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Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 May 1964, p. 1

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| } | j Thought For Today The average woman isn't as con- cerned about outer space as she is about closet space, VOL. 93 -- NO. 127 agg RO tomes SO na ha Ea SS pla ale iad -- : "in can A She Oshawa Times OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1964 eects | cam anh Aa ee ere 'Weather a oO i Report Increasing cloudiness Sunday and continuing wind at 15, Authorized os Second Class Mall Pos? Office Department Ottawa and for payment of Postage in Cath. cold, with east -EIGHTEEN PAGES rm "Students carry anti-British banners as they stage a de- st Re, Meh we tcitat tis, Licht Shih tin Aas Se Ba ye rs is ita ; DEMONSTRATION IN CYPRUS I" te city's first typhoid death, ~ British military spkesman|roeett a Low Records Set By Cold Ontario Air Typhoid Cases Cypriots Blast Climb To 172 P ° . "" Pumping Station In Scots City NICOSIA aged by the Britons drain ABERDEEN (AP) -- Thou-/feeling in Cyprus reached the|their own shallow wells. \ sands of Aberdeen families|sapotage stage today when al It could not be established|skies and a cold air current (placed themselves under volun-\o+6. pumping station serving|immediately whether today's) moving into Ontario today es- |tary quarantine today as a ty- -|Sabotage attempt was part of tablished minimum tempera- f : rag" ; ichithe British base area of Dhe'! , phoid epidemic in this Scottish)" ~ \the recurring water feud with ; é jelia in south Cyprus was blown|the recurring water foud Wit ture records for May 30 in Tor monstration in Nicosia, Cy- the United Nations peace prus, calling for the with- force. (AP Wirephoto via drawal of British troops from cable from London). Caretakers Warning Averts Blast Tragedy WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- The warning of a caretaker who dis- covered a leak in a-natural gas line enabled teachers to lead 150 students to safety before an explosion ripped through an eight-room school here Friday. Caretaker Ralph Parent and Kenneth Presello, 23, a Grade 7 teacher, were searching the school. for possible stragglers when the gas exploded, leaving the school in shambles. They es- caped injury. rocked the neigh- A meeting will be held to de-jinside while were|borhood for several blocks, | i J Ss Income : ax cide where the 300 students--| playing in the school yard wait-|causing thousands of dollars ; 150 of whom were in the yard/ing to be summoned indoors by|/damage when ~ Teak was discovered--| the schoo! bell, As a precaution-|house. The interior of the base- would resume their schooling/ary measure, the bell was dis-|ment and the first floor of the ; ruling will in- ..be..done..with! connected, epee Sipe id othe orci building. The explosion occurred when) gas, escaping from a joint sep-| to the brick school-! OTTAWA. (CP)--A new rev- Pearson Rambles Around The Flag OTTAWA (CP) -- Prime Minister Pearson has steered skilfully through the shoals of Conservative western Ontario in his first major cruise under the banner of the proposed maple leaf flag. In his first public speech since unveiling the new flag de sign, Mr. Pearson put his case} without once mentioning the word "'flag" to a London, Ont., audience. But if the prime minister side- stepped direct mention of the flag, he left no doubt in the minds of his- audience what he meant when he argued in favor of smaking the 'external ap- pearance of things" accord with "the reality of Canada's proud position in the world." He took a roundabout way of telling the convocation of the University of Western Ontario that he thinks Canada needs 'a flag indicating that this coun- try enjoys full independence. His words were received calmly. by the academic aud- fece. During the five hours he was in London there were no serious incidents. Preparations had been made--special secur- ity guards and a Liberal sprink- Ung of plainclothes policemen-- in case of flag demonstrations. DOWNTOWN DECORATED The downtown area was well- decorated with Union Jacks and Red Ensigns. Some citizens' said they were just a hangover from the May 18 holiday. Others said Londoners just wanted to show Mr. Pearson a preference for these banners As it turned out, Mr. Pearson didn't make a scheduled drive downtown so he missed the flag display. In his address after receiving an honorary doctors of laws de- gree. Mr. Pearson called the ne- Cessity 'or Canadian constitu finns! amendments to be made he 'Se Mritich Parliament "an denotes * Thie "and.the absence of cer fain normal' symbols of nationa' sovereignty, have helped to cre- ate in the minds of strangers Outside Canada and in the CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NIMRFRS POLICE 725-1133 FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 ~ HOSPITAL 723-2211 -thinking about running up offi-/beating the provincial coat of|flag and the only one granted|the Bennet government won an EQUAL SCHOOL CHAN LENNOXVILLE, Que, (CP) today that if the province of Quebec can provide equal edu- cational opportunities for its English - speaking minority, English - speaking provinces should do the same for their French + speaking minorities. Mr, Chevrier made the state- ment in a convocation address at Bishop's University from which he received an honorary doctorate of laws. "If we are to have a satisfac- tory partnership between the two linguistic communities of Canada we shall eventually haye to adopt some amend- ments to the constitution," he said, The high commissioner, Can- ada's justice minister until his appointment to London early this year, had a list of rhetori- cal questions to indicate changes that should take place: "Should not French - speak- ing citizens be able to plead in their own language in courts of law in all parts of our coun- try? SHOULD SPEAK FRENCH "Should they not have the right to rise in the legislative assemblies of the provinces and speak in their own tongue? "Will it hurt anybody if one radio station in the Toronto area should broadcast French pro- ams? .- "Would it.be so bad if French television programs were to be available to those who wish to see them from coast to coast in- Chevrier Points To Constitution ' FOR MINORITY ARGUED us stead of from Moncton to Win- |Lionel Chevrier, Canada's high| nipeg as at present?" TORONTO (CP) -- Cloudless commissioner to London, said) Mr, Chevrier said French Canadians should be patient be- cause there is "a great fund of good will in the rest of Canada." They should not antagonize their friends by wanting changes overnight. q "T believe that the best inter- est of my French + speaking compatriots will be served within Confederation; -but I also believe passionately that my French - speaking compatriots have legitimate grievances that should, be met by their English> speaking compatriots, and that the terms of our union should be revised." Judy Garland 'Much. Better' HONG KONG (Reuters) Singer Judy Garland, in hospi- tal here with an undisclosed fliness, was reported to be much. better today. A nurse said her condition was much improved. American actor Mark Herron, Miss Garland's travelling com- panion, said "I haven't seen her since late Friday night, but when I left her she was much better." There was no clarification of Miss Garland's ailment, which has been labelled here as " heart attack" and to have been rejected as by her doctor in the United States, q minds of many citizens, espe- | cially new ones, in Canada, the quite mistake idea that we are) not really an independent, coun-| try like others." | | His prepared text came even closer to spelling out "flag" by jreferring to certain "normal }and distinctive symbols.' The new flag was part of the Lib- eral party's election promises to bring in a "distinctive Canadian increasing anti-British|onto and Trenton and equalled j.{feeling. This was sparked off} a record in London, Ont. been reported. Health authori-|ja ces of Ahna and Makrasyka| fe ' Tey piste \ties said there were 172 cases| was set on fire and damaged|of British airman Keith Marley|;,, Inernational Airport at . e... thal Malt 3 i Schools were closed and|line bomb explosion. porting arms and orders for the) alien was 4 degrees, beating jsports events were eancelled.| As a result, the spokesman --lone degree. The temperature at!| | (Trenton d ed to 33 have been turned over to ty-|Dhekelia basé area has rod " (ane ropped to 33 degrees, phoid patients. ee pny tamilles Five- ar 39 degrees set in 1952. In Lon- ° 4 ; have don it was 35 degrees, match- medical officer, said people are) ""o : advised not to come to Aber-|strict economy in general con 1962. k ; at 4 The spokesman said it is ex- Coldest place in Ontario was } 'amilies arranged to spen ing station will jarated by ae se tuciele the penne 6 st) Carl|this weekend indoors. jpected the pumping Port Arthur, where the mer- jing on an addition to St. Thomas|Coates, who called ambulances|in the city came almost to @| sabotaging of the water sup- H lt R cury plunged to 22 degrees, but Separate school, was ignited by|and the police and fire depart-| standstill. ply in the Dhekelia area has a S ace é : eratures were mainly in the Mr. Parent detected a strong|when the explosion occurred, beef has been blamed for the|the last few years. Greek-Cyp-| INDIANAPOLIS (CP-AP) --|high 20s or low 0s. Warmest smell of gas when he entered his) Dennis Herring, district MaN-\outbreak which began sevenlriot farmers in the area com-| A room in the basement of the ager of Uion Gas Company of days ago iplain that the deep boreholes * he want oF the| With 40 degrees and Sudbury school shortly before 9 a.m. | Cnd Limited, said the con-|-_ / --|Shortly after the start o | with 37, er . Pag suen' oie een should have "a F e day halted the race for the first|tario hovered around: the 35- jimminent, ran through the|lowed the usual practice of find-| e e a I i istory. A medical at-|degree mark, @ropping to as School shouting: "All teachers|ing out where the gas lines were! r u ee eee : nt Eddie Sachs was killed. jand Killaloe. About half ~ =-- were} The blast Rookie Dave Macdonald spun| The weather bureau forecast second lap and triggered the|for most areas today. |pileup, which sent flames and) ernment's budget last spring. |ino air. MD Suspects ; j , ; sevolwad Before running through the|tically demolished. sidents of Ontario, out (o $64.20: for a family~'and) hd ol ' Parent described| Walls and floors were buckled, Year iit Sean | | were Bobby Unser of Albuquer- the situation to a truck driverja fire door was torn from its the three provinces collecting} If the employer now pays half| ope hinges and almost every window |hospital soninen premiums. |the government premium, Bi Spedy Call, sonny eee ; ' d Friday that the, ™¢ans that T-4 slips next spring)' : | TORONTO (CP) -- A United Mr. Parent and Mr, Presello,| , 1t was learned Friday tha |will show an added $32.10 in in-| Two ambulances rushed the/states. woman doctor said Fri- iq first. ti i t the fed- ? | when the blast occurred, said| first time to interpret |$16,05. for a single person. The field had. thundered off]. . a jral Income Tax Act in a way!' me move came to light eka 12:01 a.m. EDT, amidst the|Yit@min D given to mothers explosion, : ; A }day in a statement by the Cana-} ced ; "There was terrific heat and| Shares of these premiums in the) gi) 7 shor Congress protesting| largest crowd, more than 250,-/Cases where infants were born building just seemed to rock," This means that the portion mene --/ companying afflictions, Mr. Parent said. pai' -by the employer, if any, ; * | Dr. Helen Taussig, professor lemployee's T-4 slips showing Mal Oka S Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, |their 1964 income. They will a $1da. said inborn' errors of metabol- ltaxes on this higher amount. e have begun to emerge through- 4 Youths Charged | The move does not affect em- Summit Parley out the world. She told final sessions of the |Lindsay youths, charged with| hospital, medical or accident in- |Ontario Medical Association an- 'dar ve KUALA LUMPUR : Kags crn of stoplogs from a dam which their employees, 'Malaysia today formally ag: regulars, from Sabah and Sara- seven such cases in altimore resulted in a three-inch drop in| , And revenue department offi-) , : yee ak," the statement said. and 50 more in Germany. ' spieinis fn: 2 ssess ry it peace meeting with!. eh * net d fi | f IT'S ACCIDENT remanded Friday to June 4, |made to assess the amount of/a summi ' ;" shall take place simultaneously|scribe drugs for women o Mr, Pearson fold réporters) The four--John Tibert, 19,/@mPloyer - paid hospital insur- Indonesia and the Philippines in| with the commencement of the| child-bearing age unless abso- tive" was purely accidental. His|Douglas Smith, all 17 -- were|Vious years. This would be "a An official statement, which/w hich immediately precedes|could take fetus-injuring drugs audience seemed to get theichargéd after an investigation] t?rible job," one said. was to be announced simultan-|the meeting of the heads of gov-|before they know they are preg- n that of an elderly woman, has|.,; ati i S Si said the station between the y |by the arrest earlier in the week} In Toronto, the minimm at jin hospitals. iby what appeared to be a gaso-|and his wife accused of trans- Turkish-Cypriot side. | the previous low, set in 1947, by |Two hospitals outside Aberdeen added, the water supply in the) . beating the previous record of Dr. Ian Macqueen, the city's|Servic - : 0 exercise . ; ; ped nag lf SO : ing lows established in 1917 and den and not to leave it. sumption of water. Smash-Up j Armstrong, 135 miles north of Business|he repaired in a day or two. " ; tL . in other northern areas temp- a flame in a water heater. ments. They were standing by A 13-year-old can of corned|been a frequent occurrence in flaming five-car smashup|orthern areas were North Bay He noticed the parted jointitractor Mark Construction Indianapolis 500 auto race to-| Temperatures in southern On- land children get out.' hatove Bizet tendant said veteran driver/low as 28 degrees in Muskoka | : ; efore digging. at the northwest corner on the|}maximums around 60 degrees announced in the Ontario 89V"\ black smoke billowing high into} two-storey building . were. prac-\qirectly raise income taxes this). For. the full year this works| nes aehiews drivers school, Mr. r x ne : ¥ a " sc r Manitoba, and Saskatchewan --/$32.10 for a single person. que. N.M.. Norm Hall of Holly- Vitamin Doses was blown out. |ford, Fort Worth, Tex. who were on the second ne has decided for the} come for each family man and| injured from the scene. dy that unnecessary dies of | th hol school moved with the! ( © whole school moved with the) sat will treat employers'| roar of perhaps the. speedway's|Could be a cause of recent \pressure around me as_ the|5@me way as wages or salaries.|j.) 1 ve. 600. |with malformed hearts and ac- jwill be added next spring on jemeritus of pediatrics at Johns Scugog Lowered, \then calculate their income ism, once almost unknown, LINDSAY, Ont. (CP) -- Four! Ployers' contributions to private wilful damage in the removal|Surance schemes set up for ogaeg oe both 'regulars and ir-jnual meeting that she knew of the level of Lake Scugog, were|ia/s said no attempt will be hounced {ts agreement: t0go £0) "wn, beginning of withdrawal| She urged doctors not to pre- later the omission of "distinc-|Carl McLean, Leonard Lyte and|@nce premiums in 1963 or pre-|Tokyo next month. foreign ministers' meeting|lutely necessary, The women point just the same of damage to the dam. TO RISE IN ONTARIO eously in Kuala Lumber, Ja-|ernment. ant. At another point, he appeared) D. H. Frmer, superintendent) 'phic , i eans|Karta, 'and Manila, said the) pe ee Dr. -Taussig proposed estab- to b referring to Ge Unies engineer of the Trent Canal ve ore Mesidedt' oakeine summit talks would be pre- ab ipa biggie vat lishment of an international Jack in saying that after win-| Authority, said if theré is a dry|the provincial government pre-\ceded by a foreign ministers') As beens hg We rrhat central agency to which doctors ning equal partnership with)summer the level might drop al miums with his employer: The|Meeting. Ne ron walenie e y, e Thal could report their findings after Britain in the Commonwealth,|foot, preventing larger boats| premium now is $4.20 a month| The date of the summit meet-|f0relgn minister to the foreigniusing new drugs, NEW DELHI (AP) -- US. State Secretary Dean Rusk held a secret 45 -minute meeting with Soviet First Deputy Pré- mier Aleksei Kosygin at the So- viet Embassy Friday. U.S. and Soviet officials con- firmed today that the confer- ence had taken place, as Rusk left for Bangkok, Thailand. Although the officials re- fused to say who initiated the meeting or what was discussed, it was almost certain Rusk and Kosygin reviewed the critical) situation in Southeast Asia, par- ticularly Laos. Both men came to New Delhi for Prime Minister Nehru's fun- eral on Thursday, Kosygin, member of the §So-) viet Union's ruling presidium, sat next to Rusk in New Delhi's Ram Lila Park Friday at a Rusk, Red Deputy Talk In Secret public meeting for eulogies te Nehru. They exchanged a brief greet- ing at Nehru's cremation on Thursday. The Rusk ~ Kosygin meeting raised a question whether Washington hoped to transmit a message to North Viet Nam tprough Moscow. With Kosygin listening at the public meeting Friday, Rusk spoke of the crisis and dip- lomacy in a eulogy of Nehru. "He (Nehru) reminded us that it is never too late to draw -- back from a crisis and at. tempt to find a peaceful solu- tion," Rusk said. "An attitude which was once régarded as a maxim of diplomacy has now become the most urgent prac- tical necessity for the survival of man," "facts have marched ahead-of|from using part of the lake.|for families and $2.10 monthly |ing would be announced shortly, | ministers ag 8 the agenda he theory and of the symbols of|Even if the rainfall is normal, for single persons, But effective|it said. eda . e meeting of the an earlier status which oftenhe said, the beaches would show! July { it rises to $6.50 and $3.25 | "Indonesia accepts the prin-| Ly 4 ef sovernment will com- linger lovingly on.' 'the drop. | respectively, That increase was ciple of withdrawal of her mence," it said. PROVINCES GET INTO THE ACT 'Canada Well Flagged Tunku Abdul Rahman of the Malaysian Federation, Indones-| * ian President Sukarno and Fili- pino President Diosdado Mac- napagail., Idonesian guerrillas have been fighting Malaysian and |British troops along the border of Sabah (North Borneo). Sukarno had vowed to crush in 1626 by the new British-backed Malay- 'By CARL MOLLINS Manitoba, which caught upjtario will acquire a provincialjand to Nova Scotia's coat of Canadian Press. Staff Writer with the Red Ensign as a re-|flag.-The province has plenty tolarms, 'granted * Canada, a country without an|Placement for the Union Jack|choose from--its. coat of arms|Charles I. sian Federation, which links .|just as the former was about to) bears a Cross of St. George, a Quebec' got its flag -- white|Malaya. Singapore, Sarawak pass from the national scene, is|sprig of-three maple leaves, ajeross on pale blue with a fleur|and Sabah, because he. assert- one stuck with new legislation mak-| moose, an elk and a bear, pluside lis in each quarter--after|edly secs it as a '"neo-colonial- of the most beflagged of nations, ing the Ensign the proper flag|the trillium as the provincial!sgome nationalist agitation but! ist "plot" by Britain as the provinces join Ottawa in|for public schools flower with minimal fanfare Jan. 21,| Negotiations for a summit lag-m&king ' HAPPY WITH FLAG _ The Saskatchewan Jubilee and! 1948. Then Premier Maurice Du-| meeting up to Friday night had With the Union Jack sinister, 'Alberta's low as it stad win Centennial Corporation, set up plessis simply rose in the Leg-| been deadlocked on the -ques- officia' flag for most of a cen tury, bids fair to become the Red Ensign passant and : ; jto organize celebrations for the|islative Assembly at the start of! ti I i i : g seniE eouliols iy the ganize ( a slay Ass ya § |tion of Indonesian troops with- Maple Leaves rampant on ak irg ae 2 Baga Neat province's 60th birthday nextiits afternoon session that day|drawing from Malaysian Bor- federal field of verbal war, the| hag a th ny dae N ial Br year and Canada's Centenary in'anq announced that Quebec' | neo. provinces are acquiring regional A Peon ae i @ Ronn 1967, opened in April a five-/new flag had just b hoisted! _ banners without comparable ake 4 igs rhe he Te month contest for a provincial! on the tower of the Législature. | i "i fuss chaud says, will be "will be|tiag design, Saskatchewan has British C iis uleae | quite happy with the Cnadian| ice sheaves of neat and ritish Columbia, aftér two! ] e 1 A cross-Canada survey by The! jay 4/false starts, got its flag rom Canada Press showy four prov-' prince Edward Island, cele- 764, lion passant on its arms, al Premier Bennet and his cabinet inces have Aheir he ~ official brating fe 100th anniversary of Laboctigg ae Y pe Bi bb vig June 29, 1960. A sun rises from,| LID ast Taw flag, two are making over- the Charlottetow ae a em @ a rairie ¢nick ris setti int vavy blue ' 2 town Confederation REA he : or is setting into, wavy blue and o . tures in that direction and one--! conference picked a flag for it.| (Sharp-tailed grouse) as addi-| nite bars under a Union Jack WEBB CITY, Mo.- (AP)--An expectant mother was shot to death Friday night while her husband was practising a quick draw with a revolver in their |home, police said, The woman was Mrs. Ronald Newfoundiand--has a choice of tional emblem. , self this spring almost witheut oe eran oy two local flags : public notice, The legislaturé)BOASTS OLDEST FLAG pan's rising sun or a fried egg, Ontario and Saskatchewan are) voted unanimously for a banner, Nova Scotia, boasts the oldest|Dut controversy dwindled after cia' flags and Prince Edward arms--an island with an English}by Royal Charter. The blue St./¢lection following. its adoption. Istand has just quictly unfurled/oak and three saplings for the|Andrew's Cross, with red lion) Newfoundland broke out. its L. Morrill, 24. a now one tht e counties, topped by a lion./rampant of Scotland on a goldjown Red Ensign, with the pro-| Her 33 - year - old husband| Nova nt a had a 'lag Premier Robarts of Ontario.) shield in the centre, is traced to! vincial arms on the fly, for the) rushed her to a hospital where or more .than three centur who say {ae national maplejthe charter of New Scotland! visit of Queen Elizabeth in 1959.| surgeons tried unsuccessfully to Quebec, in 1948. and British Co-|leaf flag 'doesn't thrill me,"* an-|granted in 1621 to Sir William|But many consider pink, white|save her twin boys by caesar- Set. Leo Plouffe, Montreal lumbia, in/1960, got theirs by) nounced last Tuesday in London! Alexander by King James VI of!and green tricolor as Newfound-|ean section, The babies were police bomb expert, goes over simple cabinet decisions. ia distinct possibility" that On-!Scotland, James.1 of England,|land's true flag. |scheduled to be born in July, damaged by explosions Fri- day in north-end Montreal.. No * CHECKING BOMBED BOOTH said the explosions, caused by detonator caps, may have terrorists, one or two telephone booths one was injured and -police been the work of

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