Patfieid who passed away February 13, 1946. Cherished Maree silently gh Of a wonderful mother we'll forget! --E€ver remembered by daughter Luella, son-in-law Don AB oe! granddaugh- ters. never PENICKA -- in loving memory of @ dear mother and grandmother, ree who passed away May 14, 1963. @ mother breaths her last fare wae The has means more than tongue can tell The world re Riad another Fry Without the smile of mother's --Sadly ailabed i pol ever rernitersa by son John, daughter-In-law Annie and granddaughter Anne. PRATLEY -- A Mother's Day ine mother her home, It was His Will, But in our hearts, she liveth still. Lovingly remembered by daughter Doro thy, son-in-law Russell, grandson Rob- ert, Donald and Lioyd. SHEYAN -- A Mother's Day BE cncduyllan in loving memory of our dear mother and grandmother, Anastasia (Nellie), who passed away February 12, 1963. Time takes away the edge of grief, But memory turns back every leaf. --Sadly missed by Jean, Steve and grand- children Carol, Steven, Marlene and Ray- mond. SMITH -- In loving memory of mother and grandmother, Janet 'smithy who passed away. July 4, 1961. Though her smile Is gone forever, And her hand we cannot touch, Still we have so many memories Of the one we loved so much. Her memory Is our keepsake, With which we'll never part; God has her in His keeping, We have her In our hearts, --Sadly missed and ever remembered by son David, daughter-in-law Norma, grandchildren Joanne, Kevin and Kelley. SMITH -- A loving Mother's Day Trib- ate ter 8, Sent, a So er eeapinet: Mrs, Janet Smith, who passed away July 4, 1961 Loving and kind in all her ways, Upright and just fo the end of her days, Sincere and kind in heart and mind, What a beautiful memory she left behind. Lovingly' remembered by daughter Cathie and grandsons Jamie and Paul. SMITH -- In_ loving SPRATT -- bln Ho gy eat feed mother and grandmother, . TAVENER -- Mother's Day tribute ® fhe memory of Florence Tavener, @ dear mother and grandmother. God her home, It was His will But In our hearts she liveth still. LL --€ver remembered by your loving sony David. Nee nan -- A Mother's Day Tri Onde pad Shirley. TWASNICK -- 'Mother's Day fo the memory of a deer mother and grandmother, Lydia Twasnick. In all the world there Is no Can take Bas place of our dear mother. --Lovingly remembered by the family. 1K -- A Mother's Day Tribute yes ay oF --essie Van Kulk, who passed away jae 26, 1963. --Sadly missed by husband Joe end Jeffrey and PP bis gee --in toving memory of my gt nd Mrs. Mary eat' ae passed away February 25, 1963, no tongue can teil, bist loved gy sage an, May 13, 19 ed away 'a dere We Yo clasp Her patient face to see, c voi --Sad jissed, always ae and grandchildren. WILLIAMS -- In loving memory of ® dear mother, Della Williams, who pass ed away May 13, 1962. The dephts of sorrow we cannot tell Of the loss of one we loved so well. « And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep Her memory we cot ggthe always keep. --Always remersbered and sadly missed by Alfred and Marie. Pies scons -- A Mother's Day tribute to dear mother and grand- Wishing God could have spared them wheels, 1959 BEDFORD truck, standard, good For just a few more years and George. Street East. gre ae amake trailers, also used tires, condition, Telephone 728-6138 after six. After 6, 723-2281, 10°" ETXABLE wreck. No frame or front end 1963 "163 CORVAIR Monze coupe, biack, red interior, bucket seats, pe gy other. Phone 668-8061 after 5. leccessories. Parisienne hardtop. Call 725-8132. 1956 CHEV., V8, standard shift, 2-door, CONVERTIBLE, » radio, tires 1955 a and mew body and paint job, runs like @ top. Bright and breezy to wear, Printed Pattern A586 is avail-| extra-easy to sew, and what's able in Misses' Sizes 8, 10, 12, more Printed Pattern A586 is by 14, 16 and 18. Size 16 dress re: the popular Mr. Mort! See how quires 3% yards 42-inch fabric, cleverly the back wraps sur- % yard contrast fabric, Has to be seen and driven to appreciate.|Plice-style via shoestring ties 4 ond. fop, 283 motor, completely gone over rings, valves, lifters, bearings, | $: camshaft, rebuilt transmission tast |. $475. Call Ajax 942-6552. 250 of best cash offer. Phone 728-7146 after 5.30, ?ICK _UP = 1959 with long box. 'Must be be hg neg a 1961 TRUCK newly painted.' 34,000 miles. 728-8840. Chevrolet, "a ton panel, . Telephone to SNicols Motors, 146 Brock North, Wh 668-3331. red "19% OLDSMOBILE, 1954 Chevrolet sedan, cylinder Bel-Air Both good shape. automatic, standard shift. Telephone 723-2932. radio, » auto- white walls, wheel discs, radio etc.|1960 TRIUMPH Herald coach' for sale. Very reasonable, Telephone Ajax 942-4653. Cal 723-7209, oa ties. is in sporty cotton duck -- con- sider. also, homespun, denim, linen, rayon, shantung, pique. Prominent Philip Hulitar, Send ONE DOLLAR for Print- that disappear under the waist ed Pattern A586 to The Oshawa and emerge through slits in the Times, front, Contrast binding 'polishes Oshawa, Ont, Ontario residents off the neckline, armholes: and add 3c sales tax. Please print The skirt falls softly with plainly YOUR NAME, AD- just the right degree of flare to DRESS, STYLE NUMBER and flatter the figure. The Original SIZE. Pattern Department, Next Week -- Watch for a er Pattern by =Lovingly remembered by all the family. KOLTUZKJ -- A Mother's Day Tribute in loving memory of a-dear mother and grandmother,' Polly Koltuzki, who passed away September 1, 1959. What would we give if we on Saye "Hello Mom" in the old w To hear your voice, your smile, To sit with you and it a while. you who have a Mother, Cherish her with care, For you'll never know the heartache Till you see her vacant chair. priaeytek A remembered by husband Nick and family. MORDEN -- A Mother's Day Tribute to the memory of a dear wife and mother, Mildred Grace Morden. God saw you getting weary So He did what He thought best, He came and stood beside you And whispered "Come and rest'. . You wished no ore a last farewell, Nor even Said goodbye, You had gone before we knew it, And only God knows why. --Sadly misesd by husband Gerald and children "a Donna, Cheryl, Pamela and J ear wife, mother and Sexacithen, = Smith, who passed away Aug. & 1 0, i our hearts you'll always stay Loved and remembered ed by. every day e and family. SMITH -- A special Mother's Day Tribute to a wonderful mother and grand- mother, Janet Smith, who passed away duly 4, 1961. There's a sad but sweet And a heartache still --Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by daughter Janet, son-in-law Ken, grand children Kenny and Randy. memory of @ hee, Elizabeth Willis. None knew her but to love her; None named her but in pfalse. --Lovingly remembered by son George daughter-in-law Lorraine, granddaugh- ter Debbie. YARMOLA -- A Mother's Day in erin memory of 8 Geet, ole: ae Yarmola, who passed away February 12, 1945. Also a Mother's - pd trngy BBL og Mo love ing memory ine oe vich who passed away December 1958. Ever remembered by the family, Too dearly loved to ever be