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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jun 1964, p. 8

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@ THEOSHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 8, 1964 3 RECEIVING LINE AT YWCA TEA HONORING ITS NATIONAL PRESIDENT Mrs. M.. N._ Vuchnich, National President of the YMCA, was in Oshawa, Fri- day, to address the graduates at. the annual graduation ex- ercises. of Oshawa General Hospital, The Oshawa YWCA honored Mrs. Vuchnich at a reception and tea Friday afternoon. The receiving line are shown here in the grounds at | the _YWCA taking a _few moments. to relax. They are from the left: Mrs, George Telford, Director of Nurs- ing; Mrs. H. 8. Myers, presi- dent of the local YWCA; }-~* ¥ Mrs, E. G. Storie, wife of the Chairman of the Board of Oshawa General Hospital; and Mrs. Vuchnich. --Oshawa Times Photo '|square as a chair or I'd have : |resses, | 'Scholarships' Is Theme Of Y's Menettes Meeting Mr. president, |member of the Donald Brunt, a Oshawa 'ithe home of Mrs. dard. | 'Bishops' the '| The Paul William Alexander |, DEREK ANDREW Derek Andrew McCaughey is the one-year old son of Mr. and Mrs, Orville A. McCaughey, Labrador drive, and is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Byrns, Osh- awa and of Mr. George Mc- Caughey, Hampton. The three jcussed were the ' |Alexander Scholarship Fund" the "World Outlook'? and the Fund'. sc holarships jscholarship fund formed in 1954, was named for Judge Paul Wil- liam Alexander of, Ohio, U.S.A., the founder and first Interna- tional President of larships to young men training to be YMCA secretaries. dis-\the Y's Menettes, 'Paul William|jmportant and vital the work »}was .in the Definite plans were made for trip to the Crest Theatre in|-- Yoron:o on June Ll. 40th "will Y's Men 1,|Colorado, U.S., Clubs. This fund grants schol-|1964. president, past-|overeas delegates participating) fice, That was the end of py- and an enthusiastic|in Y's Men's International Con-|jama parties on our campus! Y's| ventions, | |Men's Club explained the for-|tions of key Y's Men's to over-|were the best parties of all. d }mation of the three main schol-|seas arship funds of the Y's Men's/ences. ' |Clubs, to the Y's Menettes C!ub'from one club to another the jat its recent meeting, held at|members are furthering Y'sdom Robert God-/in other and supports visita- conventions and With members countries. Mr. Brunts message association, It was announced that International be held at Estes on A bulletin was read by Mrs. confer- visiting | helped to see how the convention) Park, | June 24-28, the Robert Brandt, ANN LANDERS Ann's Opinion Dear Readers: Remember the letter from the college girl who wrote home that she had ben invited to a co-ed pyjama party, sponsored by her soror- ity? The family was, shocked and so was I. But, of course, I attended college back around the time earth's crust cooled and much has changed since then. I invited the current crop of college students to clue me. They did. By the thousands. I was told that co - ed pyjama parties are very much a' part of campus life and I must be known all about these gay romps --- complete with matt- Have a look at the mail:' Dear Ann Landers: Please do not print the name of my city or sorority, Two years ago our Greek group gave a pyjama party, We removed all the fur-| niture and put mattresses down) Readers Refute at Valley College we have py- proved by the administration so you know they are OK. Some nut is always trying to push things too far, which happened here last year. A freshman girl showed up in a black sheer nightgown with a matching neg- ligee. She was asked to leave. Im left with her. compared with son! Terre Haute, Ind.: college, the sponsored by the fraternities pure. Al] Greek letter societies Panhellenic Council and if they At Baltimore: Johnny Hop- jama parties and they are ap- self, Buster. a thing. sorry to say three fellows Chicago: At Northwestern the pyjama parties are Yawnsville the Evanston beach parties, I've been to both and boing--there is no compari- At state pyjama parties and sororities are 100 per cent are subject to the rules of the |weren't decent they'd be axed. kins we have an annual pyjama ball. Most of the kids wear flannel nightshirts or granny- type nightgowns. They aren't the least bit sexy You know perfectly well that nothing ser- ious is going to happen when kids are laughing -- and these get-ups are side-splitters. Davenport, Iowa: I went to Morningside College in Sioux City, lowa, when you did (class of '40) and maybe: we didn't have pyjama parties but those hay rides and barn parties were pretty swingin' little. socials, Remember?--Whitey Dear Whitey: Speak for your- I don't remember Ann Arbor, Mich.: At. the University of Michigan pyjama parties are out - moded. Roman toga parties are in. We wear bedsheets and sandals. Ithaca? N.Y.: Relax, Ann, our pj parties are tame. Come to Cornell and see for yourself, and please bring your own mattress, Peoria, Il.; Here at Bradley we do have co-ed pyjama par- ties and they are like a Sunday school picnic. Torrance, Calif: I never got into trouble at a pyjama party. It was at a picnic that I met The/arink cans fits the bill nicely. s Canny' Creations | Keep Sick Child Quietly Occupied By ELEANOR ROSS It's difficult enough at any time to keep a sick youngster! occupied and happy. But when the weather is beautiful and ail sorts of glorious goings-on are taking place outdoors,: the job becomes just about impossible. A good answer to the conva- lescent youngster's boredom is to get him involved in a con- tinuing, worthwhile activity, one that is not too taxing. We came upon one such idea. Making: toys out of used soft It is an enjoyable time that will afford the child an oppor- tunity to be creative. READY SUPPLY Provide the youngster with a table to work on in bed. If you don't have a bed tray, a per- fectly good substitute can be made from a cardboard box with an insert cut out so that the child's legs will fit comfor- tably underneath. Cover it with paper in a gay design with colored paper ands it with paste, Then a clown balloon and to the top of the ble-faced tape or | shaped like clowns mals. Here's how Junior m The child can paper another color to cut out" |clown'. and it bee 's jumper -- on can. ba Edna Ann HATS HEAD TURNING: SEPARATES Tropical Flowers Print, Plain. my Waterloo. Now the little toymaker will on the floor which is the cus-| tom, We also put a bed in the| corner and hired a professional | photographer to take pictures lof the couples in bed. We) | thought our parents would get |a boot out of the snapshots. We | were wrong. Unfortunately,) }some parents have no sense of} |humor. They sent up a howl! that was heard in the dean's of-| and [ think it's a shame. They| From Lexington, Ky.: As a Kappa Alpha Theta I can tell you that ne sorority here spon- sors pyjama parties. The frat- ernities put them on. Everyone wears underwear and nobody has ever gotten into trouble at a pyjama party--so far as I know. It's the motel parties that are dynamite. Here WORLD OF Beauty. AWAITS YOU HERE! Removes warts, -moles superfluous hair and painlessly by ELECTROLYSIS New Kree Imperial Machine now installed for your con- vermence MARIE MURDUFF Will be in Oshewa at the Genoshe Hotel June 8, 9, 10 PHONE 723-4641 San Bernardino, Calif.: H i | | H and | permanently | STORE ALL Your Winter Wearing Apparel at FANNING'S Launderers and Dry Cleaners i ! Box Storage, Bag Storage, All Fur Storage, Regular $ 9 Garments are Cleaned and H Poy Until Fall! 723-1149 25 Garments Stored in Fannings' Own Vaults. ung Up in Vaults. Nothing toe Call FANNING'S ONTARIO ST., OSHAWA | SHOPPING CENTRE Colors; Pirk, Blue White. Sizes: 10-to 18 PRICED FROM 3.95 |Edna Ann HATS OSHAWA ? Parents -- Young People Please Note:--SUMMER SCHOOL at the "World Outlook" set up by aifrom the Y Macrttes' Club of World Outlook Committee, London, Ontario, announcing the which under the guidance of|forthcoming Y's Men's Region- the Y's Men's Club Internation-|al Conference November 6, 7, al Director shall guide the club/8, in London in exchanges of correspondence, prs bulletins and overseas Y's Men's Clubs and succeed Mrs. Graham Nelson develop club programs on sub-|who has taken up: residence in Clemence Hewett was fellowship with elected_to publicity chairman to} OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE begins THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1964 please do so at.once as You may re- ~--If you havé not registered yet. there is only a limited amount of space left. gister by phone: Dial 725-3375. GET YOUR FREE COPY OF "YOUR INVITATION LODGES AND SOCIETIES REBEKAH LODGE NO. 3 The regular meeting of Osh-| awa Rebekah Lodge No. 3 was held in the Oddfellows Hall on) jlodge hall at 7 jects of current world interest,|Toronto. basically known as a brother or sister club approach. The Bishops Fund ties in with Oshawa Y's Menettes will be World. Outlook, but more direct-|held at the home of Mrs, 7.15 sharp, It was|ly into all the club's major ser- decided to end the Town -and|vices, in many ways Through the club's efforts in|---- Country supper Aug. 19 at Ann Sister/saving postage stamps of for- Holt's home, Courtice. Wednesday evening. NG Sister/Lena Harper consented to be eign denomination, government, Anne Cook presided assisted by VG Sister Vera Wirsching. one, also 13 PNG's were pres- ent. VG Sister read the sick-list report alsoland committee reported on the four members convener, An entertainment lyn: Fickes, dainty refreshments were serv- Vera Wirsching| ed by Sister Evelyn Twiddy and a social half hour spent. who worked in the Tuck Shop) at Hillsdale Manor in the after- noon. day would be June 14. Treasur- er Sister Lena Harper read the! financial report. The secre- tary, read the correspondence. Sister Anne Cook sympathy to the bereaved and a speedy recovery for the sick. An invitation for June 13 to Maybell Lodge, Port Perry, for the opening of the new Odd- fellows Hall. was received and accepted. Congratulations were extended to Maybell Lodge on their new lodge hall. An invitation was received and accepted to go to Orono on June 9 to confer the Rebekah degree. The bus will leave the NG expressed| INCOME "GAP In 1960 in the U.S |families it was $3, 233. , the me- PNG Sister Helen Kinsmen dian income for white families reported that Decoration Sun-|was $5,835, while for non-white @ Sister Nelda Thompson,| DRAPERY MATERIAL 98° yard and up Compare ot $1.98 yard M. & C. Dry Goods & Draneries 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 SHOPPING CAN BE EASY! READ AND USE TIMES FAMILY WANT or special issued stamps, three travel expenses mence. Hewett, street, The September meeting of the Cle- 785 Oshawa. HOUSEHOLD HINT Clean brass accessories of' rinse and dry thoroughly. PORTRAIT Make Your Appointment Today GYroland STUDIO 21 ATHOL ST. W. 723-3680 ce YOUR Palace by committee points are given for every one|soaking overnight in a vinegar When the roll cali was taken|was formed. Birthday greetings|cent stamp for they are resold/and salt solution. Scrub with a all officers were present but/were sung for PDP Sister Eve-|as used stamps. This fund helps|small brush, wash in hot suds, After lodge closed|to defray TO SUMMER SCHOOL" If you are taking the Aca without interruption of your You make your summer cou ment rather than waste, You can acquire useful, you secure employment in You will make new friends intelligent people. CLIP AND MAIL C NAME ....... ADDRESS . TELEPHONE ing or visiting the College for your copy. Get the facts .,. get them immediately! WHY TAKE SUMMER SCHOOL TRAINING? summer school enables you to toke Commercial options practical You can begin your training for a career in business by taking a regulor Business Course. LITERATURE -- NO OBLIGATION seme eeeeeneneneees simply by phoning, writ- demic Course at High School regular schedule, nt for something , . . acheive- skills that will help the future. and associate with ambitious, OUPON FOR FREE AGE oeececes. GRADE ...0+ RETAIL pearlized buttons, t. ORTHO Rose Dust in the pliable plastic squeeze duster takes the work out of rose care. One puff releases a power-packed combination of insecticides and fungicides lindane, phaltan, sulfur, DDT. Result: ORTHO Rose Dust wards off aphis, black spot, mildew, rose rust, red spider mites, Japanese beetles, rose slugs, thrips and many more.. . brings roses safely from bud to bloom! ORTHO AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS LIMITED ig SATO AAMC ATINN, COONS UND «tein ees felt * Oakville, Ontario +» New Westmi |. TMs PHALTAN ed | inster, B.C, binding; sheath ski 1253 SIMCOE NORTH AVAILABLE AT . OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE OSHAWA AVAILABLE AT . W. C. SCOTT NURSERY 128 LIBERTY ST. N., BOWMANVILLE ADS CALL THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT 1015 KING EAST AVAILABLE AT . A. W. Rundle Garden Centre OSHAWA 723-3492 SWAN I.H.A. AVAILABLE AT . SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA HARDWARE AVAILABLE AT .« VAN BELLE GARDENS HIGHWAY 2 3 MILES EAST:OF OSHAWA "The Friendly Garden Centre" SHOPPING CENTRE STEVENSON RD. ERS TO THRIFTY CANAD pletes the crisp look. Blue, grey or pink in sizes 12 to 18. ZELLERS 1A Open Every Day From 9:30 A.M. -- 6:00 P.M, Thursday and Friday 9:30 A.M, -- 9:00 P.M. 600 Crisp ColFoHTaBle SUMMER SCOOP! SEERSUCKER 2-PC. SUIT You'll breeze through the Summer months in this style-smart suit of ' seersucker. V-necked jacket has 34 sleeves, 'Arnel' and cotton self- rt com- JUST SAY CHARGE-IT NO-DOWN PAYMENT SUMMER-STYLEL SEERSUCKER SUIT CHARMER You'll move through Summer as crisp as can be in this 2-pc. suit of "Arnel and cotton seer- sucker, Sheath skirt is topped by a jewel-neck- ed jacket with 34 sleeves. Aqua, grey or pink with white stripes in sizes 12 to 18. A tashion scoop at Zeller's! Visit Zeller's Fashion Department... See Our Complete Line of Summer Styling ZELLER'S 6.99 DOWNTOWN STORE SIMCOE S. 4

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