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Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Jun 1964, p. 20

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Bip "THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 17, 190. ' "IN BOWMANVILLE 'Pontypool Youth In Court 75 Minutes After Offence to the - BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- At {10.30 a.m. yesterday the Bow- 'manville provincial police de- tachment 'received: a report of ia break-in at.a Pontypool farm ihouse. Bs Just one hour and 15 minutes later, at 1145 am., Charles Caldwin,. 16. of Pontypool, ap- peared in, magistrate's court ihere charged in connection 'with the offence. Magistrate R. B. Baxter re- manded Caldwin out of custody for one week to enable the Crown to produce two witnesses. OPP Constable Bruce Tillson told the court he investigated the break-in at the Gordon Mit- chell farm house. "When I got there Mr.. Mit- chell's father had this young Jad in custody. He told me he had' observed Caldwin walking down by a fence that runs be- hind his property," testified the OPP constable. } Constable Tillson added that he was told Caldwin was observ-| ed by Mr. Mitchell Sr., entering} the back door of his son's farm.) Mr. Mitchell called on one of| the hired hands and caught} LOBLAWS roien* SUARANTEED TENDER BEEF PRICES EFFECTIVE JUNE 17, 18, 19, 20 the youth in the upstairs portion|the two men coming of the house. }house." Caldwin testified he had gone Franz Mikula, RR 1 Kendal, to the house looking for a job.|was fined $15 and costs or five "Tt knocked on the door and|days in jail when he was con- no one answered," he stated.|/victed of not having licence] "t went upstairs after I Saw|plates on his truck. A charge lof failing to produce evidence of insurance was dismissed by the C.A.S. WARD, 16 © cour. Peter Cain, Kingston, - was CHARGED, THEFT tinea $15 and costs or five ~ lafter being convicted of travel- BOWMANVILLE (Staff)-- ling at 72 miles per hour in a A 16-year-old ward of the 60 mph zone. Jean Paul Cajaias, Children's Aid Society, was was fined $20 and costs or 10 remanded in custody for one | gays in jail after being convict- week Tuesday, after being |eq of travelling 80 miles per convicted of theft under $50. [hour ina 60 mph zone. William Allchurch,~ evi- Fred Vallier, was fined $15 dence showed, had stolen land costs or 10days in jail after $40 from Walter Cornish. (being convicted of travelling 15 Magistrate R. B. Baxter |miles an hour faster than the 50 told Allchurch he would be /mph speed limit. remanded until June 22 to Peter Werheid, was fined $10 appear before him at Co- and costs or five days in jail for bourg. failing to come to a full stop. William Irvine, was fined $10) and costs or five days in jail after being convicted of travel-| ling at 70 miles per hour in a 60 mph zone. | Newcastle Man Is Fined $10 Sopha Urges Assault Charge Stocks Split On Exchange SPECIAL! DEEP BROWNED WITH PORK BEANS .. «:::.. SPECIAL! CHOICE ASSORTED AYLMER SPECIAL! HOSTESS BISCUITS ICE WAFER ASSORTMENT SPECIAL! YORK FANCY WHOLE KERNEL SPECIAL! PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT ALLENS DRINK... SPECIAL! STOKELY'S FANCY CUT GREEN BEANS.......... SPECIAL! 30c OFF REGULAR PRICE OMO DETERGENT. SPECIAL! LOBLAWS 'KITCHEN PRIDE" e RED BRAND BEEF e SPECIAL! LOBLAWS PROTEIN Boneless Niagara Broil. 69 Steaks or Oven Roasts - SPECIAL! LOBLAWS PROTEIN . Boneless Boston Broil 75 Steaks or Oven Roasts ». SPECIAL! LOBLAWS PROTEIN KEY CLUB STEAKS ....... 85° Was te seve aveev Mae SPECIAL! BONELESS LOBLAWS PROTEIN ' Md C. Canadian POT ROASTS - ». ALSO. A FINE SELECTION OF OTHER LOBLAW PROTEN* BEEF CUTS ALL DELICIOUSLY TENDER AND FLAVOURFUL--DENVER---MANHATTAN-PENTHOUSE-- BELMONT ALL COMPLETELY BONELESS & EASY TO CARVE *REG'D USER OF T.M. Clarke Planners 15-FL. BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- A} 02. TINS | Newcastle man. who struck an- iveet man during an argument, Wish To Meet Township Council was fined $10 and costs or five days in jail, Tuesday, after be- ORONO, =: The Township fling convicted of assault. ig pe) a gary dl boil Clarke Planning Board will ask) George Chard struck Wilfred re ai cae er of the ree to meet with township council Perry, Church street, Bowman- |.» 2 ae *h u "ed ---- within the::next. few. months to! vijie' after an argument between| bce ay that trading in lue establish the position of the!the two men had been broken up ee al Psi py Peg. planning board. by OPP Constable Bruce Tillson |s - 4 ye wash on the Tor, This move resulted whem) Constable Tillson testified|/°M® S10Ck "xchange. : Councillor Foster reported to|that on May 30, he saw a large| Speaking to the legislature's planning board that council,/zroyp standing on the street. |Sclect committee on mining, of when approaching concerning! "] went over to see what was|Which he is a member, Mr. planning, had given no support) wrong and I found the accus-|Sopha said that such a division to any moves being taken byleq arguing with Perry. I told exists in New York, with the the planning board. He thought,!them to break it up and Perry|speculatives assigned to the however, that the attitude could) went to get into his car which|American exchange and the --s through oF ing apt was parked behind the police} blue pep Me on the New was express "| cruiser. x > ing that the board had been) "{ got back in the cruiser) J.-R. Kimber, chairmian of the studying planning for the past/and I looked around to make/Ontario Securities Commission, six months and that. the board) sure that nothing was happening|said there was merit in Mr. was now in a position to takeland I saw Chard hit Perry|Sopha's suggestion. But he some action toward planning in|across the face." jadded that speculatives stocks the community. To accomplish Perry told the court that he|were subjected to fewer abuses their purpose they must first) was willing to accept the apolo-|by being grouped with the more pe the as - --_ gi¢s of Chard. solid securities whose responsibilits | --£ ---- _________ ae to pass the nevessary enforcing) bylaws. | Many references were made} to the recent community plan-| ning conferén¢e held on May 29. | Those members attending from the Clarke board stated that it appeared that: it was either a" yourself or. be planned trom Toronto. At the next meeting of the/ planning board the members in-| tend to plot their course and proposals which at a future meeting will be presented to council hoping to gain their ap- proval. 10-FL. OZ. TINS a 28 47 14-FL. OZ. V.P. TINS = GOLFERS tt, GRANDVIEW only 5 min. from downtown Oshewe @ GREEN FEES e $2.50 Week Ends & Holidays $1.50 Week Days @ Memberships Aveil- @ Golf Equipment Rent- able. Ape and oars Wi @ Challenging 18 Holes © Lessons by pro MH. KR. S@ Por 72 -- 6100 yards yieeene GRANDVIEW South at BLOOR 20-FL. OZ. TINS 15-FL, OZ. TINS LARGE SIZE SPECIAL! Free One 2-oz. Pkg. With Every 2 Pkgs. Purchased SPECIAL! CANDIES 39 ONTARIO GROWN! NO. 1 GRADE LARGE SALAD FAVORITE celtSins We HOSTESS FRUIT JELLIES : 3 : ot House Tomatoes» 39c $9: CORNED BEEF .........2 -- FRESHNESS -- @ FROZEN FOODS e SPECIAL! FROZEN --~ BEEF, TURKEY or FRIED CHICKEN NOW ARRIVING IN PLENTIFUL SUPPLY! Top Quality! Sweet Luscious Plump! 4] WARM WEATHER REFRESHER! FROM FLORIDA! MORTON DINNERS Fresh Ontario Strawberries SPECIAL! SEE STAMP COUPON -- PENNYWISE BEEF BURGERS ........... oT saciato ae 49< 1.19 WATERMELONS - §9' « ! No. 1 GRADE! APPLE PIE .ut............. es oe 45: i iggy cea SPECIAL! LOBLAWS -- scat tee sical SHORTCAKE Burmosa Plums euant GOLDEM WAVER CARE vivo. ccc. ace O° ia SPECIAL! CUDNEY FANCY SLICED sidan PPro wer abd GARDEN FRESH FROM TEXAS! GREEN 4 o 25: PEPPERS FLY AND TAKE THE TIME OUT OF TRAVEL VANCOUVER (from Toronto International Airport): Up to 6 flights deily -- . 4 hes, 40 mins. Ask your Travel Agent about AIR CANADA'S Group Travel Plan. See your Travel Agent or write AIR CANADA in Toronto ot 130 Bloor St. West. DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- BROOKLIN 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY PHONE 668-3304 MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA PHONE 723-9441 af EXTRA STAMPS 20 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) With This Coupon and Purchase of One 1.75 f. on. Bottle OD0-RO-NO, ROLL-ON DEODORANT >» Coupon fupires June 24 ine Two Bottle (24. a8. Plavtic Better) LIQUID DETERGENT Coupon Expires June 24 With This Counon and Pure One 9-on. Tin JOHNSON & JOHNSON BABY POWDER om Coupon Expires bone 24 hase of GLENWOOD PURE BLACK PEPPER bor Coupon txpires June 24 EXTRA STAMPS 0 EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) One 60's Php. RED ROSE TEA BAGS ow Coupon Expires June 24 With. Thos Coupon and Purchese of One 4}-08. Tin LOUISIANA SMALL ore Coupon Eapires June 24 Woth This Coupon end Purchose of Two 20-08, Tins LIBBY'S CHOICE SLICED BEETS 29 Coupen Expires June, 24 With This Counen ond Purchase of Varese 15-08. Tine BEEF or LIVER CHUNKS Society Dog Food om Coupon Eny.ren June 24 al EXTRA STAMPS al EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS I EXTRA STAMPS LS EXTRA STAMPS All Stores Open Thursdav and Fridav Till 9 P.M. With This Coupon ond » One 24-02. Jer SHIRRIFF GOOD MORNING MARMALADE o Coupon Expires June 24 With This Coupen and Purchase ot One 12-02. Tin CLARK'S OX TONGUE be Coupes Expires June 24 With Tht Coupon end Purchase of Two 3 M1. os. Plos. Con. LEMON JUICERS oe Cowpen Cepiror June 24 With Tha Coupon and Purchase of One 6-0. Jor CLUB HOUSE PIM, MANZ. OLIVES ov Coupon Expires June 24 With Thit Coun anf Purchase of One 16-08, Jor K-P SWEET FRESH Cucumber Relish on Coupon Expires June 24 With This Coupon end Purchase of One 24-02, Jer WITH PECTIN -- AYLMER RASPBERRY JAM Lo Coupon Uapires tune 24 'With This Counen one Purchase of One 1-4, Pho. PENNYWISE BEEF BURGERS ow Coupon Expires June 24 al EXTRA STAMPS al EXTRA STAMPS 00 EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS dj EXTRA STAMPS 20 EXTRA STAMPS 20 EXTRA STAMPS With Ths Coupon end Purchese of One 3-lb, Pls. SKIM MILK POWDER WU-MILK Cowpea Lapires June 24 With This Coupon end Purthave of One 4-on. Jer PETROLEUM JELLY VASELINE Lid Coupon Expires June 24 Weth This Coupon ond Purchose of One Fomily Sine Tube COLGATE DENTAL CREAM ow Compon Expires June 34 With The Coupon end Purchase of One Three Ber Banded Deo! PINK or WHITE TOUET SOAP om Coupon Lapires June 24 With Then Counen and Purchase of 'One B-or, Pho. PLAIN or PIMENTO Chateau Cheese om Coupes Expires June 26 With That Coupon end Purchase of One 4-08. Php. DREAM WHIP DESSERT TOPPING on Coupon Expires June 24 With This Coupon ond Purchone of Ove Quert Box FRESH STRAWBERRIES 40 Coupon Enpiree June 24 al EXTRA STAMPS al EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS ny EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS 'With Tht Coupon ond Purchase of One Bi-08, Aare, Tin BLUE SRUCE GO0D-AIRE o Coupon Unpires bone 24 With Ths Counen and Purchase of One 5 ft. on. Bottle curex Nail Polish Remover oe Coupon Expires June 24 With Tha Couron ond Purchase of One 37-01, Pkg. MONARCH TEA-BISK Coupon Expires June 26 With Thit Coupan ond Purchase of One 12-02. Pho. CORN CHEX oe Coupon Expires June 24 With Thos Coupon and Purchase of ny Sine Cut MILD, MEDIUM er OLD Lomuaws Cheddar Cheese om Coupon tapires dune 24 With Tht Counen ond Purchase of One 20-02. Tin STAFFORD Apple Pie Filling 02 Coupes Lapiven Jone 24 With This Coupon ond Purchase of One Dosen SHEDLESS NAVEL par Coupon Expires June 24 al EXTRA STAMPS | EXTRA STAMPS al EXTRA STAMPS I EXTRA STAMPS ks EXTRA STAMPS I EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS With Thit Coupon end Purchose of One 16 fi. on. Bottle Permenent Laundry Starch CROSS-TARCH oe Coupon Expires June 24 Win Ths Couper abit Purchase of One 12's Phy. REGULAR or SUPER KOTEX pe Coupon Expires June '24 With Ths Counon ana Purchase of 'Two 6 fH. ox. Tins SUNNY #ROZEN ORANGE DRINK ore Coupon Lapires Jone 24 With This Couoon ong-Purchone of One 2-4b. Phg. ROME Spaghetti or Macaroni bas Coupon Expires June 24 Wath This Counon ond Purchase of "One 12-02, Tin LUNCHEON MEAT PREM pee Coupon Uxpirer June 24 With This Coupon and Purchase of Four 3-ox. Tine Assorted Cordon Blow MEAT SPREADS on Coupon Unpives June 24 With This Coupon and Purchose of 'TWO HEADS LETTUCE DAD Couphen Faphan Jone 24 al EXTRA STAMPS al EXTRA STAMPS al EXTRA STAMPS I EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS dh EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS With Thos Coupon ond Purchase of One 6-01. Aerosol Tin 4 Sett or Herd-to-Menoge WESTLES SPRAZE. Coupon Expires June 24 With Thos Coupon and Purchose of One 64-02. Jug FABRIC SOFTENER WU-FLUFF With This Coupon end Putchoss et One 7-08, Tin With Thos Coupon end Purchase of Three 16-01. Tine BORDEN'S Evaporated Milk ov Coupon Expires June 26 'With This Coupon ond Purchase of Two Vth. Page. PARCHMENT PACK COLOURED With Tht Coupon ond Purchow of One 2b, Tin BEE HIVE CORN SYRUP om Cowpen Expires bene 24 'With Thit Coupon ond Purchase of TWO HEADS CABBAGE Ld Coupan txpirer June 16

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