stroy your ability to extend your; elbow in e forcible action. Turn: this rule into exvurcise action + punch forward with alter- nate arms, punch vigorously. The rule is 'force behind a blow." Sit in front of your dress- ing table and punch away vig- orously. Really punch and you will feel the action clear to the waistline. For fast toning, apply the eg ay of isometric contrac: tion, ta pushing against resis- in an open door- KEEP IN TRIM Apply Exercise Technique To Tone The Upper Arms By IDA JEAN KAIN "My sagging arm muscles are more aging than three grandchildren," a young grand- mother quipped recently, Why do the arm muscles lose their grip on youth and sag sadly as time goes by? It's not time, but loss of tone that Re e i if HT i Ri i Es i i ip 4 A F 3 s : cess fat to soft muscles and they sag even more, But thin arms droop too, for this is a "dead" area, muscularly epeak- ing. : The exercise rule for restor- ing tone to the important tri- ceps is to keep the action ex- actly in the groove. The triceps i Wemen Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 ------ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, May 14,1964 7 sg sp nencanne an Se pe Fa ----s Ware a MR. AND MRS. WAYNE CLAUDE FARR --A. G. Austin, Wooler, Ont. Father Of Bride Officiates In Farr-White Nuptial Rites Jeanne Esther, daughter of the Reverend and Mrs. Donald White of Frankford, was united in marriage by her father to Mr. Wayne Claude Farr of Osh- a@wa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Farr of Wellandport, Ontario, in Frankford Free Methodist Church on Saturday afternoon. The bride was given in mar- Myrna Sine of Frankford sang "TI Love You Truly", "The Wed- ding Prayer", 'The Lord's Prayer" and "O Perfect Love" , the bride was attired in of carnation-white, pure over taffeta. The Ronald McDonnell of Perth, On- tario, sister of the bride, and the other attendants were Mrs. Bert Wagar, Napanee, and Mrs. Guy Coutu, Oshawa, They wore pink satapeau dresses with bouf- fant skirts and lace tops, Their headdresses were pink Cleo- patra style with pearl drops over the forehead and matching veils. They carried cascades of pink white chrysanthe- mums, The flower girl, Miss Rhonda McDonnell of Perth, wore white organza trimmed with pink and "\catried a basket of chrysanthe- mums in pink and white. Mr. Guy. Coutu of Oshawa was best man and the ushers were Mr. Ronald McDonnell, Perth, jand Mr. John Figura of Roches- ter, New York. For the reception at Stockdale United Church, bride's mother received in a three-piece aqua suit with pink and beige accessories. She was assisted by the bridegroom's mother in blue silk with white accessories. Each wore a corsage of pink Sweetheart roses and white gar- denias, The couple left for Niagara Falls and on their return will reside at 126 Rossland road west, Oshawa. Guests were present from Belleville, Oshawa, Rochester, New York, Hampton, Napanee, Yarker, Perth, Mississippi, Clar- endon, Welland, Wellandport, Fenwick and St. Catharines. HAPPINESS is a DIAMOND from BURNS eee (ae A ae BLUE RIBBON WINNER NED BY BLUEBIRD Award winning styling combined with guaranteed perfection. . Insured free against loss for one year. MONDS FOR HAPPINESS OPEN A BUDGET As Little as ACCOUNT TODAY 10% Down 32 KING ST. WEST BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. PH: 723-7022 "The Robarts Plan" was dis- cussed by guest speaker, Mr. S. P. Finbow, vice - principal of McLaughlin. Collegiate and Vocational Institute, at a recent of the Duke of Edin- ome and School Asso- The main idea of this plan was. to fit the student into the best course at school in accord- ance to his capabilities, needs and desires, There were four branche of study in this program, They are: Arts and Science; Science Technology and Trades; Busi- ness and Commerce; and Di- versified Occupations. Three of these courses were again divid- ed into four and five - year i courses. Students wanting to enter university were required to take a five-year course in high school. The Diversified Oc- _|cupation course was a two-year "| program with 50 per cent of the time spent learning skills of ser- vice trades or occupations such as welding, masonry or power sewing. Mr. Finbow ended his talk by urging parents to assess their children's ability _ realistically and consult with the school au- thorities so that the. student will be placed in the best course available to suit his needs for the future. Mr. Finbow then answered questions from those in attend- ance. Mr. E. K. James introduced ers expressed the appreciation of the association to Mr. Fin- bow. The new executive for 1964-65 was introduced during the busi- The Robarts Plan Is Discussed At Duke Of Edinburgh H and $ causes the sag. The triceps, lo- cated on the backs of the upper arms, are not lifting muscles. Since they are not used vigor- ness meeting conducted by Mrs. Walter Kuch. They are as fol- lows: President, Mrs. L. A. Dal- ton; vice-president, Mrs. Wilmer Closs; secretary, Mrs. Donald Lownie; treasurerf, Mrs. Roy Lee; executive members, Mrs. Michael Olin, Mrs. Stanley Rog- ers, Mrs. John Cowle, Mrs, Mur- ray Butler; corresponding sec- retary, Mrs. J. H. Hobbs, It was announced that field day would be held May 20 this year and the graduation party would be held on June 4, The members decided to pur- chase additional uniforms for field day to replace some of the old ones. Refreshments were served. Scotland Braced For Invasion The number of enquiries about holidays in Scotland received by the Scottish Tourist Board in Edinburgh during the early weeks of 1064 have shattered every previous record, On one day over 5,000 letters were received -- more than twice as many as on any single day in past. years, BACK ACHE the speaker and Mrs. Roy Smith- pete distu: pared ously in routine activities, they tend to become flabby. Add ex- muscle is an extensor, or push- muscle, so the arm beauti- fy exercises are patterned on extensi pore driving and forcible Loss 7 the triceps would de- SHOPPING CAN BE EASY! READ AND. USE TIMES FAMILY WANT ADS CALL THE - CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT 723-3492 ( of any of these 3 NEW 1-COAT INTERIOR PAINTS 1 COAT CROWN SATIN LATEX. Easy to apply, will cover any color and hae super-hiding qualities. Dries in 20 minutes. 1 COAT CROWN VELVET LO-LUSTRE ENAMEL. Has the washability of enamel plus the beauty of a flat finish. Applies smoothly without brush or roller marks. 1 COAT CROWN LUSTRE MEDIUM-LUSTRE ENAMEL, Has 8 porcelain | like finish without too high a gloss that can be scrubbed indefinitely. Crown Diamond offers you a full range of contemporary Canadian colors in these three paints. No matter which of the three you choose you save money? Visit your Crown Diamond dealer today! Offer expires June 30, 1964, THE CROWN DIAMOND PAINT COMPANY LIMITED VIOLET HANEWICH ANNA CARUANA We thank you all for a very successful year and hope to continue to serve you with the best of service and quality. Maple Leaf VIKING EUROPEAN Rye Bread wocow DOUGHNUTS POLISH KALBAS ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS! Wieners Srcau. REG. 3% 2 EACH SPECIAL DOZ. SPECIAL LB. REG. 59¢ LB. LOAVES SPECIAL REG. 84c DOZ. REG. 1.10 LB. And HELP YOURSELF TO A BIG SLICE OF SAVINGS! " VIANNA Delicatessen 543 RITSON ROAD SOUTH -- PHONE 728-3281 All Types of Assorted Cold Meats! For Example: SALAMI SMOKED MEATS VIRGINIA HAM KRAKOWSKA Polish Kalbasa Many More! 45° 39° Ask About Our PARTY PACKS of delicious cold meots 60° 1.00 to pega your parties @ success! nou 3-90, 10. 00 . * > hs Mears! « a OPEN 'TIL 9 NIGHTLY OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY | We carry all kinds of baked goods in- and Jewish R cluding Rudolph's German Fancy Pastries ye Bread and Rolls, Shown Above is a Part of Our Showcase of Delicious Cold Meats! FOR YOUR PARTIES AND GET-TO- GETHERS SHOP AT $3.00 off one gallon or 75¢ off one quart on the purchase