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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 May 1964, p. 29

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| Church Is Concerned Health Of Ministers q a THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, May 27,1964 29 ORILLIA (CP)--The church is concernde about the number of health breakdowns among younger ministers, Rev. W. D. Goodger of Toronto told the an- nual meeting of the United Church of Canada's Toronto conference Tuesday. Mr. Goodger, assistant secre- tary of the missionary and maintenance department, said Mr. Goodger urged laymen to insist that their ministers take regular time off for sailing, curl- ing or other recreational activi- tes. Later in an interview, Mr. Goodger said he had no figures with him of the number of young ministers affected, but said: Among those to go before the meeting afe suggestions for a jazz liturgy, an enlarged min- istry to the pub-going popula- tion by means of ministers vis- iting taverns and cocktail lounges and reading by the church membership of The Ecu- menist, a publication for Roman |Catholic priests. Rev. Gordon Winch, 37, of "7. know that we've just had| i a bad year for claims on the|Oak Ridges, Ont., was named " to succeed the late Rev. Arthur ete Loerie madlnsant Packman, pioneer of the tavern INCREASE IS SMALL and cocktail ministry, who died He also said church member-| GUARANTEED - TENDERNESS EVERY CUT EVERY TIME there appears to be no end to the health breakdowns but stud- jes are being made. The Toronto conference is one of 11 into which the church is divided, More than 450 dele- gates are representing 169,047 members from 328 pastoral changes in the conference-- Canada's largest --. which LOBLAWS _Trolen* GUARANTEED TENDER BEEF several months ago. His ap- ship increased by only .7 per|pointment is effective July 1. cent last year, indicating a "'lev-| Mr: Packman's work was rec- elling off" period in growth./ognized by the 'church even This could mean the church is|though he left his church to go "too dull' to attract adherents|into it and he was supported by stretches {40m Metropolitan|or that it is not fulfilling its) private donations. Toronto in the south to Moos-| aims. Mr. Winc will take a two- onée in Northern Ontario. B session of the five-| month course in addiction prob- day meeting got under way/lems at Rutger's University and Tuesday but committees pol-|will work in co-operation with ished up their recommendations the Alcohol Addiction Founda- in preliminary sessions Monday.| tion in Toronto. | TENFOLD INCREASE Doctors Plan Offensive | Curb Venereal Disease ernment was made in the Com-/ TORONTO (CP) -- The ten-| The meeting approved in- mons Tuesday night by Erik/fold increase in venereal disease} creases in fees. The rate for of- Nielsen, Conservative back-|in Ontario in the last five years/fice calls was raised to $4 from a are a bencher from the Yukon. |has caused the Ontario Medi-/$3.50 and for home visits to $6 eiaee THAT Mr. Nielsen said the Liberal/cal Association to launch ajfrom $5. government had imposed censor-|strong offensive against the) Dr. R. S. Duggan, newly- ICE CREAM ship on the CBC in blocking the|problem, OMA officials saidjelected president of the OMA, Coupon Expives June 3 broadcast of a TV show on Mr.) Tuesday. |said this would raise the cost Pearson prepared by Intervideo|} The annual OMA meeting|of medical care for the people Productions. ended Tuesday after two days of| of Ontario by six per cent. The He also 'accused Transport)closed-<door discussions. |fee increase goes into effect Jan. Minister Pickersgill of trying to| The association approved re-|1, 1965, three years from the bring the CBC under the "com-|solutions: |date of the last OMA fee sched- plete suppression and control") encouraging doctors to put|ulé increase. of the cabinet. é | greater effort into finding and| The fee schedule of the OMA| Mr. Nielsen raised his com-| reporting venereal disease|is merely a list of suggested plant during a period in the) Gases so that contacts whojfees and doctors are not com- Commons supply debate re-| spread the disease can hej piled to follow it. served for grievances from in-| found; | 'The OMA also reported it is dividual MPs. . | --Requesting the Ontariojgoing to make a study of the Mr. Nielsen said he was er. health department to resume|Ontario Coroner's Act. Two ing a grievance ety AT.) publication of its VD control| areas to get particular attention Pearson, External Affairs Min- bulletin and pertinent articles|are: The right of a coroner's ister Martin, Finance Minister . t theljury to fix the blame {fo Gordon, Labor Minister Mac-| °" important aspects of the)jury to ix the a Ye , is h disease which could bejdeath, and the requirement in your --_ Ly rag" . we printed in the OMA's. monthly|the act that everyone having pont ee | magazine, the review. knowledge of ee ee " | Dr. J. Page Harshman, chair-|stances surrounding a death re- rer ees he| man of the OMA public health|port it to a coroner. . ® ' committee, said the syphilis) pr, Glenn Sawyer, executive charged, had previewed the TV| rate had increased from .2|secretary of the . association, portrait of Mr. Pearson at 8) cases for 100,000 persons in 1956/said either a coroner's jury little' censorship gathering" at/to 2.9 cases for 100,000 in 1962.|should not be allowed to fix| CBC ios. t th Payee stulos, They had pu . WANT ADS RESTRICTED responsibility for a death or aj OBC in the position of refusing, & to air the film for fear of em-| The meeting also approved|Person on whom responsibility barrassing Mr. Pearson and|resolutions calling for the re-|i8 Placed should be represented) harming his "vote ~ getting) striction of cigarette advertising|@t an inquest by counsel. image." jon television to hours after 9| A policy statement was also He accused Mr. Pickersgill of|p.m., curtailment of cigarette| approved opposing coverage by making a speech to the Cana-| advertising in media seen by|the proposed Medical Services dian Association of Broadcast-| children, enforcement of laws) Insurance Act of Ontario for op- ers at Quebec City last month|prohibiting cigarette sales to|tometrical, dental and other advocating control of all news|minors and labels to state|service performed by persons media in Canada. smoking dangers. 'who are not medical doctors. Tory Charges Interference CBC Operation OTTAWA (CP) -- A charge of unwarrante dinterference in) the indepnedent operations of | the Crown-owned CBC by Prime) Minister Pearson and his gov-| SPECIAL! BONELESS NIAGARA SPECIAL! 4 BONELESS BOSTON SPECIAL! KEY CLUB STEAKS .................... SPECIAL! : BONELESS CANADIAN 69- BROIL STEAKS or ROASTS eeneceeewerteceers FREE! 50 EXTRA LUCKY GREEN STAMPS meee, 1 ae aaa ICE CREAM BROIL STEAKS or ROASTS OOOTe eer en eererseeeseey TASTY TREAT ICE CREAM 4-GAL. CARTON <= Redeem This Coupon on ------ POT ROASTS vewvevsvesverevecsn Eb, SPECIAL! MAPLE LEAF Rindless SIDE BACON ........ SPECIAL! Maple Leaf WIENERS ......... SPECIAL! SLICED Maple Leaf BOLOGNA .......... +: ALSO A FIN SELECTION OF OTHER LOBLAW PROTEN* BEEF CUTS All Deliciously Tender and Flevourful -- Completely Boneless and Easy to Cerve @ BELMONT @ PENTHOUSE @ MANHATTAN @ DENVER * REG'D, USER OF T.M. LOBLAWS FOR QUALITY and FRESHNESS in PRODUCE!: NEW CROP! EASY TO PEEL! SWEET AND JUICY! SEEDLESS NAVEL LARGE C MEDIUM C SIZE SIZE DOZEN DOZEN No. 1 GRADE! TASTY SALMON FLESH! GARDEN FRESH FROM MEXICO! CANTALOUPES 24-BiSC; PKG, 2-ROLL PKGS, 14-02. V.P. TINS GOOD SIZE 45's EACH 1-LB. GARDEN FRESH FROM CALIFORNIA! PKGS. No, 1 GRADE! CRISP AND SOLID! SALAD C FAVOURITE WONDERFUL ARRAY OF SALAD INGREDIENTS ALWAYS ON HAND! SERVE FRESH SALADS DAILY! @ SO DELICIOUS @ SO NUTRITIOUS @ LOW IN CALORIES 1500 5: SPECIAL! STRAINED or JUNIOR (Reg. 13¢ Variety) ; = Neaseoeelgorion, GERBER BABY FOODS... 4 +z A5 SPECIAL! HOSTESS SPECIAL! WHITE SWAN -- 2c OFF REG. PRICE TOILET TISSUE == 2 wx 43 'COLOURS rere eer eerti tire ee SPECIAL! HOSTESS MARSHMALLOWS :== tu dd or REGULAR ever CELLO BAG SPECIAL! FANCY WHOLE 3 5 3 SPECIAL! BLUE BONNET COLOURED 2c OFF : MARGARINE 220-01 oom 1 AQe SPECIAL! POST'S CEREAL SPECIAL! CHOICE HALVES SUGAR AYLMER 2 53 20-FL. CRISPS............- 32 43¢ PEACHES. 2 oi%% Dae With This Coupon ang Purchese of 'Two 11-08. 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SOUTH Bee MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA PHONE 723-9441 | EXTRA STAMPS dj EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS ks EXTRA STAMPS 2) STAMPS 'With This Coupon end Purchase of One 64-02. Br, LIQUID STARCH GLIDE Coupon Expires June 3 With Ths Coupon and Purchase of One 12-08. Pho. BETTY CROCKER INSTANT Mashed Potatoes are Coupon Expires june 3 With This Coupon end Purchase of One 134-08. Php, CHristies GRAHAM WAFERS zt Coupon Expires June 3 With The Cousen and Purchase of One 7-02. Pkg. TurFY's NUTS 'H BOLTS A Coupon Expires June 3 With Ths Couson ona Purenose of One 15-0n, Bri, CLEANER LESTOIL ay Coupon Expires June 3 al EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS ik EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS With The Coupen end Purchase of One 11-08. Figurine BATH sUBBLES SOAKY Coupon Expires June 3 'With Ths Coupon ond Purchone of Twe 4j-0f, Pkg. 'TY, TIME POPCORN av Coupon Expires June 3 With This Coupon end Purchowe of One 24-02. 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LOTION SHAMPOO LUSTRE-CREME al Coupon Expires June 3 With This Coupon end Purchase of One 64-02. Bri. CORONATION BREAKFAST als Coupon Expires June 3 With This Coupon end Purchase of One Ton. Pig, MILK-BONE DOG BISCUITS Au Coupon Expires June 3 With This Coupon end Purghase of MARGARINE any Coupon Expires June 3 With This Coupon end Purchase of Any Five Cobs FRESH a2 'Coupon Expires June 3 di EXTRA STAMPS dh EXTRA STAMPS d} EXTRA STAMPS ks EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS Coupon Expires June 3 'With This Coupon ond Purchase of 'Two 6 fl. on. Tine * SOMBRERO FROZEN ORANGE JUICE ane 'Coupon Expires June 3 'With This Coupon end Purchase of 'One 24-08. Bri. MAPLE LEAF LIQUID DETERGENT ale Coupon Expires hee 3 'With This Coupon end Purchase of One 16-02, Jer INGERSOLL CHEESE SPREAD ars Coupon Expires June 3 STAMPS dS EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS dS EXTRA STAMPS dj EXTRA STAMPS ks EXTRA STAMPS 'With This Coupon end Purchase of One 9-0n. 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