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Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 May 1964, p. 5

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WHITBY And DISTRIC Whitby tureau Office 111 Dundas St. West Manager: John Gavit T 'Department' Sex Attitude | Amuses Leslie McFarlane "This is the biggest laugh of;School. The film demonstrates Tel. 668-3703 UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES _ Dodds Explains Law To H And S Members Palmerston Avenue Home andjship service with prayer. ° Dur- Schoo] Association held its jast!ing the business session minutes meeting of the season Monday,|and reports were read and ap- May 11: proved. The group was inform- President Mrs, Fay Carswell ed of a "Strawberry Social' to opened the meeting with "O\be held on the church lawn by Canada", after which Mrs. Wil-|the Association Wednesday June liam MacDonald read the min- 24. Group No, 4 was asked to tites of the last meeting and provide salads and cakes for Mrs. Shirley Bagnall gave the that day. treasurer's report. Room count) The next regular meeting will was won by room four. be held Monday, June 8 at the Mf. Norman Hancock intro-/home of Mrs. William Morrison, duced the speaker, Donald'8i7 Dundas street west. Dodds, a barrister from Osh- Members were reminded of awa. the Association pot luck supper When he had concluded his to be held at the church Mon- little 'chat' (as he likes to calliday, June 15. them), Mr. Cameron Thomas y thanked Mr. Dodds on behalf of PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN, 3 everyone present for his inter- st Andrew's Presbyterian esting and illuminating remarks Women. Group No. 3 held its on several points of law includ- monthly meeting Monday, May ing the 'subject of juvenile de- 11 at the Church Hall. linquency. Instead of the regular meet- Mrs. Carswell then introduced|ing iadies were - invited Mrs. George Bevan who pre-jattend a Floral Demonstration sented the new slate of officers. py Mrs. Locke of Locke's Fior- These ate as follows: ist, Oshawa. President, Cameron Thomas; Mrs. W. J. 8. McLure received vice-president, Norman Han- at the door assisted by Presi- cock; treasurer, Mrs. Leslie gent Mrs. Frank Lawrence, who Donnelly; recording secretary,/aiso introduced the demon- Mrs. Cameron Thomas; social' trator convener, Mrs. Warren Moses; Mrs. David Kernohan thanked executive members, DavidMrs, Locke and presented her Snoddy, Mrs. David Snoddy, with a gift as a token of appre- Mrs. William MacDonald and cjation, Mrs. Shirley Hicks. Mrs. William Avent, social/ | meeting, the century, that religious in-|the growth of the human body struction is approved by the De-|from the foetus stage to ma- partment of Education, while in-| turity. struction on sexual hygiene is) 'The Department of Health |not,"" said Whitby Public Sched) pbould sponsor a film of this Trustee Leslie McFarlane. \kind."" protested Trustee Mc- 'We're just one small school|Farlane at a meeting of the Board, but I'd like to see this|School Board Wednesday. | |issue taken up some time." Supervising Principal Earl ' "It shows the Department of; Fairman reported that the film, Education is more holy than) the first of this nature to be humane," quipped. Trustee F. G.|shown to Whitby Public School Mcllwane. children, was approved for Their gripe: The fact that it}showing by a vote of 101 to 12 home of Mrs. Morley Smith, An-|took an American commercial at a recent Home and School lderson street, Whitby, on June|film company to produce the| Association meeting. E | 15. | short-subject 'Human Kiet 7 ry me ; asic | i which will be shown to Grade}wou @ required for children a Neue' ere tanto" weal? and 8 pupils at Colborne Street'to see the film. Teacher Is | Honored At Hillcrest Whitby Public School Pri- mary int, 3fiss Winni- fred Campbell, was honored by co-workers at a iincheon at Hillcrest Public Schoo! last Mon- day. ' Miss Campbe!!, who is to be married shortly, is leaving the staff at the end of June after one year of service. At the luncheon she was pre- sented with a hand carved pot- tery bowl by kindergarten and primary teachers of Whitby Public School as well as Prin- cipals and Supervising Princi- pa) Ear! Fairman. held in honor of Mrs. Curtis Brown, wife of the president of the senior band, Mrs. Brown received many lovely and useful gifts. Mrs. Mrs. Stan Redfearn and Mrs. Morley Smith were in charge of |the shower and also tea host-/ esses. : |IODE we, mene of House of, tt r IODE Chapter was) whi i ssoci- |held in the form of a pot luck| nagpal og pong vet ewntually play pro they have lsupper at the home of Mrs,/@tion held its annua quel!' work hard. He said there. is} | Richards, Fairview drive, Mon- night at the Whitby arena last) more work to playing pro than) day, May' 11. night. There was a fine turnjone thinks Sixteen members and guestsjout of all the minor league Hockey players, he Claimed, were present. Guests includedjhockye players which included|can learn something new every} \Mrs. Joseph Harris,Mrs. Wil-\from Pee Wee up to: Juvenile.|day. 'I have been at it several) | | the youngsters that if they want By CLIFF GORDON to make good in hockey and tO! jiam McKee and Mrs. Raymond|The minor setup here in Whitby|years now and am still learn-\coached by Chas. under president Ernié Rowland|ing." econd to none in Ontario He said one of the red Ing; a long time work- pare in ong . to er i er in minor hockey here infundamentals of the game first.) mig iat tae | Whitby acted as. master of) The next item on the agenda) ceremonies for the evening. He|was the lucky door prizes of| welcomed all budding hockey|fine trays donated by the Do-| ts and passed along some gil Poni here in agg ine remarks, Mr. Ing intro-|Nine of the trays were for the oe October _Members | of the Guced Mr. Rowland, tha in'Peé Wee players, six for the -- pihce ae yee neg | tern expressed his many thanks|Bantams, four for the midgets oy ig gg ul to alj the men on the execu-jand one for the Juveniles ge e = vei er PET tive along with the managers| The presentation of the cups) \Simard. und Regent Mrs. John Harvie con-|'5, ducted a short informal business the hostess Mrs. the use of her home. It was decided to continue oe with the Fall Dance to be hela)3™ | At the close of the meeting convener, assisted by refreshments were served by/of the group, mothers of Grade 3. The group) ments will resume its activities in Sep- Next meeting will be heid tember. Monday, June 8 at the Church Hall. This will be the last meet- 'ing of the present season 5 served refresh- ST. MARK'S UCW NO. 10 The May meeting of Unit No, ee 10, St, Mark's United Church CO-OP CREDIT UNION Women was heid at the home Board of Directors of Whitby, of Mrs, Harold Boys, Tuesday,|Co-Op Credit Union met Mon-| at 2 p.m. with Mrs, James'day, May 11 at the home of} Anstey presiding. Mrs. William Dalby, Warden-| 4 Mother's Day worship serv- Wiison avenue, } ice was presented with Mrs. In the absence of President; Frank Parrinder, Mrs. Harold\Mr. John Bakkar, Vice- Bonnetta and Mrs. Mildred' president Mr. Charles Hallett Robins assisting. chaired the meeting. After the business period Mrs. Reports from various commit- Omer Edgeley entertained the|tees were given and noted the group with a wonderful reading.| steady growth of Credit Union. A get-acquainted period followed) with games being played and re- freshments served by Mrs. Mil- Robins and Mrs. William! MacCari. May 21 in the Oddfellows Hall The Board f extends & welcome to anyone The next meeting will be held tion. Phone : Sune, 9 rio rs the organization mn a at the home of er et i James Anstey, Fuclid street. (ST. MARK'S UCW No. & | St. Mark's United Church PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN, 1 | Women No. 5 held its monthly St. Andrew's Presbyterian meeting Monday, May 11 at the Women Group No. 1 held its|Church parlor. fd monthly meeting at the home of} Leader Miss _ Mildred Price} Mrs. Donald Wilson, Fairview) opened the meeting with a poem avenue, Monday; May 11. entitled "Lord of All Hopeful- Mrs. Walter Porter presided,| ness" : : opening the meeting with) Secretary Miss Marion Bro- a reading, the theme "Work,)mell gave the minutes of the both in our Church and out-|previous meeting. Mrs. Margar- side'. Scripture reading was by|et Smith was in charge of the Mrs. W. Scott followed by ajdevotional. Miss Florence Heard reading by Mrs. Donald Wilson|gave-a reading on the study from the book "A Tribute To|book on "'India". Life" by Jean Powell, stressing) Plans were made for the "Jost time means lost oppor-|Spring Luncheon Tuesday, May tunity". A discussion followed) 19. The meeting closed with the on the value of organized work. ee ee es ee j ANC Was serve hi ie an am boa pn ead Fong res Misses Marion and Margaret | Members will be notified of a|May 13, at the Spruce Villa, special meeting for all members) Hotel. and reports were read and ap-| proved. \of prompt recovery were extended|formed to rements. and coaches of the various|followed, The cup for the play-| Mrs. John Vickery will re-iteams who helped make thejoff champions in the Pee Wee serve the Club Bayview and! year such a huge success. (Division was made by Mr.| purchase tickets for this event. "The guest speaker for the[ng to the captain of the Kiwa-| Members decided to make evening was Dick Gamble, for-nis team, Mr. Smith presented! sandwiches and cookies for ajmer Oshawa General star now\crests to the league champion} special afternoon tea for two! playing in the American league.|Dodd and Souter team. The bundred- guests Mr. Gamble gave a brief, but|Attersley trophy for the most} Following the meeting the,educational talk to the young/improved player in the. Pee) group enjoyed charades andjfellows, He stressed the fact|Wee division was made by the} games. An informal summer|that a hockey player should get/donor, Bobby Attersley, to John) meéting will be held June 15 at/a good education while he is'/Reed 2 the home of Mrs. Stuart Rob-|playing hockey The Albert Carr Memorial lin, King street, to discuss the) He stated that many players|trophy was won by Adam Grant forthcoming "Antique Show and|get their education paid for by|of Lyndview and the presenta- Sale" of September 9 and 10 at/playing hockey, but they tust/tion was made by Terry Carr, Whitby Community Arena. also be good sudents. He told|grandson of the late donor, "whiny Nnetes nes ss, FOUR-YEAR WAIT? Hobbs Guns For Safety Committee A Safety Committee was sidewalks in Cochrane street. If investigate safety|the King street area similarly to her. Expression of sympathy| problems of Whitby's Public|warrants the construction of were offered to Kinette Lila|School children on the sugges-|sidewalks, we should push for Hatch on the lost of her father,| tion of Chairman Dr. Ken Hobbs| them, and also for sidewalks on ,jat a meeting of the Whitby|any major, or minor artery in Boge fea roy fan Public School Board Wednes-' town." made for the group to have din-/ 9 ' "It will take three or four| ner at Lichee Gardens in To-. One of the questions to he years for the Board recommen- ronto and a theatre evening. |tackled by the new Committee/ dations to be carried out, after President Gordon then pre-} will -be eg of Pa they are range' ", the awe i i ic.|Quest from King Street School|But I think we should go ahea ggg nage ory fo wil. area residents for safety side-| now." ma Heron; vice-president, Betty; ¥@ks- Appointed to the Committee) President Sheila Gordon i the meeting. , Minutes | Members were sorry to learn; the sickness of Kinette) Norma Souter and wishes for a ' Bromell. The next meeting will devotional period by Prayer. 1. held June 9 at the Church Following the business session) ps rior. lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs. Wilson assisted by Mrs. W. CO-OP GUILD Scott and Mrs, L. McEachern Mrs. James Smyth, 906 Henry Néxt meeting wili be held inistreet, opened her home Wed- September at the home of Miss|nesday evening to the Co-op A. Wilson, 112 Centre street|Guild members for their month- north. ly meeting. Reports were given by sec- PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN, 4 | retary Mrs. William aa 4 meeting of Group 4,|Ccial activities by Mrs. lo wre itor moe ne oresbyterian| Adams, and welfare Mrs. Eva Women was held at the home| Burgess Mrs. James Sutherland, 716 A donation was voted +B nage Ajax, Pickering and Whitby Re- 'The meeting opened with the tarded Children's Fund, A draw : ' donated by Mrs. William Ash- worship service under the able ze ty : va direction of Mrs. Keita Hooper.| {00 was won by Mrs. Hazel Lit The theme for devotions was! wm. next meeting of June 3 women a Prayer". Mrs John will se held at the home of! Frost read the scripture lesson.\14.. George Munns Sr., 116 A short talk based on the por- inde teaet | tion of scripture read was given "a by Mrs. Hooper. Following this BAND AUXILIARY Mrs. William Morrison conduct- Ladies' Auxiliary of Whitby ed a question-and-answer period) 5 4.. Band held its monthly The members enteréd into a) meeting Monday, May 11 at the| lively discussion on "Prayer"| Band social room. and "The keeping of the Sab- President Mrs, Harold Wyatt) bath Day". -A poem entitled chaired a short business meet- for) "Prayer Is The Breath of God"! ing. Members discussed various | was given by Mrs. John'money - making projects. McCann It was announced that the Mrs. Hooper closed the wor- wives would entertain their hus- BROCK Evening Shows Start 7 and 9 p.m. Feoture Storts at 7 and 9:20 4 FOR TEXAS VICTOR BUONO na ours TEDO! SHERMAN ROBERT DORE Recommended es Adult Enterteinment it cote ee @ Saturday Matinee Attraction Only @ "THE COMMAND" "2? COLOR Starring -- GUY MADISON -- JOAN WELDON | the date of Wedne I Beaver farm Building rep. 419 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY | . WMH Dinner Honors Coaches, Teams, Refs main|The \COF |Tushingham and managed by| His wife Gladys accompanie: Albert Carr. The winner of the} most. valuable player award in) the Pee Wee league was David! Heron. | In the Bantam section, The House League champions were the Police team coached by Nick Dennis. The playoff cham pions were the fotary Club Sawdon and| managed by Bill Sorichetti.) most valuable player} award for this section was won! by Brian Hicks and the trophy) was donated by the Canadian/| | Legion Branch 112. In the Midget division, the} ouse league champs were the} team coached by John| h Mike Kennely. The playoff champions were the) Lions team coached by Dennis Arseneau. |The 'Dunnies Trephy' for the most valuable player midget section was by} Dunc Wilson. This cup was presented by Bobby Attersley who played with the world champion Dunnies, the donors | of this cup. | Mr. Ing then paid tribute to} the two fellows who do a lot of the refereeing for the Pee Wee games, Roy Fells and Bill Luke, Both gents were present- ed with gifts to show the ap-| preciation of the players and! the minor hockey association, Gord Hawes of the Ontario} Minor Hockey Association) made the final presentation of the evening. This was the Ross Lowe memorial trophy to the most valuable player on the Juvenile team. This year's win- ner was hard working John Ves- ters. Mr. Hawes also passed along congratulations to the fine Whitby Bantam team that went right to the Ontario finals before bowing out gailantly to the powerful Leamington team. He reminded ail the young fel- lows that the Ontario Minor Hockey Association wants to) see the young fellows grow Up | to be gentlemen first and hock- ey. players second. Following the presentations of the cups Mr, Ing thanked the members of the press who had helped to give the Minor) hockey some fine publicity over the past season. The most important part of the evening for many of the! fellows followed, as they re-| ceived their crests and got! their . 'eats'. | in won ADA CIERPKE International Stars Perform For WBS Show Several famous persons in the field of gospel music will appear: at the Whitby Baptist Church during the coming two weeks. Bob Manderson, plus Wilmos and Gladys Csehy; all from the United States, will be present at a series of special meetings to be held nightly at the Baptist Church on Brock street north. The Csehy family gained their crowd-pleasing gospel music renditions on a series. of instru- ments from the violin to musical glasses. Wilmos Csehy was born in Huhgary and began to study the violin at the age of three. He has been acclaimed by newspaper critics.in both Can- ada and the United States as brilliant'. him at the piano and Cierpke adds her soprano voice to the melody. Ada Ceirpke was born in East the|Prussia and studied music in| the United States. Mr. Manderson is a converted nightclub entertainer. Church services will be held| every weekday evening except- sy Peirce / at 7.45. pun. © services on Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. complete the two weeks of special services. (PS Use To UC. 'Despite Dissent -- : ston Avenue School auditorium,|gra) part of our maximum ||Sunday, fot janitorial and heat- | | | RE Aap aN an THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fidey, Mey 15, 1964 5. s A second United Church par-; "It is not our function," ish in Whitby will hold its serv-|stated Trustee Les McFarlane. ices temporarily in the Palmer-| "I feel the church is an inte- Use of the school. facilities|system,"' Charan Be sey arated by the Whitby|Ken Hobbs, "If we refuse the i¢ School Board Monday,|request, where are we to estab- despite the dessent of twojlish the church?" trustees. The Property Com-| +f Catholic parish : 'mittee estimated that rental of ead Roy ppp we * the auditorium will cost the/for assembly, I feel we " church 'a of $20 per = "oe ie -- LAWN-BOY VACUUM CLEANS: corti ee om." AS YOU CUT where, churches have be enjiwith exclusive new, clog-proof, gzaiea ihe use of Publ gay emptying grasecaicher services," stated the request. [FINGER-tip START ing expenses. | A United Church Board spokesman said a new church building, to supplement the now crowded St. Mark's, was plan- ned 'within two or three years" | for the area directly south of} the County Registry Office. The request to use the audi- torium was made by the Church Board "with the aim of start- ing preliminary work' for the | founding of a new parish "in) "fame in the United States with) | | =| Sly | 'Whitby Well reduces starting effort 94% eee 5104" | EASY TERMS | Mystery Is Cleared Up The mystery of Whitby's Dun-| das street water source was solved yesterday by the PUC and Works Department. They discovered a broken ser- ice line leading from the-main on the south side of Dundas street to the Sun Cafe New copper tubing was stalled to repair the situation. In the course of digging, the workers discovered a pinhole in a natural gas line. This was corrected today. in-| } One-Stop DECORATING CYCLIST: BUY YOUR LICENCE Cyclists of Whitby, pay heed: Your number may soon be up, if you do not do a little number-changing on your Ii- cence plates. Police Chief George Rankine revealed yesterday that only 206 out of about 2000 bicycle riders in town had purchased their 1064 li- cences. Anyone found without the change is in contravention of a bylaw, and liable to prose- cution. Chief Rankine was con- cerned more s0, with the wel- fare of the citizens. He ex- plained that the only means they have of tracing stolen or lost bikes is by the li- cence number. The 50-cent licences, which were supposed to be pur- chased in January, are now available at the Town Hall- Police Station. Tandems and unicycles are not exceptions. TOWN OF May 18th, Garbage norm HOLIDAY GARBAGE COLLECTION There will be no gerbage collection on Monday, will be picked up on Tuesday, May 19th, WHITBY ally collected on this day G. GOULDBURN, Works Supervisor WHITBY'S EXCLUSIVE LAWN-BOY DEALER | WILSON CYCLE & SALES 106 Colobnre 8. E., Whitby PHONE 668-3746 : We Have Seen ... The Future! General Motors Futurama SHOP © Wallpeper and Murals © Custom Draperies ®@ Broadioom end Rugs © C.LL. Paints and Vernishes © Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points DODD & SOUTER Decor Centre Ltd. Phone 668-5862 107 Byron St. S., Whitby li | | | Members of our staff have visited Pra es York World's Fair and would enjoy helping you with your plans, DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA--BROOKLIN--WHITBY -- 668-3304 Silver; secretary, Sylvia Snel-| "I endorse the formation of a, were: Trustees Joan Read, Mrs.| grove; treasurer, ie Gart-|Safety Committee in order to|lan Hamer, Douglas Maundrell director Eva Brown; bulletin)request, but the overall safey ~~~ i editor editor, Anita Hampson.| of all the school aes SS 4 Newly i town," stated Dr. Hobbs. "Be- RC P bl wun teen traee nae sides this, the Committee could! f] u Ic bers for their vote of confidence| @ke charge of safety programs) Sch ls J oin Jean Howe who acted as af eee m a ain} ca i manager, she men- 'I was among those who ini-| tioned how pleased she is tojtiated the request for safety) In 1e ay have such an executive to help | her during her term of office. |yte, meeting, various reports, Pupils from Whitby's Public spoke briefly and thanked mem-| pete together for the first time! bers of her executive and.mem-| !! Was reported that the des-/a+ the annual Field Day of bers for their co-operation dur-| ert card party held April 22) Champions June 19. ing her term of office and wish-|W@5 & hugh success and it was' An invitation from the Public| elected members. event. ate School children attend the) Following the meeting Presi-- Comments were passed onjevent was accepted this year. dent Heron invited the members|wonderful speakers for th ¢/Previous invitations in 1963 and at her home for refreshments.|World Mission and it was de-| 1965 were declined, Members were reninb, of cided that the Guild would give | Athletic Committee Chairman) sday, June 3 the Missions. cost of medals and trophies for | ° June_9 will be the last meet-| the Field Day will be shared by ae SAINTS' PARISH GUILD | ; of the season, it will be a} both Schoo] Boards according to The Afternoon Branch of All/pot luck luncheon held at 1/the proportion of pupils repre- Saints' Parish Guild met Tues-|o'clock in the Sunday School.|sented from each. -- ' day in the Sunday School. Mrs. event Charles Daly, president, was in|an invitation to all members|be , decided wyen individual who have assisted them in so/ Schools choose"their sports day Scripture reading was given many occasions, to join with| champions by Mrs. Stanley Armstrong in| them and enjoy their last get-| All parents are asked to at-| the absence of Mrs. Robert Quil-| together before September. Con-| tend the event, which will take! ter tact any members of the Guild|place at Henry Street High) After the roll cail and min-|for information. 'Schoo! shore; registrar, Norma Souter; | settle, not only the King street} and Chairman Hobbs. and expressed special thanks to| 2%¢ lectures for the schoo! popu-| Past president Mrs. Gordon | were given. and Separate Schools will com- ed the best of luck to the newly| hoped' to make it an annual! g-hoo| Board asking that Separ-| ;donation to further the work of) Joan Reid reported that. the) for their outing in Toronto. the Guild would like to extend! Competitiors at the event will the chair, BEAVER Engineered Farm Buildings BUILDINGS THAT PAY FOR THEMSELVES A farm building today has one job and one job only . te help you get better production at the lowest cost. That way @ building pays for itself. It's not just a building but @ specialized farm tool laid out to make work faster and easier This is how the Beaver ferm "rep" can help you with engineer- duction at the least cost. He is at your service for on-the-farm ed plans, custom fitted te your farm program, for more' pro- planning help and estimetes. Phone : BEAVER LUMBER PH: 668-5818 ROMKE STEL SHOPPING CAN BE EASY! READ AND USE TIMES FAMILY WANT ADS CALL THE . CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT 723-3492 : aS =) WHITBY'S BEST "gi ' Display of ~' _ FIREWORKS "SHORTY'S CIGAR STORE 121 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY src FAMILY DISPLAY BOXES AT DISCOUNT PRICES lied iaaeeeeaieaeaal © OPEN ALL DAY MONDAY e

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