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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jun 1964, p. 5

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WHITBY And DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St. West ' Manager: John Gault Tel. 668-3703 UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES UCW Probes Church Tars Topple Brooklin As Henderson Nets 4 . BY CLIFF GORDON Paced by a fine, four - goal effort by Paul Henderson, Port Credit Sailors Saturday night whipped an inept Brooklin Sr. Lacrosse team 7-4 in Brooklin. The _ 'was a windup. to the 'air Night' and saw a ban- ner crowd in attendance, (who at times were yawning due to lack of action by the Brooklin team). Dave 'Porky' Russell in the visitors' cage was a tremendous stumbling block for the local team who just could not get the ball by the big fellow on many occasions, Brian Ahearne chip- ped in with two goals for the winners while Bill Allen added a single. For the losing Brooklin side it was Ken Ruttan the big 220 - pound defenceman with two goals, Single counters went to Don Craggs and fleet - footed Grant Heffernan. Brooklin had won the first meeting of the two teams in Port Credit by a 12-7 count and may have been a little too sure of themselves, as they headed into Saturday nights game with their, won four, lost one record. The Sailors were fired up by their coach Elmer Lee who is still is sharp on that bench as ever. His fellows were not giv- ing the ball away, and when they did get it they knew just what they were going to do with it. They ran and they passed quickly and accurately, Some bad defensive lapses by the Brooklin team by less exper- fenced player's cost the locals at least three goals. Henderson started the ball rolling for the Sailors as he clicked at 8:39 of the first per- fod with his own team playing a man short. This is what really makes a coach smile -- to have his team score while the other club have their power play on -- and El- mer Lee did just that. Ahearne made it 2-0 just 66 seconds later as he caught a local defence player off guard. Henderson got his second goal Legion Ladies In Kingston Tourney Six members of the Royal Canadian Legion Ladies Auxil- fary journeyed to Kingston, May 30 to compete in a Regional Bow! Off with 24 teams com- peting. Members of the local team were: Mrs. Keith King, Mrs. John Jimmo, Mrs. Donald turgess, Mrs. Lloyd Hicks, Mrs. Mervin Dale and Mrs. Vernon Moore. The local team tied for the ninth position. Mrs, Donald Stur- gess brought home a trophy for runner-up in the high singles, a 298 single game. The top team was Campbel- ford with a score of 2,863 pins. They won by one pin over Pem- broke. Six teams will compete in September in Walkerton and this will be for the Provincial play- off of the frame with less than three minutes to play in the period and the outlook for the Brooklin team was somewhat dismal, to ws' the least, at this stage. uttan started the second per- iod off for Brooklin as he clicked at 1:04 on a pass from Bob Hanna, However, once again penalities proved costly to the home side and with two Brooklin players cooling their heels in the sin bin, Ahearne got his second goal of the night. The faceoff followed at centre floor and alert Grant Heffernan snagged a loose ball from the start and raced right in on Russell and made it goal number two for Brooklin. There appeared to be too much Henderson and not enough Brooklin in the balance of the period, The scoring ace of the Tar Boys added another pair as the period went on, getting the} last one as the buzzer sounded for the end of the stanza. Many felt the goal should not have counted, including the goal judge. However, the referees said "goal" and there was no use in trying to dispute- the point, This made it 6-2 heading into the home stretch and a long road to overcome, (something like Northern Dancer found out on Saturday too -- "you can not let them get too far ahead and expect you will catch up all the time)." In the third period the Sailors made it 7-2 amd many of the fans were starting to chant for some action. It came, but the damage was dong, Craggs scor- Motorcyclist Injured In Collision A West Hill motorcyclist was rushed to Oshawa General Hos- pital Saturday evening, after his bike collided with a car on High- Way 2 near Thickson's road. Terry Fifield, 22, of 6667 Kingston Road suffered head in- juries and lacerations to the face and right leg in the colli- sion with a car driven by Frank Greco, 27, of 303 Conant: street, Oshawa. The motorcycle was smashed up. A tierod on the wedding- decorated Greco auto was broken, and consequently it had to be towed away. - Both cars were eastbound. The collision was on the drivers side of the car. It occurred at 7:09 P.m., and traffic returning from Mosport Raceway was held up, up, mainly because of '"'gawk- drivers," as the OPP has come to call onlookers at accidents, Constable Doug Jordan of OP Whitby investigated the crash. It was at first feared that Fi- field might have suffered ser- ious damage to his right eye, but a midnight hospital check| This is the first attempt for|*liminated this. the Auxiliary and a very good) showing for the local ladies. | Many thanks to the Branch for} their assistance. 5-Year Fuss Brings Rails, | Unions To Pact CHICAGO (AP)--On Feb. 11, 1959, the Association of Ameri- can Railroads announced that | the U.S. railway industry was determined to end what it called) "featherbedding."' | Five years, 116 days and| three presidents later, an agree- | ment has been reached between the industry and five major la-| bor unions representing 210, 000 | workers, But before the Brotherhood of} Locomotive Firemen and En-| ginemen completed ratification | of the agreement Saturday, the | stormy episode echoed from} coast to coast. | The BLFE was the fifth and| final union to ratify the pro- | posals reached April 22 at the! White House after 13 days and nights of furious bargaining in which President Johnson play: ed| a prominent background role. | The railways claimed, in ef-/ fect,that obsolete work rules was costing the industry et 000,000 a year. Major provisions of the agree. | ment, which went into effect) Saturday, include seven, paid) holidays for all hourly rated em- | ployees; Expense allowance' for | road empoyees held away-| from-home points; adjustment | of water inequity for yard em-| poyees, and preservation of 100 miles as a basic unit of work WATCHED TOO INTENTLY | MANCHESTER, England! (CP)--Andrew Wilson sat in a} Manchester night club watching people being hypnotised on | stage, but he watched so care- fully that he went into a trance °| for seven hours. Police traced| the hypnotist, Canadian - born | Morton Carson, who went to the| hospital where Wilson was a} patient and woke him from the| * ed from Ruttan at 10:36 and Ruttan got his second goal of the game at 14:21. This was it as the Port Credit team really tightened up and Russell in their net was unbeatable. Brooklin are idle now until this Saturday night when they meet the Huntsville Hawks at the Brooklin arena. This ome should be a sizzler. The last time the two teams met, Brook- hn won a 10-9 decision in over- time, getting the winner with just six seconds to go. In the meantime coach Craw- ford and manager Morton will more than likely have some choice words of advice as they wrip them through their prac- tices. JUST TALKING..,... Paul Hen- derson had one of his better nights so far this year getting four goals... Ken Ruttan was the only repeat scorer for the Brooklin team who appeared well off their usual game. . They are not running nearly as well as they are going to have to, if they expect to win the league honors again this sea- son. . . Don Bruce is still side- lined with injuries. Ken Lotton was used very sparingly as he has a bad leg. . . Many of the members of the third line saw action mostly from the bench. . Perhaps a little fresh blood might have pepped the Brooklin team up a little, however that is up to the brass to decide. Ist PERIOD 1, Port Credit: Henderson, Ruse 8:39 2. Port Credit: Ahearne 9:43 Dmytrasz 3. Port Credit: Henderson, 17:49 PENALTIES -- Craggs 4:35, Ruse 6:12, Allan 6:30, Shipway 7:17, Olah 10:43, Ka- pasky 10:43, Heffernan 11:39, Tran 15:04, Burrows 19:08, Ahearne 19:08, Allen 19:18, 2nd PERIOD 4, Brooklin: Ruttan, Hanna 1:04 5. Port Credit: Ahearne 9:49 6. Brooklin: Heffernan 9:56 7. Port Credit: Henderson 14:41 8. Port Credit: Henderson, Ruse 19:59 PENALTIES -- Craggs 5:47, Luke 9:11, K. Lotton 9:46, Henderson 11:31, Dym- frasz 18:53 3rd PERIOD 9. Port Credit: Allen, Olah 9:38 10. Brooklin: Craggs, Ruttan 10:36 11. Brooklin: Ruttan 14:21 PENALTIES -- Craggs :38, Ruttan 2:02, Ahearne 3:58, Ruttan 4:45, Shipway 10:00, Kapasky 12:20, Henderson 12:45, Kapasky game misconduct, Shipway game mis- conduct 12:53, Brown misconduct 15:24, Russell minor for delaying the game 15:24, Flag Discussed By PC Women The Progressive Conservative Women's Association held its an- nual meeting in the IOOF Hall Friday, May 29 at 8 p.m. Elec- tion of Officers were held as follows: President Mrs, R. H. Bedell; first Vice President Mrs. J. A. Nixon; second Vice President Mrs. A. Robertson; third Vice President Mrs. Robert Langford, secretary Mrs. Eugene Quan- trill; and treasurer Mrs. Lorne Taylor. The Honorable Michael Starr attended and addressed the members. The question of the new Canadian flag came up for | discussion, The general feeling was in | favor of the Red Ensign. [problems raised before they Problems, Purposes On Tuesday, June 2, the Unit- ed Church Women of St, Mark's United Church met in the Sun- day School auditorium, esident Mrs, H, T. Fallaise opened the meeting with a poem "Little Things That Can- not'. Mrs. Fallaise welcomed all present, especially the Sen- ior guests. Mrs. L. F. Richardson, a member of Unit No. 3 led the devotional period taking for her theme "Doing Our Best'. Mrs_ Richardson said: "The will of God must have its right- ful place in life and this means that everything we do in our reguldr work and in our free time must be vocation. A direct call from God. Vocation is God's method to give order and mean- ing to Life; to free us from the very tensions that undisciplined activity creates." Unit No. 2, under the leader- ship of Mrs. H. H. Breckenridge was in charge of the program. The study topic was "The Christian in Church and Com- munity"'. A questionnaire was given out to each individual in order to get members thinking about were discussed, After this was answered the audience divided into groups. Questions such as "What is the purpose of the UCW? How can we include all women in the congregation in one fellowship without over- working those who are already carrying their share?, To what .Jextent to Bible Study and wor- ship play a meaningful part in the life of our congregation?"'. Many other questions aroused lively discussion, Unit No. 1 under the leadership of Mrs. A. A. Archibald were hostesses for the social half hour at the close of the meeting. MOTHER - DAUGHTER BANQUET The First Whitby Brownie Company A and B Packs held its Mother-and-Daughier ban- quet Monday, May 25 at All Saints, parish hall. The event was convened by the Brown Owls Mrs. H. Whale and Mrs. R. Hutchinson. Rev. Stanley Armstrong gave the blessing. Following the dinner the badge secretary Mrs. R. Haw- kins presented the following badges: Plane Clips Tree In Beach Landing, Man, Wife Die SIMCOE (CP) -- William James Leatherdale, 35, of Sim- coe and his wife Barbara, 34, were killed Saturday night when their single - engine plane crashed near a lighthouse at the tip of Long Point, two miles south of here in Lake Erie. Police said Leatherdale, an announcer known as Jim Dale at radio station CFRS here, was apparently trying to land on the beach when a wing struck a tree. Mrs. Leatherdale died on im- pact and her husband died about two hours after being pulled from the wreckage by the lighthouse keeper, William Ansley and his wife, Margaret. Golden Hand -- Shirley Haw- 's|kins, Barbara Hilton, Debbie Hiscox; Proficiency badges -- cyclists: Shirley Hawkins, Ste- phanie Whale, Debbie Dilling; Toymaker: Barbara Hilton, Di- ane Ing, Marilyn Schieder; House ordely: Stephanie Whale, Shirley Hawkins; Ath- letes: Debbie Hiscox, Diane Ing. Swimmer: Shirley Hawkins; Needlework: Diane ing; Artist: Linda Pearce; Minstrel: Shirley Hawkins; Stars: Third year, Barbara Hilton, Debbie Hiscox, Shirley Hawkins; Second year, Diane Ing, Marilyn Schieder. Tapes Sixer: Stephanie Whale, Debbie Dilling, Pat Morrow: Seconder: Karen Lawson, Judy Kyle, Pamela Fairbairn, Susan Balsam, Rev. Armstrong presented awards to the following inspec- tion Elves: Barbara Hilton, Ste- phanie Whale, Linda Fearce, Karen Lawson, Linda Dudley, Shirley Hargraves. He also pre- sented ettendance awards to Shirley Hawkins, Marilyn Schie- der, Diane Ing, and Pamela Fairbairn, An award was pre- '!sented to the Guide who sold the was special speaker and brought many new suggestions for the members. Mrs. McInnes of Toronto Branch of the Ex- tension Service gave an outline on the new short courses, Miss A. Janitis of Newmarket gave her report on Junior Girls work, and a Junior Girls' Club. A member from Port Perry gave a wonderful demonstration on "Clothes Closet Accessories"'. Mrs. Patterson, a senior mem- ber from Honeydale gave a talk on rugmaking in olden times and showed her hooked rug in the Women's Institute emblem design. It wyas a perfect replica of the Women's Institute badge. Mrs, Patterson told how they used to use different plants and vegetables to obtain the dyes for coloring. There was a wonderful display of handicraft from the differ- ent branches including two paintings which had been enter- ed for competition in the Pro- vincial Show. Election of officers were held in the afternoon and Mrs. Sam f s r another year. at. Beaton was at the organ and accompanied the soloist, Harry Rammler. Mrs. lowdale, cousin of the bride. Cawker is district president for|was maids were Miss Judith Whiie, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monduy, June 8, 1964 Lamory-Keys Marriage Set In St. Mark's United Mark's United Church, wwuliy was the setting Satur- day, May 30, at 3 p.m. for the marriage of Helen Mae Lam- ory, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ray Lamory, to John Paul Keys, son of Mr. John Raymond Keys, Oshawa. Whitby, Rev. John Smith officiated the ceremony. Mrs. J. The bride given in marriage by her father, wore a classical wedding gown of pure organza over taffeta with scoop neckline, The soft folds of the silk ront waist controlled the skirt. The scalloped yoke of bodice and elbow sleeves were em- bellished with appliques guipure lace, The back skirt featured bustle-effect folds and a cascade of fulness falling into a chapel train. crown of pearlized flowerets and crystal held her bouffant veil of pure silk illusion and An_ exquisite he carried a bouquet of red 'oses and white Shasta daisies. Peter Warmington, Wi- matron-of-honor. Brides- of Whitby and Miss Lynda Beatty, Hamilton and the junior brides- maids were Miss Debra Drew, Hampton. The ring bearer was Robert Williams, Ajax. The attendants wore similiar sheath turquoise dresses with full- length bouffant detach- able overskirts trimmed at the front waist with a self bow. were open pill boxes with front bows and wispy veils of silk illusion. They carried nosegays of white carnations and Shasta daisies. Donald Thompson, Oshawa acted as best man. The ushers were Larry Higgins, Oshawa, Edward Williams, Ajax, and Peter Warmington, Willowdale. For the reception held at St. Mark's Church Hall the bride's mother received the guests wearing a two-piece dress of pure silk Shantung and im- ported Chantilly lace in antique rose, featuring an all lace bodice with sheath skirt and matching jacket, her access- ories were beige. The grand- mother of the groom wore a dress and matching jacket of deep dusty rose lace over silk taffeta, the skirt featuring Their matching headdresses|¢° ton, Hamilton, Ajax, B Oshawa, Toronto, they wore corsages of roses. Brockville, One-Stop DECORATING SHOP ©@ Wallpaper ond Murele © Custom Draperies © Broodicom and Rugs © CLL. Paints end Vornishes @ Flo-Glaze Colorizer Pointe DODD & SOUTER Decor Centre Ltd, Phone 668-5862 107 Byron St. S., Whitby most cookies on "Cookie Day", Heather Holroyd, Gifts were presented to Tawny Owl Mrs. C. Hewis and Jr. Leader Jackie Whale. Rev. Armstrong spoke briefly thanking the Brownie, mothers for their co-operation during the past year. The dinner meeting closed with the singing of the Brownie Taps. Brown Owls are indebted to the mothers who as- sisted in-the: preparation of the banquet. WHITBY WI Sevyeral membyers of Which Greenbank Tuesday, May 27 to attend the Ontario South Dis- trict annual, Twelve branches were represented from the fol- lowing: Claremont, Altona, Brougham, Kinsale, Ajax, Pick- ering, Shirley, Myrtle, Honey- dale, Whitby, .Brooklin and Greenbank. Atfer a busy morning session a turkey dinner was served by the Greenbank ladies. Mrs, Sam Cawker, district president from Port Perry pre- sided, assisted by district secre- tary Mrs. William Heron, Brooklin. Mrs, G, Francy, provincial board member from Toronto BUY A THOUSAND DOLLARS With Monthly Payments of $14.57 For Five Years VICTORIA and GREY TRUST 308 Dundes St. W., Whitby 4 SPORT This Programme Presented By The Local g CALENDAR -- of -- Weekly Events! Business Firms of WHITBY and DISTRICT! CLIP AND SAVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE! W. C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD Ample Parking Facilities You don't have to play a sport to be @ good sport 110 Dundes St. £., Whitby 668-3410 GOOD SPORTS Support home town sports. HOME TOWN SPORTS SUPPORT THE LOCAL SUPPLIERS OF FUELS and BUILDING SUPPLIES SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED 244 BROCE ST, Ss, DIA! 668-3524 WHITBY, ONT GEORGE'S FINA SERVICE Tune-ups. Licensed Mechanic Free Check-Up Enjoy Carefree Holiday Driving PICK-UP & DELIVERY 668-4232 932 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY THIS WEEK'S SPORTS EVENTS BROOKLIN SENIOR: LACROSSE Home Game, Saturday, June 13, Huntsville at Brooklin, Brooklin Arena at 8:45 p.m. Away Game Wednesday, June 17, ot St. Catharines. LEGION PEE WEE HOUSE LEAGUE BASEBALL Monday, June 29, B and R Transport vs Kiwanis. 6:30 p.m. at Centennial Park. WHITBY PEE WEE ALL STARS Friday, June 15, Cobourg ot Whitby, 6:30 p.m. at Cen- tennial Park. PEE WEE HOUSE LEAGUE Monday, June 8, Silver's Refreshments vs Royals, 6:30 p.m. at Centennial Park. BANTAM BASEBALL Tuesday, June 9, Whitby at Port Hope, Game time 6:30 p.m. ANY TEAM CAPTAINS WHO WISH THEIR SCHEDULE PRINTED FREE OF CHARGE IN THIS SPACE, PLEASE CONTACT THE WHITBY OFFICE OF THE TIMES, 111 Dundas West, Whitby, 668-3703. HOOKER &. SONS LTD. YOUR BEST DEAL ON NEW AND USED CARS No. 7 Highway, 3 miles West of Brooklin General Motors Dealer For CHEVROLET---OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLET TRUCKS. CORVAIR BROOKLIN 655-4811 STAFFORD Brothers Lid. Monuments e-+ . of Distinction 668-3552 Whithy For Home Delivery of Ontario County's Only Daily Newspaper PH. 668-3703 Port Whithy Texaco PETER HUBER, Prop. Tires and Accessories Free Pick-up and Delivery COR, VICTORIA and BROCK ST, S. PHONE 668-3471 by Women's Institute motored to Evening BROCK WHITBY 'ALSO--Second Feature Attraction "SQUARE OF VIOLENCE" Last Complete Show Starts at 8:20 Shows At 7 and 8:20 Starring . Broderick Crawford Phone 668-2348 Furs and cloth garments summer safe from moths, fire and slean vaults, theft in our refrigerated Fully Insured, WHITBY CLEANERS LTD. 150 Colborne St. &., Whitby He Brings The World To Your Doorstep! IN WH Now At ITBY An All Time High 2170 COPIES DAILY! ABC AUDIT, DEC, 31, 1963 The Oshawa Times AUDITED CIRCULATION More and more Whitby families are subscribing to The Oshawa Times than ever b: efore . reason. Whitby folks realize that The Times. is the "hometown" daily n ewspaper that keeps their . and for a very good community informed of all local, national and international events, The Times also carries retail advertising from Whitby retailers that makes it practical for your shopping convenience. So do as your neighbors do, subscribe to The Times and know what's going on in and around Whitby. For the Best of the Days News... Get With The "Times"! FOR HOME DELIVERY Call The Times Circulation Department WHITBY 668-3703 She Oshawa Cimes OSHAWA 723-3474

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