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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jun 1964, p. 10

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i he gon go the Qiong win stock distance in 8:22.6 heats in the Class droplane events. Jim Hannon of Ogdensburg N.Y., won the B division, post- ing a first-heat victory and second-place finish in the s: ond heat to edge John of Toronto by three s with a time of 7:35.3, Spike Burns of Oshawa 10 THE OSHAWA Timas, Mondey, June 8, 1964 ie Jr. Legionnaires End Leaside Loop Slump * Oshawa Legionnaires out of their Leaside Oshawa Sailor Oshawa Merchants et : ins Class A Racing Regatta Lose To Belleville Racing Regatta Roger Wood and a passed ball| of North Tonawanda, N.Y., and let Garrow score. Wood walked) Ray Ogier of Burlington, Ont., and scored in the sixth, aided) were only double-heat win- by an error and choice play,/ners in the six-event Torontolin. cass A with a third for Oshawa's final run. Outboard Racing Club regatta first, Tom Oldfield of Saturday. ' won BE Asselstine, ss, Weston, Coutts posted twin victories! h Mavety, c; Hunter, 9b; Mult-| with » time of 7:48.4 over the head, cf; Hurst, 1b; Soule, Mf; 1% mile course in the Class D stock event, Ogier covered the SPORTS CALENDAR TODAY'S GAMES LACROSSE OLA Junior Lakeshore Castrols vs Oshawa Green Gaels at Oshawa's Children's Arena, 8.30 p.m. Juvenile - Junior League -- Beaupre Spurs vs Tom Cul- len's Esso, at Children's Arena, 6.30 p.m, Oshawa Minor Novice League -- Union Rod and Gun vs Houdaille Ind., 6 p.m. and Tony's Refreshments vs Auto Workers Credit Union, 7 p.m. Both games at Bathe Park. SOFTBALL. Oshawa City and District -- Scugog Cleaners vs Brooklin Concretes, at Brooklin Com- munity Park, 8.15 p.m. Beaches Major Fastball League -- Oshawa Tony's vs Seven-Up Shopsy's at Kew one out then Weston and Larry Mavety hit successive doubles to complete the rally. Soule's double and Latch- ford's single in the fifth-made it 7-4 and Mavety's homer, in the sixth, completed the scor: ing. By this time, Wagner had replaced Wills, on the mound for Oshawa. Merchants got two runs in the third on Jack Fisher's double, a hit by Ron Jones, sacrifice and error. They got their fourth in the fourth when "Bo" Garrow walked, so did HOMER IN 9TH Smart's Cleaners Oshawa Merchants dropped their "home opener' of the Lakeshore Senior Baseball League schedule, when they took the short end of an 8-5 count, at Little Britain on Fri- day night. Oshawa got the first run of the game, in the first inning, when first batter Lucky Wills drew a walk off Bill Latchford, the Belleville hurler. He ad- vanced on a passed ball and scored when Jack Fisher was safe on an error at first base. Belleville went in front in their third inning when pitcher Wills gave up a walk to his rival, Latchford, to open the inning. Bob Moon sacrificed and Pat Asselstine doubled, scoring Latchford and Pete Wilkins, gave the winners their first run, They got their other three all in the sixth inning, Reeson's only bad inning. John Cartley started it with a triple, after one out, Then Bill Foley was safe on an out- field error and Rick Foley followed with a tripe and Tom Kinnear with a two-bagger, to complete the splurge. Oshawa Legionnaires got two runs in the first inning off Ted Baylis, on hits by Ted Lutton and Ken Brack, with a walk and sacrifice figuring in the scoring. In the next inning, three more walks and two hits produced three Oshawa runs and a new pitcher, Dick Todd the seventh. That was the inning the Oshawa lads broke up the game. s got singles in the fifth and sixth, by Nekkers and Ron Bell and then in the seventh, exploded for four runs on three walks and three hits, including a double by Roger Reeson, a single by Ted Lutton with the bases-loaded and then Dave Mitchell's two -bagger completed the rally. East York faltered in the eight and Oshawa got two more, on a two-bagger by Ian McNamee, single by Al Etch- élls, an error, walk, choice play and Mitchell's single. Reeson, Bell, Mitchell and Latchford, p; McKiven, rf in 8th. OSHAWA -- Wills, p; Fisher, ss; Jones, 2b; Cole, c; Hogg, cf; Joel, ss; Campbell, Garrow, lf; Wood, rf; If in 8th. 7 OLA JR. "A" LACROSSE TONIGHT ! In Friday night's game, Gerry Nekkers pitched a. six- hit stint and struck out seven batters. - The home club got their only 'run in the first inning when 'Norman opened with a single, -advanced when Hockey singled 'to left and then Cotton was safe on an infield error, that let Norman score. Royds opened the fourth with a two-bagger but the next three went down in order. Hughes opened the sixth with a single, stole second and moved to third on a sacrifice. The losers had only one other chance, when Quiebell, in the , hit a double and Norman owed with a solid hit but Dave Ferries each had two hits in this game and only rookie Ken Brack went hitless. OSHAWA -- McNamee, ss; Etchells, c; Reeson, If; Bell, cf; Lutton, 1b; Mitchell, 2b; Ferries, 3b; Brack, rf; Nek- kers, p. DEFEAT RICHARDSON'S At Kinsmen Stadium on Sat- urday afternoon, Legionnaires got a good measure of revenge for previous rough times at the hands of Richardson's Sports when they defeated the visitors 7-4. taking over the mound duties Gardens, 8 p.m. from Baylis. Todd proved very effective, fanning 10 batters in the 'last six innings and allowing only two more runs, both in the sixth, when Dave Ferries walked, was forced by Brack, then with two out, Ian Mc- Namee's hard drive to left was good for the circuit when that outfielder made a bad play on the drive. Ted Lutton, with three hits and Dave Mitchell with a couple, were Oshawa's big batters. Civil Service League -- On- tario Steel vs Wood's, at Alex- andra Park, 6.30 p.m.; Scott's vs Dodds, at Alexandra Park, 8.30 p.m.; Thompson's vs Rey- Weston's single scored Assel- stine. Belleville added four runs in the fourth when Larry Soule walkeq and then Latchford hit safely. Asselstine walked with nold's, at. Thornton's, 6.45 p.m. and Excelsiors vs Rundle's, at Radio Park, 6.45 p.m. UAW _ League Scugog Cleaners vs Karns, Alexandra (west) and Lords vs Truck Line, Alexandra (east); both games at 6.30 p.m. BASEBALL Oshawa_ Legion Tyke League -- South-West vs North- Petes Triumph 5-4 Over Local Tykes A ime pitching performance Blank Tony's 1-0 Oshawa softball fans enjoyed a real "'cliff hanger" at Alexan- dra Park on Saturday night when Hamilton, Smart's Clean- ers eked out a 1-0 victory over Oshawa Tony's, in their Beaches Major Fastball League inter- city schedule game that was by Jeff Gilmour gave Peter- borough a 5-4 win over Oshawa/the 9th inning, after there were in an Eastern Ontario Tyke|two out. decided with a home-run blow in fourth and Neil McMahon with a single in the sixth, For Hamilton, Price got a sin- gle in the fifth, Joe McFarlane doubled in the sixth and then with the score sill 0-0 and two out, in the top of the ninght frame, Mariutti slashed a hard- hit drive to right field and when the ball took a bad bounce and went past outfielder Ron El- liott, Mariutti went all the way, Lakeshore Green Gaels | OSHAWA ARENA Castrolites VS. Oshawa 8:30 P.M, DWIGHT DAVIS Adults $1.00 Students 50¢ | Children 25¢ (free with edults) sovuraneecensnnacnamcannnamesanaatact Sanat baseball game here at Alexan-| "Casey" Jones for Hamilton dra Park yesterday. and Ron Taylor for Tony's, Gilmour gave up only seven|hooked up in a great pitching hits to the Oshawa club and/duel that saw Taylor claim 10 along with battery mate B. strikeouts while Jones whiffed Brown gave the losers plenty of|nine Oshawa batters. Jones is- trouble. sued five walks and allowed just three hits while Taylor gave up , Peter, Murdoch had two. is loniyahree hls and asded Jus Clyde: Osbourne played a good|Ne free ticket. defensive game in right field| Oshawa hits were claimed by for Oshawa, He apn h a prt et Oshawa made four errors sibel el Sane ns and 'bad ewe ror. BAD BOY perinitety SELLS FOR LESS! FREEZERS-21 CU. FT. 5 Year Guarontee made by Beotty. Free food plon. Free delivery. PRICED FROM DEHUMIDIFIERS-G.E. Built-in filter, 1/5 horse power, 19,000 cu. ft. capacity, swift operation, 5 year gaurantee, automatic shut-off. Reg. 159. value .... Roger Reeson pitched the game, fanning 10 batters and scattering eight hits fairly well, Mel Pearlman's opening single, a bobble in the out- field and another hit by Barry was held at third and br a -- was still there when the inning ee ended. Legionnaires found Mars- bal's pitching to their liking and continued their assault on Quiebell when he took over in Oshawa Entries Dominate Mixed Trebles Tourney Annual Ward Trophy Play ies were: E. Judge, Mrs, Judge and Mrs. H. Lott of Whitby, 56 plus 9; J. Parsons, Mrs. Par- sons and Dorothy Martin, of Peterborough, 51 plus 4; R. Mann, Mrs. J. Anderson and Dave Reynolds, 48, of Oshawa. One-game prize winners were: part, IG. Constable, Mrs. G, Murray The team composed of Gor-jand G. Murray, 45 plus 1 and don MacMillan, Mrs. R. Mann|W. Pierson, Mrs. J. Mouncey and Sam MacMillan of Oshawa,|and J. Mouncey, 44, both Osh- won the trophy and the ash|awa entries. oor donated by .the donor,| The next tournament at the & score off 55 plus 8. The|/Oshawa club will be a mixed trophy was presented by Wil-|doubles event for The Bassett liam. Ward, who was assisted by|Trophy, This will be staged Mrs. Bentley, president of the/Saturday, June 13, starting at ladies' club, 1 Also in the three-win category 0 a.m. The District 14 Benevolent were E. Jackson, Mrs. M. Price|/Tournament, for the Foxhali .\Trophy, will be played Sunday afternoon, June 21. Teams from all the clubs in the district are expected to take part. Proceeds of the tourney will go to the Provincial Association Benevol-| ent Fund. RICHARDSON'S -- Wilkins, 2b; Cartley, cf; W. Foley, ss; R. Foley, c; Kinnear, rf; Todd, If and -p; Farr, 1b; Pearlman, 3b; Baylis p; Waiss, If in 3rd. LEGIONNAIRES Mac- Namee, 1b; Etchells, c; Ree- son, p; Nekkers, rf; Lutton ss; Mitchell, 2b; Ferries, 3b; Brack, cf; Stewart, If. North Oshawa Horsemen Hold East, at Alexandra Park and North-West at South-East, at Eastview Park; both games at 6.15 p.m. Oshawa Legion Bantam Lea- gue -- Oshawa Dairy vs Osh- awa Heating, at Alexandra (west) and Houdaille Ind. vs Dairy Queen, at Harman Park. Both games at 6.15 p.m. SOCCER Oshawa and District (Second Division) -- Rangers vs Italia, 6.45 p.m. and (First Division)-- Italia vs Rangers, 8 p.m. both games at Kinsmen Civic Mem- orial Stadium. 0 s Sh Minor League -- Brookside pening ow vs North Oshawa, at Northway ourt, p.m.; Bathe vs St. The North Oshawa Western John's, at Northway Court, 7:30 Horsemen Club got off to an/p.m.: Woodview vs Ukrainia, at excellent start last Sunday when|Southmead Park, 6 p.m.; Fern- they held their first of eight,/hill vs Simcoe Hall, at South- point-award horse shows this|/mead, 7.30 p.m. and Lake Vista season. -- vs. Valleyview, at Lake Vista, Approximately 20 riders and|6 p.m. horses competed, many of whom are new members. The TUESDAY'S GAMES club has a total of 52 members|SOFTBALL and it seems that every year) Oshawa City and District -- there are more. A and W vs Oshawa Bad Boys, The competition was very|at Alexandra Park, 8 p.m, keen with the riders all out to| UAW League -- Body Shop vs win. Since two more events for|Kents, at Alexandra Park, 1 the girls have been added, there|p.m. will be an "All Around Trophy"| BASEBALL given to the girl who has ac-| Oshawa Legion Pee Wee cumulated the most points at League -- Auto Workers Credit the end of the eight shows. [Union at People's Clothing, Al- A large turnout of approxim-|exandra Park and Jubilee Pa- ately five hundred spectators/vilion vs South-West, Eastview was on hand and it is hoped to/park. Both games 6.15 p.m. see more, as the season goes|,LACROSSE along. : Ontario County Minor (Novice There was a tie for the topiang Bantam) -- Markham at honors of the day, between|Bprookiin. Dave Leggette, riding "Lucky| Ontario County Minor Pee| Lucy" and Bob Woodward, rid-/Wwee League Brooklin at ing "Chief", with 14 points each.| Markham and St. John's at The runner-up was Bob Har-lOshawa. Both games at 7 p.m. jlock and his horse "Little Joe". |RESULTS e | Potato race -- Dave Leggette; \Flag race -- Bob Woodward; Sot Beak en, itv 33/Apple dunking -- Dave Leg- Also Ran: B-Bright Circle, Money More,|gette; Sack roping -- Bob Wood- 50 4.40|Du Barry Rese. lward. | Late Scratch--A-Dorval, B-Guiding Wave: | Children's class -- Robert! 3.10 |A- C. F. Reinhart and E. B. Seedhouse|_ ©! Futurelentry B-Mrs. J. Tripi and A. M. Cuddy|\Smith; Men's Barrel race -- emry. Bob Woodward; Ladies' barrel PAID s12-% My Bunty and Navy Ruler) sce -- Gail Barlow; Patch Winner b f 4 Bunty's Flight -- My Turn race -- Peggy Perry; Ladies by Menow. Trainer C. F. Chapman. ; SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim-|Poo! 55,294. Quinella Pool 54,855. pmen-'special race -- Gail Barlow. Pick-up race -- Bob Wood- ra ~ bom e Mech 16:10 530 3.80) k rgo , 10 5. A SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,700. Three . i ion j Mi Ya-House Boy, Shuk 3.00 2.50) and-Four-year-olds. One Mile (6) |ward; Pole bending Skip Am SFiippin Floyd, Welsh vers arltttemmock Land, Gomez" 3:80 2.79 249 eevee one -- class -- Start. good, al Busy rd 3 <<. Street, Fitzsimmons 3.20 2. ave ette; (i) express Finals Award 1-Swoon Star, Walsh 2.60) Dave ee Bill pe Bare Also: Ran; A-Final Award, Our Johmie, Start good, won easily , Paisun, Busy Guard, Bella Prestia. Also Ran: Mad Charge, Tipont and|back wrestling -- Bob Harlock. A-F. Junger and P, H. Rotman and L. J./House of Commons. Late Scratch -- All Kirshenblatt entry. | Seasons. DAILY DOUBLE -- Mint Bloom 3, and) Winner dk b or br ¢ 3 Terra Firmer -- ARGO BOUND 7, PAID $79.80 |Linden Lane by Roman. Trainer E, Ke- Witmer b @ 4 by Selector -- Bounding Ace|iensky. Pool 103,765 Bound. Trainer G. M. Carter. SEVENTH RACE added "Marine Stekes" Three-yeer-olds 1 and three léths Miles (6) 4ice Jam, Gomez 5.20 3.40 2.40 6Judo King, McComb 6.80 3.00 DQ-Jammed Lively, Fitzsimmons 2.50 Start good, won driving Also Ran: Slithering Sam, Brockton Boy and Lord Saybrook. DQ-Finished First, but was disqualified and Placed Third. Winner 6 g 3 Iceberg and -- Sternal Affair by Eternal Reward. Trainer F. H. Merrill Jr, Poot 117,052. to score the game's only run. HAMILTON SMART'S -- Bru- netti, cf; H. McFarlane, rf; Ma- riutti, 3b; Price, 2b; Tout, M; Ferroni, c; Ross, ss; Joe Mc- Farlane, lb; Jones, p. OSHAWA TONY'S -- Oldfield, 22; O'Connor, 3b; - Armstrong, %; Booth, c; McMahon, cf; Suddard, Mf; Elliott, rf; Court- ney, lb; Taylor, p; Sneddon, batted in 9th; Hill, batted in 9th. eee KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD. 1200 Dundes St. E., Whitby PH, 668-589 Buying o Used Cer con be expensive, Why not insure your purchase dealing with a reliable dealer who reconditions his cers and guarantees them. Oshawa's PeeWees Beat Bowmanville Oshawa Legionnaires trounc- ed Bowmanville 18-2 in an East- ern Ontario Inter-County Pee Wee baseball game here at Alexandra Park yesterday. | The Oshawa team made 11) hits and two errors, while Bow- manville had only five hits, but committed eight miscues. Winning pitcher was Jim) Yakemishine and the losing hur-| ler was Blackburn. Canadian Killed _ In Stock-Car Race | WATERTOWN, N.Y. (AP)--A| Canadian stock-car driver was killed Saturday when his car skidded on an oil slick and overturned three times during a race at Jefferson County Fair Grounds. | He was Charles (Woody) Van} Order, 35, of Kingston, Ont, Van Order was killed after the motor in the car ahead of | his exploded, sending oil over] the track. The Canadian's car skidded, flipped over and was| struck by another car. " The mixed trebles tourna- ment, at Oshawa Lawn Bowl- ing Club on Saturday, for The Ward Trophy attracted a capa- city entry of 32 teams. Teams from Peterborough, Whitby, Cannington, Port Perry and Port Hope, as well as Oshawa, took 7 de change plan if is found to be represented. Centrally located for eny- = not Os represent one serviced by this paper. Why every Home Heating Customer should have our Furnace Parts Replac- ement Plan! We're not alarmists, we simply think that all our customers should have compre- hensive protection from costly furnace repair bills. And when you can get this for only 13.95 per year, you can rest assured that you will enjoy care-free and worry-free heating comfort all season long, Of course, as a Lander-Stark Resid: ential Customer you enjoy many more benefits: FREE Annual Oil Burner Over- haul and Tune-up; FREE 24-hour Emer- gency Service; the Best Quality Fuel Oil and guaranteed workmanship by our own service staff, By Beatty, full cutomatic defrost, sep- 2-DOOR REFRIGERATORS arote zone freezer. 5 yeor guarantee. 199.88 With trade WE ARE OPEN EVERY NIGHT INCLUDING "PTE 9:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE Everybody Knows the Place--Bad Boy--King St. E. 728-4658-4659 E. I W. Cooke, Mrs. R. Norris and R. Norris, 47 plus 6, all Oshawa entries. Prize winners with two victor- GREENWOOD RACE RESULTS Copyright 1964 by McMu Publishi it. (Daly Racing Form). saaboadiges Remember When? ... | By THE CANADIAN PRESS Gallant Fox became a triple crown winner 34 years ago today when Earl Sande rode the William Woodward colt to an eight- lengths victory in the Bel- mont Stakes. As a_ three- year-old, Gallant Fox was the leading money winner that season with a total of PIRST RACE -- Purse $2,700 Three Chorus Beauty Chop. Trainer P. Richards. |. Double Pool 95,642. Rent-A-Car ONLY 51.00 A DAY ( WHISKY Plus Lew Mileage Cherge (Canadas C vad. Whokto FROM PROUDLY EXPORTED TO MORE THAN 50 COUNTRIES Hastings Legion Dumps Alderwood HASTINGS -- Hastings Le- gionnaires scored eight goals. in the final period to upset Alder- wood Terriers 16-11 Saturday in the Ontario Lacrosse Associa- tion junior league. Billie Ar- mours sparked Hastings with four goals and Ken Henderson tallied three others. Al Abbott and Cy McNeill scored three each for Alderwood. ANADIAN Purse $10,000 ) PHIRD RACE -- Purse 42, ané-Four-Vear-olds, One Mile &Runadir, Dittfech ee 9 700 Three (7) 90 4.40 2.90 6.30 3.40) 2.60 ( MERCURY TAXI Oshawa's Largest and Mest Modern Taxi and U-Drive 725-4771 DISTILLED, MATURED AND BOTTLED IN CANADA BY CANADIAN SCHENLEY LTD WED. ODH. == SPECIALS OPEN UNTIL 10 P.M. DAILY -- SATURDAY UNTIL 6 /t¢ of Walsh Start godd, Won: ridden out na' jean won jig Wind, Marina Maid, jave ingsey. Winner ch ¢ 3 by Nadir -- Brown Sedge a a Again. Trainer J. C. Meyer. Pool 107,953. FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,100 Claim! ing Four-vear-olds and up. 1 and 1-l6th) Miles: (6) 9.40 4.20 3.60 3.40 2.70 4.10 EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $10,000 added "Eclipse Stakes Handicap' Four-year-olds and up. One and three léths Miles (7) 5-Broadway JW, Rogers 31.30 14.60 9.90 a 2-Eltimota, Gomez 5.80 4,70 Start gdot, won driving 7-Albion Star, Shuk 7.70 Ailsa Ran: A-Levehot, Supreme Chief| Start good, won driving t and Cairnfleld. Late Scratch -- A-Itulyar-| Also Ran: A-Folk Dancer, A-Dr.° Gid- 36. A- F. Junger A |dings, Sallmaker, Whiteborough. Late Winner ro 9 8 by Rangoon -- Fashionette| Scratch -- Shogun. A-E B. Seadhouse Me chic Trainer J .C. Meyer. Adults Only Allowed Specials We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities TUES. come STD CREE METS PETER and Willow Downs farm entry 714. FIFTH RACE -- Purse $1,500 Claim- ing Fourvyesr-cids and up. 7 Furs. (6)/ Attendance 17,779. Sy Bunty, Shuk 5.00 2.70 2.40| Total Attendance, 24 days -- 241,426. la-Navy Ruler, Fitzsimmons 3.00 2.50| Total Mutuel Pool, 24 days -- $13,204,343 --= (25-year redyeing $100,000 ""*INSuEAN ANNUAL PREMIUMS Age 30____ $257.30 Age 40_____ $524.30 "fige 35. $361.40 Age 45 $789.50 ADDITIONAL BENEFITS--non-cancellable total disability income ond additional cecident indemnity avellable for the obove plan ot o low extra premium. VAL TAYLOR OCCIDENTAL LIFE |Winner ch g 4 Kay's Children -- Head Smart by Heed Play. Trainer A. |. Tay: for, Pool 120/278. Tote! Pool 905431. REVLON "SATIN SET" HAIR SPRAY reg. 2.50 WHILE THEY LAST TUES, & WED. | 22 ONLY - ° MAIN FLOOR Girl's Sizes 3 to 6x 2-PIECE SHORT SETS stel denim. come TUES, & . ONLY AT 0.D.H. 1.66 MAIN FLOOR Ladies' Italian Style SUN GLASSES TUES. & WED. ONLY COMPARE AT € 1.98 PR, 77 MAIN' FLOOR HEAVY GAUGE POLYETHYLENE PAILS compare ot 1,29 Camper's Special TUES. & WED. ONLY LOWER LEVEL MEN'S BOXER TYPE SWIM TRUNKS money pocket; assorted ploids. TUES. & WED. | 22 e SPECIAL MAIN FLOOR LIFE INSURANCE better quali pare et 2.98 Phone us today -- 725-3581 -- and ask for complete details of our Furnace Parts Replacement Plan (or how you can be- come a Lander-Stark customer, too.) Silex Guaranteed 1-yeor STEAM & DRY TRON fully automatic compare at 15.95 TUES. & WED. 44 ENO'S FRUIT SALTS compare ot 1.19 TUES. & WED 88° " SPECIAL MAIN FLOOR "THERMOS" BRAND PICNIC JUG with pouring spout compere et 4.95 age 9 ; .99 ONLY AT 0.0.H. LOWER LEVEL For Price Sake It's ic iss." OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE SAN AR ANAS AN SANSAN SANS ASN SS CO SS CEN CRN END CUES cl "Term Insurance on the Best Terms" "Sa Phone 487-1581 TERM © LIFE © DISABILITY © GROUP © AGENCY OPENINGS € ONLY LOWER 'LEVEL 1038 King St. W. At Garrard Rd. Cult amigo, 43 KING SQRgET WEST, OSHAWA. 725-3581 Mall your nome, oge ond eccupotion for full particulars without obligation regarding this Special 25-year Reducing Conv. Term Policy, it costs nothing to Investigate. Do it now. Nome. Oxcupati Address. aia Month. Day. ee eae '

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