ROM ESSAY TO BIOGRAPHY Books On J. F. Kennedy -- 'Becoming Best Sellers of 2,850,000 copies has been sold to date, Look magazine also put ott & memorial Kennedy edition but declines to disclose sales. High among top sales figures for 1963 was Profiles in Cour- age, Kénnedy's own Pulitzer Prize winner. Long a top seller after publication in the 1950s,-it several other memoirs ay pee sonal histories of his adminis- are forthcortiing this tration year. Magazine Girl Stole Cheque Dentists Fearing Failure In Insurance Scheme TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario would have to co-operate with dentists want a déntal care in- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Mey 14, 1964 23 president of the association,| MADE MORE CHEESE + urged dentists to back a report shat chiar reg of WINNIPEG (CP)--The M their professional societies, |toba cheddar cheese r The teport, prepared by a/Produced 623,000 pounds in 1068, firm of management consult-\@0 increase of almost. 200,000 it in the best intérests of the|ante commissioned last year by|Pounds over 1962 and @ reversal By SID MOODY W YORK (AP)--The big- it and best seliers in the pub- ng industry are books about life, time and assassination 'ohn F. Kennedy. range from a thesis nedy wrote as an tnder- duate at Harvard to the that won him a Pulitzer e. @ runs only several hun- f words and selis by the of thowsands. Some sell by millions. Some were written rtished into print after Ken- 's assassination last No- ber, Others had been writ- eatlier and were rushed reprint. More are coming. many of the Kennedy s have been sold is difficult determine. The publishers ian, Dutch, Danish and editions. Western Publishing Company, | which printed The Torch is Passed, says the press run is the largest they know of in gold in so short a period. Another multi-million seller is Four Days, a joint effort of American Heritage, Four Days also hes been distributed in book . stores by Schuster. Sales total slightly more than 2,000,000. copies through UPI newspaper sub s cri bers and | broadcasting stations and an/| additional 350,000 to date through book stores. The latter) figure has put Four Days atop Simon and |Spanish, Korean, Japanese, Ital- the U.S. nonfiction best-seller Swedish! lists for several weeks. It is in third place in Canada. UPI had no breakdown of sales figures to show what num-|édition of Profiles in Courage nearby Petrolia May 11, when she pleadéd guilty in 'magis- trate's court here Wednesday. | Mrs. Long had been sellingjage of dentists and their un- ] equal distribution across the staffed or without dental care, Steps, including attempts to establish a new dental school, e said, however, that if alare being taken to alleviate the ber have been sold in Canada but said it has been substantial. terms of units produced and|A press runof 40,000 in a Dutch version has been ordered. Life magazine printed 3,000,- egg of a memorial Ken- nedy edition combining its is- Unitea Press International and gama ca the picnselnatiOn 40s funeral of the president. A total had gone through 30 printings.| From Oldster It sold 'fantastically well" after the assassination, Harper Row, the publishers, said. Harper has put out a special Long, old age with a foreword by Attorney- General Robert Kennedy, the president's brother. A mnews- paper account said 100,000 copies of this edition have been printed. A half-dozen other Kennedy books currently are on sale in the U.S, and doing well and MeMurra at his home. SARNIA (CP) -- Mrs. Elsie Ml, of Vancouver was J convicted of uttering a forged|elected president of the Ontario pension cheque magazines in Petrolia. Highty- six - year - old pensioner James missed his pension cheque after she had discussed magazine sales with a woman/government medical plan was surance plan, but feel there is| publi no point in starting one unless it ean bé made to work, Dr. B. B. Johns of Kingston, newly- in\Dental Association, said Wed--AREAS UNDERSTAFFED nesday. f ference that because of a short-|Toronto, province, any plan would entail) enormous difficulties. shortage, he said. Dr, Wesley Philip, implemented, dentists feél they e. . Dr. Johns said that dental dis- éase is occurring 64 times fas- ter than dentists can combat it. He said that about half On Dr, Johns told' a press con-|tario's dentists are located in leaving other areas, particularly rural ones, under- retiring poses sweeping changes, to protection of the ing inerest dental welfare plan, pensions Or investment plans. It suggests among other things that the college concern , itself only with matters related|PoUnds in 1042 before phingmg,., publi¢, whieh would mean relinquish- in the Canadian) Dental Association, the Ontario| OPTOMETRIST and all mattérs concerning insurance, the association and the Royal/of a 20-year decline in produc College of Dental Surgeons, pro- tion. The province's first ched- dar cheese factory opened if 1882 at Stonewall and tion hit a peak of Sohn Ovens, 0.0. i 8 BOND ST. £., OSHAWA PH. 723-4811 , of course, but many We releasing sales figures. say it is' against their { the largest seller is one hasn't even made the best- lists. It is The Torch is d, the Associated Press on the assassination. By May it had sold 3,612,000 s and orders were :still Ing in for about 35,000 a Blvd Wareh TO CH' NOT LISTED host all of the copies have sold through member papers of the mews co- tive rather than book s- Which is why it is not led on the best-seller lists. ps Of The Torch is Passed totalled néarly 73,000 in la, also made through papers which get The As- ed Press service through Canadian Press. more than 300,000 copies been sold overseas' in INOW! HOME CEMENT JOBS ~ ARE EASY WITH AKRETE READY-TO-USE '| MIXES! BOYD AYRE (shearer) Hampton RALPH HEPBURN (shearer) R.R. No, 2, Oshawa WILLIAM SNOWDEN (shearer) R.R. 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PHONE 942-6771 | AVAILABLE AT BEAVER LUMBER CO.\UTD. 419 DUNDAS E. -- WHITBY 6,%-5818 \ herney's FURNITURE Wwo RL D AVAILABLE AT BATHE & McLELLAN BUILDING SUPPLIES LIMITED B1 KING ST. W., OSHAWA \ v 4 ." 725-4761 AVAILABLE AT McCullough Lumber Co. Ltd. 1270 SIMCOE N., OSHAWA 728-4687 AVAILABLE AT Millwork & Building Supplies - LIMITED 1279 SIMCOE N., OSHAWA 723-3481 AVAILABLE AT SWAN'S 1.H.A. HARDWARE SHOPPING CENTRE, OSHAWA DRAWER UNITS Beoutiful walnut finish. Eoch unit. measures 30" wide, 81%" high, 18" has 16.95 TOP UNITS Handsomely finished In wal- nut to perfectly match drawer and base units 30" tong .. 9,50 60" tong .. 14,50 90" tong .. 21.50 BASE UNITS Sturdy construction. Rich walnut grain finish to match other units. 30" long .. 4:95 60" long .. 7.50 90" long .. 10.50 NEW MODULAR CONCEPT IN CANADIAN FURNITURE DESIGN And stack they do! Units are drawers, with a dustproof casing, that fit one into another, so firmly as to be "jiggle proof". Tops and bases allow you to bunch the drawers in. an infinite. variety... chests, triple dressers, desks, TV desk chest, ... any arrangement that pleases your fancy. Designed to solve storage space by two enterprising Canadian designers and built by Canadian R.F.A. Furniture. Come see 'Stax' -- order to meet your storage problems imaginatively!