12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 3, 1964 NEWLY RENOVATED ONTARIO HOUSE Newfie Loses Color coasts the manufacture of home _.. Showcase In UK 1+ Opens Thursday - LONDON (CP)--Ontario has decked herself out in:a glamor- ous new gown to greet Britons, complete with glass, class and 'the largest silver nugget in Eu- rope. Ontario House; renovated and 'redesigned to be a showcase for the. province, will be officially opened June 4 by Premier John |» Robarts. But it is already at- » tracting attention and doing business, In fact the principal offices never. closed during what Agent-General J. S, P.* Arm- strong calls."'the.nine-months:of chaos' while workmen © ¢om- "pleted the $400,000 face-lift. Armstrong had to change his own office twice. The only resi- dent undisturbed during the noisy 'process was a pigeon nesting on a ledge. Two chicks were~hatehed' just before the scaffolding came down. Reconstruction stirred old memories for the agent-general. He was the man who in 1944 leased the bottom two floors of the bomb-damaged building just off the Haymarket to re-estab- lish an official Ontario office in Britain. FIVE MORE FLOORS At. that: time the building had no» windows and repair work Was .carrieqd out between air raids: Armstrong slept on the premises and acted as fire watcher.' But the building was \ministration--are housed under one roof for thc first time. More than 60 Ontario finms have supplied materials for. fix- tures and furnishings, including maple and pine panelling, car- pets, tables and chairs. Dominating the large. glass- walled entrance lobby is a:$25,- 000 silver nugget. It weighs 1,500 pounds and the main floor jhad to be reinforced with' steel jbeams to carry it. | PAINTINGS FROM HOME The Iroquois Room in the basement has an undulating ceiling made of pine 'slats. |Regular exhibits... of - Ontario |products and resources will be mounted in the room, which has a modern kitchen. attached. Decorating the walls are 30) oil paintings presented by the jOntario Institute of ~ Artists, |most showing. typical Ontario | landscapes. Two unusual features are the | air conditioning system, rare in} British - public buildings, and/ ithe Victorian brass doorknobs wth the provincial coat of arms that have been installed in the| agent-general's pivate office. "I scrounged them from the| basement of the Parliament} (buildings in Toronto," said) (Armstrong with a grin. "They |were left over as extras and I've had my eye on them for! some time." ready. to handle the flood of im-| migration and trade queries that SHAVES HALF BEARD | ill 23° prices and Ger A Lire AT IGA", EODOR BAN D ADES SCHI ADULT TO TOOTHPASTE FREE DENTICU. Met. 33¢ HAIR DRESSING ICATED Family Siz 100 TABLETS ANT ROLL OWT OUNCE STAINLESS STEEL 5'S PEPSODENT 50 TOFT € colGaTe WITH ARD TOOTHBRUSH Twin 71¢ Pack BURIN, Nfld. (CP) -- Some-jmost - black treacle annuaily, PLASTIC -- MED times overlooked among the|say they haven't imported two|brew and moonshine was. one On ply al . mal iat Reh gl CURAD BANDAGES sic ; ntario now has acquired the) Landlord Malcolm Moyer of the HELENE CURTIS 2-02. ic changes that have occurred|puncheons of Blackstrap: ih W\of the biggest headaches for | top five: floors of the building--|Bel! Inn in this Huntingdon' vil- MICRIN J-on. 66¢ RAY NET Size 3 since Newfoundland became a/Years. police officers stationed in out-|once a hotel--and converted the/lage has shaved off half. his ANTISEPTIC Size MISS SP province 15 years ago is the| As for the moonshine stills,|port communities, Money was|structure into a modern block!beard to win a bet, He said: ORAL NORMAL they weren't widely used. along)scarce and people operated the |of 'offices, reception rooms and "One of my regular customers | sone DRY OR 6-0. 77° BRECK SHAMPOO Sine LADY PATRICIA SOFT or FIRM Gesvpearence of the motasses/ ss 'south coast: Residents foul puncheon and moonshine still. smuggle in supplies of cheap Once common in hundreds of|liquor from the nearby French| stills and sold the home-made | exhibition. centres. joffered me a pound for each | hooch at low prices. All the province's five depart-| complete day I keep it like that. | Nowadays it's much easier to|ments:in London -- immigration,|I shall] shave the other half off ron Det ne IN CREAM speci: 41° PONDS SK Reg. 52¢ eran 8, they have fallen vic-|islands of St. Pierre-Miquelon.|have brewery beer delivered outport: ey tim to economic progress -- But on the east and north by the case. itrade and commerce, agricul- 'ture, publie relations and ~ad- when I have collected at least a fiver," more money in circulation and new liquor laws that make beer available in almost every com- munity. When Newfoundland schoon- ers carried cargoes of salt cod to the West Indies, they often came back with holds full of 100-gallon molasses puncheons. In those days the sweet, sticky treacle sold for much jess than sugar and had many uses. "Have a cup of lassy tea" was once a hospitable gesture in an outport home. '"'Lassy buns" were a favorite of the fisherman when he went to the fishing grounds or into the woods in winter. They are a sort of cookie containing gen- erous flavoring of molasses and man-sized shares of pork or fat drippings and are still made in many homes, Both the product and the con- tainer had their uses. The puncheon, when empty, served as a container for soaking. and washing salt cod, as a water| barrel, or even to carry a per- 60n short distances by water if a boat was not immediately available. SOLD IN CANS Famous was a resident of Kirby's Cove, a small eettle- ment on the Burin Peninsula, YOU GETA BARREL OF FLAVOUR IN EVERY BOTTLE OF RADING J & J BABY OIL ENO'S FRUIT SALTS si Tee IS HAIR SPRAY 67° Size mamma PRICES EFFECTIVE JUNE 3, 4, 5, 6 -- WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES KAM LUNCHEON MEAT ~""™ 1.G.A. PURE MARMALADE "*™ CHASE & SANBORN COFFEE """ CRISPY CRITTERS -- ALPHA BITS OR SUGAR CRISP POST CEREALS ant 16-02, ° JAR 59° KRAFT CHEEZE WHIZ SHORT CUT WHOLE or HALF FROZEN NEW ZEALAND LAMB SALE! 39° OE Ae uo 79° at am , FROZEN--TURKEY--CHICKEN---BEEF MORTON PIES | « $] ORANGE-APRICOT could shift single-handed = LEG 0' Bc DRINK == "iz 43¢ to wharf. The best-known molasses was | ; CLARKS a variety called blackstrap. It was used not only to replace sugar and as a substitute fér milk in tea but as an ingredient in home brew, a_ concoction that had a powerful kick and was especially plentiful around Christmas. { Today, the store owner who once sold bulk molasses by the gallon passes it over the coun- ter in one- or two-pound cans with fancy labels. George A Bartlett Ltd, general mer- chants in Burin who once sold thousands of gallons of the al- Nehru Requests Ashes Spread Across Fields mersed in the Ganges at Alla- habad, Nehru's home, and also one of the holiest places for! Hindus. | LAMB 1b. WHOLE -- FLANK ON Loin O" Lamb Front O' Lamb ALPINE or PRIMROSE FRESH CUT ROYAL GUEST SLICED RINDLESS SiDE BACON," 55¢ CHICKEN LEGS or BREASTS 45"): LAMB IN A BASKEET -- ROAST -- CHOPS -- STEW uu. 23° CHOPPED BEEF STEAKETTES ,, 55° n, 49° ST, LAWRENC™ CORN OIL RGYAi GOLD LARGE EGGS me voz GREEN GIAN FROZEN NIBLET CORN 3 TABLERITE SLICED COOKED MEATS §= $c LUSCIOUS RED ORANGES GRANNY SMITH SUNKIST VALENCIA EANS with PORK ara O° Tin' O° Tin' 99° "ra OBS YORK. KLIK SAVE 17¢ LUNCHEON MEAT MILLIONAIRE BRISTLING WESTONS CRACKERS ::" 35° IGA CANDIES ** ™*<* 2, 4g DOZEN 3 SIZE 163 1.00 RASPBERRY - RHUBARB i NEW DELHI (Reuters)--The| SAVE CALIFORNIA q late prime minister gor ed HOSPITALITY PI 10e 55c a will asking that his 'ashes be HOSPITALIT : ; eattered on the fields of India : fam 8 plane, informed sources SHORTCAKE LAYERS 39¢ reported here. DEMPSTER'S ; : He also asked that there KAISER ROLLS 30¢ H should be no -- -- pda jes after his death--ruling ' ; ous the normal Hindu ceremony EXTRA A Total 36 00 In BONUS 4 } for the departed soul, which is oF i TAPES e a ore ae RECEIVE AN EXTRA 10.00 BONUS TAPE WITH PINT Cc | "th. ashes were placad Mon-| YORK wentet BUTTER hd BOXES ' ee sy nee Mother Parkers Instant Coffee 'i i I ta! 6 each of India's states, Some will be immersed RECEIVE AN EXTRA.4.00 BONUS TAPE WITH i i in the River Ganges near Cal- | Calta, others in the sea off Ma-| DELUXE CAKE MIX pl CALIFORNIA PRODUCE OF.US.A. 5 : y dras and off Cape Cormorin SANI FLUSH SAI eat xn: eee) onane eel & toe Gaeeee et Lie REcEiv= AN EXTRA 2.00 BONUS. TAPE WITH CELERY EACH 29° LADIES! CANADA NO, 1 GRADE APPLE FANCY GRADE FOR ate Nant Beer, PE, POTATOES 'tie 5 So BF MR. BERNARD > COLLEGE HILL IGA DYL'S IGA wi Louine ee Ne CUBERT STREET OSHAWA 166 ADELAIDE ST, E. OSHAWA cei Amal ' 120 WILSON R BILSKY IGA BROCK ST. SOUTH aN GA WHITBY " ILSON RD. S, . Meouterere Call for Brading-the quality ale MOTOR CITY IGA see GA D RITSON RD. 5, OSHAWA 4 ' PHONE AFTER 9 P.M. that S strong on flavour ot BECKSTEAD IGA LANSDOWNE IGA COURTICE, ONTARIO LANSDOWNE SHOPPING CENTRE : 728-9317 |