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Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Jun 1964, p. 8

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OGH Class of '64 Attend Dance A Last Saturday evening, follow- ing the annual Alumnae dinner for the graduating nurses of Oshawa General Hospital at the Kinsmen Centre, a dance was held in their honor, The event climaxed an exciting week of activities, centered around the graduates, The graduates and their es- corts attending were: Miss Shirley Andrew, Mr. Murray Bruce, Miss Bonnie Cook, Mr. Robert Chadwick, Miss Rita Coulter, Mr, Joseph Goodfellow, Miss Joyce Crosby, Mr. Douglas McMaster, Miss Patricia Davis, Mr. Ross Kos- satz, Miss Carolyn Dunning, Mr, John Hare, Miss Edith Dun- ning, Mr, H. Hugenholtz, Miss Marguerite Dykstra, Mr. Doug- las Ells, Miss Barbara Even- iss, Mr. Gordon Pearson, Miss Judith Gray, Mr. Ronald Bell, Miss Judith Grierson, Mr. Thomas Ellis. iMss Bonnie Haines, Mr. Wil- liam Kornylo, Miss Pauline Haugh, Mr. Forrest Grierson, Miss Shirley Hicks, Mr. Neale © |McLean, Miss Judith Hiscocks, | |Mr. Robert Haslam, Miss Don- na Irwin, Mr. Pierre Carreau, Miss Diana Jacenty, Mr. John Nichol. Miss Pamela Jones, Mr. Bruce Clairmont, Miss Ina Kie- zebrink, Mr, Carl Cook, Miss Patricia Linsman, Mr. Ted Stone, Miss Marie Laviolette, Mr. John Griffin, Miss Helen Laxton, Mr. John Howden, Miss Christine MacDonald, Mr. John Sadowski, Miss Carol McMinn, Mr. John Augustus, Miss Joan ;Ormiston, Mr. Kenneth Craw- |ford, Miss Barbara Patterson, | Jand Mrs. J, Pierson, Mr. and and Escorts _ fter Graduation Mrs. J. Gregg, Mr. and Mrs. J. Halliday, Mr. and Mrs, K. Harper, Mr. and Mrs. V. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gray, Mr. and Mrs. J. Whyte, Mr. and Mrs. M. O'Connor, Mr. and Mrs. T. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. G. Wil- son Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Nadon, Mr. and Mrs. C. Coulter, Mr. and Mrs. R. Collins, Mr, and) © Mrs. M. Mountjoy, Mr. and) © Mrs. J. MacStevers, Mr. and Mrs. P. McCullough, Mr. and Mrs. , Gatchell, Mr. and Mrs.| 7 J. Simmons, Mr. and Mrs, F.| / Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. J.| 7 Kietz, Mr, and Mrs, G. Val-| © entine, Mr. and Mrs, E. Kofmel,| © Mr. and Mrs. L, Lepine. iy Mr. and Mrs. A. Kowal, Mr.| 7 and Mrs. C. Disney, Mr. and W. Courtney, Mr. A. Mayer, Miss M. Atkinson, Mr. and |Mrs. J. Bilenduke, Mr. and Mrs. J Haire, Mr. and Mrs, J. Mar- kle, Mr, and Mrs. W. Johnston,| : Mr. and Mrs. J. Nightingale, | ; Mr. and Mrs. W. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs, F. Herbert, Mr. 'and Mrs, J. Guest. | Mr, A, Burton, Miss P. Craw- forth, Mr, and Mrs. N. Rensink, Mr. and Mrs. W. Meldrum, Mr. jand Mrs, H. Ormiston, Mr. and |Mrs. B, Lehman, Mr. and Mrs. |W. Graham. | Dr. and Mrs, Lee, Dr. and} IMrs. D. McLean, Dr. and Mrs| This little girl will be a year IR. Rowsell, Mr. and Mrs. A.| 0ld tomorrow. She is Kelly |Skaife, Mr. and Mrs. Adams,| Lynn Adams, daughter of Mr. [Dr, and Mrs. F. Brereton, Mr.| 294 Mrs. Samuel Adams, and Mrs, G. Turney, Mr. and| Bowmanville. Her grandpar- Mrs. R. Ward. Mr. and Mrs.| ents are Mr. Gordon Yeo, En- r "TOMORROW IS HER BIRTHDAY and Mrs. Bowman- niskillen 'and Mr. Zachariah Adams, ville, Mrs, Bertha Bowmanville, is her great- grandmother. --Ireland Studio | Adams, The Graduating Class of Osh awa: General Hospital Schoo! « Nursing was entertained at te: with their mothers and friend on Thursday afternoon last ir McLaughlin Hall, The Supervisors and Instruc tors of the Nursing Staff were hostesses and served the mem. bers of the Class of 1964 and their guests. They were receiv- ed by Mrs. George Telford, Di-| rector of Nursing, Mrs. R. J. Gulliver, Associate Director of Nursing Service and Miss Gladys Hill, Associate Director of Nursing Educatin, Mrs. W. A. Holland and Mrs. J. C. Hep- burn poured tea from a table centred with white chrysanthe- mums and pink carnations. The Oshawa and out-of-town guests of the graduating nurses were: Mrs. Donald Andrew, Ajax; Mrs. David Warren, Pickering; Mrs. R. A. Bombay, Mrs. Ross Cook, Mrs. C. A .Weldon, Mrs. I, Coulter, RR 1, Bobcaygeon; Mrs. Sidney Boneham, Miss Barbara Robinson, Fenelon Falls; Mrs, A. E. Crosby, Lon- don Mrs. Ralph Davis, RR 1, Hampton; Mrs. R. Simpson, RR. OGH Graduates, Mothers, Friends Entertained at Afternoon Tea Mrs. R. L. Kinsman, Mrs. Wil- liam Coleman, Mrs. C, P, Hub- bell, Mrs Russell Wicks, Mrs. Edward Laviolette, Columbus; Mrs. Walter Groat, Hett, Toronto. Deegan, Mrs. G. D, Lees, Mrs. 'Irs. G. Scott, Miss L. MclIn- osh, Whitby; Mrs. J. R, Ja- 'enty, Mrs. J. Colleran, Mrs. 1. Porayko, Mrs.Harold Reid, Soe Hill; Mrs, Norman McDou- zall, Taunton; Mrs. R. Jones, Whitby; Mrs. 0. F. Russell, Lindsay; Mrs. J, L. Brown, Lindsay; Mrs. C. A. Atchison, Mrs. J. Rutherford, Orono; Mrs. A. McLaren, Orono; Miss H, Miles, Mrs, J. Sanders; Mrs. J. Bowers, Mrs. H. Edmondson, Mrs, C. V. Walker, Camp Bor- den; Mrs. H. Whitbread, Mrs. J. Austey, Mrs. L. Fisher, Mrs. A, Whyte, Willow Beach; Mr. B. Woods, Willowdale. Whitby; Mrs. Clairmont, Whit- >y; Mrs. H. Kiezebrink, Port Perry; Mrs. B. Michel, Raglan; Mrs. H. Mrs. H. V, Laxton, Mrs, G. E. B. A. MacDonald, Mrs. E. J. Wright; Mrs. H. A. L. Macdon- ald, Wellington; Mrs. J. Sadow- ski, Mrs. Carol Sekalski; Mrs. W. R. McMinn, Cobourg; Mrs K, McMinn; Mrs. John A. Mor- rison, Maple Lake, Haliburton; Mrs, Cecil Morrison, Bowman- ville; Mrs, .L. M. MdMurtry, Mrs. Donald MeMurtry, Mrs. Ralph Ormiston, Bowmanville; Mrs. Gordon Crawford, Mrs, E. Baker, Hampton; Mrs. G. Rob- ertson; Mrs. W. Patterson, Smith's Falls; Mrs. M. D. Rora-} Ane 4.28 WIFE PRESERVER Lubricate nails and screws with soap and they're easier to drive into wood or plaster. yg When you need "HOME-NURSING" Call a V.0.N. Nurse 725-2211 'Home-Nursing Care for beck, Belleville; Mrs. J. R EVERYONE" Young; Mrs, R. Richardson, | 1, Enniskillen; Miss Gladys Yel- lowlees, RR 1, Enniskillen; \Mrs. L.. T. Dunning, Granby, \Quebec; Mrs, Frederick Dyk-| |stra, Mrs. E. Jackson, Mrs.| |Leslie Eveniss. | | Mrs. G. M.. Burkhart, Mrs |N. K, Hezzelwood, Mrs, W. E.. Wise, Mrs. N. A. Grierson, Mrs.) P. Hatfield, Mrs, D. Haines.) A. Warren, Mr. and Mrs. R. | |Coombes and many others. | The report of the euchre and| WARREN VISITS RUBY DALLAS (AP) -- Chief Jus-|lins, Mrs. [Mrs, R. Davidson, Raglan; Mrs.| |R. Lee, Brooklin; Mrs, P. Col- D. Haugh, Trenton; Mrs. D. Ray, Mrs. D. Hopkins, ca engaged? lifetime token of your love and skilled jewellers guide Your diamond--the --should be chosen with re. Let Birks' attentive |Sister Elda Howard, The offi-|tice Earl Warren spent more you in making that |Mr. James Pipher, Miss Joan Oakville; Mrs. Leonard Walker, | TO LIVE IN OSHAWA ter of Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Colwell of Bowmanville and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Hugh Houston of Whitby and the late Mr. Houston. Married recently in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs, James Hugh Carson Houston are making their home in Oshawa. The bride, the former Linda Ann Colwell, Reg. N., is the daugh- Ireland Studio | Tee, Rorabeck, Mr. Paul Richardson. Miss Joan Rutherford, Mr. Robert Miles, Miss Donna Rus- sell, Dr. J. Barrajo, Miss Linda Sanders, Mr. Paul Edmondson, | Miss Frances Walker, Mr. Chris) Patrick, Miss Judy Whitbread, Mr. Henry Maynard, Miss Gail Whyte, Mr. Harry Cockburn, Miss Barbara Woods, Mr. Ralph LODGES AND lafternoon binges was given by SOCIETIES VICTORY LOBA NO. 583 The regular meeting of Victory Lodge was held re- cently in the Orange Temple with a attendance | cers and members of Victory|than three hours Sunday with Lodge extended their heartfelt|condemned slayer Jack Ruby in and deepest sympathy to Sister|the Dallas County Jail. Warren Martha Stirtevant in the sud-|went to the jail after spending den passing of her late hus-)some two hours earlier in the band. day at the Texas School Book The holders of lucky tickets|Depository, from where the bul- were Mrs, Rose Bais, Ajax; {lets are believed to have been Mrs. V. Hetherington, Fenelon Falls;. Mrs..L. Hess, Mrs. J. McCullough, Newcastle. | Mrs. G. Irwin, Enniskillen; LADIES! No Baby Sitter, | important selection... as young Canadian couples have done for four generations. -- I Mildred Carnochan, andifired that killed president John No Car Fare members. Worthy Mistress! Sister Mildred Carnochan pre-| sided assisted by Deputy Mis-| Mrs. Gladys Cockle, Winnipeg.|F. Kennedy Nov. 22. The jail A degree practise was held|'s across the street from the tress Sister Betty Atkins. and the officers were reminded | book building, Past Mistress Sister Elva\'® be present next meeting. | Vanslyke was welcomed back| A social hour was held when| after a long absence, Lodge|the members joined Brother) | opened with the reading of a|Fred Lewis and helped him to CHIROPRACTOR APPOINTMENTS | portion of scripture and prayer|celebrate 'his eightieth birth- Neck ond Shoulder: Paine | A ; | | |by the Chaplain, Sister Ger-|day. A birthday cake donated | PHONE AFTER 9 P.M. | MR. BERNARD "h i] Of Leading Toronto Solons | Experienced Hair Stylist | | Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C, HOME Societies Honor Father M. J. Darby | 25th Anniversary | The women's Auxiliary of Holy Cross and St. Philip's) Altar Society were hostesses at; a dinner in the Parish Hall, ery week, to honor the Reverend M. J. Darby on the occasion of his 25th anniversary of ordination to the Priesthood, Father Darby was presented with an anniversary cake to| , commemorate the event. | s, Mrs. Harry Gowanlock, presi-| ' | dent of the St. Philip's Altar So- ciety, imtrodu the guest| speaker, Right Reverend Paw Dwyer. Monsignor Dwyer con gratulated Father Darby on his anniversary and spoke about his| own trip to Rome and his audi-| ence with the Pope. Mrs, William Patterson thank- ed Monsignor Dwyer for his in-| accepted a position on the | teresting and enlightening talk.) staff of Central Collegiate and Other members of the clergy| will begin her duties this fall. present were the Reverend Pat-| She is the daughter of Mr, and rick Darby, the Reverend Fran-| Mrs. J. A. Aughney, Eastlawn | | street; is a graduate of Dr. og bag edn the saigbnen F. J, Donevan Collegiate and | _| received her Bachelor of Arts | Mrs. J. T. Mullen, past-presi-) degree from the University of | dent of Holy Cross Women's) Toronto last Thursday, June 4. | Auxiliary presented Father} --LeRoy Toll Darby with a gift and a spirit-| = ual bouquet on behalf of the} OLIVE GRADING Auxiliary and Mrs. M. V. Dar-| Olives are graded in as many laston, past-president of the St.| as 13 different sizes, from large Philip's Altar Society, presented) through jumbos and supercolos- |Bruce. | Others attending were: Mr. iG. Balsdon, Miss M. Perry, Mr. land Mrs G. Rideout, Mr. and |Mrs. B. Mulder, Mr. and Mrs.| iS. Millson, Mr. and Mrs. M. iVice, Mr. and Mrs. A, Dionne, |Mr. and Mrs. A. Keetch, Mr. land Mrs. J. Brinning, Mr. and Mrs. A, Carter, Mr. and Mrs. |S. Knight, Mr. and Mrs. G |Hughes, Dr. and Mrs. A. G.| Stocks, Mr. and Mrs. P. Her- mansen, Mr. and Mrs. J. C, Henderson, Mr, and Mrs. D. Stutt, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jeffrey, Mr. and Mrs. B. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. -O. Stinson. Mr. and Mrs. C, Carter, Mr. | |J. Dickson, Miss D. Bragg, Dr.| land Mrs, J. Macdougall, Mr.| ",\and Mrs. D. Henry, Mr.- R.) a Woods, Miss D. Anderson, Mr. | ~. |and Mrs. G. Tanton, Mr. and : iMrs. J. Nigh. TO TEACH HERE aca'ste 1 Dettart, Mr Miss Theresa Aughney has | BIRKS JEWELLERS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE : ; Nervous Stomach trude Sommerville. lby severa! Sisters was served. Boab tc 100 King St. E. 728-5156 || The toughest clear beauty ever brushed on wood new uleer ... the superior urethane finish € ca FOR THE FINEST IN Custom Made DRAPES SEE M. & C. Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 ON BOATS ON LAWN FURNITURE a gift on behalf of that society.| sals to super supremos. Father Darby expressed his| rane a appreication and thanked the members for the dinner in his honor. A chip and dip set was won by Mrs. A. L. Hanson on a ticket drawn by the guest of honor. WATCH To-Morrow"s "TIMES ' For Our 20' SALE Scotts. Fosters CHICKEN VILLAS 295 SIMCOE SOUTH Without hestitation get spotted, grimy or personal attention to Baker's pamper rugs, "Over 80 Years' | Experience" Your local Ageht... a co. ROSS E. MILLS Leee®O SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 728-6218 Who Provides Preferred Treatment ? I'd definitely say "Ba- ker's". Most rugs and carpets are made to take a lot of punishment .. . but when they stained you can be sure of the "just-right" cleaning job when you use Baker Cleaning. Their skilled specialists give every cleaning problem. treat them kindly, bring back their beauty. Gentle cleaning, but oh so thorough! Call Ross Mills (local agents) have them pick up your rugs today! ) "JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL" BAKE C \KER Cleaning Co. LTD. to S Oshawa . . . watch for it! 973 SIMCOE NORTH ON TABLE TOPS Now from Monsanto -- whose cre- ative chemists brought you REZ, the finest finish for wood -- comes new uRez, a super-hard clear ure- thane finish with unusual abrasion and mar resistance properties. Truly the toughest clear brushed on wood! _/t's easy-to use! Simply brush on... for clear. beauty that won't chip, crack, peel or stain . .°. resists alcohol and household 'solvents. OSHAWA Can, Pittsburgh Industries Ltd. 273 Simcoe St. S. | Edqar Paint & Wallpaper | 34 King St. W. beauty ever CLEAR FINISH uRez is that out applied t or Satin. Jackson & Reike Hordwore Ltd. 500 Rosslynn Plaze Peacock Lumber Ltd. 328 Ritson Rd. N. John Swan Hardware Ltd. Oshewe Shopping Centre MONSANTO different from anything you've ever used ... gives a finish lasts any conventional varnish, shellac or lacquer! But you be the judge! Drop in to your favourite paint or hardware store. Tell 'em you want uRez-- the toughest clear finish ever o wood. In High Gloss : CANADALIMITED Bucuieci MONTREAL © OAKVILLE © VANCOUVER fs ' Upton's Paint & Wallpaper 25 Bond St. E. Oshawa Wood Products Courtice and Oshawa Shopping Plaze BROOKLIN Mitchell Bros. umber ORONO Orono Lumber

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