SONI ERE MOE SPEDE SCLC LLEN ANGELA BUC! BE AEB LB CLASSIC RAGLAN SUITS " The simplicity of the Chanel line and the ease and ele- gance of the well-established raglan form the basis of these two. designs. You also have the choice of knitting your costume with a loop yarn or a bulky bouclet type. There are 6 sizes given from 32 to 43 and the alternative of knitting your skirt on two needles or in rounds on a circular needle. No, 7 needles are the needle size to use Wiich meaus easy and fast kniting for that cov- Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 1, 1964 7 | eted hand made suit. If you Designed For a In a Dramatic By ELEANOR ROSS Tucked beneath the eaves of a converted carriage house in the tradition-laden New Eng- land area, is an upstairs sitting room done by a top - flight in- terior decorating firm. The inti- mate scale and secluded loca- tion of the room make it a splendid retreat for relaxation, reading, 'pursuit of hobbies, or just gazing at the countryside from the corner window seat. This nook becomes a favorite stage setting for the vistas be- yond, with windows boasting dramatic red Venetian blinds, accented by black tapes. Companion seating cushions echo the vivid hue of the blinds in a Venetian red banana print. Now what view wouldn't be enhanced when seen from such a dramatically done window. FILTERED SUNLIGHT The designer, bound not to ig- nore a chance to reveal a view, devoted the entire facing wall to floor-to-ceiling windows, and preferring a filtered sunlight ef- Setting The remaining wall -- space, done in a rough, white plaster, serves to intensify the decora- tive dominance of the blinds, and gives the rural touch in a dramatic, colorful setting. To intensify the color scheme further, the designer selected a Portuguese area rug in red, white and black. Flooring The engagement is announc- ed today of Miss Frances Joan Palter and Mr, Sheldon Kosky. Daughter of Mr. and TO WED IN TORONTO Mrs, Max M, Palter of Osh- awa, the bride-elect is a graduate of the University of Toronto and is a member of the teaching staff of O'Neill throughout the sitting room and elevated gallery corridor is of burnished pine, stencilled with a diagonal design. AREA DEFINITION fi ¢ as ¢ NEXT MONTH Collegiate. Her fiance, son of Mrs. William Kosky of Kit- chener and the late Mr. Kosky, is a graduate of the Univer- sity of Waterloo and Osgoode Hall, He is practising law in 'Kitchener where the couple plan to reside, The wedding is to take place in Toronto on Wednesday, July 29. A fanciful' black wrought-iron railing defines the two areas. An eight-foot-tall brass etagere UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES --a standing open shelf unit--} houses books and plants, the) ST. STEPHEN'S UCW | latter including numerous ger-| g}. gtephen's: UCW met re- aniums for still more vivid red.| cently with Albert Street UCW Other furnishings include alas guests. fine table of sturdy proportions) yrs, David Duchemin wel- jand an 18thCentury. three-cor-|comeq the guests and opened inered desk chair. : __|the meeting with the UCW A fine collection of 19th-Cen-|theme and prayer. tury paintings of horses be-) + was announced that at the speaks the family's interest in}p.1) Rally, October 27, at horses and riders. Pickering, St, Stephen's UCW The pictures, beautifully|woulg be in' charge of the fect, outfitted these with match- ing red blinds as well. framed, and artistically af-| worship service in the evening, ranged. and tat Mrs. Frank Crawford would like the leaflet with these instructions, simply send a stamped, self-address- ed envelope to the Needle craft Department of this paper requesting Classic Reg- lan Suit, leaflet number 5-64, Shopping List | For 50 Guests May and June' always pro- duce a flurry of brides-to-be excitedly preparing for their wedding day. If you are re- sponsible for serving the food at showers, teas, or the wed- ding reception, it is very help- ful to know just how much to prepare to serve a_ crowd. Pickles, each Celery, 3 to 4 bunches Carrot strips, 244 pounds Beef, pork, veal roast, 20-25 pounds, depending on amount of bone Chicken, (roast), 50 pounds Turkey (roast), 40 pounds. Ham, about 24 pounds. Potatoes. to mash, 15 pounds Potato Salad, 6 quarts Vegetables, frozen, 10 pounds, approx. olives, 2 quarts Home economists at Macdon- ald Institute, Guelph, give the following list of items, some of which may be on your shop-| ping list. These quantities should serve fifty people. If} seconds are desired, more must be prepared. Coffee, regular, 1 pound Cream (for coffee), quarts .10 per cent | Cream, or milk for tea, 114} pints | Tea, % pound } Lemons for tea, 6 medium | Sugar Cubes, 144 to 2 pounds Punch or Fruit Juice, 2 gals,| Rolls, 64% dozen Butter (for rolls), 14% pounds Butter. (for vegetables), 1 pound 1%) Cabbage for slaw, 10 to 12 pounds Tomatoes, 30 medium Jellied Salad, 6 quarts Salad Dressing, Mayonnaise, 1 to 1% quarts Strawberries, Raspberries, 7. quarts Cheddar Cheese, 3 pounds Ice Cream, 2 gallons When preparing for a_ tea, count on three to four sand- wiches, two to three cookies and two cups of tea per person. WOMEN GUIDES . With London expecting more visitors in 1964 than ever, the British Travel Association has increased its official guides to }424, including 156 women. SPANISH ruffles give an added air of ,opulance to this | are gathered at the ends of | the scarf to create ruffles. "|ber with the greatest weight loss .Jas over 40 lb. losers, Kay Puf- Recognition Given, To Weight Losers | Across The Nation A Provincial recognition day was held in the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, last week with delegates present from all over Canada. The purpose of the convention was to recognize all top weight losers from TOPS clubs across the nation. A panel. discussion was held to help the women who had lost weight and then regained it. On the panel were prominent Doc- tors in this field as well as members who had experienced and overcome the problem. Oshawa's Tops Club was well represented with delegates from both Chapters present, the Mean-to-be Lenas and the) TOPS Losin' Lassies. Those attending from the Mean-to-be Lenas were Florence Russell, Mary Connell, Shirley Saturday, July 4, will be the wedding day of Miss Grace Verby and Mr. Kevan Mor- ton, agcording to the an- nouncement today by Miss Verby's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Verby, Oshawa. The ANNOUNCE WEDDING DATE would be in charge of the June meeting. Mrs, Bruce Vaillancourt and Mrs, Duchemin will welcome the congregation on Sundays jduring May. 'fhe' worship. service was conducted by Mrs. Henry Bickle and Mrs. Carson Heard, using the theme "Peter Answering Jesus' Call', the hymn "Jesus Shall Reign" was sung. A silent prayer for Miss Muriel Stevens was followed by prayer led by Mrs, Carson Heard. Mrs. Frank Crawford, Mrs. Henry Gosschl and Mrs. Alex. Ferries sang 'I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go Lord". The scripture, St. Mathew 4, 18-25 was read by Mrs, Bickle. Mrs. Heard read the meditation based on the scripture. The hymi "Take My Life and Let It Be' was sung. Mrs, Charles Rundle intro- duced the guest speaker, Mrs, Ross Stevens, Bowmanville, whose daughter Muriel is a nurse in the Congo in Africa. Mrs. Stevens showed slides and commented on them, She said that the people were ve eager to learn. Some children could neither read or write or had they ever been to school, The refugees flocked across ceremony is to take place at 11:00 a.m. in St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Church, The prospective bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morton, Oshawa. Photos by Hornsby UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES |: the border and were literally rags and many suffered from malnutrition. Miss Stevens Smith, Shirley Choloniuk, June Deveau, Kathy Peebles, Shirley Shermit, Kay Puffer, Diane Omelanchuk, Mary Lucyk, Haz- el Fleming, Eva Wilson, Leota Robinson, and Mary Emard. A year begins the first of May and ends the thirtieth of April each year for TOPS mem- bers. A record is kept of the weight loss of each, The mem- in each chapter becomes the queen of that chapter, The weight must be lost and the loss held for a period of three months or more. At the con- vention the Canadian Queen chosen from the Chapter queens was honored. She had a weight loss over 80 lbs. A princess was also chosen being the single girl with the highest weight loss. The Oshawa Chapter queen, Pauline Shaw, was recognized for a weight loss, in the past year, of 68 lbs, Two other Osh- awa members were recognized fer, president of the Mean-to- be Lenas and June Deveau, One KOP from Oshawa, Frances) Kettela and some KIW" Diane} Omelanchuk were recognized. A graduation ceremony was held for approximately 400 members who had held a con- VALLEYVIEW PARK ASSN. The May. meeting of Valley- view Park Community Associa- tion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lonsberry. Reports were given by the various officers. A report was given on. the banquet given hockey team in April. Plans were made for the ot opening on Tuesday, June Membership cards were given out and it was announced that the community will be can- vassed for members this month. The next meeting will be June li, in the form of a pot luck Supper, at the home of Mrs. Frank Lycett, 132 Gladstone avenue. ST. ANDREW'S UCW The May meeting of Andrew's United Church St. the Pee Wee Wom-| works in a 200 bed hospital provided by the Belgian Sugar Company. When the patients went to the lon the the entire family aes " on their straw mattresses out- pe lg Bibs f by Mr. ide and they cooked the food | one patendat : 6 ull for themselves and the patient. | SENET Bid CARRS FOC) There wasn't a diet kitchen ad Ben ction e-lin" the hospital as Canadian hospitals have. It was announced that a gar-| Used clothing was den tea would be held at ded. "Stonehaven,"' the a ducted by Mrs. I. D. Kerr. Mrs. A, R. de Boo van Vijen, accompanied by Mr. Kelvin James, sang "They Shall Run always ST, GEORGE'S GUILD The May meeting of the Mary Parker group of St. George's Guild was held at the home of Mrs, Reynold Foster, Adelaide avenue west. Mrs. 0. C. Richardson read the minutes. After the treasurer gave her report Mrs. Richardson dis- tributed some tickets for the Women's fall luncheon in Sep- tember. : Mrs, F. G, Ongley gave a read- ing "Art In The Church" from a U.S, publication, "The Epis- copalian" and a discussion was held. Mrs. Richardson advised the members that the next meeting would be held at the home of Mrs. Eric Green, Raglan. Mrs. Foster served the refreshments. SIMCOE STREET UCW (Harvey Hunt Unit) The Harvey Hunit Unit of Simcoe Street United Church met recently with Mrs. S, G. | KEEP IN TRIM _ First Lady's Amazing Energy ~ Stems From Willing Heart By IDA JEAN KAIN _ An equation for energy might go something like this: Attitude times interest plus enthusiasm times calories plus challenge equals energy. The secret of Mrs. Lyndon Johnson's amez- ing energy is. spelled out in that equation. And the spark that ig- nites such energy is a "willing- ness of the heart," When I asked the U.S. presi- dent's wife how she managed to fit into her busy schedule all the. functions that would leave a lesser woman limp, she once told me, "If I didn't like my life I would get weary. But I do like it, all of it." There is the real secret. She doesn't waste energy by resent- ing anything connected with her official life, "Disliking what we are called upon to do is a peculiar sort of drain on one's energy," she philosophized. Completely free of this zest robber, Mrs, Johnson can un- dertake her round of duties with enthusiasm, a quality which in itself lends wings to one's -efforts, I recalled this previous con- versation with Mrs, Johnson as I watched her walk down the aisle on the arm of her U.S. Marine Corps officer escort at the recent annual breakfast in her honor given by the wives of members of Congress. She showed her delight at being among so mahy close friends, and she called the occasion "a family re-union," It was a sparkling affair, at- tended by almost 1,000 of her friends, Mrs, Johnson was ag- companied to the breakfast by her lovely daughter Lynda Bird and Lynda's roommate, Warrie Lynn Smith. The president of the Con- gressional Club, Mrs. Clifford Davis, presided and introduced opera star Rise Stevens, who entertained with her giorious voice. Miss Stevens has a natu- ral joie de vivre that capti- vated her audience. Luck was with me on the way out, for I found myself walking along with Rise Stevens. I have interviewed her many her looking so radiant, "What's the secret of your elan vital?" I inquired, noting that I had not seen her in some ears. ¥ "Well, I take calisthenics every morning," she said with a smile. "And you know about oe food habits." Then she a thoughtfully, "I lead a very happy, active life." There it is again, she loves what she is doing, too. All in all, Lady Bird John- son's Bony 4 reunion" was a warm a ently get-together,. and I was most happy to be a part of it. ' SOCIAL NOTICES | ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Max M. Palter ment of their daughter, Frances Joan, to Mr. Sh son of Mrs, William Kosky of ener, Ontario, and the late Mr. Kosky, The marriage will take, place on Wednesday, July 20, 1964, in Toronto, FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Verby wish to announce the forthcom- ing marriage of their daughter, Grace Margaret, to Mr. an Larry Morton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morton, all of Osh- awa, The ceremony is to take place on Saturday, July 4, at 11.00 am. in St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Church. LADIES! | No Baby Sitter, No Car Fare MR. BERNARD Of Leading Toronto Salons Experienced Hair Stylist HOME APPOINTMENTS PHONE AFTER 9 P.M. 728-9317 Lailey presiding. Following the regular reports, the meet- ing was turned over to Mrs. K, R. Wagg who took charge of the program. ' The Harvey Hunt Unit was celebrating its 40th birthday in May and Mrs. F. H. Ross brought some thoughts on grow- ing. Mrs, J. Perrault read the scripture and Mrs, K, R. Wagg Tread a poem on "Praying Hands." Mrs. G. R. Booth de- lighted her audience with her musical numbers, Mrs. Keith Buchanan was Introduced and enlightened the gathering on the new curricu- lum to be introduced into the church, The new curriculum is for the whole family, from the nursery department through to the oldest person. Books to be used in the study were displayed, The studies will run in three-year cycles, In September the new curriculum will beavailable to all churches which wish to adopt it. The teachers' guide, valuable information, was avail- able. Books to be taken home by the children were most interest- ing with pictures and stories adapted to the special age groups, a book off NEWS Miss Linda is happy to onnounce that she is now operating the beauty salon formerly occupied by Rudy's Fashion Hair Styling. For Appointments PHONE 728-7021 Free Parking . 3 TOP STYLISTS * | TO SERVE YOU!,, LINDA FASHION HAIR STYLING 366 WILSON RD, S. FASHION HAIR STYLING ee home of} Mrs, Stephen Saywell thanked Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Irwin in| yrs, Feat for her interesting Whitby, June 3. end informative pictures and Mrs. A. W. Armstrong, the) talk. conyener of the Christmas ba-| Refreshments were served in zaar, reminded everyone that|the ladies' parlor. this would be held- November 4.|---- The next meeti ill b September 15 at 700 p.m. whicn| Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C, CHIROPRACTOR will begin with dessert and cof-| fee. The subject of the meet: ing will be. "To Kill a Mocking| Hay Fever Bird" by Harper Lee. Back Pains Refreshments were served by|| 100 King St. E. 728-5156 Units 7 and 12, en was held in the common} room with Mrs. D. I, Macleod! presiding. | Mrs. J. G. Dancey intro-} duced the speaker of the eve-| ning, the Reverend Duncan) White, who is Field Secretary} of Christian Education for the Bay of Quinte Conference, stant weight loss for at least! three months, On Friday even-; ing a costume night was held, | _}with all delegates in costume | >\putting on skits. Oshawa's! Mean-to-be Lenas went as In-| dians and the Losin' Lassies as) Scotsmen. A. E. JOHNSON 0.D. OPTOMETRIST 1414 King St. East 723-2721 beautiful stole fashioned cf autumn - haze - colored nat- | rual mink. Designed by Alex- | andre, the wrap was inspired | by the flamenco shawls worn | by the ladies of Madrid. Two double bands of the fur | DRAPERY MATERIAL 98 yord ond up Compere at $1.98 yord M. & C. Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREE~ PHONE 723-7827 The Annual Meeting of the Ontario County Tuberculosis & Health will be held in the Lower Hall, Northminster United Church Simcoe St, North, Oshawa TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1964 ot 7:45 p.m. for the purpose of receiving the financial report, the election of the Executive Council and such other business as may properly come before the meeting. Any interested persons are cordially invited to be present. Association Mr, White spoke about the new Sunday schoo] curriculum! which will be put to use this September. The new Sunday school books were on display. Mrs. Allen Oke thanked the} speaker. | LET'S HAVE A PARTY! | WE RENT Dishes--Cutlery--Glasses Punch Bowls -- Coffee Urns Tables (Card and banquet) Chairs Silver Tea Service Sets Silver Candelabra. Trays @ MINK STOLES -- MINK SHRUGS : SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 RITSON RD. S. PHONE 725-3338 W00 LWORTH'S 'Super Bakery Specials BAKED. FRESH DAILY IN OUR OWN KITCHEN ! ! Delicious RHUBARB SPECIAL This Week STRAWBERRY Made with Flaky Pastry "By Request' GERMAN Chocolate Cake 59c SPECIAL This Week Two or three tier wedding cakes -- Order One Week Ahead 4 BAKERY ORDERS. PHONE 725-3421 Week Only! MOST OUTSTANDING OFFER in OPTICAL HISTORY See Far AND Near with SAME Glasses Here is the most amazing offer to you folks who wear or need bifocal glasses, The lenses of your choice, especially tailored to your individual heeds, plus ot the the frame of your price of $17.50 choice, ! Different types of people require different kinds of bi- focals. Discard your old bifocal able to your purpose and choose the pair that will ted you the greatest satisfaction. Kryptoks for beginners, Flet-tops for old-timers. All glasses are pair now. Sale positively ends and may never be repected. 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM Is which moy not be suit- top quolity. Get the extra Saturday, June 6, 1964, e FOR MEN @ FOR WOMEN + + « ONLY $11.95 REPAIRS--Broken Lenses duplicated. Frames repaired, frames while you wait. Lowest prices! replaced We fill all PSI, Oculists and Optome- trists Prescriptions at same low prices, No Appointment Necessary 17 Bond St. East 2nd Floor Phone: 728-1261 Branches in Many Principal Cities Hours: 9 a.m, to 5 p.m. Daily CLOSED ALL DAY WED. of US and Canada SINGLE VISION GLASSES F ounde d 1904 ONE-PIECE ULTEX times, but never have I seen of Oshawa announce the engage. . Pee ee i ih et ecppe mrrteeniphs orotate maging ae