'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 16,1964 25 / 7 TELEVISION LOG| peers -- '4/TV Channel 1i--Hamilion CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto ; RIGHT HERE, f Channel 2--Buffaie WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo ) a WA ' "= WKBW-TV Channel 7~Buffalo WRUC-TV Channel $--Rochester Pd i iit 'dt ee) " a FAMOUS HANDS CFTO-TV Channel $--Toronto .. CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie Te Sa dia South dealer, - ; : b P = PY, 1 Neither side vulnerable. 130 AM. "0 PM. 11:00 AM, vi--Albert J, Steed Show) 7--M-Squad 9--Caravan & é--Citizen James (Yorkdale Plaza) 1 -ing Links 6:45 PLM. &-2--Concentration +60) Tes --Femily Theatr YPimonn 4-Pete and Giadys Lacttaley Siimiey | Srboretta. Young Noonday Report R gg ie AM, -- f; ¥ v-vow First 7:00 P.M. 9--Farmer's Daughter Albert J. Stped Show 7--Maverick oP Gunn 8-2 Jeopardy 6--Elwood Glover felon 'Weather, 7--Missing Links 4--News and Weather Zi 3 ye ves Talk 4~Zane Grey Theatre 4--Pete and Giadys Leghe dasa 3--My Favorite Martian Srecioas Cocjogne 2--Bachelor Father 12:00 NOON oer 1:30 P.M. 9--Noonday Report 12:30 P.M. bathers: Low €2-Your First 9--1 Love Lucy 8-2--Movie impression &-2-Truth oF 7--The Outer Limits 7--Maverick x 63---Don Messer's Jubilee} 6--~Elwood Glover , 6---Movie 4---To Tell The Truth 4--News and Weather 4-~Search for Tomorrow 12:48 P.M. #100 PLM. 12:18 P.M, ' 4G ight Star Route 4~--Speaker of the House ~gehe 63--Garry Moore Show '" 4--I've Got A Secret 2:30: P.M, 1:00 P.M. 8:30 P.M, 9--1 Love Lucy T--Lucky See te N--Polka Party $2--Truth or poe mber 9~--McHales Navy | Consequences oe SY Show T-Wagon Train 4-Meet The Millers 4--The Lucy Show oe prairie he ei ' f Opening lead--four of spades. i rt 7) J j 2-Divorce Cou: 9:00 P.M. Tues We teloie | / This famous hand was played 1:30 P.M, 11 The Untouchables CROSSWORD Z e in the European championships Tl--Mid-Day Matinee 9--Phil Silvers 12:45 P.M.° . ; iy pitas Wil i tae 4~Guiding Light _reemmnnirteveneaneeserm caurtrtnad of 1962, It occurred in the 4--As The World Turns anid 1 a--Movie oe ga .F has 2:00 P.M. v0 P.M. ey hy i> bik BASS mC nom : tween . France 9--The. Millionaire Rostra ya wl gp ---- beng rie LA Italy, If you don't understand 643--P. a 1--Lucky Store . Portico: a TVS) SEM Wedeliils S-Lets Make A Ceo! | 4-Star Performance | December Bride Gr. vessels on pen aa yok bidding sequence, that 2:30 P.M, 10:00 P.M. 6--Matinee 6. Unit of DOWN grass emer iciv MMT NICH : m kes two of us, because I 9--Douglas 1--Steve Allen Show 7~Atternaon Show weight 1,Elementary 20. ---- aa au ) |\don't understand it either. '82--The Doct 9--Dr, Kildare 4--Meet the Millers 9, City: Fla, 2, Arrange 21. Gree! ey Al h - rent! Chestem an #2-~Mitch Miller 2--Divorce Court 10, Italian (figures) COMPIAR GOOFY, BEFORE Apparently, a in tabl B|UIN OIA WE START Bacherich, the French North- Party 7--Breaking Point 1:30 P.M. coins : ables i RIBADIOP ME MAKE § EP? cae, led bak der GE 00 PLM. 63--Inquiry VW--Mid-Day Matinee 12. Artist's 8. Hebrew o0Ga gad YOUR! BED. oa pee Be a rafal 9--Here's Looking At You| 4--East Side, West Sid@) 9 our House pigment measure 5 Siauiey Celis / raat : reg ie re em 6-2--Another World 10:30 P.M. 4<As The World Turns 13. On fire 4. Breeze 5 - Ege age - sixteen bids 7---General _riospital 6--Explorations 3--Movle 14.Onthe---- 5. Bright wi up e wrong con- at. te pf ie 11:00 P.M. 110 PM of the light 25, Whisk- tract! fo Te ru 11-9-6-7-6-4-3-2--News; iy moment 6, Abounding broom The Italian North 2120 P.M. Weather and Sports | 9The Millionaire 15. Excavating 7.Dry 26, Edible nad thaock the ay dl _ Vi--Randy Dandy 11:20 P.M, ea rege ors machine 8, Girl's plant 9--People in Conflict | 9--Metre Final Pe Te er 1018, OM e 27, Splicin, wound @p in a reasonable con- Say ' cs puccpes tract of six diamonds. True, $-2-You Don 7-4--Late Show 2:90 PLM. t iH t. Satpmangiy Cleat" ar. VR gee keg Scheel pry t a -Loceig '< maneaee | | |they went down because East 4Edge of Night Moc pe bitgdl secant 17. Owing 15. Unexploded 29, Wise men . Sr i Se ied a spade and because the P. 9--Th t of Bert Vishaty it ace 18. Alleged bomb 31. Make holy y : Ze diamonds were not divided 2-2, S ialy ead tee | ume oe | Sea Rcerie Ue "force , , but they theoretically had a $The Match 'Game 6--The Fugitive 4-Hoves Party 19, Fastened, 1 [2 [3 |¢ : : good chance for the slam. « 7~Tralimas' TUESDAY 3:00 PLM, as with Ghe eee Line worse 8:00 A.M. 9--Here's Looking At You glue PP occa hed ee eee in Bob 4--Captain Kangaroo 7~General Hospital 21, C Hl : when a spade was led. He tried ; 8:30 AM, 8-2--Another World 23. Pull, ase fee eet * iter' | ee m | ies efter Po 6--Father Knows Best 100 A, : 4--To Tell The Truth 24. Pale CELUI-Cl Se FAIT Eas have Eater ote etter | cap Ay aa 25, Moved La NoMmER apmnisteatsue| | Wocdbulaire de la Semaine | iettovine East might have MONDAY @VENING | 7--Jeck LaLanne show, | | 1!--Randy Danay pope ms PUIS GOUVERNEUR DE LA ------ wes i lwon the heart and continued 0 PA. 4-Popeye's Playhouse 9--People in Conflict " as 1 R f ATTENDRE (S'),.. To expect | MALHEUREUSEMENT with a spade, and Ghestem went N--Famiy Theatre ¥ &2--You Don't Say 30, os te h t4 +++ Unfortunately down four. oTheatre 9:30 AM. 7--Queen For A Day i bo ic no' ; rete f BIENTOT... Soon x i eeirines 9--Meta Presents 6--Friendly Giant . Offer : d A NEIGE (F)... Snow The early bids by Bacherich- ,J--The Early show 7--Tennessee Ernie Ford) 4-Edge of Night 32, Bpoch y , ZX CLOTURER ... To fence in Ghestem were based on their 63--Razzie Dazzie 10:00 A.M. 4:00 P.M, 33. Goods A i . aii, PORTE (F)... Door "relay" system. Thus, the spade pee | Ene ce |, itor LOAN | cena, eer on tad Dothing fo do with, pede, 8-2--Say When PF ay SO ey 5 : PRIME (F)... Bounty had nothing to do with JmGirl Talk 63--Fireball XL-s 7 oe ape ' PAYS) uy Wa | _ ENDORMIR , .. To be asleep RESTER...To Per but pari South to pee unre neat apo nth og * peeaher " PP UILIPPE DE RIGAUD, MAKQUIS.D \\ a ENTRE LES MAINS ge hand, ey enable -- VAUDREUIL VIENT AU CANADA POUR | | > ooo tn the hands ROUGE... Red The not ly indicated | 10:90 A.M. 4:90PM. 38, Past its MANDEMENT g s rump rep! 11-9-8-e- News; Weather| 1!--Super Bingo \--Woody Woodpecker gear acl ASSUMER LE COMMANDEM A 1 ony : ETENDRE (S$)... To spread | SEULEMENT... Only that South did not have a side 14.0 Ste. Now cacword For'werd | oxigen wo ttt DES TROUPES DELA COLONIE! ie De reblddahin, See a one #--Today, 1964 7--Price Is Right 'x F agg "AMO 40 94130 BOMBINOD HBA SIMI oD om ¢0-chee Helene Silseve it To Renter 40, S-ahaped V/ ; 'vawny? SAMO dy WME madd SD UN 3189 3H HOOD another relay bid cating ier ine News 4--i Love Lucy Popeye se 6-18 Two Ti >Pr LETTTTETE es ivttaae sabes 3ue8 : MICKEY MOUSE 7--Trailmaster still further notrump showed a better than minimum opening bid. IT'S TUNE-UP TIME NOW! }, SPRING SPECIAL! [gist TUNE-UP The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD: a er abi i | 266 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 723-4634 " --& Free up heet rucr valve fo et sesame the port of Rotterdam totalled | AM THE FIRST SLOBBOVIAN 4 " ae > AW 96,600,000 tons, compared with POME OF \||( GRADUATE OF THE HARVARD )/ ( SUL DARLIN )( Phizzie DUNT ' ___ KEMO SABAY, THAT MWAT OPOOK SAVER!" GA 11 |92,600,000 at the port of New ($ COMINK MY DOTTER, \GRITTING/? SCHOOL OF BUSINESS . Teeny ANITA HOME. ADMINISTRATION/? AT LAST, WE | SALLY'S SALLIES THE LONE RANGER DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER GUESS I'LL HAVE 70 TURN ON A } i LITTLE MORE PRESSURE. THis : ara Sac BBM <r CONDUCTING MY HO6E |6.A LITTLE 4 ~ | Recs OWN LIFE--AND THAT . : : ; : COVERS ANY R : " ; CASUAL OR SERIOUS, | |Z pur My FOOT me oa -- -- RS L RE AY, is : es Cuomo ree =< EXTRA SPECIAL ; \ 1%" SELF. 9 STORING 29: 5 ; DOORS IJUST FIGURED S f Fe a Installation $16.00 Extre Vee = mae Al: ]j|| HOLODY SALES 30 GRENFELL 725-2431 Seixas Y | Sean paren epee ERNIE CAY LEAVE? - vil | i : fc) LUMBER #4 DING ""\f it's LUMBER, coll our NUMBER" PHONE 725-1121 53 ALBERT ST.