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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jun 1964, p. 18

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THE OSH, Monday, : ® impartial court "and if neces-|French - language patriotic or- The federation contended that] They urged the creation of ® 18 hertesteand » Sune 6, 1988 St Jean Ba tiste Men ep to an international court! ganization. the provincial gove-nment's cur-| lottery in the province, its reve- . |of justice." The delegates consistently) "emt scheme of "o universi-/nues to help finance. education >: , P 4 sa " ties favors Eng! - language ; SAY REDS BROKE NAZIS it sqid the Privy Council hadi ysey. the: torm "state © Ue PP isto aha 06 does "a ser-(and health services. , given Newfoundland, which now|scribe Quebec and in their res-|\ |. injustice" to French-speak., The royal commission on bi- bec Bord . controls Labrador, "a territory/olution on federalism they in-|; " . Dispute Que ec DOr er lof 112,000 square 'miles consid-|sisted that the provincial gov-| "8 students. oe Aee Byte og] | : i It demanded a new scheme of ered up to 1927 as belonging t0/ernment express its statehood payments that would end the|the French language in the oviet ress co S QUEBEC (CP) -- Some 800!and subordinate them to a cen- Quebec." |by "turning down any formulalia iden of : armed forces and specially in | The delegates, who began the|for equalization payments and Bo yO Pag ge Gene the, alk force" pirawed delegates from St. Jean Bap-'tral government. ting Fri nd a I : : r) tiste societies across Quebec de-| In their resolution, they) lectin done: Ph astary ed | ba weactige in pg A A carried by the French-l ge' Two Quebec government eco- . nounced "'co-operative federal-|termed the concept "a form Of| ,ima . thele nee ureauient Sovinatat ane peaera™| universities. nomists spoke in favor of de- = '@ | an ings ism" and urged a revision of| Ut - and - out national suicide" But th i serail bs emer sesiai The federal government, the|creasing the federal defence the Quebec-Labrador boundary|and joined with Abbe Groulx in| : tag on rf resolutions) A Quebec radio and ae delegates said in another reso-|budget as the first cut in Ot- in a resounding climax Sunday\#@mending the special rights en e spotlight . the/network and a state - subsidized)jytion, should get out of the|tawa spending to release tax John Best, 35-year-old Ca- jder the name of Col. V. Anfi-| Anilov said the western front) to the annual convention of their|which: they said were reserved wy ering, which was made up|co-operative news agency fOr) field of student aid. money for provincial needs. 5 nadian with 13 years news- |lov. inlicted definite losses on the provincial federation. \for Quebec under the British ing 300 at pear hag gir ad sdohivee also were urged by * paper experience, arrived in | He asserted that the Western|Germans and thereby brought) Abbe Lionel Groulx, 86-year. North America Act of 1867. : nd ac Drank aii = Moscow a week ago to be- /Allies opened the second front closer their defeat: old advocate of self - determin-| ©n Labrador, the federation) Need come the first resident cor- |"only when the result of the| oe ation for French-speaking Ca-\condemned the 1927 settlement) # y However, the decisive role nadians, called pegerure Ween. (ot the issue as "a usurpation' | ' respondent of The Canadian |war was already pre-determined ' | ; . Press in the Soviet Union. |and anxiety had emerged in the|belongs to the Soviet people who/dians to join in achieving "a;°f Quebec territory, S P i" C [ A F RO NT vacation money? s \ This is his first story. ruling circles of the United|accomplished by their "gigantic state that's all our own' but, It urged the provincial govern- bd States and England that the|fight the greatest exploits of the one which would not "involve! ment to work for a revision of E N D Get an HFC Traveloan liberate the people of Europe! The Ivesia article, like to- The delegates declared "co-|appeal to the British Privy Join the thousands of By JOHN BEST lSoviet Army might very soon|Second World War." any kind of isolationism." the settlement either through » MOSCOW (CP) -- The Soviet| decl: [appeal to ress Sunday continued its cam-|from fascism by itself." day's Pravda article, was from) operative federalism" would/Council, which handed it down, and ; aign to minimize the Westera| Anfilov accused the U.S. and|Paris and complained that no/deny the provinces their rights|or by carrying the case to an : 5 raga ree travelers who ane "is a Sh! bal tt ee ' 'allied wartime landings in Nor-|Britain of delaying the landings|one at the ceremonies in|" gy a 9000000000073 go now--pay later" Suandy, representing them as alin the hope that the Soviet Un-|France was paying tribute to Spa tebe FORO ROO ORR R ORR we with convenient the fascist Germany|the Soviet people and Red) @& Farge) 00000000000000000 OOD0O000: Traveloans from HFC, bubsidiary operation by compar-jion and : 2 son with the advance of the|would destroy each other. He|Army. It did, however, concede : Cover all your travel Red Army. |said the Germans had 228 sl bdo} = the gps gah. Ave H Articles downgrading the D-|sions and 23 brigades on thejish and Canadian troops who * Fy eat expenses, and y scthieg Hi poe ago ap-|eastern front but only 59 "inad-|landed in France. The Red Star ee : aa a i nati tow equipped" |article made no mention of the ; he ; ny y PAVAl wee & SG & ) 0 in t ist party/equately trained and a , r canoes dled Romar Pe lereteions in the West, some of/Canadian troops at Normandy. shopping bargains 36 | so | 20 12 fomo'skaya Pravda, organ of which were drawn off by the ' along the way. months) months | months | months the Communist Youth League, |might of the Soviet offensive # ~ Borow. with conte i -12|$ 9.46 'ollowing similar commentaries | cee : F ' ie 23. ; at aturday in Izvestia and Red) . dence from HFC. 1000 | 41.451 58. Yar, Saturday was the anniver-- Humane society ots te thak MOST CARS Gas gual "1 | 94. 'sary of the landings. | Lac lebih Geen 58191 107798 * In Pravda, V. Ozerov wrote| Hikes Reward isa ACK 3000 COLORS pes LIFE INSURANCE Mars pepaate alate See a > hat while the Normandy assault TO CHOOSE FROM! : AT LOW GROUP RATES based on prompt repayment, but do net include the cast of ndoubted!. lerated th | } 19 ss 1 : : insur woamiait'ot Naat Germany. 1t| FOF Dog Killer -- By The Yard At jam d PLEASE PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT Soe ee Gas amends been] TORONTO (CP) -- A reward tte noe SESS ARLEIGH { un HOUSEHOLD FINAN broken by Soviet forces advanc- for informatior leading to con- i Ble og me ae faa: B R A K E $] 4 g 5 & ing from the east. It could not|viction of persons responsible es Pille can help bring SUPPLIES f R E LI N E 2 OSHAWA OFFICES Suite 208, Oshawa Shoppiitg Ctr.--Ph. 725-1138 Oshawa 'a Shopping Boa General Tire of Oshawa ie ee ee Centre ee f ; ; 534 RITSON RD. SOUTH 64 King ee eee 725-6526 725-3012 <= ' PH: 728- AJAX: 66 Harweed Avenue South....... Telephone 942-6320 epanonenaornanaanaanqaganennegaagagen0nn0nte 6-6221 (ever The Advert AOOOOOI OOOO OOIOIIOOIIIOICOOOOIOIOOOOOIDOOOO0OIO00NS | therefore have exerted a deci-|for placing elastic bands around you relief. Dodd's Pills (Osh Ltd.) sive influence on the course of|the muzzle of a dog near Lind- stimulate the kidneys to ¢ shawa A the war as a whole. say, Ont., recently has been in- help relieve. the gcd : da car-icreased to $200, Thomas causing the backache. Then | Sa i's tena tem the Novosti| Hughes, general manager of the you feel better and rest bet~ - | : Sorie ' ter. You can depend on press agency's Paris corres-|Ontario Humane Society an Dedd's Kidney Pills. 36 pondent saying 1000 000 WOOOOOO D-Day ceremon-|nounced Sunday. jes in Normandy boiled down to} The dog, @ part-collie, was the assertion that the landings |shot after it collapsed last week| marked a turning point in world/ on a township road, about 25 history and confirmed the need| miles west of Peterborough. Of- : nity, now embod-|ficials believed it had been un- ain NATO. able to eat or drink for at least orion dent c lained|a week before it was found. _ fhat nobody said a -- word a ee . * sat the ceremonies abo | | grossing of the Dniester River | A. E. JOHNSON 0.D. | a y The Red Army in June, 1944. | OPTOMETRIST 00000 XN) | a9 S ~~ 'ATTACK 18 SHARPEST 14V King St. East * urday's shar attack ap-| peered in Red. Star, organ of| 723-2721 e Soviet defence minister, un-' Specially recommended for basement and on-grade areas Do you need tiles for a basement apartment or rec' room, for kitchen, bathroom, hall or cottage floors? If so, order ea - | i these tough, hard wearing tiles while they're low priced! fence ; - | | i Their gleaming vinyl surface should resist scuffing, chip- pe : " | I ping, stains and fading; come clean with just a damp mop voce -- «= or sponge, and keep their "just-bought" look if you give them an occasional waxing. i Wi ' | : Se co Ci, @ Jaspe (streak) pattern comes in light beige with gold- e | : ey a a --" é * Ses colour, ivory with black, off-white with multi-colour, beige with white and brown, ivory with grey, beige and gold-colour, light coral, light aqua, mint green, topaz (Gold colour) with white. ... and save Spatter pattern in mushroom, white and beige, off- ge ,. AN i ee " white with beige, yellow and green, off-white with multi- as never , YD Lvs Dae a Sah 2 # of : ' ie colour, off-white with gold-colour. before! ... . EATON WATCH ies j ae We } TES Sneaks ; OSHAWA TIMES a ' , ' i ps te pecial Pic FOR DETAILS ' " _ eac } | WUMBERS ek. eee of | ae ea! * EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 273 PHONE 725-7373 Philishave | 'San-0-Matic' Travel Shavers Automatic Toilet Bow! Cleaner and Sanitizer AcWudiihdea ewan end Gaustey) Bouter). shover ex: Cleans, sanitizes and deodorizes with each flushing! Prevents stains pecially practical for travelling. Compact (approx. : irt the toilet bowl -- safe for septic tanks. The San-o-matic contains 2% x 3% x 15%"). Operates on 4 small pen-light a special chemical developed by DuPont which is dispersed into the batteries, Powerful dual rotary action. Smart zipper- . A 4 : x ed leather case with cleaning brush and protective toilet bowl and tank with each flushing and kills all bacteria and mirror. Cord con be obtoined to operate 19, 95 bacterial odours. Easy to install. Just on 6- or 12-volt car system. Each pO drop the plastic unit into overflow . pipe in tank. Original lasts six months B--Philishave Speed-Flex: Flexible double rotary on nan-commercial installation. blades adjust automatically to facial contours, Con- venient push-button cleaning action converts easily \ to European current. Hondsome gift presentation case, cord and cleaning brush, Each e just drop into over- Mow pipe in tank! Refills available at 1.00 each EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 254 PHONE 725-7373" 80 KING ST. E., OSHAWA STORE HOURS: 9:30 a.m.

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