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Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Jun 1964, p. 7

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TO RESIDE AT BRAMPTON Jean Mildred, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert J. Stacey of Bowmanville, re- cently became the bride of Stanley Ralph Tindale, of Brampton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Tindale, Beaver- Women Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA T' IMES, Tuesday, June 16,1964 7 For St. Mary of The Caholic Women's League of St, Mary of the Pecjie Parish ended its year's activie ties recently with the annual pot luck supper convened by Mrs. Fred Lawless and co-con- vened by Mrs. Donuid Branch. Mrs, Max Coleman, president, welcomed the members and in- troduced the head table guests: PERSONALS the Reverend Norbert J, Gig- mac, pastor and spiritual dire- tor; Mrs. Gregory Carter, Ciaiz- A party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Meredith, Wychwood avenue, recently to honor Mr. W. Kerr, tne retiring Assessment Commissioner for the City of Oshawa. The staff presented Mr. Kerr with an engraved wrist watch, Mrs. Kerr and a few of the staff wives were also present. A group of Oshawa Square Dancers recently spent a jolly, Fiweekend at Wig-a-Mog Inn on * ton. The ceremony took p!ace in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs, Tindale are making their home in Brampton, Ontario. Aston Studio. Bowmanville. Family Compared To Garden : At Westminster Westminster UCW dealt with the glories of spring in one's UCW Meeting different points in the program. Mrs. Scott explained how the Lake Kashagawigamog in Hali- burton, Dancing was enjoyed; both in the Recreation Hall and outside on the beautiful. grounds Miss Bonnie Teatro Is Honored At Showers, Parties Miss Bonnie Teatro was hon- ored at many showers prior to her wedding this Saturday, June 20, 1964, to Mr. Larry Metcalf. neighbors held a shower at the home of Mrs..D. A. Brown, Masson street. The bride-to-be received 30 pieces of her ery-| stal and numerous items for) pantry shelf. A presentation of crystal was made to the bride-elect by the members of the bridge club of the prospective bridegroom's mother, Mrs. Arnold Gardner. The neighbors and friends of Miss Teatro, held a miscellan- of the Lodge. Good food and good fellowship were highlights of the very successful holiday. E.|Among those present were Mr. and Mrs, Harold Davis, Mr. Mrs. A, §. Evans, Mr. Mrs, Stanley Gales, Mr. Mrs; Bruce Hayes, Mr. Mrs. William Human, Mr. and Mrs. James Hedge, Mr. an Mrs, Gilbert Jack, Mr, and Mrs. George McKinstry, Mr, and Mrs. William Meredith, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mitchell, Mr. and and Mrs. J. Keith Wickens. Mrs, Lawrence Allen'and Mrs. Frank James will receive the Ardent Workers Unit 8 of the UCW at Mrs, James' home, King street east, on June 17. Those pouring tea will be Mrs, Joshua Kinsey, Mrs. Noble Met- calfe, Mrs, Newton Edgar and Mrs, Lawrence Cryderman. | Mrs. A. J, Parkhill, chairman lof the Oshawa Advisory Board of the CNIB, will pour tea at the Lionettes' Strawberry Tea to be held on Wednesday, June 24,} at Hillsdale Manor. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gold- stein, Simeoe street north, re- turned recently from a month's vacation, touring Israel, Italy, | Switzerland and France. an and and and | AUXILIARIES HOLY CROSS WA UNITS, GROUPS ® man, Ontario County South Re- gional CWL; Mrs. Robert Mac- key, president, St.John the Evangelist CWL Whitby; Mrs. John Cardinal, president, Fed- eration des Femmes Canadi- ennes Francaises; Mrs. Ronald Gibbs, first vice-president, Mrs. Leonard Weeks, 2nd vice-presi- dent; Mrs. Rudy Nagel, 3rd vice-president and Mrs. William Edwards, treasurer of St. Mary's CWL, Father Gignac said grace and the hymn, "Mother Dearest, Mother Fair- est" was sung. The minutes and correspon- dence were read by the secre- tary, Mrs. Robert Knapp. Mrs. William Edwards gave the treasurer's report ana dis- tributed tickets to be sold on a chest-of linen in connection with the bazaar to be held November 16. SOCIAL NOTICES Pot-Luck Supper Ends Season the People CWL | The president thanked Mrs. Hart Williams ang her commit- tee for convening a successful rummage sale, ' Two new members were in- troduced by the membership convener, Mrs. Weeks, Mrs, Weeks also reported on the plans for the bazaar, November 16 and asked for more help. Mrs. Kenneth Johnston report- ed that St. Mary's has been ap-. proached to form a church bow» ing league. Nameg drawn for daily pray- ers were Mrs. Forbes McLaugh- lin, Mrs. Douglas Meagher; Mrs. Harold Chinn, Mrs, Robert Free- man and the most abandoned soul in purgatory, Congratulations were extend- ed and a gift presented by Mrs. Coleman on behif of the mem- bers to Father Gignac on the occasion of his 19th anniversary to the Priesthood. Highlights of the 44th annual Archdiocesan convention held recently at the Royal York hotel in Toronto were presented by Mrs, Coleman, Father Gignac conveyed the regrets of Father's Courteman- che and Coattes for being un- able to attend the supper. Father thanked the members for the gift and for their help in the Parish this past year. An 'announcement was made by Father that the Reverend Awaka of the Congo will be ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Tait, Ajax, wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Gail Marlene, to Mr. Donald Arscott, son of Mr, and Mrs, Harry Arscott, Dunbarton. The wedding is to take place on Saturday, July 4, 1964, at 3.00 'm. in St. Paul's United Church, Ajax. ENGAGEMENT and Mrs. John Joseph Mr. here for the summer again this year to assist the Pastor. Winner of the 50-50 draw was Mrs, Robert Mackey. Mrs, Ronald Gibbs conducted bingo for the members assisted by Mrs, Thomas Madigan. The Mrs. Madigan, Doreen C. Drew Charles T. Reid Exchange Vows Chapleau, Ontario, will be the home of Mr, and Mrs, Charles Thomas Reid following their wedding recently in Simcoe Street United Church. Mrs. Reid is the former Doreen Clara Drew, daughter of Mrs. Alice Drew, Bloor street east. Mr. Reid is the son of Mrs. John very Chapleau, and the late Mr, The Reverend John K. Moffat officiated and the soloist was Mrs, Elliott Van Driel, Bow- manville, accompanied by Mr. R. G. Geen, Escorted down the aisle by her brother-in-law, Mr. Thomas deJong, the bride was given in marriage by her mother, She chose a semi-formal gown of silk chiffon featuring a scoop neckline, short sleeves and bouf- fant skirt. The skirt was en- hanced with shirring down the front, edged with lace. Her cry-|. stal crown held her short veil of tulle illusion and she carried a cascade of pink roses and lily of the valley. The matron of honor was Mrs. Thomas deJong, wearing a pink silk chiffon sheath with match- ing overskirt, scoop neckline and short sleeves. She wore a matching veiled hat, pink ac- cessories and carried a nosegay of pink carnations. The best man was Mr. John Reid, Chap- leau, Ontario, and the usher was Mr. Harold Drew, Oshawa. The reception was held at the Church Auditorium where the bride's mother received wearing a turquoise sheath with match- ing hat, white accessories and a corsage of white carnations. The bridegroom's mother assist- ed wearing a green print sheath with self three-quarter coat, matching hat, white accessories and a corsage of white carna- A LOVELY ONE This lovely little lady was one year old yesterday. She Before the couple left on. a honeymoon to northern points the bride changed to a turquoise two-piece walking suit, white ac- cessories and a corsage of white carnations, _ Guests were present at the wedding from Chapleau, White River, Chatham, Toronto, Bow- manville, Hampton, Dundas and tions, Buffalo, New York. is Nancy Doris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Hewitt, Beaufort avenue, and is the " granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. David S. Jamieson, Osh- awa, and of Mr. and Mrs. ~ Alexander Hewitt, Carnarvon, Ontario. Her parents are Mr. Joseph Hewitt, Minden, On- tario. --Aldsworth Photography evening was closed with the singing of original songs by | | Kroll, Oshawa, announce the en-| of their daughter, | eous shower at the home of] The Women's Auxiliary of|828ement ; j | Mrs. A. C. Ferries, Jr., Hortop|Holy Cross Roman Catholic|J94% Frances, to Brian Richard) street. |Church held its monthly recent- Seaton, son of Mr. and Mrs,, Mrs, Lloyd Ayre and Mrs.jly meeting recently in the par- Richard Seaton, Brampton, for-) Boyd Ayre, aunts of the fature|ish hall with the président,|Metly of Oshawa. The marriage} personal garden, at the June/"'spiritual green thumb' was meeting held recently, 'compared to the "gardener's rs. Clarence Scott comment-|green thumbs". This could be ed that the prize garden should/natural for some people and other people found it a difficul- te ane apne axcmnggrsmee _-- consist first of peas. These rep- resented the promptness and presence at'a meeting with perseverance and all prepara- tions made for it. The rows of squash represented the indiffer-|, ence,gossip and criticism in one's life. The lettuce rows represented the love towards one another, being loyal and faithful to all, and obeying rules and regulations, The tur- nips reminded one to turn up for meetings regularly and on time wearing a smile and al- ways showing some effort and determination to make the meetings successful. The hymn, 'This is my fa- ther's: world', was sung accom- panféd by Mrs. Chesley Burton at the piano. Mrs. John Um-| phrey read the scripture lesson from-_Matthew 13, 1-9. Mrs. Bruce Sharrard accompanied by Miss Marilyn Scott sang, "The Beautiful Garden of Pray- er', and "Precious Lord, Take ty. Comparing the gardener's green thumb, some people could grow flowers on rocks and other people had bad luck at any time in good soil, Seeds were like the words of God working in the homes everyday. If parents set ja good example, it was hoped |their children would naturally grow up to be a good child. | 'If a bad seed was planted jin the garden and it didn't grow jit was replaced. If some children watched bad movies on TV or read bad books, they will want others. A wise parent would guard and watch his or her own children and weed bad habits out. Home} influence could accomplish won- ders in growing human gardens. Mrs, Chesley Burton gave a reading on India, The business part of the even- ing was conducted by the presi- dent, Mrs. John Redko, A des- sert tea, floral arrangement de- monstration and home baking My 'Hand, Lead Me Home", at il. Gillllla : # Ls KENNY CELEBRATES TODAY Kenneth John (Kenny) is a year old today and looks quite happy about it. He is the son Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Prescott, Cordova road and e grandson of. Mr: and Mrs. John Strumbiski and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Prescott, all of Oshawa. --tIreland Studio Ye MONEY ON TERM 728- 4 GUARANTY TRUST CANADA'S LARGEST INDEPENDENT TRUST COMPANY $2 KING ST: E, TN EARNS 1% DEPOSITS 1653 bridegroom, held a miscellan- eous shower in Bowmanville. Another aunt, Mrs. Wesley. Werry, held. a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Er- nest Rogers in Keswick. Miss Teatro's co-workers at General Motors had a supper shower for her where she was presented with a pyro-ceram covered casserole. A miscellaneous shower was given by the future bride's at- tendants at the home of Mrs, Eugene Patterson, Gaspe av- enue, the matron of honor, Following the rehearsal. the wedding party will be entertain- ed at the home of the prospec- tive bridegroom's mother, Mrs. Arnold Gardner. sale was planned for June 17, 1964 in the church basement. Tickets would be . available. Evenyone was asked to remem: ber the date. The Reverend John Porter commented on the members' work during the year for Westminster United Church betterment and hoped for big and better events in the future. Hasty notes and Christmas cards with a picture of West- minster United Church on them was raise money in the group. Re- freshments were served by the ing. The next general meeting of Westminster UCW will be in the fall, Monday, September 14, 1964 at 8.00 p.m. with Mrs. Jack and Mrs. Kenneth Brown charge of the program. These hose are just the thing for that special occasion. Fashionable, glamorous, yet Ay and cool, ull foot in above knee style... they give correct support--the kind doctors recommend, were being enquired about, It} hoped that these would! make useful gifts as well as) members in charge of the meet-|' Allan, Mrs. V. W. Greenaway) in Mrs. A. L, Hanson, presiding, Mrs, Joseph Callahan, wel- fare convener, stated 19 arti- cles of clothing were given locally, Mrs. Leo Karnath stat- ed she made several visits to sick members. Plans were made to have a bazaar on November 10, 1964. Mrs. Joseph Callahan will be general convener,' and Mrs. J. T. Mullen, co-convener, Refreshments were served by the members, The next meeting will be held September 8. UAW AUX. 27 The Women's Auxiliary No. 27 of the UAW met recently at the UAW Hall. The meeting was preceded by an enjoyable pot-luck supper. Brother Al- bert Taylor, president of Local 222, UAW, installed the new officers for the coming year. members for helping the local in the past years. Various committee reports were read. Sister Mary Turner reported flowers had been sent He spoke briefly, thanking the} man Catholic Church, Oshawa. | | to Sister Elizabeth Parn who} was in hospital, It was an- {nounced that the children's pic-} |nic would be held Sunday, June 28, at Springhill Park. It was asked that children's names be handed in to Sister Viola Coolidge, Sister Simone Brennan or Sister Rose Ellis by June 16. Anyone wishing to help issue tickets for the UAW picnic was asked to please call Sister Viola | Pilkey. ings would be held during July) and Auguset, A game of bingo was enjoyed. | FOR THE FINEST IN Custom Made i@ DRAPES | CHIROPRACTOR Neck and Shoulder Pains Nervous Stomach Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C. | 100 King St. E. 728-5156 || SEE M. & C. Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 | | | | "IT WAS A folks. Take a tip from me .. cleaned "just-right" . . . 12.95 MEDICAL PHARMACY LTD. 300 King Street West, Oshawe, 728-6277 MEDICAL ARTS BUILDING "Over 80 Years' Experience" Your local Agent... ROSS E. 80 SIMCOE NORTH The surprised, pleased look on my parents' hove made. you giggle too! The men from ROSS MILLS had just returned our Baker Cleaned" rugs. | tell you the rugs looked better than new! look to BAKER CLEANING. Simply call ROSS MILLS, their local agent, they'll take care of all details. "JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL" O. LTD. SCREAM ! !"" faces would It really astonished :::; . when you want your rugs CARPET BAKER Cleaning Co. MILLS PHONE 728-6218 will take place on Saturday,| July 18, 1964 at 12 o'clock noon| in St. Gregory the Gicat Ro-| It was decided that no meet-|f "Charge It" 'Old Spice' After \\ \ \ Shave Lotions, Colognes, Shower Soaps, Pro-Elect- rics, Deodorants, Talcs, and Hair Grooming Aids, EVERY MAN WILL APPRECIATE AN 'OLD SPIGE' GIFT. eeu.ernS GIVE DAD A 5 PORT SHIRT HE WILL LOVE THESE Smartly styled cotton. short sleeve shirts, Come - pletely washable . . . all colors, prints, solids. Pick Up 3 or 4 At This Low Price! OLD SPICE THE TOILETRIES WITH REAL "MAN APPROVED" APPEAL Wide Assortment _Of Favorites Number of choices for men. OLD SPICE 1.690 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE STEVENSON RD. 723-2209 ZELLER' DOWNTOWN SIMCOE ST. S. 723-2294

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