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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 May 1964, p. 3

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6,420 Pupils Never Absent 3. K. Drynan, chairman of the Oshawa Board of Education, told a board méeting Monday night the city was in the "very happy" position of having an almost equal number of boys and girls in its Protestant| schools schools. He was referring to a report from the superintendent of Pub- lie Schools, Dr. C. M. Elliott, in which it was stated that 5,008 girls and 5,217 boys attended por Public Schools during I. 6,420 NEVER ABSENT Of the total 6,420 were never absent and 9,818 were never late. : A total of 1,001 general and commercial pupils were at O'Neill Collegiate and Voca- tional Institute during the month and there was a 95.7 at- tendance figure. Dr.. F. J. Donevan Collegiate) Institute had 862 pupils enrolled and there was a 95.38 percen- tage attendance. There was a 96.2 percentage attendance of the 679 pupils en- rolled at the Central Colleg- iate Institute. and 95.45 percen- tage attendance of the 963 pupils at the McLaughlin Collegiate an Vocational Institute. said there were 64 cases of fr- regular and illegal absences re- ported to his office for investi- gation during April, and 37 of these were from elementary schools and 27 from Secondary 250 CALLS u A total of 250 calls were made, 125 to homes, and 125 to schools for investigation of the absences, Also 40 office in- terviews were held with parents and students in this connection. Three students were suspend- ed from schools during the month but after interviews with parents the necessary action was taken and the students re- instated in school. Two charges were laid against parents for "failing to cause a child of compulsory school age to attend school." As a result of this action the pupils are in regular attendance at school, Mr. Smith reported. It was also necessary for him NEW OSHAWA 4 col cut lines Major Pool Equipment Cor- poration (Canada) Ltd., was officially opened Saturday, when Michael Starr MP, cut the ribbon outside the build- ing, marking the. event, The parent 'company of this new- ly established firm in Oshawa, is located at New Jersey. Photo shows Mr, Starr, cen- tre, flanked by A. Spitz, left, NEW OSHAWA INDUSTRY OFFICIALLY OPENED vice-president of the corpora- tion, (New Jersey) and Mrs. Spitz, and David Henry, right, president of the Canada plant, located here in Oshawa, and Mrs. Henry. At extreme left . is Jim Williams, Industrial Commissioner for the City, while at extreme right is Maurice Hart, vice-chairman, Oshawa . Industrial Commis- sion. --Oshawa Times Photo to make five court appearances during the month to give attend- ance and school reports on pre- vious charges laid in Juvenile Court. The board congratulated Mr. Smith on his being elected to the executive of the Ontario At- tendance Counsellors' Associa- CITY AND DISTRICT VISITORS AT ROTARY Visitors at the Monday meet Club Holds Camp At Beaver Park Life Official Describes Methods A. Burlakoff, of. the Mutual Life Assurance Company; To- ronto, was the speaker at the May meeting of the Oshawa Life THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, Mey 26, phat 1964 "ESTIMATE SUBMITTED ~~ i 4 Oshawa Debt Increased. : $3,401,000 Over 1963 _ Oshawa's funded and unfund- ed debt could hit an estimated $24,256,000 by the end of this year according to a financial analysis released by the city treasury. This represents a 16.3 percent increase, or $3,401,000, over 1063, ' The city's debt hit $20,855,000 last year. Of this, funded debt (debentures issued already) Expenditure Estimate Submitted In the next five years (1964- 68) Oshawa could spend $14,- amounted to $18,683,000, or about 90 percent of the total. Unfunded debt (representing authority to spend money and issue debentures) totals $2,172,- 000 and includes: Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital] -- $300,000; Hills- dale Manor addition -- $240,- building -- $400,000. And these public works: com- pleted in 1963 -- $631,000; 1963 works in progress -- $168,000; works ot yet started -- $433,- 108,000 on capital expenditures. | 999 The city's five year forecast, submitted 'to the Ontario Muni- cipal Board for approval, shows these tentative totals: --Board of Education -- $7,- 563,000. --City -- $5,147,000. --Public Utilities -- $1,398,000. In this same period, debt re- |TO MEET PUC City Council will meet tonight with Public Utilities Commis- sioners to take a look at the PUC five year capital expendi- ture forecast. As listed in the analysis, the program looks like this: ¢lec- \tric, $100,000 in each of 1965 000; administration of justice) the debentuiy: peltseiiab-tiik will lift the funded on on to $19,404,000 by the end of this Charges against four ar men were remanded in © yn Magistrate's Court Mon- ay. Charges of assault occasion ° In his report William Smith! tion for a second term. ling of the Rotary. Club of Osh-| Underwriters' Association' in|titement would total vgph eed and 1966; water, $547,000 this|ing bodily harm and breaking GREENWOOD ENTRIES WEDNESDAY, MAY 27 lawa included William Markle, |Galt; James Goswell, Toronto; | |Elder Percy Manuel, of. Osh-| }awa and Rotarian Dr. C. Mac-| \Kay, Whitby. | FIRST RACE -- Purse $190. ($2500 . Maiden three- and four-year- Resolve, Phillips X11 H.V. Caplan, No Boy 106 Ponderose Jim, No Boy 111 Santa Jewel, No Boy 120 Dek's Levy, Fitzsimmons 11) Come On Champ, N. Turcotte XXX112 €scarpment, Armstrong 116 Ginger Queen, Dittfach 111 Snow Beau, Walsh X106 'Broad Minded, Phillips 106 That's Nora, Tawse XXX110, Also Eligible: Bright Coleen, Harris, 106; Take a Gander, No Boy, 111; Bingo Suds, Freed, XXX101; Eldermill Luck, No Boy, 111; Ruffino, No Boy, 122; Bettye M., Shuk, 111 SECOND RACE -- Purse $1900 ($2500 claiming). Four-year-olds and up. 7 Fur- te Tiny Fru, Leblanc 114 Pauipolly, Walsh A-X112 Fort Strome, Hale 119 Brown Ruler, No Boy 117 Breconing, Harris, B-X114 Samson The Great, No Boy 112 Well Now, Parsons X107 Enonymous, No Boy 122 Parkside Drive, Potts 122 Cathy Yates, Potts 122 Arctic Swirl, R, Turcotte 117 Miss Bassano, Harris B-X109 Also Eligible: Eternal Lock, Fitzsim- mons, 109. A---R Strasberg and Phoenix Stables entry B--R W Lee and & C Morrisroe entry THIRD RACE -- Purse $2200. Maidens, two-year-olds, 4 Furlongs. Blacks Charge, Hernandez, 120 Woomera Counts, No Boy 115 Ringer Flinger, Walsh XX108 Just Plain Lucky, Hale 120 Top Cadet, No Boy 115 Grand Gallop, gg A-11S fetes Sn Cousin Clem, Dittfach "420 Machavoine, Fitzsimmons A--J L Levesque Entry FOURTH. RACE -- Purse $2000 ($3500| claiming). Four-yeer-olds and up, 7 Fur- longs. Merry Madcap, Goez 122 Cassis Miss, Fitzsimmons 110 Maple Jan, Parsons X102 Interest, Freed A-XXX105 Flippin Floyd, R. Turcotte 119 Aurora Fox, No Boy 115 Padre's Scamp, Shuk 119 Argo Bound, Dittfach 116 Indian Line, Gomez A-112 Mr. Yo Te, Freed XXX102 120, wei 7 } Tough Kennamon, Hale 115 | Final Award, Walsh X117 Also Eligible: Careful Consort, No Boy, 115; Touch of Magic, Harris, X Falsun, Rogers, 8-117; Sky Sp Rogers, 6-112. A--Mrs F H Merrill Jr and T & Hays! entry B=D Krevever entry 50 COUPLES REGISTERED It was announced Monday) 102;\that 50 Rotarians and their| '| wives from many countries plan| to take part in the Internation- al Friendship Day program be-} Hie RACE i ai ie ing held June 11 by the Rotary) ances three- ond tour-year-okds, 1 Club of Oshawa. The program) |will include a reception at Park- longs. Touchbutton, No Boy 110 |wood and a dinner at Hotel) |Genosha. | C.-C. Street, Turcotte 121 Woodcote Park, Parsons X102 Hammock Land, Gomez 114 J Snappy Pappy, Walsh XX103 z) Marina Maid, Harrison 104 TO ATTEND SCHOOL eres 'sane By vas no ini Four caretakers of Oshawa SIXT! -- Purse $2,600, "The ; Investment Club" allowances, two-year-| Schools, together with R. |Lunney, superintendent of build- ing and maintenance for the| Oshawa Board of Education, are) to attend school for caretakers old fillies, 4¥@ furlongs. Sister Marg, Walsh X112 The Rodent, No Boy 117 To Glory, Shuk 122 Petare's Dawn, Freed XXX112 What do trailerites do on a|Cornwall clubs on June 19, 20, rainy day? WEell, 26 trailer}21. Club crests will be avail- families of the Oshawa Travel/able for this meeting and the Trailer Club showed that many | club crest will also be incor-or- diverse activities could be en-jated on the new club flag. joyed when the weatherman} Another campfire burned provided just such a.day on| brightly as the Junior members the first outdoor rendezvous of|held their on form of meeting the 1964 season. The children, of} which included popping corn course, were happy playing in| and making good use of the club their slickers and rubber boots| record player from which could while the adults visited back|pe heard the sweet music of and forth, shopped in nearby/the Beatles (natch). Omemee or Peterborough, read STAGE BALL GAME or fished. This took care of the) ' first day of the May holiday} Members of the National As-| weekend at Beaver Park, Ome-/sociation of Vampers and Hik-| mee. |ers, Scarborough Division, were) The pot luck supper eancelled|also on rendezvous at Beaver on Saturday evening, was held|Park and a ball game between in bright sunshine on Sunday|clubs was held during the week- and again the variety of dishes,| end. | | relishes and pastries on the) Walt and Hazel. Mosier, en-| order of the day! serving tables were pleasing to|tertainment chairmen, again the eye and the palate. Harry|had an attendance award as and Pearl Blakely, 'refreshment! part of the weekend entertain- |Chervil. Boy, Fitzsimmons A-119 Blue Week, Harrison A-117 Jacket 0' Blue, Cosentino 117 Lady Rhythm, Fitzsimmons 117 Wally Wallace, Harrison A-117 A--Stafford Farms entry SEVENTH RACE Purse $2,600, "Evelyn Purse' allowances, three-and- four-year-olds, 7 furlongs (Division of Fifth) Swoon Star, Walsh X118 Runadir, Turcotte 110 Passionate Polly, Walsh XX11} Abitibi, Fitzsimmons 105 [Ninth Wave, No Boy 112 Berwyn, No Boy 110 Turkey Joe, No Boy 107 Peter Le Grand, No Boy 110 EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2000 ($2500) claiming). ones foaled in Can-| ada. One le. Rushton's Heir, R. Turcott Advance Glass, " North Sky, No Boy 117 Empire Boy, Hartis X114 Midway Blue, No Boy 119 le 114 i? Barleycorn, Hale 119 Miss Peanuts, McComb 117 London Liz, Harrison A-117 Pantoismine, No Boy 119 and maintenance workers at/ Barrie next month. LETTERS PATENT The current issue of The On- tario Gazette states letters pa- tent of incorporation have been issued to three Oshawa district firms. They are: Attersley Tire Service Limited, Whitby: Jim Bishop Sporting Goods Limit- ed and. Metwalk Investments Limited, both of Oshawa. 11 AMBULANCE CALLS The Oshawa Fire Department reports that in the 24-hour period up to 9 a.m. today il routine ambulance calls were answered. Firefighters ex- tinguished a blaze in a city gar- bage truck parked on Talon Northern Scot, Parsons X114 Arm Crest, No Boy 119 Also Eligible: Lorelei, Phillips, X112; Peyton Lad, Shuk 122. A~--L V Myslivec and J W Smallwood entry X--5 Ibs. Apprentice Allowance XX--7 Ibs. Apprentice Allowance XXX+-10 Ibs, Apprentice Allowance POST TIME 2 P.M. OBITU ARIES will be in Union Cemetery, Oshawa. Members of LOL No. 3158 will hold a service in the funeral chapel Thursday, May 28 at 7 p.m. MRS, ROBERT CLARK Following a sickness of two and a half years' duration the death occurred Monday, May 25, at the Oshawa General Hospi- tal, of Mrs. Robert Clark, 541 Stevenson road north. The de- ceased was in her 5ist year. The former Emma Wilkins, the deceased was born at Cam- berslang, Scotland and was married in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1933. She had been a resident jcourt Monday afternoon and janswered a smoke scare at the Oshawa Drive-in Theatre early |this morning. The source of the smoke. is not known. HOSPITAL REPORT | Following is the report of the) Oshawa General Hospital for) the week ending May 23: ad- |jor surgery 82; minor maneers |107; eye, ear, nose and throat,/ 44; treatments and examina-| tions 307; casts 36; physiother-| apy treatments 706; visits 516;| |occupational therapy 183. $600 Damage In Accident A three-car accident caused more than an estimated $600 | chairmen, and their committee of Ron and Bev Thompson, Frank and Fern Ball were busy serving coffee and hot chocolate ito the largest group yet on ren-/| ed two families paying their ini- dezvous. HOLD POW WOW The official pow wow was held around the campfire on Sunday evening with President Bill Kent presiding. Harry Blakely re- ported on the forthcoming rally in Kingston when members of the Kingston Trailer Club will play host to the Oshawa and jment and Gilles and Marie |Bourdages were the recipients lof a folding aluminum chair. | A warm welcome was accord- tial visit to the club: Ron and) |Betty Deeth and children and| Ted and Phyllis Thorndyke and| ithe poodles, all of Whitby. | Members are reminded again) of the Kingston Rally on June} 19, 20, 21 and it is hoped there) |will be a good response from |the Oshawa Club to this invita- tion Problem In Quebec Is Talk Theme In the current bi-lingual, bi- cultural issue it is not a case of the French-Canadians vs _ the English - Canadians, but the bigots of both groups vs the moderates of both groups. missions 317; births, male 31, ¢. <iq jare-Aurele Allard,|Only by the $1,790 average of ifemale 23; discharges 329; ma-|the Weston Collegiate and Voca-|1961. Last year's average was |tional Insittute teacher, who ad-|$1,563. Twenty-four head sold dressed the Unitarian Fellow- ship on Sunday; May 24. Stressing that his were but one man's opinions, Mr. Allard went on to state that the biggest problem confronting . French- ----|speaking Canadians was those |who say "What is the prob- lem?" The speaker felt that English- speaking Canadians were more prone to make the distinction etween the two groups; i.e., "Canadians" and 'French-Ca- nadians",- although French- damage Saturday on Park road/ speaking people were also guilty south. The three vehicles were|of referring to "Canadiens" and Record Price Paid For Bull A five-months-old bull calf sold for $25,000 at the National |Holstein Sale held May 25 at |Oakville. The National is the joldest annual livestock auction jin Canada, and this is the high- est price received in its 45-year |history. The 64 head sold reali- |$1,623, the second highest ever jat the National, and exceeded ized $103,850 for an: average of]. {for at least $1,000 and eight jexceeded the $2,000 mark. The $25,000 bull is named Roybrook Telstar and was sold by F. Roy Ormiston, Brooklin, and bought by a group consist- ing of George R. McLaughlin, of Elmcroft Farms, Beaverton; | Robert Flett, Oshawa and Har- 'old Werry and Son, Oshawa. \Immediately after Telstar left \the sale ring, Mr. Ormiston \offered to buy back a half inter- est in him at $12,500 which \offer was accepted. Telstar is royally bred. His \four nearest dams are '"Excel- jlent" and are headed: by the Hotel Genosha. He described his methods in Selling $1,000,000 life insurance yearly. His subject was very plain and to the point and very well received by his attentive listening audience. -The regional vice-president of} the Life Underwriters' Associa-| tion of Canada, Les Brazier, manager, Sun Life of Canada, Toronto, was also a guest and presented Frank Godley, presi- dent of the Oshawa Association, with a certificate. The next and final. meeting before the summer recess will be held on June 19 at the Grand- view Golf Club. Presentation of the National Quality Awards) and a day of golf will be the PANS*NEW GYM BRANDON, Man. (CP) Brandon College, an affiliate of| the University of Manitoba, is| to have a new gymnasium cost- ing $330,876. Opening ceremon- ies were held in early spring. George R. McLaughlin, of Elm- croft Farms, Beaverton, Ont., from Pier Talenti, of Rome, Italy, for Elmeroft Inka Jean Rosa, a daughter of the Super- ior Type Sire, Rosafe Precep- tor from the Grand Champion of the 1952 Ontario County Black and White Day. The dam is a "Very Good" Two Star brood cow with a ten lac- tation twice-a-day milking life- time record of 137,489 lbs. of and assessment. would from $245,000,000 (today) to a eStimated $283,000,000 in 1968. Expenditures, followed by debt retirement would look like this: 1964 -- $5,332,000 ($1,570,000); 1965 -- $1,834,000 ($1,879,000); 1966 $1,463,000 ($2,009,00); 1967 -- $3,951,000 ($2,232,000); 1968 -- $1,528,000 ($2,082,000). Secondary school estimates top the list with $5,342,000 over the next five years. Public schools -- $2,221,000. City expenditures n | } could hit civic auditorium $626,000 (1964); sanitary sewers -- $20,- 000 each year; sidewalks -- $80,- 000 each year. Storm sewers -- a $417,000 total with $107,000 this year, $150,000 in 1965 and $100,000 in 1966; sewage treatment plant -- $75,000 in 1965; roads and bridges. -- $3,529,000 with fair- ly consistent annual totals $704,000 this year and $750,000 in each of 1967 and 1968. Public Utilities totals: elec- tric -- $100,000 in each of 1965 and 1966;. water -- $847,000 with $351,000 with heavy year in 1965 ($212,000) and just $34,000 this year. NEED... E FUEL OIL? Call PERRY Day or Night 723-3443 3.82 per cent milk. in brackets,| $5,147,000, with this breakdown: | all in 1964-65; transportation --} year and $300,000 next year; transportation, $34,000 this year, $212,000 in 1965, $35,000 in 1967 and $70,000 in 1968. Proposed and assumed deben- |ture issues by the city this lyear total $2,291,000. Some. $1,- 810,000 will be retired this year, |most of it ($1,570,000) in funded |debt. Proposed for this year are | $1,200,000 in 'public issue" and |$626,000 for the Civic Auditor- 'ium. Issueq already are $400,- |000 for the administration of |justice building and $65,000 for ja sewage treatment plant addi- |tion. | This total, even subtracting and entering against Bob Reed, |address unknown, but formerly jof Kings Court Apartments, Ajax, were remanded until June A failing to remain charge against John Joseph Conlin, RR 2, Oshawa, was remanded until June 22. A drunk in charge of an auto charge against William Ridgely, 986 King street east, was remanded until June 8. Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck said a. drunk charge against Albert Hickey, 125 Celina street, should be ad- journed indefinitely since he is now in jail at Cobourg await- ing trial on another matter. | | | } ee oe SALESMAN If you are interested in @ sales position with an outstanding | future, we would like to heer from you. No high pressure er gimmick selling, The oldest and largest company in its field q' honest; rep | | | es icipated lig and be bondable, to keep up with its growth. All inquiries strictly confidential. Must have own car | Write and give porticulars. We will arrange an interview. | BOX Fl, OSHAWA.TIMES. |... si el gc wag and Oshawa for 12/4+iven by Stephen Paul Macko,|"Les Anglais". : }20, of 536 King street east; Clin-| He said that in the minds of Mrs. Clark was a member Oflton Crawford, 52, of 173 Park|both separatists and non-separ- St. Luke's Presbyterian Church 7 " ; "se e ; jroad south and Edward Wina-|atists, a French-Canadian is any}}; i }and the Old Country Club. lcott, 20, of 143 Garrard road. | his' paternal granddam and his Besides her husband, she is| ' _ |Canadian, regardless of anceS-| maternal great granddam. Both survived by a daughter, Mary,| The cars were all driven injtry, whose mother tongue 18) pinto and her daughter, De- FRANK W. STIRTEVANT | of Oshawa. |the northbound lane. The Macko| French. llight, who is the granddam of The death of one of the best-| Also surviving are her OS iar Gk ee an rteiotasc Saat as ha sracte English | Telstar were the winners of the i i sh-|mother, Mrs, Mary Gilmer, of : estimated) Canadian thinks of the country) pest of the best udder award at ee ea Scotland; a sister, Mrs. J. Pod-|$300 damage was done to the/as a whole when he thinks of|the Royal Winter Fair. ae . res of Port Perry and six broth-"ear of the Crawford car. $300/Canada, so too does the average) The top price for a bred vant, occurred suddenly in Osh-| ers and sisters in Scotland. |damage was estimated to have) French-Canadian think, not just|heifer was $2,150, received by awa Tuesday, May 26. The de-| he funeral service will be|been done to the front end of/of Quebec, but of the country) -- ceased resided at 33 Hall street|peld at the Gerrow Funeral|the Winacott vehicle. from coast to coast. | and was in his 63rd year. |Home at 2 p.m. Wednesday,) A two-car collision on Har-| Summing up, Mr. Allard said) J A Mr. Stirtevant was born in May 27. Rev. D. R. Sinclair,,;mony road south occurred out-|that French-speaking people | ° ie Whitby and was the son of the| minister of St. Luke's Presby-|side the home of one of the;want the same type of treat- jfamous Balsam Brae Pluto |Sovereign, the All - Canadian |Aged Cow of 1956, who is both t administration pensions | | | "deposi "PROFIT SHARING PENSIONS" a/ab/e annni hulty hens; nS ' F 10Ns | ! late John and Beatrice Stirte-| terian Church, will conduct the vant. He was educated at| Whitby Public and High schools. In 1919 he married the former! Martha Elizabeth Isabel Mar-) tin at Bowmanville. Mr. Stirte-| vant came to Oshawa soon after his marriage. For many years, until his death, he was known as an} auctioneer. The deceased was! also a driving examiner for the Department of Transport in Oshawa for a number of years.| Mr. Stirtevant was an adher-| emt of the United Church. He was a Past Master and Chap-| lain of two Oshawa lodges, No. 2167, Loyal Orange Lodge and No, 3158, LOL. He is survived by his wife and-a daughter, Evelyn, of To- ronto. One brother, Roy, of Orillia, a. grandchild and a great-grandchild also survive. The remains are at the W. cl Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby,) for the funeral service in the 'chapel Friday, May 29, at 2 p.m. Ven. Archdeacon H. D Cleverdon,- rector -- of Christ Memorial Anglican Church, will the service. Interment) service. Interment will be in Oshawa Union Cemetery. MRS. GEORGE SERVINIS The death of Mrs. George Servinis occurred at the Osh- awa General Hospital Monday, May 25, after a four-month ill- ness. The deceased formerly resided at 275 Albert street and was in her 43rd year. Mrs. Servinis was the for- mer Ellen. Rakovitis, she was born in Greece and was the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Paul Rakovitis. In 1938 she married George Servinis in Greece. She had been a resident of Oshawa for 13 years. Mrs. Servinis was a member of St. George's Greek Orthodox Church, Toronto. The deceased is survived by her husband and parents, She also leaves three daughters, Viki, Donna dnd Pauline, and a son, Samuel, all of Oshawa. Two sisters, Mrs. J. (Dianne) and Mrs. LL. Temel- kos (Vanna) of Greece, a'so survive. The remains are at the Arm- strong Funeral Home for the) Pascus| drivers, Wallace Wilson, 43. Mr.|ment outside Quebec that the Wilson was making a right hand| English-speaking people enjoy jturn into his driveway at 102|in Quebec. {Harmony road when his vehicle) Mr. Allard is not a separatist. {was involved in a collision with er arr a | CAMERON a car driven by Leonard Wil- liam Sparkes, 20, of Florence- ville, New Brunswick. An estimated $300 damage! was done to the rear end of the Wilson vehicle and an estimated $150 damage was done to the |front of the Sparkes auti. GEORGE C. MARTIN Insurance 67 King St. E., Oshawa BUS: 728-4511 RES: 725-2802 All Lines of Insurence MOLITION SMALL JOBS--BIG JOBS 161 Mill St. Ochewall 725-4285 | | For Expert Building , DE p memorial service in St. John's Greek Orthodox Church, Osh- awa, Thursday, May 28, at 2 p.m, Interment will be in Union Cemetery, Oshawa. GENTLEMAN JIM (Continued on Page 16) BUYER _. | 1 SELLER 728-9474 PAUL RISTOW REALTOR 187 KING $T. E. | HANS SCH | cial RETURN GRUDGE MATCH HADY . Special Referee PAT FLANAGAN hief SUNI WAR CLOUD vs TARZAN TYLER TICKETS FOR THESE 3 FINE EXHIBITIONS AT THE CASINO RESTAURANT--DIAL 3-9721 PAT MILOSH PROMOTER MAY 26 ues, 8:45 P.M, PROFESSOR HIRO Ss MIDT vs BILLY RED LYONS 'Oshawa Arena i ' Sepa r ' ate fung oe "Siong); Let experience solve your pension problems! Whatever type of pension you need, chances _ are Imperial Life has it. Equally important, the Company has trained pension specialists to help select the right plan for you personally, or for you and your employees. | nvestment men of wide experience make sure you r pension money grows. Let experience solve your pension problems now and in the years ahead. | mperial Life representa- tives and branches are conveniently located to assist you. White. CENTRAL ONTARIC BRANCH: 177 Charlotte Street, Peterborough, Manager, K. E. Skelly. . OSHAWA REPRESENTATIVES--R, G. Cherry, J. R. Lavis, R. J. IMPERIAL | LIFE covers you} for life fF

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