THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, Mey 16,1964 27 a Ip Wonted |25--Apartments 27----Real Estate For Sale |27-----Real Estate For Sale {29---Automobiles For Sale ; 16--Femole Help Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted |17--Mole Help ae WAITRESSES RETAIL WEEKLY elie SEG wrr Fad ORCRERBOARD $1,500 DOWN | 1959 ZONTIAC Sedienchie Mes Sale 32--Articles For Sale. ; pela SALESMAN NEWSPAPER (RAPP ace oii" ara BOLAHOOD PAYMENT 1958 OLDSMOBILE USEDGARLTD. (CRUISER FOR SALE wales' REQUIRED 'IMMEDIATELY EDITOR tue waa. bosmamties askin 98 Four door Hardtop 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST 180s 4. fino bridge j WHITBY -- 668-5891 1960 Outboard motor WOMAN FOR FOR LARGE RETAIL | ojstrice weekly reauires ox- [ONE Ave Twasepenon wevrmens) BROTHERS SPLIT LEVEL © | 1955 PONTIAS Cars bought and sold < | New starter, new SALAD BAR COMPANY STORE -Perienced editorial man, 'Bre- lconvanances_.Telenone Sey 7 Deluxe Two Door nen ese ad uncvone eae include, y ferably over. forty, or é abin sleeps 2, complete wi . Apply Ser agai ad part-time. Some camera _ 26----Rooms For Rent mace He fe sa or dieks or Kl ig Ft Always top quality sereens pers pov Sin : rs. i i sset. Re- ies coon : * GENOMHA Hover | itech emcee | Sai eiene mel | ATTRACTIVELY, |) "SRR | RANCH TYPE | s9s0:euiex PAID FOR. | een iC. i i i i : re preferred. All company bere: | partinent detaile including" | FURNISHED ROOMS 4 BEDROOM HOME BUNGALOW Two Dee Hardtop ee ee $1 695 fits available including paid previdus employérs ond char- Available in private home i 8,900.00 ¢ IAC oe poeta ae 1 Experienced vacation, bonus, __ pension acter references Call between 5 and 7 p.m. Asking only $8,900. Lg 1957 PONT! n, Liens paid off. Ne Down Bh ik ; For odvarcement with. leode BOX 46 82 PARK RD.N. | Requires" $2,000.00" down Alpe DODD MOTOR SALES | Will Take Car or Truck on Trade Oe an. | aie cael OSHAWA TIMES NN, | "Require sz.00000 dows, | From $13,450 | jos4 cuevnouer 314 PARK RD. SOUTH | Call 728.7375 or 7251801 For UBM. 024 and 026, | ing manufacturer depending itn OTL) arte to "sll, 0 beter FULL PRICE Two Door sar Sees Brooklin 655-3856 FURNISHED room. Double bed, Close to i ri ik MR. J. RYAN EN, HARRIS. TAX! DRIVERS EERSTE foc cioe ie Hoe hr. a Drumm st 7265123 Saisimen on site this week. | 1958 BEDFORD VAN [ii citer end body, gee | HAVE A SECRET _ Sind 6 E, N. HARRIS Preferably between 25-40 |gaite. ulable Yor genflonan, call 725] °% "20-9848: end, Follow Park Road South | Also © 14 Plywood Boat ond ee ee sat hae WE PAY MORE era wemne tote |B. F GOODRICH (| ten samives Astle sca camara ti] jy AC MONTMLY | Sica stpuite amy ave | VS it SO ee career | a Whitby, Ont, s STORES MERCU RY T AX\1 en, Telephone 728-7120, ¢ Tad, hase viet 'rue, button radio, 14,000 miles. Phone 728-7996 ng selling used furs' BORIS REMI. nt J Bite salsra SRR a c i064 PONTIAC Parisenne, saddle tan. niture and appliances. Call. | ING ST. WEST 725-4543 1 pg pt Rg ogg ER cle rg Well decorated. Price : od ; » power . lg yg ad "ALESMAN 725-477) |namy, Mavemneapinn serciege Tesiea envy) $11,000.00 with $2,000.00 JOSEPH BOSCO Ray's Auto Boay power brakes, power windows, wiitewais;| Valley Creek Furniture .. Sie een) Supply PARTTIME dwt, o weagoh ual OWe RINGLE rpm. Tg fal) down, Call Mr. Rankine ot Prince Albert, OntgHie ee thal dua eine" ineter|._.1028 BOND W, 2NBRAOL ner b 4 pgm. to 1 am. | ¥ it y je rerar S -. iy ' ns 17--Male Help Wanted alt > er need OF" Ih been ene Meo ee ° ned REALTOR 985-7885 $3,450. Private sale, After 6 p.m. 7258459.|canvas awnings, SALESMAN with funeral |tpuck drivers wanted for route work|ROOMS -- one single, one double, single $18,000 DUPLEX 728 7377 oe Frefect, In. G608 condition.|Complete service. SA LESMEN experience. in Oshawa, Whitby area, $100 weekly,/beds, sult gentlemen, north district. Call Special, only $3,000.00 down - Apply in writing only Ms 4 Ta Ae a Free estimates. © BUYING OR SELLING wep i. Telephone after 6 p.m.,|Waiting. Mil Jelinek, 728-1993, anytime. Ra woneoreenaltitla gucical 22 KkRICO, : Prefer Licenced Embalmer, |Write Classified Box 806 Oshawa Times. 725-4325. cig for this 6 room duplex. 3 TED CAMPIN 1959 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, automatic,|cheek rest, Pe ay eg gy Bg age limit 40, Drawing account 178" Ae or Female * -- clean! rooms on main floor with 3- 4door, hardtop. Excellent $200) Best offer. T 726-1776, ' furnished room for gentleman. Private TO SELL against meee Hg one eci Help Wanted bath in quiet home. Abstainer. Call 725-| pc. bath, 3 rooms and 4 pc. Whitby and Ajax MOTORS Lancy atatH has dint A FREEZER, Woods, 9 cy. feel, Excellent Reside in Toronto. Territory 2124, RNa oy oad bath on second floor, Lot 50' ' eo. sg one owner, " all of Ontario Province, ROOM suitable for two ladies, non-smok-| x 213' with 3 car garage. Built and backed by [ee ig lank pp le nde ri Som" MOTORCYCLE, 1961 Harjey Davidson 74 Write only, giving all particu- . ers, central. Apply 106 Elgin Street East.) Total monthly income. of 607. KING ST. ---OSHAWA . saddle spotlights, ASPHALT lors obese self ond marital Social Workers _|S#rsce avaitabie $195.00. Price fricludes fumi+ G, Armstrong & Sons (Just East of Wilson Rood) | 1988 VAUXHALL 'super, 4-door, furn' signals, loaded with extras. $1,000, status to: a ture in both apartments. Be . 723+ aor ferred. High School, Hospital . oe wes ACT YLENE toch, Sune ane DRIVEWAYS CH AMPI ON CO. oh, Saerea wnrance. All 'Denventnese. sure to inspect and moke an $950 DOWN " VOLVO 1962 VOLKSWAGEN, 24,000 original miles,| tips, gauges, 50 ft. pei f and jephone 728-3331. Cost ing for ae or ; 7 $150 week up Toronto 17, Ontario | and personnel benefits. Ap- toms, light housekeeping facilities. | Carries $79 Monthly JAKE and BILL'S $2,000 or best offer. After 5 evenings,|FOR SALE: Cabin cruiser, complele wih B. LEWIS Director [ROOMS AVAILABLE, Suit. young men,| nue, lorge lot, 54 feet by 107 split level and 2-storey homes, Auté-Electric Service blue, 7 gs,|Phone 725-4805 atfer 5. ar asset. | ' 1bs., capa- SALESMAN lELGIN STREET WEST -- Furnished} monthly payments just $73. bathrooms, - built-in Ranges ee 'after & p.m. 725-3978. with trailer, $250. With 16 HP land, Kise) ; $10. weekly. Telephorie. Whitby easel | shonks at 728-5205. H. GRIFFIN wheel cylinder and rear end. Apply @004, $475. Phone 725-8503. excellent condition, complete with stand, apoeamnnte Ne me Post Office Box 321 hee Oshowa _ keeping and ped-sitting room. Close to transportation,|FINDLAY coal, wood and coal burning EXPERIENCED r i y ae eee (at, Seat Tez. Very clean remodelled older | ieee | WENN TERIOR: 0, whitewalls, in good condition, JUM ete ACCORDIAN AND GUITAR teachers,|27-----Real Estate For Sale --§ | Located on Pine Avenue. Hot Te Genie ao ek sakes Pe F CLERK Finencial Trade Bldg, 187 |fications to Box 43, Oshawa Times. -- ' fers considered. Asking $12,- S F 1957 PONTIAC, deluxe sedan, 6, auto-|APPIY 788 Oxford Street. good, cooks good, $16. Electric kettle, King St. E. EXPERIENCED short order cook want- GOING! E ane ' Preferably university gradu- [Telephone after 5 p.m. 725-8792. | offer. Ask for Mr, Roy Yeo at One N.H.A, Mortgage SALES AND SERVICE A-1 condition, radio. Tel Like new. sidatedt - ply in writing to [Gentleman preferred. Apply above ad-| DUPLEX $1 1,500 GARAGE ie Rca nage ke aS ae oer ane pra Must be neat in appearance | REAL ESTATE one owner. 5 | uhots ask! Pontiac inn: Tele-| feautring storms and screens, 449 Ritson Road South phone Bowmanville 623-3692. BOAT, 13° x 5 x 27", deck, windshield, APPLY County of Ontario |room, suit lady. Telephone 725-8974. | For information and to in- a Bans, WE PONTIAC seen, svtomatic trent-| Ey BORD seaGny GUIGAATIC. AUT OVE | ee oe ener 4 Bin Te : Oshawa Boulevard South, Ideal for recreation room or cottege. Ask- dnd Construction Co., | cor and qualify for sales new licence, good : interior, 1,200 miles, four weeks old.|$150. Apply 50? Bloor Street East. cook Bove, | haeer Whitby hours, frustrating but reward- ~ | good pay, eventually room and bo Whitby 668-5371 "E nasheed 668-8961 ing and interesting. Interview pr earns Avenue. utes from. uptown, Telephone 723-9589. home with 2 kitchens and two -- _ transmission, new upholstery, partistly| jpg METEOR, good condition; 1956 Chev-|tric manicure, cost $40, selling $25. | 500.00 with $2,500.00 down matic, radi, wheeldises. Excellent con-|1956 DODGE V8, stick shift, $900. Apply|electric trypan, ironing ed immediately. Full or part-time. Ap- | 7) One OWie we Toh? housekesplin Péor. " i . 81,7 . PI = $7 WEEKLY light housekeeping room, 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 er, aor low mileage. $1,195 cash. Phone|best offer. Phone 723-2758, Earning Potential 856 Millwood Road | ate. Competitive salary scales |ciggcn STREET, 174 -- two furnished| 728-5123 or 725-2217. 1963 MGB, ten thousand miles, red, |Dest offer. Telephone 723-1634. joress "Eight room brick, Olive Ave- 3 and 4 bedroom bungalows, General Repair and 1063 AUSTIN Healy 3000 Mark il, siiver|0® seen at 57 Oshawa Bivd. or and aggressive, A Car will be Vv Children's Aid Society |phone 725935. . feet ON neat ae ee hooded exhaust fans, vanity | Oshawa 728-0921 1957 PONTIAC 2-door, in good condition. Steering, lights, 870 35 HP North West Paving Must be local resident, neat And City of Oshawa |FURNISHED ROOM, suit one or spect coll Mr, Irwin Cruik- mission, fair tires, new brake fining,|nayied, interior Clean, new. paint job,|TELEVISION, 1961 Philco 19" fe] oe | CARGE, bright furnished light house ATT SHOPPING CENTRE Real Estate Broker Ww 1904 imbala Suphh pert, Valmatic: Your choice $9t..1956 hore. and:| tree eemes. eenone Zenraee 107A Colbourne St. W. training programme. Long | ---------------------- ---------------|hospital and downtown. Girl preferred. DUPLEX Ajax 942-3310 standard transmission, palomar red, red|ard, | id.) = z : $3,500, Thursday and Friday after 4 p.m. T acer nae 1108 Telephone. Bowmanville 623-2837. Jerry SINGLE ROOM. Close fo-buses, 10. min- reread p. iM a wandiras how pata - by appointment only. Paul ee aan bathrooms, Owner occupied. Looking baie 1955 PONTIAC convertible, V8, standard|$750. After 5 p.m. call 725-5618. $4. Remnighey Bocaire Tvaeear ery tae Ristow, Realtor, 728-9474, ltuit or part time. Please state quali-|" i ----------| water oil furnace, gorage, of- for a house? customized. After five call 725-6780. ~|rolet, needs body work. A-1 V8 motor,|Hotpoint; apartment size, cleans board, ----_--_---- - - rege Sk dition. 170 Park Road South, Apartment! 220 Athol Street, Whitby, S64008. other smail items. Monday 9 until 1 p.m, GUARD ply Donald Cox, Ontario Trading Post, GOING! ~ 3 LIFE Highway 115, Orono 10 R 19. . payment. Call Mr. Jack Ap- 22 Simcoe Street South, pleby ot 728-5123 or 723- PAGE 4 poeta i955 BUICK 2door, runs well, $290. Tere i. to type sdles invoices and Experienced, first aid, over 3398. : | i957 CHEVROLET stalion wapen" Greet phone otter 6.90 p.m. 72400 i maangp stn Sige iB bros lent ion. Apply 24 Charles Street. i PON 4 ft bh a ¥ TIAC «sedan, two-tone, runs um. 725-6931, hs bill accounts réceivable and 18. Must have car. e 20--Room and Board tee But Not All Gone 28--Real Estate Wanted | i956 MONARCH Lucerne, $50 or well, geod cleen car. Apply. 286° Celine Telephone after 5 p.m 1 ties. Must be : ROOM AND BOARD, -..lunches packed, fe d es Swiss Chalet Park |TV, parking, near South General Motors Th ; pte ae ---- Call 728-9525. . good typist. Godd wages. Call Pickering Vrelechone Tear. | low with attached garage and ree bedroom bungalow, Rit- |CONVERTIBLE, 1955 Chevrolet, V-,|9Q---Automobiles Wanted [2 -o__ : Company' benefits. 5 day 313 s '|n7 CHURCH STREET: For two gentle We stj!! have completely | fireplace. 1300 sq. feet of son area near Ontario Steel. | automatic. Good reliable car. No reason- SOK TRAILERS 28 sale, sutaie foe ol week. Apply in person To __839- 13 EVENINGS _\men, large front room, single beds, good $4,200 DOWN seal GREY PEDIGREE carriage with pHtadh offer. Apply first house east of Thickson| Street after 3 p.m. EDIGREE carriage wi Six room ranch brick bunga- Road on the South Service Road. able. case and canopy, good condition, : : | living, One N.H.A. mort- Buyer hos cash, Also requir- able offer refused. Telephone 725-5555. otter over "st00" Apply. ia, Albert Bireste Mr, Curl Married Dependable meals, downtown' and "north "prant.| finished homes available | gage for balance Best value ed 4 bedroom home north or |i987 PONTIAC, feurdoor, daluke two 145 CARS WANTED = [ps-as, eres r. Ui! 725-2879, . 2 s | en today's market Call Mr. Northwest area, ltone paint, new tires, radio. Real ' > ' MAN WANTED on | for immediate possession. | motor. A real buy af $595. Can arrange Buying o New Car? BLOND WOOD double" Bed sprinb and "eg "sais MAIER ds inten a Irwin' -Cruikshanks now at "Ted" |matiress; lawn " ROOM AND BOARD f tH will terms t it buyer. Apply 277 Jarvi: U] ar to 'ed ; TO LEARN TO SELL ing to. share: single beds. Near' South| 728-5123 or 728-5205. Schofield-Aker |Sveet faa." rvs) Sell YOU Used er OS New. (one Te & B S AUTOMOBILES Genors!_ Motors. 720-9523." | i 1959 MONARCH convertible, full _power,| Car Dealer and "SAVE" CHROME kitchen set, large table, @ urran Figg Ideal working conditions. AP- ipoom AND BOARD tor. gentleman. | NORTH RIDGES TAYLOR AVE. Ltd white and black, radio. A-1 condition. 83 TED CAMPIN MOTORS chairs, $25; steiniess steel sink ply in person ot: Close to North plant. Telephone 725-| Beoutiful brick and stone mo- REAL ESTATE Ritson Road Rovihy 729-3482, : hed bg Bireing viet Sree : [ d Nicols Motor Sales hn a amnetcindion ol ec mieinaaasia : dern 2 year old bungalow. 3 1964 CHEVROLET Bel-Air automatic, six-| 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 | essants, fein : Rea y-Mix t . 146 Broek (Nocera for aoothpen "acihes eckers| (Sommerville at bedrooms, large kitchen, 723-2265 conte trans Ca esi PING-PONG teble, child's erlb end mab | tod commen, Macias ses reasonably priced ond 'airy {= cine tone o4 Tome: |S ALL CASH $ [puesta team LICENSED above address. Orchard View) low down payment. Call Mr. |JQREE-BEDROOM brick i ' '| For clean cars or trucks we . Hot water tank with power steering. ed, well deal up or down. Liens paid off. a Lo otha S. MECHANIC NEAR DUPLATE and bus, eo jot Desi ot 728-5123 |decorsted. East Oshawa. Terms to. auit.|$!-875. Call 722-7606. . lunches packed, shift workers welcome. Two Storeys TR906. 1962 INTERNATIONAL dump truck, REMINGTON semi-automatic ite, va funni i English gentlemen preferred. 723-1248. WANTS , - Weaver scope. Before 6 call ' ee ae RO a . | BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED |not over s40bi" Plesse "ssh iia |ariven. 'Th truck carries an-apen ce)| NICOLS MOTORS LTD, |atter 6 calt 725-942 EXPERIENCED FOR SERVICE STATION 22--Offices, Stores, Storage, 101 Simcoe Street North from 12 noon to 10 p.m . licence PCV. May be seen at "s BA 146 BROCK ST. NORTH ¥ i habbo Bs Bag 7 n Ev veni Servic Station, Si South. MAN 288 BLOOR WEST OFFICE sapce for rent. Two good sized Split Levels Open Every Evening 29--Automobiles For Sale iv: $a Galpa, RL, con le, WHItey 66h 3351" Tri-Levels rooms. Situaetd above Times Office, bucket seats, 390 cuble inch motpr, posi- 18 FT. BOAT, 76" beam, steering ' OSHAWA, ONT. Whitby. Telephone 623-5833 Bowmanville. Bungalows T | | D F N fraction, red, white top, black 'Iinterior.|LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want ears|windshield, convertible roof, and trailer. REQUIRED WANTED fore partosers, phere assis" "| CUSTOM HOMES rene eam rae wen|weomorm Eat the iN oe See i STORE, downtown location. Ideal for Three, Four and Five CAR AND TRUCK _ |9004 consition. $850 o hac! after, 7ag00s.\BENAWA Aaite' Baris' cod Aare Woblbene, iLGOH iromeor WY eae ayer ag FOR'MACHINE SHOP| 2 LICENSED To Your Plans and any smalf business. Reasonable rent. 1958 ED 'aaaeor. teaen, eyie- 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for wreck-|A-1 condition. Telephone 725-8 ANICS Phinecaelrlll bic. Regret: es Specifications RENTALS wate V8. block and white finish, $100." Telephone 725-2162 or 729-4225. |77-Er--Sivwoad 'boat, TE hp Johnson motor, MECH | 655-4484, electric start. Teenee trailer. Good condl- CALL AJAX 'Anuty \23--Weanted To Rent on your lot or our building sites (All Makes and Models) | i9,5-vocKswAG@EN geluxe." black red 32--Articles For Sale ee een or aaa es 2120 ee Abe crear --tren| ALL HOMES QUALIFY CALL 725-6553 linterior, whitewalls, good condition. Pri-\WE BUY, sell and exchange used turnie|"U®- 942- BO Family of five needs July 1 # W E>ROTH 14 Albert St. \vate. Telephone 728-4824. ture or anything you have. The City|\COMMERCIAL garage door, 10 by 10 with for appointment OSHAWA TIMES | occupancy of three or four |=OR $500. WINTER BONUS tee sr | Trading Post si eee E48. i. Ba | Store, 446 Simcoe Street|hardware: hot weter radiators, pine, ; SPEED equipment, four-speed Chev.\1952 AUSTIN A 4, 630. Telephone pie bedroom house in Whitby | Construction Ltd, _ |transmission, sed mag. wheels, 14 sna 1S; 728-4454, ects id be elbows.. Before 2, call 723-7599. ig with. large kitchen or dining SAVING BAS each. perio. Doc's Speed and igsg BUICK sedan, automatic, power et N " sien Mise a an. wht Fae _______|steering, power brakes, radio, $45, Call (Continued on Page 22) 0 avy outlets for washer ond dryer | 725-9991 ' acd Sa A in basement. Reasonable dist- | Homes Open for tion, Trade accepted. Take over pay.| 196 PONTIAC convertible, $425. New top, Hampton 263-2258. chine Shee etre" | On, over and under the sea, the Royal Canadian | once to, public | ond' high | | tdapectibn: Baily | PRIVATE SALE mani Accept reasonable otter. 72.771.\"ereghone Tess. ne ' : . : P schools, Only clean well kept | nspection Dai 1960 CORVAIR 700, four-door, standard] 9.0 oLp Tic nantes Navy operates in three dimensions as it serves the houue ail be aaa. Simcoe N. Dr, Philips School Area |traneniseion,. clean. . Boa? otter. call 962 GLOGMOBILE, Super %, pee nation and the couse of peace. To keen, fit young Phone 668-4833 after: six 2 to 4:30 P.M. Whitey Gee ST [Rare ae nipaion: brake, 1inted glses. Canadians who are ready to work hard and learn any evening. Lease desirable. Nearly new 3 bedroom brick 1959 PONTIAC, 6 cylinder, four-door, au-|custom radio with rear seat speaker, ' -- rea _ 2 i ton 5 f quickly, Canada's modern sea-going service offers THO-BEDRGOM apartment with stove) oy ip 723-3240 rey ig pis conse yer Prive, secrinee. Sey Th Glearers Wine at ids iemenes "eine re iti i tin they are chal- | Oe er Srie. Savnre. Witt 8 BARY, ' HE ' et ook i lown | street after 6 p.m, Dominion Royal whitewall winterides, Ee cae hie ait are about th Pentti '§ ture t \aauvau-vo-eeav--7 Joe Crawford ... 728-1679 Payment. Write Box 942, |i oLesme yardiop, |pertect condition, $2450, Phone 728-2340 lenging. Find out more about this exciting future to- [WanTeD To RENT -- furnished apart- : Buhowa Tine 1958 OLDSMOBILE hardtop, four new) day! If you are between 17 and 25, single and ment. July = August. Married teacher,| Chorles Smith .. 728-8254 | *, bs dard transmission, good running con te tires, mechanically A-1, body work need-| after 6 J EE EESEE 4 ;: ty , ha one baby. References. Phone 723-9932! TWO-BEDROOM home, Bloor Sirest|orter "eran payee cnr wr Pas GWER ada oe to ye physically fit, visit or write to your Naval Recruiting [atte s pm Loreen Kellett .. 723-3770 |Gast, 424. immediate possession, $1000. | ge a loa Officer at the address below. |EOUNTRY house. "or farm required by 5.4 Gooljteliow . 723-7335. |ericprege ese ete __ltone, Tourdosr sedan "automatic. radio |i9ss CHEVROLET V8, only" 2600 viles 25 ST. CLAIR AVE., EAST Sarmnting. 38° Ake "all deck' Bayliss.| : tel ofl rage dng Mg ore from| Will accept small trade. Phone BoW-/on motor. Standard floor shift, dual ex- Simcoe Street Nor' close t 'hool, oyna : , | Ajax 942-1020 before 6 p.m John Kitchen... 723-3788 . |ang shopping. Terms available. TON: pe os A IS yee oe aati TORONTO, ONTARIO |WANTED = furnished or ~partiy ~tor-| evenings TN 1100 DONTIAG, uodeie Sd Si TT PLEASE SEND ME WITHOUT OBLIGATION, FULL DE- |nished two- or three- room apartment. $13,900. -- NEW BRICK split-level_bun-\7-183, = 'i955 PONTIAC, new a ee Parking space, Whitby, Oshawa town or i MILLEN galows. See our salesmen on site every) ----------------------------___ action ae condition. Must be seen and lcountry arae. Quiet, reliable tenant. Write evening until dark. Follow Park Road|'952 FARGO '/-ton pick-up, recondition- . TAILS OF CAREER tg sc hg NOW AVAILABLE Box 916, Oshawa Times, . |South fo Phillip Murray Aekoia he pos hier. Sane pia (Hive Vey goed, |be, driven, to be appreciated. Telephone CN. | id Jide : Rae "i al lee. ; 749. es a DUIRY: widdibagad coca orn sales office. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728-\Best offer. Brooklin 655-3 4 i ee. tn ee eis ae a haser, eeatan NAME ; look after and board elderly lady or Real Estate Ltd, |e eax --=--inaaersworectearsom 9g TRIUMPH TRS," one owner, 12 3601986, Ob Sow ret ana rane seb peees . one . see eeenee gentleman in exchange for use of home. ) Mi on céphedreans : : and ln, r Will take full responsibility of home. 9B t St brick bungalow, Brooklin, For . informa-|Private. Ajax 942-3583. [poder gyarere new |Write to Box 905, Oshawa Times and ago F tion, phone 655-3157. il eS jgive particulars, $1000. DOWN buys 25 acres with smalijreal buy for $550. Fitziohn bus, licensed, |1958 OL E, newly - . f | smission, twe-door ¥ ' barn, 2 mile from highway 115 near|in good running condition. Very reason-| automatic tran: seh COUPLE with baby wants three-room 728- 6/9 Ah radio, four new tires. One owner.) . apartment. Possession June 1. Refer- 1 Peon Pes ll oa McGill Real Teac aged Auto Wrecking, 89 Bloor East, ile: Apply 116 Adelaide West. mences. Telephone 728-9959. MBA sects Bd Borate | oes tae. STN8, | tet i Be ------ en teeeennaee anna anEEDD ST TTT CH aaa VROLET, new paint job, $750. oy $1040. DOWN -- spacious five-room bun-|196? VAUXHALL _ six-cylinder, mileage|1959 CHE ide it hom fala Oana eile: Tow 'ookin galow, fully decorated with built-in stove( 15000. Used only as second car. Excel- Good condition, Telephone whi |phone 725-5816. g and oven, Call S."D. Hyman Real Estate|lent condition, 728-8749. Y. | : 3 for a house? pete 728-6286 vee eae Royal Canadian Navy ' |pancHouses Por Rent | SEE SS eS oe car oa : REASONABLE rent. House on southern payment with one mortgage that car- gence | Pima eure | Moar 4 Ilona." nas Rea ese We H a) rley Motors a 10-ACRE jots, level, evertiowing stream $13,008. . : ' 5 9 stream. |25--Apartments _ __ ished. recreation 'room. Close ta Genersi|-oCa!ed_at Hampton on new highway. LTD CLASSIFIED OPPORTUNITY |FURNISHED basement apartment, three Motors south plant. Reasonable down-\F¥!! price $4500. with terms. McGill ' | , piece bath, steel sink, and cupboards, payment, Telephone 728-9804, Real Estate Brooker, 726-4285, suitable for working couple. Cal me ery apres: ATTRACTIVE money makin ng ; "| KING MANVL Patio Stones, Screen Blocks, | A starting' income between | aa: % oka the te bap hgh wer Brand new and now under? way. One KIN St. EA 1 Sond, gravel, top soil, stone, | $400-$500 per month depen- [NICE APARTMENT, all modern conven-|good fishing, road and hydro to each lot,|'"ree-bedroom and one _ two-bedroom is din iti . -- |lences, suit middle-aged lady or business! For information call Dunbarton 839-2181, 2Partments. Full price $17,950. See sales-/ Plastering - materials, wall ig on qualifications plus in |couple. No children, please. Apply 91 Rit- " men on site. Follow Park Road South to boards, Bri¢ks, Cement, Roof- centive compensation for right | son Road North. WHITBY & plex, $59,500, two years old.|Phillip Murray Avenue and office. j ing, Tile. "Sea. ase4. mon. te. represent, Netenel eg ery bathroom -unforaran|PTvae rent per month $700, $18,000) soseph Basco Rete ner | 1964 Thunderbird 1963 Mercury SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED .| Corporation. Will train thor- - |ed, Available. immediately, Telephone| cones vrtny- 968-398! _or 725-3090. __ | F@R GALE -- la acres on paved road,| CONVERTIBLE - 4-DOOR HARDTOP il oughly the man selected. No | 723-7159 between 12 noon and 5 p.m. }$600. DOWN, NHA re-sale, one mortgage|close. to school, spring-bed creek. With ij er brakes, Fuel and Builders 'Supplies eet eta - Bie --|for balance. Call now, Vickery Reallterms. Charlie' Stapleton, Orono | full powered, all extras 8 sulomatic, power. v8 244 Brock St.'$., WHITBY, Ont. travelling. Full welfore bene- {BEATTY AVENUE, 184 --, two-room fur-\Estate, 728-5157 ho ieee ln Mes S| ull pew! ' power steering 198) PONTIAC four-door, automatic. Pin At atl Bik Bid -- fits. Hard work will be re- |nished apartment. Off street parking.) --.| THREE-BEDROOM ranch house, con-| cay con'eruee Street ae eae quired and we will only con- Available Immediately. Apply adgress|HEWTONVILLE oy $7000 or Shoes deo! : tains garage, finished recreation room, 2 ; . te _- --- -- f I C -- $1; \- 8 a.m, 725-5537 | sider meh between the ages ($95 -- Twobedroom apartment on main|w op of land. Only $7,000 -- $1,200 down. toil 'heated. Excellent location In Port! | QOS Galaxie 1963 Impala fe Tank Real Estate Limited, Bowman-| perry, 985-2180 or Box 42, Port Perry. HARDTOP 2-DOOR HARDTOP ema = |floor, stove and refrigerator. Adults pre-|viile, 623-3393 SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt service) of 25 or 40 with aot least iferred. 'Available June 1. A i t ° . Apply 498 Sim-| --------________ on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street] 3 years residence in Oshowa vs th } |WHITBY--triplex, $23,500., income rent|/PRIVATE. House and lot 110 x 133.5, ; 'omatic, power brakes and West, Whitby, 668-2563, | or nae eee ne Oe e |per monthly $235. Private, four years old,,/"orth west of city. Excellent apartment) white with red upholstery 6 outeret Ran HERGEMAKING .~ Gulc. coals, doannae A CABINS, Heated, facilities, weekly rates,|$¢,000 down. Whitby 668-3981 o1 3090, |Site. Telephone after 6 p.m. 725-9652. steering DRESEMAKING - Gulls, coals, drenegy, | Wonderland Park Motor Court, 2 mile) -- sha ----~| Sow MANVILLE soap agree alterations, ee Owe, -- Fitting) Write giving full particulars {past Bad Boy, Kingston Road East, Osh- WYCHWOOD AVENUE -- th room| BOWMANVILLE -- Fairly new two ' 1 Gnd telemione number \owa, Phone 723-7424, brick bungalow with Hollywood kitchen,|Storey home, eight rooms. Reasonable. 1963 Mercury 1962 Pdntiac For " . on no fF Years old, $2800 down payment with|Low down payment arranged. Call after te er Also room of room and board| TWO three-room apartments and }wo| balance on one 6 per 'cent NHA mort-|5 Pm. Telephone Bowmanville 623-2609. | §.$. 65 CONVERTIBLE Felephone 666-2398. | B 4 4 two-room apartments, Newly reéde@cor-| gage. Full price $13,700. Douglas J. M.|MQDERN, one and a hall storey frame . : CONVERTIBLE od. 1. : | ated. Young married couples preferred.|Bullied, Realtor. 723-1168. halen, oie. Binal diggicd @; 390 engine, 4 speed stick f en Ae eo cee ee ee References. Centrally located. 725-278 ee ltarge lot, Garden "fruit trees, RF.) power brakes, power windows, automatic, power brakes, ay. berger rags Peg yg De- OSHAWA TIMES |between 6 and 10 p.m. _ laeihpinds real Yon aa, ee 7 Vernon, 248 Scugog Road, Port Perry,| and radio power steering, bucket seats pk tein sahard flo FAIRBANKS Street, two - room furnished murphy, Realtor. Call Marvin. Nesbitt,| 985-2168. FOR RENT: Alfractiye "room apart-|-- . --| apartment, share bath, washing facilities, Nestieton 986-4894, THREE-GEDROOM spilijevel with car-| : tases Ne Pesres: eenert TOOL MAKER | |rsrasar' sara, °° 8 "805% co tas, seer and water, saved|por, located in, nortaas! nds buittin] 1961 Pontiac Convertible LOVELY UNDER SUN OR STARS SAND, gravel, loam, and fill, delivered to' i : lear Went feaionava. Ape Ti Thomas|Call_S. D. Hyman Real Estate Ltd, V-8 automatic, power brakes afd steering, white Reach out for the sun, go to cotton ottoman, shantung, linen Alax, Oshawa and area. Telephone) To work on dies and fixtures. |27----Reol Estate For Sale | Street. ntricn, Mita a aaaeeane ith red upholster dinner -- haye fun all Summer for now -- faille, brocade for 668-2660. dali "i Top wages. | -- i: | $14,590 -- NEW three-bedroom brick bun- wi P' he : in a dress that makes you feel next Fall. FOR ie Be ee ge eo TELEPHONE | LE E IN ANSLEY PARK [cia th sees garage. ott att : and look young, ultra-feminine, -- printeg Pattern A647 is avails 215. Dundas East, Whitby. 668-5481. 7 2 5 5 8 1 3 et JUST COMP T D I Follow Park Boag Sout) to Chill, Biol NO DOWN PAYMENT gy ee a a, sg 3 €8M able in Misses' Sizes 8, 10, 12, Saute lg ah polly al ' B ttor. 728-7377 ' one dress do all these things? 14 16 and 18. Size 16 requires preferred: Call 668-8930 after 6.30 p.m. for) ve | dR eit ad n't OO : litar, that's why. Look," '. 20 req eaten ge leat egMaN WANTED wr pers wer| LARGE NEW7ROOMSPLIT LEVEL [one 'io acne-tor tett-wit_te mos UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY It's a Hulitar, that's why. L00k 3 yards 39-inoh fabric. Fon nant Yoouuiram dia ower|ture* vet Shure of ook Noni 5 i Rl front -- see how they' sweep the _Setd ONE DOLLAR for Prints pe jue ae po rere pecs Bi ae Lal | Home, 2 car garage, electric,heating, one and a half bathrooms, {nice clear garden 'land, on paved road, 60 CARS FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE skirt out from the narrowed ed Pattern A647 to The Oshawa north, Whitby. s . td | 0" cos I i AG clem.| wood panelled family room with stone fireplace, built-in range sec nee Oe eee ee ' e Times, Pattern Department, SEGIASLC Whitby waren" wanted Tor , raat Galt Gardinal Cleaners, 728 Pp $4000 ar ve Herwerden, Realtor, bie Look pt Re back, see th Oshawa, Ont. Ontario residents itby wi 5611 for appointment. ns and oven. Decorated 741 King Street East, Oshawa. Telephone! sudden pouf neath princess : * : Soest eat? to prono calls 72 Dune gacK HOG, grader and loader opera- NN | PHONE BOWMANVILLE 623-2301 seaming. It's lovely from the add 3c sales tax. Please print pchbntdlh saab ; tors. First cfass operators with refer- LOT on Thickson's Road North; 200' x 75°. fil hen 'you t »om- Plainly YOUR NAME, AD- - Bo pet A alg gph Alla SLA endl ce an ; GB ie eS tae pletely 'around. Flat bow sug- DRESS, STYLE NUMBER and Tae whitey, ; ) for dairy farm, experi- |p -bedr i , 3 ¥ etn So! pes ' oe Rel ee ects winrar aa farm, experi Inspection by 'appointment... Call PETER JOHANSEN at rey ecaratd vga ongtiow) MARLEY. HAYES,:PRES. .......-.:.° 623-7218 pte tee pou lower " ny sae diese -- Large apartment, self-con| implements. Good working condition. Sep- ished recreation room: Family size kitch- ie ba ves. an. arisio- ex - atc ora ined, ground floor, heavy wiring, large! house. Close to city. Write to M. 728-3753 or 723-9207 en. Four-piece tiled bathroom, sini LORNE HAIGHT, SALESMAN eee Sunderland 83 c A t P. 870 monthly, Telephone 668-2900 731 Ansiey Court Oshawa, forms and P. 1 cratic to your neck Prominent Designer Pattern by aasiey h Oshawa, or : : 1asoe 'Tolesnane basen. rive, Price and boulders. Ghoose wique, Abe Schrader.