ES Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 Basic Food Stuff' Now More Plentifitt In Hungry China PEKING (Reuters) -- China's food situation continues to im- prove and now is almost com- parable to the best periods since the Communists came to power in 1949, according to non-Com- munist Chi sources. A rationing system still is in force for most basic foodstuffs @) THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, May 15, 1964 & HONEYMOONING IN NEW BRUNSWICK --Ireland Studio Joan Armstrong, Carvel Sheffar * Exchange Vows In Northminster Last Saturday afternoon injheld short veils and they var- orthminster United Church,|Tied pink and white carnation "Miss Joan Betty Armstrong, |Pouquets. Oshawa, became the bride of; The best man was Mr. Clyde ®carvel Stanley Sheffar of New )Brewster and the ushers were "Brunswick. 'The bride is the|M. Martin Muller and Mr. gdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce|"°0"6e Fisher, all of Oshawa. «Armstrong, Brighton, and her! For the reception held at the _bridegroom is the son of Mrs, Airport, the bride's mother re- EGarnet Sheffar, Oshawa, and|ceived wearing a blue sheath, ®the late Mr. Sheffar. The Rey-| matching coat and white acces- aera' Hi 'A. Mellow offi iated jsories with a corsage of pink f > Ay Metow oflciatec. 'and white carnations. The bride- >» Given in marriage by her fa-|zroom's mother assisted, wear- _ ther, the bride wore a full-length! ing pale blue nylon over taffeta, @gown of white taffeta featuring| white accessories and a similar a full skirt, round neckline, and| corsage, Jily-point sleeves: Her pearl) , @headdress held an elbow-length| AS 'he couple left for a honey- : ; jade | w Brunswick, the bouffant veil and she carried @|,,iGe was wearing a yell "bouquet of red roses. | , £2 & jsheath with matching -- nylon #zThe matron of honor was Mrs.|coat, white accessories, and a Martin Muller, Oshawa, and the|yellow and brown corsage. On _®bridesmaids were Miss Gertrude|their return the couple will re- y Sheffar and Miss Velma Coch-|side in Oshawa. but, with the notable exception of rice and grain, nearly all are available off the ration at slightly higher prices. Particularly big increases are evident in pork, fish and eggs. The last two items now are be- ing sold completely ration-free in most cities. In Peking, Shanghai and Can- ton, vegetables have been in plentiful supply and unrationed for more than a year. Official reports said that 244 times as much.pork was sold in Ching during the first three months of this year as during the correponding period last year while egg consumption rose more than 40 percent. If this is accurate, the per- centage increases over 1962 must be staggering. MONEY LACKING Many Chinese sources said lack of purchasing power now is and more varied meals, Despite some wage increases last year, the amount of cash in people's pockets is not keep- ing up with the increae in food supplies or, for that matter, con- sumer goods. With the food situation under' control, at least for the moment, the governmen is paying more attention to the other big prob- lem--clothing. Plans for expansion of both the scope and output of the tex- tile industry were announced recently. Cotton cloth still is strictly the main factor inhibiting fuller| | Following their marriage in Rogersville, New Brunswick, Mr. and Mrs, Clairence Dignard are making their home at 377 Highland avenue, Oshawa. The bride, the for- mer Yvette Eva Hache, is the LIVING IN OSHAWA daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rene Emile Hache of Rogers- ville, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Dignard of Gracadie, New Brunswick. --Mary's Studio rationed but synthetic shirts jand materials are beginning to} jappear in Peking shops at fair- jly-stiff prices. China's synthetic fibre indus- try still is in its infancy but many foreign obervers here believe it will be the eventual answer to the country's clothing problem. China's own cotton |production, they said, will never |be adequate to provide more ithan 700,000,000 people with |plentiful ration-free' clothing. SUEZ CANAL BLOCKED PORT SAID (AP) -- Cranes and divers worked around the clock Thursday to clear the} Suez Canal of a sunken barge| jblocking the passage north of |more than 100 loaded supertank- ers from the Persian Gulf. [Waves from a passing ship sank |the cement-loaded barge a week |ago about three miles south of the halfway point in the canal. a «rane. They were gowned alike} ' qin pink nylon over taffeta with \, straight-cut, full-length skirts. goneir matching headdresses + Theatre Supplies « Free Translation ~ Into Many Tongues é A regular simultaneous trans- | lation service for overseas vis-| Gitors and students is being of-| fered by the Westminster! @ Theatre. ® For all the plays presented in| 1964 there will be translations | Sin French, German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese and Arabic. @The translation is broadcast | @over shortwave frequency by a| _ radio transmitter, and the i A to be, so that they can. follow | Ethe play on stage. The season| * opened with The Diplomats by| @ Peter Howard. ® Members of the Aldwych Theatre's audiences also have € simultaneous translations of the productions delivered to them "through a small amplifier held @ to the ear. Rug C STOP AT Ansus-(ZRAYDON CARPET COMPANY | 282 King W., Oshawa @ Tel. 728-6254 Oshawa's Rug and Carpet Centre | Broadloom-Tile-Linoleum manville and Mrs. Ivan McKen- zie, Cadillac avenue south, Osh- awa were joint hostesses at a surprise party held at the home of Mrs, McKenzie on Saturday, May 2, to honor Mr, and Mrs. Orville Casement, Belvedere avenue, who celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. Casement, the former Elizabeth Ellen Seguire, were married on April 30, 1924, in the Presbyterian Manse, Nor- wood, Ontario, and made their home in Sterling during' the early years of their marriage. In 1942 they took up resi- dence on Alma street in Osh- awa, where they lived until moving into their new home on Mr. And Mrs. Orville Casement Honored On 40th Anniversary Mrs. Clarence Bell of Bow-|Belvedere avenue, two years ago. The evening commenced with the presentation of a corsage to the "bride" and a boutonniere to the bridegroom, after which a buffet dinner was serv- ed. During the evening many movies were taken, one of spe- cial interest being that of the bride and bridegroom of 40 years cutting the beautifully de- corated wedding cake. After the toasts had been proposed and responded to, the main event of the evening took place, the pre- sentation of a chaise-lounge to Mr. and Mrs. Casement from their many friends. Guests were present from Brampton, Bowmanville, Whit- by and Oshawa. leaning Ladies' Summer WICKER -- PURSES Assorted styl es including Square and Oblong. Colors -- white and beige. Some with floral decoration and lining. 1*-2" F ATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CH EERFULLY REFUNDE 2 STORES 70 SERVE YOU BETTER DOWNTOWN OSHAWA Os HAWA SHOPPING CENTRE WINNERS! WINNERS! WINNERS! IN THE PEPSI-COLA SHOPPERS' SWEEPSTAKES HERE ARE JUST A FEW OF OVER 55,000 WINNERS TO DATE! ONE OF EIGHT GRAND PRIZES Each a 1964 Meteor Station Wagon and a 10 minute grocery shopping spree and a year's supply of Pepsi-Cola Mr.s Maryann Jordan Cordover Mines, Ontario CASH AWARDS Mrs. Bud Perfect, 109 Ontario St. Bowmanville, Ont. Mr. James Carnwith Jr. P. O. Box 54, Brooklin, Ont. Mrs Mrs Mrs. Mrs Mrs. . Lloyd Halliday, R.R. 1, . Norman Duell, 79 Hurley Road, Ajax, Ont. . Edith Ibey, 10A Queen St., Cobourg, Ont. . Anna M, Westover, King St, W. Newcastle, Ont. Hampton . Geo, Canfield, 94 Kingsdale Dr., Oshawa, Ont. Mr. Emile Leblanc, 1361 Cedar St., Oshawa, Ont. Mrs. Modeline Cainey, 205 Palmerston Ave., Whitby, Ont. Mr. Ernest Rowell, R.R. 3, Pickering, Ont. Miss Ruby Batten, Box 425, Port Perry, Ont. Mrs. Virginia Peters, 213 Olive Ave., Oshawa, Ont. Mrs, Ray Allan, 904 Donovan Cres., Whitby, Ont. Miss V. Gibson, 627 Bloor St. E., Oshawa, Ont. Mr. Dennis Packer, R.R. 3, Port Hope, Ont. Mrs, Ray Woodman, 74 Harcourt St., Port Hope, Ont. Miss Diana Gay, 126 William St. E., Oshawa, Ont. Don L. Bothwell, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, Ont. Mr, Dave Harley, 19 Hamilton Ave, Cobourg, Ont. Mrs. Ken' Galding, 321 Marland Ave., Oshawa, Ont. Reginald Falls, Newtoville, Ont. Antonio Kokot, Oshawa, Ont. John W. Harwood, Port Hope, Ont. Mrs, Lois Jessup. Oshawa. Ont. GROCERY SHOPPING SPREES Mrs. R. Gledhill, 965 Ronlea Ave., Oshawa, Ont. Mrs. G, Portsmith, 114 Grenfell St., Oshhawa, Ont. GIFT CERTIFICATES Mr. Robert Salter, R.R. 1, Pickering, Ont. Mrs. G. Tawler, 26 Gyinn Rd., Ajax, Ont. Miss Irene Ashmore, 265 Garrard Rd., Oshawa, Ont. Everyone can enter the Pepsi-Cola Shoppers' Sweep. stakes. And remember, the more times you enter, the . more chances you have to win! ANN LANDERS Disgrace Echoes Bitter Despair Dear Ann Landers: Should an unmarried high school girl bear all the burdens of having a baby alone when she knows who the father is? Should she have to suffer the shame and disgrace of having a child out of wedlock while the boy who talked her into it goes his merry way? ' Should she have to go to the hospital by herself, or be driven by her father, or a neighbor, while the dirty raf?Who got her that way is out having a good time with his high schoo] pals? I understand 'there is no law to force a marriage, Well, why in heaven's name isn't there? If you want to help ease the agony in the world why don't you wage an all-out campaign to pass a fecczc! law which would force marriage between young people when a preg- nancy is involved?--Champion of Justice ; Dear Champ: :Thank you for your suggestion, but I already have a campaign. It's the same one I've been pushing' for al- most nine years. The battle-cry goes like this: It's up to the gir! to call the sandwiches out in the kitchen so the guests couldn't see that there wasn't enough meat to go around. The men Elmer brings are customers so I have to smile and be pleasant. But it just isn't fair to the kids. I'm a good cook but I'm no magician. Why can't a man understand that extra people] means extra food and extra preparation? If Elmer would give me just two hours' notice I could rassle around and man- age somehow. Please tell me what to do.--Onta My Mind Dear Outa: Show Elmer this column and let him know that from now on things are going to be different. If he is unwill- ing to pick up the phone,and give you notice he'll have" settle for whatever there is on hand--and it may mean baloney guests. sandwiches and make no apolo- to}. sandwiches for him and the/f Be pleasant while serving the} 'Dear Ann Landers: My hus- band and I were invited to din- ner at the home of friends. I was unable to get an appoint- ment at the beauty parlor so I wore a tight-fitting silk tur- ban which I had made out of the left-over material from my dress. When we arrived the hostess y|asked us to remove our wraps. I took off my coat and entered the living room. The hostess asked in a loud voice so that everyone could hear, "Aren't you going to take off your hat?" I replied, "No"'--and explained why. She laughed and insisted my hair couldn't look that bad. turban turned out to be the ma- |jor topic for discussion with all the guests joining in and offer- ing opinions. I was embarrassed and my entire evening was ruined. On the way home my husband said I should have re- moved my hat from the. start and avoided all the trouble. Yes or No?--Hatted and Heated . Dear H and H:, If you had arrived wearing a shower cap and wished to keep it on all evening the hostess should have said nothing. She was rude--but you were foolish to let it' spoil ag evening. It wasn't worth OLD EGG CUP SOLD LONDON (AP)--An egg cup sold Thursday for £8,500 ($24,- 500), The egg cup was an Eliz- abeth I silver-gilt ostrich one made in 1584. It was by a silver dealer, S. J. Philips of: London, at a Sotheby's auctiofi. Before long my hair and the} DRAPERY MATERIAL GBF ars ond up Compare ot $1.98 yard M. & C, Dry Goods & Draneries 74 CELINA STREET PHONE $as-762 gies. One time will be > mean business. I' bet you'll get your two hours' notice after signals and hold that line. Why? Girls get pregnant, boys don't. I can think of few proposals worse than a law which would force a matriage. Too many marriages between willing part- ners are hitting the skids these days. What chance do you think a forced marriage would have? Dear Ann Landers: Last night I told Elmer that the next time he walks through the front door with two or three unexpected dinner guests, I am walking right out the back door. Of course I wouldn't do it, Ann, but I am at the end of my rope. Last week he brought home unexpected company twice and I was embarrassed to death. 4 ad a SMART WOMEN ... have their carpets and uphol- stery cleaned "The Safe Way' by DURACLEAN 728-8518 The kids had to eat baloney to persuade Elmer that you 3000 COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM! SUPPLIES (Oshawa Ltd.) Oshawa Shopping Centre 725-3012 By The Yard At HARLEIGH VV i 'WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION . . AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. . WASH DISHES then this new water he Tead about approved appliance WITH A CASCADE 40 YOU NEED NEVER RUN OUT OF HOT WATER AGAIN It's low cost. It's electric. It's safe, It's dependable, As your needs increase, so does Cascade 40's output. It can produce hot water electrically SIX TIMES AS FAST AS ating your home. NORMAL USE DEMANDS! And no matter how much hot water you use, you save with Hydro's low rates. Cascade 40 is flameless, clean, silent, with a ten year guarantee on the tank, Have an approved Cascade 40 Electric Water Heating Appliance installed in APPROVED The new Cascade 40 Water Heating Appliance is an APPROVED PRODUCT. developed through the combined research _ and resources of Ontario Hydro © and electricalmanufacturers. For details, call yo Oshawa Public Ulitities Commission, Phone 723-4624 -- In Co-operation With -- ur hydro 668-5878 942-0500 942-2930