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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jun 1964, p. 13

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 8, 1964 43 {PPERIRE: See Seas A PAD... SE re PRIOR ROR t Lad ON A CALENDAR... GETS A DRINK OF WATER... STARES SOME MORE. 2 x "a. Lik _i IK | TELEVISION LOG MONDAY EVENING [eRe'S YOUR DESK, BliZo ses AND 1 Nae gree GQUODENLY, FEELING LIKE A CAGED EAGLE, ' @Q86 HE RIPS THE CALENDAR FROM THE @AI75 WALL AND. STALKS OUT. WEST a. Sree 3108 a 9 i st : 1075 Ke $ Price Is Right a - Sivoses one ; (@ King Featares Syedicats, Inc. 1964. World tights tesorved, 63--Cherz Helene i 5 4-1 Love Lucy e : i 4 Pot lg 11100 Ada pee AKQ ' ; | A432 Loretta Young 5 HAPP ONES. . ss un 4-The Real McCoys L WH\ 1:38 A.M. ' Ti--Albert J, Steed show Se : wt (eee oa 9--Caraven--Pert 1 6--Come Listen Awhile : - \ : * . . $2-- foilecing Cintas 3-The Rifleman 6--Girl Tatk 4:00 PA. | Pass 4--Pete and Gladys ¢--International Showtime % a T 7 ' Pass (1) Pass es ee 3---Today, 1964 thd ; i 2 . - a fatal ap OM ie pill . ee / Opening lead -- ten of clubs. Peter Gunn &2-Your First 'Headline News a yoy 4 Ph yell ' This famous hand occurred h4--News, Weather, Impression 4:30 PAM. . ; Ss. - titan Be ' si last year in the match between OE cong pores 11-9-6-6-4-2--News) r . s | f : r Argentina and Italy. It was Soy Favorite Martian | Snowe psa Wweather | 7_Wenther: Sporte j Yt | ee ee played on Bridgerama before a a a. sia hie: International Zone i | oi huge dal thonidad' "Gai i . i Pl lence 4--Speaker of the House 45 PM Or meer) "4 pe he : bas os Ba ie ba N--Family Theatre ACROSS 62. Hens A +Co E NAN Santamarino was North for /--The Lr ag nl ae %2--Huntiey Brinkiey 1, agra perennial A : Argentina, and Attaguile South, ser's Jubilee) $~1 Love Lucy 1:00 P.M. ' . 5 4-To Tell The Truth | go truth or 9--The Littlest Hobo 5, Milkfish: DOWN figures: MON on the bidding shown took £:00 PM. c T+4-N Weather, poss. 12. A conse- Her. A : piace, N--Mtar, Route F-Father Knows Beet | 4_rne phn sivers show | 9. Singer: cratedcup 16. An ' mace North's pass of six hearts, an ye kine 6--Movie Matinee 2-Have Gun Will Travel Dinah---- 2. Bulky English LOIN} y Productions | {Obvious cuebid, was surprising oo PA, 4--Search for vomorrow | +-Hennesey 10, Musical pionot tavern Bem N f NO WONDER. ye \. to say the least. Spades had al- 1:0 P.M instruments imber . Gree MIAINIGTE 3 ¢ A y p " BT onal tony N--The Flintstones 12, Heathen 3. Persia letter } : ready been agreed upon as the 9--Tuesday Night Movi trump suit, and the diamond Movie $Me. Novak | (13, Worship 4. Of 21. Fuel and heart bids by South were MICKEY MOUSE 1:00 P.M. 6--Toronto File nam: ment barrier ree os of those suits. 4=Danny Thomas Show | g_atinee 8:00 P.M. fabric s 29. Girl's 38. The dark spades if he had the right hand $2--Hollywood Story | Divorce Cour? 4--Red Skelton Hour 18, End 1. Fragrance N.Y... 3 9 wood Z hy: ' the A- . 11--Steve Allen Show 11--Bachelor Father 7--McHales Navy 23. Reverber- to 38. Swab for ; fig Perhaps x of hearts. Dd Mitch 1:00 P.M. 9.Freshets 86.Not general 48, Open: poet, ly engrossed in Movie |l1l--Midday Matinee he did not 11-9-6-7-6-4-3-2--News: 9--Joey Bishop 4 22. Movabi: Saturday's Answer 7--Combs! 14. Man's punish: lovable intcnded merely to show contro: 1 Wetliny Beare pect Pigs Grittitn 15, Surface of S.Exclama- 24. Merely 87. Arouse 63--Playdate 9--December Bride 3--Petticost Junction a rough 27. Consume from sleep South's six heart bid was an invitation to North to bid seven 30 P.M. J-Afternoon Show 11--Speeial Movie 17, Guatemala name of the day %--Teke A Chance | 4---Meet the Millers 63--Patty Duke Show Indian Money:si 30, River: 42, Without for it. The cuebid might well 4--Ster cee cle Kas, 0:20 P.M. 20. Baggage 8. Block of 31. Traps have been used on a void or 6-3--Ben Casey ate check @ a floor : j y Pro North was re cals wee Pariegt eapetld ae 2--The Lawbreakers 25. Cry of wheel 85. Stuff abbr. d toe rads to decide whether or not to Point &-2--The Red, White and $Oreskia ol 'sien. mle 26, Fisherman' Te % Sy undertake a slam--that ¢-East Side, West Side 7--The Greatest Show On 3 Vj e, when he pass- 10:99 PM. Earth that South's last bid 4--"xplorations 2 Ihe Millionaire 4--Petticoat Junction pani iT oe 3 was 11:00 P.M. 2--Lets Make A Deel 1:30 PA. s was ov spades. , New 2:09 PM. party : os itever reason for the ater' 9--Douglas Fairbanks | **ofrom page 3 metro Final sack 'Benny show 84, Paradise Vocabulaire de la Semaine pone Panga er flies e-Late Show bol ae aoe sta 2 . : ; : _DEMORA 5 i FRAPPER tril $a ant Atteoue at tal eae 1:30 PM. ScEleventh Hour Y 7 : eyaale Santali seTe the slightest difficulty scoring --| ie ie gods ". /, t SoGeneral Hoaptal | Ga-News "Magazines 40, Petty Li , I } | AU PLUS FORT... At the | MECONTENTER... To twelve tricks with hearts as pa cAnother World 'Garry Moore. Show pe Soa ewe 3 ' P 4 height disgruntle trumps. Six spades would al- -- Vea \ ' ; most surely have ie down weer [Stain |, men, |S Aezete | | gi Grist 7... tty | Monson... Here | lone, "un 8 4--Laptain. Kangares 3:38 PM. 11:00 PMA. sound w . : iy ar reopen comics | T-482440-Newn ¢4.Town ae ' Zi | BOUTEILLE (F) . . . Bottle PRENORE D/ASSAUT... To pelt ater papel te ae ee 1 ae PoGueen For A Bey | gmat' Png 47. Silly person SEVILEFACON DE Vee A Bout] | F DISPARITION (F) . .. oan reached six spades with normal Captain Anay S-Ectenaty Giant Viewpoint 49. Maniu- Z NE LA RESISTANCE DES ANGLAIS | Zea vis Disappearance REMETTRE... To give up | [bidding and went down one. per Room 11:20 P.M. EST DE PRENDRE LE FORT : , The Argentine West. led @ 4:00 PLM. }-4--Late Show ; . % FERMER ... To closes VIDER ... To oe aera DP ASSAIIT DECIDE MONTCALM. " empty club, Declarer took the ace, di e--The org as 'one Best of Berton 2 a nag Ford) 7---Traiimaster &2--Tonight Show OVER 30 - STAKES, DUMPS, TRACTORS, PANELS, PICK-UPS - MOST COMPLETE WITH BODIES sammurer ion meade Oshewe P.U.C. -- Most complete with bodies end power C K S THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD: ? : 260 KING ST. W. og 1,030 points on the deal. ] CAKES ARE LIGHT { aur PUEBLO VILLAGE. WELL In Burma, rice cakes are seem guierT, Jf camp || |called mon-le-bway, meaning eater k=: "whirlwind cake," and are feather-light, crisp, 'thin sheets ROULEMM filled with air bubbles. THE LONE RANGER "He wants to be an artist of Tm letting his hair grow." HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL I USED To BE GUINEVERE TO YOUR LANCELOT a More, 313 ALBERT ST. RERCHIEF LOOPED LOOSELY AROUND 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER (fo eee ee se ee et CAMELOT THAN ITIS: HERE, , TODAY? 4 If You have left school you con finish HIGH SCHOOL at home ve ve effesens JULIET JONES ies - v- TIMES 1 THINK Sei Oy BACK 700 JUST MARRIED NOW, WHO PUT THAT UP HERE No Clowes anid BEFORE I GO OUT. ME FOR MY LONG IN MY KITCHEN ? 'ep! OF MIND/ Prepore now for : e Jobs © = ® College © Write for free Booklet Today AMERICAN SCHOOL 291 Dundas St., Deseronto, pay ADDRESS 2... 500055.

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