Oe ae foe tr oPtlies se we eee ie (oe ne eee TyEerepe Bete rm rar ABOUT CHARM Perfumes Subtly Reveal Femininity * By NANCY TAYLOR I.am: curious about some of ' the history behind perfuming. Oey zt true that men used to use} J s Dear $.F.: Did you know mae perfumes 'and scents have been. used since the beginning of time? Probably the first use was an offering to the Gods by Heathen priests. Later, these priests became the healers and .doctors fer. their tribes, and perfumes were used as healing oils, as well as to drive away eyil spirits from the body. Throughout history, no royal rite or ceremony was ever held without fragrance having: its TIPS FOR GAL TEENS By ANNE WALKER Summer is almost here and we should be ready for it when it finally arrives. Therefore, here are a few '"'Head to Toe" hints for summer. ; Special Hair Care. Summer sun and breezes are hard on hair, so give it a healthy start by having all those split ends trimmed away. If your hair is dry, treat yourself to a few conditioning oil shampoos. And do protect your hair from the sun with a kerchief or beach hat. Big bonus this year in both kerchiefs and colorful head- wear for the beach! Finally, brush your hair faithfully. Brushing is necessary for those sleek, smooth hair right for this season. Next on your list -- your complexion. For daytime, your tan is make-up enough -- you don't need powder base and powder. Make life a_ little easier (and cooler) and use just a foundation lotion or moistur- izer. Then have fun and em- phasizeé your eyes and lips. There are wonderful muted, greyed tones in eye shadow, and for a change, the summer snades of lipstick are brighter and more vibrant than past trends. Get rid of all those extra pounds by sensible diet and exercise -- practised every day, not just once in a while. Let's face it,- you must look your sleekest and best, for swim suits and sportswear. Back to the skin topic again-- be sensible about the sun -- you all know the rules. Acquire your sun tan gradually and use a lotion for protection against burn. LEARN TYPEWRITING * DICTAPHONE e BOOKKEEPING @ SHORTHAND SUMMER CLASSES START JULY 2, 1964 THE CANADIAN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 5214 SimcoeSt. N. 728-7081 styles so own place among the rituals or festivities. PEPSLUGEL ESET ETTRERTN EEE PLETED gE RE "2A THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 16,1964 Both the men and women of -jancient Greece loved perfume. , «+ the men using the perfumed oils' for their elaborate baths. And the art of perfumery was passed on by the Greeks to the Roman Empire . . . when fa- mous Roman beauties thought it necessary to have various types of scents for each different part of the body. Some Roman beau- ties even had different perfumes created for each separate room in their home! During the French Renais- sance many lovely ladies of the court would change the scents in their drawing rooms according to the day of the week, and even according to the time of day! There are stil] exotic spots in the world where the art of per- fumery occupies a good part of every lovely wome'ns day -- particularly in the Orient. Of course, we haven't the time in this country to anoint our- selves with various oils .. . bathe in fragrant rose water... then follow a lengthy ritual of scenting our hair and painting our fingers and toes with fra- grant ointments -- or even of continuously draping our bodies with garlands of jasmine as do the lovelies of the South Sea Isles. But we do have time to re- member that perfume stimu- lates the atmosphere of beauty and joy in life. And, as I said before, perfume is the most sub- tle means of revealing your fem- ininity that you can use, YOU CAN HAVE The Mailed To You... "VACATION RATES The Oshawa Times Will Be Mailed To Your Vacation Address At The Regular Carrier Rate of 45c per week Just Call 723-3474 The Circulation Dept. or Complete The Attached Form. It Will Be Just Like A Letter From Home . . . When The Oshawa Times Arrives Each Day. BRINGING YOU ALL THE NEWS AND YOUR FAVORITE FEATURES Oshawa Fines Bg MAME... ee ee ee ee - HOME ADDRESS .. STOP HOME DELIVERY ... VACATION APDRESS eoewee eee ere eee eeeeSetereeeoereeoeee eee eee eecersee eeesvneeeeeoed eeeeveevesceoaeee? RESTART HOME DELIVERY .......+-6 ePoeeeceeo eee eeeeneeere CIRCULATION DEPT.-OSHAWA TIMES 86 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO CS Ce ey eeoeesneve oe VACATION SUBSCRIPTION ORDER YOUR